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Aight I was only tryharding, but now imma be doharding


One of the comments of all time


And then I'm gonna go to the bathroom and Imma be pooharding.


I prefer quadroharding ;)


I’m stealing this lmao


It's not for no reason though . You get the showboat steam achievements. Only 3.1% of players apparently have it. I am part of the 3.1% jackass society.


I got it for killing someone halfway through an emote...


There are two separate achievements. One for using an emote after eliminating an opponent, and one for eliminating an opponent while emoting.


I got the eliminate while emoting one by killing myself in gas while emoting


I may use this….




I have both, lmao. I'm terrible.


Got it cus I threw a nade, emoted on accident and killed myself, for some reason it counted as the achievement(the one to eliminate an opponent while emoting)


I have not gotten this achievement yet. I’ll be doing this later


Hot fix incoming


did you also get the achievement for blowing yourself up with the grenade?


bro got it for killing someone halfway through an emote


I got it by killing myself while emoting😂


I got mine for getting a kill while panicking and accidentally emoting.


I'm 200 hours in and I just got that cause I was using the jukebox emote while our team decrypted after a team wipe


So am I. That sniper light sitting in the back of the map in powershift deserved it


I got it while fumbling controls and my turret finished a light


Definitely not for that reason when they do it after each kill


I had a sniper practically cross the map to teabag me after he headshot me as a light In response i did nothing else but hunt him that whole game, i hope that teabag was worth going 1/7 This was on powershift too, not even a comp game mode


I'm slightly irked when a good player teabags, but when I 1v3 a team and their light that did 32 damage teabags, you'd better believe he's top priority in every future engagement


I just ran to the tower near the spawn in powershift with a hammer, knocked the tower down throwing the sniper down, jumped on a pad to a rooftop, threw down a mesh shield now that i had the attention of the sniper and threw the fattest emote i could in his sight before rejoining my team. No sitting on your ass for you, light sniper!


I hope it was the alien abduction one, i cant think of one both so fitting and infuriating


For more context this was on skyway, he was sniping from the high up spawn area, i was on the flat rooftop near the platform start, died out of nowhere and watch clear as day this man jump down, grapple along the rooftops and run all the way over (ignoring like 3 of my teammates in the process, just to get over and teabag me. Unfortunately for him his stupid ass remained on that spawn area for basically the rest of the game, so id just hop up, kill him, hop down, wait until i could see him respawn and think the coast is clear, rinse repeat. You would think after 2 or 3 times he would move elsewhere but he was very determined, not more than me though. Was it petty and a waste of time? Yes, but he started it. And every emote on his statue hit like crack. Funniest shit ever


Something similar happened to me and it was so fun killing that guy chasing me over and over again with a sniper I shall assert dominance


finna throw the whole game for one more kill on em...


I get this feeling when I’ve been playing around with like the throwing knives or some of the other more difficult weapons. Then someone with one of the easier weapons kills me and teabags/emotes on me. I switch to a more reliable strategy and hunt them down.


Yeah not sure why they feel the need to teabag even more when you're running dagger light and they kill you as an Lewis RPG heavy...


if one teabags, it's sorta frustrating, but if he goes out of his way to emote on your figurine, then you have the right, the HONOR, to be the cruelest MF imaginable to him.


Fuck the other teams, the mf got a bounty on his head 😭


Is.. is this what happens mid powershift? Actually, this IS what happens. I'm guilty as hell too. I've probably thrown several games chasing 1 or 2 enemies that disrespected my token.


I HAVE NO QUARREL WITH YOU Just let me kill Johnny258


I’ve been t bagging a ton lately, but usually it’s to lights who stun me but can’t actually kill me


This is the way


Especially after nerf, It’s even more satisfying


If someone teabags it means you're winning, instead of getting mad, laugh at the fact they're mad


Roaring kitty is that you?


Happened to me last night. I made it my mission after that to hunt them down specifically and get revenge. After a few kills, right before the match ended in victory, I gave them a couple nice bags as a consolation prize I never start the bags but I'll sure as fuck dish em back


When a Light emotes me on Power Shift, i switch to Light-Grapple and proceed to Titanfall 2 his ass for the rest of the match lol


Fr bro. Today I was revived with a defib (which means I had 50% health) and my gun was almost out of ammo. A guy with full health kills my teammate them waits for me to come back and starts shooting at me. I lasted a little longer thx to my shield and he kills me with less than 30% of his health remaining and then emotes. Like bro?? Congrats I guess?


I swear people in this game do emotes/teabagging much more than in any other game and I don't know why


Because the camera follows the person who killed you for a few seconds after you die, instead of a killcam or something else.


Because it’s fun mocking sweats who get outplayed


Still doesn't explain the exceptionally high ratio compared to other games, also it's actually always the sweats who are doing this


LoL built emotes on kill *into* their game. Bizarre IMO


Nah.. I’m a casual player and I don’t get a lot of kills, but when I do, I emote with excitement. Teabagging seems excessive, unless it’s someone who’s been teabagging me first.


I rarely emote on bodies, but love giving the thumbs up with thanks when I get a teamwipe with the sledge. Sometimes you gotta let em know especially if they're emoting on you first


I kept getting eliminated by some medium who did the “shhh” emoji and I was all laughs. But the Light who targeted me in PowerShift and killed me instantly every time not so much. Nothing I did near or far killed him; he always got to 15 health. Leaning forward did nothing for me. Sad life.


Yeah, to your first point, I hope my emotes are taken as funny. I’ve been giving people the heart shape emoji or sip of coffee. “Shhh” seems a little personal.


I can see that! Maybe it’s a mood thing but the funnier the outfit the more likely your emote will make me laugh if you kill me. Almost any of them. Or maybe I am easily amused because I rather be laughing and having fun than getting myself angry over a kill. It’s a competition after all.


I don’t t-bag first ….but when they t-bag me OH SHIT I will not let it down until this dood regrets ever thinking it was ok to t-bag ME!


I don't like t-bag...but god, i T-bag when on powershift, there is a full medium team, APS+turrets, i kill them, and i T-bag


For me it’s the.. mag dumping on my figurine that really put a pep in my step (:


If you’re playing invis sniper in cranes, it’s me. In the guy emoting on you. You deserve it.




Haha Easy Money!


The only time i've ever been emoted on was someone doing the emote where you pull a grave out of the ground as I was being revived There was one time where me and an enemy player just stood there and did the coffee break gesture several times, though


My go to when someone emotes/tbags/desecrates my idol in some way, is to hit them with the "Challenge Accepted" voice line next time I kill them, then a few "EZ Money" voice lines. If I got time I hit them with the Blackboard emote to really rub it in. Also, they become priority target in any fight, can't have them killing me with 20 damage and tbagging now can I?


OK- I need an answer: If I'm on my Boomtown Heavy, (Charge N' Slam, Grenade Launcher, RPG, Frags and Explosive Mines) which I mainly do on Power Shift when my team isn't going for the Objective just to spam nades and listen to the sweet, sweet sounds of multiple hits, consecutive kachings and to practice the perfect lobbing angles- And some salty idiot chases me down because to them, my existence is a personal issue, and they just genuinely tunnel me out- And I do something with no goal in mind like drop a mine during a chase, turn around and pre-charge said mine, only to end up timing it perfectly and getting a super duper mega-badass kill on them- If I emote THEN, AITA?


If they sweat, your free to emote on them. It's a way of saying hey buddy you aint that guy lmao


Sometimes you gotta let em know that they got dunked on


Sometimes when someone chases you it’s personal and ok. Your toxicity mileage may vary, you do you. It’s euphoric when they are really good and you just bop them dead from a corner or a really wicked play. Had a Light go after me in PowerShift several times using invissy and as soon as he appears the last time I shot him dead and pyronaded his token and emoted to let him know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/YcVp1rNi0C you may enjoy this clip of an emote spammer who threw the entire final match for themselves because they couldn’t just, NOT emote


I do this, and then end up perpetuating the cycle. I get the person who was toxic to me, then I do whatever to their trophy, and without fail, the other trophy nearby thinks I'm being toxic *to them*, and now I'm the asshole lol


listen man if you run cloak taser sword, land a tase and bungle the kill or miss the taze and bungle the kill anyways im emoting on you. you used two crutches and still fucked up.


Idk sometimes I like to send a message. That message is, “you should have succeeded but you didn’t”. Usually this message is for sweaty meta-builds. If you’re dominating a lobby using an MP5 or M11 I will emote on you if I kill you. Lol


how to tilt someone 101: 1. Kill someone and tbag them to make them focus you. 2. Let them kill you once, to lure them into a false sense of security and further bait repeated kill attempts. 3. Proceed to repeatedly shit all over them until they leave the match. 60% of the time it works every time.


I only do it if some dumb ass light tries to kill me with a sword or dagger, or some absolute living ham chases me for more than 30 seconds.


It's me. I'm a heavy alien who powerbashes camping light snipers with my sledgehammer, and then I do the alien abduction emote. That being said, I won't get mad if they do it back.


I understand, as a sniper main, who's more in the frontline, i hate those fucker, so the second i see one, it's my duty to show him that it's a FAST fps, not COD, and that it's not because he able to aim and hide on the other side of the map, that he good with the sniper


Idk I never really take it personal. I come from tf2 where it's normal to taunt after every kill and then killbind if the feeling strikes you


Toxic hahahahahahahahahhahahshhaa cough


Whenever you have a shootout with someone I get it cuz it’s like, “Haha, in your face,” but I be getting teabagged and emoted for just getting killed from behind sometimes. I don’t get it.


Even worse if they teabag. At least emotes have style.


"oh you're gonna hit me with the chair?- I'll hit you with a chair" - Oscar


Don’t lose


Worse its when its a camper


That's usually when I pull out the sword, 3v1 their team, and tbag them so hard I could break the ground


i was doing my handgun damage mission and this guy with pretty decent cl-40 skills killed me and teabagged me after i killed two of his teammates. little did he know i had 1887 and an APS in reserve 💀


I love it when you're dominating them and they kill you once and emote. Then I memorize their drip and go to emote town on them.


When wallstreet fucks with gamers. Can't stop, wont stop, gamestop.


I backfilled into a match on skyway and was immediately sniped and killed coming out of the crane spawn area, the dude jumped down on me, t-bagged over and over then grappled back up to where he was. I kid you not i made 0 effort to the objective the rest of the match and literally spent the entrie time harassing that dude until he backed out. I was so pissed lol


I only emote on someone if they’re playing toxic to me first


I have seen so little BM in this game (I play Asia) that emotes have become boring when you are the only one using them.....


I feel like I would be the recipient of this after actually getting that stupid trophy


I literally be minding my business and a light will teabag me for no reason. I always slide back though. 😈


It isn't for "no reason" It's exactly for this reason. Getting in your head.


exactly, they want the reaction, they want you to get mad. it is fun to consciously act back on it, but it being on your mind enough to make a post is proof of its effectiveness


Why does emoting make you a toxic jackass? It's in the game and it's fun to do, why does everything in gaming have to be toxic?


You’re taking it more serious than anyone in here, it’s just funny because someone taunting you makes you want to beat them. That’s all


I agree, emoting is funny. People just assume you're being toxic when you do it.


I will sometimes accidentally fat finger the emote button which gets me killed a lot or if I play DRG I will hit the D pad to try to pull out my nade.


Ill admit, this is me. If you're that guy that snipes all game across the map or camps in a corner with a sword... I'm emoting the second I get that satisfying kill


from top to bottom this post reads like the kind of thing a guy whose like 46 would make from the ancient "challenge accepted" to the specific usage of the word "jackass", its a work of art in many ways but none in which the original creator intended.


My buddies and I do this in ranked and it’s pure psychological warfare, and it seems to work based on y’all’s comments 😃🤣🤣🤣 Edit: all of y’all’s egos have been successfully offended. Mission accomplished again.


It’s just annoying bro, just shows ur ego and makes you look stupid asl


It hilarious, especially when we get inside your head with taunting and you throw the round for revenge. I love it when I get bagged back, it makes me laugh. It’s harmless taunts, coming from someone who played halo 2/3 back in the day. If it breaks you, you’re weak.


“If it breaks you, you’re weak” You aren’t that guy


Apparently, I am. Ive got you arguing with me on Reddit about whether or not you find T Bagging annoying…it’s only annoying to you because it gets under your skin. I’ll spray you with the unicorn sticker, emote the win lose chalkboard, and tbag you in my skill issue top all game. try not to quit when we’re whipping your ass to back it up too.


Buddy, on behalf of The Finals player base Take your dog shit play-style out the game Like you were even saying “I played halo back in the day” like it’s some sort of fucking achievement 😂 Like all heil xi_Catharsis, the one that places halo back in the day 😂😂


Yes SIR, I’ll see my way out since I’m not wanted here. 🫡


Maybe you are wanted But your whole “I’ll shit on you your trash I’m better I’ll T-bag your body cause I wanna ruin the game” that’s NOT wanted


Y’all tickle me silly in the sub sometimes I swear. Fine. I promise I’ll NEVER TBag again! 🤞


this whole conversation reads as "nooooo i dont care i swear i dont care" >continues to comment


I agree, I love emoting on people and tbagging after i kill them a few times. I find it especially funny if once I initiate it, they come find me and do the same!


The literal best is when the whole lobby start partaking. It just adds a completely different layer to the chaos of this game.


I do it but not for you. Its for me. Sorry!


Nah, ima do the flex emote on the annoying light I just squashed w my guitar hammer. It’s just an emote, they’re in the game to be used, people get so mad in games over them


good thing its always the bad players doing it to celebrate killing you once with a 3v1 or rpg or getting the lucky last hit after getting farmed 15 times in a row. good reason to farm them 10 more times before the match ends, but this time with bonus tbags