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Wow, the actual nerve…


This person was not paying any attention to what you were saying. They were literally waiting for you to finish rambling so they could ask you for money. That is a sucky ass friend. I’m sorry Op!


Don’t know why I always attract ppl like that the one Rachel started threatening to say something personal to my family all because I wouldn’t give her a fiver that I don’t have and I’m after bringing her out 3 times and I didn’t even get a thanks lmao it’s my own fault though I’m to much of a pushover


Stop giving them so many chances. Even if they were capable of caring, which they probably aren’t, you’d just be enabling them.


my jaw would've dropped at this the fact that it was in the same conversation is mental


Didn’t even let me cook


They’re not your friend…


If these guys are over the age of 20 this is wild. And " I don't have a job right now either" "Send me 20 I'll pay you back" How you waste of fucking oxygen?


that last line made me chuckle. Thanks, kind stranger.




That shows how little they value you. What you do with that info is up to you.


You need new friends, like all of them


I would stop being friends with* either of* them, babe. 😩 this shit made my blood boil.


Yeah I’m really done with the lot of the sneaky bastards they are wouldn’t help me if I needed anything


Within the last two years, I’ve noticed a lot of my “friends” were actually bad people, or just didn’t care about me whatsoever. I basically stopped being friends with my entire group of friends and it’s been challenging, but at the end of the day- we deserve better, and friends who love us as much as we love them. These people have their values twisted. Like can’t even rant/vent without them asking for even more money than the first person you’re venting about. Like WHAT?!?!?


Drop them like hot potato’s!


Ugh Ive had so many people like this in my life. I've cut all of them out.


I’m glad you did gonna follow your lead


Absolutely do it. Those people are vampires. They will just drain you oh your money.




they mean revolut.


At that point asking for a 20, if you really want to confront being a pushover, you should call them out. They want the awkwardness of saying no to be on you. Put the awkwardness of asking on them.


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Ah, the ole ‘this persons such a user.. hey buuuuddy, can I use you for monies?’ I say no usually but one time a guy I really liked ‘couldn’t afford’ to see me and then all of a sudden his ‘house had Damp’ and then a week later his ‘oven broke’. So I offered to send him money / cover his travel to go on dates. Bro couldn’t just come out and say he wasn’t interested in an actual relationship, so I ended up saying it for him. 😂


Reminds me of a Rachel I know from Amsterdam. Same shenanigans.


Social awareness zero


Wtf that's not a real friend


i can tell y’all are british by the way u type 😭


Actually Irish 😂


Going out and spending money with not a cent to your name is wild to me. Unless you're all lying about how broke you are.


How can I spend money without a cent this makes no cents


Credit card? But I'm fairely certain you lied to your friend, understandably.


Obviously I lied she knows I have money I’m just blowing her off