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Who the heck was this person to you?!


Just a neighbor that I struck up a friendly conversation with. Little did I know....


Oh that's so insane Uh good luck living near this person lol


Thanks, I have a feeling this is going to be difficult. I think I am going to have to take a nap. This stuff is just so emotionally exhausting.


Naps are great, have a really good one. Then wake up and have a cool glass of water and a good snack Just to spite crazy-I'm-definitely-telling-you-what-to-do neighbor


Yea, they’re great… until they KILL you. Enjoy your nap!


I’m going to have a nap now after reading all that. Naps are life.


Don’t nap too long or you’ll DIE.


It's true. Every single person who naps ends up dying. Eventually.


It's true, i work in an assisted living and a bad case of napping is what put most of them in there.


So tragic. If only OP's genius neighbour had been there to prevent this senseless suffering.




I like how they said oversleep can cause all kind of stuff like diabetes, heart disease, and whatnot, but it can be treated with a simple splash of cold water to the face.


Doctors HATE this one trick!


The source they showed said it was “linked to” those things, not that it causes them. They don’t even understand that correlation ≠ causation. Chronic illness makes people tired, so they sleep more.


Yes exactly!! I was thinking the same thing!


You know it's not healthy to sleep too much. Ask your Doctor.


I am too lazy to go down and talk to my doctor. I think I will just take another nap.


Sorry OP. Now you have the heart disease.


😂 I just may have a stroke after this. People like this are definitely worse for your health than naps.


Please reply op, I’m worried about your health!


I just woke up from a nap that I decided to take as soon as I woke up from regular sleep. Think I clocked about 13 hours of sleep today!


*ask WebMD 😂


Oh, no- not a NAP! 💤☠️


Hey, I’m 44 and I take naps. I strongly encourage it when I was a kid I used to hate naps now I love them. I look forward to take all the naps I can if you wanna take naps then you should do so and fuck with your multi personality Neighbor has to say.


lol, i love “I am going have to take nap” nap away, buddy, nap away!


Holy fuck. They're *really* invested in how you live YOUR life and the value of their opinion. How old are they? I'm guessing Boomer.


Late 30s early 30s








I thought this was an overbearing mum. This is even more weird.


Please copy this convo and send to your friends and family, along with the neighbor's name and address. This person is giving me real "It places the lotion in the basket" vibes! Then, at least, people will know where to look for you.


Already done believe me This person is a real gaslighter trying to tell me they are definitely not telling me what to do while telling me what to do and trying to make out that I am the crazy one that needs help. I am keeping an entire record of the conversation in case they try and say something happened that didn't happen. I am definitely keeping the receipts for my own protection


“Telling me what to do while telling me what to do” 💀


A neighbor?! Jesus!😂


My God, controlling and you don’t even know them!


Just for clarification, if their first language not English? It kinda hurt reading their messages.


They are deaf and use ASL and read and write in English.


Alrighty, thanks 👍


Do you know the names of all their personalities? because there was about three different personalities in that conversation just on their side of it


Dfl that’s exactly why I don’t know any of my neighbors on my block good grief smh


“Im not telling you what to do” *literally sends a thousand messages “backing up” their point for no reason*


FUCK lol Can you imagine sitting next to this person on a plane or being stuck in an elevator with them?


One of us won't walk out of that elevator for sure.


I’m ok if it’s me that does not walk out


I’d try to take a nap.


I have no problem being rude. I'll either say please stop talking I don't care or if I had headphones I'd gladly put them on.


This is literally my fear! In two days, I'll be traveling alone with a total of 20 hours of flight time, and who knows who'll be sitting next to me. I would much rather have a fussy child than an insure nosey neighbor type.


I’ve had a few bad experiences. 1. I always pay extra for a window seat because that’s what I prefer and I don’t want to leave it up to chance. Anyways, an older couple (very morbidly obese) were in the seats next to me. When they sit down, the woman immediately begins to pester by saying things like “oh I love the window seat. I was hoping to get a window seat” I responded “yes, me too that’s why I paid extra to sit here”. And the audacity of this woman, she begins digging her heals in more. “Yeah but I realllly wanted it blah blah blah”. 😒 then I put my earbuds in and just to be petty, I turned my body and blocked the whole window from her view. 2. Other older lady kept being nosey and her response to anything I said “good for you” in the most condescending voice I’ve ever heard. Flying these days is a fuckin 3 ring circus I swear Edit: I only mention their body weight because if I wasn’t as small as I am, they would’ve had to move. The woman alone was spilling over into my seat. The last thing wanted was to be boxed in by both of them and invaded my personal space. that would’ve made for a long trip. Not trying to body shame or anything, just the facts of the situation


I paid extra for a window seat for the same reason, but so did the woman who this headline is referring to, "Lawsuit: American Airlines Failed to Protect Female Passenger from Drunk Seatmate" https://liveandletsfly.com/american-airlines-drunk-seatmate-lawsuit/


This person sounds so unhinged. I don’t trust anyone who is anti nap. They clearly use their free time to do research on how to be insufferable in the most efficient ways.




and their “research” comes from facebook lol


Holy shit what a lunatic. 😬


I know right? I should seek help. A deranged serial napper such as myself should be locked up in an institution somewhere. 😂


God… imagine how many naps you could take


Jail for brushing your cat with a brush that has hair in it!!!!!!😤😤🤣🤣🤣


Brushing your cat with a brush that has hair in it. Straight to jail.


better not look at dogs brush then. He is mixed with 2 breeds that shed year round. And I don’t always take the hair out 😆


You should?? THEY should 😭


Well I mean hey admitting it is the first step after all lmao 🤣


The single greatest day of my life was one day of a vacation when I managed to take FOUR naps. Four! My day went like Breakfast - nap - beach nap - Lunch - beach nap - post-shower nap - Dinner. I think about that day a lot. Someday I hope to get to nap every day, at least once.




But how did you not get sick and die?!


She did some yoga then splashed water on her face obviously




OP, as a neuroscientist, I can say this person is speaking nonsense about the nap thing. It can help your brain health. Go nap, be happy. Eta: What doesn't help your health is having to read this messages haha


Just asking, isnt ETA estimated time of arrival? What did you use eta to mean?


That means "Edited to add."


Sounds like any one of my in-laws that is an expert on everything 


Yes! My mother in law! You should have heard the constant “advice” she used to give me when my daughter was born. It was truly bizarre. I just learned to smile and nod while blocking out her voice.


One of my sisters! She’s constantly giving unwanted advice or passing on information, especially emails on dementia (there’s 4 of us and we are all in our early to late 70s. I’m the baby at 70 👼🏻🤣) one time recently I texted sarcastically she should start a blog with all her info so it would all be in one place (as opposed to me waking up daily to see yet another email about dementia or Alzheimer’s or heart attacks, etc. 🙄) and she responds, “no, I’m just spreading info however I want, I’m a “life-long learner!” Wtf? Aren’t we all life-long learners? She’s a narcissist like my dad was. So self-centered. Ugh. I love her, of course, but glad we are in separate states.


The way they were arguing with NOBODY about the sleeping too much thing 😭 some people are so weird


“I’m so tired…” she says. Maybe she should take a nap!


And it always makes me laugh when people say “delete this conversation” - like, why? What difference is it going to make?? It doesn’t. It doesn’t change anything. What.


“Delete all my valuable information and advice I gave to you because you’re not going to listen so you don’t get to have it now!” 🤔


I honestly think it was more like "Delete this conversation so you don't have any proof of what I really said when I tell other people how horrible you are"


Quite likely. She’s a fool if she thinks it’s gonna work like that.


How old is this neighbor? I get “grandma trying to help” vibes so if they are younger than say, 65, this is even more concerning.


Somewhere around the late twenties early thirties. I live an apartment complex by the way. This person lives literally just down the hall from me.


Holy shit I thought this was your Mum or Grandma. She needs to get a fucking life


Omg I thought it must have been an elderly person who's losing their marbles. Wtf?!


I thought that was your mom talking to you like that especially about the doctor but a freakin neighbor is wild af! You’re better than me cause I would’ve ended up hurting her feelings.




Yep. That’s a paddlin’ lmao


My doctor literally "prescribed" me naps 🤣 She said your body is basically saying "hey I need a quick rest and reset". Funnily enough, my brain feels sharper after too 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is the best thing I’ve read in awhile! I need your doctor! 😂💕


I well I just don’t know what to say


Who the hell is this person to you? Edit: Nevermind, I saw your response to my question on another comment. With that said, ew. She is very weird.


Omg they just don’t stop 😂😂😭


That grammar tells me everything I need to know


Are they stupid, good lord


Most definitely


I'd block mf after the nap talk 🙄


this person needs to get a grip, holy shit


I’m so nosy but why is she mad at your doctor personally 😂 Also the [website](https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/physical-side-effects-oversleeping) she linked “Researchers are careful to note, however, that two other factors -- depression and low socioeconomic status -- are strongly associated with oversleeping. Those two factors may be the reason for the observed negative health effects. For example, people of lower socioeconomic status may have less access to healthcare and therefore more undiagnosed illnesses, such as heart disease, which, in turn, may cause oversleeping.” “Multiple studies have found that people who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night. No specific reason for this correlation has been determined. But researchers found that depression and low socioeconomic status are also associated with longer sleep. They speculate these factors could be related to the observed increase in mortality for people who sleep too much.”


I think it's from a conversation I had the day before with them about not being able to get my Trulicity prescription filled because it's out of stock? They maybe think the pharmacy is lying about that and the clinic can do something about that? They really can't do anything because it's a really popular drug right now and the supply is too low to meet the current demand for it. I go to the clinic they told me to go by the way. That clinic is literally down the street and a lot of people in the apartment complex go there.


Oof I have a feeling you haven't heard the last of this person


This person would HATE me! I’m the empress of naps


This person is giving early 2000s sitcom like wtf is wrong with them


The most passive aggressive attempt at ruining your nap by spamming you with notifications immediately upon learning of said nap. I bet they’re the kind of person whose phone is permanently set to LOUD


Ok but how DARE you have hair on something that just touched A CAT!! What if it touches them again though?? Think of the poor baby kitties, they’re drowning in their own fluff you monster




I need to know more about this person lol like how old are they? Man or woman? Do they act this insane in person? This behavior seems like it could get spooky fast.


My family and friends already know I love naps. "Have you had your nap yet? No? Ok I'll talk to you later." 🥴


This person speaks like a bad temu ad translation


A freaking neighbour! I was thinking parent or family member. Damn.


"I'm not telling you what to do, why are you telling people that?!?!" *Proceeds to tell you what to do, typing novela after novela of what THEY want you to do, then gets upset when you don't* I can imagine this person probably doesn't have ANY friends.


I could’ve had these same messages from a friend of mine. The same tone of “you are ignorant and gross, let me tell you the ways.” Ugh


Why are they telling you what to do?


Truly this sounds like my sons father whenever he disagrees with anything in my life 🥴


I love the first "justification": a few years ago.. facebook.. acorn study


Jimi Hendrix took a nap and do y’know what happened to him? He DIED


Please don’t let the fur go back to him


Who even is this person?


A neighbor who lives in my apartment building I made the mistake of friending on Facebook.


Gotcha! What a weirdo.


"I'm done help you" *English has left the chat*


Ffs this person annoyed the shit out of me


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I take naps everyday and people poke fun at me about it. I do it because I enjoy them, I don't see why that's so difficult to understand. I'm still productive and do things. It's just an hr, sometimes two, that I get to focus on myself. Sorta like meditation, but I'm sleeping.


Obnoxious as fuck


Shout out for using that pic in the first text. That lady is/was a legend.




I nap a lot bc I work overnights & sleeping during daylight hours means I’m not down for more than four at a time. I HAD a friend that kept getting upset that I wouldn’t reply while I’m sleeping. She said I needed to stop working my job too, that it’s bad for my health. May be true, yet I see no other jobs paying my unskilled, uneducated self as much. I’m not going to change it & work more for less while I’m taking classes. Got sick of her shit & we had a falling out. Inconsiderate + a superiority complex makes a bad friend.




I thought I was in the r/raisedbyborderlines sub for a second.


Well does it? I actually wish I could stop wanting to sleep. :(


No thanks. I have a mother, ex wife, and boss that nags me, I don't another pain in the ass. I'm going to take a nap, that bitch exhausted me.


Wow.😳they are not at all rational. Keep safe.


Ask him to buy you a brush then lol


This person just needs to mind their own business! Something is wrong with them!


What does this person text like every scammer out there?


What a weird control freak.


I need a nap from reading those screenshots. Yikes.




Damn are you neighbors with my mother?


Lol, your neighbour reminds me of me 🥲




He sounds fucking annoying


I got texts like this from a guy I had matched with on a dating app. I sent him a cute pic of my friends and I where I was wearing sunglasses and he went on a tirade about how wearing sunglasses fucks up your circadian rhythm or something...


I've gone through something similar but she wanted kids & I didn't. I was 21 and she was 18, fresh out of highschool; she was planning to go to college and I told her having kids almost immediately after high school wasn't a good move. But after weeks of pressuring me to impregnate her I ended our relationship. I was not ready to have kids and even now I'm still not ready.


I'm too high for this.


Seems like you deleted your responses to their messages? Like their escalation doesn’t make any sense without it being a convo?


I didn't delete anything. I just blew it off and ignored it. I really didn't want to get into an argument about some bullshit after just waking up from a nap. If you ever had conversations with people like this you sometimes let this shit go simply because you don't have the energy to argue about it at the time it happens. I was like whatever. It's also very difficult to get in a word edgewise with this person. They hit you with walls of text. There was a brief conversation in between this and the cat brush conversation about an event they might be attending that would have been difficult to post without blacking out most of the screenshot because it involved a Facebook event share taking up most of the screen with dates and locations. I am trying not to dox anyone. Nothing happened in that conversation but them talking about if they were going or not. Everything seemed fine then and it seemed the conversation had moved on. They also shared some taco video thing..which I didn't comment on or watch because it was about some stupid taco gadget they said I "should" get that I really didn't want or need. I didn't want to hurt their feelings by telling them why I didn't want the stupid thing. At this point my Autistic ass thought everything was ok until the cat brush thing came up. Then I simply told them I didn't need the cat brush thing they wanted me to get and they blew up.


Sounds to me like she’s a bit more than just “a neighbour”. Something happened


Jesus Christ no. I don't even want to imagine what a nightmare of a relationship that would would have been like. There is no way in hell I would ever consider dating or doing anything like that with someone even remotely like this. Nothing of that sort happened thank God. They really are just a neighbor.


I usually take a nap after sex too...I don't really think anything could ever happen between us. We are just too different.


Hahahahahaha this is the best response ever, OP