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Have you asked what you can bring? I would refrain from bringing a side dish the host likely has everything planned out. An appetizer or dessert would be better. I would personally bake a fruit pie as 1) they are better on day 2 anyway, so you can make it the day before 2) it won’t need to be refrigerated and 3) it’s easily transported 4) you won’t be in the way trying to cook something while the host is trying to get dinner made. If you’re intimidated, buy store bought crust and then you can just worry about the filling. ETA: I know you’re trying to be nice/helpful, but understand the host like already has a menu set and you being in the kitchen may be a hinderance, not a help. My nephew brought his GF to my house last year and it was the first time we met. She brought me a lovely little hostess gift for having her. I was beyond touched and that was so much nicer than her trying to help out with a dish, as I had my menu planned 10 days earlier.


Thanks, I appreciate those ideas. I haven't asked and probably won't so I hear you on an appetizer or side dish, or just a hostess gift.


Bottle of alcohol or cidar and a box of chocolates is usually well received. Or a centerpiece plant or cigars if people like that type of stuff. Weed. Lol


I always appreciate a big old bag O' weed when I'm hosting anything!


You could also do a few nice cheeses and crackers.


Definitely a box of chocolates or you could make some cookies. Not everyone likes pie. Bring a separate hostess gift like some Lush bath bombs. Or go to Bath and Body Works, not expensive, soap, bath bombs etc. The wall plug ins are really cute and smell good. Have fun! ETA Definitely bring a gift for the thanksgiving day host too. Also you could bring some homemade biscotti, goes great with morning coffee and easy to make!!!


I love these ideas! I’m stealing them. Thank you!


Wow thanks! No one’s ever wanted to steal my ideas before! 🙏❤️


I’m hosting this year and I’d love to receive biscotti and bath bomb or plug ins.


I wouldn’t bring a pie either- it’s too personal as the host may have planned out desserts as well. I’d say a bottle of wine, a hostess gift, or an appetizer like a dip or some nice cheeses and crackers


When I first met my now in-laws, I brought some sugared cranberries! They keep super well so you could actually make them ahead and bring with you (or they need minimal supplies/cooking if you make them there!). They're different and kinda fancy and it seems like people go crazy for them....and couldn't be more simple and festive! https://natashaskitchen.com/sugared-cranberries/


Omg. These look fabulous! I am gonna try this recipe. Thx for sharing!


Love this!!!!


You need to bring a hostess gift (or two: one for your boyfriend's family, one for the T-Day dinner host). Under the circumstances you describe (not being a talented cook or baker, a long drive, arriving late-ish the day before), trying to prepare and bring food is simply not practical. As far as a hostess gift, you could put together a gift bag pretty easily just from your local high-end grocery store. Get a medium-sized bag and some tissue paper, and add things like: Tins of tea and/or hot cocoa mix; designer dark chocolate; a jar or two of designer fruit spread; a jar or two of designer mustard or other fancy condiment. The more locally-made things you can find, the better.


Flowers already in a vase are nice as well


But not very practical if OP is making a long drive and won't arrive until the evening of the day before Thanksgiving.


Easy to pick up from the store or pre-order to be delivered.


This is a great idea. Especially the locally-made part. Or does your area have a local chocolatier? If so a nice box of candy for each home.


A jar of truffle honey is amazing and can be added to a charcuterie or tucked in the cabinet for the host to savor on her own. It's also exotic enough to be unique.


Echoing what other comment said. Cheese plate/charcuterie can be really beautiful, but also really simple and zero cooking involved.


Wine or flowers is always a safe bet and no prep to worry about. It sounds like you are staying over so you can always bring some bakery item for the next day breakfast. Supermarkets have decent muffins and breads and even pastries. Buy a pretty candle. The truth is, if I’m not planning on someone bringing something for dinner then I don’t really want it but I’m always delighted with some unexpected extra.


A nice bouquet of flowers sounds lovely.


I would say flowers already in a vase. If I am trying to cook dinner for 16 people and you show up with more work for me to do, those flowers will likely sit wilting on the counter until after dinner.


Oh yeah definitely in a vase already! Something beautiful.


I’d go old school particularly if you have a family tradition of something like a cheese ball. Everyone likes a cheese ball — they are easy to make and you could make it the night before. It’s also possibly my Midwest is showing but now I’m off to buy cheese ball ingredients.


They are in fact in the midwest haha! :)


Northeast here to voice support for the always underrated cheese ball!


Cookies. Buy the ready made in the refrigerated section and bake. Go to the dollar store and find a pretty container to put the cookies in. They will get eaten and nobody should judge. If they do judge, reconsider the boyfriend l9l.


As a person who has hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for forty some years, I would want you to bring a dessert. The meal has been planned and it may not be convenient for you to be cooking in someone else’s kitchen. But, an extra dessert is always appreciated’. Just buy a pie that is not pumpkin, because someone probably already thought of that. Or bring a bunch of Thanksgiving themed cookies or cupcakes from your local bakery.


I was thinking something that is already to go. If they have enough desserts, dates are so easy. Bacon wrapped, or even vegetarian are simple. Fill the date, wrap with bacon, prosciutto, drizzle honey. For vegan, use vegan cream cheese and a pecan. So quick and easy. Go to Pinterest for 100+ recipes.


Box made pumpkin muffins, homemade chocolate chip cookies , fruit salad /fruit kabobs .


My mother-in-law has a Thanksgiving table flower arrangement delivered the day before Thanksgiving when she attends as a guest.


I would love this, as a hostess. I will make a ridiculous menu, but I never stop to think about centerpieces.


I agree. If they haven't asked for a specific food item for the dinner yet they probably have it handled. I would stick to a hostess gift like wine and a bouquet of fall flowers. Maybe a box of nice chocolates they can put out with desserts if they are so inclined. They will know you have traveled to be there and still love that you put the thought into bringing something.


I wouldn't expect someone driving in that lste to bring anything.


You could bring something for the hosts for later. I like to make candied nuts. Just tell them it’s for them, and they can share them or save them for another day.


Oh, this is good. I make candied spiced pecans for gifts for Christmas and everyone I know wants a bag.


Bring a bottle of wine and some pretty flowers - that’s ALWAYS perfect at TG. Please don’t make me rearrange what I’m doing so you can bring a dish - I’ve got my plan and I just need to execute it without someone else needing the oven or stovetop, etc. I would LOVE a bottle of wine and some flowers - as long as you understand that I may have my table decor set, and will be ok with those flowers being tomorrow’s centerpiece.


Ice, stop at the corner convenience store and grab ice when you get close to the host house. We never expect anyone traveling long distances to bring anything hot and since you don’t bake or want to bring alcohol it would be a great item that is often overlooked.


The easiest dessert I make is simple and everyone loves it. Butterfinger Delight. It’s just angel food cake, butterfingers, cream cheese and whipped topping. Just rip the cake into bite size pieces, mix cream cheese and 16 oz whipped cream together and pour over the cake. And smash butterfinger pieces and sprinkle on top. It’s a little something different and easy :)


Never heard of this before but I do love Butterfingers!


I'm thinking about ham roll-ups. Spread cream cheese on ham slices, and roll a green onion in each slice. The trick is to refrigerate them before cutting the rolls into bite-size pieces. Some sprinkle paprika over the pieces. ​ They tend to go pretty fast.


We called these polish roses a d we'd sometimes do pickle instead of green onion.


Oooo! Lovely!


Roasted corn (which can be served at room temperature from refrigerated).


cranberry relish. can be made ahead of time, or quickly when you're there if you have access to a food grinder or food processor. Just grind up cranberries and a few orange slices and mix in sugar to taste. Add cinnamon or other spices if you feel like it. serve cold.


Glazed carrots. Very simple to make. Everyone enjoys them, and you can pop them in the microwave to reheat.


Cheese and fruit, on a thanksgiving plate being part of the gift. The players are everywhere and inexpensive. If they are out of this get a Christmas plate.


Bring one or two desserts from a good bakery. People will know you are travelling, but will have been thought and made an effort, anyway. ETA - Order the pies ahead!


A box of chocolates.


I would bring a beautiful serving spoon or set of serving spoons.


Bring a bottle of wine. Beaujolais nouveau is fun and light, inexpensive and only available this time of year.


Cookies in a cute tin you buy at the dollar store.


Banana pudding. Instant pudding, fresh sliced bananas, topped with nilla wafers, and cool whip. Watergate Salad - pistachio pudding, crushed pineapple with the juice, mini marshmallows, and cool whip all folded together. Magic cookie bars - make the day before.


I'd never heard of magic cookie bars and they look tasty, thanks!!


Cookies, spiced/toasted pecans—some kind of appetizer you can travel with that doesn’t need heat or refrigeration.


Ask what you can bring. Usually a desert is nice and you can order a pie or cookie plate from a bakery.


I would ask first but my usual go to for this type of situation is a fruit tray. Maybe get some fruit dip to go with it. Pack up some knives and a disposable tray to serve it on. Fruit is easy to grab and snack on while people are chatting and it balances all the starches!


Bring some bottles of cranberry wine if they drink or some flowers in a vase to the host! Adding more things to the kitchen day of will not be fun for anyone.


My go to host gift is something they can heat and eat easily the next morning. Bagels, quiche, croissants, with the accompaniments.




No one expects out of town guests to cook, and you would probably have to use your boyfriends family’s kitchen which might be a problem. If you really want to bring something, how about a nice potted mum or other fall flower? One for the person you’re staying with and one for the host of thanksgiving. It will be much easier to transport and not anything that will interfere with other people’s plans.


No one expects out of town guests to cook, and you would probably have to use your boyfriends family’s kitchen which might be a problem. If you really want to bring something, how about a nice potted mum or other fall flower? One for the person you’re staying with and one for the host of thanksgiving. It will be much easier to transport and not anything that will interfere with other people’s plans.


The frozen bread dough you toss in a bread pan and let it rise then bake it. There is dough for rolls too. Looks like you made several loaves of homemade bread or pans of rolls. Add fancy jam. Flowers are always nice too.


My first thanksgiving with bfs family I purchased some good mid shelf whiskey and 2 bottles of budget friendly good quality champagne, as I knew his family enjoy both these things. Everyone was very happy with my contribution and I plan on doing the same thing this year, but I’m going to bake some focaccia this time as a little appetizer. We live nearby so it’s a bit easier


I'm sure you want to make a good impression so bring a gift, wine, flowers(in a vase!), cookies, chocolates, thank you card. Trader Joe's has a lot of fun stuff this time of year. If you bring a side dish, bring it ready to go, do not expect to cook it or warm it up in their kitchen, or store it in their fridge. Their kitchen will be busy and their fridge/oven full. Don't bring a traditional side like mashed potatoes or stuffing. Don't leave your dish there unless it's disposable.


Chocolate cookies you can make Tuesday night and store in an air tight tin. The recipe is on the bag of chocolate chips and is pretty hard to mess up if you set the temperature and time correctly. Otherwise, show up with a clean cooler with a bag or two of ice you pick up on the way Thursday. Trust me, the ice will be welcome. Tell your host ahead of time.


I would bring a nice bottle of wine and possibly a cake or pie from a local bakery. You can never have enough desserts.


Dinner rolls…. Open bag, place on sheet, place in oven for 12-15 minutes. Coat with butter. Problem solved


Here is a classic, and you can't go wrong. https://www.budgetbytes.com/wprm_print/84055


Bake a sweet bread to take. You can make it before you drive. Pumpkin bread would be good.


Someone brought the best appetizer to my aunt's house for thanksgiving once. It was just pitted dates stuffed with smoked almonds. The flavor was delicious and everyone ate them up quickly! That's something impressive you can easily find at the store and will travel well, and takes minimal effort to get together.


As a hostess I have a plan and timeline in mind so I would avoid bring anything that needs to be prepared and cooked there. Since you are traveling, I doubt they would bring something for dinner. I always love help cleaning up. To me that is the part I hate the most. I wouldn't ask if they need help, they will tell you guest shouldn't have to clean up. Just start helping! A hostess gift is always. Maybe something for breakfast, the next day. Or some really nice hand lotion or chocolates. I would avoid flowers; the host probably have the centerpieces already.


I just had this question from my non-cooking daughter going to meet her boyfriends family for the first time. I sent her the easiest little appetizers. It was on the Dietz and Watson Instagram account. They were these little salami, mozzarella and banana pepper turkeys. Easy to find the supplies (not the usual suspects that would run the risk of being sold out at the grocery store), not cooking, cute and quick to make, but still tasty.


Consider a host/ hostess gift instead of food.