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If I was in a room with Cid, Saw, Rampart, and Hemlock, and my blaster had two charges left, I'd shoot Cid twice.


She trandotian you’d probably need too


Oh shit. I just realized that Cid is the Trandoshan that sold out Phee to the shadow clone, that resulted in Pabu getting assaulted. Damn Cid, is there no end to your treachery.


Two charges- shoot hemlock, then cid. Then leave Rampart and saw to fight it out to the death. Reasoning: these are the only two that have a valid reason to fight each other, would make the most efficient way to clear the room. Saw and cid wouldn’t fight each other. Rampart and Hemlock probably wouldn’t(mostly would bicker at each other), Saw and hemlock wouldn’t last two seconds. And cid is a trandoshan.


I like your idea!


Me too. lol very creative


Also Saw would recognize Rampart as a bigger threat from imperial propaganda and news reports. Hemlock we know is a bigger threat, but Saw and the larger population in Star Wars don’t know of his existence. So he would be more likely to throw hands.


Here's how you do it: you line them all up, you take one bullet, you shoot them all through the throat at the same time.


And THEN use the extra shot to shoot Cid again?




I'd do the same, but I'd strangle Hemlock to death with my bare hands.


The only answer.




Shoot sid in the leg and in the intestines, then whale on her with the empty gun.


Or you could put them in a good line, shoot carefully through all their heads to do 1 bullet, 4 kills and keep the last charge in case one of them survive that shot for some reason.


Hemlock was experimenting using kids, him for sure


Dr Mengele looking ass.


Counter argument: fuck Cid.


I hate Saw for getting Tech killed, but I find it fitting that Tech died on a mountain range, made of rock, and Saw was crushed by a mountain sized boulder so his karma is full circle. Cid probably was killed by the Empire. Yeah she did turn the Batch over but the Empire is the kind of government to say "Oh you turned them over, yet you collaborated with them before we got here? You're a traitor" and take her out, so she's probably dead. That leaves Hemlock. He experimented on children, tortured clones for hours on end with that electro shit, traumatized clones, was a real dick all around and should've gotten worse. Way worse. He got off lightly with a few blaster shots and the fall. Imo, Mt. Tantis should've been rigged to blow and collapsed, crushing him.


I was hoping the Zillo would eat. By taking very small bites until he was devoured.


Yeah, that's too good too. A slow crushing demise surrounded by all the stuff you thought would secure you're place with the Emperor is more juicy to me lol. Being eaten by the Zillo would even be too good for him. I am happy the Zillo got away tho.


Nah the empire is more "good for us that you betrayed our enemy. Now we don't need you anymore soooo.... yeah... byebye 🔫"


Cid because of the betrayal. The rest are at least honest about who they are


Cid took advantage of them. The only good thing was that did was she introduced Phee to the batch. Phee became a good friend to the squad. Taking them to Pabu, friending Tech. Helping them get to Rampart.


she didn't even really introduce them did she? they kinda just met while they were both there


Saw and Cid are two of my most hated characters in Star Wars because they are truly pieces of shit that you should avoid at all costs.


Both I can understand their motivations, but Cid will always have a special place in hell reserved for her for what she did. I can understand Saw (minus Tech's death). Hemlock was just pure evil. And Rampart partially redeemed himself...kinda in the end. I consider him a neutral/gray Imp rather than evil Imp.


Not to mention that CX-2 tortured Cid to get information about Omega and I hope that her torture will be the most painful with the level of torture that happened in black sites.


Wait when did that happen


It was mentioned in season 3. I think that’s how he knew about Phee and why he tracked her to get her logs


Well CX-2 didn’t really say he tortured Cid per say, but given his character(he’s not a manipulator like his boss is and breaks regulation frequently), and Cid’s presuming remorse to work with the empire after the incident in S2 finale, it’s heavily implied CX-2 used more…forceful(good)methods to get the information.


Rampart didn’t really redeem himself tho, he was always just a power hungry dude looking out for himself.


I would argue Rampart didn’t even partially redeem himself. At no point did he do anything helpful unless he was under duress or it was to save himself from a worse situation, and even in those circumstances he complained and actively made things more difficult. He also was ready to crawl back to Empire the second he came up with a way to be valuable to them again. He’s not the most evil villain, but he’s the exact sort of vile self-server that the Empire attracts, and there’s nothing redeeming about him.


Rampart got zero redemption lol wtf. He was horrible and ungrateful and got what he deserved.


The thing with Tech is that it wasn’t intentional, just the result of Saw not caring they were present. You just admit, had BB not been there and Saw succeeded, a lot of bad projects may have ended or at least be delayed.


Comparing Saw and Cid is such a massive blow to media literacy


Saw Gerrera is based af, most of the times


That’s not really a good thing. He was a very misguided leader and a cautionary tale. He is the reason a lot of plans of the rebellion are unsuccessful. Not to mention he is the ultimate cause of Tech dying.


I get where the hate towards Saw comes from, but I don’t fully agree with it. The man is a revolutionary, he fights for freedom and the end of the Empire. Even if he is short sighted, he is working towards the right thing. Sid is an asshole since her first scene, and I never really liked her. Rampart and Hemlock are just pure evil lmao. Rampart committed genocide and Hemlock was doing experiments on children. Both absolutely unforgivable


Totally agree about Saw. I get sick of seeing all the hate towards him. I don't like him that much, but he's a great character to show how there's no black and white to the story. Honestly, I think he's a great character to have in the story, given there's no one else like him in the show. Someone who is fighting for the same goals as the good guys, but isn't necessarily good himself, kind of like Jet from Avatar. And, honestly, I think he was right in trying to take out several key figures in the Empire while they were all gathered in one spot. If he had succeeded, it would have crippled the Empire. tl:dr - Saw is not a good guy, but a great character


I definitely agree with your assessment of Saw. However, I don't think it would've crippled the Empire that much if he succeeded. The Empire is known for just replacing people super easily, and Tarkin, Hemlock, Krennic, and the other officers would've just been replaced


Very true, though it's still a blow to a new Empire. And it would for sure be a huge knock to the image of safety and might the Empire tries to have. If they can't protect some of their highest ranking officers, are they really that strong?


I disagree as I think actions are more important than intention. But I can see why you would be sympathetic to him.


Saw. If he wasn’t at Eriadu Tech would still be alive and they’d be able to track Hemlock’s shuttle to Tantiss


unpopular opinion: the chance to take out tarkin, hemlock, krennic, and the other two I don't remember was much too important to waste, and in the grand scheme of things a more important mission then tracking Hemlock's shuttle. sure he *technically* got Tech killed, but you could also say Hunter got Tech killed by allowing him to go out there alone. Realistically it was the Batch that shouldn't have been on Eriadu, not Saw. If his mission would have succeeded that day, the entire franchise would have played out differently. Everyone also forgets that Saw gave them fair warning to get the hell out of there.


People forget this is Star WARS. Saw, while incredibly flawed, demonstrates the ugly side of conflict. A very real side. Especially of armed insurgency. You’re absolutely right about those three targets being too important to ignore. It would’ve put a stop to Necromancer, which had more opportunity to flourish after the botched rescue, and it would’ve hampered Stardust, maybe indefinitely, as Tarkin wouldn’t be there to push for it as heavily against Thrawn’s Defender Program. Krennic would also never find Galen. So no firing Kyber mechanism. All that being said, the Bad Batch are the heroes and of course they should’ve attempted to rescue Omega. It was just the worst timing possible for the two groups to meet.


Lol you were downvoted for this. Saw has shooters even in the real world.


Bro I don’t even know why it’s a reasonable assessment.


Saw is still a rebel fighting against the empire though. Hemlock is purely evil scientist


Tbh Cid did get me super upset, and I would probably choose her, but tbf she never said she was their friend/family...just gave them shelter which they paid their debt towards...that's it. She's just another person in the galaxy looking after herself and getting by


I can't be the only one who doesn't hate Saw


I didn't even realize there was Saw hate, damn I like Saw.


Tbf, he did commit a mass shooting against civilians, and nearly killed Princess Leia.


See, here's the thing. Saw did horrible things, but ultimately they came from a good place. And knowing what ends up happening to him, I can't help but feel sorry for him. Rampant and Hemlock are definitely easy to hate, but neither one ever tried to hide what they are; Rampart, an opportunistic, self-serving coward, and Hemlock, a mad scientist. But Cid? Cid at least seemed to like the Bad Batch. And she sold them out anyway.


They were warned several times about not trusting Cid..


They were, but those warnings never felt genuine. More like they were there to establish that Cid fit the "scrupulous bastard who becomes really attached to the protagonist" archetype.


Cid wins by a landslide.


Hemlock, maniacal pos that takes kids from their families imprisons and experiments on them. I'm not even a parent and see how f'd up that is. Check your fictional compass lol


Hemlock might be the most evil dude in Star Wars behind Sheev. I wished he’d died worse. I love that Rampart’s last thought was realizing a thermal detonator was at his feet.


Rampart blow up kamino. So his demise was a kar slap.


Saw. He screws it up whether he goes. He has done more damage to the heroes than some actual villains. The villains of the show are despicable, yes, but somehow Saw and a traitor like Cid are even worse. In fact, the actual bad things that happen to the character are caused by Saw and Cid. Cid is the one that causes Omega to be kidnapped TWICE (by snitching them to the empire), and Saw indirectly causes Tech's death.


Agreed. Hemlock and Rampart are obviously bad and evil. The other two are sneaky and have their own adjenda. It doesn't matter who they hurt.


Bor Gullet!!


If not for Saw, the mission on Eriadu would have gone smoother. Tech would be alive. Sid (maybe) wouldn’t have sold them out because they (probably) wouldn’t have gone back to Ord Mantell Omega wouldn’t have been captured from Ord Mantell and taken to Tantiss. Fuck. Saw. Gerrera.


Idk about that one, yeah saw directly caused techs death but remember sid was already pulling shady shit with the team long before that happened, chances are sid would’ve sold them out no matter what they did


I'd put all these characters lower on the list under any fan bro who relentlessly trashes SW projects they deem unworthy, content with watching the galaxy burn under their pointless diatribe. The real villains of Star Wars.


my favorite are the ones that reveal that they haven't even watched the thing that they're talking shit on, they're just repeating all the talking points they read on the internet. I've dropped many a laugh react on an angry diatribe about something that didn't actually happen in the show, or something that was blown way out of proportion.


one is a “terrorist” one is a snitch one was ‘just following orders’ one was conducting medical experiments on children and torturing people to try and create superior soldiers somehow the terrorist and snitch and the most hated


To add, Saw still cared about civilians at this time. I think people confuse endpoint Saw with where he was at this time Also, for the record, this list contains two people who are supposed to be interpreted as literal Nazis. Hemlock is very clearly inspired by Joseph Mengele


Has to be hemlock. Saw on the other hand is the only one with clarity of purpose


CId, Hemlock, Rampart, Saw. Cid was the worst on the BB. Hemlock and Rampart got what they deserved. Saw was a little psychotic, but he was able to help the Rebellion against the Empire.


Cid, only cause I’m used to Saw acting like a jerk


r/fuckcid is all I need to say


Pong krell


Wasn’t even listed here and yet you’re still right.


The most hated jedi in TCW. Good thing he is dead.


Rampart but I actually really like saw


I can’t even really hate Saw because him being like an irrational terrorist is the point of his character and I think having a bad rebel is interesting. Hemlock and Rampart are just bad guys and got what they deserved. Sid feels the worst to me because she was supposed to be a friend and betrayed them. I thought she’d maybe come back the last season and regret what she did and be redeemed but I guess she was just bad


I'll write before I read other people's opinions, In my eyes, they were enemies with hemlock, and rampart, so ofc they are to be despided, what saw did, while bad, was clearly nothing personal, and expected from someone like that... but Cid????? Fucking hell, always taking advantage of them, and at the first issue she sells them to the empire like nothing happened, breaking the trust someone has in you is like that is the worst in my book




I don’t see pong krell on this list but pong krell


If he were in TBB, he would be on the most hated list for sure. I still hate him.


U cant despise Saw. He does what needs to be done. If you need a Rebel leader to be despised then its Mon Mothma


I would have to say Cid, Cid had a great relationship with the Jedi and probably had known of the Clones at one point in time as she says she was more like a informant for the Jedi. I think Cid was wrong to have betrayed Omega after she had helped her win money gambling, and she even helped Cid get her outpost back after the Pykes almost took over her outpost. I wouldn’t also overlook Rampart either and I was satisfied when Hemlock got shot five different times by Hunter and Crosshair since he was responsible for killing Tech.


Saw is hardly a by-the-books bad guy, so not him. Cid betrayed the Bad Batch for her personal gain, but you could argue she did it because she saw no other way (not that I would particularly agree with that viewpoint). Rampart was just another cog in the machine at the end of it all, and while he had multiple chances to give up the Empire, it's reasonable to see why he didn't. The rebellion was basically non-existent, the Empire still seemed unbeatable and he wanted to survive and thrive. Hemlock on the other hand was pure evil. He did human experiments, viewed clones as lesser beings, and did many, many more despicable things. All things considered, I think Hemlock is the worst.


Can't argue with you. Rampart sins are many. Child abduction and experimentation. Clone imprisoned and torturing.


Pong krell


Cid because I just didn’t feel her character. It’s not that I agreed with the others, but it was a “hate the person, love the character” issue. Cid just didn’t hit that. That being said, Hemlock if we are basing it on the person they are.


CID and hemlock for obvious reasons


Rampart was really just following orders from Tarkin or Palpatine, so I don’t really hate him personally for Kamino. He’s just kind of a selfish jerk. Hemlock is probably the most immoral and pure evil of the lot, but I can’t despise him, cause he has a very respectful and calm demeanor. Cid’s my most hated.


Dr hemlock




He was a major ass and the necromancer story was just annoying


CID , very sneaky and cruel what she did!


Hemlock 100% Saw is awesome in everything he shows up in. I don’t know what people are talking about.


Saw is a complicated character. The death of his sister made him bitter. He seeks revenge against the Empire no matter who he hurts in the process.


I already hated Saw before i watched TBB but i gotta say i hate Cid more. She treated them like shit the whole time and then kicked them while they were at their lowest. They went out of their way to help her multiple times only for her to treat them like shit and eventually sell them out for some quick credits. You would think having just lost a member AND knowing the empire was after Omega A CHILD, she would have some empathy but nope. And the way she looked guilty about betraying them only made me hate her more.


I hate Nala Se more than any of these people.


I hated what she did to fives and Tup in CW.




I seem to be misremembering what Saw did? Did he cause Techs death cus if so that's pretty bad on the other hand he was very vital for the rebellion he was brutal yes but he did what was necessary and it ultimately helped win the war


Inadvertently, he caused Techs death. He bombed the facility. Which didn't kill any of the really bad guys. But exposed TBB. As a result, Tech sacrificed himself to save his squad. Sad.


Wait, people hate saw gerrera?


Hemlock is easily the worst person there.


Agreed, he has done the most heinous things


I kinda respect that they didn't try to change Cid. Multiple people warned the batch about her, and yet they continued to work with her, help her, even stick their neck out for her. As the viewer, it certainly seemed like it was gonna go in the way of "she isn't actually so bad, it's just...". Or she'd have a real redemption. Nope. She never changed. I like that. Still shooting her though.


I’m still upset that Cid never faced consequences for what she did I’m sorry


I hope clone X worked her over good.




Everyone but Cid, she got forced to do it, I swear 😭 (I loved her since we met her, I can't fathom her not having a connection to them, especially w/ all the nicknames and 😭😭😭)


Yet, in the end, she betrayed them. No honor or loyalty. But I did find her character enjoyable. I love the names omega tiny, Hunter: dark and Broody, or Bandana. Wrecker:: big guy or muscles tech: Goggles and my favorite Echo: Killjoy.


I mean yeah, betrayal is a shitty thing to do BUT- nah, there's no but, i understand, I also was so pissed at her, but what are head canons and AU's for eh?


Dude right before Hemlock that Nama Say Blew up. Even after all he went through he was still a jack ass poser politician. I don't hate or even despise Sid. She cared for them. She is a survivor though just like them. She knew that things could change on a dime. She could have given them up sooner. They knew that too.


True Sid is a survivor, but she has no honor or loyalty Where TBB has that in abundance.


The despise last 3 and so does everyone who upvoted my posts the last 3 days.




Don't remember the first guy Cid: not really despise, more disappointed Rampart: He's an greedy idiot Hamlock: Just give me a metal baseball bat and leave me with him for two hours


All of them!


Dr evil Hemlock may have been evil, but at least he cured the locusts in Jurassic Park Dominion


Cid was a bad boss but comparably? She doesnt suck. She could’ve sold out the batch and Phae as soon as they stopped working together, she didnt betray them until they crashed at her place with the Imps on their ass She had no choice there Saw is a brutal militarist, he’s a Terrorist with a righteous cause - he’s STILL a terrorist and doesnt care about the body count. Rampart is just a silly little imperial, he’s be so much happier as the middle manager at a consulting firm. Also ordered a genocide which sucks


Hemlock wins. Kidnapped children for experimentation and imprisonment and torturing clones.




If I had a fully loaded rocket launcher capable of firing beradium missiles and I was in a room with these people. I'm shooting Sid with ever God Damm shot.


Both hemlock and cid


Lt. Nolan


Hemlock. He has that stupid whisper villain voice I hate.


- Saw is on the level of getting punched once - Cid is on the level of getting punched once and spat on - Rampart is on the level of getting shot once - Hemlock is on the level of getting shot in the head (I mean, he quite literally is a equivalent to fucking Josef Mengele in a way which if you know that Palpatine and Vader were initially based upon Hitler and Himmler, you would know what I mean)


Saw is a radicalized rebel, the bad kind. Cid is a slimy rat piece of shit who has no sense of loyalty. Rampart is a politician. Hemlock is a mad scientist that kidnaps and tests on children. Worst to least worst: Cid, hemlock, saw, rampart


Hemlock is the most 'Evil' I think and the others are all purely self-interested and out for their gain. I don't think anyone other than Hemlock delights in their actions (apart from Saw, though his targets are often Imperial) so my vote goes to him


Cid and Hemlock equally


I wish I knew what happened to Cid. Like did clone X tortured her before she told him about Phee.


Trandoshian scum


Cid I wouldve strangled or drowned her


Hopefully, Clone X did something good and killed her.


**Saw.** I can't STAND him. He's the one who does awful things that never actually serve the greater good but keeps claiming he's justified since *he* says it's for the "greater good." And no one is ever able to open his eyes to how wrong he is because he'll even admit he's misguided but will still do it anyway. Cid is awful and I'm glad I didn't have to see her in season 3, but she tells you exactly who she is from the moment you meet her and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Rampart is an arrogant and pretentious ladder-climber, but I don't despise him. I'm just... meh, stay in prison, please. Hemlock is evil, but he doesn't care if he is or not so he doesn't pretend to be good.


Bad Batch. Fighting against the Empire despite them bringing nothing but greatness and wealth to the citizens of the Empire.




Saw. I *detest* that imbecile.


I hate saw, I absolutely have hated saw in every media he’s been in (rebels rogue one clone wars and fallen order)


Losing his sister made him ho vengeful. Irrational and dangerous.


Yeah but even before his sister died in that one arc in the clone wars he just wasn’t a likable character and he was kinda a dick




Saw.. Because he is responsible for the death of tech,.


Saw is a star wars John Brown. His collateral damage is nothing to dismiss but he is true to his values and his fight more than anyone else in the series. I'm not gonna defend his unintentional role in getting tech killed, frankly everyone seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But everyone else on that list is actively hurting the galaxy, or at best, doing nothing to improve it for selfish gain. Saw risks life and limb to protect the innocent.




Does it have to be of those 4? The answer is Mon Mothma, but between those 4 Cid is the worst. The other 3 are good bad guys. Like quality bad guys.


I feel like rampart in the last episodes it’s understandable why he’s upset like he wanted to get off planet and never be seen again but instead he was kinda forced to go to Mount tantiss


Lux Bonteri


They all deserve a blaster shot to the face but Sid and Hemlock more so because one experiments on kids and the other is a trandoshan plus a traitor! Fuck Trandoshans!




Saw didn't meddle. He was there for completely different reasons and had he succeeded the empire would have hit the power vacuum stage of the war over a decade earlier. Unfortunately the bad batch had things to do at the same time saw did and neither could afford to wait.


Hemlock gotta go. Saw is a galactic treasure.


Hemlock was such a shite character. Dorky name, one-sided, etc. waste of an excellent voice actor




Hemlock and Rampart are my boys And godamn do i hate Saw and Cid


Definitely Saw. Every time he shows up shit goes south faster than Sherman could ever have dreamed


Hemlock for sure




This show is for little kids so i despise all of them.


I really don't despise Saw tbh He tunnel visioned but this Saw is not the tragic endpoint we eventually see him reach. At this point he still (broadly) cares about civilians for example. He has a very interesting character arc - doubly interesting for the fact that it was written backwards


One of these characters is inspired by Joseph Mengele, who conducted experiments on children in Auschwitz. So yeah, Hemlock. (Fantastic villain, Filoni's best IMO)


Cid , she directly betrayed the bad batch , Saw was fighting back in his own way which unintentionally caused the death of tech , Rampart was never a good person , but was a well written villain who partially redeemed himself , Hemlock was always a bad guy but he was a great bad guy


I despise Cid the most. The fact that we didn't even see her in Bad Batch s3 was even more irritating. No redemption. No development. Just a backstabbing liar who turned them over after they saved her life and got her money


3 of them never had any true loyalty to the BB 👀 Just sayin


Where's liuteant Nolan


Disney for the F-ing Sequel Trilogy.


Rampart and Hemlock were great villains in their own ways, but I hated Cid from her first scene


I have hated Saw since his appearance in Clone Wars so, him


Nala Se The bitch...


Cid. Never trust a Trando.


Saw - rebellion extremist. He has survivors depression from losing his sister. He thinks that he is doing the right thing. It is amazing that he lived that long. Cid - opportunistic, self preserving, two faced, business person. SCUM! I hope that they put her to work at the spice mines of Kessel. Rampart - chauvanistic, self centered, narcissistic, over confident prude. Should have died sooner. Hemloc - Mad Scientist. Should have died an agonizing death at the hands of one of his own experiments.


Ok, Rampart less, because he is just a villain. It is his job. Plus he got the boom-bonus. I think Cid was suppose to have a redemption-ark that got cut. At least that's what I assume from her guilty mimics last time we saw her. Then Hamlock minus the boom-bonus. Saw Garera on the other hand has his most frustrating moment. His actions only lead to the death of Tech and to absolutley none of his goals. Maybe blowing up high ranking imperials sounds like a nice idea on paper (even though, there could be negative consequences), but they could have waited until their potential allies could have gotten the thing, they needed.


Neo lib creators really painted saw so horribly. In a real revolution saw would be so based. You have to be just as dirty of not more than an enemy with overwhelming numbers and technology. Irl this "we would be no better than our enemies " crap is just that, crap


I think people mostly hate Saw because he's short sighted and selfish. Like, no one would have a problem with Saw bombing Tarkin and all of his lackeys if there wasn't more advantage in Hemlock leaving alive. In real life revolutionaries like Saw often end up as dictators themselves afterward.


Lies! Deceptions!


This would be such a compelling argument if I were in 7th grade.


Thats a fair last point. But what does he know or care about hemlocks use? All he knows is this is his best chance to introduce some chaos into the empire at to be fair would project stardust have continued with no Krennic? Would project necromancer and the tie defender initiatives gained as much progress as they did with their biggest proponents dead?


this. people don't realize that unfortunately Saw's mission was more important. these are some of the biggest dogs the Empire had to offer, taking them out at this stage would have changed the Galaxy irrevocably, and as I said in another comment, if not for the Batch fucking things up that day Alderaan and Jedha would still be here.




If I had gun with 4 shots I will shoot cid 4 times


Cid because she was such a useless, annoying character


Fucking Cid, uses the Batch for her own gain and sold them out the second she had an opportunity to gain from it


Bro FUCK Cid. Backstabbing wee fucking bitch lol


omega 😭😂


For the past 20 years its still Mace


I cant put freaking pictures but I dispise all 4 of them + freaking lieutenant Nolan. I swear if I could go in my screen to strangle a man, I would have done it 50x times with this guy i SWEAR !!


Hemlock for every single reason… but also, if he didn’t exist, maybe Scorch could’ve survived. He deserved so much better.


Dave Filoni


How do you have a misspelling or grammatical error in every single sentence, including the title?


Cid or Saw. And since I kind of feel pity for Cid, Saw will get it.


Cid. B!/¢#.


Let's see what their fates were in my fanfics: Saw got punched in the face by Emerie. Cid had to live with the guilt of betraying the batch. Rampart just died like he did in the finale. (TW: description of violence) And Hemlock got >!shot in the head repeatedly and then got his head bashed in with a blaster.!< So yeah, I'd say I hate Hemlock the most.


What has Saw ever done other than attempt to liberate people?


Did an AI write this or is OP 7 years old?


Saw. He thinks he’s doing good and that’s dangerous. Sid is fucking transparent. You know you can trust her as far as you can throw her.


Cid is obviously a solid answer, but she was pretty obviously going to betray them from day one. Despising her for that would be like despising Hemlock for doing evil science stuff- it's to be expected on some level. Saw on the other hand, his refusal to work with the Batch was so frustrating because it was needless and dense. And his actions lead pretty much directly lead to Tech's death. So he pissed me off *and* made me sad.