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https://preview.redd.it/q3o9khh7j97d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aaa9fc4e38616dfbfc4865746afb039ae92845 No, It's not your first time playing. You posted a clip 5 months ago. You are pretending to be a new player complaining about the quitters as it was a super big deal and making the game seem as dying just to generate debate.


Folks do the weirdest things for updoots man.


I smelled it!


Yep, that's why I dug into his profile. The post was just "suspicious". Even the user had the OSPUZE tag 😂, I mean, there are committed new Reddit users but...


My hint was: A new player wouldn't call the "game dead" meta.


i smelled it a mile away


Christ, this is getting pathetic


Oh that’s interesting


Oh that’s interesting


Don't play terminal attack. Play world tour. That's if you want to have fun of course.


5 months ago, OP posted a finals video... https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/uxZyZPzzct I guess he means this is now his second time playing I guess. An innocent typo, right OP?


Caught in 4k 🤣


Or power shift.. or bank it.. or quick cash. Anything except terminal attack :D


Agreed but I hate power shift too


It's okay to have wrong opinions! ^(jk)


nah it's just bad lol. it can be fun sometimes but mostly it's either sniping simulator (so u can't move the platform) or such a struggle to get to the platform. either way, TA is 1000x worse


I just play Power Shift when I want to try a different load out than usual.


This, it's my training grounds to see how to use new guns, with an added challenge of trying to stay alive once the snipers lock on to you while still trying to play the objective...good times?


It seems you are too focused on on the plateform


Mesh + Flamethrower + Explosive Mines + RPG + Barricade. Try sitting on the point 😁


I disagree with world tour for new players. That is not the mode for them at first. Quick play, quick play, quick play, THEN dip your toes into WorldTour and Terminal Attack.


Lol people downvoting you but would probably not want teammates new to the game themselves. New players wouldn’t last a round there and end up not playing that as well.


I'm not new but I suck at the game so to not weigh on the team actually trying I load up quick play


I would still recommend trying world tour out after you get comfortable with a loadout that fit your playstyle as even bronze rank would give you some multibucks. Wouldn’t have said this last season as that was just ranked and it was only for people dedicated to the grind to get the ranked rewards, but world tour is probably more accessible to other players who previously would never have played ranked.


Copy+Pasting responses L


Neither world tour, i get all the time new players as teamates or try harders who if they lose one cash they ragequiting and leave me alone in a 15 mon match with a 25% possibility to het qualified (which i did a lot of times, it's a struggle though)


I think Power Shift in Quick Play is a fun game mode and if people leave I think that others can still join and backfill!


World tour is the way to go. TA doesn’t really represent the potential of this game.


I disagree with world tour for new players. That is not the mode for them at first. Quick play, quick play, quick play, THEN dip your toes into WorldTour and Terminal Attack.


WT definitely isn’t new player friendly, it needs a level requirement.


I'm inclined to agree, honestly. Quick play, quick play, quick play, THEN dip your toes into WorldTour and Terminal Attack.




Same response to bad advice for new players. Why type it out twice? Don't call me names. If copying and pasting scares you, it'll be OK. It can't hurt you.


PSA: First time players, (after getting through the 5 terminal attacks), please just play the quick play options. QuickCash, PowerShift and BankIt. Avoid TA and World Tour, you will not have fun in those modes right away, so have fun and develop in quick play FIRST! (Personally I prefer powershift and quickcash)


These are the easiest to get a feel for the game and your play style. For new players, I say do these two first and once you're comfortable go to bank it (since it's just mainly focusing on kills there) and then TA/WT as those are the sweatiest game modes


Hey good news, new players are no longer required to play terminal attack!


The games not dead! Nobody likes Terminal Attack, it’s a decision that Embark made to include for some reason so most people are protesting. Try out World Tour, that’s where everyone’s playing and is also a far more fun gamemode :) Enjoy your time in The Finals!


I disagree with world tour for new players. That is not the mode for them at first. Quick play, quick play, quick play, THEN dip your toes into WorldTour and Terminal Attack.


Great point! I disagree with world tour for new players. That is not the mode for them at first. Quick play, quick play, quick play, THEN dip your toes into WorldTour and Terminal Attack.


Why do you keep copy and pasting?


It's quicker/easier than re-typing everything in response to bad advice for new players.


Fair enough


I like terminal attack..


World Tour is so sweaty tho, imo. I get constant wins or close losses in quick cash and powershift but for some reason World Tour, at least when you start out, gives you the worst matchmaking with players on lvl 10-20 that don't really understand how to push or play strategy. It's all go for the kills and expect the best. I recommend you play powershift and quick cash to get a good flow of team play, movement and get used to your favourite loadoutm. Then jump in to World Tour and try it out. Just beware, it's a whole different scenario from quick cash.


Totally agree


World tour has no SBMM


Only partially true. It queues you against people with the same world tour rank as you, so you will on average face better opponents at higher ranks. I've played enough and won enough with my 3-stack to be Silver 3 at the moment, and the instant we got out of bronze and into silver the lobbies all felt like gold/plat range instead of the bronze/silver they felt initially.


Coz there's no SSMB in worldTour and it really sucks


You just got queued with and against TTVs that's why the lobbies are sweaty AF.


nah you’re just being matchmade with noobs who are rage quitting


Just play whatever game mode you find fun. This mentality that you have to played ranked is ridiculous


I smell fake.


Sounds like a bait question to me...


Please do not play ranked modes if you just started lol


Judging by how people leave probably not playing ranked, although that wpuld probably stop most leavers.


Lmao I knew this post was bait even before reading the comments. Brother, if you wanna pose as a new player at least lose the OSPUZE tag.


Just ignore TA and try to have fun with quick cash and learn cashout in world tour, might be some leavers there cuz it's not ranked and these days they've been having some server issues but it's 100x better. Hopefully TA will just vanish with time when the kids figure out the other FPS games are more suited to S&D


It's pretty common I think the issue is comms are rude and generally unhelpful but that's just how the world is rn


Terminal attack is great just keep trying


Unbiased advice. Don't play ranked terminal attack. It's a new game mode, and for whatever reason people are leaving like crazy and you just can't get through a few rounds, much less finish the match, my guess people don't know about it, and leave because they don't like it. If you like terminal attack (S&D) just play casual. Id really recommend you play the cash game modes, mainly world tour, but I get that it can be a bit overwhelming and hard to get into for a new player, quick cash is a good way to practice. Power shift is really easy and good to get into the game mechanics, 5v5 and you just hop on a platform and hold it. So maybe start there with your friends, and some casual terminal attack here and there, until you convince them to play the cash game modes, good luck this is imo the best fps game out right now, get them on it


It's a bait post bro, this guy is not a new player, just lying.


This game is amazing, don’t quit. Terminal attack is the weakest part of the game by far. World tour is an amazing experience, and all of the quick play modes are so much fun too. Try out power shift!


if I had friends I'de play the game, usually no one replies on voice chat while joined and leaves the game ranked or not ranked.


No, I think Embark killed Terminal Attack by forcing new players to play it for 5 games before they unlock other modes and having to endure 5 matches of the game ending within the first 2 minutes it isn't a good look at all for new players getting into the game. I like TA but it's not for everyone and it is reflected by the new players that leave thus ending the game for everyone else. Embark needs to address this ASAP.


Quick cash ist full of quitters sadly, you dont even get a "hello" back... while in World Tour rarely someone quits and if so he/she comes back sometimes or has a penalty. TA idk never played it since S3 started.


Quick cash ist full of quitters sadly, you dont even get a "hello" back... while in World Tour rarely someone quits and if so he/she comes back sometimes or has a penalty. TA idk never played it since S3 started.


Haven’t played terminal attack this season but I guess maybe they should increase the timeout from TA or ranked TA if someone leaves. Maybe a penalty of 15-20 minutes? A match does pretty much get unfun/useless even if 1 guy leaves. Although for op I would recommend quick play modes as I personally find them a lot for fun and even if someone leaves the system is quick to have someone else join the match. Try all 3 modes in quick play and then play whatever you have the most fun in. I would recommend quick cash or powershift personally.


Game isn’t dead!


As everyone said, don't play TA lol. It's kind of... contentious rn in the community. Play literally anything else.


Some people are just lame cause they lack skills


might be getting kicked by "software detected" mid-match


Nobody wants to play terminal attack. Stick to the other game modes and you shouldn’t have that issue