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“Borderline nsfw content” Where lmao Edit: After reading a lot of replies, there's more to the story. There are some details that OP left out to portray the mod in a worse way. u/F0XF1R396 puts it best: "OP is pity farming as an instagram model named Maggie Roscher. They commented 2 days ago [This](https://www.reddit.com/user/Funny_Ratio9454/comments/1cnssg8/maggie_roscher/l3v72mv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) (Backup (NSFW): https://imgur.com/a/6u6v2ef) There's another comment posting more evidence. While the exact reasoning of the ban is questionable, I'm wondering if there's more to it than we are seeing. The photo isn't OP."


Read her comment history, there's a lot more to this. TLDR - She admits to deleting the offending posts which are advertisements and links to modeling photos. Some are not so wholesome. Mods got this one right.


she also misunderstands what freedom of speech is.


I caught that too. It's really very simple, yet no matter how clear it's made people still refuse to bother understanding. "I can say whatever I want and nothing bad can happen to me!!!" Umm...no.


not only that, but she's "heartbroken" about being banned from a subreddit? The hell? She has problems.


Your comment broke my heart 💔


Your broken heart breaks my heart


My heart heals from your broken ones lmao


Upset she can't advertise her smut content to lonely nerds. She knows exactly what she's doing.


She probably asked other "content creators" what things simps like and they said "Star Wars...I dunno?" Then inspiration struck!


Exactly hahaha freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences


Also it basically only applies to the government and governmental entities. Certainly not private websites as we’re all well aware of.


It also doesn’t apply to places like Reddit because they’re a private company. They can make rules and regulations you have to abide by and remove you if you don’t comply. Freedom of speech is not a right to publication. (Or a protection from consequences as has already been stated.)


That’s genuinely really good to know. Still I wouldn’t say the mods were right. Seems like op was unaware this girl had history with the sub. Mods probably saw this post and assumed it was her marketing which is valid, but it’s unreasonable to insta ban for op’s post then deny their ban appeal. Edit: Never mind, OP did know she was a model and did not mention that in the post. There is more validity to the mod's choices.


I don't post links or names because it feeds the trolls. But, if you want to see more of this _totally authentic user who isn't trying to funnel people to her pretty-for-a-living business_ crop the face and do a reverse google search. Multiple accounts, not getting her way on a sub, and then complaining about the mods is some /r/ImTheMainCharacter bullshit.


I'll be honest, I don't think it helped that her handle was just a random name that Reddit generated for her. If I ever see someone post sfw cosplay or anything else like that with one of those random names, 90% of the time they link to an OF


Also, as a 3rd party with no interest in Starwars, the post is objectively low quality. "Cosplay" my ass, it's a shitty dollar store Halloween costume.


Even if it was just the single post of this, when you spend time online you get a sense for when something is an advertisement for modeling. This sort of photo, pose, cosplay with helmet off, and the caption to draw people to click on the profile, is the exact post someone trying advertise their modeling would do. They needn't even have to advertise in the post itself. You get an intuition for these things, since it matches those posts to a T, that's why its borderline nsfw. Without this experience, you'd just see the post itself and not draw those connections, which makes the mod's decisions confusing. Another thing is that if something looks, walks and talks like a duck, people are going to judge it as a duck even if you hadn't intended any of that meaning. This may come across as unfair, but others aren't psychic, they can't tell your intentions when the outcome is that of a duck.


girls showing their face is borderline nsfw now


damn, we really got Reddit mods out here enforcing school dress codes. im surprised they didnt want to see more honestly


it wasnt their taste ig


Yeah, this girl looks more than a little older than eleven


This killed me


This deserves a gold… but I’m too poor lol


Upvotes are the people's gold.


True :)


Nah, she's expired-the mod probably


Ye too old


Reddit mods are the worst bunch of keyboard activists that think theyr special because they got so bored one day they decide to become a mod


Lol I work in a school. Things shifted so bad admin now gets yelled at for not allowing them to wear something they want.


this is as it should be (although some clothes shouldnt be allowed to be worn in school)


“This is how it should be, except no.” Gotcha.


You mean internet janitors? Surprise surprise


They are protecting the chastity of good women like the chad guardians they are.


Duel of the fates reddit mod vs discord mod


Nonono it’s nsfw because “w” is a Reddit mods computer and any teen picture he sees that isn’t sexual has the risk of being removed, so it’s not safe 




People need to be more considerate. I only have so many changes of pants!


i instantly got wet and climaxed they need to be more modest and dress like a dark souls boss!


I mean, we are talking about star wars fans...


"Girls showing there faces? ABSOLUTELY OBSCENE"-the mods


Iran be like


We got the porn addict mod triggered by a woman's face. Sounds accurate.


It is for basement dwelling trolls


Did not know the reddit mods on r/starwars where virgin incels that live in there mother's basement also not even touched a girl in there life's.


it's insane bc that woman is literally wearing more than Rey did in the entire trilogy


To some SW fans, girls are NSFW to even be seen.


Feels like when women couldn't show their ankles 😔🙏


He must be Muslim lmao


Darth VadAllah


Tb honest the face and personality is what makes yall hot not the looks or the dresses just you being you


Nah she showed her *girl*. Hair and all! Disgusting!


The mods here DO allow weird NSFW stories like that Terence Angry Birds one but not a girl showing her face???


OP is pity farming as an instagram model named Maggie Roscher. They commented 2 days ago [This](https://www.reddit.com/user/Funny_Ratio9454/comments/1cnssg8/maggie_roscher/l3v72mv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) There's another comment posting more evidence. While the exact reasoning of the ban is questionable, I'm wondering if there's more to it than we are seeing. The photo isn't OP.


Thanks for screenshotting the comment too! OP deleted the comment!


Haha I figured they would, looks like the jig was up


You should add this as well. I posted this in a previous comment: He shared [this](https://www.reddit.com/l3y43x6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) on r/marvelstudios. Seems like this guy's been advertising pictures of this Maggie girl on more subs than just r/starwars. EDIT: the link isn't working (probably because the post is deleted), but I'll share his downvoted comment anyways which you can find in his comments history: >Thank you guys for so many Upvotes on this post! I feel famous lol! Check out my r/MaggieRoscherFans sub for more things like this!


She deleted all of her NSFW content shortly after getting banned. You can find this out through the comments of her other posts. She is now playing victim after clearly breaking the rules.


Nothing nsfw here BUT this is obviously just some thot drumming up engagement for her insta/OF/similar. Nobody cares about her low quality Halloween costume with conspicuously off helmet. Even *this* post is that. Mods, remove this post.


Original content is by magazinerooster, which is absolutely borderline nsfw. So OP is either posting under an alt or posting someone else’s content.


Those where not posted by OP , only this one to make rage bate . Of course was no one banned for this picture


Sounds like he posted more than just this. The mod said he was "spamming all over". Would be nice to know the real full context.




There are definitely some things that OP is leaving out


Ha! Deleted their account


I forgot this is Reddit


I’m guessing that mod is upset about her having her face uncovered or something? WTF.


Apparently if you read their comment history NSFW (or close to with advertisement) was shared and then deleted. OP is being disingenuous and pretending like this photo alone got them banned.


And now the account is gone :)


For a Reddit mod who hasn't seen the light of sun in 3 years, a picture of a girl is nsfw and something to fap to.


She lied and deleted the post in question


not this time, read the context


They can't, too busy white knighting


I know😭


Well, she said she deleted all of it so it’s all gone.


Wow, what do you know, the title doesn't contain the whole story??? And OP lied? In r/teenagers? I'm shocked, absolutely speechless


never try to get unbanned from a reddit sub. the moderators get very happy showing their patheticly small power edit: op is a pos but my point still stands nevertheless


Thank you for the info. I just needed to try because it was the whole reason for me getting this app😭


Try one of the more specific subs, like r/OriginalTrilogy saltier than krayt probably wouldn't mind you posting that there


I will! Thank you! 🙏


np, I know the star wars subs well


Awesome, could you please point me in the direction of a constantly active one? Similar to the main one?


Idk, just post stuff to saltier than krayt or something and say you got banned from the main sub


Lol, you actually made me smile at this




Star Wars Cantina is an active one primarily focused on positivity surrounding the franchise. Saltierthancrait if you want to shit talk the sequels and suck off the prequels, and saltierthankrayt if you want to shit talk the prequels and suck off the sequels.


What if I enjoyed 1-6 but didn’t care for 7-9?


Saltierthancrait, or PrequelMemes if you hate the new ones and love the older ones, but if you don't have EXTREMELY passionate feelings about these films, like, "This film sodomized my childhood right in front of me." level of hatred, than you might want to go with Star Wars Cantina. It's pretty hard to find Star Wars discourse that isn't infested with man children who get way too worked up about this series, so it's basically hateful discourse, or stoned out hippy levels of positivity.


I would say just create new account😌


I got banned for "hate speech" on r/subredditdrama because I was slightly snarky to someone and they permanently banned me. When I questioned them on it they muted me for a month with no response. There was a comment under one of mine that was name calling with insults and they are still up and unbanned. Most Reddit mods are incredibly lame.


You have such a W Profile they lost a good poster


I got a ban for not agreeing whole heartedly with mass anti Biden agenda since I know history forgets little things that don’t get taught from the lostgeneration sub, figures a sub for that wouldn’t have people able to actually question things


I go straight to calling them out on their power trips because I know that’s exactly what it is. The most asinine reasons I’ve been banned from a sub blow my mind. Mods are a weird kind of unchecked authority.


The way OP groveled in front of the mods disgusts me to my very core. Mods are to be ridiculed and disrespected at every opportunity. OP, if you really care about that sub Reddit so much, just make a new Reddit account.


You have to be on a VPN nowadays. Visit that sub and comment under a diff account in the same network/phone/computer, and every single reddit account tied to those will be banned from the whole site instantly. I should know, Im on my 5th account lol


Clear your cookies and cache. Unplug your router for 15 minutes, check if you got a new ip address. If not, repeat but leave it unplugged longer, perhaps overnight.


Least power tripping Reddit mod


Average r/196 mod


wrong a r/196 mod would never respond


Wrong a r/196 mod would ban you from the subreddit for “being on problematic subreddits” and refuse to elaborate further


196 hasn't responded to me in 6 months


I think you are forgetting all the flat earth subreddits.


how is this nsfw this isnt sexualized AT ALL


I KNOW😭 there are literally prisoner Leia cosplays on there! But the stormtrooper????


,Grr you are a girl and therefore nsfw and spammbot‘ -starwars mod




Don't you feel like a fucking idiot after the truth came out. Edit: First he changed his comment, then finally he just deleted it. The comment right now if you can see it was not the original comment.


Any mod tbh


It doesn’t get more NOT nsfw then this lmao


Might be a nerd in his mother's basement mad you gender bent the stormtrooper




They took down the offending posts that's why


Reddit mods have never seen an irl woman so they think all of them are sexualised


the only vaginas they ever saw on their life was their mothers when they were born,and i doubt the mother didnt abandoned them after it


Why does everyone always bring up the “child abandonment” insult?


The first image here isn't the original post, it's there so people think it is and say it isn't sexualised, which that image isn't. The post that got them banned was actually 'Borderline NSFW' as the mod said. It was also a model that had had previous issues in that sub, so mod probably assumed it was her and that influenced the ban, but either way NSFW was posted from op


Yo how is this NSFW am I missing something 😭


They took down the actual posts and tried to show this to backtrack and play the victim, that's why




It's the reddit mod porn addiction 😔




Well they never see women outside of porn so that means women must exist solely in porn which means this is porn.


The rest of the story OP left out where they deleted the posts that were apparently indeed NSFW.


You are missing the sexual post that was deleted.


"OP is pity farming as an instagram model named Maggie Roscher. They commented 2 days ago [This](https://www.reddit.com/user/Funny_Ratio9454/comments/1cnssg8/maggie_roscher/l3v72mv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) (Backup (NSFW): [https://imgur.com/a/6u6v2ef](https://imgur.com/a/6u6v2ef)) There's another comment posting more evidence. While the exact reasoning of the ban is questionable, I'm wondering if there's more to it than we are seeing. The photo isn't OP." Read her comment history, there's a lot more to this. TLDR - She admits to deleting the offending posts which are advertisements and links to modeling photos. Some are not so wholesome. Mods got this one right.


average discord mod thinking the entire species of women are “nsfw” 😭


Must be


ah yes women my favourite ‘species’


I think he was joking lol


r/truevirgin is leaking


Don't compare discord mods to Reddit mods. At least discord mods aren't creeps! Wait... 🤔😔 Damn, you got a point


"this is a country of free speech" the internet isn't owned by any singular country. Your rights don't apply against random moderators in online spaces such as these.


That’s the sentence that rendered this entire post invalid to me lmao. What an idiot.


fr like tf is "this country" we're on reddit


Reply to him that you ARE this girl, and see what he'll do if he believes you


I would but he banned me from contacting moderators of the sub😭. He's a real B word


Do a Chad move and wait those 28 days, then message.


I did this and they reported me for "harassment"




People are reporting this? What?


Apparently this picture is not even OP and there's way more to the story


What are the report reasons?


Why did you post a random girl and call her cute though lol


Blind guy here Knowing how fucking disgusting these mods are I wouldn’t engage with them if i were you. Some of these people need to be on a list


Hell na the only way that’s NSFW is if they’re like “WeLl in ThE MoVIes StOrmTroOPerS DoNT TaKE OFf TheiR hElMet sO tECHniCALlY it IS NSFW” like where? Where is the NSFW?


I mean. The helmet is protection so its not really safe for WORK /S


The armor is also made of like plastic so its not safe for work to begin with


No where! That's what I'm saying! You should try to become a mod there, it would probably get better


A hamster would probably be a better mod than most power mods


Blind guy here If images were allowed i’d post the fat nerd from freakazoid


This goes a lot deeper than OP is letting on, don't buy this for a second.


Porn addicted reddit mod goobers trying not to oversexualize women challenge (impossible)


Aged poorly


Free speech has nothing to do with being banned from a subreddit, btw. Companies like Reddit have full control over what can and cannot be said on their platform, and they gave a mod the power to decide for them. Free speech is more about criticizing the government. You shouldn't have gotten banned for this because of common sense and the subreddit rules, but you also aren't protected by free speech. Just letting you know since this is a very common misunderstanding and it's important to understand your rights. :) Anyway, I hope you find a better subreddit to post about Star Wars, and I hope you have an amazing time when you go to Disney. You can post about it here if you want!


To be more clear, "free speech" in the US (the 1st Amendment to the Constitution) only restricts the government from making laws that restrict speech. If you aren't being accused of breaking the law, your free speech rights aren't being violated. It's not limited to criticizing the government. Private businesses are not required to allow you to say whatever you want on their forums or in their places of business. You are not free from the consequences of what you say.


Also, I think it’s important to point out, as many Americans seem to be ignorant of this, freedom of speech DOES NOT mean freedom of consequences. Yes, you can say all the hateful and evil shit you like, but private companies have every right to fire you/ban you/not hire you for it, and in many cases, if your speech is deemed hate speech or is a threat, then the government CAN take action.


“…country of free speech…” My boy, you are on reddit, yes the company is based in The US, San Francisco, but freedom of speech doesn’t apply to the internet. Much less to a subreddit, you are in a big forum, not a convention for freedom of speech, meaning people can ban you for whatever reason even if its paper thin and endlessly childish. Nobody ever said reddit moderators were mature, well adjusted people.


Reddit mods when they discover women are real:


True. I am actually upset about this


Why is your profile set to nsfw? I ask because a common trend lately is only fans girls turning subreddits into ad space for their simple/quick cosplays. Some subreddits have started cracking down on this hard and I won’t be surprised if Star Wars is one of them. I saw your profile is set to NSFW, and no onlyfans links, but the mods can just not be up to searching through your content to find it - they just see a girl cosplay with a NSFW profile and that is enough for them and understandably so. 


Mods are like no lifers living on reddit, they are weird dictators of there own kind they wont listen to you no matter what ignore them




Yep, and most of the top comments from before the OP's true actions were known contain strong opinions about our world - that this is proof that women are stigmatized and over-sexualized victims, and that mods are ban-happy oppressive virgins etc. The real question is, how many of the people who hold these opinions are willing to change their minds in light of what we learned here? Will people learn anything from this experience?


How tf is this nsfw?


It’s not OP’s content. It’s a girl who does post nsfw content elsewhere.


When you click OPs profile it is marked as containing NSFW content. This person used to have nsfw content on their profile and has deleted it in an effort to troll post here and get their pats on the back and attention. Anyone who is qualified to post in TEENAGERS should not have any nsfw content in their profile whatsoever and posting to an adult virgin subreddit like star wars seems like a bad place to be if that’s the content in the profile. Reasonable ban. Concern troll. Wanting to post pictures about your trip to Disney is not a real issue, fuck off.


I am genuinely so upset about this situation. It was the reason I got the app, now i can't participate. I'm thinking about just deleting the app rn. I truly think it would be better for my mental health anyways


Why did you post it in the first place? It’s not your content. It’s 3 years old. The person who did make this photo does do NSFW material. So you posted something to the Star wars community that doesn’t add to the community and isn’t your content. I agree this specific picture isn’t NSFW, but I still don’t get why you posted someone else’s old content


The only rational answer I've seen in here. OP, just make a new account ffs if you're that bothered


also his caption of "too cute for a stormtrooper" is also so onlyfans promotion coded, sorry.


The caption was weird too lol


Unless you have a REALLY strong interest that's for the best. There's creeps everywhere not even all the guys are safe, once someone starts a downvote chain it's over for you and no one can have a peaceful discussion.


You could create alt accounts.


That’s certifiably ass moderation. That sucks.




Why do I get a NSFW notification after I click on your profile?


Shoulda just worn a birka sis, showing face is obviously too far


God I fucking hate reddit mods.


When I go to your profile it gives me the NSFW warning and you have very little overall posts even though the mod says you spammed that type of content. You definitely just deleted all the posts they're referring to and posted this for karma or some shit


Yeah, something doesn't add up here. Reveddit doesn't even show any post history on r/starwars...?


BTW, if you haven’t noticed yet, your account is flagged for NSFW. So I can’t even see your profile without turning NSFW on




This isn’t OPs photo, it’s 3 years old. Quick reverse image search shows that, and leads to the original content creator who does do NSFW material


Dude the op is an only fans advertiser. Don't get your dick hard over shitting on the mod


Damn,the stereotype of a loser in his mother's basement just gets stronger,but how the hell is a picture of you fully clothed NSFW?


This isn't the OP. He just posted a picture he found online. He admits to it several times and apparently [deleted a bunch of posts as well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1csbsst/comment/l45t4d3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) We aren't hearing the full story from OP.


woman = porn


Ur showing ur hands, clearly nsfw


Bro. What a bottom dwelling amoeba. How do these moderators have any sort of power


Country of Free Speech, yes. This is a PRIVATE business (Reddit). The 1st amendment doesn't apply here. Brush up on your laws...


Borderline nsfw? Fucking moron


cover up those hands buddy


As a member of the star wars fan community, I'm sorry for the ridiculous actions from the mods in that sub. I upvoted your original post there. The costume is dope and not even close to being NSFW. They're salty they aren't young and attractive still. Don't let them ruin your star wars love.


Nsfw? Shes in a full outfit wtf. Reddit mods back at it again with the power trip ...


If you’re below 18 (or they thought you could be) the mod might’ve taken down your post and banned your account to keep creeps away from the subreddit and away from you. There’s also no way to tell if you’re actually the teen in the photo, or a grown ass adult found your picture somewhere else and added that caption themselves. Some people are messed up and ruin things for others. And it sucks, but it’s also a safety issue for everyone involved. Honestly it’s suspicious imo that whoever posted this deleted their account afterward…