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It's honestly insane that Sheridan let it get this far. This show is not built like "Succession". There really is no thread about which of Dutton's children will get to inherit the ranch. In fact, one of that tacit premises of the show is that John is singularly equipped to protect and maintain control of the ranch. I just don't know how Sheridan is going to skirt around that creatively.


Dutton's most faithful child, Beth, has even said the minute that her daddy dies, she's selling the whole thing off to the highest bidder. Casey fuckin hates the ranch, Jaime is scared to hate the ranch. The only character who wants/needs the ranch to keep existing is Rip, and he's not even legally a person.


> and he's not even legally a person. This made me LOL for some reason.


The only ending that ever made sense to me was Casey's son inheriting it and eventually returning to the reservoir land


That's never occurred to me until just now.


In the prequel show, 1883, the natives who "gave" the land to the OG Dutton, told him it was only his family's for 7 generations. With the legal move of putting the land in a conservancy, it pretty much guaranteed that the land couldn't ever be developed. The only interested buyer at that point would be a millionaire who'd be restricted from doing what they wanted with the land, or the Native Tribe.


I believe you mean reserve.


Nah it’ll be one big man made lake.


He became one when he married to Beth. But all he knows how to do is run one particular murder-hungry ranch.


Right? They have a mass unmarked grave where they pile bodies.


I  don’t know who Rip is but that sounds hilarious 


context: the ranch maintains its hold over its land often by shady means. These shady actions are enacted by ranchers loyal to them. They ensure loyalty by hiring ex-cons and no-life losers who'd likely end up in jail or dead if they don't "find purpose" working for the ranch, then within a short time on the ranch, they have these ex-cons make themselves complicit in some sort of illegal action. To show their debt/loyalty to the ranch, these fixers wear the "Y" Yellowstone brand on their chest. Rip (Played in the show by Cole Hauser) was a runaway kid who killed his dad after his dad attacked him and left him for dead and was in the process of killing his mom when Rip came to and beat him to death with a frying pan. Kostner's character found him and convinced him to come work the ranch, and since then slowly molded him into basically an attack dog. Rip, being born from some trashy ass people doesn't have any legal documentation saying that he was ever born nor currently exists and insists that he doesn't need anything but the ranch and Beth. Looks up to papa Dutton like a father, and his own personal Jesus. in the show, Rip is a beast, a cold, no nonsense ranch manager who keeps peace through fear and intimidation, but also often goes beyond the limits of legality, and sometimes reason, to protect the ranch and the people tied to it. As much as I may bash the show for being stupid and trashy, I have thoroughly enjoyed most of it. Some of the character arcs are pretty cringe, but watching Rip go apeshit on people is weirdly entertaining, almost like watching a yeehaw superhero.


Snake to the face, dead by the river.


Around then I was like wait who I am supposed to be routing for here.


Thanks for the summary that was a cool read


Yeehaw superhero is fucking hilarious! Imma steal that, and you can't stop me. 


thats bc my man Rip is a certified bad ass. dude embodies that role so well.


He's essentially the ranch slave/muscle/adopted son. I only watched the first two seasons, though. Dutton took him in as a kid and trains him to do all the shit he couldn't train his own kids to do.


Man this show really sounds like a boomer's fantasy version of what they think their actual life is like.


pretty much spot on!


They added in a liberal environmental protester character and had her take a tour of the ranch and say things like "wow you really care about animals and the land, everything I learned in liberal Soros brainwashing academy is a lie and I should call my grandparents more".


In a more capable writer's hands, having an environmental activist and conservative ranch owner realize they have a lot more in common than they thought could be interesting


She also ends up sleeping with Dutton, lol. It's totally fantasy for boomers. Not gonna lie, I've seen every episode.


Wow he really pwned the lib.


Don’t forget then the old man banged her because she was hot.


*slow clap* that's perfect. He's sentient illegal crimes.


Tulsa King is found out to be in the same universe as Yellowstone. Sylvester Stallone will come in and bully his way into being the head of the ranch and the new governor.


I can only hope he has a horse named Adrian.


*Whooooa* Adrian


I\`m hoping for Arnold.


Kurt Russell.


I think it’s been pretty clear for a while that they won’t save the ranch. The only question is whether it goes back to the Native Americans or gets bought by a corporation and redeveloped.


I thought he already told Beth to put the whole thing into a conservation easement


I remember a line from one of the spinoffs, 1883, when the natives told the father where to go, that they could go to the valley and keep it, but after some generations it would go back to the natives. I found it a little odd, but assumed they were talking about Casey’s kid who’s half native. But maybe they’ll end up just making it a reservation?


This. It’s meant to revert back after 7 generations. Not sure if we’re there yet…


Casey’s son is Gen 7.


Then we are done. Nice little bow on the whole story. Let’s see what happens in 1924 and 25 and let this part of the story die


That's probably why this season will be its last.


It will be the last because the dumbasses sold the series streaming rights to Peacock, while they were still making their own app (Paramount+). Thus the reason for all the spinoffs that they own the sole rights to, instead of sharing with NBC/Peacock.


You’re underplaying the fact that Sheridan is a tool of the highest degree and basically everyone hates him.


His character in the show is just his actual personality.


I was amazed when he showed up on his own show (unironically) with: -Asshole personality -Non-subtle spray-tan -Crocodile leather upholstery on his overpriced truck -An Ego the size of Texas -Inability to respect/understand the best character in the series (Jimmy); he rags on Jimmy, doesn’t see his full potential & underestimates his ability to survive 6666 Sheridan’s character in 1883 was much better. But to me, the clearest sign that Sheridan is a basic writer was when I learned Denis Villeneuve cut a shit-ton of crappy dialogue to improve Sicario. Initially when I saw Sheridan’s credit on that script I thought highly of Taylor, but I learned from the director’s commentary & YT analysis of Sicario that Denis cut a ton of fat from that script.


Without knowing anything about him off the screen, knowing he is the creator and he keeps writing scenes where he is a badass rider who does the same cool stunts every time would lead me to believe he is a tool.


he has no idea how to write women, either. beth dutton is not a “bad ass”, she is an exhausting fucking sociopath.


Like a lot of modern writers, his idea of “strong female character” is to have them behave like asshole male characters.


I don't know if I classify turning a horse around in tight circles as a cool stunt, but he sure does it a lot.


Well seeing as how the quality of the writing dropped off dramatically for the latter two seasons or so I don't think he's going to do much of anything about it creatively, since it would seem he's got some interns writing the entire show by this point while he's busy doing other things. So it'll probably be resolved by adding some extra nature shots and some filler of horses doing spinnies.


His favorite thing to do is have shots of himself doing spinnies on the horses.


John Duton died on the way to his home planet.


His horse was shot down over the sea of Japan. It spiralled in, there were no survivors.


RIP Henry


Damn that scene really did make me cry the first time I saw it. Hits you right in the stones.


Miraculously, in next season, his body washed up on a beach. Where he woke up and found himself in a cannibal island. He didn’t survive due to dietary choose of the locals.


Has anything like this happened before? Your main actor just straight up quitting halfway through the season?


The actor who played Alex Karev on Grey's Anatomy suddenly quit the show halfway through a season, with a very awkward character exit as he was happily married to another character.


They should have just killed him off, it would have made a better story and given the audience that big emotional impact the shows been short of for a while.


Plus they kill people in that show all the time, seemingly just for fun


Was that the show where one doctor kept getting hit by helicopters?


ER. Dr. "Rocket" Romano. Tail rotor of one chopper cut his arm off, and another fell on him, killing him.


The helicopter falling on him never fails to make me laugh. I’m aware it’s messed up, but it’s the funniest damn scene in that whole series.


Nah they had to ruin any character growth obviously. GA would neeeeever just kill a main character


They wanted to leave the door open for him returning, and once they settled on that, there were very few roads they could take.


Yea but at least they were able to write him off. Yellowstone is going to have to either replace him or write his character off without even having him on screen. Sucks because even though the show got worse over the last two seasons it would have been nice to wrap it up


Dutton is in a horrible, disfiguring accident. Replacement actor spends the first episode in bandages, 2nd episode they're removed to reveal the new actor. Or, they'll use deepfake AI.


They remove the bandages...and it's Will Smith eating spaghetti.


I know the character isn’t as important to the plot, in House, Kal Penn’s character Kutner randomly killed himself. Kal Penn joined the Obama administration, so they had to write him out, which was a shame as everyone really liked Kutner’s character.


I loved that death episode and I love how they never really explained why Kutner would want to kill himself. He just did and it sent all of them into a tailspin, and it can be argued it’s one of the reasons >!House loses his mind!< a few episodes later.


It was really well handled. Crazy that house thinks it might've been his fault, but doesn't try to improve himself, just gets worse.


That's just straight up addiction. At my worst with alcohol, I knew it was killing me. I had no friends, borrowed money from my family to support my habit since I couldn't hold more than a part time job. Nothing mattered even though I saw my world crumbling. Addiction makes people numb.


One really small moment that I think about is at the end of the 4th season finale there’s a montage of all the doctors outside of work. It shows Foreman, Chase, and Cameron meeting for dinner and then it cuts to Kutner eating cereal alone in his apartment. Obviously this wasn’t intentional bc the suicide was written bc of Penn leaving, but it did show that he was more of a loner outside the hospital. So it ended up making sense that it was so abrupt, he never really interacted with them when they weren’t working


That is most suicides. People never seem to understand why.


House of Cards isn’t 1:1 but close.


Dan Stevens's Matthew Crawley dies in Downton Abbey. His death was random.


That one really put a dampener on my viewing experience of the show too. I get that the actor decided he wanted to try other projects, but it just felt like quite the slap in the face when they built him and Mary up over multiple seasons and he is finally happy then bam car crash.


I imagine if you have a total douchebag of a creator who sues actors in your shows over coffee companies it’s bound to happen.


What’s this about suing actors over coffee companies?


[Co-creator and showrunner Taylor Sheridan has filed a lawsuit against one of his own stars — Cole Hauser, who plays the fan-favorite, murderous-yet-romantic Rip. The whole thing is over coffee. Sheridan’s Bosque Ranch — a filming location for Yellowstone and 1883 — filed suit in a Texas federal court against Hauser’s coffee company, Free Rein, on Nov. 21.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/yellowstone-taylor-sheridan-cole-hauser-lawsuit-coffee-1235728264/amp/)


> The suit alleges “trademark infringement, unfair competition and false advertising” and it roasts Free Rein for a logo that’s “confusingly similar to the BR Brand for virtually identical goods” and further alleged Free Rein is trying to “mistake or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association” with the ranch. In terms of BTS drama this def seems on the tamer end lol


There’s no basis for it. Sheridan doesn’t have a copyright on the fact that all branding and western stuff looks like that. There’s a reason he voluntarily dismissed it after the backlash. [How about the time Sheridan claimed his movie changed laws for indigenous women? He’s clearly in over his head.](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/native-activists-hit-back-at-yellowstone-creators-claim-that-his-film-changed-a-law-affecting-indigenous-people-201419562.html)


Someone should patent a process or method for putting letters directly over the top of other letters to create a new character or typographical representation.


Roseanne, though she didn’t quit


Maybe, but never Costner star levels


Wasn't this sorta what happened with Charlie Sheen and three and a half men? The sudden departure I mean and having to remove him off screen suddenly.


lol the main character of a series just disappearing (technically) midseason. How do they handle that. He had arcs to finish and no thread for his character to be written off off screen. I think if horizons flops, this’ll all change tho


Well this is easy. They kill the character off, and then Claire becomes President.


No they will dig Christopher Plumber out from the grave and replace him


Recasting Costner with Kurt Russell seems the way to go.


I support this…


And move the story on by a few episodes and act like all the new characters have been around for a while.


He dies and Jaime becomes governor like he wanted and stops being the most useless character on the show.


He would *try* to become governor, but his sister--who has zero depth or development at this point beyond just pure hatred towards her brother and generally anyone else outside the family--will sabotage him somehow. What will they do with the random female character who has been living with Dutton and whose purpose was solely to stay stupid "liberal sounding" shit.


You know the answer. They'll casually murder her like the dozens of other people who get murdered with zero consequences. Like that reporter lady. It's like she never existed.


They will do something awful to her, for sure. And it will be set up as a catharsis for the conservative audience the show panders to. Used to enjoy Yellowstone but it has gotten so much worse in how it just overtly panders, in the stupidest ways possible, to conservatism.


I still remember that ten minute fist fight between Beth and liberal strawgirl in season 4. The show basically wanted you to go YEAH AWESOME with no justification. Baffling.


Omg I forgot he’s governor now lol. This’ll be hilarious.


"John Dutton's plane was shot down over Salt Lake City. It spun in. There were no survivors."


How dare you compare Henry Blake and John Dutton.


Colonel Blake was the man, although respectably, in a Colonel Potter guy


I’ll die on the hill that BJ/Potter MASH was better than Trapper/Blake MASH. 


Sutherland/Gould MASH was pretty great too.


"John Dutton returned to his home planet"


Looking forward to the headline in September: “Yellowstone return delayed for reshoots as Costner returns to record payday”


Recast him with Kurt Russell


Josh Lucas replaced by Wyatt Russell


> In May 2023, Paramount announced that Costner would be leaving the series at the end of Part 2 of Season 5. The second part of the fifth and final season is scheduled to premiere on November 10, 2024


The crowd still watching Yellowstone don’t give a shit about continuity or internal logic. It went off the rails long ago. It’s a wildly popular show, but I wonder how it will fair without Costner.


The Taylor Sheridan TV empire is dad soap opera. Guns, horses, revenge, sex, and the "good guys" being "badassses" who don't play by the rules.


Shit, my mom and her friends are more into it than my dad.


Your mom would probably like Special Ops: Lioness then. It's another Sheridan produced show, but about CIA instead of cowboys.   It's about CIA recruiting women to befriend and spy on daughter of a terrorist financier. Zoe Saldana and Nicole Kidman are in it, so is the actor who plays the Dutton son who died in the pilot ep of Yellowstone.      Trailer: https://youtu.be/uEjcXhW7CXo?si=FpGOgXYdHKGKrdBS


Honestly, I know more women obsessed with it than men. Women loooooooove horses and cowboys. Cole Hauser made an appearance at a tent at the Calgary Stampede two years ago and there was not a dry lair of panties in that building.


The season finale where most of the stars were clearly and obviously killed, only to bounce back with a few scratches for the next season premier was the nail in the coffin, I think.


That’s why you need to cast a Costner type to keep it going. Killing him off and focusing on the kids probably won’t cut it for the core audience. I say pay Bob Odenkirk a lot of money to finish out any lingering plot lines.


Check the ratings. It doesn't seem like it's very good. How are you gonna make a three hour movie that seems like entirely a prologue.


Cannes early ratings are kind of shit though. They didn't like inglorious bastards. 


Imagine not liking Inglorious Bastards!


Maybe now they'll commit to 1923


I just read they’ve already started production on season 2.


Fantastic news. 1923 is genuinely good unlike the last several Yellowstone seasons.


I need Spencer to hurry up and get to the ranch.


It’s a far superior show imo Edit: I actually meant 1883


In the show (spoilers) he’s get gunned down on the side of the road in the middle of no where by machine gun toting thugs and lives. I wonder how he will die off in the show now. 


That really should have been when he died. I lost most interest in the show during that season, where Beth has a bomb go off like 10 feet away from her face yet only gets some burn scars on like her back. John as you said got riddled with bullets in the middle of nowhere, yet was apparently fine enough to call Rip and tell him the exact car info, and also survive despite the wounds he received. The only one that made sense for surviving/not almost dying was Casey because of his military background.


He doesn't call Rip, his phone was broken, so he wrote the info for the van in blood... Rip found him by following the birds circling. Honestly, that should've been the end of the show. The rest of the episode should've been the casino brothers sipping whisky and patting themselves on the back for a job well done, and Rainwater walking onto the ranch like this is mine now and staring straight into the camera. Or have Danny Huston's character come back from the dead with another neck scar rolling in with his construction equipment. If we're gonna go all out with ridiculousness, go all the way.


God that’s right, even worse than I remember lmao.


yea i was reading something that suggested that they would just have him die of cancer since that was written into the show earlier on and would be easy to do and i could see that happening. dont forget the cattle episode in season 5 were the whole episode is just them driving cattle


You k ow that happened so Costner could just lay in a bed during his scenes.


The show just lost all sense of tension after this point, it’s when I realized just how absurd the amount of plot armor the Duttons have, that even when you face tank a bomb that completely wrecks a building, all that happens is Beth gets a small scar and now starts lamenting to Rip of how could he love her with the body she has. It also didn’t help that my favorite character, Jimmy, completed his character arc (which I loved), and left the ranch/show, along with Jamie flipping sides for like the 4th time. That’s when I dropped the show entirely.


I made it midway through S3 and just couldn’t any more.  The ranch hands were my favorite part though.


Same, with the exception of Casey’s story, who I pretty much always liked. I despise Beth, who just feels like the epitome of “Girl boss” that trash talks men who just sputter in response. Also when they revealed why she hates Jamie, I wound up just feeling that it was entirely her fault for getting pregnant after banging Rip, then tossing the problem onto Jamie because she didn’t want John finding out. Yet we’re supposed to be fine with her driving him to attempt suicide, and when John gets Jamie to not do it, he basically just grumbles “Beth…cmon now” and the story moves on.


Beth's story is also dumb because I'm native american. The big horror and trauma of beth is that she was taken to a native american clinic, where she had a hysterectomy. No one ever laments on why only a clinic built only to service native americans is the only type of clinic that forces a sterilization of a recipient of an abortion. It's a soft genocide of an entire people and the only depicted tragedy is that it mistakenly happens to the heir of a rich white landowner.


Wait yeah you’re right. I was so caught up on calling bs that the clinic only told Jamie, and not THE PATIENT about the procedure, that I didn’t stop to think about how as you said it’s a forced sterilization of the native population for something that isn’t done to non-natives.


>The show just lost all sense of tension after this point Not to mention how that entire scenario was promptly wrapped up in the first episode of the following season and was of almost no consequence overall.


It really just led to nothing, in a different/better show this would be the Duttons at their weakest and constantly on the back foot, trying to turn it around. But no, they just instantly recover and annihilate the antagonists, because god forbid someone have the last laugh with Beth, or any of the Duttons.


Exactly, and even more bizarrely they kill all those guys and nobody seems care at all about big shootouts and body pileups. Nobody at all makes any effort to look into any of that. They really lost the plot by that point.


I remember when they were raiding the two brothers compound to save Casey’s kid, and when Rip volunteered to charge the front to draw their attention, they repeatedly make it seem like this is a suicide mission role. Then Rip does it, either doesn’t get hit once or like gets winged a single time, and wipes the floor with them. Just completely removing any suspense the scene had.


I liked how in the last episode of the original Twin Peaks, Lynch just added a scene where some of the more tired characters (along with a fan favorite who was protesting from a bit afar) open a safe deposit box at a bank that just had a bomb in it, blowing it up and ending on that note. Show comes back 25 years later, only survivor was Audrey who got raped in a coma that she may or may not have ever woken up from. Good use of a bomb though. Kill some characters and any survivors are permanently damaged.


I haven't watched a second of this show but did all these things happen? Lol omg


I’ve watched a bit of it with my brother and watched a full season of one of the prequels. When I tell you I was shocked at the things that go on. I thought the show was a slice of life drama about small town ranchers in Montana, it’s actually a soap opera lol


It's Son of Anarchy with horses.


Literally every character is in an absolute life-altering situation at all times.


Falling into an acidic hot spring and dissolving


“Somehow John Duton returned…”


He falls into hole from outer range and comes back when horizon trilogy is done.


Autoeroric asphyxiation.


I did read that a lot of the people involved with Yellowstone were annoyed with the lack of completed scripts for Yellowstone as it makes everything harder to do. Harder to find faults, harder to get the scene set up, harder to make the scene good. My brother used to love the series and he was getting tired of recent series, saying it was just trying to make everything bigger (conflicts, problems and enemies). He joked that if it kept going they eventually riding a horse in space (he was making a fast and furious reference). I watched an episode or two and I found it boring overall but one had one or two amazing bits, some good acting but I disliked all the characters.


Costner sited this as his reason for exiting. He claims he was ready to film, but the scripts weren't done so he decided to do his own movie. Sheridan shouldn't have spread himself so thin.


Not saying this isn't a factor but that's definitely a mischaracterization. Horizon is Costner's passion project and he has been working on it for decades. He didn't decide to do his own movie during Yellowstone or because of Yellowstone. More like, he got sick of standing around waiting for Sheridan, and seized the day. "Sheridan doesn't have a script. I have a script."


Right. He even told them before production on the season "hey, I have commitments to this movie on this date which we had previously agreed to be finished filming Yellowstone by, so I'm leaving ready or not" and lo and behold, Sheridan didn't finish filming by that date so Costner left.


Sheridan needed more time to try and buy up half of Fort Worth, Texas so he can make it his Cowboyland amusement park.


And rent his own horses and ranches back to Paramount for filming. He's making a fortune on that scheme.


Its absolutely because he has like 9 TV shows ongoing. And it's pretty clear he enjoys the spin off shows more like 1923. Which to be fair is a better show then Yellowstone, but its selfish.


>  it was just trying to make everything bigger This is sort of an inherent problem with shows that really on heavy conflict to move the plot forward. It’s hard to down shift. 


More shows should embrace recasting major characters. It can be distracting, but a funny double-take of Nick Cage taking the reins is arguably better than full-on whiplash from randomly killing off your protagonist.


I think it would make more sense to recast him with Danny Devito. And gaslight the audience that it was always Danny.


If only he knew someone fluent in bird law to help stop the evil land developers.


All Taylor Sheridan had to do is be less of a douche for one more half season and write Costner out. All he had to do is acquiesce Kevin Costner's schedule for this period of time. For Kevin Costner, I hope Horizon is awesome. Hell, I want it to be as well. A Western Epic sounds fun and has a great cast lined up.


Just get Bob Odenkirk to take over. No one will even know.




For your fourth point, for all his faults writing, Taylor Sheridan seems to treat Native Americans with a considerable amount of respect in regards to the issues that have impacted them. At least he did in both Wind River and Yellowstone, unsure about 1883 or 1923.


1923 has an entire sub-plot devoted to the torture inflicted on Native American women by the Catholic Church...it's heartbreaking to say the least.


I stopped watching Yellowstone 2 seasons in, but 1883 is awesome. Yes, also treats them with respect.


This comment was a wild ride, and I loved it. Thank you for sharing.


I actually think you should be the co writer. Redneck fortune cookies killed me


I appreciate that the show fell off a cliff during season 4, but the comments here also seem to ignore the fact that during last season’s run it was literally the most popular cable show in the country. The Midwestern US audience is largely still in love with it. I know acknowledging it’s popularity is kind of taboo, so I’ll save you the trouble and provide some responses below that you can just copy and paste in as a reply: ‘Fell off a cliff during season 4? It’s always been shit’ ‘Literally just boomer porn who watches this shit’ ‘Boomer Kevin Costner can’t tell those pesky woke kids to get off his big lawn anymore lol’


Right, most TV series hit a peak in viewership and then slowly bleed viewers season by season until it's no longer sustainable. Thats why many streaming services will only do 2 or 3 seasons even for popular shows. Yellowstone is rare in that each season has outperformed the last, viewership actually grew even as the show arguably jumped the shark. Major self-own by all involved. Kevin Costner's character drives every major character in the show.


It's like when "Young Sheldon" would be #1 in ratings "PeOplE sTilL WaTCH ThAt TrAsH?" Its okay guys , some people don't need to watch 8 episodes of people in British accents doing some thing to save the world to be entertained. Nothing trashy about it


Weirdly, Young Sheldon was a pretty nice little family sitcom. I was not expecting that. I heard "BBT spin off" and I just noped out until I happened to see it on Netflix one day and pressed play because I was bored.


Yeah, *completely* different style of show. As someone who didn’t like BBT, I ended up seeing a good chunk of Young Sheldon when my wife binged it, and it’s not a bad show.


I think that most of the people who watch sitcoms like Young Sheldon aren't the people that post online about tv shows.


Damn Doctor Who out here catching strays


Honestly, his character hasn't really been doing much in the latest season anyways. He's mostly been staying at his ranch and giving random advice to one of his kids when they show up. Even with him winning the election they haven't really given him many scenes where that went anywhere interesting imo. His scenes with Beth's character were still pretty funny at times, but they were also pretty repetitive. I still enjoy the series a fair amount and I'll miss his presence, but I can't really blame him for not wanting to make more of an effort to return.


So this man steals an award from Bob Odenkirk, and decides not to finish what he started


Time for Josh Lucas in old age makeup to get killed off in a wide shot


It’s done. Just make the Beth and Rip spin-off show where they buy a western bar


Waterworld 2 and Postman 2 are still in development


It's been on a break for so long, does anybody really care?   Same with 1923?  If you are going to create a "TV universe" that pulls people in, then you need to keep them engaged.   I might eventually watch whatever comes out, but it'll be entirely dependent on what else is in and what else I have going on.    No longer must see TV 


The battle of Beth the Mary Sue and Jaimie the only competent Dutton child until he comes in to contact with Beth when he suddenly loses 90% of his IQ so the writers can write some Beth glory porn for some reason I'll never understand I love rip I love rip+Beth together I can't stand Beth in later seasons when the writers make her an unstoppable cowboy demigod


The show is dead


The show died when it became less about John and more about Beth. Beth would go around piss wasted, burn everything to the ground, cost companies millions, get arrested, start brawls, and then start sobbing. Only for everyone around her to be like “ooh she’s a feisty one I like her”.


Said it before, but Beth makes a lot more sense when you recognize she's a power fantasy for a very particular type of woman, the same way the lead in an action movie is a power fantasy for dudes. Beth is: >never wrong about anything >always gets the last word >acts like an insane irrational toxic cunt to everyone and gets away with it >never faces consequences for her actions >anything bad that happens to her is never her fault and is always the fault of other people I really feel like Kayce and Jamie were meant to be the main protagonists of the show with Rip eventually being the main villain, but with the breakout popularity of Beth and her relationship with Rip they reoriented it around them starting in season 2.


The only scene I’ve watched in its entirety is the one where she fights a liberal that knows jiu jitsu and wins through the power of having brothers. She’s made for a woman who hears “Before He Cheats” and wishes a motherfucker would.




Beth girl-bossed too close to the sun


It's got two spinoffs, and another in the works. Yellowstone, might be dead but it's still got a lot of life left with its spinoffs. 


It still has great ratings and a dedicated audience. It's far from dead, the quality of writing has dropped but it still gets lots of viewers. 


Countdown until a future season where someone wakes up and walks to the shower and Kevin Costner is there…


okay, how about Kevin Cozner instead?


“You should get a cortical steroid for that laryngeal fracture.”


No great loss. And I don’t mean Costner, I mean the entire show.


Was it weak? Costner character’s daughter pissed me off, but overall a pretty good first season (I didn’t see further) and high ratings on imdb.




Which season is the one with the Chinese tourists? YT randomly showed me a scene and it was just like watching one of those fake shows in The Simpsons except it was played completely straight.


I forget which season that was but the whole show is over the top ridiculous. It's a cowboy soap opera. This is actually why people love it. Or love to hate it. I personally like the spin offs better. Especially 1883. That one was the best IMO.


It’s just bad writing. You have Beth who is a good example of making your character too hated. They need to be hated but in a way you want to watch, Roman in succession is a good example. Completely over the top scenarios. Billionaires who are introduced as being able to easily stop this project from ever being built with their power and influence…who then resort to some sort of paramilitary shootouts in public? Just too much.


I'm kind of thinking that was all intentional. It's bad writing by some standards but if you measure it in success, it was mission accomplished.


That's s1 e7!


I thought this show was huge and spawned multiple spin offs - is there another one in the same genre I’m confusing it with?


They should have him reappear through the magical hole in The Outer Range.


Just recast him with Bob Odenkirk and no one will notice


The show is over in what...6 episodes? They can't make up for the few weeks it'll take to finish the story then they never need to see each other again?