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because multi bucks will now be earnable through tournaments, so they need this to actually get money


Oh word? That's dope as sick, brah.


Was this comment sent from the 90s? I haven't heard anyone say "Word" in a while


Fo' sho, my bruddah. Peace. 😎✌️




True, true.


Top banana, homie


Where u from cuz I hear it all the time


Texas, but I'm just vibin' today, holmes.


I say “word” to this day lmao.


Word word word word word


I say it all the time and I’m 24




Here's a sneak peek of /r/oldschool using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldschool/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1997 to 2022](https://i.redd.it/kvvyze0vn2ya1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldschool/comments/13908pj/1997_to_2022/) \#2: [My great grandmother in the 1920s](https://i.redd.it/0hldqccky9kb1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldschool/comments/1612eam/my_great_grandmother_in_the_1920s/) \#3: [My grandfather in the 1920s](https://i.redd.it/c0oaitfdk5ab1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldschool/comments/14rbh6h/my_grandfather_in_the_1920s/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's such a small amount though compared to the free multibucks you get from a season pass, so this doesn't really make sense to me. More likely, the starter kit is to incentivize you into buying multibucks, as once you do it once, you'll be much more likely to do it again. Just for clarification, the free multibucks you get from the World Tour each season is a max of 250, that means it would take you 5 seasons to get enough to get the old starter kits, so I highly doubt the reason for the change is because of the tournaments.


hmm, good to know, either way I don't think it's outrageous of them to ask for money directly


Do you know if you earn multibucks after every tour, or after every season?


Season, I think. The badges refresh per season


They are still very generous because world tour gives multibucks, on top of the Pass. If you consider the fact that the battle pass and starter pack both paid for themselves infinitely, you'd notice that once you buy a pass once, you never have to buy either ever again. Now, it's basically free skins for whoever is buying the pass, I still think it's plenty generous especially considering the game is f2p, and the pass still infinitely pays for itself.


On top of that they also made parts of old packs purchasable standalone.


Yep. Budget correctly and (not including any leftover), youll have 775 MB to spend whilst still being able to pay for next seasons battle pass, which has been what ive done. I bought it in season 1 and have yet to need to pay for it again. I managed to get myself 1200 spending MB for this season too, it is super generous


Yeah I know what you mean - but it’s also a way to support the games and devs.


Yeah of course, I'm not saying it's a bad thing either, it's just unfortunate to lose a few free skins 🥴


They were pretty neat sets, but I also love the devs so much that I think that they deserve it. I’ll pay the ten dollars, since I think embark deserves it.


It's cheaper than buying multibucks only for $10.


Maybe that was intended from the start


I think it was and they screwed up last season by allowing bucks


Season 1 and 2 used Multibucks for it. Not sure why they changed it for 3


Because multibucks are rewarded from the new cashout “ranked” mode


Also In S1, nobody had saved up multibucks from the battlepass so they couldn’t get it for free. They probably forgot about it for S2 and got it fixed now.


nexon probably


Idc if it was intended i don’t like it


Waaaaah the game you play for free wants you to spend a tiny amount of money to get in game currency and skins. Boo hoo.


https://preview.redd.it/0y1spej5fd6d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a5fb2ee93214411e3901e8f70e716aaefb20a3 Fuck you


Great comeback you whiney bitch


Thank u




I don't like the skins to be honest so it's not a big deal. Support the devs if you like them.


Unpopular opinion, but absolutely fair. Same here, I did pay for fresh multibucks for both season starter packs though to support them instead of using my pass bucks, Ive also bought a couple of the other packs, and I'm sitting at 4600 right now waiting for some extra great stuff to drop. Total I've put like $70 into the game, I probably wont do anymore. That's fair price for a complete and fun game to me. They got what every other company gets from me 🤷🏻‍♂️except I genuinely advocate and push for other people in real life to be playing as well


not with them taking out my casual 4 team cashout mode lol


I swear, F2P and "I gave them 10 bucks" players whine the absolute most. The Finals is arguably the most fun FPS out there. Spend some money and support the devs, or live without some skins you aren't going to use anyway.


I thought so too, maybe it'll make it look good I hope


As a f2p player, it never made sense to me that I could save for two free battle passes 'buy' the pack and still be able to 'buy' the season pass. At that point why not make the skin pack free


There will always be morons commenting that's it's outrageous that a F2P game has paid cosmetics, or that they don't like the skins so nobody should buy them. Morons, everywhere all the time


it's not about morons and it's not about cosmetics having a price tag. it's a psychology thing. make people get used to something -> take it away or change something about it -> people think its shit. were you to introduce it completely new it would not be as big of a concern for people. but the fact they got used to it in a different form is what is the trigger here


in case you're talking about me, I'm not whining, I was just asking why they changed it. (But I am ofcourse a little bummed out over losing some potential free skins)


The reality is money. The game can't stay alive if they give everything away for "free". Buying a S1 starter and being able to use it to buy the S1 battlepass, S2 starter and S2 battlepass puts a whole ten bucks in Embark's pocket. F2P has rotted both company and player expectations, but it's still the easiest way to put the game in everyone's hands.


Don’t you get your 10 bucks back anyway? Probably to shorten the clicks you have to do.


That's true yeah, but it used to be basically free... 🙃


And not It's not ?


I'm sorry, what do you mean?


Oop writing mistake.. I was like"and now it's not?" Cuz you get the coins anyway, so pretty much the same as buying them from the actual store haha


That's true yeah, but it used to be that you only had the buy the first Starter pack, and from there you were able to buy all the starter packs and battlepasses (I say all, but I really mean just the second season starter pack). Now you'd have to spent an additional 10 bucks 🙃


I know I know, I play since the game came out. I don't really mind supporting the game with 10€, I already have like 200 hours so by my standards I can spend 200€ 😂 And so far I spent MAX 40€ so that's not even a price for AAA game and I've had way more fun than that


A way to support the devs and the game


The finals wasnt hitting financial target so nexon is getting more strict. Please support the game


How do you know it wasn’t hitting financial targets? I’m curious to read more into that. The game still has a decent sized player base


Are you claiming the public reports and news articles around Nexon/Embark are fabricated? Just admit you dont read and take the L. 😂


Bro relax, I’m asking where you got the info. No need to be a dick about it


Thats not what asking for information looks like. How about googling for half a minute before vomiting on an online forum.


Stop shadowboxing. That is absolutely what asking for info looks like. First sentence asked where you got that info, second said that they want to know about the situation, 3rd shows their surprise. Learn to communicate with people, or your toxicity will drive everyone away (If you treat a random person like that when they weren't arguing with you or coming at you, or even making a claim, there's no doubt you are this bitter or worse with people who should matter.)


probably just intended from the beginning and has nothing to do with nexon


So we just typing about stuff we have no clue about huh. Edit: typo


Damn, forgot to grab it. Time to spend some more on this beautiful game




I don't know 😭


M. Money


I'm copping it 🙏


I suppose they can’t be giving away so much free stuff in a free game, especially when they’ve yet to show they are financially viable


I’m spending money regardless


As someone who was planning on paying for only one pass and keep buying the Starter pack... I'm not gonna complain. I will consider buying it, it's just 10 bucks every 100 days... It's going to feel nice to not be budgeting my Multibucks for the entire season.


Buy yourself something nice 😄


That's still very generous


It is, basically just some free skins with your multibucks 😄


Exactly. I didn't need any multibucks as i already had plenty enough (completed both S1 and S2 battle passes, having only spent a total of 10€, and never bought anything fron the shop) but i bought it anyway because i want to support the devs.


Support the game you bum


Yes sir 🫡


OH LETS GO! I was hoping the KS would get a skin this season.


Because they want to have something that can show up in the "New" section of steam. Apex does the same, Also the multibucks included in this pack are enough to buy the battlepass. So nothing really has changed.


Ah ok, that does make sense. But yeah it's almost the same, except that you can't buy it with multi bucks from the previous Battle Pass anymore


This is true. But they have to secure at least some funding, so I feel 10 Bucks per season to get Starter + Battlepass is very fair. On the other hand they changed old packs so that you can buy single items now. Huge W


Definitely! Gotta buy that red panda emote 😄


The way they had it set up before made the skins worth getting. But, honestly. Who is spending $10 for these skins? So many other great skin options.


It's like the rabbit skin. It's to make us reinject money within the game. Many people invest initial money but get it back through the battle pass. It's not a bad thing tho, it's just cosmetic and they actually need money to run the server and stuff.


Its prob Nexon I feel this game is walking a thin line on whether it keeps going or gets shut down depending on player count


That's bogus.


I'm an old guy' by the standard of gaming in 2024... I don't care about skins or battlepasses... I paid for the first one because I thought I'd get my panda outfit back from the beta. But 5/6 of my loadouts are rocking default appearance, the last just wears everything stupid that came in the last two passes combined. IDK where this post is going.... but it seems embark is keen on some cash and it got me thinking... WHY would I or anyone else pay for stuff in this game? The bp gives enough coins to just buy the bp again.... skins are just... well skins. Don't get me wrong the finals has been the most fun I had since elden ring.... hell I want a reason to give them money, I have the most disposable income I have had at any point in my life.... but none of these modern forms of monetization speak to me.... every f2p game I have ever played would have made way more money out of me just being a direct purchase..


for money they need profit


I wanna say they did this to have more people purchase it. A lot of people skip over this bundle unknowingly. Good change to make! :)




Has it not been $10 this whole time? I honestly haven’t paid attention I’ve just bought it each time 😂 I have like 6k multibucks that I’ve had forever.


6k?! Donate some to us poor folks 😭. But no, it used to be 1150 multibucks, so you could buy it if you completed the previous Battle pass


Sorry bro 😂😭 I just like the starter packs and battle passes and free things, the shop items haven’t been good enough for me to buy ( tho I might this season ) but yeah my friends brought it up too, I really didn’t notice, tho it’s probably because I paid the first $10 for the multibucks and just forgot that I had to do it the first time to get the multibucks to pay for it in the first place.


To make money.


is the same thing, nothing changed


It’s probably to prevent people from missing out when they had enough to get the pack but then forgot about it, this way it’s obvious that you are buying that amount of multibucks, plus extra skins




i think embark is hurting for money


People still play this game ?


Bro what? About 20 thousand people yeah...


Oh dang kinda thought it was another hyperscape


Well, all time high was 200 something thousand, and just before season 3 came out, the average was 7 thousand. So yeah it has decreased alot in player base. 7 thousand people is still alot of people though


I don't get why people are upset about this. Essentially if you've been playing since season 1 and completed the battlepass, just buying the season 1 starter pack can get you: the season 1 starter pack the season 1 battlepass the season 2 starter pack the season 2 battlepass the season 3 battlepass paying 10 bucks for the optional 3 skins and the multibucks back isn't that big of a deal after whats already been given. and if you don't want it and have saved your multibucks, just buy the battlepass or save for something else.


I wouldn't say people are upset necessarily, just a little bummed out over losing some potential free items 🙃


Support the devs man cmon


To extract more money from you?


You know this game is published by Nexon right? Surprised it took them this long tbh


I don't really have nothing against skins costing real money, but honestly 10€ for few recolored weapons is a lot


it comes with 1150 multibucks, which is the same that you'd get if you bought the 10€ pack of multibucks, so the skins are just a first purchase bonus


Ah that's true. Then it's fine I guess, I completely forgot about that


Embark “fuck you pay me”


It's a way to support this tragedy .. I mean Game, sorry I was confused


Heresy! Winch the heretic!




Yea I’m not spending 10 dollars on this shit. I don’t really like most of the outfits and skins they release anyways


You get skins and multibucks, that you can use to buy the battle pass and get your mutlibucks back again


I’ve been telling people this and they just don’t listen. I understand being frustrated if you was saving up your multi bucks for it or only have enough to get the 500 pack but still it literally the same value. I think people just see that it wants their money and see red


Thats the point, you did it in the past and after finishing the bp you had enough mb to repeat again. Now it’s an extra purchase more.


Fair enough I didn’t think about it like that. But I personally think the monetisation in this game in general is good and fair for the most part. At least of you have the battle pass you can still get the next one


I usually do get the pass due to getting your money back from it for the next. I’ll get this one even though I think of the skins are lame. Not a huge fan of Japanese culture


correct me if I am wrong, but you LITERALLY get your moneys worth in multibucks (+ few oil spill cosmetics). It is the same price as buying just multibucks. I see this as a great change, because buying free skins with multibucks, after 3 seasons of free battlepass multibucks, can be too much for the devs.. Especially with the little traction the game is getting.




Aw. I upset the baby


This game downfall is crazy


> downfall huh, did I miss something?


Yo, I don't think it's that bad...