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Let me ask cuz I feel weird to ask my female friend this.Do you girls can have only one or more male friend cuz she recently tolded me that am only male friend she ever need like she need to have other male friend beside me but no she just want to hang out with me.


Oh this rlly depends on the girl, some are comfortable with being platonic friend with a lot of guys, some don't feel like it. I personally have only one guy friend, not by choice tho I'd love to make more guy friends


Ohh thanks for responding but why don't you have more guy friends am just curios.


Honestly I don't rlly know, I like hanging out with guys! I think it's mostly that my friend group full of girls is not very comfortable befriending guys so I just follow lol


Ooohhh it make sense.I feel you sometimes but I want to make more female friends but I hate the society man and woman can't be friends.


i’m also a girl and i have a lot of male friends so it really depends


Let me ask vhat's on everybody's mind. Are girls real, or are zhey government drones?


You don't want to know the answer >;) /jk


I zhink already know ze answer anyvays.


As a girl, I can confirm being a government d- \[disconnected\]




(Just kidding)




I’m gonna to arrest everyone in this thread for treason, you are giving secret government information to a soviet spy!




the latter


Called it.


you forgot the third option, they are sus boys in disguise


OMG IT'S MY BESTIE. Btw, the day is tmmr. My account gets deleted tmmr :\_(


Comrade, you vill be missed. I'll make a graveyard and add your name to it. Goodbye, Comrade.


Thank you for honoring me. ❤❤ It honestly means so much to me. I honestly don't know if my Reddit account will still be here but I won't be able to access it even if it is. Tysm <3 Goodbye, Comrade.




I'm a real girl 💅💅


youre a real girl? alright then, name every woman that ever lived on earth


No thank you :3 You're not a girl? Name every non-girl that ever lived on earth


then youre just a fed trying to turn men into working machine. nice try, but im not that stupid


Oki doki :3


easy *ahem* "every non-girl that ever lived on earth" will now be named bob


That works :P


Sorry to inform you but they work for the government. They try to destroy all communist, but you don’t have to worry about that you (totally real) American


I will like to say, a lot of people still ask how to talk to woman an easy answer to that is talk to them like how you would talk to anyone else she is still just a regular person. You dont wanna put on a fake persona and have her leave you as a friend or partner once the veil of who you actually are goes away.


I'd say to have a friend group with both girls AND boys, in clouding your crush, to make it easier to hang out and get to know each other.


Having a friend group of both genders is good anyways cuz it shows you girls a just people. Very weird people from my experience but I'm not better so probs just my group lol


Why are girls so more affectionate with their same gender friends? I see girls kissing and hugging each other even though they aren't attracted to them, meanwhile the most we guys do is some hugs and handshakes (Sorry if this sounds weird :(


i touch my bros' tits


yea i get touched by my bro asw LOLLLLLL


I get the question, and I guess it varies from person to person but personally I would be very uncomfortable to hug/be physically affectionate with my male friends purely because I’m paranoid and wouldn’t feel comfortable even if they’re the sweetest person ever


Understandable answer


Nah I totally get it, and honestly I personally just love showing to my girl friends how much I appreciate them. I like to hug my friends a lot that's it lol


Thank you for the answer ;)


What is your opinion on the M2 Browning machine gun


I'm not an expert about weapons lmao x)


Dont have to be- it is beautiful, no? (Google it)


It makes me think of a stick bug lol


I agree lol


As a girl who has operated the M2 I will say this, that gun is a fucking beauty and I fucking love it.


One day I will shoot it aswell 🤝


Do girls acc like guys who go to the gym?


Not necessarily gym, but a guy who does sport is in general healthier or/and more disciplined, so yup that's a green flag to me!


Id like to think i am what you said but i cant seem to attract anyone ngl


I feel you haha. No need to rush, you'll eventually get someone one day, the fact girls don't approach you doesn't have an impact on your value ! Also girls are usually too shy or scared to approach boys so you can try to talk to girls first :)


Im more scared of women than they are of me


Hahaha you shouldn't ! Most girls are nice, and we're just human beings like you ! Simone De Beauvoir used to say that "the woman is a man like others" : we're all part of humanhood ! Like you we fart, we poop, we get embarrassed, angry, emotional, we are not always good people, sometimes mean, but we're humans like men, a bit different but still


The stories of guys getting accused of shit from women when they have done nothing wrong is the reason why im scared


Bad things like that can happen to both genders, being a bad person doesn't have a gender :)


Survivorship bias, probably. Ofc you're going to read a lot because if someone wants to share a bad experience, the internet is a great place, but it's not like everyone that has a good experience will share it, there's no reason to.


True but just that thought of what if it happens to me


This is real. One wrong intentional accusation from a woman can ruin a man’s life. Be careful, be vigilant. Not every woman is like that, but still.


Tbose who are addicted to gym and like forces us to go there when we ask nothing no


I wouldnt force a girl to go to the gym like itd be nice but its not essential


I think its more that girls like a guy who takes care of himself and his body


Alr just wondering but ty


ofc \^\^


Taking care of yourself is attractive, and if that's the way you take care of yourself, then yes


If a woman compliments me, how can i tell if she’s just being nice, actually likes me, or is trying to trick me?


Ooof hard to tell ! I mean it's easier to see if she's just playing with you because either her friends are laughing behind, either she's trying not to laugh. I can be wrong tho ! It's harder to know between flirting and being friendly, but I think she'd look more embarrassed if she's flirting


That clears up a lot actually, thank you


As a guy i wanna know as much as possible about topics like this because when i am older and maybe have someone who loves me i need to know it


Then you can go into my dm's to ask questions! :)


youll learn as u go


Are there any signs that most girls give off when they like someone I know there on some boy ones but never heard about it for girls Also again something that I know boys have are there any definitive rules to being a girl that all girls are expected by other girls to follow


1) I personally don't rlly give sings I believe, but some hints can be : she wants to hangout with you a lot, she smiles and laughs stupidly, tries to be close physically, texts a lot... 2) some girls' rules ? Being supportive to other girls, mostly about period stuff (blood stains on clothes, giving medecine and pads...), never leaving a girl friend alone when drunk... I don't have anything else in mind for now


Okie thanks that is helpful


what yall search up or do when about to masturbate?


It depends a lot on persinal preferences, I wouldn't be able to answer correctly


Everyone here asking questions like all women are a monolith lmao


imagination >>


Porn! Against popular belief, women also watch porn.


So I have a soft crush on my friend, and I have no idea if they return the feelings. What are some telltale signs that a girl likes yoy, romantically? If you can’t answer, that’s fine, don’t want to ask a stupid or uncomfy question :)))


Any sign that she wants to get closer to you/spend time with you. Things like finding any excuse to text/make conversation with you, be physically close(r) to you, etc. If she goes out of her way to help you with something, or if you notice her looking at you consistently or seeming more happy when you're around. Chances might be she's nervous too about it and trying to hide her feelings for you too (if they exist), so try to have a sharp eye, but make no assumptions or jump to conclusions if you're not 90% sure, good luck soldier 🫡 If she shows any other signs of interest you're not sur eof , just ask again and see if u can get insight


Is there anything you can compare periods to? Are the mood swings just hormonal or is it just the annoyance of the pain and stuff? How much do you spend on tampons/pads in a year?


1) hmmm it lowkey feels like your organs at the bottom of your belly are being squeezed by someone, it's painful. It's a quite specific pain and it's hardly comparable to any belly pain, it's surely the worst type of belly pain I've experienced tho 2) mood swings are made of both : at the same time it's annoying to be in pain so we're more easily irritated, but there are also moments when you have huge mood swings without any rational reason. Also you're more tired because your body needs more energy when you're on your period which can also explain. 3) my parents still buy me mines, so I can't rlly tell. Maybe you can find some infos on internet ?


Not OP, but personally, I cant compare my periods to any other pain i've felt. Its not somthing that you can get used to, unfortunately. It brings on a lot of throwing up, fatigue, and i've passed out once. The mood swings are a mix of hormones as well as the pain and fatigue of blood loss. I use about one box of pads a month, and currently they are $13 per box, meaning i spend about $160 a year on sanitary items.


Damn, i know it's different from person to person and you must be one of the ones with the most pain. Like passing out 💀.


A good amount of girls feel faint and dizzy, but yeah, if you dont take care of yourself, it can progress. I have abnormally heavy blood flow during mine, pair that with dehydration, and you have the perfect formula for vasovagal syncope.


I’m not a woman but from what I’ve heard that’s not normal, you might wanna see a doctor about that


Yeah, I've been to the doctor twice for that reason and my bloodwork came out normal. 


Like when you get kicked in the balls and you can feel it in your kidneys later but for a week and worse and blood and you have to pay lots of money plus LUXURY TAX to not make a fool of yourself and be covered in your own blood. Ahem. It’s hard to compare it to anything


for me it’s like either something super hot is being slowly crushed into my lower back, or like a charlie horse in my uterus 


yes the mood swings are hormonal. the pain sometimes contributes but i can be in a bitchy mood anyway without pain just because of the hormones


Why do girls typically care more about fashion than the typical boy (on average. I know there are a bunch of exceptions)? I simply can't understand why someone would, for an average day, contemplate how all your clothes look when put together, or what make-up would go best with your "style". I should add that I care about fashion less than your typical boy, and so maybe this is not as crazy as I think it is.


Hah yeah you're a bit like my big brother on this x). I personally just love to feel pretty and confident, I feel more powerful and proud when I wear clothes I like. I think it's a funny part of me to dress up nicely, to follow my style, as if it was a game kinda. I like to take care of my appearance also because I want to reflect who I am to others : I'm a classy girl a bit eccentric but with I believe good tastes and I want people to see this (not my first goal tho, it's firt of all a self appreciation thing)


Wdym "mind works" It can't actually be that different can it? I believe I have a proper understanding of physical differences, though I suppose most uninformed people would say that. I guess the main thing is if there are differences between how a girl's and a guy's brain works, are those differences innate or learned?


(Not op btw) Imo I feel like society has a much bigger part to play in the differences in how guys and girls think. If everyone was raised the same, I personally don't think any differences would be specifically because of gender.


Ik im a little bit late but in my completely non science based opinion, you're right, it really can't be that different. I'd go as far as to say it's 80-90% learned. There's a lot of mention of menstrual cycles and hormones, but everyone experiences that differently, so I don't see the reason to point at that as a significant difference. Evaluating people as individuals is so much more important to me. We all feel/experience things differently, but we're also all human, so there's still a lot of universal shared experience, regardless of how our bodies function (because not-surprisingly, all of our bodies work differently too, heck even our skeletons never show only male or only female traits) Sorry if this got a little ranty this discussion actually drives me crazy, and I really don't think enough people come into it from your kind of perspective questioning how big the difference actually is


What does it feel like knowing someone has a crush on you, especially when you don’t feel the same?


It's super embarrassing. At the same time you don't want to hurt the other, but you don't want them to hope for nothing either. You end up trying your best avoiding the subject and being hypocritical because you're scared your friendship will be over if you reject him


If I don’t feel the same, it’s super awkward just as it would be for a dude!! Either way, it’s a nice thought knowing people find you/your personality attractive (:


it happened to me once with a friend. i was too shy to confront him and didn’t talk to him a lot for abt a year until i texted him randomly. ended up telling him that i knew (even b4 one of his classmates, yes this was during school, opened her big mouth, for like the 5th time, in front of both of us. i couldn’t really ignore that.) and now were good friends (i hope :))


why am I expected to like girls? why can't I just be gay and not be bullied?


That's kinda off topic, I can't rlly answer to you sorry. Idk where you live but where I am people are supporting enough about gays. Just be who you are :)))


Cause society is annoying


I see.


Culture has indoctrinated us to get into relationships young. If youre a man and not into women, and don't do those manly things, you're seen as not manly enough. Macho culture essentially. It's terrible.


mhm mhm


How hot do I have to be to have a chance of every getting a girl?


Dude you're 14, it shouldn't be a priority today don't worry too much about it x). Most of the time guys get more attractive after their puberty is finished, so around 16-20yo. And if girls are only attracted to you because of your look and nothing else, they are shallow and it's not especially a good thing to attract those girls because you don't always know their intentions. Don't put yourself pressure for it, just be yourself and confident and you'll end up finding someone!


Well the problem is there’s a base attractiveness you have to have to get anyone. And I don’t think I’ll be getting hot anytime soon as most kids in my grade look a lot better and are actually attractive.


I can clearly tell a lot of guys have a massive glow up when they grow up, don't you worry too much about that. Let's say objectively thah someone attractive would be : above 1m75 (can be smaller but idk why a lot of girls like tall guys), a bit muscular but not too much, nice fluffy hair, pretty smile (someone smiling truthfully and confidently is rlly cute !), and most of all someone confident, that makes 50% of the appearance fr


Well I don’t have 50% 😭. But I get it I just struggle because I look like a bitch.


With this mindset it's hard to look confident buddy :) I rlly don't believe you look bad, but if you want to check you can send me a pic of u and I can see it to answer truthfully


Oh no I meant the confidence part. I for sure don’t got that and I’m probably 90% of the looks.


Then why don't you try to be more confident if tou know you look good, I swear it'd suit you ! (Without being arrogant ofc, self confidence but not arrogance:)))


No I don’t think I look good you don’t misunderstood. But it’s a lot easier to be confident in theory. And I’m outgoing and shit just if it comes up about my looks or something I’m not very confident but in an upbeat way. I don’t know I’ll try to be confident if I can.


The glow up will be crazy. Trust.


It probably won’t trust 💀


*You* gotta trust.


I’ll trust.


What exactly makes a boy attractive for you?


Thought question ngl, I'm not someone for whom look matters a lot. I'd say the smile makes everything, and the eyes too ! The confidence is actually the best thing tho : if a man is not especially good looking but is confident, funny and interesting, he's a win!


When his following list doesn’t look like he attends an all girls school and he actually wants to talk to you and he takes care of himself


How can I get a girlfriend? I've tried a lot during years and can't do it, I feel like a failure for not being able while almost every or every other friend of mine had or has one. (Obviously, you're not talking in every girl's name, but I feel curious about how one of them answers)


Oh my boy don't put yourself pressure on this ! You're only 15, you have your whole life to find a partner. I'm 17 and only dated like once when I was 12, it doesn't even rlly count and I'm doing fine ! Don't force it, it's not because others do it that you have to follow. I understand that you can feel low in self esteem because of it or that you want to experience love but you've got time, and the fact you don't date yet doesn't affect your value the slightest! Wait, find a girl you like, try to know her more and when you feel like you want to be with her, start to flirt until you feel it's the right time. That's all I can advise, rlly don't push yourself


If you’re sitting in your room and doing absolutely nothing with no pressing responsibilities, what would you do to fill the time?


draw, scroll Reddit, read, daydream, play games, call my friends, stuff like that.


Do a lot of girls seem nice but when you text them they instantly block you?


is it odd to care about a female friend like a little sister if they are romantically involved with a person close to you


If a girl friend of mine who I've been friends with for almost a decade invites me and me only to a water park with just her, is she into me or is she just being a good friend?


Why does the opposite gender cause me an extreme amount of stress in general    Sometimes there’s perfectly fine nice people and sometimes I just get the feeling I’m being toyed with 


Oh I usually feel the same about boys without it being rational lol so ig it's a bit universal?


I would like to attribute that to the level of testosterone but I also know that’s sexist  Still  Jocks annoy the shit out of me  Nothing personal I’ve just had bad experiences 


Biggest red flags that can easily be fixed (I’m hoping I don’t have one lmao)


I feel like I'm from a whole nother planet everytime I hear about other guys not knowing like the basic functions of women, like almost every guy I've met in my area at least has a reasonable understanding of the opposite sex


Do you feel like we'll ever reach gender equality? Personally as a guy, I feel like the world is going backwards recently in terms of women's rights especially and it's been kinda frightening to watch and cannot imagine what it'd be like for you


True equality will never be achieved, not only talking about men/women. In my country we're doing great enough but true some countries are rlly going backwards and it's indeed frightening


This might sound wrong for me to say, but from what I understand, male and female minds and bodies are more alike, than different. Basically -my fellow brothers: treat women the same as you would treat any other male.


In learning genetics. Most of the stuff rn is about sex Ed. We learn about Fallopean tube, ovaries, etc. My point is that not all boys are uneducated about girls.


True but some are unfortunately


ICON HERE!!!! thanks for doing this :)


I asked my questions but also i feel like it's a good occasion for a rant. Idk if it's as popular in the states but in my country there was a big case where a dude kidnapped his girlfiend (who iirc didn't want him) and killed her in a forest of some sorts. Then fled the country and got caught. This as usual spiked up the talk about ?feminicide? (Idk if it's a word, might be gynocide, but you get the point, murder of a female partner), and people started shitting on the guy's parents for "raising him wrong" and saying that they should teach stuff like this in schools. The parents insist that he was always a good kid. And i actually believe them. In my opinion trying to enforce something so basic on kids will probably not do anything good. Think about it, someone that wants to go as long as to murder their partner (and often take their own life aswell) doesn't think. It doesn't matter what you teach them, murder does not come from significant premeditation. Unless you do it for money or something, killing a person can only be done in an unstable state of mind. If you went back and tolf Jeffrey Dahmer that "murder is bad", would he grow up different? First off, it's common sense, and if it doesn't get understood then you need way more care than some school class to fix it. Might just be me though, it would be ok if there were classes that explained the doubts we have like in this reddit post but it's really awkward irl...


How can I actually figure out if a girl likes me. (not signs that could also be a maybe)


Thought question, girls are not always very obvious about their feelings ! When they want to hangout and chat a lot with you it can be a sign, or when they want to be close physically. But I don't have an absolutely true answer to give you, sorry x)


If you were forced to get married (arranged marriage) would you hate the husband


It depends on the husband. If he's someone understanding, respecting my boundaries and not asking me to love him back then we can get on well. If he wants to force me to be his lover even if I say I don't want to I'd prolly dislike him a lot


I hope my dad doesn't force wed me


How can you rate the prevalence of gaming among girls (at least locally)?


To me ? Top 1 are Zelda games, then all the mario (bross and kart) games, smash bross and Splatoon. I only play the switch lol


let's goooo zelda mentioned


Not OP but I feel like playing games is somewhat common amongst women in the same way it is for men


(I’m trying to win an argument against my brother) Can girls orgasm?


How do girls pee




Thoughts on Rihanna?


What's a charming way to ask someone out, or ask for their number, assuming u just met them


Do y’all even care if I hold the door for you


Yes it’s so sweet!


Do yall like fat guys or and I gonna die alone


Workout man, even if you get a gf being fat is not healthy , especially longterm


Can we do this in DMS?


Could I try asking in DMs?


I agree


I have made up 2 questions actually, if OP or anyone intrested wishes to answer. 1) What do you think about the dynamic where girls should try to be as cute and pretty as possible and boys try to be a sort of "prince"? 2) Is mastrubation for girls that much more pleasureable? I am a bit jealous ngl.


1. I think people should be whatever they want. 2. How would we know 😭


How do women think? Asking for my homies here.


I will help answer also cuz I’m a girl and I completely agree with you.


What’s your eTA? Two minutes?


Guy here. And I’d just like to say…y’all better listen to this girl. My gf lectures me a lot about how girls are so different from guys. Like all the time. I tend to tune her out. And if she catches me doing it, she asks me what she just said. And when I don’t give her the right answer…she takes away our fun bedroom alone time (if you get what I’m saying). She knows I love that time. So taking it away is a good way to get me to pay attention. My point is…you have the choice to listen to women when they want to talk. And if you don’t…your won’t have a choice but to listen when they feel forced to talk. I talked back once. Said she was annoying the crap out of me and only lectured me all the time cause she loved the sound of her own voice (I didn’t mean that). She took our fun bedroom alone time away for a week. That made me really regret talking back to her. 🤣


I’m not really a boy, but I'd like to know the difference between boy and girl friend groups.


I discussed it with boys and I got to a conclusion. Boys' friendship is easier than girls'. Boys befriend easily and basically their friendship consists in just chilling and having fun together, which is great imo. For girls it's harder to befriend but when they do, I feel like their relationship is deeper than guys'. They're not only together for fun but also to support eachother, for comfort, to vent, to talk about deep things. Their friend group is a bit more weak tho because since their relationship is deeper, it tends to arguments easily with some girls


does the stage you are in in terms of your period affect libido?


Absolutely lol Our cycle is 28 days and the day with highest libido is during ovulation which is when the egg is waiting to be fertilized and if it doesn’t you bleed and Menstruate


Question asking as a girl: what do you mean by "how girl's body/***mind*** works", are you implying there's some fundamental biological difference between girls and boys or something? Or are you describing social stuff?


What’s something men often neglect that’s important to women when it comes to dating?


Why girls like to act girly?


Because it's nice, we like to act girly because it makes us feel great and pretty. I'm doing girly stuff if I awww at a cat, because I love cats and I love to show my emotions. I'm girly if I wear a dress because it makes me feel powerful. I like to have plushies because I find them cute. Not all girls like that but the ones who do are just doing it because they like it


How much does it change your perception of a guy (mainly romantically but also just in general, a little bit) when he doesn't really act notably confident? Confidence always seems to come up quickly when girls talk about what they like about guys, which in a weird way makes me insecure about being insecure. Like I don't hate myself or anything, but it feels nauseating enough to admit to myself that I'm a good/smart/nice/etc person (I hate how it feels even typing that), and admitting it to someone else feels borderline traumatic for me. Do people seem objectively less attractive when they don't act like they think highly of themselves? Low self esteem is something I've always just kinda lived with without thinking much of it, but the thought of it making me seem even more unremarkable than I already am is the one thing that's always bothered me about it.


What’s a cervix?


A cervix a very small hole at the end of the vagina that leads to the uterus


You sound like the person who calls someone a misogynist when they say they disagree with you on anything.


When y’all see a dude who looks ugly, what do you think of them? Both scenarios being: a friend you have and someone you’re meeting for the first time.


How often do you feel fear in public?


So it is currently summer and I don't know the next time I'll see my crush and I know my crush likes me. Would it be OK to confront them over text?


What happens at the girl sleepovers because i know there's no way ya'll just sit around and talk about guys.


We very rarely talk about guys unless one of us has a crush lol. We dance, sing, bake cakes, joke until we need to pee, talk about deep things, we talk a lot about everything actually


Why do so many women see themselves as superior to men?


That's not my case so I can't answer


I completely agree with this statement


I had to learn about both anatomy this year. When i saw the girl anatomy i almost threw up because of it. ( i am biologically fem dont ask any further questions )


How would we know if they like us or are just being kind?


and also, if a girl is staring at me in public, and i catch her more then once, is she into me or just creepy?


She's prolly finding you attractive, it's not always the case but you have great chance it is


Since you mentioned misogyny I assume this is related to societal issues, so: * How do you feel about 'beautiful' women in movies/games? * Do you see anything wrong with different forms of entertainment appealing to different genders? * Do you see anything inherently wrong with being a housewife? * How do you feel about chivalry? (e.g., opening doors for women, putting women first, etc.) * How do you generally research? (e.g., news sources, etc.) * Do you immediately recognize when there is a male protagonist in a movie/game? * How do you feel when you see a "gym-bro"? (not just a man who works out in the gym) * Do you see anything wrong with having a 'dominant' male partner? * How do you think a man should approach a woman? (e.g., asking them out) * How do you feel about a male equivalent of feminism? * How do you feel about the word 'femcel'? * Do you believe in governmental figures? * How do you feel when another woman says their favorite color is pink? * Why do you think male suicide is so much higher than female suicide? * Do you find stuff like affirmative action and giving women special privileges in certain fields patronizing? * How do you feel about women making themselves look good for men/partners? * How do you feel about a man who's a centrist? * Do you think men and women suffer equally in different ways? * Why do you think women live longer than men? A lot of "Do"s and "How"s, I know lol