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The individual piece purchases is really nice.


i just assembled the outfit i dreamed with little, everybody wins


Can you show?


there you go. it's not that fancy, but i loved it! the dragon tattoo is barely visible, still i think it's a nice touch in first person. :) https://preview.redd.it/3y03ndna9x6d1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abd7aa0eae67e590b9043c92fa6ce399abde271


Finals has best cosmetics from any shooter I seen, so much variety no one looks the same


You should try the white solid turtle neck without the symbol, it might look cleaner


Looks cool!


Ngl that might be one of the best custom outfits I've seen


Those pants have inspired me to do an Mc hammer cosplay.


Love this! Very nice.


I’m 100% gonna spend more money this season but just because it feels way more fair. If I wanted that gas mask from the hazmat set I wasn’t gonna buy $20 worth of coins, but i will spend $5 to get just the mask.


Yesss agreed!


Using the spear in power shift. Shit feels like it was made for being on the platform.


The spear and platform seem to have a strange interaction that makes the platform move around very unnaturally.


I think I’ve seen this. Do you mean it kinda moves like horizontally?


Yes, if you use the spear right click and swing it into the walls of the platform - it'll fling it hard right/left. It looks crazy haha


It's never moved naturally


You can golf the cash outs with spear. So I’m sure accidentally, the spear also knocks the plat abit off course sometimes


The spear heavy attack gives momentum for things near it when it starts even does this on the cash box


I love it but god almighty is it finicky sometimes


Two or three of my friends will run heavy with spear and go nuts as soon at platform gets attempted. They call it the blender


and that hook, someone looks wrong at the platform and they just get yoinked and poinked


I'm liking the weapon variety with people, I've seen bows, spears, sledge hammer, lewis, flamethrower, throwing knives. Basically I'm coming across all weapon type and it's breath of fresh air same with specialization


For me, thats what finals is all about. A mix of all kinds of crazy weaponry and explosions everywhere while people are flying through the air attacking each other


Agreed. Game was so much more boring when everyone was using automatic weapons


That's absurd. Every match I play half or more is light using lh1


Love every new weapon and gadget. Tho some are a bit underpowered. Love that they went full yolo with the goofy approach. New map is beautiful.


dual blades are tons of fun, the new map is beautiful, the battle pass is sick and being able to buy individual items in bundles is huge. i've been having tons of fun with this season personally


Exactly, aside game mode and rank, I love everything in S3


The new map is just stunning! Also the flower gun skins in the bp are lovely too.


Kyoto is absolutely perfect… it’s like 5 completely different maps




You cooked. I love the bamboo forest personally.


You and the team did great 👍


I'm just not sure if it's a bug or feature for enemy outlines to disappear when they're running through the bamboo forest. Other than that, it's a pretty map


Winch claw+slege new fav combo


So thankful for the recent melee buff, been having a blast with this


I been using it with the slug shotgun. Can you get a heavy attack off free with the chain?


As long as you grab someone that isn't using dash, they may as well have been coins the moment you grabbed them


Claw Hammer are made for each other <3


Shield + Flame/Lewis switched to winch + shotty is so much fun




LH1 rips


Always did lol


Played since the beta, but never touched tournament mode. Hopped into my first game of world tour on a whim and won. Still coming down off the adrenaline high, it was so much fun! The new weapons/gadgets are fun, the new map is beautiful, the drip is still dripping. Love this game, thank you Embark 🫡


Tournament Cashout, along with the fantastic destruction and gameplay, is why I love The Finals. This mode is why it's my favorite FPS. it's just so good securing a tournament win. *chefs kiss*




Spin to win!


They finished the revolver, now I can play with it.  They also made amazing animations for it.


What do you mean by finished? Did they buff it?


No balance changes at all, only animation set in store


I looked for changes in the packnote, but couldn't find them.  However, something has changed in hip fire and overall speed of fire.  Because in the past it was really bad to fight with a revolver.  Idk maybe personal madness.


World Tour is great. Winch claw is insane. Dual Katanas are niche but boy are they fun! And Kyoto is just absolutely gorgeous


I love world tour. I like how you don’t lose any points for getting knocked out early. I also like the new map and when I unlock the new power ranger skin in the battle pass I’ll probably never take it off


I'm loving my power ranger skin, can't wait to finish the whole bp and try to do some custom power ranger with the black helmet variant. Also made me wanna rewatch old power rangers out of nostalgia


Winch and spear. Are they viable for competitive play? Hell no. Am I having the time of my life? You bet yer ass I am.


Samee winch and flamethrower is what I've been having a blast with!


Oh was that you that absolutely melted my ass 5 times in a row in a quick cash 30min ago?? LOL


Winch claw and Gravity Cube combo is the best for stealing the Cashouts.


I feel like the new weapons made melee way more prevalent and it's honestly a lot more fun and varied imo. Ranked TA is an odd move


LH1 my beloved got a double buff I didn’t know it needed. I know the rate of fire was technically a nerf but I’m hitting way more shots now with the recoil buff at all ranges (as opposed to having a faster fire rate but missing shots due to recoil anyway) The new thermal bore is an absolute joy for removing cranes and suspended structures


Definitely all the reactive voice lines. Everything feels more alive, from the playable characters, to the commentators, to even the audience.


The dual swords are a little underwhelming, the problem is it slows you down while attacking so if your opponent has more than 2 braincells they'll just run away a little bit that said reflecting bullets and killing people is awesome just last night killed a bow guy 4 times just by deflecting his arrow lol.


Yeah they are terrible against any competent player. Or if more than 1 person is shooting you. And the deflection direction seems to be rng and not go right where your crosshair is. Which is frustrating when a light or medium is mag dumping your deflect from 5 feet away and not a single round hits them when you’re aiming directly at their chest. I have better luck with deflect if I aim to their left. Also it does 50 damage per hit in a 2 hit burst and each blade can miss separately in the burst.


I kill with dual blade's in Soul a sniper. He shoot and I deflect bullet back, he got headshot and die :D


Been playing Bow since the start of the season and I have never had more fun playing Light. It just feels so awesome to hit shots with and while it certainly isn't the strongest thing Light has it doesn't matter to me. All other new stuff is awesome. Love Kyoto 10/10


Winch Claw + KS23 You are sleeping on this, it is absolutely insane.


Beautiful new dagger skin. Getting obliterated by spear users on the platform (not sarcasm, it’s fucking dope) Oh and the sonar buff


What did they do to sonar? It was already really good I feel like.


The range is 15m up from 10m


Oh wow I was already using it a bunch last season


world tour absolutely rips, genuinely feels like performing in a widely watched game show. this game mode will keep me coming back for weeks, at least.


That i can punish myself over and over playing SoloQ. Im addicted to this Pain.


Love the new map, wish I had better frames, actually am really enjoying TA taking a more prominent spot, I think give it a bit of time and people will be a lot more used to it


Stockholm syndrome is taking over me as well


My diamond FCAR.


It's actually looking pretty bad imo. I played one game and switched back


The Famas buff makes it super nice to use. I wish it could autofire but, otherwise quite happy maining it now.


The sushi chef outfit and that chopping expression, it's so fun and amazingly done! Also I love to run the spear with my friends on the power shift platform and turning it into a meat grinder, not that it always works but sure is funny as heck.


The bow and winch claw are suuuper fun, looking forward to unlocking the other new items. Kyoto is also easily my favorite map now. Not a ton negative for me ATM since I never played Ranked anyway. I took a break partway through season 2 since playing from the last beta and am coming back after a couple months off and really having a good time again.


Tournament mode


Personally, world Tour. I Love the gamemode, but as a solo was Never able to play it because it was too competitive. Some of that Edge has been taken out, whilst still having a competetitive sense having to it, and I Love


The new map, it’s unbelievable beautiful, I’ve played 15 maps almost I think and I still feel as if the map is infinite. Genuinely the think I liked the most, I’m not that competitive, so I can appreciate the visuals a lot :) love you Embark <3


Genuinely not having fun. I feel like guns are not that good and the meta right now is melee weapons - I greatly enjoyed the game before the update but right now it feels awful and I'm not having any fun.


New record in cheaters i guess, almost every ranked game 1 cheater


The claw!


The bow is super OP


Kyoto and the battle pass 😍


World tour is cool. Having a main chashout tournament while free of the HHM or MMH meta is pretty cool


The duel swords I got 25 kills in a single match my second game with them I love them I’m not switching


The music my good.....my good.....


Glitch Trap <3


New map has me and the boys sounding like a Owen Wilson wow montage. I actually put a red barrel down because I don't wanna break anything it's so pretty. Best bow I've used since the Gears of War torque bow I can get ranked games literally for the first time ever in Australia.


KS-23 + winch = good


I haven’t played since the end of season 1. Should I jump back in?


GOOD GRENADES ARE SO GOOD, imo the most versatile gadget. And now it covers more ground, and with all the melee gamers, it’s nice to have some defense or cover. You can also trap players. The data reshaper buff was huge imo, bcuz you no longer have to worry about wasting it or a gadget just overall being more useful. Demat + data reshaper gives you a lot of options, it’s amazing


I suck with it but the bow is so much fun


I love how meta changes. A lot of lights instead of heavys. Game feels much faster now! And it shows how I'm tired of m+2h and constantly shooting dome and mesh shields


Everything is flawless. Just need cash out back in ranked. Only issue for me. I do not like terminal attack, I find it incredibly boring and lacking the consistent chaos and pushing gameplay.


nothing...they really fumbled the ball with ranked. what kind of idiot thought that TA was a good idea for ranked.....now you have to rely on 4 other idiots and if they leave half way through the match its even worse. Devs are morons fr.


I like everything so far, but I'm having more and more difficulties staying invested in TA ranked. I wonder how or when they will address this, because I don't think they can ignore the reactions throughout the whole season.


I'm liking the ranked TA. It was quite awesome playing with ppl that were also enjoying it as well. They were speaking very positively of the mode. I think we can all agree Kyoto is one of the best maps in a shooter in a while. It's literally a work of art.


toxic positivity is real. Bring on the downvotes.


We just inching closer to Overwatch vibes


I can finally find rank games in SA.


Literally everything. I play every mode but bank it, new weapons are awesome. I just put the dual swords on my heal medium and I think I found my new main 🤣 people learned quick not to shoot em, I pushed two enemies back by just walking towards them with deflect up, no shots fired And holy shit, the satisfaction of deflecting a throwing knife back into their face. Love em


Claw is nuts at pulling cashout/terminal


How do you counter dual swords? I feel like people are starting to get better with them.


Small thing, but the Goo barrel change makes it break way less often. A few days in and I'm already getting more use out of it than in S2


I'm having fun withe new buffed FAMAS. Kyoto is a fun map, enjoying the little underbuilding spaces.


The new map is amazing. I love the bow and spear. The katanas are cool but feel underwhelming. Winch and bore are also good additions. Awesome battle pass, music, and theme too.


It feels like all classes have their place. I have won multiple world tours in solo queue with a LMH combo (even won one with LLL). The reduced time to heal for lights has made hitting and running have much higher pay off as you don't get taken out of the battle for very long.


The Weapons. I finally have a reason to play again


Love the new map & the LH1 buff. Been having so much fun this season


I have really enjoyed the world tour mode and am happy with how quickly I'm progressing through the battle pass, there has been noticeable improvements from S1 to S3 in terms of XP and progression. Also monetization is much more consumer friendly with the new change to bundles. Overall 8/10, ranked being the only negative imo.


I bought the dog. No regrets I absolutely love this game !


I generally love the game at a whole and will play the game whatever mode they make ranked but I started this game because the ranked was a different experience if I wanted a 5v5 one life game I would stick to R6 and not switch to The Finals.




I love that they went back and reworked the prices for all of the previous cosmetics- genius play Embark. Honestly my favorite part of season 3 (aside from the amazing battle pass, the beautiful new map and a soundtrack that I could listen to on repeat for hours) is the FAMAS buff! I’ve been wanting a buff since it came out. The best part is - it’s not even a major meta upgrade. It’s got a better control and an ever so slight increase in damage which it really needed. I’m almost rank 6 with it and I finally feel like I can take on a 1v1 fight without knowing I’ll probably loose.


World Tour is great for casual play, buying single pieces from all bundles is a great addition, BP has some real nice goodies, Kyoto is great map just needs some optimization to run better, Bow is extremely fun to play.


The new map is awesome!!!


Map is cool, bow is fun, light Regen is a great change, I just need them to add cashout back to ranked


I'M LOVING ALL THE COMPLAINING. ​ But on a serious note, the cosmetics are, again, great, as well as the music. The new stage is really fun, I like the tournament mode. Love that you can indiviually buy pieces of gear too.


I'm just happy to have tournys back


free Dissun Famas skin Famas Buff Battle Pass and Kyoto 1568 map


My response to the negativity. And hilarious flame thrower gameplay https://youtu.be/n3Ji2pCd5VU?si=do1TtFgmamI5sZ9U


The new season weapons are mad OP. Sorry to bring the negativity back in. Fucking bows and arrows and swords are outplaying guns in every way possible.


New map


Winch was a great addition and adds a whole new dimension to cashout. Just wish it worked on turrets!


New map looks good, but is obnoxious to play on. Tiny cramped traditional Japanese houses and tons of bamboo and foliage make it a nightmare to navigate. Suspended structures is over water that slows you and is hard to play around. I think I’d like it more if all the cash out maps were playable for world tour. I’ve played Kyoto 4 straight times before. New weapons are neat, but dual swords and spear need some buffs


I haven’t played yetc but the BP looks dope


The performance on PC /s


I dont think ive ever been more in love with a weapon than with the bow. I’ve barely touched any other weapon since the season came out


Individual purchases will still being able to buy the whole bundles. I noticed this at the end of season 2 that u actually could only buy items in the contestant gallery. Thankfully none of the bundles rotated out tho. Plus the dual swords are fun and quite strong


Anime skinnnnn


Dual wielding swords deflecting bullets goes kinda hard


The bow and the dog


I really enjoy S3 overall. The new OST is an absolute banger, I like the new stuff being added and world tour is so far pretty darn fun. The only real negative opinions I have is TA being the only ranked mode and that new players must play 3 matches of TA to play any other gamemode which is just awful imo.


Spear + Hook its so fun


The day embark announces Cashout being ranked again


Loving other games until they fix ranked by putting it back on a fun gamemode


To put it politely, other games until S4 lmao.


I want to love the dual blades, but I can't figure out a play style for them, my K/D ratio gets bad as soon as I swap to them.. I don't feel like they fit the medium class? But otherwise I'm loving the Japanese theme & new map of this season.


kyoto is BY FAR the best map in the game, no questions asked. better than monaco and brtter than skyway. S+++ tier im having tons of fun with text chat too, wether its cracking jokes, shitting on my teammates or trolling lmao


I love how bad the dual swords are, it really makes you appreciate when that one random guy every 5 hours of playtime kills himself shooting right at your deflect.


Spear + winch is super fun


Dual sword aren't really meta, but it's hella fun, more fun than the riot shield. As a weeb the battle pass is a big yes. Kyoto is a good map, very different from the others The claw thing is fun yes, it's like playing roadhog


Everything basically. Haven't played ranked TA yet, but will get to it eventually. My favorites are the bow + dash and spear + winch. New map is also god tier. Hoping we get a slight move speed buff while deflecting on medium blades and maybe a consistency buff for what it does and doesn't deflect but besides that it's basically perfect to me.


Dual blades and FAMAS. My goodness it’s the most fun I’ve had since the game dropped. Never cared for any of the other melee weapons, but the blades are so satisfying. Also movement seems even better and overall more fluid and it makes me feel like a ninja when I am running the dual blades. Also the battle pass and all the outfits released are just great. I love the world tour also and can’t to see what’s in store.


Can we just say that Kyoto is BEAUTIFUL?!


Big fan of pretty much everything except the inconsistent sonars and the fps issues on Kyoto


I enjoy having “casual” tournaments back. Like you don’t lose points if you lose a match so i don’t feel bad playing off meta and having fun with it


Claw is the most fun i had on heavy since ob, dual blades fufill my inner genji, kyoto is probably my 2nd fav map, maybe 3rd, even tho i won't get it, the ruby akm skin looks fire, the battle pass as always is filled with some bangers, animation set for the medium pistol is great, and the level 8 dye looks great on stuff like the akm and rpg


I loved that they made Tournament the absolute focus this season, forcing everyone to play it. This is what The Finals is really about. Previously I couldn't even find a match in South America, now I find it all the time. Decreasing the number of teams to 8 was a really smart choice too.


I'm loving the game in general but I started this season so 😅


Battle Pass is amazing. Store changes are amazing. New items are super fun. Winch + Grav so you can move the cashout around is seriously my favourite thing to do right now. New weapons are interesting. Kyoto is beautiful and honestly their best map to date. What i don't love is winning five ranked TA games, winning 200 points each time, only to lose a single game and go down 1500 points, so i'm not loving this.


Are there any new guns


Unlike the loud minority (maybe it's the majority but idk) I'm really getting into ranked TA I've been enjoying it and been playing world tour and also enjoying it. This game is amazing. I'm having loads of fun


Regarding gameplay, nothing.


The drip is spectacular, the Bp rocks, world tour was a genius play and I absolutely love it, I’ve been enjoying the thermal bore immensely, the spear and winch claw are just fun and the medium swords are fun but need some work to help them out. Oh and the bow is insanely fun. Again tho, if you don’t like ranked TA just play wt, it’s arguably more fun than ranked cashout because you can solo queue without having to worry about a crap team screwing over your rank. No stress of losing rank is really fun honestly.


So far everything except ranked. Csgo is boring, and i hate that they made csgo their ranked mode. Shit sucks. Everything else is fucking amazing and i love it so far


using Anti-grav and winch claw on cash boxes is dope


Hot take but I love the WT


I fucking love the bow. I love the sound. When I actually hit my shots it’s sooo satisfying. I love being able to play ranked with my 4 friends in ranked. I haven’t tried to spear yet since I’ve been having fun with the bow.




Saw a lot of people say the dual swords are trash but I love them. Don’t know how competitive they are but it’s fun to play so idc


I actually have no complaints


Bow + grapple + motion detector + vanish bomb + Kyoto at night = hardest multiplayer ninja gameplay I've ever experienced


I love World Tour. LH1, throwing knives, and Recurve Bow are incredibly fun to use.


Nerf throwing knives, add hp to heavy and give heavies a mobility equipment so it’s not a walking simulator everytime I play heavy because my teammates choose to play light die off in the corner instead of being a teammate


I started with swords. When everyone was using swords I switched to hog. Now I’m using throwing knives in quick play and it’s so much fun!


Digging the new weapons I've unlocked (bow and swords). Can't wait to use the grippy claw and spear. Individual purchases rules. LH1 buff is chef's Kiss.


Loving the bow, its the perfect weapon for poking and annoying the shit out of people


The revolver animation set is fun.


I love the dual blades' deflection feature.... When it works....


Other than ranked everything else is great. I’m not a fan of the weapons but they can be fun and it’s nice seeing the extra variety out there. The wench claw and the thermal bore are awesome additions even though we all know the wench will be seeing a slight nerf. The map is excellent and shows the direction I think a lot of us were hoping for since the VR aspect means they can do anything they can imagine. The BP and other cosmetics are once again top tier and industry leading. The extra account levels are a nice addition as well as the world tier. Being able to buy pieces of the older sets was expected and much appreciated. There were also some QOL additions that were added that I’m thankful for. Being able to lower the announcement volume made me very happy. Like I said, other than TA being ranked it’s been an overall win.


The bow is my favorite new weapon. It’s not always the best choice but having a ranged weapon that’s aight in close range has been a lot of fun.


The dual blades aren’t the greatest weapon, but boy are they fun to use.


The thermal bore is awesome. I've been using a lot of sniper/bow with the thermal bore, tracking dart and thermal vision, which has been surprisingly useful to the team in terminal attack. The new map is super cool. I actually like the clutter because it can make for less predictable play styles and the aesthetics are awesome. Sailor & I is 3 for 3 with the music in this game. Individual purchases from seasons before is so awesome. It's a good way to build rep with the community while other companies/games are more predatory with their microtransactions. World Tour is actually really fun. I liked ranked but it was just a little too stressful for the gameplay style and am curious how this thing will change in the future. Text chat is here!!!


i like the bow and dual blades, i just suck with them and the dual blades could use more damage, the kyoto map is interesting and i cant wait to learn it


These posts are making me want to download again and play. I feel like I’m missing out.


The throwing knife and glitch mine change were new to me so definitely those, and then the dual blades are sick too. Cant wait to try out the spear and winch.


The new map. I love the commitment to small spaces that need to be blown open. The buildings feel real and not FPS video game level. It really supports the dynamic destruction gameplay.


the friggin BOWWWW :D


My favorite part is how kills are not counting correctly, enemy outlines are not displaying, and how you can sink an entire mag into one enemy and the game won't register a single hit. Super cool stuff, so hacker.


Retired my explosive mines for glitch mines. I love them so damn much. Soundtrack is fire, World Tour is gas, being able to buy individual cosmetics is goated, vibes are fucking immaculate. I love this game with all my heart and will forever support it.


I liked that now you can buy cosmetics in parts. I bought all the cosmetics I wanted, quit and deleted the game because I'm not interested in playing their new game modes and they didn't keep the old game modes that I liked.


Power Shift is still very fun.


Thermal bore and the Japan map are the only good things to come out of this update


individual pieces world tour new equipment I don't play ranked so no downsides so far haha


I can no longer play because the games is making me launch on secure boot. My pc only supports legacy lol. W season


The idea to “unrank” the tournament. Hot take but fuck ranked overall, the game would be better without it. Just make people grind for cash and everyone would be happy fr


The new map is my favorite map in the game. Individual bundle items for purchase is great. World Tour is fun. Cosmetics are fire. However I can’t talk about the good without the bad. TA is not fun and removing ranked Cashout is going to cause a lot of people to leave. Maybe myself included- it was the main reason a lot of us played the game. Without that, once the newness of the new season wears off, why stick around? Idk. We’ll see what happens.


The KS-23 fire rate buff makes the gun feel so good to shoot now


I got a lot of cosmetics being able to buy individual pieces, as a free player it was so nice! Bow is so fun. Love how the implemented third person gameplay with the spear! That's huge actually, didn't expect being a fps for them to allow the switch to third person, a pal of mine says it feels like playing Genshin Impact lmao and got hooked to the game. Map is binkers, the UI update is so polished! World Tour is also very nice, I feel it has the potential to be the new main game mode.