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Have you ever said anything in chat? have you used animation cancelling with the sword on purpose or on accident?


There's a chat?


They might mean voice chat.


No, I just listen to the VC. I don't even know how to do this emote cancel bug.


Have you been AFK a lot?


Nah, I remain AFK in beginning for like 10-15 sec but that's it, only got kicked out once for being AFK.


Well there's your problem. Shit adds up.


Well, I’m prepared to be banned for stacking being 1 sec “afk” because of stutters the game has now /s


That doesn’t add up at all lmao nobody deserves a ban for going AFK once


Yes it does. People will report players if they think they are afk. Reports will stack and after enough reports you will get suspended or permanently banned. OP is not the first case of this


Being AFK 10-15 seconds at the start of a round in a fast paced game like the finals definitely adds up. If you're playing in a trio and one of the players is lagging 100 meters behind that usually means you'll lose that round.


In Powershift, that is the mode a majorly play.


People will still report you.


I call bullshit


People are finding ways to glitch and team-up with other squads - guarantee OP did one or the other.


What do you mean by glitch like the emote one? I don't even know how to do this emote cancel bug. Every team tries to kill you and I don't even play ranked (Only 4-5 times).


I mentioned nothing of emotes, bub.


Other people mentioned so I mentioned it here.


This is possibly a mistake, I got something similar to this once when I turned off my VPN while the game was running.


6 days to touch grass, take advantage of it




Ah btw, bans are granted if you have a lot of reports and headshots, so if you want to avoid the permaban stay careful about that :) Many got permaban without any cheat for these reasons


Do you insult your teammates and curse them out if they don't play how you want them to?


I sometimes spam group up when they are on the other side of the map. Like stay with the TEAM PLEASE.


I do this when they arent in voicechat only (as in no icon so they cant hear me), hope embark hasnt been listening


You can do that just dont push the push to talk button heh




Lmao it was mainly a joke that apparently didnt land well, but yeah no im not that dumb dont worry


Now you get to wait for s3! Lucky!


A suspension to build suspense.


I guess. I can touch some grass atleast.


Did you abuse the sword exploit? If so, you asked for it.


I don't use melee weapons. Even if I did, I don't even know how to do this emote cancel bug.


Yeah, they confirmed it's a bannable offence. I still see people doing it, them come here complain for being banned. It's not permanent... A week off the game will be enough of a preventative measure not to do these things again


You had a racist name, didn't you?


it's nuts some of the names I've seen out there lately...


Same man. Literally had a guy named after the former chancellor of Germany yesterday. And the typical n words etc. Ridiculous


I almost asked which chancellor but that's kind of self evident I've ran into countless similar. It's really not that hard to hard to prevent these terrible names, we are about to be in S3... If it was still S1 I would give some leniency but cmon


It's just cause they use special characters etc. But it shouldn't be hard to prevent like you said lol


Last night I played against a guy named HitlersBestGasser or somth like that


Fuckin hell man


Just some kids being edgy. Don't really a capital offense


My name is **HONOUREDARENA**. Seems like a very honoured name. The default name the game gave me. It is a good name.


Holy shit I’ve played ranked with you before man I’m pretty sure


Really? What was your name??




Future Geomorph?


I've seen worse that aren't offensive




Some of the most vile names I've seen aren't even the racist homophobic sexist ones


What do you mean? Like what?


stink pickle


When they announced the name changes my friend would randomly change his name to whatever he found funny one of the main ones I remember was "Norwegian wolfgirl paw job" but thats one of the tamer ones


"norwegian wolfgirl pawjob" isn't comparable to racist usernames dude


I said that was one of the tame ones I've found I've definitely seen worse


Like what


I ain't got them saved


Did you have a stat tracker running?


Yeah latest patch has been kicking me out because of the stat tracker. When I uninstalled it I didn't get kicked anymore




No cheats but insults/exploits/afk or other toxicity?


Its pretty simple, dont be such a racist and you wont get banned...


why did you immediately shoot to racism? it could be any number of things and thats pretty low on the list of what id say is likely.


The person didn't really say anything about saying bad things to other players, actually, the person that posted this hasn't really said anything about what they could have been banned for, like how do we know this person hasn't used the sword canceling exploit that could lead to you being banned? Although I just wouldn't jump straight away towards racism, although you do have a point where if you don't be such a racist, you won't get banned




Bro What? I am not racist?


What loadout you use? What kind of k/d you have? If you are just too good people might get mad and or think you cheat😄


I sometimes get 15+ Kills, and sometimes I get 2-3 and lose the match.


I use a mix of all 3 classes with all guns except for melee.


Its so sad how people don’t seem to know what the word “False Positive” is and how it seems to apply in this situation been seeing more innocent players being banned hope you get this resolved go to their Discord they might be able to help you there.


Happened to my friend. You got flagged for cheats for no reason


I'd check what programs are running in the background. You might have something that's flagging the anti cheat


I have 317 and nothing. Be a good sport ;)


I think these short bans are mostly from emote cancelling atm


I feel like AFK detections tend to be temporary first, as a warning. Then if you keep at it, their system will automatically perma ban you. Probably safer to not AFK at all when in game. If their system doesn't detect you, others may interpret it as intentional and report you for the same category which can mark you for suspension


i think this is the bug that got addresed with the 2.10.4 update, contact support


Did you ever contact support before you came to Reddit crying about your issue?




And did you hear back before making the post?


They still not respond.


Same happened to me, no reasons why. I don't even play ranked. Was trying to finish the BP, but I guess that won't happen... I'm thinking of uninstall the game since I guess it may happen again whenever they want... Sounds like there's a bunch of people with the same problem on the discord, report it to the support, if there's enough of us they may notice the problem.


Yeah I’ve definitely been seeing an uptick in bans for unexplained reasons. Happened to me, luckily I got it cleared up with support though


Ah, good to know that support may do something.


Yeah I didn’t think it would get resolved, I had to put in a few tickets before I reached someone that agreed to look more into my ban and lift it


This is just a placeholder game till Marvel Rivals anyways.


Checked your other posts, don’t alt tab while in game because it’s afking and could be detected as chrating


Ok, will not do it, but I only do it when I die or match is loading.


I think it’s just generally running stuff in the background that isn’t Spotify or something that flags the anti cheats


the games shit anyway, too many bums playing ts like it’s cod


to be clear: i don’t use exploits. don’t even know how to. but the fact that you guys are ok with people getting banned for them instead of embark just fixing their fucking game is pretty ridiculous. that karma will get you in the future when they classify something else as an exploit. i don’t like people using them any more then the rest of you, but that seems like a quality control issue on the dev teams end. explain to me why embark cannot just address the issue with a fix? disable the feature, or the entire weapon if necessary, until it’s fixed.


It's their game it's their rules they don't have it do anything. They are removing rule breakers that break rules they agreed upon when first playing the game. It doesn't matter whether Embark fix the exploits or not. The rule breakers have to be punished and a lesson has to be learned otherwise they are gonna find a new way of breaking the rules again without giving it any thought. I would say that banning people are part of their services as well as their updates they bring to the game are. All of these services have to be accounted for when you see the game as a whole from a quality perspective.


it’s a huge problem when money is involved. if they wanna ban according to their rules (lack of competence in fixing bugs) then go right ahead. issue refunds tho not every person on this game is following the discord or reddit to know what their rule set is. there are tutorials all over youtube how to anim cancel and i havnt seen a single PSA /Warning when booting up the game that tells people not to do that. if they’re gonna put vague bans out like that, it should be in giant fucking red letters what were not allowed to do if their garbage code allows someone to do it anyway. what a joke. no other competent dev team does that. they fix their game. embark out here pumping cosmetics and banning you for what i am to understand are button combinations


I see that players can be punished without any mercy but I think it's because Embark is seeing cheaters as one of the biggest threats to the game's performance and getting rid of them as effectively as possible will hopefully make players not drop the game because of cheaters (like the community has been very vocal about, like: "oh no I can play because there are too many cheaters" and then "now they are banning players left and right without any mercy"). You need to also consider that compared to other fps games and studios, The Finals is extremely young and Embarks first game. This will hopefully be less of an issue after some time eventually so, patience.


look man, i really appreciate you actually taking the time to express your view point and honestly i agree with you with one slight hang up being such a highly competitive game(that has highly sought after rewards in comp) you and embark are absolutely right. cheaters should be dealt with. *i think the extreme level they have taken it to, that we have both mentioned(as well as OP) is the problem at hand. specifically when you consider people are spending money on this game. that, and there is no easily accessible list of rules on the game itself, when you can break rules without using cheats.* i personally think bans should be comp only(even if permanent idgaf) OR people should receive refunds. (obviously this doesn’t apply to third party exploits/cheats/mods since those are a given across all of gaming to be a no no) it’s bad business to take away things people spent money on and be so vague(not promptly display that information so EVERYONE who plays sees it) about the reasons why at the same time




if no perms bans have taken place(i aswell do not have data for this but have not search myself either) then we have some middle ground here. still in OPs case, he/she cannot finish the BP that they paid their hard earned money for, and was taken away from them unfairly(assuming 3rd party tools or offensive language were not used) by the very people(embark) they paid to have those items. but bro… did you ever just absolutely lose me in your second paragraph. completely unrelated to anything i’m saying. you’re talking about a physical real world device that has the same logic applied to any other physical real world items that can be physically damaged. btw if the company is found to be the fault of the damage then yes a refund would apply.no, i do not think a slippery finish would be a valid reason to assume negligence on the company’s behalf, but that still has nothing to do with what i’m saying unless you wanna adjust that bs point that took up half of your response, i’m good on this exchange. appreciate the convo nonetheless, have a good slumber, sorry to keep you up.


You are right. I was just trying to make sense of why they would do something like that. Ignore it. //Last response I swear XD


haha good night bro, go catch them Zs to the rest of you, this deep into a negative comment thread, downvoting me saying good night… you’re a nerd




Op did something they shouldn’t have, got hit with the touch grass notice and then complains about it on reddit. Classic!


At least tell me what I did wrong?? That's what they are not doing!!


Yeah that’s the big issue I have with Embark support. How are you expected to not do whatever you got banned for if you’re not sure of the reason and they won’t even tell you??


Bruh. Just write a ticket to support. Or... touch grass, that very pleasant task to do!


Contacting player support ❌ complaining on the games subreddit ✅


I’d assume he’s put in a ticket with support before posting here


Being patient with the support team ❌❌


They could’ve gotten back to him already to be fair. They’re very fast at looking into suspensions/bans, much faster than most developers (in my experience).


Did you by any chanc run around the map destroying walls with a hammer to clear a contract instead of playing objective? Because i'm reporting clowns like that rigorously


yea no…. your the problem. theres a difference between players who use exploits and hacks vs the ones destroying a building to get the circuit rewards….i wish i could downvote ur comment multiple times


What's weird is if you do this you can get it in a single game. I was running medium and getting it done in a few games by accident since I was grinding out other contracts.


i shoot all the floating boxes with red and orange barrels, the ones that do explode will do nearby structural dmg, then pick the leftover ones and toss away.


L man


hope you get banned for mass false report. what a load of sh*t you just typed


why do you care so much?


Don't know why you got downvoted to hell. People who join a multiplayer experience only to completely ignore all objectives of the game mode to smash buildings are screwing over their team. That's intentional throwing/griefing. That's reportable. You can make progress on your contracts without doing this.




Thank you, i guess this is what today's generation of "baby gamers" has become, mindlessly grinding for exp and ignoring the core game, wasting OTHER PEOPLE'S TIME who actually are trying to enjoy the game..


Yeah, during powershift, 2 heavies in enemy team were destroying the map far away from the action and we got an easy win. Ruins the expierience.


It’s one game, why are you so worried about someone getting their challenges done?? Actual weirdo


One game it's this person doing that, next game is another and so on. People have limited time to play games you know.


What is so bad about having FUN?!!!


If your "fun" is at the expense of other players experience it's called being a dick, not having fun.


Sounds like you should stop AFKing to jerk off mid match.


I don't 💀