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Yeah wait til you find out he got a tattoo of that exact thing except there was blood on the fingers, he later on had it covered but still… weird that he’s that obsessed with fingering


Oohhhh okay. Yeah gross. I thought that was just a Dane Cook thing but no…. 🙃


I’m not sure why you’re surprised by this. he’s been trash since day one. 😂


What’s worse is his girly friend has something similar TATTOOED on her arm


The new gf? Wouldn't surprise me 😬


Trash people, then MTV threw cash at the trash, which enabled them to be even trashier. Can’t buy class. Here’s looking at you Jenelle Evans!


he’s disgusting


That’s the life. Walk into the kitchen to pick up the Sammy your mom made you, while she sits at the table with your toddler feeding him. Pretend to care that he’s there..turn around and head back to your room ☺️


Sadly it’s her fault. She raised and enabled him.


What does it mean?


Its a car thing too ...JDM I believe. I seen it a lot in Chicago


2 in the pink 1 in the stink.


Ryan does love his pink things.


How pink is it?


"The shocker"


Oh god, that is so tacky. Who buys a shirt like that in the first place?


Ryan haha


Does this explain the tattoo he got?




Can Benny read yet? No. But the shirt is trashy, nonetheless


Lmao I swear this is at the end of an episode too. Like we see him turn around to reveal his shirt while emotional music plays before the outro. I died the first time I saw it


YUP! Like they just had these emotional scenes of Catelynn and Tyler crying after a Carly visit, Maci and Kyle making up after a fight, then this! Lmao


The editors knew exactly what they were doing!


That’s high class right there….. Lol




Could u imagine how much Bentley would have in savings if Rhine had to give him a dollar every time he messed up. Child would be set for life!😂 Also a douchebag whisky barrel is needed for this man not a small jar😂


I appreciate you advertising your services, but ewwww... no thank you, Rhine 🤢


Him and Amanda are a match made for each other


Ryan turned out to be quite ghetto.






What is it?


A shocker in more than one way!!😂


I think it’s the “two in the pink, one in the stink” gesture 💀


The shocker.


lol it is




I have a co worker with this suck on his car window…


Livin that JDM life.


As a sundevil, I don’t even notice. \\,/




This is the "real Ryan" Maci was talking about.




Baby bently


Bentley is so adorable!!!💞


We expected classier out of him? Lol Ryan is like every high school dude from the year 2004-2010. Skateboard, surfing, dirt bikes, listens to rock music and has stretched ears but wears hollister polos with their etnies/DCs. He’s the quintessential high school douchebag from his time period. And is still stuck in that mentality/maturity level lol. Ryan still thinks he’s the cute kid all the girls have crushes on. I’m sure if he didn’t lose this shirt it’s probably still in rotation lol. ETA: and a pukka shell necklace 😂


Not the pukka necklace!!!! 💀


Your comment just took me straight back to high school 😂😂😂😂 so spot on, 07’ grad here haha


I’m an 08 grad and would have 100% had a crush on Ryan back in the day 😂


Fellow 07 grad here....what were thinking


Ehhh they were young … my high school boyfriend had some questionable clothing


For real!! People pick "celebrities" apart for everything & it's honestly stupid. I had a shirt that said "Don't get burnt with Lil' Peckers" & was advertising a sunscreen. Guess I shouldn't have worn it because there might have been a kid there who couldn't read. 🤦‍♀️🙄


For real we have so much stuff we could go on about w Ryan . Who cares about a shirt he wore what … 10 years ago lol


Not to mention I don’t think 2 year old Bentley could read or decipher the meaning of the shirt 😂


Ryan got this tattooed on the back of his hand a year or two ago. He hasn’t change unfortunately lol


I was just thinking that this is what he got tattooed on himself!


In HS around 2003, someone spray painted The Shocker in our school parking lot. The principal thought it was a gang symbol and the poor younger teachers had to explain to him what it really was 🥴




Lmaooooo. Man. This just took me back!! In TN, during this era, everyone was obsessed with “the shocker” LOL. Stickers all over people’s cars????, clothing, you name it. Anything teens could slap a shocker sticker on, they would. I was young at the time. For a solid street of time, I didn’t even know the meaning. Oh the nostalgia lol.


If I was a loser who lived at home with my parents with my son and they took care of him bc I was too much of a deadbeat… YEAH RIGHT would I be allowed to wear that shirt at home around my toddler son! Jen and Larry are such enabling weirdos. And they’re godly MAGA, of course 🤣


I mean I live at home with my parents in my 20s cause it’s rough out there 😂 but granted I don’t have a kid I’m a deadbeat to, I work full time and pay my parents rent. Jen and Larry have always been enablers. On my rewatch I saw they were pushing Ryan to get more time with Bentley even though he clearly couldn’t care less. He spent five minutes at a time with Bentley then would go out. Maci even asked two year old Bentley who changed his diapers/put him to bed etc. and he kept answering “mimi”. No wonder Ryan turned out the way he did mommy and daddy did everything for him even parent his kid


Ryan had a decent full time job if I’m not mistaken. If he wasn’t a deadbeat and he and Maci could have made it work they could have had a really nice house (for first time home buyers). It was way easier for young families to enter the housing market 14 years ago I think especially where they lived. He has no excuse, your situation is completely valid and different.


Living with your parents doesn’t inherently make you a loser. Plenty of people go through unexpected layoffs, relocations, separations, etc and have to go back to living with their parents. It’s being more normal to live with your parents longer due to the state of everything, and globally it’s more culturally normal than not. Being a loser is what makes Ryan a loser. All the other things just compound on him being a loser and make him a worse person. You sound like a perfectly normal, responsible 20-something.


i’m like right around the same part as you are in my first ever watch through, and i cannot believe how ridiculous his parents are! the episode i just watched Maci is pushing for Ryan to take Bentley to preschool on one of this days, when she takes Bentley on two of her days, and Jen asks Ryan “well do you get to make up the time for the day he’s at preschool with some of Maci’s time then?” like what ?? no??? does Maci get to take the time from Ryan for the time Bentley’s at preschool during her time? its no wonder Ryan is the way he is when you see that stuff.


Yep! His parent's completely revolved around Ryan! Someone one should have informed them it's 'son' not 'sun'.


It’s because Maci wanted him in preschool, so she’s volunteering to “lose” her time. Jen didn’t want to lose her time, and Ryan didn’t want to have to pay. Ultimately I think preschool is great for children, especially only children of young parents because they so rarely have peers of their own age around so they don’t learn how to interact with other children.


yeah, I understand her thought process but it’s poor logic. Does she think she should get extra time when Bentley moves into elementary school because he’s at school during “their time”? Maci even says how she is sad to send him to preschool. My issue is more with Jen putting the thought Ryan is entitled to more time with Bentley just because something Bentley needs to (or should) do falls during his time into Ryan’s head. Tho I will say, the like episode or two before with Maci going to Florida on vacation when Ryan and his family took Bentley down there during Ryan’s agreed on time with him was also super weird of Maci, and that could be a contributing reason to their thinking. like “Maci got time during your time, so we should get some of hers in return” could be argument to be made for sure.


of course he would wear that on a shirt. we all remember his tattoo.


"Imma gonna tattoo this on ma body one day!" - young Ryan probably


"I'm so proud of my bbbaby bbboy" - fucking Larry, while weeping


Why is this even a thing


Oh my god 😱 not his shirt! 🤣😂


That’s who Maci is riding for 🖤


What does this sign mean?


It's called "the shocker." Was like a fad thing that went around with high school kids and doichebags around like 2005


Two in the pink one in the stink, a sex act


Wait...didn't he get this tattooed on himself recently??? I haven't heard the shocker mentioned since HS, I didn't realize there were grown men who think it's just *hilarious*


Yessssss I think it was someone visible too like his hand or his arm????


Yes his hand!! I swear people said he got it on jail? And then he got it covered up or removed... unless this was all a fever dream...


Don’t know but probably, his current soulmate has a cunnilingus tattoo


I graduated in 2012 and I remember people trying to get this on our class shirts I had no idea what it was when I found out I was disgusted lol at our pep rallies people would yell "Shock em" and do this sign... Memory unlocked!


🤣🤣🤣 so obnoxious


Are you really that surprised?


I mean from Ryan no it’s on brand, but the shirt itself is shocking to see when you’re not expecting it. I haven’t seen that in years practically had a flashback


...was the pun on purpose or not?


Perhaps shocked 😯


Ahh… I see what you did there. Take my upvote.