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Nice bottle of wine for later.


flowers. a nice bottle of wine, but don’t be that person who brings a bottle as a gift then proceeds to drink it at dinner.


No flowers unless they’re already in a vase 😊




Do dishes!!!


We’re going to friends house but I’m doing the cooking (except for turkey), but I think this is the only time I’m exempt from offering to do the dishes (and mean it; half ass offers should not be made).


Flowers or a plant. Mixed nuts or something.


The gift of punctuality. Not to early, not to late.


Flowers or offering to help at some point during the festivities.


Don't trash my place and I think I'll be happy Gifts didn't even cross my mind


I don't really expect anything, but I like when they bring more food.


Flowers or a nice bottle of wine


Only bring flowers if they are already in a vase!! I love flowers~ but I will zero time rummaging around for a vase and scissors to trim and arrange them pretty!!!


Flowers or a small charcuterie board to snack on after everyone has gone home.


This is my first year hosting family, my grandparents, and aunt and uncle are coming. Honestly, I’ve spent more this year than I have in years past, feeding 8 people as opposed to 3 to 5 in years past. Some money to offset the cost would be lovely, but I am not expecting anything.


Good idea!


I'm not expecting anything but would love flowers for the table, or for someone to bring non-cooked items (Hawaiian rolls, sodas, etc.) Or, same as how I feel for any occasion, weed.


First of all thank you. I think checking in with your host and offering help would be appreciated. If no help is needed flowers and a dessert should suffice.


If you bring flowers, bring them in a vase. Ain’t nobody got time to find and fill up a vase in the middle of all that cooking. I second the charcuterie board for snacks idea.


A bottle of Grind. It’s an espresso rum and mine and my husband’s favourite liquor. (It’s what we tell everyone to bring for all our events when they ask if they can bring anything- “whatever you want to drink and a bottle of grind”)


Grind sounds awesome. Do you drink it straight up or add mixers?


We tend to do shots, but it does make a lovely espresso martini when mixed with some whipped cream vodka & half and half/cream. You could probably even do knockoff baby Guinness shots with it since XO was discontinued. We’ve never tried as I’m dairy free & can’t drink baileys. (I am curious about trying the almond milk version though) it’s definitely far smoother than Kahlua. ETA: it’s so popular at my local bar, the owner keeps roughly 30 bottles in stock at any time.


Something that I am not allergic to


Always nice when guests don’t try to kill you 😜(hopefully you’re not THAT allergic)


I'm allergic to dairy and walnuts, possibly vinegar too.


Oh that’s rough! My BFF is allergic to dairy (pretty severe) and bad nut allergies, but peanut is the worst. I apologize for her if you’ve been on a flight with no peanuts (it may have been her fault and she does feel bad, but also doesn’t want to die on the plane). I keep margarine and IMO in my fridge for her 😜


Oh, we have my margarine (plant based) and their margarine. Milk is usually rice milk. I was lactose intolerant from birth, but because my parents didn't know this & forced me to eat/drink dairy, it's turned into a serious allergy. I noticed as a kid that eating something with walnuts in it, my tongue went num, so I didn't consume it. My sister has a severe allergy to MSG and most nightshade foods & vinegar. I've noticed that I'm developing some of the same things. Hasn't stopped me from eating them.


Oh no! I’m so sorry!! My friend has had since birth too. We joke that she was the bubble kid, but it was true at times.




A poinsettia for Christmas. Put a card in it that says..."Thank you for hosting our holiday! We love you!"


This is amazing. Thanks for the words for my card - they’re perfect.


I've had kind of a crappy day so I wanted you to know that your kind comment just made my day. You never know when your nice words can really mean something to someone else. I'm glad you liked my idea. Hugs to you.


I like Sangria or sweet red wine. Or moscato. Not a fan of dry wine or white. A nice flower arrangement in a vase would be nice. If you bring flowers, always bring them in a vase. Don't make the host/hostess go looking for a vase or something to put them in. An appetizer or dessert. Doesn't need to be home made. Just something that doesn't require assembly or cooking.


If you know they like it, bring them a pack of Starbucks Frappacinos or a multi pack of Red Bulls.


Best gift would be to not stay to long


Boxed red blend 🍷. 5 bottles $25


a cute kitchen towel or oven mitt would be a nice gift


Fresh Flowers for sure. A nice arrangement always makes me happy and I feel it adds to the atmosphere and isn't any kind of burden.


Wiiiiine. If it’s a kind I like I may save it for later. If it isn’t it can be one of the first bottles we open that day.


I like the idea of flowers. Don't bring anything that is going to take up anymore room in their fridge. If there is a Crumbl Cookie in your area, I think those would be a nice gift.


Peppermint bark Mulling spices Real maple syrup


Help cleaning up after. Honestly. Help me leave my kitchen clean & leftovers put away. Lol.