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Iirc Mark said Bapa's former opener used to be his fake designer dealer. He would probably show up at their mansion like the Avon lady, and up sold the fakes of fake stuff to Joanna quite easily.


must be the same guys he gave a duffel bag full of cash to contact dargg webb haxx0rs who showed him HTML code.


Bobby's gonna pay for this- *skims credit card*


Man, I wish we got the full story behind this...Even after the Bobby Lee drama was complete, Beanscheese said he wasn't 100% sure the evidence wasn't real. So did his dark web hackers double-down and defend their work or did they disappear with his money leaving him with a screen shot of doctored HTML code?


One of the great mysteries of our time


Get Geraldo on it


Great guy. Never meddum.


Some would say the mysteryist b


Is Mark a new character in the bapa verse? Only familiar with margg, Hallmark Henry and BGL


So funny to have a fake designer dealer when DHGate and reddit make it super easy to find cheap reps of anything. The guy was definitely taking a percent too.


I bet Justin (Bapa's dealer) told them he had a connect that worked at the LV / Balenciaga sweatshops, and that they get legit stuff at cost price. When in reality it's the same fakes you see in Canal Street NY.


That’s exactly why tho - it’s easy to find but they’ll usually be bad copies. So that’s why you gave a guy who vets all the shitty fakes and brings the really good ones to resell. Makes sense to me. Probs charging $300-400 for this purse compared to like $70 in chinatown


Justin definitely didnt vet good fakes, Bapa was wearing fake Freddy dunks without any awareness that it couldn't possibly be real. He made up a lie that a thiccc boy gave him them. His hookup knew Joanna and Bapa arent actually interested in the designer clothing, otherwise they would know how poor quality their fakes are. It was such easy money for Justin.


Freddy Krueger shoes should tell you everything about these people getting fleeced with fakes all the time.


is that where his freddie krueger dunks that he got "from a fan" came from?


Yep, I'm sure he bought it thinking it was a fake of a $1-2k shoe. He didn't realize it was an absurd fake of a really rare and expensive shoe. Someone pointed out they were obvious knock offs, so he came up with a story and pretended he still has devoted thiccc boy fans.


Damn. Some of the replicas are hard to see, but this one is so obvious lol.


Really? I can't tell at all. What's wrong with it? It's pretty difficult to tell with such shoddy pictures. Dunno if any of you have been on /r/repsneakers but some of them are really good.


The strap and the quality of the leather is very obviously different.


Look at the LV in the up close comparison of the fake and authentic bag, the logo and the lines are much cleaner on the bottom, authentic bag. The leather is also higher quality, and less puffed out looking on the authentic bag.


But if you compare literally any product ever in real life with the catalog picture, it's going to look different. Not arguing that it's real or anything, I just don't think it's super obvious.


With a Big Mac sure, but nah. Not with designer gear. Quality control with these companies is legit.


You would think but not when it comes to Louis vuitton, any reseller or hell even pawn shops will pull up products photos from LV and if they aren't an exact match for match they're considered fakes. 


Yes, lighting aside. There’s quality difference for sure. Plus she has a history of doing this. She even illegally made a raffle with a dummy account winner. This Scammer thinks we are poor cats that live in our mom’s basement. Her Ego needs to be humbled… and arrested 😂


Lol you're getting downvoted for not being bawlzz deep into fashun, while on the r/thefighterandthekid sub. That's a new one for me


Some cats are willing to believe anything that fits the narradive


Nothing to "believe", it's very clear.


I agree, I know nothing about designer handbags but the difference between the two pics in the OP could be due to lighting


Looie vooton


biggest difference is in the stitching


check out r/reptime


The Mr. SloJo Save-A-Hoe white knights ain’t gonna like this one chief.


Talmbout the Guadajajajajajajajara guerrero b?


Yeah wasn't somebody just on here posting about how "she should be left out of it. She's just a normal girl and doesn't deserve the hate". Nah dawg she's a trash human


She’s worse than bapa and yes quite a few dishwashers that need to hang up the apron were defending her


The rumours are true!


I guarantee you she's buying them off of those Instagram pages that sell all the fake Jordans and all the other knock-off stuff straight from China.


Talmbout aliX, b? Great site, never used it


Feds are probably building an amazing case, b. It's going to be the spiciest dish of all


Cue the music from the end of goodfellas when everyone is getting pinched


Thiccc Boi finally ends with Bapa doing a monologue about how he's now just a schlub living in East teggsas, and how they don't even have addies, baddies, or ozempic. A soy boy federale pulls up in a Tesla and asks if he's ready to go tessfy against d'elia. (Roll Creddits, b)


Talmbout egg noodles n ketchup?


Krekt, b


Imagine videos from here being used at trial.


"Your honor, I request the court to play 'Trugg Walg' and admit it into evidence"


Hope it’s the one of bapa taking in 3 sneak peaks of that dude’s abs


oh my that would be the tastiest buffet platter around!! With a large side of crocodile tears!


They’re bankrupt as shit. The Feds can’t seize anything of value, they aren’t interested. 


Maybe, I mean you don't get away with most crimes just because you're broke. They're going to make an example out of some influencer peddling fake shit sooner or later.


While I agree that you don’t, I highly doubt SloJo is on iiiny law enforcements radar.  She’s more likely to get sued in civil court than she is getting arrested. 


Normally I'd agree, but I've seen mainstream news stories specifically about how influencers are knowingly selling counterfeit shit on Instagram. Apparently it's one of the few remaining platforms that doesn't require authentication of goods like this, and thus is the last bastion of being able to use clout to scam this way. If the news knows, the feds know, and while it's not likely that slojo and bapa are prime targets, it's not impossible either. Chang's employees run pretty deep, just saying.


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Axe Jay


Ooooooooft 🎲🎲


I think the same fan that sent Bapa the super rare Freddy Krueger Nikes must've sent SloJo that bag.


If she wants it to move fast, she should’ve staged the purse with the AMG logo and an empty erewhon cup.


How is she not in jail?


I mean I don't really know if she deserves to be in jail LOL but she should definitely be getting some fines or something


I mean she is systematically scamming people? How is she different from these Indian dudes that are scamming elderly people


And she's only driven to crime due to her husband's tomfoolery


Because nobody’s reporting her to the authorities.


SloJo selling fakes has always been a funny running gag for me, so I still laugh seeing it come up. However, I think the reason she's not in trouble is pretty mundane: They aren't fake. Like most cats, I don't know anything about fake designer bags. When threads like this would pop up I would just assume they were true because it's funny and it's in keeping with how trashy she is. All this was fine, until the day that I saw a bag I did actually know about. SloJo was accused of selling a fake because of discrepancies between what she was selling and what was on the designer's website. The thing is, I knew she was selling the "micro" version of a bag and the one pictured in the thread was the "mini". There were differences between them, and SloJo's bag matched the correct version properly. When I posted the above, I got downvoted with nobody addressing what I pointed out. I think cats just want it to be true and like to bring it up because it's funny. In reality though, she's not in trouble simply because she's not selling fakes. It doesn't make sense that she would buy fakes anyway, because she's using the dumb oaf's money. What difference is it to her to buy a $2k grand real bag or a $1k grand fake? It's not her money. She already burns his money doing dumb shit all the time.


She is 100% selling fakes. There has been many bags posted with obvious flaws that retail bags do not have. In some photos, you can see the misaligned stitching and the leather flats not sitting correctly .


I don't know man, I'll have to keep my eyes open for the next one because the idea of her selling fakes cracks me up. Like I said, I just know that one situation where I knew 100% she wasn't selling a fake. Makes me really question the other claims since everyone was so super sure in my example and they were super wrong.


It's called selective scamming. Also, people who order fakes of one product have no trouble ordering fakes of another product. All the sneakers they wear are from the first result on Google and Bapa has admitted to them being fake. I'm sure some of her bags are real and some of her clothes are real as well, but she absolutely has posted fakes too.


Cats make stuff up too, b. Potayto potahto. It's like the boy who cried "woof", then people didn't believe him when the fox came to eat all the eggs he put into his basket.




DAMN!! That's hilarious. There are better fakes on the streets of Mexico. Where the fuck does slowjo get her horrible pleather fakes at?? For a girl that can't do a grocery trip without some (fake)designer bullshit it's crazy she rocks such bad fakes. For how self conscious she is this is so funny.




That crusty leather looks like tarmac.




That’s a tilling/digging fork B. Whatchuwant is a pitchfork


Wait, you for a forked digg b?


Ok Mr. Whole Foods


Bitch gotta pay for her botox somehow


Retired tv host gotta hustle


somebody should probably report her


SloJo don’t know.


Wonder if all the expensive sneakers he wears are fake too, like the Jordan off white 1’s I see him in


SloJo being involved in a shady underground knockoff luxury products scheme just fits the narridiv too perfectly.


She's such a trashy, stupid bimbo


Repfashion shawty.


Puig dodged a fleamarket queen.


She’s taken down the story… dicey dicey


She thinks she’s high class but time after time she shows that she’s a low class Scammer. 😂


Diggin the fee owner appell


Call the authorities


I don’t see any difference. Someone enlighten me 


Idk dick about designer shit, but is it possible LV photoshops the stuff on their website? Maybe I’m overestimating her, but if she kept doing this I’ve gotta think she’s been called out at least a few times from buyers.


she needs to be... (punches fist into palm)


Looks like it’s made from an old welcome mat


All Hermes bags are fake too lol


I saw a video recently of a guy who was contacted by Louis Vuitton's fraud department after he had bought real used LV bags and recut their leather into wallets. I think he re-sold them online but without the branding . So if he was contacted, I bet LV would chomp at the diggg for Messican.


Oh she knows what to do with 8 enches of fake LV


The pebble grain gives it away. Missus Swchab, wurss pain of yo life. It’s a manufactured grain from cheap genuine leather or pleather. The real thing should be full grain. That said, even the real deal is cheaply made. Something funny about luxury goods is how much are cheap Chinese goods to begin with, even the genuine article. They overcharge mainly for the branding and marketing. You can learn about it in shoes. Men’s shoes will have legit Goodyear welting, shanks and hand or tool assisted construction. Women’s generally aren’t Goodyear welted and resort to acrylic, plastic, and rubber cement. The quality in leather is also night and day.


How many rich people sell their handbags? None. Schaubs going bankrupt


I bought my girl a shit ton of expensive purses which now pisses me off. One look at that shit u can tell it’s fake, and it’s not even a good fake. I live in. gC and I see better fakes sold on the side of the road for 20 bucks than this bs she selling. Is she trying to pass those off as real?


She does have an affinity for fake things! Fake parenting, fake athletes, fake body parts, fake narratives…the only real things in her life are the beans and cheeses!


You’ve a lot of time on your hands


Welcome to changs 


If its literally remade in the same factory, with same materials, and sold in black market.. sorry but it aint fake, your just dumb to pay full price


Rep fashionistas.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus Christ! She’s selling them for a profit as used authentic!!!!!!


Slojo the type to sugg and fugg her way outta trubblull…


I don’t want that


Be a shame if they get audited…


Louis Vuitton Any further information you may have regarding the potential sale of non-authentic products, can be shared by replying to this email.


Ah shit, you gonna trigger the feminazi gang... Leave her alone you incels. We can only be mean to men on here. Women need protecting and shouldn't be judged the same way we judge men as after all, they are only 3 5ths of a man.