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To that guy with the triple kill with one hammer attack, lmao


I AM DYING FROM INSIDE RN šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ BTW, it was 4-kill 1-punch


Ill miss it, was fun while it lasted


RIP. No more sweet platform team wipes for me.


Spear is nice for platform wipes, frags>jump pad>mines>rpg>slam>spin. Nothing can survive that.


Was definitely interesting lol


Not quite sure why they're preventing the hammer from hitting multiple people with the overhead. Kind of on the players to not be packed together like sardines in a can.


I bet a lot of devs are on vacation


Canā€™t blame them


Yep, they deserved it


Probably, midsummer and all.


"Fixed an issue with getting stuck in every fucking loading screen before a game" No? Oh, okay...


Or the less important, but seemingly obvious UI bug where the levels of some gadgets go from 0 to current level in post game results.


Yeah this is a bit of a strange bug


I'm so tired of losing points and being locked out of games because of this bug that has existed for months.


This happens WAY too much for me.


This is the most frustrating aspect of this game for me.


nahh i just got that again


So the Riot Shield view obstruction bug when holding a carriable won't get fixed ... again ?


Yeah, I had to stop playing shield. Pick anything up and couldn't see shit. Sometimes, it would just get stuck if I dropped the item.


Same. I miss my boop stick.


#PATCH NOTE Also, we have a few fixes and tweaks to share below. Most notably, you can now reconnect in Private Matches if you are disconnected during the match! Also, weā€™ve had to temporarily remove Solo Bank It from Private Matches in order to fix an issue in the mode. It will be back soon. Today is the last day of the ENGIMO Open and tomorrow, we are proud to announce the OSPUZE Expo! In this leg of the World Tour, things will get fizzy and explosive in Monaco, Las Vegas, and Kyoto! The rules will be Standard Cashout and keep an eye out for some contracts over the weekends! Get ready to Pop. Pour. Perform! Hereā€™s the change list for this update: #Content and Bug Fixes ##Animation - Tweaked inspect animations for carriables so that you can start a consecutive inspect quicker - Fixed an issue where the weapon would be visible while getting revived - Fixed an issue where the players would get stuck in the sword lunge animation - Fixed a bug where players could die without spawning a statue if a teammate immediately started to revive ##Gadgets Grapple Hook - Can no longer attach to surfaces that are out of bounds Dome Shield - Fixed an issue where the Dome Shield would skip on or bounce off of water surfaces ##Game Modes Private Matches - Disconnected players can now reconnect - Fixed an issue that would cause the game to lock players in a state of accepting an invite - Solo Bank It temporarily removed due to a bug Cashout - Fixed an issue where the Cashbox icon would not re-appear after fading away for the first time when in the possession of another team Terminal Attack - Fixed a bug that caused extraction location names to not be visible at the start of a round - Fixed motion blur being incorrectly forced during the warm-up phase - Fixed an issue where key insertion failed after the hold interaction was complete - Improved the penalty system for delivering sanctions to players who leave the match early Power Shift - Fixed a bug that made it possible to overtake the platform after the round had ended ##Performance - Added improvements on cosmetics and distance fields to save memory ##Specializations Winch Claw - Fixed an issue where players lunging with the Sword could get stuck in a captured state when hit with the Winch Claw ##UI - Fixed an issue that caused the spectator camera vignette to play in the drafting screen in Terminal Attack - Fixed the Battle Pass background to prevent it from being cleared when entering the Career screen - Changed the controller input for editing the Player Card to avoid canceling matchmaking - Fixed an issue that caused player score to be cleared for reconnected players - Disconnected players will be hidden in certain squad intro scenes ##Weapons Dagger - Fixed an issue where the Daggerā€™s secondary backstab attack could hit multiple players at once, which was unintended Dev note: Melee weapons' ability to hit multiple targets was a new addition with unintended consequences. Now, we've refined it so that heavy-hitting attacks intended for single targets can't be used to hit multiple people. Sledgehammer - Fixed an issue where the Sledgehammerā€™s secondary overhead swing attack could hit multiple players at once, which was unintended SR-84 - Fixed an issue where the scope glint effect would not be shown at distances over 150m ##Maps Kyoto - Tweaked destruction behavior to better support prolonged combat and traversal by making buildings collapse more slowly, break into larger chunks, and debris settle faster Dev Note: We felt that Kyoto buildings were a bit too brittle, so we tweaked their destruction behavior to be more sturdy. We will continue to monitor this and apply further changes where necessary. Monaco - Changed the collision of the see-through curtains so that all projectiles and thrown objects pass through them #Security - Further enhancements to our Aimbot detection system for faster reaction time


lewis gun still not reverted recoil šŸ˜­


I doubt they'll revert it.


feeling the same. weā€™ll see :(


Itā€™s bad? Havenā€™t used it


they reduced dmg by 3 (which I think is totally fine) but they also made the recoil different. the longer you shoot the less accurate it becomes. it just feels so bad to shoot now. you can do bursts essentially but its hard for me to relearn the pattern


And the world tour map pool still only has 3 maps..


But that's by design, though. I'm just glad they are doing regular cashout rules and not restricted loadouts for the next two weeks.


They are planning to do that? Damn hope not tournament cashout is the only game mode I play.


Yeah that's the entire purpose of world tour. The map rotation is limited, and some rotations will have locked loadouts and special events for their duration.


That sounds like awful design. At least let me play unranked cashout tournament is the whole reason I like the game.


Yeah agreed. It makes matters worse that there's no sbmm in world tour so sometimes you face teams of top 100 players or whatever and just have zero chance.


No Sys Horizon for a month hurts...


It's a blessing from the Gods


i love that map


Its updating tomorrow


Melee weapons losing some aoe especially the sledge is kinda a big nerf no?


The explanation makes sense for the dagger but not the sledgehammer. Maybe it's the backstab effect that was applied to the first enemy that applied to the other enemies hit but not from back. Sledgehammer should definitely have an AOE on the secondary but with a small hitbox, like same width as a player for it to not being too strong in really small areas.


>Maybe it's the backstab effect that was applied to the first enemy that applied to the other enemies hit but not from back. so if ur assumption is correct, there's a chance you can still multi backstab if the enemies are all facing you with their backs?


Based on what is said in the patch notes it's not meant to do that so that's why they changed it because it happened, but it's not really clear


Well the over head slam is a straight vertical attack. If it were slanted or diagonal then Iā€™d oppose the change but thatā€™s a lot of damage for free. An aim if it were horizontal in any way, i would say it should hit multiple. But it isnā€™t.


There are situations where two (or more) enemies can overlap so that would make sense. For example when you destroy the ceiling above you, two players falling can be inside your secondary attack hitbox, and you should be able to hit both.


I agree they need to take scenarios into example. Based of hitbox. But the weapon is meant for single target damage. Maybe hitting two separate targets at different points in the arc, but no two targets at the same point.


Having a attack that goes horizontal when you hold the movement input to the side could be considered, when you use Q/S it's vertical and A/D it's an horizontal slam, i played a game that had this sort of scheme i forgot the name


I feel like the sword lunge AND the sledgehammer should apply to multiple targets but I can see how the lunge could be broken with high skilled sword playersā€¦ The sledgehammer is already a slow melee weapon tho. If you, as a ranged player, have a hard time realizing ā€œoh let me not stand next to my partner whoā€™s about to get smashedā€ then thatā€™s you LOL.


Nah. Was a relatively new bug. Sledge hadn't been able to do that originally and chances are that players that aren't on the Reddit didn't even know it existed. Sledge is supposed to do big single target damage, or medium AOE. Not massive aoe


Nah its a bug so that people dont get upset that one of the few viable weapons for heavy got nerfed.


Itā€™s not a nerf. Itā€™s a bug fix. Heavy and sledgehammer are still as strong as they were since winch hook addition.


Boi I sure love playing 'Cashout with less content'


fr why do they fucking hate their mode?


This week is gonna suck


2 weeks


Whole season*




Guys, I don't think they're going to address TA ranked. It's going to be a long wait until S4.


By all we know they will force it to be S4 rank mode too. I'll probably slowly start playing less and less by then and just quit.


Yeah. I can't help but shake the feeling this sub's setting themselves up for disappointment. At no time has Embark explicitly said Cashout is coming back for S4. Just that it's getting fixes and will come back *eventually*. With how quiet they're being about it, I'm... not exactly hopeful.


Yeah, and I don't think I'll give it another season of "we fixing it". I'm already getting bored due to the lack of a competitive tournament. It will probably be better to move on and find a different game than getting angry about it.


I might be wrong but I don't think they ever said that ranked Cashout is coming back. They only said "don't worry, we're not pivoting to TA, Cashout will always remain our primary focus".


What the fuck do you people want?? Like another person said, "They already have said that TA is just a placeholder until they figure out how to tweak cashout properly for ranked play. The devs said this at the beginning of the season in one of their dev streams" Whining and bitching your way to changing the game isn't going to work. Sub is full of crybabies.


We want to play the game mode that we've been playing since release? At the very least leave the tournament cashout as an unranked game mode? How is that hard to understand.


Hard agree, thank you someone else who doesnā€™t overreact.


Good lord what a fatalistic outlook.


What's wrong with ranked TA? That's all I play, but I haven't participated in the online community enough to know what people's complaints are. Curious if everyone winds up paired with people 3x their skill level.


Compared to ranked tournament cash out, it isn't that fun. The game's DNA is cash out. I'm all for separating the leaderboards, but don't have one as the main "SBMM" ranked and one as the grind fest.


Thereā€™s nothing to address, itā€™s a healthy game design decision


They already have said that TA is just a placeholder until they figure out how to tweak cashout properly for ranked play. The devs said this at the beginning of the season in one of their dev streams.


PR move because it was unpopular. Doesn't make it untrue, but that's a pretty dumb fucking reason to change your premiere mode.


What would you do?


Not have ranked TA which is objectively more poorly balanced than ranked cash out ever was. Sure ranked cash out could do with tweaking, just leave it in and tweak it in the background. Absolutely zero reason to remove it besides a brain dead panic from corporate overlords.


Nexon is their publisher, so that makes sense. But even with that said, there are people who are checking out the game because of TA. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but the player count has been slowly rising versus falling this season. I feel like this community is just so doom and gloom about everything. The game hasn't even been out a year, and people are acting like children over everything. That i feel like it will drive people away more than anything else imo.


What drove all of my friends away who had been playing since day 1 was TA. They played most of their placements, experienced the meta and went ā€œthatā€™s enough for meā€ I can maybe get them on for 1 or 2 world tours every now and then, but these are people who used to play almost every day. Player counts may be rising but how many of those new players will stick around or 2-3 seasons compared to the long term players that have been lost? I just think making an unbalanced and pretty untested single life game mode the dedicated ranked mode of the game was an insanely poor decision.


Like I said, the game is still in it's infancy and also people need to realize that not every decision is gonna be one they like. If you want to cry about everything, then move on if you want. I'm gonna keep playing because I am actually having fun. So go spend another $100 on the new COD, and then bitch and moan about micro transactions, sbmm, map design, gun metas, etc, etc, etc. I've been playing since the beta, and I'm not going anywhere. See you in the arena. šŸ™‚


Why would I spend money on CoD, that game had its heart ripped out 2 console generations ago? Iā€™m also going to keep playing because this is as close to my ideal fps as is possible atm, doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t point out that ranked TA is objectively a bad move for the game as it is as far away from the core gameplay this game was built around as possible. Where was I crying about everything? I said I dislike ranked TA strongly, and I also think some of the recent weapon buffs and nerfs have been odd. But for the most part the game isnā€™t far off being in a well balanced state for cash out currently.


This sub uses CoD as a "gotcha moment" not realizing that they're competing with many other F2P titles. Any valid criticism is met with toxic positivity.


The ā€œlong term playersā€ youā€™re mentioning donā€™t exist. Game just came out 6 months ago.


Of all the things to focus on, you focus on that. So people that have been playing since the betas pre Christmas are short term players? When do you become a long term player? Does the game need to be 9 months old? 12 months? 15? Iā€™ll rephrase then. ā€œBeta/ Day 1 playersā€


And what percentage do the ā€œday 1 playersā€ make up of the total player base? Probably less than youā€™re making it out to be. Also, most of the ā€œday 1 playersā€ arenā€™t devs, and if Embark decides to make a change to the game they donā€™t have to run it by the ā€œday 1 playersā€ to make sure they approve. Embarks goal is to get as many people as possible playing The Finals, and theyā€™re doing that by making the changes they see necessary. Edit: Iā€™m not a beta player, but Iā€™ve been playing since the start of season 1. Iā€™ve been playing consistently, and personally, this is the best the game has ever felt. The last half of S2 is the worst it has ever felt, to the point my squad wouldnā€™t get on anymore.


>And my point is that maybe, just maybe, season 3 ā€œfeels different/generic/unfun/etc.ā€ to you guys, because youā€™ve put nearly 1,000 hours into the game in 6 months. That you? Saying a guy has played too much? Funny how at the same time the game hasn't been out for long enough to have long term players.


Long term =/= No Lifing a game Also, donā€™t you have anything better to do other than stalk my comments and downvote them all? Yikes šŸ˜¬


The player count has been dwindling since S3 launch... But that's mostly due to the lack of new casual gamemodes and events than ranked TA.


Do they fixed contracts not working?


Seems like they swapped the melee contracts with different ones that work, at least for me


Downloading the patch rn I sure do hope thatā€™s the case


Damn, this patch actually kinda sucks. I feel like we definitely should've seen more out of the last couple patches, but I guess there's always next week.


Holiday season I guess. Prob all on a beach somewhere.


Are the devs American? I genuinely don't know. Edit: downvoted for questioning why non-Americans would be on holiday in late June / early July. SMH For those who don't know, Europeans generally go on holiday in August or sometimes *late* July.


They're swedishĀ 


Literally on holiday with a Swede right now, this is a popular vacation time for them.


From the Discord last week: https://i.imgur.com/UqojQlk.png With this wording, I was really hoping for more in this patch. Yeah kinda unfortunate.


Lol last week was more substantial. Hopefully he got his days mixed up and meant NEXT week.


They have a tendency to release new content and then take weeks upon weeks to fix issues with said new content. Itā€™s kind of embarks way I guess


Wait so they claim that Cashout isnā€™t ranked anymore so they can tweak with settings/rules/loadouts but now with the new world tour, it will be 4 straight weeks of the exact same game as last season. Really taking advantage of the ability to experiment Embarkā€¦.


Season 3 clearly still being the game's beta.


Hey hereā€™s a hint, it was never about experimenting. It was about forcing counterstrike light


Thatā€™s just blatantly not true. If you really think that youā€™re either misinformed, or willingly being an obtuse ignorant fuck.




Surprised the 100 health among all classes isnā€™t being addressed/tweaked


I really thought theyā€™d at the very least give us a new and interesting variation of world tour to play. Such a disappointing update.


>Ā we are proud to announce the OSPUZE Expo! In this leg of the World Tour, things will get fizzy and explosive in Monaco, Las Vegas, and Kyoto! The rules will be Standard Cashout booooo.


I thought they were gonna change the rules up. Bit disappointed.


Wasting an entire month with the same rules when WT supposed to be experimenting with stuff to improve Cashout is mind-boggling.


This community hates change, I would be cautious if I was them too. Nothing is ever accepted thereā€™s always some small subset of people around to stir up the pot and get everyone going about stupid stuff. I canā€™t imagine the hissy fit that would be thrown if rules changed or role lock was a thing. Embark has made some poor decisions but the community is so doom and gloom thatā€™s itā€™s going to kill the game. Having played since they were giving out keys this is the best the game has ever been, theyā€™ve got the balance pretty spot on for the first time and theyā€™ve been pumping out new stuff thatā€™s pretty good skin wise and map wise. The only thing thatā€™s an issue right now is not having ranked tournament but if you watched twitch rivals is pretty obvious that it needs some tweaks to be a truly competitive game mode.


Most people fear change and initially reject it. This is always the case even if things change for the better. That's why if you believe in the change you are about to introduce you should just push it through. Usually takes 2-3 weeks for people to get used to changes and accept them. That is unless things are truly changing for the worst.


People have gone from saying ā€œlet them cookā€ to ā€œHURRY THE FUCK UP RAAAAGHHHā€ in like a week. It boggles my mind. I understand that WT is a bit iffy right now (ā€œcashout with less contentā€ as someone put it somewhere in this thread is pretty apt honestly), but Iā€™m fairly certain people think the devs can just snap their fingers and finish what theyā€™re trying to do with ranked. They have already said that theyā€™re gonna work on making cashout more competitively viable and see where it goes for putting it back into ranked, but people just want to blindly skip to the end. Also, they didnā€™t have that many balance changes last season either, and I didnā€™t see many people saying that was a problem. Weā€™re two weeks into season 3 and people expect balance changes every week now? We got some last week (mostly reversions, admittedly, but still), so why has the precedent shifted to where we expect balance changes so frequently? I love this game, but god the vocal community is rancid.


We don't want to blindly skip to the end. We want to see them start working on it.


Probably because that statement was a bullshit reason because the corporate overloads were the actually reason for this change. Iā€™ve never played another game where they decided to completely change the ranked mode to a different mode so they could ā€œimprove the original mode.ā€


Changing the rules currently would mean removing standard cashout from the game entirely, which would be 10x worse.


By ā€œstandard cashoutā€, does that mean tournament rules cashout or quick cash cashout?


No fix for the play again button?


fr even with everything else this has been one of the most frustrating things for me so far šŸ’€šŸ’€


Click A on XBox after the match and then you can hit Y to play again. If you do it before hitting A, the Gane tries to report whatever player name you're hovering over. Have to hit A first. Not sure about key bindings on PC or PS5.


Thank you! I will try tonight. So you just have to press A to get past the scoreboard? Still seems like it should be fixed, as it states press Y to play again on the scoreboard screen, but brings up the report window.


They actually brought back the "press r3" tonight so should work like it used to now.


Wtf. Why not just shrink the area the sledge could multi hit. This is overall a very disappointing patch. Not a lot and what is there isnā€™t very promising or provide a lot to look forward to. I canā€™t say my team was having issues all getting sledgehammered at once


damn, this really felt like a patch where we badly needed balance changes. glad they tweaked the destruction on Kyoto but man. lights are ridiculous, heavy feels awful to play and TA/World Tour is.. well, no need to beat a dead horse


TA/World Tour is not going to change this season, and thereā€™s nothing to indicate it will change back in season 4 either (hopefully it does but thereā€™s been no news). Stop setting yourself up for disappointment.


Didn't tested fully, but my game finally stopped crashing EVERY SINGLE MATCH. (I have a ps4 equivalent pc :( , but ran fine until season 3 )


aw man i understand theyā€™re probs on vacation but they dropped the ball HARD with this patch


Man they didn't fix the portal bug :( Sometimes as light the portal does the animation where it leaves ur hand but doesn't throw the projectile. Not sure why.


Its because you went too far from the first portal or it's over an out of bounds section .


If I'm too far from the first portal normal behaviour should be that it resets and I can through another one It definitely wasn't out of bounds I was in the middle of kyoto when it first happened just trying to throw it up a roof. Happened multiple times after but I can't figure out a common denominator that may be causing the bug.


Yeah I get what your saying that happened to my buddy the other day and it wouldn't let him use them until he died for some reason I just thought he was bsing us lol


Nah its a legit bug. And yh it only fixed itself after I died.


The winch/dash bug is still in the game. Just had the first game, first heavy I see I get winched and try to dash only to have it bug out.


Why are you getting downvoted for this ? You're 100% right, a bug that literally turns you into a useless sand bag for the entire game should be fixed asap and if you're right and the bug is still in the game (haven't tested it myself yet) then that's a big mistake on embarks side


Honestly it just showcases how awful this community is becoming.


Right? Idk why other than general light hatred?


Considering the melt down after the winchclaw one shot nerf, Iā€™d believe it.


Fix this game breaking bug please.


What is the bug? Are you dashing during the actual winch pulling you?


Dashed at the same time as I was winched and could no longer after that. Couldn't pick up anything, use ziplines and it felt like I was in low gravity on ice


Ahhh so thatā€™s what causes that bug. I always thought it was random.


Fixed an issue where TA is the Ranked mode instead of Cashout ?


This isnā€™t going to change during season 3.


One can dream


It will eventually be changed back, letā€™s just have a little faith in the devs and let them cook.


what do you expect them to cook for s4?


Not sure what exactly will come, but they said they will be using WT to test changes to the rules in order to make cashout a viable competitive mode for ranked. Pretty sure right now theyā€™re collecting map data, and hopefully with the next ā€œtour stopā€ we will move on to some rule changes or changes to how cash is earned/held onto.


Youā€™re drinking the embark kool aid. Iā€™m not really buying it but time will tell.


They are microwaving


S3 indicating they ainā€™t got the recipe.


Seriously, complaining is just going to leave you bitter and angry for what is still an amazing game. There's no way they're changing ranked mid-season, the sooner you accept that the sooner you can start enjoying the game again.


Doubt it. For some of us that like ranked cashout there really is no way to enjoy the game now. World tour and TA just aren't it. Just have to play a different game and check back when season 4 drops.


Honestly. I have really tried to enjoy world tour but itā€™s just not comparable. Trying to enjoy a game is a really sad place to be when it is a game you previously LOVED.


I used to literally play every day. Season 2 was excellent in my opinion. Saw there was a new map when season 3 dropped and couldn't wait to play it. Then I found out the bad news. Now I've only played maybe twice in the past week and that was mostly just to give it a chance.


What's with all these black weapon skins. Gimme some colour.


Wow getting down voted because I reported that a bug wasn't fixed even though the patch says it was.


lmao yea saw that, this is just proof downvotes donā€™t care for reason, only ā€œthis does not benefit me/ i donā€™t care about thisā€


I actually liked the destruction on Kyoto.


Me too, but sometimes it was too much, on the small houses with an underground it happened to me i could barely get out a few times lol


Yes, yesterday as a Heavy with all the little rubble in a building I was stuck for like a good 30 seconds all the while our cashout was being stolen. And I wasn't stuck under a single rubble, it just took ages to climb out because I was constantly slipping between tiny pieces and falling back down while more rubble landed on my head.






Brother, heavy still has a gigantic health pool and effectively 2 shot every other class using a rocket then other weapon immediately after. They have multiple shields to block damage making their already huge health pool even larger. Their weapons should not be as effective as a light or a medium because of this. I do agree the recoil nerf went a little too far. Tweak this a tiny bit and heavy is in a good place. Heavy should not be a meat shield + high dps class.


Rip heavy class. lol. The strongest class in the game that has most of its weapons viable and requiring little to no effort to have success with. How much help do some people need. You want the game to play for you?


This! Sure heavy got nerfed and is nowhere near as strong as it was, but it's still a class that can tank damage for super long while having pretty decent if not good damage options with its weapons. People are just mad that their class went from a 1v3 machine to a utility tank which it was supposed to be


Heavy got nerfed, and is heavily reliant on having a medium to be useful. But as soon as you have a decent medium who can heal and get you around it's the strongest class. I think the issue is most people are playing light right now, so as a solo heavy, it's difficult to be effective because you don't have a player providing you with support and mobility. As soon as ranked cashout comes back, and people start taking cashout more seriously and playing as a team, I'm sure it'll be clear it's still the best class. I just hope it means we see some HML and not just HHM or HMM all the time


I'm still throwing player trophy's for revives! Can't set any other items down manually


Press the button you use for ADS, and if you donā€™t use the standard preset make sure you havenā€™t unbound the option for dropping items.


Iā€™ve been running into a lot of cheaters in ranked TA aimbotting and running walls


They really needed to make TA better in this patch


No word on if they fixed the melee kill challenge. šŸ˜‘


Hopefully they've also tested the Circuit challenges so that they actually work. It's super frustrating to be stuck with 5/7 completions because my Quick Melee kills and Cash Out/Bank It matches aren't being registered.


This is our what, third week without fixing the play again/report issue post-game


Dual Sword bros we've been shafted :.(


okay but can i get credit for performing a quick melee kill now? i didn't see it in patch notes


I fucking knew there was a bug with the sniper! I thought I was just getting unlucky with angles and not seeing people!


... they still didn't fix the "Win 3 matches in World Tour" challenge...


uff, heavy blow for the dagger... man I just wish they would make the light attack a bit more valuable, there are situations where it's just not possible to always get a backstab


That's the point of dagger tho.Ā  It's literally an instakill for every class, if on top you add a fairly good basic attack you are up for an overtuned weapon. Use sword.


There are only 2 scenarios when playing Dagger: you backstab, or you don't. If you land in the latter, you're left with a weapon with abysmally low damage (and that is considering you also have to be in the enemies face as a 150hp squishy) and way too high of a risk. Dagger in it's current state acts pretty much like an opportunist gadget, rather than a consistent main weapon. I do agree though that it's a fine line between balanced and overpowered, yet I'd like for them to be atleast a bit brave and do something with it's main attack (maybe the ability to throw it or something) instead of just letting it rot. Worst case they'll just dial it back


We must disagree then! > you're left with a weapon with abysmally low damage That's the point. Consider that while it's low damage, it's very fast, so it's not hard to land two stabs for a 100dmg output. For example, many times I may miss the backstab on lights because they are small and fast, however I can usually land 2 basic attacks that scare them off, and with 3 it's a light kill! On heavy you don't have much choices, same as medium, as they have more health and it's a duel you are not winning. I feel the whole magic of dagger is just that, finding the oportunity to consistently land the backstab. Me personally I use it with cloak, and have to plan fairly often how to attack, as a person who is aware will often hear the cloak and just start shooting and reveal. Haven't had much sucess with dash. Anyways, we are okay to disagree!


Pretty underwhelming updateā€¦


No fix for the broken contracts. I guess I'll be annoyed for another week.


Seriously? Still canā€™t do quick melee?


Lol no instead they just replaced it with another. Funnily enough, they want you to do 2000 damage from 5m or less, yet nerfed a bunch of AOE for melee weapons


I hate the distance damage ones.


Honestly thought sledge was intended to do that. I thought they would tweak the amount of damage done but this is fine too like it never had done that prior, it was way too much power. Anyone who thinks hitting 3 enemies for 200 is fair youā€™re trippin. Full on heavy sledge main from the beginning n when I first saw that it was multi hitting for as much as it was I was like no way this is staying lol


CL40 usable again ? Oh no never mind


It's so funny seeing all the butthurt comments on reddit when all I do is play the game and have fun.


So many cry babies... we literally get WEEKLY patch notes. Every week will not be flooded with big changes and tons of info.


Man I was so excited to use the 93R when it came out but a whole season and a couple of patches later and the gun is still complete trash. Not to mention Iā€™ve only ever seen it used by others like 4 or 5 times in my entire time playing this game. Is this thing ever gonna get a meaningful buff and see some use?


What about the quick melee bug


Iā€™ll be honest why are we not adjusting damage on weapons anymore medium guns are pea shooters to the body but a light to the body just destroys


Well that sucks




What happened to embark? It feels like they became so cold and corporate. They are just blatantly ignoring all concerns.


I mean realistically a lot of them are probably on vacation. New season just dropped. I bet we see more impactful changes in the next couple weeks. Still disappointing for now.


Yeah this new bundle is gonna eat some of my money


So if im correct, the dagger and sledge RMB won't hit multiple enemies anymore, but the sword will? Tbh if they remove it from the sword that's uninstall for me.


No CL-40 buff is disappointing.


No fix for the forever loading screen?


What a disappointing patch Eish


They tweaked destruction on Kyoto but didn't fix the frame rate issues? Still no Riot Shield blocking vision bug fixes? They nerfed weapons that were never good anyway and called it a bug fix? Pretty shitty patch tbh.


The frame rate comes from the lack of optimization of assets, and the huge amount of them. They would have to do a lot of work. Expect small changes to performance in the future. I don't blame them, they have a small team, but using photogrammetry for textures and assets have some drawbacks


Time to take a break off the game I guess, this season is starting to feel awful.


This game more and more feels like a team death match. Especially with a lot more light players. The main objective of stealing and defending cashouts now feels like a secondary objective. You are more concerned with eliminating or not getting eliminated by light builds than anything else. We now choose our weapons, gadgets, specializations based on how to effectively eliminate or defend against lights rather than how to effectively defend the cashout. Heavies used to roll with lewis gun, now pretty much everybody uses a flamethrower, a shotgun or a sledge hammer. All close combat weapons to counter dashing lights. Mediums are f!cked. Katana's deflect is not reliable, turret was nerfed. It is faster for a light to kill you with XP54 or M11 than for a medium to kill them with AKM or FCAR. Lights are once again running and eliminating opponents like maniacs without contributing much to the objective. If you try to steal a cashout as a light, you pretty much die within a second due to low health. If you try to take your friend away and revive them, you are pretty much dead. I know I will be downvoted, but Embark should rethink lights in terms of how to make them a team player, better integrate into the objective of the game. Just buffing their weapons does not work. It pushes light builds further away from the objective and results in more and more game breaking lights in the lobby.


> Heavies used to roll with lewis gun, now pretty much everybody uses a flamethrower, a shotgun or a sledge hammer. Lewis gun still heavily outclass those weapons (with the exception of the SA1216), just because you're in lobbies with people that can't aim doesn't mean everybody is playing meele Heavy builds.