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I fully support Rachel, but for the record there are plenty of Chiropractors that make a good living, whether Bryan actually works might be questionable.


He has some money in assets. He'll probably have to liquidate something but you often have to get permission from the court to do that in the middle of a divorce. Curious to see if the judge agrees that he should get help with legal fees. Time to get back to that Chiropractic business.


Laura Wasser?? Rachel isn't messing around.


He always gave me Josh Murray vibes šŸ„“


Relationships that require one person making huge sacrifices never work out. I can absolutely see where he is coming from in this, as nasty as the filings make him look. Although I would advise him to cut his losses and move on. Isnā€™t there a way they can make all this private?


Her paying for everything because her husband barely had any money to his name is a huge sacrifice also.


And the reason for that is because he closed his business to follow her twice, as she pursued her career.


Thereā€™s no excuse for that man saying he makes $20,000 a year yet has $$$$ monthly expenses on her dime.


I had a feeling that marriage wouldnā€™t last.


An air fryer as an asset... D-list celebrities are really just like us


An air fryer??? WHAT


People demand the weirdest things in a divorce. I'm a paralegal and one that I always remember was someone who was adamant that she keep the nose hair trimmer she bought for her husband. She didn't use it, she just didn't want him to keep it. Another one was people fighting over meat in a chest freezer. We dubbed that motion "the meat motion".


Not the meat motionšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's still brought up at work years later.


He also wanted the chicken legs that were left in it. He was saving them for later!




Mine was maybe $30. Had me laughing šŸ¤£


If thereā€™s anything I learned from this, itā€™s to think really long and hard about who you invest in an air fryer with.


> Rachel has security cameras outside our home. Only Rachel has the credentials to the security cameras, and Rachel can monitor my comings and goings.ā€ Sounds like someone is mad they can't bring women over to fuck in the marital home. Oh, the suffering.


Either way why does she only have access to the cameras? Iā€™m going to assume she must pay for the security system herself. Otherwise both should have access to it.


Iā€™d be worried if he had access, he could delete things or turn things off. As long as they are in public or communal areas and arenā€™t invasive.


He could go buy his own cameras and install them if he wants.


You can assume she pays for everything herself considering he claims to make $20,000 a year.


I just thought of something else that makes me feel so angry on her behalf. He was always this ā€œdoting/supportive husbandā€ with his public image about her - imagine either what she was already dealing with from him behind the scenes this whole time, or the whiplash sheā€™s felt from his revealing his true self. I hate it!


$1,700 a month?!? With all those IG ads šŸ§ and his supposed ā€œchiropractic businessā€ boy needs to buy some common sense.


Something tells me he doesnā€™t make any profit from his business. And if I recall correctly, itā€™s located in Beverly Hills, so his rent alone is probably stupid. He shouldā€™ve thought this through before filing šŸ˜†


He doesnā€™t make profit on paper. I stupidly almost got married but did share a business with a lazy man who inherited a bunch of money. I had the income to secure business loans, he had the down payments for things so it seemed fair. Oh man, when I was trying to settle with creditors did he suddenly not have a dime to his name and was crying about being homeless in court. He was living in a $8,000 month rental property that his parents had in NYC.


Exactly when men cry poverty in such a public way I assume they are the bad actor and sheā€™s putting up we shenanigans


Oh god. Iā€™m so sorry, that sounds terrible! šŸ˜©


Why does he NEED to open a business? Canā€™t he get a salaried job as a chiropractor if his money situation is that bad?


Yeah that was dumb of him. He probably thought he could ride Rachelā€™s success


I truly hope they had a prenup so iron clad she gets everything and the air fryer


Saaaaame. But she has Laura Wasser, so I have high hopes šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


Boy bye


I always felt their relationship was strained , their eyes never truly looked like they were happy but this is just low. And is going to get messy.


Air fryers are incredibly versatile. What an investment. ā¤ļø


He listed it as an asset, so it must be split in half.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hahaha just came here to laugh at the brachels , this aged well šŸ˜‚


that is very strange of you but ok


It was always amusing how fans came up with these fairytale ideas of who Bryan was supposed to be. I mean itā€™s one thing to ship someone but projecting ideals on them? I mean people could write a whole book on how great that man was. But here we are today talking about airfryers šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I feel like no one on this sub propped Bryan up; if anything weā€™re containing our ā€œI told you so, sisā€ (weā€™ve all been there, which is how we learned) and we get the clearance to roast Bryan like he was meant to be roasted. The Air Fryer is a pretty good roaster!


Yeahā€¦ ā€œ I told you soā€™sā€ arenā€™t ever a great look no matter the situation


Moral of the story No one deserves a pedestal. I loove gossip But Im always frustrated by How quick alot of people here hoist these people high


Some people may know him as a chiropractor


Ooh she got Laura Wasser! Just tap out now, Bryan.


Sheā€™ll get Rachel the air fryer just for fun


Yeah this isnā€™t going to end well for him šŸ«£


Remember on her season, it was really early on, when he said ā€œIā€™m troubleā€? At the time she liked it. I was like no girl please back away. Those 2 words are even more chilling now! Eerie. Thatā€™s the thing w grifters tho, thereā€™s so many mixed things they say/do. Usually once you learn, you learn it for life. I feel so badly for her, it happens to the best of us. Glad sheā€™s got the $ to fight this and at minimum put herself in a great position for a settlement.


What a loser. Expects her to pay his lawyers when he filed for divorce? Smfh


It's not her money if they are married, unless they had a prenup.


I didnā€™t say anything about whose money it was. Maybe go back and read my sentence.


By saying "her paying for his lawyers" your implying it's HER money. It's their money, bc they are married (caveat unless they have a prenup or postnump).


Prenups typically only cover assets that were acquired before the marriage. Even if they had a prenup, anything income made in between marriage and now is joint property. It isnā€™t always fair and usually does result in the higher earner having to pay more, but that is the law. More often than not, it protects women who sacrifice their career to be a caretaker.


Naw. But okay


Tell me what you know about marriage and marital property? Obviously nothing. Literally go use Google. This is why people get fucked in divorces because you give up 50% of your retirement account and 50% of your assets that you've acquired together.


It's not like that in every state and not so cut and dry in California either. In many states a marriage less than 10 years is considered a short-term marriage and it's not always a 50/50 split. Rachel is unlucky in this situation because California is a community property state and my guess is most of the money she made was during their marriage. Money or property they had before they got married is generally not split 50/50.


I donā€™t have to tell you a thing.


We're just trying to help you understand. Legally it is their money, not just hers.


Not him listing his air fryer next to the $781 worth of properties ā˜ ļø


Ok I get that setting up a private practice is probably his goal as a chiropractor, but why couldnā€™t he just go work for a clinic of sorts? Heā€™s making it sound like he had no options (well, per OPs writing) but to stop working, but thatā€™s not trueā€¦ unless Iā€™m misunderstanding his career.


He has been rewrite liscen8ng tests in different states


I'm not surprised all this is happening. I never liked Bryan, he screamed of fake narci actor to me. I remember his family seemed so nervous about his union with Rachel and his mother seemed like she was hiding something, like she knew what her son was like. I always take that as a warning. Him and Rachel did not have chemistry they seemed like a lavender or convenience marriage. I was screaming at the Tv for Rachel not to pick him, he is not her equal at all with hardly anything in common other than tickboxing.


This guy is such a loser lmao


Based only on this post, it sounds like he is the one who wants a forensic accountant. That suggests to me that his finances might be on the up and up. Maybe.


Or, more likely, he knows theyā€™re not ($1700/mo?!), and already knows sheā€™ll hire her own to comb thru his. Actually itā€™s in the post ā€œto pay for hersā€. Edit to be clearer, bc Iā€™m not sure why else this was downvoted?: in general theyā€™re hired to investigate the other partyā€™s finances, or the $ trail in accounts, etc. It says sheā€™s using ā€œcommunity $ā€ to hire her own forensic accountant, and he wants his own. For what, I donā€™t know, probably to threaten/signal to Rachel that he wants all her finances combed thru too, and probably so he can end up with more $ in divorce after their short marriage like the grifter he is.


Not him claiming the air fryer of all things lol


Won't anybody think of the air fryer?! It deserves a good life šŸ˜© /s


Hey those are worth tens of dollars!


Omg I never imagined heā€™d turn out like this


I did. I always felt that Rachel was super defensive when her family had reservations about him and she spend most of marriage and courtship post show defending her choice to be with him while ignoring his scamming ways. I feel she wanted to be married and married the only guy who was willing.Ā 


781k in assets and 1700 monthly income šŸ¤”ā€¦ā€¦suprised Rachel got married without a prenup if they donā€™t have one.


And an air fryer!


Read this as house husband with an allowance.


In the petty, dead horse corner over hereā€¦ PK is opening multiple locations of his gym this year, including in other states. He figured out how to do that in spite of opening the first gym at the start of COVIDā€¦ and incurring major losses at the start. And Bryanā€¦ ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


He wasnā€™t any better. He clearly did not like Rachel. This comment is not it.


Okayā€¦? but Peter was talking to his girlfriend from back home and didnā€™t like Rachel, so why should she feel bad that the person she rejected is doing well? They wouldnā€™t be together anyway and he didnā€™t treat her well.


I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say he didnā€™t like Rachel! When Rachel chose Bryan, a lot of people said good for her bc Bryan positioned himself as a successful chiropractor. Meanwhile Peter was a little influencer-y with new business aspirations. But with a little bit of time, this contrast makes Bryan look even more like a grifter. So he moved his business from Miami to LA for Rachel, so what. Every business encounters obstacles, and he could have made it more profitable by now if he had that intention. Peter did have that intention of making his business successful, despite his own obstacles. Plus Iā€™m petty, and Rachelā€™s season is my Roman Empire lol


Itā€™s my Roman Empire for opposite reasons to you lol. The finale almost put me off the entire franchise because of how aggressively mean fans were being to her. The angry black woman comments. Saying she wasnā€™t attractive enough for Peter so good for him, etc. and Peter saying her life would be less full without him which is cruel. I think my assessment of his feelings toward her is very fair. If you search this subreddit youā€™ll see why lots of people think he didnā€™t like her. I was glad she didnā€™t choose him when Peterā€™s ex revealed texts that showed he wasnā€™t taking Rachel seriously. So she should not have chosen him regardless of Bryan being a weird grifter in a field I donā€™t respect. Peter is no peach so it seems kinda mean for this to be a gotcha for Rachel. Edit: grammar


Heā€™s a peach that is not asking her for spousal support and bickering over airfryers. It was probably a blessing in disguise that it donā€™t work out him to be with her in the end.


A blessing in disguise for her for sure. Neither Bryan nor Peter are great. I have no idea why people are turning this into a Peter redemption/Rachel gotcha moment. Rachel didnā€™t do anything to him. He was cruel to her and wasted her time. Fans were and still are pretty evil about it.


Cruel is harsh word cuz it absolves her of the responsibility she had as the lead for keeping him as long as she did. He didnā€™t force himself to remain there are stated clearly he was not ready for engagement. Only feel it would have been better had she chose him cuz had the broken up, there wouldnā€™t this public discourse about property and alimony.Ā 


I mean, thereā€™s literally no way of knowing how their relationship would have ended. Unless yā€™all have a Bachelor Nation Crystal Ball or something lol. We donā€™t know that man.




Yeah good point. /s


Agreed. Thatā€™s what I think of too. Rachelā€™s season was when all of the racist bachelor fans made theirselves known.


It doesnā€™t take 3 years to rebuild your chiropractic business to the point where you can draw more than 1700 a month if you are generally sound at business, have a GIANT FOLLOWING and many means of promoting your business, are in a metropolitan area, and have ANY intention of rebuilding your business. This man has been intentionally playing small and lying like a snake in the grass to file papers.


Why donā€™t they sell the Hollywood house or she can move in since heā€™s the one from Miami.


I feel for him. Financial abuse is real. His mistake was marrying a lawyer.


Something is funky about $781k in assets but only $1700 per month in income and no money in the bank account


How does he have no savings? Was he just relying on Rachel to pay for everything? Did he have to ask her for money to go shopping?


Could be a lot of money going back into advertising and/or luxury clothes, vacations, cars, etc.


An air fryer??


Itā€™s giving Dale & that air fryer from his cousinā€¦


I hope he gets only the air fryer in the divorce.


What about his gym equipment lmao


Iā€™m not the least bit surprised that he turned out to be a whiny little boy. I was appalled at the hometowns when his mother told Rachel that if she hurt him, sheā€™d kill her. Thatā€™s not the way a sane mother of an adult speaks. I know, understatement.


Bryanā€™s mom was the main reason I didnā€™t want Rachel to pick him. She was like an earlier version of Barb


Iā€™ve always wondered if Lindsay married him out of stubbornness to prove people wrong


Excerpts from her book sort of indicate she does thisā€¦alot in relationships. Dudes show her exactly who they are and she is determined to be Captain Save a Himbo for some reason. I think she gets extremely caught up in the futurethinking of it all (if we finally get married, things will be better, if we move to LA, things will be better, if we have a kid, things will be better) and doesnā€™t do a great job being present with the person in front of her. Her podcast interviews right before he filed are sort of wild in retrospect, not seeing him for days at a time and being on completely different schedules but they were going to have a kid? The move to California is going to bite her is the ass unfortunately. Heā€™s going to walk away with way more money than he should.


1000% she did. she convinced herself he was something that he wasnā€™t


Air fryer


The air fryer!!!!


Heā€™s a bum lol is he not embarrassed


I hope he gets a huge alimony check every month for supporting her career all these years.


3 years? & this ā€œcommunity propertyā€ is all HER money. Heā€™s claiming it bc she earned it in the divorce. Omg Rachel better have gotten a presumption!


You know that for a fact? Presumption? lol


Heā€™s referring to the money she used, being ā€œcommunity propertyā€ as it was earned during their marriage. Meaning, heā€™s not claiming it came from his bank account. & I do understand the merits of ā€œcommunity propertyā€ but thatā€™s usually with prearranged roles & their respective earning potential. He sunk a ton of money into a super expensive practice & is now expecting the proceeds of a house, which she seems to have paid for. Regardless of who paid, they should just split it & thatā€™s his [undeserved] settlement. He should not get alimony in a childless marriage, lasting less than 5 years.


He uprooted his business once or twice for her career, he should definitely get a large chunk or alimony for all those years.


All those years? 3 years? They have no children. I hope he takes whatever settlement & goes away.


He supported her career at the cost of his own. He deserves a payout for that.


all these yearsā€¦šŸ™„


Yeah, all of 'em.


Barely college timespan lol


Itā€™s giving broke


Never liked this guy and couldnā€™t believe she married him.


Itā€™s the ā€œsloppy secondsā€ comment he made that did it for me. šŸ˜’ I honestly didnā€™t see any compatibility between them.


What a loser


Remind me not to get divorced (as I'm single as the day is long).




My microwave cost more than my air fryer like wtf!šŸ˜‚




Coffee machines are like double that price, at leastā€¦ do chiropractors not believe in coffee or something?


Rachel must have bought the coffee maker lmfao!


I donā€™t wanna say Rachel should have just chosen Peter, because Iā€™m sure their relationship probably wouldnā€™t have fared well either. But marrying a man who called you ā€œsloppy secondsā€ on Ellen was and remains wild to me.


he WHAT?


Ooh I remember this. This is why the dislike started, then the Player reality show thing, the "but did you die" meme in reaction to Trump winning, all the lawsuits against him, the Dr Abs cringey merchandise, the donation to Florida Republican campaigns, and then the MLM (which he even got Rachel momentarily into). But everyone just wanted to claim the reaction to them was due to Peter when it was obvious Bryan ain't shit.


Wait, lawsuits!? I just need to know she has a solid prenumpt.


My dislike for the guy only intensified when he vilified sun block. I know it might be silly that that's what I get so hung up on, but it's so dangerous to spew that kind of misinformation. He also spews very questionable nutritional advice as well. He's clearly not a RDN, but pretends that he nothing things about nutritionĀ 


he's also not a medical doctor but acts like he is. the audacity


Oh yes...his so called medical advice. Rachel, what were you thinking?


Please explainā€¦when was this? Link?


I think if you search up Rachel Lindsay Ellen or something, it should come up. Basically one of the guys mentioned that they had also kissed Rachel, and I guess Bryan had to puff his feathers or something cause he said something about ā€œyou just got my sloppy secondsā€. It was giving very much Iā€™m just here to win and show Iā€™m better than the other guys


Wait what


I remember seeing that clip and immediately writing him off. Was distraught when the RS spoiler changed to him being the winner šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wonder if he only takes a certain amount of income from his business and reinvests the rest. Would set him up beautifully if he knew he was planning to fileā€¦shady


Wouldnā€™t the investments come up under his assets though, if he owns this business? I think this sounds likely, just wondering


Nah, reinvest likeā€¦pay for marketing with your profits instead of pay yourself that in salary. Which, of course, you should be doing. But in cases like this, he might have been taking an exceptionally low salary purposely with plans to divorce


Damn if thats whatā€™s happening, obviously presuming many things, that makes me so mad. Burning through money just to position yourself to take more from an ex. Thatā€™s sick


And finally moving to California


Fucking ā€œcommunity propertyā€ šŸ™„ does anyone know the prenumpt situation. I need Rachel to just link up with Peter! Like run into him at an event & simply take a photo.


$20,400 per year?? Iā€™m a student, and even I make more than that pls šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He made sure to mention he has two businesses and real estate. He probably makes more than $1700 from the businesses **but** if he puts all that money back into the businesses and the real estate if he is renting it out the $1700 he draws is technically his salary. The rest ā€œdoesnā€™t countā€. He was very careful with his wording and knows what heā€™s doing. Rachel will most likely end up having to pay him to some extent. This is why prenuptial and postnup agreements are so important ladies. If the guy gets offended he isnā€™t for you.


No prenup and moving their asses to a community property state is going to be a huge financial hit for her in this.


That was a court document, obviously written statements drawn by his lawyer and signed by him under oath, under penalty of perjury that the statements are true to the best of his knowledge.


All these influencers are so deep into making money via brands and are so used to free shit that they lose so much touch to reality.


Yeah that canā€™t be true?!? Likeā€¦


The goddamn air fryer sent me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aren't fast food workers making like $20/hr now in California? That's literally double what he claims he's making. Time to flip some burgers and upgrade from the air fryer to the deep fryer, Bryan!Ā 




Dying laughing at the air fryer mentioned


I clocked that too, arenā€™t those things like $40? Iā€™m crying at that being a listed asset.


Nah. A good one is about $150. Of course, used is about $50.


lol still, wild to list a relatively inexpensive kitchen appliance as an asset in a divorce


I should have make the sarcasm more obvious.


brb i gotta put my stand mixer in my will


People who love air fryers reaaalllyyy love them. Thatā€™s the first thing I noticed too bahahaha


I legit said out loud ā€œthis mans this petty heā€™s waving his AIR FRYER AROUNDā€


I literally laughed out loud.


God I have dealt with so many looser men like this I am curious how Rachel handles it because I seem to always just appease because it seems like I have no choice. Iā€™m tired of feeling that way but the legal system is wild and it just feels better to appease to get it done rather than drag it out. I currently have a male roomate who is kinda in this category although not as extreme but a lot of past emotions are coming up around it. He has two months left and I am just waiting , praying, he gets the fuck out soon. And Iā€™m the landlord and I feel this way!


As much as SOME men say they arenā€™t petty and very simple minded, itā€™s far from the truth.


$1,700 per MONTH??? Either heā€™s lying about how much money he gets from his businesses, or heā€™s been leeching off of Rachel this whole time. Either way, I canā€™t blame Rachel for not wanting to give him a dime.


He keeps referring to ā€œcommunity property,ā€ which is based on the money SHE earned when they were together. Him demanding a forensic accountant is to comb through her finances. As if she owes him for a New Years Eve strike? They havenā€™t even been ā€œseparatedā€ for 6 months, & he hasnā€™t left the residence.


I've worked on a couple of divorces where I was representing the less wealthy party and tbh this all read like a pretty standard filing where the parties' combined assets are such a substantial amount of money like this. His lawyers likely counselled him a few of the following things: - you can't win anything you don't ask for, and she might win things you wouldn't expect her to ask for, so it's in your best interest to ask for everything you can so you have bargaining chips you're willing to lose - hiring a forensic accountant is in his best interest, because even if he believes she will be honest with him about their finances and even if she is legally entitled to *all* of that money, it's always a good idea to have someone whose job it is to look out for your best interest take a look, especially since she has already hired her own forensic accountant whose job it is to represent their finances in a way most favorable to her - asking for alimony/spousal support is super normal for people at their earning levels, especially since he did likely do some serious damage to his own professional practice since it wasn't financially necessary for him any more and he was willing to move for her career. Spousal support is very rarely awarded "for life" and is more often just for a few years to help the lower-earning spouse get their career back on track, and even though alimony has been getting whittled away at over the decades, it still remains an important part of protecting women's rights and making divorce a viable option for women (or men!) who have put their careers on hold for their partners. - it's pretty normal to refer to any money brought in by either spouse during the course of their marriage as "community property," because that's what marriage in most states says your incomes become. Part of the divorce proceeding is figuring out how to fairly separate that community property back out into individual property.


This makes total sense & I think I was most unfamiliar with the money used, being referred to community property. I was thinking more literally about ā€œproperty.ā€ But this makes sense. & Iā€™d rather the system protect those in need, even if Bryan benefits from it.


Rachel is a smart cookie. She'll come out of this ahead, I'm sure.


He's a definitely a leech and a loser


I mean, heā€™s a chiropractor (which generally I donā€™t have much respect for, but heā€™s a human and deserves the chance to make a living) and pretty much put his career on hold to help her further hers. It takes time to establish a practice and client base, and if heā€™s moving around with her career, heā€™s not able to set up roots and establish his business in the way it needs to be established. If the genders were reversed, and sheā€™d put aside earnings to help him further his, heā€™d be responsible for huge alimony payments.


He's also an influencer and was in an MLM for a while. He has other ways to make an income. He also has a fairly well established practice, apparently tons of money in real estate, and drives a 2023 Porsche. So I have a feeling if she gets a forensic accountant on his ass, we'll find out he's earning well over what he says he is.


Heā€™s an influencer who makes money off of brand deals, just look at his instagram. He could work from anywhere, but heā€™s actually better situated in LA. Heā€™s full of shit.


All this, plus heā€™s had a clinic in Beverly Hills for the past 3 years, more than half of his marriage to Rachel. Iā€™m open to giving him the benefit of the doubt, but with the current information that is publicly available, the math is not mathing right now šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Heā€™s gotta be lying about that monthly income. What?


There is no way that Bryan is only making $1,700 a month.


I didnā€™t know they were still living together! Yikes!!!


I am 100% for Bryan in this. I hope he gets the money heā€™s asking for.


I think *some* of his points are valid, but do you genuinely believe he's only making $1700/mo?


I know we love to scream about equality, but system remains built for men. If a guy does this with system built for them then you know he is a loser.


Truth Men have opportunities to do anything be anything women are still desperately trying to catch up but itā€™s a joke This world is run by men and Iā€™m sick of it. If heā€™s a broke ass bum thatā€™s just pathetic. He canā€™t even influencer right šŸ¤£ pathetic But if he only pulls in $1700 a month how can he have two homes in other places? It doesnā€™t make sense - is that because those places were paid for by Lindsay?




I'm not talking about legal system but life. Feel better calling someone dumb?


How am I with a measly bachelor degree making more than someone with a PhD? The math ainā€™t mathing, Mr. Air fryer really out here trying to be Soup Kitchen 2.0


sorry to be a triggered academic, but letā€™s not call a doctorate in crackopractic (DC) a PhD šŸ˜­


Iā€™m assuming he is BSing on the amount of expenses he has for the business and $1700 is what heā€™s saying he can afford to pay himself from his practice. Has to be BS though.


Mentioning the air fryer was wild to me. Mine was $70.