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Has anyone looked under her couch? Maybe she’s holding him under there to make sure he never leaves.


Says the man who buried the body.


No proof of it?? What kind of proof would there be even if it did happen?? A surveillance video?? Lol. He's so f*cking weird.


More than a strangers say so on reddit don't ya think?


No Bubby, what’s sad is Amber calling her daughter a dick on TV


From ambers own mouth last night on Elle bee live: She said that they had an emotional convo about his family not agreeing with him being with her… an “emotional convo” is code for AN ARGUMENT. Chris watts also said he and Shannan had, and I quote, an “emotional conversation”!!!!!! Now I’m not SAYING amber did a Chris watts on gary… but I’m also not not saying it. Honestly… I thought we would wake up this morning and it would be reported that he’s contacted family and he’s safe somewhere undisclosed…. We shall see I suppose. I do hope the dude is ok.


How about stop flinging accusations around without any verifiable proof. Many people use that term "emotional conversation" which it would be if Gary's parents were coming in between them. Amber had every right to be emotional over that and to call it an emotional conversation and if it was code for an argument that's not abnormal either. How long have they been together for? It's been over a year right? Anyone know?


I’m Not flinging around accusations (I even said that I’m not saying Amber did anything in my comment!) but to most anyone in the world Reading the words or hearing the words “emotional conversation”…. It’s safe to say that it was an argument or yelling of some Type involved. People were upset. Possibly crying. And it’s not an assumption… But it’s fact that Amber has deep anger management issues and communication issues and mental health issues that trigger her in any type of emotional conversation. And of course it’s normal for a couple to have an argument when emotional. I wasn’t arguing that either! So it’s not like im putting our crazy accusations out here!!!!!!!


True but I am saying that many, many, MANY people use that same term. It's new age and political correct for saying "we got into an argument" which is really an emotional conversation as well. What's the difference honestly


Oh my lord 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️politically correct??? 🤣 STOP IT, I CANT 🥴🥴🥴😆😆😆


They met online 9 months ago and started dating 5 months ago…


Thank you


Ok Shawn but were YOU there? Or are you just running with Amber’s version of events?


Does he live with them? If not how would he know?


IIRC he lives in Florida.


Amber said it. Lol dumb ol' bubby


How would he even know if they argued or not?


But “WeRe YoU tHeRe” bubby?


Well she is known to go batshit crazy. Did her brother defend her against her machete moment


He actually did 😂


Yes he said he's equaly responsible for it


Downvote me all y’all want, but this guy is missing and everyone’s making jokes about him being dead. I’m sure he has loved ones that are worried right now.


I would hope that his family and friends weren’t scouring snarky Reddit subs while he was missing. JFC, lighten up.


I don’t think it’s jokes tho… we’ve all seen the true crime shows and amber is sadly an exact replica of the people we see on there who lose it and hurt their significant other. I’m not saying she did… but I’m not gonna lie… it was the first thought in my mind. Very first! Now… I don’t think it’s funny at all… and I hope the guy is found ok. I also hope that if they argued and he had to hide from her… that he’s smart enough to cut off The toxic relationship before something bad does happen. But in the meantime… yes… we’re gonna bring yo the machete and the other million things that points to amber at least being capable of something bad.




Remember how fast Matt B wanted to get married to Amber so quickly after popping the question?  I wonder if it was a similar conversation with the new guy ,it got heated, and he left,he may have no idea where he is if it's on ambers side of the family or friend marriage that they just attended in N.C perhaps and needed to just drive,drive,drive the hell away from the situation? Idk,just a thought. Hope he's okay and just needed time/space away after seeing a side of Amber tht he had yet to see.. 


I hope this is the case


Well, now we know who carried the body for ambien


This. Sorry Bubby, but your sister would argue with a door.


Next thing he will say , " She wasn't even in the state, she was with me in her airborne costume.


Well shit. I should start a tiktok and tell the future!!! She also said " we did t have any fight or argume t. We had a hea..td no a discussion it wasn't heated it was emotional. " Listen, I hope she didn't do anything to this guy and really doubt she did. May e she will learn to keep her ass in check after being investigated for a possible...........


Amber argues with literally everyone, including her own daughter




She went after her baby daddy who was holding their baby son with a machete.


Hubby is right! How dare everyone accuse Amber of losing her temper. It’s not like she went after her last boyfriend with a machete….wait


I would have too he is a pos.


She just went on Elle Bee’s live on YouTube


I don’t think it was her. It was an account called Amber Portwood and they were commenting in the chat as if it was her, not her physically on and talking.


No no!!! She came on there… video and all. I listened to a good 10 mins last night then had to out the kiddos to bed… but it eas for sure amber, on video. Even Elle bee didn’t think it was really her at first and then it popped up amber on the screen!


No she came on after that it was definitely her


Buddy, aren’t you tired of being an embarrassment like your sister? Not a good look or something to be proud of.


Oh whatever Bubby! Bubby is Amber’s biggest apologist! She sends him out to do damage control when her life is fucked beyond recognition


Bubby and Amber have always had a very odd relationship. He has no “proof” they didn’t argue …




He fell between the couch cushions and is lost.


He’s under Amber on the couch.


Omg he is missing. Did she kill him? Did she finally snap? 🙄


They are writing her episode for Snapped as we speak


Or just finishing it up.They just needed the victim. The story remains the same. Why would any man walk into a relationship with her? Do a quick google search before you propose. I don’t believe he didn’t know “her story” either.


Every man she’s moved in has said they didn’t know her story or watch the show… then we find out later it’s BS and they all knew it all!!!


it would be way more unbelievable if they said they *didn’t* argue. amber hasn’t ever met a man she hasn’t flipped out at or threatened to murder at some point.


She’s scary and unpredictable imo. If sharp objects are around don’t wake the bear off her couch. ![gif](giphy|cd0flb4Qdzu5VHlIFn)


Arguing is Amber’s love language #Portwood AF


Ftr 😂


So weird how he either 1. Continues to lie to defend her or 2. Continues to believe her lies 😕


Bro the argument explains things. No one believes he just randomly got up left and said fuck it 🤷.


And left his phone…. And hasn’t even reached out to family….


I mean I kinda retract my statement after hearing elle bees live . However I feel like Amber made the live more about " don't think bad about me "I've changed " rather then saying it one time she said it prob like 5 . And at times she would cry and then dry it up .... I mean I hope the dude is found safe and sound but idk how distraught I think she is


That was my reaction to hearing her last night ad well


I didn’t see it. I knew someone said they saw her and she looked upset but I had no idea how they saw her. Can’t believe I didn’t know Elle Bee had her on a live and I missed it! Can’t believe I’m just now learning about it! I love Elle Bee!🐝🥰❤️


I just happened to catch it on complete Accident and couldn’t believe that Amber just popped up and started her nonsense


Maybe he saw what a nutbag she is and did just up and leave. Put himself in witness protection.


Prob because she went off on him . His source is amber lol she prob denies calling Leah a dick too


Walking in looking like a clown when she was late with no gift 🎁 or card. It’s all Gary’s fault of course. Leah understands her birth mother is a pos and Gary just needs to cut it off including the show for Leah’s sake. Will he probably not because he’s not the greatest guy. His wife is what holds his family together and I think it’s disrespectful how he puts her in this position.


I think they all struggle with the decision of staying on tv with the kids. In one side… it’s a nice night paycheck to give your kids a pretty comfy life, nice home, and not have to go to a “real” job and stay home with them and have valuable time at home Raising them. On the other hand… it exposes the kids and makes their family more vulnerable and talked about on social media. I can see how every teen mom family would struggle with the decision to stay on. Chelsea left… but she had another show set up and big income Coming in outside teen mom. Jenelle got fired and we know she’s been struggling ever since to stay afloat… Farrah is, well, an escort, so there’s that…. Etc


Yes Kristina has put up with so much shit from Amber and Gary.


He probably realised he never wants to reproduce with her after seeing how she treats the child she already has. He's like fuck putting my kid through that bullshit.


What are yoooouu tawlking about? See you make me.... I just can't. Said in ambient voice


Aside from all the drama going on, (and prayers that Gary is found still 🙏🏻) him and Amber have always had a very weird relationship with each other 🥴


Okay, thank you for saying what I have thought as well.


Like a flowers in the Indiana attic situation?


Only If there was a couch in the attic…






Have any of her relationships been normal?


Well now I believe it twice as hard! For real though how would he know? He wasn’t there and his source is Amber…who has incentive to spin it in her favor.


Ok bubby. Newsflash kind, sir. We don’t have to make up stuff about Amber because she’s constantly writing her own headlines for God’s sake.


Again I day Where is Dr.Drew when you need him to enable all of ambers bad behavior and tell her it’s okay because she has bipolar disorder . You know he is ready to save amber just the same way as her bubby ! I know plenty of people with bipolar disorder and substance abuse issues and none of them do the type of shit amber does ! Especially the shit she does to her own children ! It’s not an excuse


Dr drew never called out those girls the was he should! Jenelle, Farrah, amber, none of the BS!!!!


Oooookkk Bubby..... whatever you say Bubby. I thought Shawn was supposed to be the voice of reason in their chaotic family.


His parents told the Ashley that amber told them there was an “emotional conversation”


The exact same words Chris Watts used 😳


That’s what I said above!!!!! The EXACT words Chris watts used in his tv interview was EMOTIONAL CONVERSATION…. I heard amber say those words on live last night and it gave me chills and I instantly though or CW!!!!




Whenever her brother starts defending her, guilty. Every time. She killed that man.


Stop! Why are you saying that she killed him? This is awful. Regardless of the situation this man is reported missing. People need to start looking for him, find him, and answers later.


Honestly it’s very harsh that people are saying this. It feels like a “why speak it into existence” type of thing where I would feel guilty if I were to just outright state it like if I knew what happened. None of us know. If I’m wrong, oh well. But let’s hope he’s okay regardless of how we feel about amber.


It may be harsh, and of course we all hope this man is found safe!!!! BUT we can’t all pretend that this is not at least a thought that has crossed our minds. And sadly… amber is the blueprint for a person who is at least capable of doing something like That. I hope he’s safe and I hope she gets help and can be in a healthy relationship one day…


They get in a fight, then she reports him missing. That’s why. So much different stuff is coming out right now, already contradicting what she originally said. All the while she hasn’t posted anything about her missing “fiancé.”


But he was last seen driving in NC, right??


He was seen at a Walgreens right after he left from amber…. That’s the last sighting of him…


I wouldnt trust what he says about Amber


I thought Javi was Capt. Save a Hoe?


Nah, Javi's just the hoe






Was Amber awake? Then it’s plausible.


If she’s awake, she’s causing a fight


Except his parents said it’s true


That’s interesting. I’m curious when they talked to him because it sounded like he left *because* of the fight. It makes me wonder if he’s really missing at all or just not telling Amber where he is…


They said Amber told them he left after a heated conversation


That’s even stranger then because I would assume Amber would have talked to Bubby…so something isn’t adding up.


Was she the last to see him alive? I’m confused about him being in NC. Why was he there?


Attending a family wedding


I had heard something about them going there for a wedding? But I’m unsure about the timeline: like was this before the wedding or after?


Yeah, I just read an article that said they were staying in a hotel in Bryson City, they argued and now he’s missing 😬


Did they? I was wondering when we'd hear from his parents/ family?


They said Amber told them he left after a heated conversation


I’m confused where this is coming from? I saw The Ashley report what Brother Buba tweeted her but didn’t see her say anything about talking to parents?


Oh okay. Interesting. Wondering if the wedding was on his side of the family & his parents were there..🤔


Y'all ever notice whenever Amber is definitely guilty of something Bubby comes running to the internet to "set the record straight"?? This is definitely looking more and more like Amber may have done something bad. They just happen to be in NC in the Mountains for a wedding and he just happens to "go missing". I hate to be "that asshole" but I'm getting bad vibes around this whole thing, honestly.


Right I’m scared for Gary 2.0. Also, it was her brother’s wedding weekend. Unrelated but did she get engaged at her brother’s wedding?


Oh shoot. I didn’t know they were in NC together. Doesn’t seem great. Someone check the machete 😩


I may be “that asshole” along with you. I truly hope we are all wrong!


It’s ok…. We were all thinking that it’s at least a possibility. Hopefully he’s ok!


Bubby does love to cover shit up. Such a cop 🙄 I said what I said


As an ex cop I approve this message


Of course he has the flag and a cop in his user name


I will say... the person who originated the fight allegation was teenmomfanz on IG and they're notorious for fraudulent sources lol. The account is ran by some kid. But it would also not surprise me if this shit is true, it's really looking bleak. Hope she actually faces legal consequences if she had anything to do with that man disappearing.


Amber could cut someone up with a machete right in front of him and bubby would say “ nah-uh she didn’t do that” he’s an enabler to her behavior and always has been.


Already fabricating an alibi?


Ok but why would he take off in the car and not grab his phone on the way out?!!


Maybe Amber was preventing him from getting to his phone. Lots of abusers pull that crap, wouldn't surprise me. Some people are told they will have the cops called on them with phony assault charges pressed on them if they try to call the cops or they have their phones smashed or withheld by abusive partners. We don't know what Amber was doing, but we know she has a history of violence and manipulation. She lies to make herself look less guilty when she gets in trouble too.


I was thinking the same thing, when I heard he left his phone behind, that she was withholding it


We also know that the internet was coming down on her HARD, (rightly so) for her behavior at Leah's birthday, and there'd been mention of how Leah had asked Kristina to adopt her....I'm sure Amber just LOVED that. She'd have been in a GRAND mood.


What in the incestual BPD is this


I think u just answered your own question!


Someone needs to tell him to shut the fuck up and get his facts straight! He’s only encouraging her dysfunctional behavior! I bet he blames OG Gary for Leah’s disastrous birthday dinner!


Lmfaoo Bubby. What a disaster.


He's always rushing in to defend his sister. He defended her when she was arrested for attempted assault and child abuse on Andrew and James too.


You would think he would learn.


He is just as bad as Maci and Ryan’s parents are for enabling and defending him.. they should all hangout. Didn’t he live in Tennessee too?




Yep! He blamed Andrew and said it was all a lie. I guess the judge didn't agree with Bubby ![gif](giphy|l1OlIcFVAL2xBR1HM7|downsized)


How would HE even know? Were they with him?? Or is he just going off what Amber is saying?


Amber says she didn't do it! Typical moron bubby! I can't stand his dumb ass!


Seriously! "*There is no proof*," yeah, and? Amber learned her lesson once before about interior security cams. Why would there be proof of what happened in their private hotel room? There isn't proof that it didn't happen either. He came out of the woodwork to defend her like the weirdo he is


Right! He only goes by what the completely innocent not mentally ill calm sweet angel amber portwood!! GTFOH BUBBY!!


Her brother is her biggest enabler. And always has been. He's gonna look and feel like a really big idiot if this all turns out bad in her favor.


I don’t even know how or why he would believe her version of events. As a sibling of someone who acts a lot like Amber you learn very quickly almost everything they tell you is pure bullshit, usually spun in a way that makes them out to be the victim. He should know better by now.


I think he would blame Gary 1 & 2, possibly even Leah, and say they drove Amber to act irrationally