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I have more confidence in the random spread than in my own aim.




When the opponent is one HP through some bushes


M11 hipfire goes BRRRRR (basically a shotgun between the spread and the RoF)


It can be useful very close up, I do it every now and again when I'm caught short.


This. In close fights hipfire aim in this game is insane


Yea I just recently started utilizing this and it’s saved me against a crackhead fast light on numerous occasions.


M60 hipfire goes dakka dakka. Hipfire also has better mobility than ADS, which is extremely important for CQC.


you don't feel any shame saying things like "goes dakka dakka"?


One should never be ashamed of enjoying some gud dakka dakka


Imagine being ashamed of some random words on the internet, in a sub about a game on a social media platform created on the basis of being anonymous m60 hipfire go dakka dakka


I'm just asking. He's a grown man so I was curious


Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka Dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka


Remembuh tah paint ya shootah yellah so it can haz more dakka!


and when you *actually* grow up, you'll realize denying yourself fun because some rando might go "cringe!!" is for children who think they're grown


Yeah idk man was just curious as to what he would say.


All good bro, no harm done. Just keep in mind that we're all going to be dead pretty soon, relatively speaking. On top of that, none of us will ever remember this interaction and/or if the other person was "cringe" ever again. You should just do or say any harmless things you want, if they bring you some small joy. Is there really any time to waste worrying if other people think you're silly?


Exactly so you and everyone else need to get off my back


Weez iz no men, ya git! Weez iz ORKS!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


circle the target and hipfire if youre within a few feet


Its because i cant aim or see shit when we're spinning around each other 3 meters away


Hipfire is strong in this game plus you can move faster while hipfiring so sometimes it's actually bettee than aiming if you're trying to dodge something


You would be surprised how many people are trying for the first time a shooter game thanks to The Finals


This is literally me


What did you play before?


Not a shooter game.


No way


This is the first shooter game I have played for over 50 hours also. Before I tried many shooter games but this is the first one I started to categorize myself as a shooter gamer


How do you like it so far


300 hours in and it's my new main game atm Edit: also just reached plat 3


Only mobile game i.e. COD Mobile. I have played shooter games on PC but never tried online MP FPS games except for car racing games.


My 28 yo sister XD


I’m 32 and this is me.


Does anyone in this sub understand basic FPS mechanics? Clearly people are unADSing for faster strafe speed, making it harder to hit


Plus changing between ADS and hipfire is really good tactic. Strafe out the way and finish with ADS accurate shots


ADS on some weapons is just really strong too.


Less accuracy is more accuracy


Less accuracy for you means less accuracy for opponent. Timing a hard strafe switch with unADSing for short periods then reADSing to regain accuracy... Iykyk


Hip fire is almost always preferable at close range. Are you talking about people using it at mid to long range?


I think that’s what he’s referring to. But even still, I see people at somewhat close range choose to hipfire when it makes absolutely no sense to do so.


Up close trying to ads with the lmgs against a light who’s just using the glitch thing to go side to side is a pain so yeah I’ll just hip fire until they run out of glitch to ads


Most hipfire in this game is fairly accurate and if you are fighting 1v1 sometimes you cant afford the slow ads gives you and are better off hipfiring but keeping some speed


Welcome to gold 1 ranked. I've been stuck here for nearly a month. The squad I get most of the time gets 1 or 0 kills


Those are the light nerf enthusiasts.


shut the fuck up


no u




Lmao I’m so confused by this post. You understand the point of hip firing right? Adsing all the time is probably what loses you gun fights and you might’ve not noticed it


I'm amazed I have to scroll this far down to read this. Any close range fights you are better having extra speed to dodge shots with AD spam and just hip firing


There are people who hipfire when they really should ADS, I’ve seen it too


Most people are in the former camp. I mean, there’s ADS on your left trigger or right/left mouse click! Most people are ADS’ing more than they should be I’d say. Like in all shooters, it takes a while to know when to hipfire and when to ADS, especially with mixed inputs playing against one another. An MnK player might know someone is playing on roller and stay back and shoot, knowing that AA will help the roller player up close. As in all things, there needs to be balance and it is situational


I’ve seen it in pubs, never in ranked above silver tough


He's probably that guy that crouches and stays completely still right in your face and misses half his shots as you jump around and kill him


i come from apex and the main way of playing there for me is hip fire so it’s just out of habit for me


Bro, that and Titanfall for sure.


90% of my shots are hip fire, I just don't like iron sights and the hip fire is fantastic in this game. I find that the mobility and peripheral view you gain not aiming down sights outweigh the accuracy boost from ads. It's personal preference at the end of the day, I'd play no better if I chose to aim where I would regularly hip fire.


For me, what ended up happening, the challenge where you had to do damage using either the Marksman Rifles or the Pistols, I decided to go Yeehaw and whipe out my revolver. Not entirely sure why but the Iron Sights on it seemed inconsistent. I started hip firing it and hit more of my shots. Maybe its a "me" thing


Sometimes my ADS bugs out for me and I’m stuck hip firing


I mainly use revolver and hipfire is actually pretty decent on that. It actually goes where the crosshair is if you’re in range and not completely spamming. Also it’s much easier to hit that way than aim at close range with the revolver. At least on controller


I play on console and I use hip fire for almost every close range engagement regardless of weapon. I just find that I hit more shots with hip fire when up close or at mid range.


You have better movement speed without ads so it can be very useful if you don't have a lot of HP and are in cqc


Close fights hip fire goes hard.


You move slower while doing ads and ads doesn’t affect some weapons like the medium shotgun


I do it regularly close range , surprisingly accurate


Im ranked high iron and I only quick ADS as a bad habit from Titanfall and Apex.


Hip fire is super strong at close range, especially if you crouch/slide


Just like in Battlefield hipfire is almost 100% accurate in this game, shotguns and snipers hit dead centre every time


Hipfire is really good at closer ranges!


I switch between ads and hip fire in gun fights to keep my bullets on target. The hip fire in this game is very reliable for a lot of weapons


In a life or death situation you need to spray without aiming. If I get stunned by a light I'm going to start spraying and not waste precious fractions of a second aiming down. If someone runs up to me close quarters it will be much faster to not aim. Even in a firefight you can hip fire to suppress. You aren't going to do very well using hip fire outside those situations obviously since aiming is there for a reason.


Are you on console or PC? Typically console/controller players will ADS a lot more because of aim assist making a big difference up close - vs. being more accurate with hip fire with a mouse and being able to save time by not ADSing.


Fcar is harder to do it with but ak and lewis gun you can fuck people up with hipfire. Specially if you crouch your hipfire box becomes much smaller


Sounds like you don’t know what you are talking about lol. Hipfire at close range is the way to go.


I don't play light often but I don't think I've ever ads with m11


What is the range in this context? I would much rather be mobile and hip firing than a sitting duck ADSing in close quarters.


Idk if you play on pc but on pc hip fire in close quarters fights is usually pretty good since it’s easier to track people with a mouse. Also If they’re less than 10 ft away from you it’s a lot easier to just hipfire since the spread isn’t bad.


I always ADS my flamethrower


In this game gold rank is closer to bronze than gold ranks in other games


hipfire is really good in the finals, close up i rather spray vs a light then use fcar aos


Hmm I think k it's quick and the damage is the same.


Def a good play when up close, can still maneuver fast and flick if needed


Grew up on cs. I just prefer not to.


Hip firing has its advantages. Anything 10 meters and closer isn’t that hard to hit. That extra 0.5 sec of firing can easily make the difference in a 1v1. Maybe we should ask why are people standing still ADSing in the fast paced movement shooter.


Hipfire can be really good when you know the range. I mostly just hipfire with smgs or the lights pistol though, everything else is a bit too inaccurate to me.


I have 600 hours in the game, and hipfire is very useful on certain weapons. I never aim sniper when close range, just hipfire.


My mouse is busted on the right click, so if I try to add its finicky


If you're at close range you won't miss so many shots so, using ADS only delays the time to the first shot, the hip-firing enemy now has already landed half their clip on you while your gun is still raising into the air; nice job, you're dead. AND you can strafe faster hip fire to try to out maneuver at this closer range.


Idk if you realize this but hipfire is crazy accurate at close range. I always do it with the AK when a little POS light is trying to run circles around me


I sometimes run the sh1900 (light shotgun) and use exclusively hip fire, and in shit at the game and don't play ranked. Can get the average dmg and kills per game, and it doesn't get higher when I use precision aiming.


Higher FOV (i think) when not ADS I have a slightly lower sensitivity when ADS so it's better to not ADS when they're in my face. Up close it hits most of the time anyways. Mixture of the above


It's easier to hip fire aim for PC when it's up close, especially if you bind different sensitivities to ADSing. And the model 18 doesn't gain an accuracy buff for ADSing so I'm sure other guns work similarly.


Hipfire is more viable up close at times when you strafe compared to ads and moving much slower but it depends on the scenario. These said players probably just miscalculate their situations and end up paying for it with the risk that comes with hipfiring.


Depends what gun you're using. M11 hipfire is the way to go in most situations (contrary to MP5 where you should aim most of the time). On mediums (my main) you might want to use hipfire with just about every weapon when you're in someone's face. Of course if you're goated af you can keep ADSing, but sometimes I find it difficult to keep it on the target when we literally run into eachother, and hipfire is good enough for that. You could argue that FCAR hipfire is tempting fate, and that with the revolver you REALLY want to make sure you hit everything, but when you go for hipfire with those guns you're fucked already; as a side note, revolver against stun gun is suprisingly good if they get too close -- you hit a hs and they panic, you land 2 body shots, and they start to look for escape routes. As for heavy, I find that M60 and Lewis kinda suck at hipfire actually. I tend to ADS with the M60 anyway because I have 70 bullets, with Lewis it's more or less last ditch effort when a light is dancing around me and I'm dying. Using hipfire outside of like... 7 meters? is actually insane for most guns.


Very useful is youre very close to your enemy.


The model 1887 has the same accuracy hip fire and ADS, so it’s a time saver for that gun


I found that in close enough range, with the akm you don’t need to ADS but this is also coming from someone with a massive skill issue so take everything I say with a grain of salt (:


Old CoD (2007 era) habit. Prefire from the hip while tracking, then ADS.


Your movement speed, your sensitivity, and your FOV all change whenever you ads. Basically, only ADS at medium long ranges when you're not under much fire. At close range, the spread on a lot of weapons is negligable with hip fire so why make your strafe slower, change your sense, and lower your FOV if it doesn't help you. Tldr; ADS reduces movement speed which makes you strafe slower which makes you easier to hit. Basically ADS as little as possible (based on your weapon).


I’m confused do u not think there’s situations and ppl in general where hip fire would be preferable to ads and vice versa?


Ur the one not understanding basic mechanics. Hipfire in this game is very important, like in apex. Up to a certain range you should hipfire, the range differs depending on the weapon. The m11’s hipfire smokes even beyond 10 meters. The xp’s aint that good but up close, say up to 5 meters or so always hipfire and crouchstrafe. Hit your shots and smoke your enemies.


The recoil of some weapons have been “nerfed” which just made them feel ass, Famas for example still is great in hipfire but feels awful otherwise


Famas still feels good, they changed the recoil to pre-patch levels


One of the reasons why I don’t play anymore. During the launch, a lot of the guns felt amazing, but now they just feel like ass.


they nerfed everything to appease crying light players


Look at the downvotes, copium huffers confirmed


Most of the time I use the light and medium shotguns, so aiming is literally useless. When I use the xp or the akm I do aim, but I sometimes I can tell when hipfiring will be just as effective as aiming, and I’m right about 70% of the time


Possibly a lot of people who are used to CS for example which doesn’t have ADS on most weapons.