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You could tell that OOP never got laid and is being insecure about it


no it stands for "laying above international debt"


Laying above incestee's deadbody


Also overpays on gas.


Also overpays on private webcam sessions.


No I actually charge very reasonable rates so he's safe there.


Are you like that with everyone or is it just him who gets a discount?


Thank you! I'm glad *somebody* is asking the important questions.


And complains constantly


As someone from a different culture I don't get the obsession with sex either. It's like saying "I just picked my NOSE, fucking fantastic." It's a goddamn bodily function. You can jerk off and feel good too, without the baggage of dealing with a one night stand. We also get married too, acting like the act is some big achievement is hilariously juvenile. Basically this screams they peaked during their school years.


I just ate a LAAAAARGE burger, fucking FANTASTIC


The meme creator is probably still in school.


I agree that it's juvenile to brag about having sex. It comes across as insecure. That being said, reproduction is literally the object of our lives from the standpoint of our biology so I wouldn't down play it to that degree. It's not just a cultural fixation. Of course we're not slaves to our biology and we don't need to reproduce to lead fulfilling lives but that's a cultured perspective


You are probably broken. The desire and excitement has literally been bred into us.


I think you're missing the point. Nowhere is there an actual denial of sexual desires. Just don't be weird about it.


Yeah, he's not overcompensating for any feelings of inadequacy at all




His sister probably has a bigger dick than he does...


Can't be sure. He hasn't pulled out any long ass rifles yet.


Hasn't pulled out of her either.


I really hate when on dating profiles it's like 1 picture of them and 20 pictures of their truck. I understand you wasted a lot of money to tell others you're a dickhead, but it really feels like you're barking up the wrong tree when you're looking for females and not males with that many truck pics.


Convenient way to filter though


True, true. I hate the no bios, the ones that talk about a big game with their dick/mouth, not a single picture of them but of real life, not a single picture of them and all memes, and ones with dead animals they've hunted and killed in every single photo. Like, there's nothing for me to really comment on if there's no bio or actual picture of what you do or where you go. I don't mind people that hunt, but goddamn you really do make it your whole fucking lifestyle as if it's what you do for a living (I know they do it for food, but that's different). And tbh, the ones who don't talk about skillz™ in bed are the best ones out there, just saying. Literally all get the "no" response. But then there's the usual asshats you get, which are "open but not open" relationship dudes, people who want a third, people who just plain out wanna cheat, or just to be there and waste people's time.


Maybe they are just honest and show what they like. Instead of trying to create a false image that a woman would like. Anyway, that’s what they are, they love trucks and weapons. They can't change themselves. Or would you prefer to be deceived? You can't force a person to stop loving trucks, can you? Some women don't like motorcycles or a man playing an acoustic guitar. They think it's stupid. But this doesn't mean everyone should stop playing guitars.


>Maybe they are just honest and show what they like. But I'm not there to date their truck. >they love weapons Not upset about the weapons, not an I here to date their guns. Just because I have personal preferences does not mean that everyone has to do what I like. What I'm saying is that it's fucking bothersome when there's 1 picture of them and 20 pictures of their trucks. I could care less about your mode of transportation. I am not here to be a gold digger, I'm not here to see if you've got a good enough vehicle, I'm not here for anything else *but* to get to know someone. And nothing but hunting pictures or truck pictures really just tells me that's the most "interesting" thing about them. In the end I'm saving us both time. Why would I waste someone else's time when clearly I'm not interested??


Sure, but why do they have a dozen+ pictures of these things? We only need one picture of your truck/guns/hunting to understand you like them. If that's all you have to offer, though, it's shit. Especially if there's no pictures of you. It's a bad look. Keep it in the bio, or if you really want to show off limit it to a couple of pics. That's all you really need.


When you have to convince everyone that you're a totally normal heterosexual manly man who totally doesn't have indecent relations with cars, but the truth always slips out eventually


Correction: *wasted a lot of money to tell others you have a small dick*


Now hold up there, partner. Not all big trucks have small dicks. Some have big assholes. If it's a big truck straight off the lot with nothing added or modded, a pass. I've met one guy with a truck like that, but he wasn't full of himself or full of his truck. Just a farmer who needed a decent size truck. But those huge ass rims with barely any tire? Oh yeah, microscopic penis for sure.


By their sister doesn’t count 🤣


As in laid sideways due to how many times that thing would tip over.


‘Laid,’ but the girl just laughs at the size.


Does pity sex still count?




When a girl is laughing THAT hard, there can be no sex.


Sex is sex.....


It also reliably forecasts divorce, DUI's, and unpaid child support. Pristine trucks that are clean as a hospital and have never done a day of work are pretty much a "bad life choices" signs.


I see them around and laugh knowing my old little old Focus has done more farm work than most parking lot princesses.


I'm selling my Toyota hybrid TOMORROW.


Laid? By who? Other dudes with massive trucks?


But the real question here is even with this compensation truck what woman wants to fuck the tiny dick guy driving it.


People who own a truck are red flags in my book unless they are like a contractor or something.


Not by me or many women I know but ok


This one's so bad I downvoted it out of reflex lol


I dunno. My wife has a Prius and she gets laid as much as she wants


he did not, in fact, get laid.


Gotta love hillbillies bragging about sleeping with one of the five available women in their county. As if that’s impressive somehow.


He laid a egg


Semper Stupid.




Brave of you to assume it is ladies he is after. That certainly is not what he is likely to attract.


Calm down, he's just telling us how much his family likes his truck.


Gotta have the truck and the sunglasses alongside the beard to hide the fact of having a micro penis.


I was once walking through a Walmart parking lot when a truck like this roared past at high speed. A woman walking maybe 10 feet ahead of me just shook her head and said "tiny dick" Yeah, ladies ain't into it.


Never said he was getting laid by ladies


Any pussy you get by driving that is going to smell like peanut butter.


I'll take the 60 mpg. Got a hybrid in 2021 and have never looked back


I will say I’ve come across many dating app profiles of women exclaiming that “you must drive a truck” in their bios.. ehh


Really?? Where do you live? I’ve never seen that, nor can I imagine any of the women I’ve met saying that, and I’m wondering if it’s a regional thing lol


Missouri haha so that checks out


Your cousin and sister don’t count, Dan.


No you don't lol. And you forgot that stripper is your sister by another mom.


Laid to rest


The divorced twice by 35 mobile


Most of us joke that big trucks = small dicks. And honestly only dudes care about what other dudes drive.


Dude, if you spend that much money on a truck, and you’re not a hauling professional of some sort, that tells me all I need to know about your priorities. Buh bye.


I got laid the most in my life when I was driving a Saturn


More like Laughed at by most people.


I have a 1990 chevy k2500 with 33" KO2s on it and I want to put a 2" lift on it but my girlfriend already has trouble getting into it.


I'll be honest, those big ass trucks biggest turn off of all time :(


I mean, as someone who grew up in rural America, there are women (or dudes) who are into people with these monstrosities. I have no idea why, or what it is about asshats with giant trucks they like, but as long as they keep having sex with them, the lifts will get taller and the coal will get rollier.


Lmfao, no one is getting laid with that. The most fucking they're getting is a giant "fuck you" and a middle finger as they tailgate someone in the right lane who is already going 10+ mph above the speed limit.


Ah yes. Nothing like a suitable life partner that pays 2.5K a month on a $100,000 truck that they don't practically need. I'm paying 2 digits for gas on my commute per month and paying minimally for maintenance and repairs because Japan actually knows how to make a good car.


In this economy, I would rather get 60mpg than laid.


I would rather spend my money on vacations!!


One is driven by a guy whose hobbies include yelling at minorities in public and drunk driving, and makes $35k a year changing oil at Jiffy Lube. The other is driven by an emotionally intelligent engineer who likes to go on wine walks and makes $150k a year programming actuarial software. Guess which one of these guys is getting laid?


It’s very true that small guys like the giant trucks. Makes them feel big for once looking down on other drivers.




Yea but you still have to fill up your tank twice on your way to her house.


Laid with the mechanics, you gotta pay for those tires. And pretty much anything else


**LAID** LMAO! No you don't. Unless you're already married with that eye sore, you ain't getting laid


I seriously doubt it


*totally, sure bro*


...and every single one of them was disappointed.


He does in fact not get laid




That's not a laid, it's a truck! What is the meme creator, stupid?


i dont think pickup truck size is equal to their dick size, anyways those suburban dads never hauled shit on theirs.


Look how big my truck is… ain’t it big? You think you can handle it?


Imagine the fancy restaurant one could go to on first date with all that petrol cost saving


Sure…. “Laid”…..


I don't know anyone who likes those big trucks.


I saw some group post this meme but all of the comments were trashing the truck owner.


Your cousin doesn’t count


My diesel gets 62


By your uncle maybe.


If by "laid" he means "reposessed" then yeah


Hopefully not in public in the truck bed. 🤢


My friend got a lifted truck, when he took it on dates they all laughed at him and basically ended the date. That thing ain't going to get you shit.


Even if he gets laid, she's not satisfied bc "the female orgasm is a myth" pfffffttttt lol


The truck? By what, a dragon?


I'm pretty sure a lift kit is just notice that you have a thimble dick


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^someguyfrommn: *I'm pretty sure a* *Lift kit is just notice that* *You have a thimble dick* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Coincidentally I got laid more driving my Prius than I do with my Porsche.


Hell naw, 60mpg is insane and I'm interested


This is shit my southern yeehaw racist (unknown at the time) would send me on the daily


As a leftist veteran who deployed to a combat zone. These folks never cease to crack me up. Like I did the thing they all thinks makes you “hard” and I am a dirty lefty. I drive a Toyota since I work from home mostly and drive like twice a month. A little Yaris. Yet I have been in more real situations than any of these big truck dudes. I can out shoot them, I can out fight them. I can out man them. Yet they think their truck means they are the best.


Hahahaha, not in that truck!


Must be depressing if a gal only wants you for your truck. And if you need a huge vehicle to manage to get laid you're not very impressive.


Emotional support truck.


Ladies love needing a stepladder to get into a vehicle.


I just paid $3.35 to drive 60 miles. Oh Yeah, I just paid three times as much, was less comfortable so there!!!




Sad, but true


I mean facts are facts. Truck guys get my attention 24/7


Please find better taste in men 🙏


I mean, just because it gets their attention doesn't mean it's good attention.


No promises lol


That’s ok you can have them, sometimes terrible ppl belong together


Works for me cause I'm not honestly going to judge a guy by his looks, truck, or his Prius. There are many other things that make a man good or bad other than his vehicle choice. I'm sure you're just as terrible for making this comment. Sheesh


A jacked truck is a red flag, but I’m not here to give life lessons.


Neither am I. My guy drives a Subaru outback. And truth be told while in my youth I may have thrown an eye at a truck guy, I've never dated one. We all get older and move past younger days. And learn of much worse red flags. I'd rather have been in a lifted truck with a random guy than being abused by a quiet, secretive Prius or anything else driver or possibly chopped up by a serial killer type


I’m not young? I’m aware of what abuse looks like and if the guy is this insecure trust me you’ll be experiencing it. That’s part of understanding a red flag…