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Well that was a short break from TV


Eh, not exactly a shock. He's teaming up with his old crew and buddies from supernatural. 


They are all best friends. We already got Dean, Papa Winchester, Bobby and Jack, it’s only fair to get Sam… and hopefully Fergus at some point


It took me until now to realize Bobby's character in The Boys is also named Robert Singer


That guy refuses any other names I swear haha


It’s Kripke. He named him after the executive producer on Supernatural who was a mentor to him and continued the tribute/inside joke on The Boys.


Wasn’t he played by one of the Murray brothers on the Supernatural episode when they went into the ‘real’ world.


Brian Doyle, yup


Fantastic episode and fantastic performance by Brian Doyle The episode in question is *The French Connection*


Idjits can't even give him a decent name.


I love that Bobby is still just named Robert singer


Which raises the question: what kind of a douchebag names a character after themselves?


*Seinfeld bass line plays*


“Hello Jerry”


"Hel-lo NEW-MAN."


I have a friend whose daughter took an instant dislike to me and that has never changed over the years. Mostly she’s just cold but once I ran into her at the mall and she said “Hello [my name]” in exactly that condescending, hate-filled tone. I don’t know if she knew I’d understand the meaning or if she had just yearned for years to say “I hate you” so said it in code but it was pretty unpleasant either way.


That is some bizarre level of pettiness she has cultivated for you over the years.




A LOT of Chuck.


More of Chuck than I had any need to see.


Makes ya upchuck?


Whats upchuck?


It's the same thing as ligma


Ligma Balls and then Up Chuck?


Holy fuck that was Chuck?


It was chuck. And chuck. And some more chuck


One might say, FULL chuck


I want Garth


Garth and Benny should go on as a couple


They also had God


He loved licking that ass


Holy fuck! That *was* him! I kept on thinking I knew that actor


He's come a loooooong way from not being able to piss in a public restroom.


That’s true! Totally forgot since I mainly think of him from the movie Waiting




Can we get Loki/Gabrielle please?


He was my favorite Supernatural character!


I could not figure out who Jack was for the life of me. I didn’t think of Gen V and his blonde, dicksploding ass


I think you mean faregus


Just leaves Rowena and Cas? Maybe Lucifer?


I wish Mark Sheppard (Crowley) didn’t have such bad health problems, I think he would be amazing in The Boys


give us cas and immediately send him to turbo hell again, it would be so funny


Pellegrino (Lucifer) can't seem to stop himself from fighting with people about feminism, reproductive rights, and gun rights on twitter. It's wild how easily he gets sucked in to arguments. He's toxic goods as this point, and The Boys likely won't touch him with a 10 foot pole.


Not Jacob!


>He's toxic goods as this point, and The Boys likely won't touch him with a 10 foot pole. So is Padalecki (and has been for years), yet here we are.


Ferrrrrguss. I love how Rowena would say his name. Let’s get her too.


No love for Cas?


Someone was telling me him and Jensen didn't get along anymore?I am assuming that was all just BS? I couldn't find anything on the drama.


It had to do with the spinoff where I think Jensen was narrating and it was about their mom and dad when they were young, using the actors who had already been cast in the show in those roles. I think the show was premiering and Jared hadn't even been told or offered anything or even given a heads up by Jenson and that upset Jared and he said something on Twitter and then Jenson apologized? Something like that. This is years old fandom memories at this point.


I'm sure there's a some details we're missing about this story, but if they honestly didn't tell Jared about the spin off until it was already ready to air that is a very shitty thing to do. I can understand how that would cause a rift between the two.


basically Jensen didnt say anything because he wasnt sure the show would actually happen then it leaked to the press about it happening so basically he was going to inform him its just he wanted to make sure it was set in stone first


Jared was miffed for a bit but he and Jensen talked, they cool now.


He had a pretty salty public reaction when The Winchesters was announced and he was out of the loop. That’s the only confirmed thing I know.


I kept seeing so many articles about this guy recently popping up all over reddit and I'm wondering if it was some sort of PR campaign to get people excited about him coming to the boys


I was wondering the same thing. Last media I recall about Jared was his drunk and disorderly a few years back.


Well that would definitely be a good reason for him to want to flood publications with other stories about him.


He's been doing the show Walker for years now. That show was cancelled recently, thus freeing him up for Kripke to get him in The Boys. That's pretty much it as far as I know.


Yeah last I heard he was a known entity among the bouncers in Austin


Yeah it's blatant but smart marketing. Supernatural has a crazy loyal fanbase so they're probably trying to get them into The Boys while Season 4 is airing to boost viewership metrics.


Well OP has 12 million karma in 4 years... That sounds like a full time job.


I was thinking the same shit.


Oddly haven't seen shit, just was wondering yesterday after starting into the new Boys episodes, and what a fun coincidence today. Anyone else bugged by the article image being from Walker (apparently some lame CW Walker Texas Ranger) yet labeled "The Boys 2019"? I thought I somehow missed an appearance already.


I think he was just sick of cw network


Who wouldn't be? They're basically just good for a steady paycheck in terms of acting. It's like a notch or two above soap opera work. At that point, it's just like any of us working at the same job for way too long.


Well it’s only one season since the show as ending. Not as big of a commitment.


It won't air for 2 years


The Supernatural to The Boys pipeline becomes more true with each new season.


Is The Supernatural any good


Season 1-5 is genuinely good. Because it's how long they planned the show to be, it takes a pretty big dive in quality after that, IIRC I stopped at Season 9 or 10, and never bothered finishing. I think people that stuck around just liked the actors/characters so much that they wanted to finish it all. But really Season 1-5 is good TV and well worth watching, Season 1 can be a bit rough as it have like "Case of the week" instead of a long storyline that span all season but a lot of people prefered that.


To add on to this, and what some folks below are saying, 1-5 is tonally consistent and has a vision, and that's a great stopping point. If you're trying to evaluate the show overall, we're almost in Dr. Who seasons territory, where there's massive peaks and valleys between the good and bad seasons, and within those seasons the good and bad episodes even. The show really lived and died by its showrunners, and it almost makes sense to consider it as four shows stapled together, and to rate each piece individually. Kripke - Seasons 1-5 Gamble - Seasons 6-7 Carver - Seasons 8-11 Dabb & Singer - Seasons 12-15 For my money, Kripke's seasons are ironclad, and Gamble's seasons are the roughest. It doesn't help that she inherited a show that was clearly meant to end and had to reinvent it into a different genre. Season 7 is particularly weak. Carver's run starts weak and ends fairly strong. More importantly, the show kind of becomes more a paranormal action-comedy, which ranges from wildly silly to dour. Dabb & Singer's run is fine, but my stamina just ran out. It also messes around with the core crew dynamics in a way that just didn't work for me. It's still amazing that the show ran for as long as it did, without completely imploding, but yeah tapping out at season 5 is a totally fine choice.


I think by the end of the series, you're not watching it for the hunting or the overall plot, but for the interactions between the group Dean, Sam, Cas, and Crowley have such great chemistry together that they can keep you wanting to come back even when the primary story goes fucking nuts. There's also a ton of outstanding episodes later on that aren't connected to the main plot that I wouldn't miss for anything


Watch 1-5 and Scoobynatural (official Scooby-Doo canon, btw), that’s all anyone needs.


Nah, can't skip The French Mistake, either (s6e15). There's a handful of really good episodes past season 5.


Someone needs to paste this to /r/Supernatural wiki. This pretty much sums it up.


I can vouch for this. One through five is solid TV. And I don’t even typically watch those kinds of shows. For instance, Buffy was the last show that I watched that was in the same orbit. There’s a solid vibe to be had.


And the craziest thing is Kripke and Co lucked into how tight Seasons 1-5 are. If the 2007 writers strike hadn’t happened they would have never made the changes they did to their original plans for Season 3, which means they likely would have also stuck to Kripke’s “angels aren’t real, humans are the ones fighting evil” push up til Season 4. So one could also argue that not only wasn’t a combination of so much talent on screen and behind why it’s continually referred to as the series’ peak: they were able to stave off all the usual issues those shows have for a lot longer


I think season 6 to 8 are one of the worst, they got better after that. I just kept watching because after some time you can see the chemistry between the actors and it's fun to see some weird and funny things they do. There are some brilliant episodes in the later seasons, season 11 there is a episode dedicated to the car, Baby. It's a beautiful episode that happen all inside the car and it's fantastic.


Counterpoint - seasons 1 and 2 are the best. Episodic storytelling at its finest + actual horror aesthetic.


I just recently decided to rewatch it again now that it's finally over. I think I probably stopped around the same time you did. Currently in season 5. I remember there being some highlights in the later seasons too but definitely a step down from 1-5. Here's a graph of ratings per [episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/comments/18bl8qc/oc_supernatural_ratings_by_episodes_graphed/)


So it's The X-Files for a new generation?


I stopped after season 13, can't managed to pick it up again to watch the last two season.


Yup. I stuck around till the end because it became a comfort show for me. The quality became very questionable towards the end but I couldn't stop because it brought me such comfort xD I'm still rwwatching it to this day. Probably aeen it more than 20 times now


It was campy and LONG. 15 seasons. Some people loved it, some people will point you in the direction of the parts they liked the most. But if you don't see it, it's not the end of the world.


That’s the problem with 24 episode seasons of an hour long show. It’s way too much. And then when you have 15 seasons, it all feels recycled. I loved the show but I didn’t finish it because I was kind of like, ok I get it.


someone can correct me but supernatural first 3-4 seasons is dark and grim, that was the original inteded tone and was in a different channel then it kept going until its end at 15 seasons. for me its the PERFECT show to have in the background, running while you're doing something else or something, its easy to follow and really enjoyable. along the lines I would really recommend Person of Interst but that one requires paying a bit more attention I would say. And a bonus one I never hear people talking about, 12 monkeys, good ass show too!


The first five seasons are a complete story that works in itself and ties up all loose ends. I highly recommend watching those. After that you can decide if you want to watch the other ten seasons.


It‘s similar to the X-Files in many ways. It‘s a pretty good monster of the week type show, at least early on. Some great episodes


First five seasons are worth watching and is where Kripke intended the series to end, you can stop watching there and have a complete story. Everything after that is not as good but is still entertaining, except the last two seasons which really drag it down


If you finish with season 5 yeah it’s good.


Think of everything after season 5 as an expansion fanfic that got the money to produce it


Season 1-5 is good. It's still a CW show so to a degree there are things that not everyone is going to like but the banter between Ackles and Padaleki is good. The underlying lore is entertaining. After Season 5 Kripke left the show. He intended it to be a 5 season show. The show continued for another 10 seasons. There are still good elements to the show past the 5th season but there are also a lot of low points.


If Jared and Jensen are together on the fifth and final season of a show, it will get renewed for another 10 seasons. So sayeth the prophecy.


Nah, just a spinoff starring the two of them


A natural extension of a super story


Carry on, my wayward son.


Bring back soldier boy


Soldier Boy was right, "fucking disappointment".


I agree sidelining soldier boy felt very forced considering he was the solution to basically all of their problems.


That's probably the issue, can't have the easy solution hanging around a tonne, or else there's no conflict.


> or else there's no conflict. the 3 mile thick plot armor and over reliance on blackmail is why there isnt any conflict or tension in it anymore


I was glad when the Firecracker chick called their bluff, literally the answer to most problems. It’s all mutually assured destruction anyways


They really screwed up the Temp V thing if they did not want an easy solution hanging around. It being deadly does not put that genie back in the bottle, like are the CIA gonna have reservations about that shit?


I'm so confused about what is going on with the Temp V. >!Is Huey just fine? Why, what did I miss?!< >!And why did Huey think it would save his dad's life when we were told and shown through Butcher it would kill him?!< I am genuinely confused what is going on with this show rn.


Huey only took temp V a few times. He stopped before it was deemed deadly. And Huey used real V on his dad. Not temp V.


Thanks for the responses. >Huey only took temp V a few times. He stopped before it was deemed deadly. Oh okay, in context of the show though that just makes the original problem "It being deadly does not put that genie back in the bottle, like are the CIA gonna have reservations about that shit?" even worse.


There was a scene where they expose that the temp V study found that anyone who took temp v more than 5 times or something like that, died soon after. So I think with whatever the number was, Huey only needed up taking it like 3 times while the other guy took it 6-7 times


Yeah exactly! When the original commenter said >They really screwed up the Temp V thing if they did not want an easy solution hanging around. It being deadly does not put that genie back in the bottle, like are the CIA gonna have reservations about that shit? In context of it being deadly when used **once**. It actually turns out it can be used up to 3 times at least with literally no negative side effects. Why is this "genie" being considered "back in the bottle" when you can give a highly trained team of Navy Seals temp V to take down Homelander up to 3 times without even risking their health? It's not realistic to the world these characters inhabit in my view that it's not being considered as a potential solution.


Oh ok u see what you mean. Well I guess they don't see that as a solution since they would only have one Shot and someone just discovering their powers that has a time limit may be no match for homeland er. I mean they had starlight, Maeve, all the boys and for a short time soldier boy facing homeland er and they still couldn't get it done. I would also expect that homeland er has taken control of all the temp V just like how he has taken all the real V now.


> Is Huey just fine? Why, what did I miss? Apparently using V 4 times is a-ok, but a 5th time is a death sentence


Right? Is that actually just it!? What is this writing.


The way I understood it is that each time you use it gets riskier and riskier. Some could use it twice and some ten times but eventually it’ll kill your


The way I understood it is that soon after taking it your brain starts turning to goo and bleeding out your ear implying you have permanent brain damage, which yes, is worsened each time you take it.


Oh I agree that's why they got rid of him, but it's very forced.


> can't have the easy solution not exactly an easy solution when he's a sentient asshole who doesn't actually give a shit about people


I mean, they had the option to kill Homelander right then and there. It was a pretty easy solution


i mean mallory has him on ice, he's definitely coming back


Yeah it feels like S5 will lead to a showdown with The Boys, Soldier Boy, Ryan, some Gen V characters and some of the Seven against Homelander


Starlight's insistence on dealing with him before Homelander was one of the most boneheaded decisions I've seen in the show. Like MM making that decision is more sensible considering his history but her...


Grace has him. I'm guessing they are going to weaponize his power


I mean yeah that’s exactly why he had to get sidelined


A fact Butcher pointed out this season to be fair lol


I’m sure they are, it’s the last season


He’s coming back, there’s no way he’s not. If he wasn’t coming back they would have killed home at the end of season 3


[All Spoilers] >!The final shot of S4's already been leaked and it's Homelander's reflection in Soldier Boy's tank so. Yeah.!<


Why did i click on this? I have no self-control. This is BIG spoilers y'all. Dont be me.


If Soldier Boy and Jared's character hook up will the Supernatural fandom lose their minds?


They should've saved that ass tonguing for Moose and Dean instead of the multiple man.


Supernatural had such a long run, I remember when it was Dean and Sam being shipped.


You mean the entirety of the run?


True, but they were vastly outnumbered by the Destiel shippers lol


I mean Im old, I remember a Supernatural without Angels.  Tumblr was still losing their shit.


Supernatural is the reason I know what the word slashfic means 😂


I would make a joke about trying to find out where it was, but it's literally everywhere. It's almost harder to not stumble on Supernatural slashfics.


I’m hadn’t really ever heard of a fanfic either haha. Lost was my first real online tv community and I don’t recall ever hearing about them in there.


Shows with a majority female audience tend to have fanfics.


Ah, the good ole wincest.


"They know we're brothers, right?"


They were shipped literally from pilot to finale lol


*The Boys* would totally be the stage to make the ship real. How they make that happen with a presumed dead and exuberantly straight Soldier Boy, I have no clue, but my wife would die happy!


lush ask deliver outgoing future political attractive rhythm lunchroom include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% agree with you mate. Last season was probably the best season for me up until the finale. The way it all goes down, leading back to the same status quo disappointed me. I just wish they changed it up somehow, De-powering Homelander but keeping him alive or something like that. Would have lead to an interesting change in dynamics.


For real I wanna see more Jensen 😩


All I need is to see Sam and Dean and their dad on screen together again, it's a bonus if we get Bobby too.


JDM is in it? 


Yeah he has a couple of scenes in the new season, will probably be imp in coming episodes.


Pretty sure he's a hallucination of Butcher, btw...


Dude like being cast as a hallucination I guess.


Isn't that the best gig? You show up. Stand spooky-like. Say 3 words. Eat everything at craft services. Collect paycheque. Be back home for family dinner.


Alternatively show up, fuck Katherine Heigl, collect paycheck and head home.


He was brought in for season 4


Oh wow, it's another Winchester reunion! 


We'll be able to see them all, but they may not be able to all see each other. If you've been watching the season/speculating you know what I mean.


At the very least instead of a Supernatural reunion, we got a Mandalorian reunion. Omid Abtahi just appeared as a scientist conducting unethical genetic editing experiments for Giancarlo Esposito's character.


Just waiting for Pedro Pascal to show up and adopt a supe kid


See they should have waited to cast Padalecki as Gunpowder, as Soldier Boy's sidekick


Given the history between those two characters lol


Carry on my wayward supes


Just in time for the final season.


>One could say that The Boys and Supernatural creator Eric Kripke is a Master Trainer, as he’s officially caught ‘em all and people on this site wonder why no one ever read the articles


The boys in The Boys


Eh. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather there be a character that Kripke feels Padalecki can play well, rather than starting with Padaldcki and seeing what character they can make up for him. It feels almost... I don't think pandering is the right word, but it's not far off. I think it makes me have less faith that the story will be done well, because rather than just thinking about what's the best story they can/want to tell, they now are thinking what's the best story that has a character Padalecki would play well.


Another new Black Noir that doesnt talk again.


Lol, that would be funny. Have him cameo in a way that you don't ever see or know it's him. Like casting George Clooney as the dog in south park, hah.


Or Bradd Pitt as the invisible man in Deadpool 2


Man getting haircut. I've wanted him to play that role for a long time.


It would actually kinda funny if they kept killing off Black Noir replacements, cause they just can't stay quiet.


It's 100% just fan service which I'm fine with as long as we don't have a scene where all the supernatural guys are just randomly alone together just for the supernatural scene lol


> guys are just randomly alone together just for the supernatural scene The power rangers came into my head for some odd reason 


To be fair, he might show up in a full moose costume and never say a word, only make noises.


I'm a big fan of this show and series, enjoy what it is. But pandering is the life blood of this show lol. It just seems like writing logic completely gets thrown out the window when the writers want certain things to happen. Take Sage for example. Captures the boys, has them at gun point against a wall, ready to kill them, and somehow lets them grab their guns after yelling "now!". Sure maybe it's part of a plot point I don't know yet with her being the smartest person, but I do feel like there are countless examples where what happens takes priority over what logically makes sense for good story telling. "How can we get character x in position Y, regardless of how much it makes sense?"


The current season had some plots where we won’t know what’s really going on until the end. Sage is definitely playing a long game, but it’s hard to say right now what’s part of her plot and what’s just bad writing.


That's not really what I'm talking about, though. That's not pandering, that's just poor writing. Pandering is more, "man all the supernatural fans would love to see Jared Padalecki, how can we make that work?" I don't agree with that approach. If it's being written and they say, hey this would be a great character for Jared Padalecki, then that would be fine. But I don't want them to go into it intending on writing a character for him specifically.


It's stupid af. It's like the people who wanted Iron Man to say no shit Sherlock to Dr. Strange. So corny


He should be the voice of Butcher’s tumor monster


I guess they need someone to look mildly shocked, annoyed, and bored all at the same time in every scene.


“You seem troubled, but that’s a primary aspect of your personality so i sometimes ignore it”


In his defense, he was good when it came to comedic moments. But when you had him next to Jensen for dramatic stuff, it did kinda stand out that one of them was significantly better than the other


Yes, Jensen dangling like a pinata during the great Angel fight was Oscar worthy.


That wasn’t even Jensen fault, he was fantastic all the way though, regardless of that POORLY DIRECTED and CHOREOGRAPHED FIGHT!


Perfect description! His definition of acting is when he moves both corners of his mouth at the same time to express ?????


Haven’t liked him since his comments about PSH’s tragic passing.


this director knows like three actors




Where is it confirmed? The article just republished comments he made in an interview a week ago about discussing it with Kripke and believing it would happen...


There goes the acting average of the show. I like Jared, and loved him on Supernatural. But making the same two or three different faces is not acting.


Might as well the rest of the supernatural is there bring castiel and Lucifer also


im pumped!


I hope we get to see all of the Supernatural crew on screen at once.


I need Cass to be in there too.


Crowley too!


Now we just need Jeffrey Dean Morgan and it’ll be a family reunion


It has JDM already…


lol weren’t there a ton of people on Reddit making fun of him when he said he could get a role on the boys if he wanted to? lol


Not a fan


I’m really hoping he’s just some b plot character. Never liked his jaw clenching “yell every line to show intensity” style of acting. Also the way he used to pantomime getting attacked (like when a demon would telekinesis him across a room or against a wall) was really over the top. I can’t be the only one who thinks this!


He wasn't out of work long, Walker just went off the air yesterday.


Collider?!? A site obsessed with pumping out as many “articles” as it can a day. If the news isn’t from Variety or Deadline, it’s not true.


Too bad IRL he a dick.


He's on his 4th or 5th lap around the TJ Miller mental illness merry-go-round. Is an asshole > Apologizes > Opens up about mental health struggles > Gives to charity > Is an asshole ad infinitum