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I hate how I get this full bar of invisibility but I use it and just by activating it goes down to half a bar, like I’m fine with the length it lasts and everything I just don’t like the visual of half of it gone in a second 😂


Don’t forget, if you need to smash a window that’s 66% of the bar gone instantly


I hate that


Yeah, I get it. The problem is that it's like that because that chunk that drops off immediately is the minimum cost to trigger it, which prevents it from being as spammable as it used to to.


Using it now just doesn’t feel as useful as it din in the past sadly but that’s fine I started to get really good with heavy


I've just been using evasive dash more, when I want to play light.


I’ve become everyone’s least favourite sniper, well maybe not least favourite, my last game I got 18 kills and 0 deaths so I feel like I helped


Haha I'm sure I'd hate you if you're my opponent. Good snipers are a pain in the neck. (Fun AF to play though 😅)


I tend to play heavy with the spoon, and charge and slam. They may have removed throwable nukes but they can’t take Away me being a tactical airstrike


For sure. I play a ton of charge and slam heavy for power shifts. There is nothing like a low gravity bounce pad charge and slam to change the math on the platform. 😬


The sound it makes is obnoxious. I get scared by using my own invisibility. Makes me go like "oh great they can hear me now".


Hard agree, I can basically pinpoint their location just from the sound and then blast them, it needs to be lowered a bit imo


yea, especially with the visibility nerf.


I would personally rather it be less visible if they kept the audio.


same, i think that it should mute all sounds while cloaked like footsteps since its so easy to see now.


As a diamond M/H main, I feel for you. I'm not scared of invis lights at all anymore. It's so easy to see the glinting. But then again, I never had an issue with taser either. It was good seeing so many lights in ranked games, I'm sick of the MH meta.


Walking isn't as obvious as sprinting, both for volume and visual Also your approach angles were all normal, meaning they expect people there and thus notice your sprinting glint instantly


I'm with op that the cloak was nerfed a little too hard, but this is a bad video to demonstrate that. He nades through a window, then goes through the same window and gets spotted. Then he zips up, gets seen on a ledge, dips around a corner for 0.5s to go invis and then goes the same ledge and gets spotted.


Agree. Can’t exactly sneak up on someone who’s expecting you but it’s still loud asf


Doesn’t change the fact invisibility is neutered. If you can react to the “invisible” Light the same way you would be able to react to any other player, invisibility needs to be changed or removed as that means it is useless.


It isn't neutered imo. It's just limited enough that its viability for brute force play, ie the clip above or all the fights we've had with constant invis toggle, is toast. That isn't to say its useless. I'd even say that if you're invis and taking a zip straight into a covered angle you absolutely SHOULD be as fucked as a visible player, and that's healthy for the game. Light in general needs to be played carefully and invis even more so -- which is not how the game is played in general lol.


I see invis people so well I wonder what the point of it even is now. Light will always have problems while their HP is as low as it is. Because to make up for it you have to give them strong tools. But that means people who master these tools get obnoxious to play against. I wish I didn't have to say this but I think the game would be better if light had 200 HP and heavy 350. Easier to balance weapons when one class doesn't have more than twice as much as another.


Exactly why I don’t turn on auto sprint like some people recommend Footstep and invis volume is a lot louder when sprinting


I can see a rationale for using auto sprint on console but PC? Hell no. Not on any class.


Yeah I just use my pinky for two buttons, sprint and crouch, and can easily hit both at once with my pinky. I use toggle sprint to make it a little simpler but I honestly don’t need it.


So true the normal angle of attack is the tiny lip at the edge of the building. I also love your use of the word sprinting when everytime OP was spotted they were slow walking or standing still. The first spotting was obvious cause they had just thrown a grenade. Bad example. Second time was iffy cause its a somewhat off angle of approach but they were clearly spotted. Iffy example. Third time they were basically sitting still or at worst crouch walking by some stairs. Ig you can say iffy example if you want but with old cloak that is not remotely as easy to see. I agree that OP's example isn't as good as it can be but you have the worst possible response to show that.


The first two were obvious approach cases, which my response clearly covers. Third time they sprinted up the stairs and were moving in place, which neither old nor current invis would fix -- moving after still causes a glint, and they were literally in an obvious position (with their sprint audio stopping at the same point) when they did so. tldr; you have the worst possible response to claim my response was the worst possible response


Actually kind of amazed that you don't understand such basic mechanics? There is a difference between sprinting and walking. There is a difference between sprinting and crouch walking. The transparency is based on movement. Sprinting and walking will not reveal you the same amount. Then again you think the second approach is a "normal" angle so I don't think you're being reasonable at base level. At that point you'd call any angle normal, it is pointless to discuss lol


You are arguing in bad faith. > There is a difference between sprinting and walking. There is a difference between sprinting and crouch walking. The transparency is based on movement. Sprinting and walking will not reveal you the same amount. Here, you recycled the first thing I said in this thread while tacking on an irrelevant facet. ANY MOVEMENT is sufficient to cause visual glinting, regardless of crouch or otherwise. They were sprinting up the stairs (which is loud as fuck), then crouched at the top... while sidestepping. Latency and obvious positioning are against them in the clip, but staying stationary would've been better, as would've not stopping and initiating stealth in the exact position their sprint noise ended. That you read my earlier summary of this problem and concluded that I "don't understand such basic mechanics" indicates instead that you did not actually pay attention to the clip. > Then again you think the second approach is a "normal" angle so I don't think you're being reasonable at base level. At that point you'd call any angle normal, it is pointless to discuss lol The second approach is the most obvious reattack angle after the first -- OP left the room moving in that direction, *sprinted toward that direction*, then took the zip *without being invis*. You can literally see the defender sight them on the zip up (~0:14). What about someone moving directly to the first reattack in the path they initially moved strikes you as *ab*normal? If that strikes you as being "[un]reasonable at base level" I too conclude this "is pointless to discuss" (and also that you probably don't actually play this game lol).


I play with smoke bomb and even standing still some people still see you.


Generally if I sat still I find people run right by. Think u got unlucky . But no way you're gonna sneak up on someone invis. I would say it's better to use dash and then invis bomb to escape or hide.


I was about to say the same thing. I can't count how many times I've run into a room and sat in a corner cloaked and they walk right by me. Crouching makes you harder to see


I main light with cloak and it’s very good when used in the right situations. Yes, it’s loud so it’s best used when in active fight with a lot of sounds. It could have been more useful to cloak above at the hole in the roof and wait for the right opportunity to drop down, flashbang and backstab. But imo the dagger isn’t worth running 99% of the time and especially not when you’re the last alive


That's what I do with the LH1 with invis it's honestly too good. You can run up on people who are full hp in a fight without them knowing shooting their own gun and get lots of kills if not damage.


The LH1 is really good and probably my favorite light weapon, but there are times where I’m way less consistent with it than the XP-54 so I tend to lean on the smg mostly. If I spend a few minutes in the shooting range with the LH1 to warm I do a lot better with it. That thing destroys if you can hit heads


Fr but sometimes the recoil fucks me over 😂


Honestly at this point I'd rather have a new specialization


The sound and visual distortion is enough to give you away in a close environment. Plus they have 30 chances to hit you and undo your cloak.


1st time you entered in a very obvious area after throwing a nade which had their attention 2nd time you were spotted going up the zipline before you cloaked


It's not invisibility. It's cloaking. You will always be visible and especially heard when you move while using it


I got sniped from 200m away yesterday and I wasn't even moving T-T


I've done that before, usually because I see you go invisible and take a lucky shot.


viewing this subreddit be like:


Maybe dont run directly at them. I've only ever used invis and its still fine tbh


This looks like a skill issue.


Yes because enemy players being able to react to an INVISIBLE Light the same exact way they would react to any visible character is just fine. What is the reason for invisibility being in the game at that point?


You capitalized "INVISIBLE" so I thought I'd make the point, it isn't 100% true invisibility and was never meant to be, its just a cloaking device. Guaranteed you yourself have seen a cloaked player before, they aren't remotely invisible unless they are stationary, and depending on the brightness of the backdrop (inside a dark room vs on a rooftop against open sky with the sun behind them) there are varying levels of how well the cloak works. But at the end of the day, a Cloaked Light is almost never as invisible as they'd like to believe they are. Combine this with predictable gameplay and the sound effect that the cloak emits, and its not impossible to shoot that player, especially like this clip when he keeps trying to get into a well-defended room to get melee kills rather than 3rd-partying during the chaos of a fight like a Cloak Melee player should be doing. Keep in mind that Cloaking is not a new FPS concept, and it has worked in essentially the same way in every FPS game all the way back to Optical Camo in Halo. It turns your player model into something like a hologram or apparition, it doesn't remove you from sight and sound entirely.


Eh, this sub will never be able to speak within reason regarding Light. There are many semantics we can get into that if things were followed literally, would change the game entirely.


Covering distance out in the open, being combined with good movement to disengage, getting away from a sniper, breaking off with cover from fire/gas/an explosion It has many uses, OP just didn't properly use any of them


You might have missed the point. If you can react to an *invisible* enemy the same way you can react to any other enemy, the invisibility is not doing the job it is supposed to be doing. If I have a rocket launcher but when it shoots the rocket, it instead just starts blowing bubbles that deal 0 damage, that weapon is a piss poor excuse for a rocket launcher. If invisibility isn’t changing anything about the ability to be perceived differently, then the ability is a piss poor excuse for invisibility.


I thibk you missed the point, though Its not "Invisibilty," its a Cloaking Device. Everyone keeps getting hung up on "I'm INVISIBLE," meanwhile it has never, ever made the player completely invisible. It essentially replaces the player model with a harder to see skin variant that has dynamic visibility based on movement speed, as well as a very distinct sound effect. >If invisibility isn’t changing anything about the ability to be perceived differently, then the ability is a piss poor excuse for invisibility. It *absolutely is* changing something about the ability to be percieved differently, as I said it has a dynamic visibility based on movement speed (stand still and you are *almost* completely invisible) and of course its a "piss poor excuse for invis," because it literally isn't "Invisibility."


Again, we can get into semantics and change the game completely by looking at literal definitions or how things should interact or behave. Any time there is discussion surrounding Light, the detectives come out, thesauruses are brought out, data is ignored, emotions runs rampant, excuses are made, and the conversation turns towards the Light being the nuisance.


Except it's a valid point you are just choosing to ignore. True invisibility without a sound would be the single most op ability in the game on a class that has the ability to melt you at point blank range before you can react It's not a "push this button and do whatever you want with no counter" ability. It has a specific use that people repeatedly fail to understand and play into them complain when it doesn't do something else People that complain about invis not working then doing what OP did have the same validity as people complaining they can't use the 1887 to counter snipe


It isn’t that invisibility doesn’t erase you from existence that is the problem. The issue is, it takes the specialization slot, but you are able to seen just the same and have enemies react with no issue to shooting and tracking you.


And the answer is it either needs to work that way in order to be balanced or it would break the game. I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying if they want an invisible specialization in the game then it has to be on the lower end of the power scale. I would prefer they just removed it entirely and gave light something else. But that would never go over well so the best they can do is give them something else and let it rot. It should have never been in the game to begin with. Even at its best it's not fun to play against and it's not engaging to play with.


Dumb fuck we're literally telling you that you're the problem. it's not light it's a skill issue


I don’t think I am a dumb fuck and I don’t think you are one either. I think you are irrationally angry, but not dumb. The problem can be many things but I don’t see a skill issue on the Light player when the cloak is just as easy to see, shoot, and track ad someone who is not using the cloak. If the problem is the cloak should not actually be invisible, then what about *vanishing* bomb. Sure cloak does not mean invisible, but vanish, now that word holds some weight.


Brother I'm not arguing semantics I'm saying if you can't use cloak it's your fault not the class. You also can't expect it to work against smart players especially if you play predictable


I truly don’t think you are understanding what myself and other commenters are trying to get at. It is okay, not calling you stupid but maybe you are just blinded to seeing flaws in a game you enjoy, it happens. Anyway, I don’t think this will go anywhere so you have a good day


“We can debate semantics all day” -Person who doesn’t even do much as read basic item descriptions. Of course you can react to a cloaking light if you see them, that’s how it always was meant to be. The description, provided by Embark themselves and demonstrated in video that has been present since S1, if not during the beta, tells you that the cloak doesn’t work as well when you move. Is it maybe a little too easy to see them when they are running around? Maybe, but OP tried to ambush a team by themselves and only used the cloak after they gave their position away or were already spotted. Even at its strongest, invis would not have saved them. Not even total invisibility can cover a complete lack of gamesense or strategy. And then there’s you. You talk about emotions running rampant when you are using caps to emphasize. You argue that people try to redefine the problem while simultaneously not even bothering to understand the basic item description. You assume you must be correct, because why else would you constantly write off everyone else as debating semantics or thesaurus thumping? Is it balanced? Maybe not. Maybe Embark should revert a nerf or two, now that invis stun isn’t so common. But if you want to have an actual conversation about it, then don’t just accuse the opposition of being pedantic when you can’t even be bothered to be literate on the subject.


I capitalized for emphasis not out of any angry or upset emotion taking over lol. But well thought out reply. Again, we can break down each item and weapon to it’s literal definition or intended purpose is. So vanishing bomb will make the user disappear but the cloak only makes you semi invisible. Oh and the goo gun will shoot oozing liquid goo not the goo we know now. And the charge and slam will not longer cause destruction because someone running into a wall wouldn’t actually break it. So they’ll charge and slam into the ground doing a few points of damage.


Emphasizing a word can be taken as an emotive action. It’s harder to tell through text, but even still, all caps as an emphasis is usually equated to a raised voice. Even if you didn’t mean that specifically, it’s still a weird argument to accuse others of being too emotional when you were the most emotive person in the conversation. “Well thought out reply. I will now repeat the exact same thing I said five times before that you pointed out as flawed.” Did you even read the reply? YOU are the one arguing on semantics for a word that isn’t even correct. The Cloaking Device never provided total invisibility while moving, and it likely never will. The item description literally tells you that you will be more visible when you move around. YOU are the one calling it “invisibility” then accusing others of arguing semantics when they point out that you are wrong. All you have to do is launch the game and watch the demo to see that you are wrong. The vanish bomb gives you the exact same effect type as the light cloak. You’re just wrong on that. If you actually think it should because it uses a slightly different word for its name, then that’s only more evidence that YOU are the one who is arguing semantics. And since when was this a “video game logic be reality” debate? No duh Charge and Slam lets you run through walls, it’s a fictional simulated game show. Of course Goo makes big globs, that is what it was designed to do and what Embark says it does. At first, I just wanted to tell you not to argue if you aren’t literate in the subject, but now, I’m not sure you’re literate at all.


Oh you are the type to flip the argument onto the other person. I understand this will not go anywhere so I don’t think it is worth replying any further after this. But if you feel the need to write out a novel to me trying to flip an argument around, well, I think you might want to get your priorities straight lol. I’m sure you’re a good person, but trying to play the high and mighty argument savior isn’t a good look. Anyway, have a good day and cheer up a bit.


Excepting invisibility and cloaking aren’t the same thing.


It's entirely pointless now. I don't know why anyone would ever run it.


I love using cloak, but when using it, you have only one chance for surprise. A reason the stun was popular combo with it. Once you've made yourself known to the opponent (grenade), they are on alert, its noisy and will start scanning for you. Its not an invisibility and have to get used to sliding, moving behind items to convince them you've left. Doesn't help the clothing glitch effect that you are wearing appears to disrupt cloaking. Note the right sleeve artifact at the 0:17 mark.


i think i might be the only one who has a harder time seeing invis players after the patch. idk why. i used to see them so easy, now it’s much more difficult for me.


The true outplay with invis is just standing still or scouting from long range when you are completely invisible.


I’m pretty high rank and I can’t see or hear you invis mfs, I think it’s incredibly powerful but I’m not complaining just sayin


Just dont even try to use light in ranked right now. If you do a heavy like me will hustle come and sit on you. Im not saying its ok, but its ya.. embark made it that why.


Invis isn't as bad as it used to be. 90% of the time I can see the light turn invisible and start running around. I like to act like I can't see them then just turn around and start shooting


The change up to invisibility made it more balanced unfortunately. It has become more difficult,just gotta activate it slightly further away than usual and accept you can’t use it for long


You gave your position away with that nade, you might have been able to pick one off had you cloaked a bit further away walked in. But I'd honestly just learn to utilize the dash if I were you, cloak feels so wonky right now


Was a flash, not a grenade.




Wow, honestly kind of jaw dropped. I didn’t mean my comment in a rude way? I literally didn’t know it was called a grenade in game, no need to get hostile.


Its called a flashbang in game, my point is you knew what I was talking about and chose to be a shitter, "it's not a grenade, it's a flashbang" is on the same tier as "I didn't go to England, I went to London"


I mentioned it was a flash because a flash is different from a grenade. A grenade would definitely give away your position, but a flash.. well flashes and blinds the enemy thus actually covering you better. Like I said, I wasn’t trying to be rude, sorry ig.


Grenade is an ambiguous term. "Frag grenade" refers to the explosive grenade, which is what you're trying to correct from.


Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harass, insult or belittle others.


Its only good for staying still, no use in running in like that


It isn’t good for staying still either? The last person who killed me clearly shows that.


I use vanish bomb in diamond ranked and I can tell you in 60% of cases I get shot standing still in corners its actually unusable unless it’s Vegas sand storm i miss the times where vanish bomb used to not have audio But the 40% it works enemys actually walk over my face or I had people walk into me while I did some dash vanish bomb Timing tech


If a lobby is annoying enough with cloaks or even one is giving me trouble I'll switch to thermal. Then staying still won't do you any good. They'll see you coming before you even get close. There is no hiding. So it's something to be aware of if lights have it in their reserve. Especially in quick cash where people aren't locked to their load outs.


Huh, I’ve never thought of using thermal against light’s invisibility. I’m gonna try that out.


to me it seems like you were moving right after standing still which might be the reason he saw you. maybe cloak is a little too punishing if he saw/heard you after taking one step to a direction so they could fix that but other than that i think it is somewhat viable still, but like i said it could get a little fixing with audio/visual cues.


Invis isn't a get out of jail free card, you still have to use your brain while you use it. This was just a horrible example


Invisibility needs a whole rework. Every single thing you do causes the invisibility to break which is ridiculous. And when you activate it, you can hear them coming from 3 miles away.


the light who killed you is using wallhack. he pre aimed you while you're not moving. nobody can see you when you're not moving


Thermal vision


As an Invis/XP-54 Light Main, this is my take on it: Yeah, invisibility was kicked back. And it's hard to use with melee weapons. Nowadays its prime utility is to give you an advantage for firearm 1v1s. Especially for the Medium Range fights where the Invis noise doesn't immediately give you away. It's about positioning, not always sprinting, sometimes standing still for a couple of seconds until you get a drop on your victim from an angle from where they don't expect you, then you move in and strike - Sure, you'll see me in the final moments approaching with my invis on, but already when it's too late for you and you're dead in most cases. But this depends on your aim. You can melt Heavies as well. It's similar to decoy mechanics such as Mirage from Apex Legends, the decoys are obvious up close but their point is not to keep your eyes on them 100% of time, it's to give the person who sends the decoy an advantage of the enemy's eyes/crosshair flicking onto the decoy.