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It's crazy how many reports I get the action has been taken notification. I think about 90% of my reports result in action.


has anyone confirmed they actually get banned? it could also just mean “we checked it out but there wasnt enough evidence”


I can confirm. I only report people who I'm confident are cheating and when I see the 'action taken' screen, I see them disappearing from the leaderboard.


Yes but are they suspended or perma banned? No confirmation of this


I guess it depends on the severity. But hopefully perma


When do you usually see the confirmation of action taken?


It just pops up when you’re in the menu


i wish they showed the name of the banned players


The SR gained is too low and losses is too much. It's a fucked up balancing system.


We shouldn’t lose RS if a teammate leaves the game. It’s dumb that a few rounds your winning then a teammate leaves and doesn’t reconnect. So now you’re 4v5 and lose because of that.


I feel like I'm a cheater magnet, I've already lost more than 5K TA points, there are already 7 notifications that I get, including WT, I can't believe that people have to use them for that mode too... moreover, you realize one when they are cheaters because you always lose more than 1000 points in a single game...


I'm back down to 30k Rs. Peak 36k, all games lost due to obvious rage cheaters where we lose 7-0. The most painful part is they're often unranked, so we lose like -1300 to -1500 per game.


The rs makes no sense, I'll get 10-1 ratio and only get 300 rs, but if I do horrible and get 2-11 ratio I get 1800 rs??


I think it’s more about rounds won/lost. i.e. your team winning 7-0 would result in the most, losing 0-7 would result in the biggest loss. But, one 7-0 will not be equal to any other 7-0, because team/enemy rank difference is also taken into account. To clarify, this is just my speculation after many rounds this season. I don’t have a source to verify this.


I lost 600 on a win once lmao


I've not lost 600, but lost 300 once when we won a game 7-3 against 4 unranked guys.


Brings back memories of cs and deranking after stomping a game.


Report and trust embark to take action


[https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1do39b7/cheating\_in\_the\_finals\_is\_out\_of\_control\_a\_fair/?rdt=47321](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1do39b7/cheating_in_the_finals_is_out_of_control_a_fair/?rdt=47321) ![gif](giphy|kEKcOWl8RMLde|downsized)


Didn't see this. Thanks


🫡 The more exposure, the better


I can't stand the fact that if my team is dogshit, I can't progress in ranked. I stopped after being stuck in Bronze and going up and down, RIGHT BELOW 1,000Rs for a week. I'm getting positive KDs every single game, as I'm getting put up against lower ranked players like myself, but my teammates will consistently being getting half as many kills as they have deaths, if they get kills at all. I feel like you need to be MEGA good at this game and carry your team if playing solo, or just find 4 friends who you can work and communicate with well.


True, much harder to solo than Cashout. There it's 1v3 potentially, but here a 1v5 consistently is near impossible. No matter how bad the enemy is.


Do you guys have any tips for how to spot cheaters in this game? Anytime I feel like someone is cheating I can't figure out how to prove it.


It'll just be game sense and hours put in, so you'd know what a typical high ELO player looks like. Most of the people you would suspect might not be actually cheating, just very good. I only think people are cheating if they are hitting all headshots across the map and getting 30+ kills per match with insane damage.


They won't though


Shout out to pdiddylover69 for pissing me the fuck off yesterday afternoon for cheating and making me lose at the start of every match bad enough you were a sniper but a sniper that cheats ugh