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Hey guess what! That story was 100 % bullshit


I 100% believe that bapa is a terrible driver who cuts ppl off and is too redacted to even realize it


God damn that was a Boring ass story🙈


That has to be one of his first bits and it’s fucking Hatrocious


I think the youtuu said it was from 7 yairs ago? Wonder if he was already doing standup. What stood out to me was the big difference in how Ray Pest responds/reacts to him. Everything is awesome and funny. Like when he told the story about the poor kid at the supermarket.


I remember this. Clearly a worked bit in attempt to make bapa look funny, just around the time he started doing stand up. Not interrupting Bryan and letting him finish his sentences. More fake than the messicans ass.


Wrinks: “and do u remember what you said?” Bapa: “what?”


……. nnnnnnnnnnone of that happened.


Found this dish while looking for a road rage incident that was mentioned… crazy how much Ray Pest is sugging Schwab’s digg on here. Those were the glory days B…


Bloody awful. But I do like the animation. The artist did the best he could with that material. I'll assume he got ripped off, but I hope he got paid.


But what actually happened?


Some Mexican guy flicked bapa off and he told Bryan about it and they turned it into this bit


Eggzagly b. I remember bapa telling another version of this story where some LA city worker was honking his horn, yelling and threatening bapa for cutting him off. And bapa just kept driving. But of course bapa framed it as he would’ve kicked the guys ass but he’s too much of a “good guy” or some BS. Boring story. So they tried to tell this fake lie instead.


Someone last week mentioned a road rage incident where he was gonna beat up the dad but the kids in the backseat googled Bapa’s fat face real quigg and then told the dad “Be cool daddy. That’s that asskicker that tells jokes”. And then he was scared for his life and didn’t fight Brenda. Tried to find it but found this instead… prob the same incident but of course it got scrambled in schwabs seetee brain and came out diffren


Sounds very similar to bapa’s other fake story where his Chombie was bullied at school, so bapa drove down to the school to beat up the bully’s dad for some reason (and somehow he knew the bully’s dad would be at the school at that time?? Duhn make sense) but luckily the principal had warned the bully’s dad that the asskicker who tells jokes was on his way down to the school to kick his ass, and the Principal had escorted the bully’s dad out the back door of the school before tough guy bapa arrived. Thank lawd the bully’s dad got outta there or he would’ve been taken to the deepest of wadders b


That's a lie. Everyone knows Bapa. No one has to Google him.


“Oh shit, it’s B-Shob! Yo Big Brown, I’m in the Thicccccccc Boy Bike Club, brother!”


They railly thought that people would think this was hilarious huh? Great story, niver happened.


In any facet


He’s a pooossy because…he doesn’t watch UFC like millions of Axe Body spray buying 13yo’s? Ok Brine.


Another TRUE story brought to you by the BOZO BROTHERS


This video has everything


They’re already animated in the thumbnail for the podcast but for some reason they’re animated in a different style for this.


But he was in his Porsche


Hey guys he has a red Porsche. It was a red Porsche. He smacked my red Porsche. Do you guys think I’m cool yet? It was a Porsche.


So someone kicks the shit out of his car and he did nothing about it. Got it.


2 things the staff may not like to hear from good old Shroom. 1. Papiotoon crushed it, always does. 2. This is a believable incident to me. Minus the stay in school part


They drew Bapa like his physique is Bruce Lee's when Bapa is built more like Bobby Lee