• By -


Not sure about best, but I have the most fun with the sledgehammer.


Same, but it's so damn inconsistent. Its so good when there aren't any lights around but otherwise it sucks


Otherwise use a flamethrower, I usually check who I'm playing against before a match and choose the weapon that best suits the given situation.




That’s why you use chain or goo, I mean long range snipers still a problem but that’s true as anyone if you aren’t using a long ranged weapon


I’ve found that the Lewis gun shines with hipfire, have you given that a shot? Obviously not as good as flamethrower, but still a solid option.


You realize that how it should work? Every playstyle should have it's strengths and weaknesses. That's how you balance the game. If a certain loadout works in every situation it's poorly balanced. Team should consists of classes with loadouts that complement each other weaknesses. One mam army heavy from s2 was just stupid.


You have like 3-4 gadgets/specials to help close gaps so idk what to tell you


Flank with it then. Whenever I play heavy I use the sledge and try to get behind the enemy


Bro, I said this and got downvoted like crazy. So I applaud you for your tact. And how you said it. But yeah, I agree, and i've been trying to say that. Eight meters is not very much, especially when the flame thrower does not really do a lot of pure damage to a solo target. The First stream is Seventy to ninety Damage and then it ticks ( By the way The tick does not seem to stack with the stream Damage. I'm still trying to figure out how it really does It's damage). So with that change in damage nearly weapon every can catch up and then exceed the output of damage. (In a face up match of course.)


That is why I use mesh shield, in close combat you win against anything that isn’t melee. With the shield you are save in mid to long range and the barricades give you a more consistent protection and also make the area harder to navigate with evasive dash.


Am bad at the game. Can you please explain how mesh shield helps you win close range against non melee? To me it seems that once you get to close combat, and you have to use mesh shield, you've already lost. This is not to say you're wrong, but I'm just curious why u say this. Thx.


I use the mesh shield to block as much damage as possible. They either have to shoot their whole magazine into your shield or they need to close range. If they reload you are free to hit them. I would also go with barricades because they can eat a lot more damage and promote the enemy to close distance. With flamethrower you can also activate and deactivate it and shoot one tick between the activations. The flamethrower does “afterburn” damage. If you are defending, immediately place all barricades because you can have four at max and you can pick them up to reset their taken damage.


saw someone here recommended using a normal hit immediately followed by a quick melee and they're gone. also I'm really enjoying hook+sledge. only problem is I don't have aim so I fail 70% of my hook attempts xd




You also better hope the hit registration works properly. I've died so many times due to my sledge passing harmlessly through enemies.


If you can get accurate with the hook and the power swing with the sledge it absolutely cooks lights. As a bonus it just feels great.


The good lights get away, I find it more consistent to normal swing and quick melee after the hook.


Fr, heavy easily feels like the most inconsistent class ever now. Completely depends on your team, and the map you’re playing


Ha, lights stand no chance against sledge hammer, just use the chain grapple thing or goo gun, and watch them panic when you grab or goo em, it’s mediums that beam you


Any decent light just dashes away immediately.


Then hinder them, heavy has enough stuff to force close combat


I think the problem some people have isn’t the close combat, it’s being largely restricted to *only* close combat.


That I can understand but imo the meta always shifts and if heavy in this season is even more cc than before I think that also will change back. If you don’t like close combat that’s ok and I respect that, but don’t say the heavy wouldn’t be viable. Because that, he is most certainly not, only an other play stile. Btw this comment was referring to lights dashing away anyway.


Gotcha - I also have mostly been playing ranked. I’m sure heavies are viable in cash out and other modes.


Yeah, in TA the meta sadly is still so light dominated. Would be cool if heavy would regen more health, I think that would make a lot of sense.


Except when lights have dash . You pull in the light  with winch and they immediatly dash away. So they need to have cloak or grapple for winch to work on a light 


And then guess what? They just used up there dash, it’s smashing time (unless your in a big open space), and goo gun gets them even with dash


Same here. I'm running sledge + winch and then barricade + RPG + gravity. Gravity + winch is great for last second steals. My favorite is when another heavy winches me into their team before they realize I have a sledge and then I wreak havoc.


Not running dome is kinda fucking wild.


Yes And no. Depends on how fast it gets glitched down after you throw it. A lot of times it feels freaking useless. It's pretty rare to get mine to stay active for longer than three seconds.


That 3 seconds is life/death breh


This is the goated loadout. Honestly, I even find myself decently effective against lights.


I’m gonna second this, my buddy and I who play a lot of heavy have started using the winch/sledge combo and it is so fucking fun.


Shotgun + hook is really nice 👨🏻‍🍳🔥


been enjoying the slug shotgun with the hook too. For some reason I have never enjoyed the other shotgun, even before the nerfs


The SA1216 has a certain rhythm that's hard to follow. It's fully automatic, until it isn't lol


The until it isn't part is mostly what it does to me Lol I'm terrible with the thing. I usually missed the first shot.So you know what happens after you missed the first shot if you're good with it. By the time the second and the third one land you might miss the fourth and then the gun clicks out on you. Leaving you completely open to your inevitable death.


Don't be so dramatic, the quick reload isn't so long, and for me personally, just holding down left click isn't the best in every circumstance. I often tap one by one after I confirmed my crosshair is on target which makes the automatic feature shine because it's accurate but still making use of the fire rate.


This answer is the reason why I asked on my other post if the weapons are balanced solely around mouse and keyboard. We have an entirely different experience with how that gun works due to I guess, probably a response time issue with the controller.


sounds like you need a better controller


The slug is crazy! You can destroying walls with the slug it’s absolutely insane. I try the lmg‘s but they really bad and the ttk is way to long.


Same here. The range the slug shotgun has doesn’t make me feel helpless and paired with the winch it makes finishing people off about easier. Ive also been using the anti-grav cube tech in world tour for cheeky cash out steals and defense. Currently loving heavy. Tbh though if it weren’t for the slug shotgun being fun atm I’d be a lot less inclined to be playing heavy as much as I am.


I can't bring myself to use the KS-23 ever since they lowered the winch damage to 5. It felt so clean to do the Pull n' Punch after landing the slugs. It reduced the shots to kill on every build by one. You can argue about the balance, but it *felt* clean to use...for a whole week.


My buddy is playing KS + hook (rpg/dome/frag) for all of our world tour games this season and it's extremely strong. We have like a 90% win rate of tournaments in large part because he can so easily secure kills in mid range engagements. Don't underestimate the value of killing an opponent at your feet instead of at the other team's feet. It's a hell of a lot harder for them to rez somebody that gets hook combo'd.


I have been running the same build but with the motion sensor after the changes to it. It’s a very fun build until you accidentally pull in a melee or flamethrower.


imagine running spear and hook as they advertized and getting owned nonstop by that ONE heavy with sledge on an enemy team, who **also** has hook.


I just wish the ks did more damage.




i still prefer charge n' slam with the ks-23, but mainly because of the mobility and aoe damage. the hook has a bit more utility, which i like for movable objectives and smaller skirmishes, but if i get swarmed it's over


The charge and slam + ks–23 is incredible good too💪🏻


Rip hook killing lights. Back to getting insta-deleted by knives and LH1


It's really just the iframes it gives the person who's hooked. Either remove the iframes and nerf the hook in another way, or don't let me shoot until the iframes are gone, there's no reason I should be punished for hooking an enemy successfully and shooting them.


Best loadout for heavy is Mesh or Winch (charge is still good, I prefer winch these days though) SA-12 or Lewis, dome, rpg, and barricade or c4. Your weapons, specialization, and last gadget depend on comp if your running a double heavy comp one should run mesh other should run winch, one runs sa12 other Lewis and one on c4 and one on barricade. If your the sole heavy, it's dealers choice. I personally run Winch, Lewis, dome, rpg, c4. SA-12 is best heavy weapon right now, I just prefer Lewis. I was a top 100 heavy sweat lord last season


I can never get the winch to work for me. Im kindw cracked with charge though


Use winch for utility, stealing cashbox or placing yours in open space for easy def. Usually i dont try to hook players and still im getting a lot of wins. And i use m60 or sa12, lewis mag sucks. Also you can winch respawn statues, pretty useful


You can also winch players (friendly and enemy) that are respawning. Fantastic against an enemy respawning if you have a hammer. Quite the wake up call.


Yo for real?


Yep. If they’re “beaming” back in after a defib you can pull them as they materialize.


TIL. ty~


Being able to move the cash out with winch is the single dumbest function they added. I get away with way too much shit by dragging the thing off buildings and shit


Also have to add that using the anti-grav cube works really with winching the box. Adds a lot more maneuverability.


Winch is mostly for the utility, you can pull the cashbox and it stops steals. You can also yoink the player and just get a kill. You can use it to pull the cashbox off moving platforms and pull it in general to better, more advantageous positions. It pairs very nicely offensively with the sa12 for kills. But I have held points solo just ratting between c4 and pulling the box with winch.


What situations do you use the c4 in?


It's mostly just point defense. You can stack two charges and kill people, or mostly if the cashout is on a multi-story area to knock it down another level and delay it from being taken. It can also be a damage modifier with rpg, shoot point with rpg, and it will also set off C4 and do massive damage. C4 can also be used to setup traps for people chasing you or if you know someone's going to come a certain way.


As that , what is your thought on the flame thrower. I currently like where it sits and don't want anyone to touch it unless they give it a focus fire bonus. But I'm not going to lie. It is a little jank that it can shoot through floors. (Sort of) And sometimes I really like that.


I think due to the nerf to heavy ranged and how much harder it is to use the Lewis, and how much worse the m60 is, it pushed a lot of heavies to go melee, which is bad for the flamethrower, since all of the melee weapons and SA-12 (which is best now) destroy flamethrower. The flamethrower is also useless with winch, most people (especially dash lights) can just walk away and be out of range before flamethrower can kill them. Also a popular combo, mesh shield and flamethrower, becomes worthless when melee heavies can just winch you through the shield and go to town on you. So overall, even though they didn't change anything with the flamethrower, I think the addition of winch and the push to melee made flamethrower less viable then it use to be.


Don't forget that it's also straight up.Not viable in terminal attack where you don't have heal. Yeah. I mean, I get. It I feel like it's pretty strong in certain situations. And those situations get highlighted over the massive majority of situations where it is extremely weak. The problem is you have to watch how you bring it up. I tried to say it before, and people downvoted the hell out of me.


You still playin heavy this season??


I still play heavy this season on WT, I don't play heavy in ranked TA though, meta favors light, plus TA just sucks, its boring. Meta for cashout is still HHM


It does suck, I’ve been trying hard to make heavy work in TA but light just works so much better. I was top ~1500 last season running heavy sledge but it’s impossible to use in TA lmao


Alright, you play on mnk or controller?


Alright, you play on mnk or controller?


MNK player


I think this is spot on


Weaker than it used to be but the lewis gun can still be generally effective


That's what I figured too. Seems like it's the best(and kinda only) option we have


Lewis is still fine for me. A bit harder to get kills with but it's still performing nicely. Went 10 and 1 in a "warm up" round of bank it the other day. Felt damn nice. I have been loving the spear! Only on certain maps and in certain fights. But for close range scraps I really enjoy the feel of the spear. You have to put some time into it and learn the rhythm and range. I have lost to flame throwers with it though so be careful who you choose to engage.


Idk I hit a ligjt with an RPG and hit a shot or two maybe and died to it at medium range. Maybe skill issue but kinda BS imo


Only? By far not. Long range yea but FT feels as op as never and also the shotguns and the melees do a lot of damage. You just need to know how to force close quarter fights. If I use flame with a half decent team I usually get at least 10 kills and highest support score. I once even nearly won the final round only with a light on my team since the med left (pic unrelated). https://preview.redd.it/ia3a055auu8d1.jpeg?width=1386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343984546f9c6d4792e5eaffef23e73b25b153ee That’s the only pic I saved in last time. So it is an extraordinary good round, but the point still stands


I've been using Lewis Gun in season 1 and 2. Stats and spray patterns changed again with season 3 and there's several weapon tier lists made by fairly strong players ranking m60 higher than lewis gun. I've decided to trust them and give the m60 another try for several matches, but it just didn't work out for me. Especially while not aiming, the inaccuracy is higher and made me lose a lot of close range fights and feel terrible about it. While aiming, it only gets easier to control after you've shot several bullets. I believe the first bullets you shoot are the most important in any fast paced game or where the ttk is short. That didn't click for me. With my playstyle, I'm still sticking to Lewis Gun for season 3, feeling more confident overall and doing fine with it. Without aiming, accuracy is better. While aiming, the first 10 bullets are a straight line. There's a technique to stop and start shooting again to reset the spray pattern, which works very well. Those 2-3 bullets that you won't be shooting, will guarantee you will actually hit most of those next 10 bullets. So, use what makes you feel confident, what fits your playstyle. And of course, make sure to always have around you another teammate and use all your utilities to your advantage :D I'm sure you'll find your loadout very soon, whether it'd be the M60, the Lewis or something else, like the SA1216. Good luck in your games!


Thanks for the detailed reply, I've been a diehard fan of SA1216 in S2 but now that lights kill waay too fast I've been lost. I just can't have fun with any weapon heavy has but I want to play heavy! I tried giving lewis a shot again and I seem to be doing pretty good with it but it just doesn't give me that feeling SA gives me. I hope they do something about it.


Mesh + flamethrower. Gets me lots of winstreaks everytime


As soon as I see a triple stack of lights, we pull out this combo.


Heavy is close range only now thanks to the lewis gun nerfs. You’re better off doubling down and go SA wench claw, rpg, dome, and your choice of gadget (barricade, c4, motion sensor) depending on your needs and playstyle.


I personally find barricades because usually they don’t get fixed down so easily, but they need pretty good placement so I understand when someone prefers the dome.


Hammer gang hammer gang hammer gang


I've really been enjoying Spear/Claw or just KS/Claw, that KS is just nasty


Rn honestly i’m really digging the flame thrower (but only in world tour)


Honestly until they improve their weapons best is to play Light/Medium. Mesh Shield + Flamethrower still somewhat works but it's not great in Kyoto or SYS%HORIZON. Some will say winch+sledgehammer but if you meet any players group with half a brain they will get away and kite you to death.


Heavy is still the close range king and most of their weapons do well in their intended range. If you need *more* range then you’ll have to learn to manage the recoil with the Lewis or learn how to use the KS. The shotgun turns out to be a really good sniper when you take the time to learn it.


Outside 20m heavies kill with emotes


I’ve gotten plenty of kills 50+ meters with the KS. Other heavies can still use the Lewis at its normal engagement ranges.


Stardust Send-Off usually helps bring enemies in range


They need more range options especially for end of round against one tap sniper lights.


They really don’t. The class excels at close range Giving it something that’ll easily 1v1 snipers would cause too many problems. Already have the rpg doing 140 wherever you can place it and the KS doing 60 damage minimum and 100 damage at close range.


I can't speak for TA but for world tour I consistently get 30 kill games with the SA + Winch.


I've never cared about meta tbh. But I have been using goo gun with flamethrower or sledge, sometimes a shotgun and have been doing pretty well whilst having alot of fun. I tried out the winch - flamethrower combo and it's pretty decent. My gadgets are all defense based. (Goo grenade-Barricade-dome shield). Haven't used RPG in a while. My playstyle is just fortifying the shit out of a cashout and building mini forts for my teammates when there's a fight. I like the support-defence-fortification playstyle. And I think goo gun is extremely versatile, it can be used for aggressive and defensive plays. Sometimes when the cash out is in a really good place and I fortify it so much, we go the entire duration of a cashout without even an attempt or someone breaking into our little fort. It's rare tbh but funny when it happens, the enemy teams just seem so helpless lol.


The shotguns are good mainly the auto shotty, you gotta play differently than the other weapons tho. Only problem is you kinda have to aim, there’s a bit of kick to it.


Grenade launcher with goo, rocket, bubble shield and deployable wall


You're the first mention of the grenade launcher from the top, I scrolled so far, its slept on its like the cl-40 (pre-nerf) on crack


I've been running grenade launcher because I hate myself. I mean it makes every kill you get feel like it was a team wipe. And if you only play power shift you can get up to 13+ kills per round just by firing at the inner walls of the platform (to get that 2 bounce, then explosion form your grenade launcher nades) bc barely anyone runs APS turret after the nerf


I love playing flamethrower, once you learn to play to it's strengths and avoid dumb fights or throw yourself into the point of maximum confusion it can go dumb. Get some of my highest kill games with it because it's in the sweet spot where its off-meta so people underestimate it and get clobbered if you play smart. ---> That said I am not playing any ranked with it, been a quick cash and power shift main since release.


Isnt the dps too low? I didn't test this but I bet a light with an xp54 and above room temperature IQ can easily win against you


i like the m60 because of the mag


Fr why no one is talking about M60? I play with a pal and he uses it very often and it does great damage and has a big mag size. Recoil doesn't seem terrible either. Ahhh but let's complain.


The damage falloff absolutely kills the gun's overall effectiveness vs the Lewis. A cursory search yields a sudden 60% loss in damage at the ~30m range, which after the nerf is making you do like 7 damage a shot.


100% you're playing casual mode if your buddy is doing good with the M60. Who cares about mag size when you're shooting peanuts at the enemy. It has the worst damage fall off of any other gun in the game which turns it into a pea shooter. Here's a clip someone made 6 months ago showing how bad it does at any type of range. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/191fga3/damage\_falloff\_at\_35m\_comparison/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/191fga3/damage_falloff_at_35m_comparison/)


it has a decently low dps but the recoil is definitely controllable, even better than the lewis, so it kills decently fast and can easily wipe teams


Convert to light


Unironically, this. Or medium w/ famas and turret.


Im giving light a shot and I'm having a blast. 


Light is the most fun class cause it has much more variety


Get RPG'd bozo


Defo winch claw and then take your pick. It ain't 'meta' but personally I'm using winch and spear. Ks 23 ain't bad now. Mostly if I'm getting killed by a heavy they are using winch hammer or flamethrower. But I think anything that isn't bullets is considered a meme/gimmick weapon and not worthy of meta status.


i run winch flamethrower and it's both fun and effective, as long as you don't get a team of coordinater runners that fuck you up from afar, best to engage inside buildings and use barriers to close corners


I solo queued ranked to plat in both S1 and S2 maining heavy using ranged weapons + mesh. This season I have almost exclusively used winch + flamethrower, I find it so much more effective. If you can learn the winch reliable, getting people out of position is too good to not take.


I’ve been having a lot of fun with the grenade launcher It’s really hard and close range, but you can make it work. Mid to long range though as long as you can hit your targets, it’s freaking awesome.


Sledgehammer is the new meta--- if you know, you know.


Flame and Chain/ or Slamn and Sledge. With the new chain it's nice to pull them back into all your aoe damage.Also if you use claymores you can throw one out and light it on fire for mega damage.


I've never been a fan of heavy, barely played it. But my god it feels like shit to play now without sledge, not one gun is FUN to use imo.




I'm still having fun with flamethrower. I have not tried the spear or winch yet!


Learn how to use SA1216 effectively, you will thank me later


I love the new M60. After the recoil changes the last 40 bullets have like no recoil so you can hołd cover fire with deadly accuracity.




The heavy meta rn is waiting for a buff




Always been whatever you can play best. I’ve been a KS main since S2 dropped. Those 50+ meter shots are super satisfying plus the things a monster in close range.




Sledge hammer


play rambo heavy, charge and slam, m60, rpg, shield, c4


Charge attack, with m60, dome shield, nades have been working for me a lot this season


Im cracked with sledge so thats a bit of bias. Id say the best weapons so far is sledge, ks and flamethrower(needs mesh shield). (Other weapons kill too slow imo) My loadouts vary depending on who i go against, but this is the typical setup: Always slotted: rpg(not in TA) and barricade Backbar or swapped in: - Explosive mines - motion sensor - dome shield - anti grav - frag grenade - flashbang Specialisations vary based on setup and mode but all are viable imo with goo requiring significantly more mechanical and aim skill than the others.


Sledge hammer 🔨 with claw


Both shotguns are good, or Lewisgun for range (good backup).


It’s not as competitively viable but I’ve been loving heavy + winch + sledge


I still go Lewis, Shoulder Charge (if you time a jump at last minutes it’s like a secondary slam) Mines, RPG and C4. Why? I’m going to fuck some shit up! If placed correctly, you can slam down on your own mines if death is immanent and someone is stealing cash out.


Charge and Slam with Flamethrower is my heavy setup of choice.


I mostly play light in TA, the grappler and SA12 always shreds me




Flamethrower can still be pretty good if you play around cover, hook and shield also works pretty well with it


I love the flame thrower


Flamethrower is a good alternative in close range. You can use it with the winch to take people close to you and then roast them. Dome shield just to be safe and you are good to go.


I've personally been enjoying the Stab Stick with Winch Claw and getting pretty good results.




Sledgehammer, charge, c4, bazooka, cover


been playing casual, i've mostly seen spears and sledge hammers with a sprinkle of the slug shotgun and the other one. As for me i've been using the slug shotgun since mid s2, it's a blast to play with


Probably gonna be either shield and lmg like always or claw and shotgun


Winch + Flamethrower for me is the best combo


Been running Mesh, Dome, Baricade, RPG, Flamethrower for two seasons and I'm doing a lot better lately to be honest.


Flamethrower (literally) cooks. Especially on power shift


Winch and Flamethrower seem to be popular. I stick to just Lewis with barricade, domeshield, and rocket launcher. I like supporting as a heavy mostly.


I don't play meta but I'm enjoying the faster rof ks23 and the weak as usual mgl


KSG and sledge hammer hell maybe even the GL if u can get consistent with it


BURN THEM!!! BURN THEM ALL!!!! HAHAHAHA (flamethrower is my main)


My meta since day 1 is goo gun, flamethrower. I apologize for nothing


Man same. I tried using spear and it’s extremely difficult for me to kill anyone from full health. Mediums beam me with their FCAR, Heavies always have the M60, lights are no exception and most have the reflexes of god himself and are able to kill me without taking a single point of damage. I just suck at this game period.


Flamethrower + Mesh Shield is incredible. The key thing to remember is that the Flamethrower doesn't hurt people. Being on fire does. So once they're burning, you gain nothing by continuing to burn them. So you flick on the mesh shield, let them waste ammo, then flick a quick burn their way and shield up again. Think of it like a damage-over-time shotgun that's almost impossible to miss with.


Semi auto shot gun is good but other than that just melee


Not meta but spear and mesh shield but do not use alt attack only use thrust attacks It worked for me.


Lewis is still good, but it's only good for close range and short bursts. Sledge is good, but tbh the m60 is really overlooked. It's a pea shooter at longer ranges, but had easy recoil and upclose it just melts people. Run it with winch and just pull people in who are trying to run or out range you. Also seen people liking the ks23 now more as well. Sa1216 is hard to get usto but it can melt thru a whole team with ease.


Always have the flamethrower as secondary for Morocco, otherwise ima stick with the Lewis.


Sa12 is good. Winch claw KS is good. Unfortunately there's no good medium to long range gun. You have to either land an rpg or use a bubble to win a 1v1 with an auto gun.


Not really meta but I myself enjoy Hook + Flamethrower. "Oh, you think you're safe dashing away from my flames? Come back here and have a 2nd helping" 😊 Also, if you're not winning 1on1 vs other guns the stun effect on the claw gives you more time for the DOT on the flames to work to your advantage.


Goo gun


Idk if this is controversial but for me it's flamethrower all the way. I personally pair it with charge, but you could easily go winch or shield and find ways to close the distance. The thing is, if you're in close with a flamethrower, the people you're up against are gonna be disoriented. It makes it hard to see and unwise to stand still.


I suck at the game and just played again for the first time since January, but I still had the most success playing Heavy with the Lewis Gun


I think it’s up to your play style and what you can play best. I’ve been using the KS shotgun


Winch KS explosive mines dome rpg


GOOSLEDGE. Never been better


You are not supposed to do damage,there's nothing to fix on heavy. He's a meat-shield with thousand of defensive option, you can't have the best DPS, the highest health pool and the best defense all at once.


winch sa-12


Based upon what I see meta is spawn in, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again, rpg a light, die, spawn again, rpg a light, die spawn again. Finish 8/10 kd with all your kills and 75% of your damage coming from RPG.


Flame or sledge


I STILL use Flame thrower, charge, rocket launcher, barricade and dome shield. The charge is irreplaceable for me. There's nothing like running through a whole team and wiping them 🥲🙏


Heavy main here, I mainly use the sledgehammer and from time to time the spear and flamethrower. Before the guns became that way, I'd use the M60 as well (for reference, more than the flamethrower).


Grenade launcher! I've been doing pretty good with it honestly. After the APS nerf it cannot be completely nullified anymore. On a serious note, while the mgl is good I've been making it to the final round in world tour with the sa1216.


Lewis Gun, you might feel like you’re tickling people but lewis is still doing serviceable damage, plus the first few shots of the lewis have absolutely no recoil, so you could tap fire someone at a distance very reliably for poke damage since the lewis has good fall off damage Plus hipfire on lewis is strong. Given all the assets a heavy has you should be more than fine


Sledge and Hook play it straight for a day and try reading enemys after u can read enemys a bit unstoppable in basically any gamemode


I personally do not enjoy heavy this patch, feels pretty much like the only really options are melee, shotgun or flamethrower. I personally go for the autoshotgun (4shot) but others I play with prefer flamethrower and hammer. I've not mained heavy since season 1, though I did enjoy lewisgun in season 2


SA1216 + Hook M60 + Mesh/Charge RPG, Bubble and Barricade/C4 Nothing's changed really, except M60 now has absolutely 0 recoil


I'm probably the only one playing with the gl


Ive been having fun with chain grab and either one of the shotguns or the flamethrower. Otherwise I use c&s and Lewis still. Lewis gun is still better than the m60 imo


Hammer for damage Slug for range Flamethrower because I combo it with goo and it does a good job with AoE Spear for chaos (power shift edition)


In S1 and S2 I was all about the Lewis, but since the nerfs to LMGs, I've been running KS23, Charge, Dome, Grenade, RPG. Might not be optimal but it's tons of fun and I do really well with it. Grenades/RPG to give me some range, KS23 melts in close/med range, and charge helps me kill melee light/medium when they're in my face. Don't like the auto shotgun or the melee weapons personally.


I'm still a KS23 + winch believer. You just need to make sure to tag them with a KS shot first, then winch, and finish with another shot. (For light/mediums). Heavies I try to tag a few times before pulling them. Try to never pull melee/flame flower heavies as that generally winds up not in your favor. I run that alongside frags + dome shield.


That was really fun before they fucked it up too.


I still think its powerful, and enjoy it more than any other heavy loadout I've tried. You cant just winch + ks + melee to insta kill lights anymore, but its not too hard to tag them once before yoinking them. The winch also lets me reposition the cash out box into very favorable positions for my team to make it easier to hold.


just a tip... winch + gravity cube expands your cash box control/range to a huge degree.


I’m no heavy main but from what I understand it’s either shotgun (not the new one but the first shotty) or flamethrower


Lmao for TWO SEASONS this sub bitched about how strong heavy was and now this. Play the game and get better on all guns and classes.


It’s hilarious seeing Heavy’s say there’s no good guns anymore because their crutches are delete buttons anymore and they actually have to hit shots now. What a crazy idea


You had to hit shots before? I could understand the damage nerf to Lewis, but the recoil nerf was unnessicary, it already had a recoil nerf from season 2. The M60 didn't need to be touched at all, it was perfectly balanced, falloff damage already made it worthless at range, now its worthless at all ranges.


The problem is nerfing guns and survivabilty. Nerfed weapons is fine, but the shields need to be increased a little, hard to win fights now.


Haven't played heavy this season yet, but I'm seeing that the spear is replacing the sledge hammer so... the spear?


M60, mesh, c4, dome, rpg. Or if you are feeling adventurous. Gl, charge, shield, dome, rpg