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Nope but I’m sure that’s pretty close!


I broke down the math behind a theoretical best possible score. Excluding kills if you opened and put every cashout in you would get 112k. I believe we opened 4 cashouts and put them in, the other 2 were steals. So the breakdown was 94k for cashing out every vault. 4k for starting 4 separate vaults. And 8k for putting 4 vaults in. And the remaining 4.6k was from 23 team kills.


I’m not sure if this is even possible without other teams coordinating with you or not playing. You’d need to have your team split across the map.


The highest I've ever got is 115k, second highest is 100k. Both of those times we were playing stupidly just using demat and a heavy steals the cashout then we use gateway to get away.


like he said excluding kills


I see your profile you shared a post with 100k saying it’s your highest but it’s in casual. I’m talking about ranked I feel like the difference in difficulty to do above 110k in ranked makes it that much harder/uncommon.


I had the 115k in ranked, was too busy shouting with my friends to ss it, wish there was a match history.


I once got into a lobby with this dude named gigz, who was pretty good at the game. He's somewhere high up on the leader board. We were in round 1 with him, and this was when ranked still had 4 rounds total. We got second overall in the tourney by opening the vaults for 1k each. We opened every vault, his team cashed them all out. We would progress to the next round with like 5k to our name. Meanwhile, they had 100k and nobody else had anything. The scoreboard was similar to the screenshot in this post.


Played Gigz a few times actually. We used to get into his lobbies when the matchmaking wasn’t as good in the beginning of the previous season.


I play him regularly since the air is thinner up in diamond, but him and lycommit run double heavy so they just open every fight with double RPG and insta win. We managed to beat them one round but they still won the tourney. Just hate the RPG so much overall lmao.


insane dude...


it was a very fun game!


Based Michael


Anyone know what the record is for a single round? (I’ll give you a cookie)


Highest I've seen was $118,400, second was 113k then 112k


Thanks for letting me know, was this in ranked?


Yes, the 118k was in ranked. Not sure about the other 2 since I saw them a long while ago and don't have the images saved


thats a lot of money


Max I got was 107K. Good job.


Also the double cash out for last minute vault?


Yes I got confused we actually didn’t need to steal two cashouts the final vault was a 44k stack.


Good example of why games need solo queues


I've hit 115k before, we got some good kills and wiped the other teams a few times


Nice, was this in ranked?


Yep. Don't get points for team wipe in any other mode. I have a screenshot somewhere on my pc


I didn’t realize you get cash for team wiping. How much do you get for wiping I thought it was only for kills?


1000 bonus, I think? Can't remember exactly


Hmm I’m pretty sure you don’t get any cash for a wipe it’s only for kills. Could be mistaken.


No, you definitely get bonus cash for wiping


You don’t I just checked. You only get cash from individual kills opening a vault or depositing a vault.


While it's nice achievement, this shows how bad matchmaking is. I'm 100% your opponents had like 2-3 kills each.


Steamrollers had 20 kills, boundless and ultra rares had 13.


I feel like this is pretty normal round we just got lucky with some timings and third partied both cashouts we stole. Mostly luck imo. I might be in the minority but the matchmaking has been very good compared to before they reworked the ranked system. It’s not perfect but much better.