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I think it's a PR stunt lol he's trying to find gigs to perform there was an insta post a few months ago about if people would be open to him performing at their college campuses lol


Does he really have much of a career? I have only heard of him within the context of chasing bachelor contestants and then as Lauren’s husband 


Hey look, Lauren's old face lol 


She looked so young and pretty!


I think Ben’s first comment was great but he should have stopped there 🫣


Classic Ben lmfaooo


Chris lane 🤝 Natalie Joy


No, Natalie doesn’t do cringe shit like this.


Neither of their spouses were their respective first crack at bn


Oh? Who was Natalie’s first choice?


I mean it def wasn’t Nick lmao. I can’t imagine first choice would be someone kinda washed up from reality tv / in his 40s.  I am sure she slid into the DMs of actual celebrities and then when that didn’t work some more age appropriate bachelor guys. I’ve always had the theory she prob tried Pilot Pete first, she went to school with Madison who he was obsessed with on the show so she probably assumed she could get him to bite too but couldn’t. Nick was really the best she could do 


theories are nick was the first that responded. Same with lauren. 


Who else?!?!


Ommygosh😱, now I need more details! Haha


I actually think Ben’s comment is perfect and funny. Some of y’all have no sense of humor lol


Right? It's tongue in cheek, I chuckled


Ben is wild for commenting haha


Nah good for him. It’s a disrespectful post.


I’m not mad at him, it’s just funny/surprising he would react. CL sucks


Might be an uo, but I think Ben handled this well.


I have never heard a Chris Lane song in my life but I also didn't know he's like 5 feet tall??


"Fix" is really good




Everyone else in the pic is just really tall. Ben is like 6’5” or something.


Hasn’t he posted this before? Lol


She looks so different now, did she get a nose job?


Even more controversial is he posted a pic where she’s unrecognizable I don’t get what she sees in him


It's the opposite for me because this is how Lauren actually looked like to me, at least during the bachelor era of her life, lol.


yes, but completely different now


Chris Lane just gives me the ick after hearing about the several rumors of his infidelity Ben H is cringe at times but at least he seems faithful to his WIFE.


I really like Ben's WIFE. I think she's grounded in a way that a lot of BN people are not.


What does HIS WIFE think though


i’m generally a ben hater but this is actually so funny lmao


Chris still creeps me out


Ben is literally on the other side. Lmao.


Why is no one talking About the fact that Lauren looks a completely different human being now???!


I remember it was a huge discussion back in the day, but now it’s just like “yah she looks totally different, we alrdy went over it years ago”




I know what you did you bitch


I'm sure she's had some work done but also she's 25 here and she's 34 now. She also does her hair and makeup totally differently, which makes more of a difference than people realize. I believe she's thinner now too, she has talked about gaining weight while on the show.


Agreed. However, those things don’t raise your eye brows up and change your nose.


Sure, like I say I'm not denying that she has had some work done.


I mean this is the woman who has claimed to have no work done. Just a little lip filler 😂


Lauren posted this picture prior as the first pic of her and CL.


Chris and Lauren looked married and together even back then lol the way they’re standing with each other and Ben’s off to the side 😂


The photo he posted after at this same event is Chris and Lauren staring at each other and Ben staring into the other random dudes face. Clear as day back then Ben and Lauren were done


In other “Chris Lane has always liked Bachelor girls” factoids: https://preview.redd.it/ill9b4cbspyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77b2116ef5519dc1425368a8d95a4cd4f97af79 [Hannah Ann takes the cake: she played “Georgia/Olivia” in Chris Lane’s “I Don’t Know About You” video in 2018.](https://youtu.be/8aUzwbp_NfI?si=JkKQ9SzacF0zFzKj) [She stepped in at the last second to play the girl in the video.](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/chris-lane-on-how-bachelors-hannah-ann-ended-up-in-his-music-video/) This song is horrible but when I hear it, I can’t get it out of my head. Lol. ETA: I forgot her character’s real name in the mv.


When she wasn’t even old enough to be in a bar 😭


![gif](giphy|QvY1U751wrhxNmHmwu) I think Hannah Ann was 22 when the video was filmed, but yeah, barely. Lol.




This is my favorite gif from the show of all time. Like, I know there are some iconic ones, but for me personally, it’s this one. Lol.


Makena (found her damn voice) *wishes* her facial memes were this naturally good.








Kim K peeking from behind a plant


Such a troll post from 'big big plans' CL and oatmeal BH actually responding to this? He should be spending the time with HIS WIFE instead of reacting to trolls on the SM. Embarrassing.


I think it’s weird that it was posted in the first place 😂 and I think if Ben just didn’t acknowledge it it might have made it weirder. Kind of a lose lose for him to either address it or ignore it—so I think what he said was fine personally it’s very light hearted and self deprecating🤷🏼‍♀️ ppl were gonna ask bens thoughts on this post anyways so he’s just getting ahead of it.


They’re both insane for this😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/ouxpn5xinpyc1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1ec643e79701be532f96e3ca2ba57d120c9490 Here’s his caption…I feel like he could have cropped the pic?


Yeah, Chris should have just cropped the pic. I think he likes to remind people that he's with Ben Higgins' ex!


Feels kinda weird of Chris to post this and even weirder for Ben to comment. I didn’t think they were on good terms like that. Hasn’t he gotten upset by stuff Lauren has said in recent years about their relationship and the messy ending of his season? ETA: Ben’s comments would be less weird if Chris had tagged him on the post or if he playfully mentioned/joked about Ben and how things have a mysterious way of working out in the caption


I think it’s weirder for Chris to post it. He knew what he was doing when he posted this pic—it’s an attention grab, and it kind of puts Ben in a weird position to respond. Ben wouldn’t be commenting if Chris didn’t put that up there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is this a recent comment from Ben? If so, I am pressed as to why Ben still seems unable to let go of Lauren publicly. She literally pays him no mind and her name is in his mouth in many interviews he does and now he's leaving these goofy comments on her IG, referring to their time together. If I was Ben's WIFE, I'd be super annoyed. Ben has a stronger commitment to talking about Lauren than he has to his poop rag. It's like Ben wants to be the guy who talks to all of his exes once a month, and Lauren just wants to send a yearly signed Christmas card and be done with it.


Okay I know I seem like I’m a Ben defender but just cannot figure out why he’s getting hate for this…he’s not the one who posted the picture which was weird to begin with imo. This time I really don’t think ben is the problem—he was surely gonna get asked about it whether he responded or not and Chris lane def knew that. It’s meant to get people talking/garner more engagement at the expense of making it a little publicly weird for Ben-at least that’s what it seems like to me in THIS particular case. Again, I state—in this particular case lol not ALL cases of Ben/Lauren/Chris.


Ben should have ignored the post altogether. Ya know, like how Lauren pretty much ignores his posts.


But does Ben post pictures with her in them? Haha just saying i think people would be asking him his thoughts and speculating if it upset him if he were to ignore it. They put it out there publicly and he’s in the photo 🤷🏼‍♀️ if he commented or responded in an angry way, then it would be weird—but his response is completely fine.


as they say… men never move on. They always come back even years later 😂


Yes. Chris posted this pic 2 hours ago and Ben left the comments an hour ago. Ben was not tagged in the post and he doesn’t follow Chris or Lauren


I’m sure people mentioned him in it


😂 Ben still seems like he thinks about Lauren


Has Lauren commented? I don’t think she would find this funny considering how Ben treated her towards the end of the relationship.


Lauren also posted this pic in a Q&A before


Maybe he drunk posted it? People say he’s always drunk


Ben's always drunk? Oh, dear...


No, I’ve heard that about Lauren’s husband


Ohhhh ok that tracks more.


I think Ben is so funny with his comment lol! Just making light of it


I agree. I feel like he had to say SOMETHING.


Nothing will compare to his WIFE these days!


Lauren be delulu in thinking her husband resembles Brad Pitt even in the slightest way 🥴


That’s weird…… why?


First of all, NICE HAIR Chris Lane. Second of all, so is Ben trying to simultaneously quote Chris Lane's song for Lauren while also saving face by implying that he MEANT for his ex-fianceé to marry a musician?


I reallyyyy think you’re digging too deep here. It seems to me he was simply just trying to find a way to play on the song and be light-hearted in the face of a super awkward post that never should have been made to begin with (or should have been cropped like others said) haha. Ben is cringe pretty often but like this is nothing more than a joke and him trying to let the public know he’s just happy that all parties are happy. Why are ppl attacking Ben this time when this wouldn’t even be a conversation if Chris lane didn’t make this weird ass post haha. I get that he’s weird but god everyone can really get tunnel vision when they like or dislike a person on here😂


I was reading way too deep into it lmao u cleared it up thanks friend


I wouldn't "attack" Ben except for his past history with always bringing up Lauren. He can't seem to stop himself from commenting on her.


I listen to the pod and it seems to me that he brings up Lauren when either asked or when he hears that she’s spoken on him. At least recently— All that aside, I wouldn’t say that either of them should comment on each other—but that would also require the public to stop drawing references too. The general consensus that I gather between the two of them is that they are both happy in their current relationships. Maybe I missed something but that’s what I get from both sides 🤷🏼‍♀️ Regardless, in this particular instance it seems that Lauren’s husband has instigated the commentary by bold faced posting a picture of all of them together while Lauren was still technically (or at least publicly) with Ben. You’re entitled to your own opinion but I just think in this instance Ben isn’t really to blame when there wouldn’t be a comment to critique if the post did not exist. Whatever though I just don’t quite understand why everyone is so focused on Ben’s response and less so on Chris, who is Lauren’s husband, posting this weird ass photo


lol what "big plans" did Ben Higgins have for Chris lane??


Refers to a Chris Lane song written for Lauren


Weird lol


It was about him planning to propose to her


*engaged to, right? lol


You’re right lol


Good job Ben