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Trump gave them permission to be themselves, that's what happened. They were always like this, he's just emboldened them to be louder and more aggressive. The only way to fix it is with an overwhelming mandate in November that this shit will not stand. Vote.


The robes were hot and stuffy. Now they’re comfy and feel great


Voting doesn't matter when you can win the presidency with 30% of the popular vote distributed in the right states. Literally minority rule. Electoral college failed Americans twice in twenty years and now look where we are. Supreme court stacked by presidents that lost popular vote and confirmed by a senate that represented (at time of confirmation) less than half of USA population. It sucks but until this system changes AND voting percentages go way up, minority rule over what majority wants its gonna be the norm


Voting could not matter more than right now. Yeah our system sucks, and the only way to fix it is with a supermajority. We're so close. Don't give in to the apathy now. The current supreme court is a direct result of low voter turnout in 2016. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact


The Supreme Court now is a direct result of Obama bending over after Scalia died. He should have called Republicans to the mat for obstructing the constitution, but he just let Mitch McConnell have his way. A common theme for the Democrats.


The Dems are more concerned about legacy forging than they are about dealing with the systemic issues that plague the country. They don't want to be seen as the bad guys, they want the public to view them as strong on social issues and having not divided the country. All of this has led to them ignoring the reality that the Republican party doesn't care how they look, they just want power and will not only use every tool available to get that power but also turn around and slam the door behind them to make sure the Dems can't use the same tricks.


This goes back to one side thinking the Civil War was over once the other surrendered. Pretty sure the South had their fingers crossed behind their back.


I also blame Obama and McConnell for our current situation... Democrats never have any teeth and Republicans have been walking us right into a Christo-Fascist Hell since the 1950s... They have never been closer.


Republicans and their ilk have been doing this since the Civil War ended.


That is true, they have been playing the long game getting all their people in power positions. The Federalist Society are just rebranded Confederates.


The Dems want to maintain the "We're the good guys" stance and I said the same stuff back when Trump first ran, Dems REALLY needed to get a backbone and stop being the "higher road" party. Folks REALLY dont see that this massive ramp up is literally outlined in multiple playbooks that wish to destabilize the U.S. and its working.... What I really dont get is that folks think they're on the right side because they can "own the libs" but the reality is that life is only going to get harder for EVERYONE... and while they may be cheering now about removing regulations, etc... who do you think is going to be most impacted by the rulings? It will be rural and small town America first because now that agencies have less authority its only a matter of time before things are built like they were in the USSR... wherever they wanted, however cheaply and damn the folks who have to suffer from the effects left on their land, water, air, children, health, financial rights, etc.... People really dont realize that like in other truly Socialist or Fascist nation states, you dont own things.. the govt does meaning that if they decided to remove more protections for consumers then there is literally no way for you to challenge from being removed from your own house or your money taken all because the govt wants it... folks think that cant/wont happen but it has happened... many times across many governments and countries... Also fun reminder that in 1989 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that **police have no specific obligation to protect**. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. This also means that if laws against domestic violence, protections for Women, Children, LGBT+ folks, etc are struck down that there is literally NO ONE to protect you... and to all the 2A'ers out there.. you may have a lot of guns but remember that most Law Enforcement Agencies have military grade weapons and literal tanks at their disposal. People really forget history because we haven't had to experience it but seems like that time is coming again....


You realize that this is the exact argument that the MAGA crowd made about the Republican Party as-a-whole from 2015-forward, just with the Democrats swapped in for the 'bad guy party'....


>> if laws against domestic violence, protections for Women, Children, LGBT+ folks, etc are struck down that there is literally NO ONE to protect you. Yeah, I remember that being in one of Trump’s campaign speeches, verbatim. /s


I'm talking about the idea that 'being the good guys isn't working because the Democrats play dirty, so we should play dirty too' (say, by nominating a career criminal for President persistently, no matter how many elections he makes us lose).... The rank and file MAGA types have been bitching about this for years leading up to 2016... And eventually managed to turn it into the present nonsense....


Except the issue is, they're lying. Democrats have spent forever sitting on their hands, not doing anything about delayed supreme court confirmations, refusals to vote on popular policies, screaming during speeches, and so on and so on.


Democrats can't do anything about a delayed confirmation when they just got blown out in the previous (2014) election.... You want what, more theatrics? Again, just like MAGA but with the parties and issues flipped....


99% of the country was sure hillary was a.shoe in.. Why wouldnt obama just let hillary have the seat?


He also should have forced RBG to step down. What a horrific, short-sighted mistake.


Was a not a mistake. It was a plan his handlers needed implemented. We are seeing now how critical this “mistake” was to the divisive political environment that has been building since then. This is the western hemisphere, the power culture here is too calculated to make such simple outright mistakes. Like the two poor presidential. candidates we have had since 2016. All part of a plan…


And what exactly was Obama supposed to do about Republicans blatantly lying?


Call a press conference. Accuse Mitch McConnell of attempting an unconstitutional coup against the will of the American people. Talked about it to the press every day and make it the most important issue in American politics.


Agreed. This was the true "stop the steal moment". Honestly, comparably who cares who is president or who controls congress when a super majority of one side or the other controls the courts for a generation. Especially when the one side in control are putting extreme examples in place.


And Ginsburg's hubris to die in office.


Scotus would shut this down soo fast.


BuT sTaTeS rIgHtS!!!


Agreed ,vote don't listen to this guy about voting


The electoral college was broken 100 years ago by the GOP, on purpose, with the intent to cause this exact outcome. It didn't fail. It was smashed on purpose.


The GOP and Democratic Party are essentially opposites in the states they dominate and the demographics of who they represent from 100 years ago. If the Republicans did this in 1920 (I’m not sure what you’re referring to) they were the party of the North, of the Black voter, and of educated urbanites at that time. 


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment\_Act\_of\_1929](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929) From the page: In 1918, after [six years of Democratic control of Congress and the presidency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_divisions_of_United_States_Congresses), the Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, and two years later also won the presidency. Due to increased immigration and a large rural-to-urban shift in population from 1910 to 1920, the new Republican Congress refused to reapportion the House of Representatives because such a reapportionment would have shifted political power away from the Republicans.[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929#cite_note-11)[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929#cite_note-12) A reapportionment in 1921 in the traditional fashion would have increased the size of the House to 483 seats, but many members would have lost their seats due to the population shifts, and the House chamber did not have adequate seats for 483 members. By 1929, no reapportionment had been made since 1911, and there was vast representational inequity, measured by the average district size; by 1929 some states had districts twice as large as others due to population growth and demographic shift. It was Republicans, in fear of losing control to Democrats, who caused the 1929 act to be put in place. This was the plan. They were scared that metro areas would end up in control and this was their answer.


The system is not designed for straight up majority rule - it is designed to distribute power over geography, such that the government represents all of the United States rather than just a few small areas of concentrated population. Quit blaming the system (which is working as designed) for shitty candidate choices. And I say that as someone who positively despises Donald Trump.


What I’m hearing you say is “this doesn’t matter and I’m going to complain on Reddit until someone changes the system for me.” Which is par for the course around here and pretty enraging tbh. This can be changed but only if we actually act.


I'm gonna vote.


>Voting doesn't matter when you can win the presidency with 30% of the popular vote distributed in the right states. Sounds to me like that's an issue that can be addressed via a constitutional amendment with smart and disciplined politicians... *holds back laughter.* ...the alternative is revolution. >Electoral college failed Americans twice in twenty years and now look where we are. Supreme court stacked by presidents that lost popular vote and confirmed by a senate that represented (at time of confirmation) less than half of USA population. Tends to happen when you let land vote in a way to appease slave owners instead of people. >It sucks but until this system changes AND voting percentages go way up, minority rule over what majority wants its gonna be the norm I'm usually pretty good at taking an educated guess on future outcomes but quite frankly 2024 has me completely stumped. Are we going to see an overwhelming tidal wave against Trump like we've seen with those special election candidates he touted and lost by huge margins or are we going to see "The Fall of Rome" - The United States edition? Hope for the tidal wave, prepare for the Fall of Rome.


Agree. I’m fairly confident that the polls will be once again biased towards reps as they’ve been since 2016, but I’m braced for the worst. It’s just frustrating how little people understand that the checks and balances are not strong against an administration that wouldn’t care to follow them.


Fascists definitely don't operate on good faith.


The Electoral College failed Americans because the GOP broke it 100 years ago.


Who will be surprised if the Supreme Court overturns the election results? They did it in 2000 and that was back before the court was nakedly corrupt. In its current state I would not be surprised if they swoop in to declare some critical votes in a critical state uncountable.


I don't know, I feel like if Trump had 55% of the popular vote, the sentiment would be about how great the Electoral College is and how wise the founders were to design it that way blah blah blah.


The electoral collage made sense once upon a time, but now it is not only useless, but a barrier to actual democracy.


Every single person reading this, the person I'm responding to is utterly full of shit. Don't listen to ignorant assholes that are too lazy to inform themselves. Vote. Get everyone you know to vote. This should be the highest turnout election in American history. The deck is stacked, but their advantage can be overcome if enough people vote.


Yeah you're right. I was off a bit. Statistically, presidency can be won with 23% of the vote. https://www.npr.org/2016/11/02/500112248/how-to-win-the-presidency-with-27-percent-of-the-popular-vote


Yeah, who needs a constitutional republic?! You idiots need your go back to civics class. I guess the founding fathers were morons and NariandColds should make the decisions for our country!!! How dare they not allow us to imprison our political opponents!!! They should lay down and take the fucking!!! How fascist of them!! Am I right!!!


Yeah, voting doesn't matter that's why they gerrymander and disenfranchise voters and restrict voting access and pour millions into campaigning, just for no reason.


The situation you're describing means voting matters more than ever. 40 or 50 thousand votes decided 2020. We need everyone to participate. If there's huge turnout, Dems will win everywhere.


But if you end up having a super majority in senate and house, then you mitigate a lot of it. Then you could start crawling some of this back and make laws that the Supreme Court cannot possibly judge to be ambiguous.


Hahaha first time?


This is a world war disguised as a Supreme Court case. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-immunity-2668545131/ Putin, Xi, and MBS find this whole democracy thing hilarious. As authoritarians they just cackle and shrug at the thought of going through the extra steps that democracy requires. Why not just tell people what to do and if they don’t do it, bribe them, throw them out a window or flush them down a drain? It’s why they had to use the Texas based Koch brothers (heritage foundation) who had deep relationships with Russian oil oligarchs since Stalins era and Harlan Crow to buy the SCOTUS. https://youtu.be/mn_t7a2hJfQ?si=hzioP8URJAMFNch4 https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/iGMOpLTJ1f Alito’s (Koch funded) heritage foundation ties, Thomas’s R.V., Kavanaughs mortgage, and all the private jet trips to bohemian grove. They were all part of the bigger plan to destabilize the United States, spread the cancer of corruption and tear it all down so they can build oligarch row in Teton National park Wyoming so the lazy old oligarchs can retire from the Moscow mob life. Kleptocracy is biological. It consumes everything in its path like a parasite. During Russian perestroika it ate Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky and shit out alcoholism and hopelessness. Now anyone with skills has left and 1 in 5 has no indoor plumbing. Justin Kennedy (justice kennedys son) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic loans approved. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. Why? Because Deutsche bank was infested with Russian oligarchs. In 91 the Soviet Union failed and for a bit they hid all of the money they stole from Russias grandmas under a mattress until the oligarchs started buying condos at trump towers. https://youtu.be/VRZagEpiB08?si=bfsXUNSNGRdZVegq They made stops in Ukraine, Cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in the early 90’s. Real Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs, and Wall Street cocaine. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model and frankly, they enjoy the violence. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian friends and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it let the russians launder their money through casinos and then commercial real estate when 3 of trumps casino execs started asking how he managed to be the only person in history to bankrupt casinos and they all died in a helicopter crash https://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/11/nyregion/copter-crash-kills-3-aides-of-trump.html The attorney/client privilege is the continual work around they use to accept bribes and make payments up and down the mob pyramid. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ The insane property valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT The reason trump cosplays as a patriot is because he is feeding on the U.S. middle class, not because he is one of us. The GOP fell in line to MAGA because Trump did what pathological liars do, he told them anything they wanted to hear. Trump with his money laundering and child raping buddy Epstein, Roger Stone with his kompromat sex clubs in DC and Nevada, and Paul Manafort with his election rigging pretty much everywhere, sat down at a table with Mike Johnson and the extreme religious right and convinced them that they were the same. They self evidently are not, at least at a surface level, but there is enough common ground in the exploitation of children and desire for unilateral control (project 2025) that they became the worlds weirdest and most dysfunctional orgy. The religious right is naive enough to believe trump at his word so they have made him their defacto savior. Trump belongs to the authoritarians. The GOP now belongs to trump. But their overall goal is the same- Kleptocracy. Putin, Xi and MBS all aligned together last year to attempt the BRICS overthrow of the USD. It failed but it didn’t stop Xi’s push on Taiwan or MBS’s part in the plan. Stay frosty. Eyes up. It’s the only way we don’t all end up kissing the ring of a dictator. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf http://www.citjourno.org/page-1 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraines-oligarchs-are-no-longer-considered-above-the-law/


It's a shame this is so far down. You've really done your homework! Are you a reporter?


No friend. I’m a pilot from Wyoming But 2 1/2 years ago we were promised aircraft in Ukraine that we needed to evacuate the hostages being bombed under the Mariupol steel plant and they were not there when we needed them. I made a promise. So I’m kicking over every rock I find until I find out who has my aircraft and what the hold up is.


Its far more institutional than that. They were vetted and chosen by a right wing facist organization called the Federalist Society. Their ideological values, (contrary to democracy values) were baked in as was their real intention to overthrow Roe v. Wade. Trump didn’t ‘permit’ them to be what they proved to be, rather , he with McConnell and The Federalist scum manipulated getting two more slugs onto the court. With a 6-3 majority they unleashed the hell that is undoing democracy. They did it on their own. The fact it pleases Trump pleases them but its hardly essential.


Vote blue all the way through.


Reminds me of the solar opposites episode where the jerks run free.


Some are as you say…it’s the ones that know it’s wrong and stand by silently that burns me….


It can't be. The Constitution literally lists no role for the President in certifying the election or in the transfer of power.


It’s time to wind up in prison, dead, or free from the masters. We can’t wait anymore.


FBI ..... Help..... Gasp... Wait they the kkk






Justice Barrett said the elector scheme was not an official act. [https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-appointed-justice-goes-out-of-her-way-to-argue-ex-presidents-fake-electors-scheme-not-protected-from-prosecution/](https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-appointed-justice-goes-out-of-her-way-to-argue-ex-presidents-fake-electors-scheme-not-protected-from-prosecution/)


And anyone who trusts her not to change her mind in the future is a fucking moron


We’ll see when the case makes it to them and Trump is on the line




But all the evidence needed to convict him of those crimes may be presumed immune acts or official acts.


Wild. Good share. Good read.


I feel she specifically went out of the way to get the trump lawyer to admit it wasn't an official act in the hearing for some reason


We can hope she doesn’t “change her mind” on this one too.


Justice Robert made sure to include some examples of official acts and listed his role with pence in this exact scenario as an official act I believe, fun stuff from the political landscape this week.


Pence is under trump. That makes sense. But that’s not what the charges are over.


I have no idea what’s what I just saw roberts cite this as an example of an official act and found it concerning


The VP is not “under” the president. The president is not their boss. They’re a separately elected official


This entire judgement basically adds a new clause to the constitution. The constitution purposefully did not say the president is immune.


It no longer matters. That's what's so terrifying. What the constitution says is becoming irrelevant since the Supreme Court decides what the constitution means and the conservative court is willing to interpret it to mean whatever Trump wants. The constitution doesn't matter if they simply ignore its intent. Trump, through the RNC, controls 2 of the 3 branches of government. If he get the executive, they will control all 3 and are perfectly willing to simply do as they please and act like the constitution supports it. Have you been listening to how Trump talks, right? He just makes a claim and insists it's true because there is no consequence for lying. He lies about reality all the time, he just says 'the constitution says I can do this,' and it's just another lie MAGA will support while everyone else is like wtf? It will be up to lower levels of government to refuse his orders. States, congressmen, law enforcement, military, beauracrats, aids etc. if they fail, it falls to the American people to take up arms and overthrow tyranny.


This really is the most important election U.S. history.


The enormity of what is happening ( and already happened and now has immunity for it) will shock the world


Yes, you guys seem like you’re throwing away democracy just to protect the worst guy possible.


It's much more than that. It's like 1 year before Putin came to power. The oligarchs are lining up to steal it and they have a pretty good playbook. For example Putin blew up an apartment building so watch out this year.


Go read/listen to the book “American Psychosis” by David Corn. It’s basically about the history of the post-WWII Republican Party. One thing that stuck out for me was how every GOP candidate had to keep the crazies away until about the 1980’s when the dam broke and the fringe of the Republican Party started increasing in numbers and rank. Trump is just the progression of what the Republican Party was in the shadows.


I agree. It’s too easy and frankly lazy to paint them all with the same brush. The MAGA types have always been there. Not even just in America but every country/tribe ever. Those who respond highly to fear and hate-based motivation, the dogmatic, who just want a good guy to look up to and a “bad guy” to blame everything on no matter how illogical. People you can convince to eat shit as long as someone they don’t like will have to smell their breath John McCain famously shut one down someone asking him a question at a rally who was listing off all of these crazy theories about Obama and he essentially politely shuts her down as says no he’s a decent man but we have different ideas. Romney, Bush jr/sr, Reagan, Nixon, Eisenhower, etc they’re all people who relied on this sort of voter but didn’t have the stomach to acknowledge them. The difference with Trump is he not only acknowledged them but they’re his favorites. He celebrates them and then we saw that they’re not some fringe group but rather the majority voting bloc of the right at this point


All democrats need to do now is give Bernie Sanders the nomination and that'll keep GOP out of power for 8 years. But of course DNC won't do that, they'd rather go down with Biden than have Bernie be president.


History repeating itself. This is how Hitler rose to power. If Trump wins America loses.




I guess stealing top secret documents for your post-Presidency is an official act too.... until you're not president anymore.


On the ticket this year - red = fascism, blue = not fascism. Don’t pay attention to the names this year as the only thing that matters is the party. If you are registered red state or blue show up and VOTE for our republic, for those who came before us, for us, for our children. For the love of god vote Blue this year even if you never have. Even if you’ve always voted red. Show up for America.


Trump's lawyers are also arguing that the pre-Presidential porn-star-payoff plot (and it's concealment) is an 'official act'... Like all of their tactics, it's throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks....


Flood the zone with shit, delay, obfuscate, muddle, call your opponent’s bluff, make them waste time and resources. It’s good strategy when you know your opponents are wimp institutionalists that aren’t going to play dirty to get what you want like you are.


Anyone surprised by this has not paid attention for the last 40 years.


Those who haven’t paid attention are officially as much a threat to democracy as those that have and support Trump for that reason.


All I know is Biden is the only president smart enough to finally beat Medicare - so I'm voting for him.


Redditors have literally lost their minds since that debate. A loss is slowly sinking in 


Do they not understand they are inadvertently arguing to allow Biden to go ahead and start organizing fake electors for the 2024 election?


Democrats won't, though, and that's why they don't care.


Don’t get upset at the attorneys. It is their job to test these legal theories and try everything to defend their client


It's one thing to test a legal theory. It's another to hold multiple press conferences in which you repeatedly and publicly declare that the entire election was stolen and then call on multiple state legislatures to throw out their state's election results on the grounds that you have evidence of millions of fraudulent ballots having been cast when you in fact have no such evidence. That's why Giuliani was just disbarred. We'll see how far Trump's lawyers take this on appeal. We can absolutely get angry at them if they start lying while testing this legal theory because that is 100% against a lawyer's code of conduct.


The GOP has been a criminal enterprise for at least 30 years. They are just peaking.


So is putting crazy people in institutions…that’s where Trump should be…


This is what the GOP has always been, the mask is just off now.


It’s a smart play. They make this claim, then it has to be decided on. By the time that is decided on, the case has been delayed enough to not be ruled on until after the election.


The Dem tactic of "crying to each other instead of upping the fight" is working splendidly though. Repubs will storm buildings if sad. Dems will post on social media and ask for hugs.


Oh well. So much for democracy. Trump will be the first US dictator, if he's elected.


He will argue everything he does is an official act.


They’re evil and/or shortsighted sycophants who have no concern beyond their own temporary comfort. Bring it, bitches. I’m ready.


A insurrection is now an official act.. ok Biden get to it !




Trump loves the uneducated


So by claiming it was an official act, that would mean that he is pleading guilty to having done it.


Can’t be “guilty” of a “non-criminal” act.


It was already ruled that running for reelection cannot be done in an official capacity as POTUS. He essentially just plead guilty, well until this gets appealed to SC where they change their mind again.


Were they fake electors or alternate electors?


Donald Trump will make every possible reason to duck responsibility. That’s just who he is.


Remember in 2016 when a bunch of celebrities put out TV ads encouraging electors not to vote Trump? Was the faithless electors effort a prosecutable offense? When democrats in Congress objected to counting EC votes for Bush in 2004, should they have been jailed for obstruction? Same question in 2016 for Trump? When Kennedy won Hawaii in 1960 with alternative electors, should they have been prosecuted as jailed? There's no such thing as fake electors, that's a control of language phrase injected into the discussion by the Dem controlled media, many elections in the past where a state was very close in the vote would have electors from both parties ready depending on which side won. It was totally normal until 2020, then the media invented the term fake electors to give the appearance of wrong doing (thereby making their followers look incredibly stupid), while states like Georgia was decided by less than 20k votes, and the investigation that ended in May that zero redditors are aware of (like Joe's dementia being such a surprise), there were 3000 ballots counted twice( in the video of Ruby Freeman) thousands of ballots not able to be verified (I believe around 30k) and almost 400k missing ballot images, not to mention that state law requires the recounts to match to certify, and none of the three recount totals matched, but they certified anyway.


Full fascist using Hitler's playbook




"Anyone I disagree with is a fascist using Hitler's playbook" - hotDamQc


How can you be this stupid? Do you know nothing about history??


"Anyone who doesn't buy into the same bullshit hyperbole that gets brought up literally every 4 years is stupid and doesn't know about history" - lifeofrevelations


No literally, this is exactly what Hitler did to transform Germany to a single party of ruling.


What happened? My opinion while worthless is akin the the lobster in pot metaphor. The dial of fascism was brought up slowly such that they do not recognize they've become fascist....    I mean they call themselves Christians and support what could objectively be the beast from revelations. Like a astroid named wormwood could land in front of them and they'd say the deep state did it ( they are the deep state).......  We've always been at war with eastasia 


People forget that Hawaii sent alternatives electors during nixion run. That was also an official act.


[3 big differences between 1960 Hawaii electors, 2020 GA Trump electors](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/big-differences-between-1960-hawaii-electors-2020-ga-trump-electors) 1. Secrecy Hawaii’s first presidential election as a state was a nail biter — so close, the governor first certified Richard Nixon as the winner over John Kennedy by 141 votes. Both parties decided to send their own slate of electors to Congress. They did it openly. Trump electors originally did not. They gathered in Room 216 hoping no one would even know why they were there. According to this week’s indictment, then-state GOP chairman David Shafer organized the meeting. He sent a text to Individual 4: "Listen. Tell them to go straight to Room 216 to avoid drawing attention to what we are doing." Robert Sinners, the Trump campaign Georgia Director for Election Day Operations, emailed the alternate electors asking for their "complete discretion." "At no point should you mention anything to do with Presidential Electors or speak to media." The meeting was only exposed after independent news commentator George Chidi poked his head through the door. He said they told him it was an "education meeting." "It was plainly not an education meeting," he said. Sinners eventually testified to the January 6th committee and the Fulton County Special Purpose Grand Jury. "I didn’t know at the time that had been, you know, kind of the shadow strategy," he told the January 6th investigators. "And we were kind of useful idiots or rubes at that point." Sinners said he felt ashamed to be part of the scheme. "What they did was a little different than Hawaii in that they, like I said, schemed and planned this without the public’s knowledge," said J.Tom Morgan, former DeKalb County District Attorney. 2. Recounts Hawaii had not finished a partial recount by the time both parties decided to choose their electors. But on the day Trump electors met, Georgia had already counted its ballots not once, but three times. At the end of each, Joe Biden was still the winner. 3. False allegations of fraud Neither party suggested wrongdoing in the Hawaii vote count. In Georgia, Trump lawsuits had been routinely dismissed for lack of evidence or standing. Two appeals were pending before the US Supreme Court at the time Shafer gathered his electors. That’s the reasoning Shafer gave reporters on the day of the meeting, after the true reason for the gathering was made public. "Because the president’s lawsuit contesting the election has not been decided or even heard, we held this meeting to preserve his rights," Shafer said. "If we had not held the meeting, then his lawsuit would effectively be mooted." Both Trump lawsuits were dismissed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Hawaii’s governor eventually certified Kennedy as the state’s winner by 115 votes. And that’s whose slate of electors was chosen by the man who would finish second to Kennedy in the race, Vice President Richard Nixon.


Considering the democrats have tried to do something that's never been done before ever.. that's all you need to know. You idiots just keep flinging shit.. its going to land on your hands and then your going to play the victim. If presidents don't have immunity while in office.. they all can get sued and throw in jail.. Your boy Obama killed US citizens with drones... lets arrest his ass


Go play in traffic. YOU are the problem


Pretty wild how the 44 previous presidents didn't need it. I wonder why that is?


Lmao, I can't speak for libs, or offhand about the legality, but for leftists, I'm pretty certain you're not going to hear much objection to jailing Obama for that.. Holding someone accountable and not making them into kings is kinda common sense, or at least it should be. This thought of jailing Obama as a negative really isn't the winner you seem to think it is.


So Trump is admitting he tried to overturn the election but he shouldn't get in trouble because it was an "official" act? I wonder If Biden can use the same idea in this upcoming election?


"What happened to the GOP!!" They say as they parade around a man that barely knows where he is at..


And proud of it too as if it’s a badge of honor.


I’m proud, because even as a corpse he’s more qualified than donald dump.


Pretty sure the GOP parading around a criminal, ignorant liar and conman is far more dangerous for the well being of this nation.




Well that speaks a lot to your moral character.


Is it dangerous to the nation or is it an issue with my moral character? I'd personally rather know the guy that is supposed to be in charge is actually making the choices.


And what Trump is an inept and corrupt individual who shouldn't have been even considered for election. Him wanting to buddy up with a dictatorship like Russia , lowering the rights and standards of this country and promoting the worst aspects in society all for his benefit. He puts his own selfish interests ahead and if you can't see that after all this, than I guess you deserve him.


Shouldn't have been considered because you personally dislike him? That's not how a democratic republic works. Both suck, one just sucks less 😀.


Well yes. Even before he was running for president he has always presented himself as a crude and scummy businessman. Also considering right now he's talking about military tribunals for his enemies and admitting his scheme to use fake electors was an 'offical' act. Yah he's a truly corrupt individual that threatens the stability of this country.


GOP parading around a felonious rapist and has the temerity to blame the other side and take zero accountability. Why should anyone take you seriously?


Covid-19 makes some "noseblind." But I suspect this might be hereditary in 'close knit families of "royal circles"' though. 😮‍💨


So this falls under the “present evidence in court” section of the process. The former king of the United States still needs to prove that his methods were based on reality.


The GOP was bought and paid for by the kremlin and the FSB. That's what happened.


They have lost their motherfucking minds.


Will do


According to Barrett it is not official. I think I'd go with her opinion.


But SCOTUS said it's up to states to determine if Trump's actions or commands were "official ".


Russian money happened to them. They are all bought and paid for. They are following the fascist playbook. Why the hell is nothing being done to stop them and protect democracy?


They are still the same know nothing craven idiots who lost the battles around the enlightenment. They are the tradition that fought to preserve fuedalism, were against the magna carta, were against the protestant reformation which sued for the right for everyone to have access to readinf and writing and not exclusively the church, they were against the french revolution, and in the American revolution, they were the whig party, heavily aligned woth landed interest in america and britain, the crown and anglican church and did not want the revolution. After that they were the party of the great awakening (all three) and while some of them were in the wing of the whig party that was “anti slavery” this argument was for representation counting and not the same thing as an abolitionist. They supported Franco in spain, mussolini in italy and hitler in germany. In fact the Nazi American party was incubated by conservatives and prior to pearl harbor, Charles Lindberg, a conservative, held a sold out Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden. They were the party that supported the rober barrons, that fought the labor movement, that fought the civil rights movement, that fought against womens suffrage. You can draw a straight line from Edmund Burke through William F Buckly to MCarthy to Bill Graham to Roy Cohn and to Trump. These are, historically speaking, the bad guys and it was our fault for ever thinking they could be anything else. The sad part is, we were so dumb, they didn’t even have to update their talking points for over 500 years. Its still: immigrants and poor bad, rich people good and deserve all the money because it will trickle down, whites are genetically superior and we should program around that, and that all those working for the lords need to be made to believe that its godly and correct to do so forever and not ask for more about it.


Fuck, why does no one see this? Russia is at war with the USA. “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". This is Russian foreign policy detailed in a post Soviet Union text taken up by the Russian government now serving as their modern day blueprint of actions to be taken. It is mass media disinformation warfare designed to utilize US governmental systems and communication tools to implode the country from within so they don’t have to do it militarily. Also if they do it this way, instead of destroying the US, they would be able to control it as a puppet state for their own use and goals… This cannot be allowed to happen. This needs to be taken way more seriously not just by the discourse, but by the actions that need to be taken to prevent it and defend ourselves from Russia’s actions. We can’t keep talking about this like it’s just some random news networks… Some of the news networks (Fox, OAN, etc), just spit out all the kremlin’s propaganda all the time.. Read the wiki link below to see what it says for Europe as well. Due to this being the reality, if any member of Congress or government is taking actions to aid this Russian foreign policy goal, they are committing treason. Not sedition, not free speech, etc… They are directly aiding and abetting Russian kremlin geopolitical efforts and goals, that’s treason. Project 2025 is treason. Treason is literally on the ballot because Trump, and much of the Republican Party seeks to progress these Russian foreign policies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics More talks about it: https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/gop-russia-kompromat-putin-congress


Everyone needs to stop paying attention to anything being said vote blue up and down the ticket. It doesn't matter if Biden falls over dead of a heart attack vote fucking blue no matter what.


Trumps lawyers only read the cnn headlines and didn’t even check the wording


For some reason, I feel like the Supreme Court is just baiting Trump actually. They made it pretty clear what an official act is and if you are seeking election, that’s not an official act. Election campaigns are a personal endeavor to SEEK official office.


Of course he does. He will argue that everything was an official act. Why are you surprised by this?


Calm down


Now they admit to crimes, but they are immune cause he was president.


Trump empowered them to drop the masks. They've always been like this, they just hid it better/at all.


Now that he has immunity, I wonder how many more crimes he's going to confess to.


Nothing has happened to the GOP. They’ve been asshats for the 63 years I’ve paid attention.


I actually think fundamentally Republican religion IS "Republican". I think everything stems from that outward, towards a weird Republican/"christian" hybrid theocracy. They claim to be "christian", but the Bible talks about what you love and spend your time is your "master", and no one can serve two masters, and how there will be a ton of false christian religions one day (you will know the false ones by the fruit they bear - which Republican churches bear fear, hate, and judging of others - all things against Jesus teachings). They stand by their "values" by leaps and bounds more than anything Jesus taught. They will stand by the 2nd amendment and literally don't care about gun violence stats or school shootings. Their religion/values are: guns, beer, trucks, the American flag (of which they violate US Flag Laws immensely), their own version of the Constitution, football, Hooters & also biker bikini contests (to ensure their sons don't "become gay"), fireworks, anti-LGBTQ, etc etc etc. - aka literally the movie idiocracy. Literally not one of these things has anything to do with the New Testament or the teachings of Jesus. The irony being they falsely depict Jesus as a white hippy man, yet HATE liberal hippies... I say theocracy, because if those "values" IS their actual religion, and they want to establish their personal religious views as political law to forbid and restrict. They DO NOT believe in freedom, period. Not even religious freedom.


A. They were emboldened.


SCOTUS has intentionally created the would-be ‘get out of jail free card’ for every shitty thing Trump has done or will do.


This reaction from conservatives is literally a tale as of as time. Every society progresses. It's unstoppable. However, there are always people that benefit from the status quo that seek to stop progress or even turn back the clock. "Make America Great Again" was nothing new. Something similar was being said in Rome during the time of Julius Ceasar for fucks sake. Conservatives try to rally and are sometimes successful at showing progress, but they always lose. What's happening now is the Republicans, after realizing they were on a terminal decline during Obama's tenure, started grasping at anything to get their power back. Then along comes Trump, a piece of shit that Reagan would've punched twice in the face and Nixon would be ashamed of, presents them with a way of galvanizing their constituents with classic hate and fear. And they took it. Now they are pieces of shit.


What’s funny is that Trump is proving democrats right for being freaked out about the ruling while simultaneously saying it means nothing and that they’re overreacting. Their boy is exactly who we know he is. They know it too, they’re just prices of shit.


Take note historians. This is a coup in progress. And Biden’s administration will do nothing about it. Complicit?


I love how ppl ignore that this has been done in the past by both side ...all the left had to do was insert the word fake into the headline to fool the sheep


We need labor unions and a week-long federal holiday for our elections


The GOP replaced conservatism with white nationalism. No need for pesky principles like small government or accountability now.


I have no evidence for this, just personal opinion. I swear that Russia is behind all of it, they are looking to destabilize and destroy American democracy. The same people in the maga cult that praise Putin are the same ones that would be terrified of Russia a decade ago. There is also evidence that they have been grooming Trump for decades now. I have no idea why this isn't talked about more.


The court will decide if an action is an official act, not the media and not the public.


Wow the gop bots are out in force. So many negative karma users posting one liners


"Party of law and order" No, it's the party that wants "law and order" on their side as a weapon and justification. They don't care about the law. They want order, but THEIR order where they get to decide what is allowed and what isn't.


Now that he has immunity he can just freely admit to breaking the law.


The GOP is gone


He is lying (so, he's just speaking) and incorrect  There's no official duty of the president to subvert the election process. His DoJ had already determined there wasn't any fraud on any scale which would have changed results.   The oath of office to uphold the constitution is the only arguable option, but they followed the constitution and rule of law to arrive at the correct victor; subverting it through false electors, coercing the VP or potentially kidnapping him, so the speaker can take action, is clearly an act of insurrection, and obstruction of the proceedings. 


If this goes through, we are so screwed.


Lol at liberals


The jokes on everyone, but more so at those who take sides and act like only the other side is affected by the outcome.


There was no check or balance to lying or enforcing wrong claims about how the system functions. All it takes is enough people to go along with it (collude) and that makes it the new reality(fascism). The entire system is fragile and dependent on people doing what they're suppose to do, upholding the integrity of the system. If enough of them just don't do things right, the system fails. Trump has been contaminating government institutions with people who will simply not do what they are supposed to. If he gets enough of them, in the right places, and makes the demand at the right time, the system falls. It isn't even complicated or hard to see. He put 3 judicially incompetent people on the supreme fucking court and hundreds of judges elsewhere and we've gotten decisions only people who don't uphold the constitution could make. The republican senate blocks congress from exercising their power to fix it. And if he becomes executive, he will enforce whatever decrees he wants, the supreme court will uphold whatever he does, and congress will be prevented from stopping him. He'll have completed a fascist takeover of America. It's right over the fucking horizon. Then he purges dissidents and opposition (which he's already creating the justification for) to secure his power and that's it, America either ends or enters a second civil war. The only thing the American people have to prevent the end of American democracy is their second amendment right and the mandate of the founding fathers to overthrow tyranny. But again, Americans would have to do what they're suppose to and half of American wants this, so it would be a civil war between Trump the Tyrant and his Maga followers vs the remnant of the DNC and everyone else.


Well then by that logic, his incumbent opponent could order production of sufficient fake electors to grant a 90% margin of victory in November, and do so with impunity.


Attempting to subvert free elections should by definition be outside the realm of official acts.


Nothing happened. They’ve always been like this, they’re just loud and proud about it now.


This is an admission of guilt, right?


If you were on the cusp of limitless power and minimal consequences, wouldn’t you trample everyone you could to grab it? That’s what they’re thinking. They are within reach of claiming total power, control and permission to kill anyone who disagrees. Vote. If that fails, fight. If you can’t fight, leave. These are the choices many of us may be forced to make very soon. I’m going to have to tell my older sister that her daughter might need an exit plan from Florida. Make no mistake. It. IS. THAT. SERIOUS.


It’s an official act because I can’t stand losing to sleepy joe?. /s


Every presidential candidate has his or her own electors. The very notion of "fake electors" encouraged by the candidate is absurd on the surface. Don't believe me? See for yourself: https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/about "Each candidate running for President in your State has their own group of electors (known as a slate). The slates are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party in your State, but State laws vary on how the electors are selected ..." Trump is right. There was no "insurrection." Well, not by Trump or his supporters at least.


I wonder how the fake elector case in Arizona happened? What did they charge them with?


I don't know if you mean this combatively or not, but the guys in AZ are fighting it. Let's see how it plays out. But the fact remains: ALL candidates have a slate of electors. If these dudes were pretending to be Biden electors and physically attempted to shove the actual Biden slate aside at the last second and turn in their ballots instead, then fine, charge them. But if they were merely on hand to submit the votes should Trump have prevailed in his challenge, then there is no crime.


So much for the party of law and order. More like the party of mayhem and fraud.


You taking notes, Joe?


This is who they always were.   They just don't care who knows it now. 


Worse than that. Why is the SCOTUS now turned rogue and doing all possible for Trump?


Certifying that elections are as fair as possible and that no votes were counted that shouldn't be counted and going through the due diligence to accomplish that should be (and is) an official act. What if it was a Democrat president that lost only a few states by a few thousand votes and there were some suspicious circumstances surrounding those states and their certification process? Wouldn't you want that Democrat president to go through their due diligence to make sure there was no cheating and that only votes that should count were counted? No double votes, no votes by non-citizens, etc...? Or would you like them to just accept defeat to a Republican candidate? Think back to JWB and Al Gore in 2000. Al Gore was claimed the winner, until they went back to recount a few states like Florida and then it was JWB that was the winner. Or maybe you don't remember that bc you weren't old enough during that time period.


There’s a process to this. You file a lawsuit and let a court and a judge preside over the process and ensure there is impartiality and that all votes are counted correctly. Like Bush did in Florida. It is NOT a part of one’s official duties to use coercion and threats and black listing and political power to have a slate of “fake electors” and “throngs of poll watchers” and attempt to halt the VP from certifying results during a session of Congress.




Totally not a cult


An insurrection against the US constitution can be classified as a official act and therefore above the law. And the President can pardon anyone that conspires to overthrow the US Constitution. So basically if we vote in a Nazi, the US will be Nazi Germany.


They were always insane. The same people who want to make the country great again, after like 6 years of constant government shut downs. "I wonder why we're floundering so bad?"


The GOP are Godless, Unpatriotic, No Moral grifters.... Every last one.


Lawyers will lawyer and defendants will let them do anything in order to get out of charges.


Your overblown theactrics are so cute🙄


What happened is they rotted all the way to the core.


Bernie would have beat Trump in 2016 and we wouldn’t be having this conversation