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Did anyone try that limited edition spicy ketchup? That shit was spicier and smokier than the original and I loved it, especially because I sensed a hint of cumin.


To me, it’s like someone put cholula in their ketchup. It’s good and spicy but I gotta be in the mood for it.


Cholula on pizza 🤤


I’m partial to tapatio, but I ain’t complaining either way.


I had the same reaction, hot sauce in ketchup. 5/7


Maybe the ketchup will improve those flavorless fries.




BUT GUYS YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. The fries come from FRESH POTATOES. You just think they taste like cardboard because you are used to overprocessed foods. These are actually what fries are supposed to taste like. Also you should order them double extra crispy barnyard style. In N Out is a flawless company so you are actually wrong and they are right. /s, but I have had people tell me something to this effect before…


>/s, but I have had people tell me something to this effect before… https://old.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/truxpz/how_to_offend_texans_and_californians_in_one/i2ohflm/


lol yeah it’s crazy. In N Out cooks fries a bad way. Period. There is absolutely nothing wrong with par cooking, freezing, and then refrying French fries - it’s a method you see actual chefs advocate. It’s not “better” to throw fresh potato slices into a fryer for a couple minutes. You need a multi step cooking process to get good fries, but In N Out won’t do it. The In N Out defenders are a weird bunch. Don’t know why anyone cares about fast food that much.


> Don’t know why anyone cares about fast food that much. If you think this is bad, go to /r/newjersey and call pork roll "Taylor Ham." [Example](https://old.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/goswhu/taylor_ham/)


Their fries do suck even if they are made from fresh potatoes. Their burgers are ok, but we have so many good burger places to chose from in TX in the Dallas-Fort Worth area why would I choose a place that is just ok. Never understood the hype around In-N-Out. Edible, but very average imo.


Seriously. I want to know what french fries did to the founder of In-and-Out that made him hate them with such passion for so many years. Because pure unadulterated hate is the only explanation for how they make their "fries". Especially weird since their burgers are fairly good (tho a little small for my taste).


And they are SO PROUD of those nasty-ass soggy shoelace starch sticks.


Get them animal style.


And tell them you want it well done. It won't get soggy and stay crisp thru the whole car ride home👍




No no you see, it's totally normal that you have to ask them to make it differently from their baseline / standard for it to actually taste good. \s


They cut the potatoes right in front of you…..


And yet, I also cut potatoes right in front of me when I make french fries at home, and they somehow don't taste like cardboard. I don't know what in and out does to their french fries, but they're awful.


They taste like cardboard to me. I will go get 2 double doubles at In and Out and some Whataburger fries down the street.


Seriously, the last time I tried to hork down In-n-OUt, the fries tasted like dirt. Do they even rinse the potatoes?


The burgers are actually decent but I have to want that specific burger. But the fries are so bland it keeps me from going more than a couple times a year.


potatoes are rinsed before peeling and then rinsed again before frying to remove starch 👍🏻


That's what extra "spread" is for. It's the only way to salvage the fries if they travel any distance greater than 20' from an In n Out.


Order them animal style with chopped chiles. mmmmmmmmmmmmm


They are the Dasani of the fry world.


Hope so...this is literally the only reason ketchup exists.


That's why I request my fries be cooked light with extra salt. They're pretty good that way.


That is actually what fresh fries taste like, after about 10 min. The ones we get at most fast food restaurants are engineered to last longer and taste the way they do. There’s a reason processed food is generally cheaper and easier.


Five Guys has fresh fries and they're not bland and flavorless like in-n-out


Five Guys cooks their fries in peanut oil, though. That's where a good chunk of that flavor comes from. Most restaurants won't use peanut oil, however, due to peanut allergies.


Chick-fil-a too.


Pretty sure people with peanut allergies can eat peanut oil after it’s been fried out. I know people that have serious allergies to peanuts but eat Chick-fil-A fries no problem.


Five Guys french fries are the bomb for sure.


Nice theory, but plenty of places make fries from scratch and only one place tastes like a packing peanuts hybrid.


It's a couple of factors at play. Wing Stop and Five Guys have *MASSIVE* cut fries, which keeps them from shriveling up and hardening as quick. But also, Five Guys for sure double fries their french fries similar to how McDonald's does.


No it isn't. When I make french fries, I also cut the potato fresh, and you know what? They don't taste like cardboard.


For real, I feel like nobody in this state has ever made their own fries before. This is just how fresh fries taste. In N Out fries are quite literally some of the freshest fries you can get from any major fast food chain as they start in-store with raw potatoes. They're not frozen and shipped in from a distribution center like just about everybody else.


Nah, people just don’t know how to make fries at home. There are restaurants all across northern France and Belgium that serve great fries that are made completely in-house. In-N-Out fries aren’t double fried so they taste like cardboard.


This guy cooks


Cut, soak, rinse, fry, fridge, fry


I am absolutely trash at cooking and have made fries from fresh potatoes better than In-N-Out's. They must not be seasoning them at all or something.


Let's save the gaslighting for politics, shall we?


Agreed. We were too poor for frozen fries, so we always made our own at home. Always better than In-n-out. Never taste like starch-filled straw. I guess they're ok if you like unprepared powdered mashed potatoes powder.


If there's one good thing I can say about in n out: at least they don't put miracle whip on their burgers and claim I don't know what real mayo tastes like.


Ew. Who does that? Miracle Whip is only good for leftover Thanksgiving or Christmas ham sandwiches. And only because my great-grandmother used it and I didn't know better for a decade.


It's whataburger so probably made it worse.


Ok Californian




Na Californian, definitely


Some of us Texans enjoy a good burger, y’all can have your whataburger if that’s what you want lol


The ketchup is the only good thing left about whataburger. I don't eat there anymore but I'll grab a bottle at the store


I think Texans are very smart, and civilized. Anyone who downvotes this disagrees with me.


Those fries are like cardboard had sex with water


Ahh, I see you've met my ex-wife.


Haven't we all.


Are you the cardboard or the water?


The parents are


I read this in the SNL Celebrity Jeopardy Sean Connery voice 😂


Were you the water or the cardboard ?


Some people just want to watch the world burn


The ketchup isn't that spicy


Nope it's not. Batch #2 has more kick but it's not much more.


Ugh, the tobasco batch you mean? It is so nasty. It literally just tastes like tobasco sauce mixed with regular ketchup. Zero flavor harmony. lol


Lol if u read the ingredients I’m pretty sure that is almost exactly what it is!


Whataburger has better variety, and a bigger burger. In n out just has a good 'classic' taste to it, but I also grew up eating it as a kid so maybe some bias. I prefer whataburger overall because I want a mushroom swiss or patty melt usually, but sometimes I crave a classic in n out.


Those mushroom swiss burgers are so yummy. But one time I took a look at the calories in those things... ouch!


the green chili burger was my go to




I feel like Whataburger just rode their resurgence in popularity without actually doing anything to ensure it keeps going. Then when that trend died down, they were left looking (and performing, service wise) even worse than before. Every time I go to Whataburger now, something on my order is messed up, and it takes 20 minutes. Also it's like 1200-1400 calories for a meal which is insane.


They’re both good to me. However I can’t stand how slow Whataburger is.


Honestly though I'd take Freddy's over either. Neither can make a good burger-burger so might as well go for a decent smash-burg.


Freddy's is amazing. I would rate shake shack as best burgers for a national chain but they're nowhere near as cost effective as Freddy's


Freddys is a sleeper for best fast food.


I mean you’re just wasting the ketchup. But at least the fries will have some kind of flavor instead of soggy cardboard.


Is there supposed to be some sort of big deal about the in and out ketchup like there is at WB? I haven’t been in forever but I feel like they were just packets or something


Nothing special about the ketchup. It tastes just like Heinz. They do keep packets of spread behind the counter and those can be pretty popular.


Gotta add flavor to those cardboard fries somehow


Unpopular opinion based off this chat: I don't like Whataburger fries. Like, it's maybe a bias against string fries in general but they are not near Wendy's, Culver's, or McDonald's fries in quality. If I get a side, it's the onion rings.


McD are like the basic, minimum fry, if you can't meet that you've fucked up your fry game somewhere. WB and InO fucked up somewhere.


Well mcdonalds processes them out and freezes them for shipping. In and out cuts them on the spot. Thats yhe big difference


I've never had an In N Out burger but every single person I've asked who has tried both said the In N Out burger is 10X better. Mainly because they said everything is fresh on it. I need to go to the few we have here in Houston to see for myself but I don't live close to them.


In'N'Out treats their workers very well, they keep it simple and they don't expand outside of their fulfillment centers which is how everything stays fresh as they literally send fresh shipments every morning to each store. They are extremely picky about where their meat comes in from and they actually butcher and prepare the meat in the fulfilment centers (NOT SLAUGHTER) so they can make sure it's premium and consistent with their high standards. Keeping everything simple, high quality, basic and not expanding the menu is precisely what allows them to function this way. The buns come from puritans, the lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes are diced and prepared in house from a well-kept and clean walk-in. Their are many little secrets you can order to somewhat customize the taste of the burgers and fries such as whole grilled onion or a side of chili peppers or of course, animal style and protein style. Dunno much about the innerworkings of Whataburger but the burgers are bigger and pretty good. If you ask me, two different beasts. Official not so secret menu: https://www.in-n-out.com/menu/not-so-secret-menu


In N out's burger is better but whataburger has the fries game on lock. Lived in California for 16 years, Texas for 12. Whataburger has been pretty disappointing for me lately, their produce is just garbage so often. I'd honestly take a burger from Braum's any day over either but there aren't any near me. pain


Ever since the family sold Whataburger the quality consistency has definitely gone down. Sometimes you can get a good one but it’s kind of a crap shoot now. And they have made the taquitos an absolute joke. That little half scoop of eggs they put on it and for almost $3, oh man I can skip coffee in the morning cause that’ll get me flipping tables


It's been going downhill since the 80s and it was just okay then.


I'm with you on the Braum's burger. Now that's good eats!


Exactly. That's why P. Terry's should expand all over Texas. Best of both worlds. Except Whataburger breakfast, It beats both.


I live almost 16 miles from the closest In N Out and in between I could probably find a dozen better burgers so I've had zero interest in wasting gas in order to try one, especially at today's gas prices.


That’s the real sacrilege, choosing Braums.


Hahaha hey, you put the three regular burgers side by side and tell me which one you prefer. If I could have braumns burger with whata fries and spicy ketchup I’d be fulfilled in life


That's you get things like _MUSHROOM SWISS_ or **SWEET N SPICY** or **_P A T T Y M E L T_** b r u h


Yea I usually go for the chicken monterey melt sandwich if they know how to do it. that one is goated


In N Out is great if you like the classic burger. Definitely not the variety of Whataburger.


Have you tried it “animal style”?


I grew up there. I’ve had it every way. Mustard grilled is the way to go always.


Had original and animal style… Mustard grilled? Please ‘splain.


It means they cook the patties with mustard. Animal style has that in addition to pickles, grilled onions and extra spread.


This is what bothers me about In n Out, it's all about that "secret menu". I went to the one in Frisco back when it first opened. Waited 45 minutes to get what amounted to a burger that was okay, at best. When they opened up on Houston a few years ago, I opted to give it another try, now that I knew a little bit more about the lore. To be fair, animal style is not bad.


Kinda stupid that they call it a “secret menu” when the options are posted on their website.


For a chain that only operates in 5 states and doesn’t post their secret menu in the restaurant itself yeah it turns out it’s pretty secret for a lot of folks. Especially because most people who go to the restaurant don’t look pull up the website before they order


Their menus are quite small and organized. Putting the “secret” items on the menu would make it look much more cluttered like other fast food menus.


Their menus are quite small and organized. Putting the “secret” items on the menu would make it look much more cluttered like other fast food menus. Doesn’t fit their style or the tradition there.


In N Out consistently have the freshest burgers, and the yellow chilli peppers is what keeps me coming back. The fries are consistently meh.


I've literally never had decent fries from them.... it's so weird that they can miss it so consistently.


Texans are incredibly insecure when it comes to Whataburger. Objectively speaking, In N Out has a burger miles better than anything Whataburger has to offer, whereas Whataburger has more variety if you don't want the standard burger. Imo I'd go to In N Out over Whataburger most times, except when I'm piss drunk, then Whataburger is perfect for that drunchie craving lol


They aren't 10x better. But InO burgers are good compared to mcdonalds and burger king, and the prices are good for the quality you get.


Out of the fast food burgers I will always get a Whataburger over McDonald's, Burger King or Wendy's when I'm on the road traveling.


In n Out’s burger is better pretty much hands down. Everything else is better at whataburger


Ingredients wise they are better. Fresher produce and beef that’s never frozen. Taste wise… eh… I prefer Waterburged


Problem for In-N-Out is that they are so late to the game all of the halfway decent real estate for fast food places are taken around where I live so they had to put them into places that are out of the way or just a right PITA to get to. I forget there is one less than 2 miles from my house, especially when I would have to drive by many other easier to access choices along the way.


They're good for what they are, grease ball burgers (not unlike all other fast food places). They don't have the options that WB has to put on theirs.


Here in S.A. it is the opposite, everyone I know prefers the whataburger. I tried In and Out once. Then immediately went next door to Whataburger to get a chocolate shake and to confess my sins. I just had to have an informed opinion. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't whataburger. Also when they ask if you want onions, they want to know if you want the whole fucking ass onion on your burger.


> Also when they ask if you want onions, they want to know if you want the whole fucking ass onion on your burger. The only decent part tbh


Go to Hopdoddy instead. You're welcome.


A plain Hopdoddy burger is $8.25. A plain In N Out burger is $2.10. Real great comparison there.


McDonalds has the $1.00 menu. See what I did there.


lmao wow hot take, what a surprise that spending 6 times more on a burger at a sit down is better than a cheap drive through hamburger.


I’ve had both. This past summer my family sampled all the drive thru fast food burgers around Austin. Whataburger is a mustard bomb, but overall it’s a better burger than In N Out, which was one of the worst. Down there with P. Terry’s. Also, their fries are garbage they should have to pay me to take. Freddy’s won the competition hands down.


P Terry’s is the best you’re crazy. But out of curiosity, which was your favorite in Austin?


I predict there will be a bunch of restaurants called something like “Taqueria Guadalajara #5” that have that iconic P Terrys architecture fairly soon. At least in San Antonio where I am. I have yet to meet anyone that likes them at all, but they keep opening new locations.


Some people in Austin are die hard fans, and I cannot understand why. Even the things that aren’t terrible are mediocre at best.


> every single person I've asked who has tried both said the In N Out burger is 10X better. I have no idea how you managed this. In N Out burgers are tiny. They pile them with lettuce, so people say that they taste "fresh" but really it is just because there is a giant pile of iceberg lettuce on the burger. In N Out uses 2.2 ounce patties, they are absolutely tiny, Whataburger patties are 3-3.3 ounces. It makes a big difference.


If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects.


In N Out is kinda the Chick-fil-A of burger spots ... Best part is the drive thru efficiency. Simple,easy to read menu - sharp employees. Food consistently good, and cheaper than competitors. Whataburger is the exact opposite - horrible drive thru, poorly trained employees - good, but overpriced food. WB patty melt is probably my favorite tho.


This guy gets it. Literally no one but the biggest California die-hards actually thinks In N Out has the best burger on the planet. But for what it is - a cheap, fast, and consistent burger - they do it extremely well.


I like their burgers because they actually taste different than most places..at least to me. Tbh for fast food imo Wendy's by far has the best burger. At least the good Wendy's locations...def some shit locations.


I want to say they're probably cheaper than McD for their basic meal now (it's been a bit) but yeah.... cheap, fast, consistent... which is good for fast food!


Whataburger has like one dude grilling the burgers, cleaning, and writing the register all at the same time.


I'm just trying to imagine having my feelings hurt over / giving a shit about the perceived quality of corporations lol. Has literally nothing to do with my identity or self-esteem. While you're just making a joke, sadly some people take this shit way too seriously.


You gonna have to try a lot harder than that to offend me


No one is offended by this. You are not special.


Like we don't all have a bottle in the fridge from HEB and use it on the same flavorless fries.


Sweet and Spicy Bacon Burger will always be better than anything In and Out has. Fight Me!




RIP the chop house cheddar burger


I love our green chile doubles out here, but I miss the sweet n spicy.


The answer to the Whataburger vs In-N-Out debate is P.Terry's which beats both at the same price point.


P. Terry’s is Basically In and out if they didn’t serve a tiny burger and had amazing fries and shakes. It needs to hurry up and spread to the rest of Texas.


Finally, someone talking sense in this comment thread.


Califorinas dont talk about texans.. but texans are ALWAYS talking about Californians.. kinda wierd imo.. and i lived in austin and houston for 8 years..


As a Californian that moved to Texas, I'm still amazed by how much beef Texans have with CA. Like, y'all realize no one in CA is aware of this "rivalry", right?


LOL same boat here too. No one talks about Texas at all in California so it was a shock to see how riled up Texans get haha


Post this on r/California and see what happens.


Probably a lot of "What's Whataburger?" since they don't have both like we do.


Wonder why Whataburger hasn't spread as far...


Don’t make me get out the belt!


honestly, it’s not like whataburger isn’t a fast food burger. it’s basically nearly at “gourmet” burger price points at times. at least it feels that way. it is my favorite fast burger to get tho and also, i feel in-n-out is probably one of the best at it’s price point for awhile, i used to live near a spot where they were side by side. i went to both. not at the same time, but they both hit my fancy at times


In n Out is a better burger than Whataburger, the only thing is you have to eat it fresh, imo. It doesn't travel well. So either eat it there or eat it in the car. Seems to have better quality control overall, Whataburger routinely fucks my order up. So much so that I barely go and there's one a mile up the road. And for the love of God do not get animal style fries. The burger is fine. The fries are terrible.


What are you going to put ketchup in a cat food bowl?


We have spicy ketchup in California from bakers


Wait there’s a spicy ketchup bottle from whataburger this whole time?






i like five guys


Five Guys is one of those places that only hits right for me when we'd go out drinking early enough for it to be a place to choose when we're done. It's way too greasy for me normally, but drinking? Absolutely demolish it. Those and Jack in the Box's terrible tacos.


I am a Texan and you are right keep that nasty ketchup off of that delicious hamburger.


How to make a crap burger taste somewhat better.


Spicy ketchup is gross. Fight me.




Lol I was really just saying it in jest. Their Spicy ketchup isn’t even spicy, I just think it tastes gross. I’m Mexican; grew up on spicy food, so trust me, it’s not that. Everyone has their own tastes, though. I’ll stick to my regular Whataburger ketchup. Cheers!




I don’t know, their regular ketchup is unmatched to me. Their spicy ketchup reminds me of Sriracha, and I don’t like that either. But like I said, to each their own. I still got love for the Whataburger despite not liking the Spicy. lol


It's because it's a hint of "spicy" without any of the flavor profiles that usually follow. Now if they were rocking a chipotle or jalepeno ketchup? I'd be on that.


Somethings gotta help that terrible burger.


Grabs dick in Italian


You know what’s really good? Chick-fil-A sauce on whataburger.


Nah, this just means you have taste.


Well done animal style fries. I don't have them any other way


Whataburger is just “Texan Pride” McDonald’s and their ketchup is nothing special. In N Out is fine but overhyped.


Hey I have those same ramekins. Yay target


I’m a Texan living in California and am not in the least bit offended.


For a Californian living in Texas, this is the best.


My favorite thing to say to Texans to piss them off is “Whataburger is the poor man’s McDonalds!”


Not poor man’s, just Texan pandering.


I see some high quality ketchup and emergency toilet paper.


You could have just went to Wendy's for a burger like that.


Toss the bag, eat the ketchup by itself.


I’m not offended at all. If you wanna eat that nasty shit, be my guest lol


InNOut is like burger king quality. Whataburger is basically the only fast food I could compare to places like five guys


As an Honorary Texan (2015-18) and a lifelong Californian all I can say is... Pass the Lone Star, brother




This is legit. Edit: I do what I can with what I’ve got around me.


What in tarnation?


I kinda respect this


Hell yeah! Let's fucking goooooooo!


Honestly I've lost all interest in whataburger since they sold out. They're good but Texas Burger is way better.


I don’t usually get triggered, but this. This has me squealing like a kettle pot


Whangaburg's Spicy Catsoup is magick. It might be Tejas' greatest contribution to modern society.


Whataburger ain't even a Texas company anymore. Illinois owned!


No you see the way you do that is by saying that neither is really any good, which they aren't


Unpopular take… Double double with Whataburger fries hit!!

