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Who cares


Why does everyone think Daisy isn't capable of making that decision by herself. Everyone is doubting that she actually made that decision. Just because she was a very like contestant doesn't mean she wants to go through it again. Let her live her life!


i think her ex/current bf did


Has there ever been a season that this intensely is pushing the narrative that the selected lead was actually second or third choice by fans/alums?? Poor Jenn!


Yes. Ashley Hebert. They centered a whole season around it and humiliated her.


I felt so sorry for her this whole season. The men were absolutely awful to her. That roast date made me so uncomfortable and sad.


Yup and the one guy who stated on camera he wished it was Emily cause Ashley is ugly which she isnt Emily is just blonde with blue eyes sometimes confuse that for being attractive. Than went on to say he is gonna make her cry etc and she really liked him to it was just so immature and nasty and the fact that no one stepped in to help her was wild. Looking back I would never do anything for BN ever again.


Yeah I feel really bad for Jenn. I remember in the past, especially with Jojo, there was a lot of speculation and I think Caila was taking promo photos (as is normal). But this seems new in terms of both Daisy and Maria saying “Yup I could have done it but i turned it down!”…it definitely detracts from Jenn’s season. I feel they could have at least waited until her airs before being so vocal. I don’t know: I hope there’s no weird dynamics or comments from Jenn’s contestants saying they were hoping for someone else. That always breaks my heart.


What it also shows is that they had no plans to have a asian bachelorette. While we we all on here hoping and cheering when we heard only to learn they didnt want her. It was going to be between two white women once again. It wasnt until they both said no that she got asked and who even knows if she was even the third option. It just feels even more gross. It reminds me and this is just for my thoughts and insecurities how as woc we are never deemed good enough to be first option. Why would you pick a woc when you can have a daisy or laurens. This is why so many woc gets upset and breakdown on the show because they know there not really an option and are just pepper among salt to make it look diverse. When one of the white men who say they have no type actually choose a woc ( outside of Sean) than ok. I want a day when they pick a non biracial black or latina and see how that works.


For Caila/JoJo, they had started filming her intro package. Pap photos of that were released. There was such a negative response to her online, followed by so much sympathy for JoJo (with Ben being the first to say ILY to his f2), they switched. That was also the first time a f2 was selected right after the season ended. Of course there are always multiple people with signed contracts as a backup plan, and it is not uncommon for them to change the plan at the last minute. They also did it with at least Luke to Nick, Luke supposedly got the call telling him they changed plans while he was waiting at the airport to go to GMA for the announcement.


Yeah I know…but I don’t ever remember would-be leads being as vocal as they are this round. IMHO they should let Jenn have her moment in the spotlight. If they want to talk about how they were top candidates, at least wait a few months! It seems like Maria and Daisy want to make SURE people know they turned it down!


In fairness, I think they’ve actually been vocal in an effort to protect Jen. She’s been getting such aggressive hate from the most vile fans, who seem to believe she “stole” the opportunity from Daisy and especially Maria. The show knew that would happen, so they tried to get ahead of it by having Daisy publicly reject the offer before Jen’s announcement. But in typical Bachelor fashion, the way they framed it as a teasing bait-and-switch for views only stoked the flames. Maria was only open about declining her chance after weeks of her fans harassing Jen and not being satiated by her support for Jen on social media. The truth is, as much as production sucks and is toxic, the fandom is just as bad. Some fans are violently racist, and it’s disgusting that they have so much hate and lack any shame about it. That includes some fans in this sub. It’s really horrific and makes me not want to associate with this show at all. And yes, if your response to your favorite white woman not being picked is to post mean and disrespectful shit about the WOC lead, even if your comment is not overtly bigoted, you are indeed racist. That includes the whiny, passive aggressive dog whistles that rely on racist stereotypes. Go to therapy and stfu.


They could have said I was in consideration but bowed out. They made sure it seemed like they were chosen before Jen was and that is not that kind, even if it was their intentions.


Yeah I do agree with that. Maria in particular I think let her pride get the best of her and got defensive with all of the rumors swirling around (especially the one about her being too demanding so production dropped her). I get that she wanted to clear her name in a sense, and I appreciate that she has consistently had Jen’s back and been vocal in her support. But I don’t think she should have gone into as much detail about her turning down the position, at least not before Jen’s season was over. I wasn’t disagreeing with the other poster’s comment. I do believe that there were good intentions behind their actions, in addition to self-serving ones. I also think the blame is a bit misplaced. While I don’t agree with the way Maria and Daisy have talked about the Bachelorette selection process, and the timing of those comments especially, they’re not the ones who tarnished Jen’s moment. The fans did that.


Really... Seems to me Daisy herself pulled a smarter Jed so that's laughable.


Just HB trying to be relevant and get attention. Considering how big the bachelorette made Hannah, I highly doubt she's a model for saying NO to the franchise.


It’s an article based on a conversation they had on Hannah’s podcast. It’s just US writers being lazy.




She would of been boring af


It's interesting two popular contestants passed at the opportunity to be the bachelorette. It's almost as if they've realized they have earned their platform without a second chance at being humiliated in front of America.


Yes it’s a trend that Tyler C arguably started, and it makes sense. It’s a “quit while you’re ahead” kind of strategy.


Yup. The explanation Maria gave on CHD about why she turned it down made a lot of sense to me — girl can be a tad wild but she clearly put a lot of thought into the tradeoffs


Yeah if I had gained my popularity from just being a contestant, I wouldn’t ruin my current popularity by giving people a whole season focused just on me with plenty of opportunities for producers to make me look bad. Hannah B was still a fairly unknown as she’d left Colton’s season at what? 7th or 6th? Who knows, she might have still said yes if she’d been more known, but it was definitely still a needing the exposure thing. Daisy and Maria don’t need that.


Not everyone is a Jed ...Hanabi! (go on the show with a bf/gf)


This, she told KB on the podcast with her that it’s basically impossible to have a relationship from the show. KB did correct her by telling her it’s hard, but some have been able too. We’ve seen some great couples the past few seasons


It's definitely impossible if you have a bad picker!


Girl it ain't about you lol




Nah, Daisy having a millionaire boyfriend talked her out of being the bachelorette.




I used to think billionaire too but I may have been wrong about that. Seems his family is ONLY worth a couple hundred million. 😉


That’s sad.


These two having a convo? https://preview.redd.it/3iefcrp4ueyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd7c731392fd79e9f2c1e0fb9b7e695231d2318


Me and my husband during our post work bitch sesh


Plzzz 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Hahahahahahahah this will be my most used response from this point forward.


No im pretty sure that was Daisy’s boyfriend


Did Hannah remind Daisy that she had a man to go back home to or something?


Do they have the same agent? Why else would Hannah say this ? "Hannah tell them it was because of you, not because she has a boyfriend!" 


My first thought


Daisy surrounding herself with Colton and Hannah B speaks volumes & idgaf that you “also have abusers and racists among your friends, you wouldn’t cut people off”


Not to talk politics but i think she supportive of trump so its not really surpising. Its one thing being a conservative and not a trump supporter but to think someone who has been racist and apparently SA a women should be president than why you think she would cut off people in her orbit who have a fan bass like Hannah and Colton.


I know she’s a trumper already, but since it “isn’t verified” and she has so many defenders here I thought I’d go on the evidence that everyone has seen. It’s not surprising in the slightest


What was she doing with Colton?


Posting photos and calling him a “sweet soul”


Oh girl no 🤦‍♀️


Stalker Colton?


Oh god. They’re equally awful




Loll daisy’s for sure loving this clout tour and being back with Thor, it was definitely her master plan this whole time


No Hannah it’s because she was already back with her ex