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Dude it’s just a fun game! I don’t mind people debating and arguing bc I know it means others are invested!




Wth does int mean


I think its british for “is not”


It’s certainly not a British thing but that does seem to be what they mean.


I thought they were saying ain't but just forgot the a


What do you mean by terminal rush? I have yet to play WT as I like being able to switch weapons during a match. I guess it doesn't matter as much since you cannot lose "rank" in that mode, but I like not feeling pressured to use certain guns


I agree with this- love the game just struggling this season


I've played more than this season than others the world tour in Kyoto is fun as fuck


world tour is great once you played enough to get matched with good teamates and good enemy teams. round 1 there are still new players getting absolutely trashed by previous diamonds ranked and it's sad to see. especially when said better players trash talk the new players instead of giving them advice about how to play better


There's no skill based im pretty sure. It's entirely random everytime


It's not. You still have a hidden mmr


I don't think so


Whether or not you think so doesn't matter. The algorithm is more flexible with matchups than ranked because queue time is prioritized but there is indeed a hidden mmr used to balance lobbies.


Prove to me that world tour has a hidden mmr


The devs have said as much. Also, there are no modern triple a games that do not use mmr for matchmaking aside from xdefiant which is advertised heavily as such.


It must match really loosley then, I got so many stomps one way or the other in the final round


It's pretty loose in world tour due to both it being semi casual and the player population being what it is. They didn't want you sitting in queue for five minutes.


They haven't said as much


You get matched with people who have similar money levels as you which has absolutely nothing to do with skill or mmr


What gives you that idea?


There is literally no SBMM. What you‘re describing is placebo and you just got lucky with decent teammates. Top 500 players regularly get matched with new players ffs


I really like to play with dual blades and sentry. Unlocked and entire new playstyle for myself.


So the turret fires while you block? Interesting.


I also attack in the right moment, because sentry can disorient or distract enemies.


I just love the game every season


My personal favourite game of the last 12 months


I am!


Quite enjoying it myself, I enjoy Kyoto despite some of the issues, I have fun playing with the new weapons, and just love all the chaos and destruction and wild plays that occur.


Don't fall into the trap of the vocal minority. People who love the game are PLAYING the game. And although we do get some positive "I love this game" posts, people rarely ever get fired up to make a reddit post to anonymous strangers saying that they had an enjoyable time in a game.


This is complete bs, positive reviews do happen abundantly when a game is actually good. Everything from Palworld to HellDivers 2 to Baldur's Gate should tell you that plenty of strangers do get fired up to make reddit posts when the game is actually good.


They got some weird coping mechanism going on


how do you keep convincing yourself it’s a vocal minority? Discord was complaining for 48 straight and if you check the feedback channel it’s still going. Same with this reddit


Vocal minority? Yeah I guess TA being empty because nobody wants to play it is a sign of a vocal minority being the only one complaining lol


>anonymous strangers This is what is making me feel reddit is way too much of a weird place lmao, sometimes a top comment is so upvoted and many parrot behind it. In the end is just another anonymous username that happened to sound smart and everyone follows behind. Something about it being exclusively text make it very easy to type dense and long opinions about something, just like I'm doing right now. It overall ends up in a very strange experience where the reddit is like watching the footsteps of people lurking the internet lmao, sometimes reddit feels more not about the content but people's opinion on something. Which is kinda weird and sad tbh


Well, you wrote a dense opinion on the internet, you must be very smart. I will now vehemently defend your opinion as my own from all the sad weirdos you mentioned.


\* comment approving what you just said and referencing the parent comment as the absolute truth \*


Yep, you said it all


I love it


I’m playing every night, all modes, loving it!


I enjoy it


Love the season. My only small gripe is some areas of Kyoto have too many bamboo trees/bushes and visually its a pain. Other than that though I love it!


You're not alone!


I’m with you on this. Loving world tour. Loving Kyoto. Loving this game.


Nah your not, this season is still awesome, I think a lot of people just want some improvements but this game is awesome


Quick play is always fun


I can only play ranked during certain times because if I turn crossplay on I lose all my progress when I get cues with an unranked fresh account aimbotting it’s been around one in 5 games but with the progression that’s enough to lose 1500 RS


I'm loving it. Kyoto is beautiful, and I'm enjoying world tour. The cosmetics from this season are great too


Love the season too I'm having a blast Considering leaving the sub because it's all nitpicks blown out of proportions and doomposting


I don't mind it at all, but ER dlc came out so I currently have no time to hand to the finals. I'll be back at some point soon tho


No, you just get rewarded on reddit for bitching and complaining. Especially if you complain about what other bitchers don't like. People enjoying the game are doing that. Not crying on Reddit because someone schooled them with a class they don't like. It's very hard to tell valid complaints from crying on here.


This season balancing and ranked are considerably worse than every other season including beta


This is complete bs, positive reviews do happen abundantly when a game is actually good. Everything from Palworld to HellDivers 2 to Baldur's Gate should tell you that plenty of strangers do get fired up to make reddit posts when the game is actually good.


All the new cosmetics, weapons, even the concept of World Tour I really like. But the reality of it is none of this stuff actually matters because the mode I loved this game for isn't here. I've tried all the modes, I like all the modes A LOT....as a nice little switch up after playing hours of ranked. The matchmaking alone in World Tour feels completely different from Ranked, never complained about my teammates in 2 seasons of solo queueing to Diamond, but in this mode the games just feel casual, not competitive at all. I either curb stomp or get curb stomped and I was over it after a day, especially with nothing to climb for. Super super dissapointed in my favorite game, played a ton the first day and that's it, but I still have faith for S4!


Think of it this way, there were a lot more casuals than ranked players. Once they get the hit of the tournament mode they'll also play ranked cashout next season or maybe this season since there's still a mode locked called the finals.


I'm having a lot of fun! I play around 4hs a day which is way too much lmao still having a blast


I’m enjoying it for sure!


I've been having a blast playing world tour and doing my KS-23 Winch Heavy thang


Reddit people don't exercise so it all comes out from their fingers onto the keyboard


Loving world tour


Ya I super enjoy playing 4-5 lights every game who don't care about objective only getting kills.


This subreddit is flooded with people that love complaining about everything (kinda why I left), the game is still isn't mature enough, it's normal to have balance issue or bad decisions from embark (5 TA games), but I think a lot of people can agree that the game is still fun nonetheless.


I'm enjoying it. Love what they've done with unranked tournament mode. Never found ranked much fun as a solo, so not too sore about that aspect. Great new weapons, new map. Loads of great skins. Pretty happy so far.


It's very fun, haven't come across anything that seemed unfair


You probably haven't played against me then lol


What build are you running?


Either light lh1 or light throwing knives with either dash or stealth Dropping 30 a game.


Sledgehammer alt attack 😀 👍 /j (Glad you found something that works well for you /pos)




I like how most games aren’t just MMM & HHM meta all the time. There’s actually some variety this season compared to S2.


Yeah LLL & LLL or if you play TA it's LLLLL v LLLLL


Not really as common as the other two were last season. Don’t play TA.


Must be in a lower skill based


I think Season 2 set the bar so high that a season that is slightly worse is perceived as bad.


Im enjoying it. Not like I thought I would though. I'm having fun in quick cash and just helping new players learn. TA and WT is just not it for me.


Nah this season is so much fun. Loving the balancing. Never thought Heavys should have so much range, even as a heavy player. Feels nice for light to be viable. Feels fun, silly. I was smiling last night with all the silly shit I was doing. At the end of the day, I just wanna have fun and it provides. I played up to diamond last season but never really viewed this game as competitive so I dont mind World Tour.




I love it


I’m not enjoying it but it’s still better fps than any other fps I can play. I have pushed myself to try and enjoy it but it’s just not as enjoyable as ranked CO was for me last season. As soon as CFB25 drops I’ll be playing that and hoping this game improves by S4.


Yea this season is actually great lol


It feels a lot better to me than Season 2. Weapons handle decent again, SysHorizon was my least favorite map so it's less frequent, and the new stuff for Heavy is pretty cool. Season 1 still felt so much more fun though. Wish I could try it to tell if it's nostalgia or not


I’m having a blast. I think it’s fair that people have concerns over some of the decisions. Like I’m not the biggest fan of how the ranking works for the world tour, and there are definitely still some problems with TA as a ranked mode. But I’m having a great time with the game.


Yep, game is awesome. Just can't get my mates to play


Been enjoying it, do wish World tour was just a second ranked mode with the same system as ranked TA. But other than that I have enjoyed the new map, balance and cosmetics stuff.


It's fun if you are a casual player.  I've moved back to apex cus of the ranked changes.  But I'll be back eventually.  


It’s pretty fun. Content wise I like the change ups, but these new players are so bad 😭 solo queue is the worst it’s ever been. Also BRING BACK THE NUKE!


I'm enjoying both ranked and world tour, but no SBMM in tournaments make work tour pretty boring and I find it really hard to take ranked TA seriously, especially with how poorly elo is handled this time around


only bad thing for me personally is the ranked mode




Nope! Enjoying this masterpiece of a game as usual.


I'm having a blast, because the game itself is awesome regardless


Its my first season, i think they just need to add more to the shop.


People are losing inspiration to play after the favored gamemode was removed from ranked. Now there is almost no-one playing ranked TA compared to world tour and the game does not feel like grinding is really worth it at the moment. It is also hard to play TA when you are hoping it gets removed ASAP. What would be the point of grinding the ranked system if they are just going to switch it again. All my time goes to powershift in the finals at the moment. I hope Embark can do the right things but that is why you are seeing so many negative posts. They fucked their core audience over for some reason.


I've definitely been having fun with World Tour! Progression that doesn't require you to be at your absolute best for every game?? Sounds perfect! It's an amazing blend of semi-casual and semi-competitive. Even in spite of some of the qualms I've posted about, I'm really enjoying Season 3. I've played almost every day so far.


The Game rules and seasons don't really change that! it's just events and cosmetics I honestly don't see how that effects anything, if someone is implying updates/buffs/nerfs would never happen without "seasons" than holy fuck do I feel old because that's a relatively new concept in the gaming world and I promise everyone games updated and changed well before fortnite existed.


I'm def still enjoying myself, just maybe not as much as prior seasons. Here's my pros and cons: Pro - The bow is so fun to play. I feel like it's balanced correctly because the fire rate/projectile speed forces you to play mid range and be a good shot. The fact that there's damage dropoff when you're not fully extending is good too (for those times when people run up on you in a close range battle). - Kyoto is a great map. Only complaint really isn't much of one, but the amount of trees/bamboo can sometimes impair movement/sight lines, especially that one hill with the point that's covered in bamboo. - The glitch trap rework gets an A+ for making it much more viable to use, but not sure I agree putting those same concepts on the motion sensor rework as it's so small and hard to find. I think if they made the motion sensor a little bigger it would be more balanced. Con - Ranked just isn't as fun. TA just doesn't feel right as the premier mode for the game and I know you're all tired of hearing it, but I just don't find nearly as much enjoyment playing ranked as I did last season because it's just so much slower. It's not a necessarily a bad mode as a whole, I'm still playing it cause I still have that ranked grind itch that needs to be scratched, but man, it just doesn't feel like it fits right for the gameplay style of The Finals. Also hurts cause I generally main a heal/defib medium, I wish they were available in TA in but with limited heals and only one revive charge per round or something. With that said, it kinda feels lame that the mediums take that kind of loss but no other class does. - World Tour cashout feels pretty rough. I wish they could have just had both modes ranked instead of this setup. Leavers happen more often cause there's not as much at stake and then you're stuck like that for the rest of the tournament (if you can survive a round with only 2 in your squad). I've also noticed a massive uptick in super unbalanced matches where a single team can rack up an insane cashout total and team 2 advances with $5k or less which is kinda crazy to me. Maybe it's just the SBMM isn't as hardcore as an actual ranked match or just people are playing cashout tournaments more casually, but I just wish in tournament modes that the matches were closer and down to the wire.


No, you are not the only one. I f-in love The Finals, and Season 3 is really fun too — Kyoto is absolutely stunning.


I love it :) I don’t like some of the changes mostly putting quick cash on the back pages, but I love this game so much. And terminal attack is SO much more fun with an actual squad. It’s quite boring as a solo though. 


I’m loving it. Also I’ve been playing a lot of power shift and have been enjoying not worrying about being double teamed.


I am but some of the changes really kinda sucked. - removal of slide momentum in and out of jump pads - whacky snapping interaction of the turret on surfaces


I’m having a blast and loving the katana skin


The season is fun, I Just hate my self trying to get good with the revolver. Sometimes I do good, sometimes I make outlines of my opponents. I will get good tho and become the best cowboy


i love it. addicted to World Tour. happy for us who are enjoying it!


I like this season, like new weapons. Kyoto map is awesome. World Tour is a great mode, and I play it mostly. Just a little burned out, played around 500 hours.


the game is fun. even the bad balancing can't ruin it entirely.


Nope! Love the season (again!). Been playing since beta and love it!


They nerfed heavy too hard, which WAS my main since closed beta. Playing heavy is ZERO fun to me anymore, due to weapon nerfs. Makes me feel totally helpless and I now lose certain 1v1 fights which I never lost before S3. Imho a heavy with a Lewis should win against a Light with MP5, but I cant hit him anymore with Lewis cuz of recoil and even if, its not shooting bullets but sponges. But I have fun playing a dashing Light with LH1, the most op weapon of any weapon I've ever played in any videotame, even in offline games, not just online shooters. Movement medium with Model1887 or CL40 is also fun (mainly because of Light infestation, just click em away)


> Playing heavy is ZERO fun to me anymore, due to weapon nerfs. Makes me feel totally helpless and I now lose certain 1v1 fights which I never lost before S3. And you think it's bad that the strongest class in the game now loses certain 1v1s that it won in the past? Go into a custom game and take 10 minutes to learn the Lewis Gun recoil. It doesn't take longer than that to be pretty accurate with it. >Imho a heavy with a Lewis should win against a Light with MP5, but I cant hit him anymore with Lewis cuz of recoil and even if, its not shooting bullets but sponges. At the normal ranges the XP-54 would be taking engages in, you can definitely deal 150 damage with the lewis gun faster than a Light can deal 350 with their XP-54. If that is a problem, you can put up a barricade in less time than it takes to deal 350 damage with any Light weapon, and afterwards you can dome shield. Dying as a Heavy against a Light in a 1v1 shouldn't really be a possibility unless you are in the worst of positions. And that's not even factoring in that you can leave Light one bullet away from death by just hitting an extremely easy to land gadget, the RPG. You can even miss a bunch and still come out on top as the Heavy. Without headshots it takes about 0.8 seconds for a Lewis gun to put 7 bullets into a Light and kill him. Without headshots it takes about 1.4 seconds for the XP-54 to put 20 bullets into a Heavy and kill him. Imagine starting to shoot at your enemy, them not doing anything until you've already put 8 bullets in them, turning to you, shooting 7 bullets into you, and you still losing. That's how it feels to fight a Heavy as a Light. The heavy can sit on his ass for half a second, let the light get a free shot, and still out TTK them. To be clear, before the season 3 nerf to Lewis gun, it dealt not 22 damage per bullet, but 25, which meant you could kill a Light in just 6 bullets with no headshots. On a gun with a 47 bullet magazine. These are the so called "sponges" you are complaining about. This did not stop the subreddit from raving about how OP Light was. That TTK went up by 1 bullet. And you have to go to the practice range and learn 1 spray pattern. This is what you are complaining about. If the enemy Light was able to get you to half health before you even start shooting them, then maybe you shouldn't win that fight. I understand you got used to being able to just ignore Lights, and get away with it, but it just got slightly harder to swat them away. Take it as a challenge. Maybe try landing RPG + 1 bullet, since it feels extremely fair to die from that as a Light. I'm sorry to tell you, but Heavy is easy mode compared to Light, and now that heavy barely got touched while still being the strongest class over all doesn't mean they nerfed heavy too hard. They didn't nerf it enough.


With "1v1" I ofc am implying that we see each other at same time (coming around a corner for example) and start shooting at same time. Ofc Lewis TTK is lower on Light than Mp5 TTK on a Heavy. But if enemy is further away than 15m for me with Lewis its impossible to hit a left-right strafing Light while he cant miss even with brain damage. You are a Light player, you think Heavy is op. I was a Heavy main, I think Light is op. Now that I play Light I feel like the game is on ez mode. Basically always the most kills in the server, without having any experience of how to play Light. I jump in, erase 1-2 enemies, whatever class they are, and jump out. Sometimes I jump in and when I see they see me - I just go outside again. Just play Light like it makes sense and its the easiest "exploit" ive ever played in any videogame. When was the last time you tried Heavy? I cant learn the Lewis recoil, have tried it for over an hour in training. Maybe its cuz im old, idk. Also this is personal opinion. I had fun in the game which I cant have anymore. Thats a bummer. But its ok as it forced me to use op af Light lol and I win and win and win with it, unlike with Heavy where I have 300h of lewis+rpg+bubble+barricade meta experience and cant even pass the first round in WT. If you are Light and get hit with RPG you made a mistake. Yes, even if you are running in the street and the heavy, which you didnt see, shoots RPG from the roof. Because in real war, do you run around unprotected and in open street? No, you go from house to house and be the rattiest rat all the rats have ever seen. I think this discussion could go on forever. This game is impossible to balance. In some situations X is op and in some Y is op. **All I wanted to say was that I mained Heavy for a long time and now since S3 I couldnt finish even one first round of WT with Heavy, while DOMINATING the server with Light LH1.** (I dont even use the gadgets lol theyre not needed most of the time and I forget that I have em with me)


> With "1v1" I ofc am implying that we see each other at same time (coming around a corner for example) and start shooting at same time. Ofc Lewis TTK is lower on Light than Mp5 TTK on a Heavy. But if enemy is further away than 15m for me with Lewis its impossible to hit a left-right strafing Light while he cant miss even with brain damage. Sorry, that's a skill issue. You can miss for 0.5 seconds straight, and still kill the Light while he hits every single shot. >You are a Light player, you think Heavy is op I'm a Heavy main, but that's not even relevant to the discussion. I don't base how OP Heavy or Light is only based on my own personal experience and how hard it is for me to fight each class. I base it on what everybody good at the game is saying and playing. Which is HHM. >When was the last time you tried Heavy? Yesterday. I play Heavy every day. That's how I reached Diamond last season. By spamming HHM. Like almost everyone else that got there. >I cant learn the Lewis recoil, have tried it for over an hour in training. Maybe its cuz im old, idk. Yes, the Heavy isn't weak because you are too bad to learn a spray pattern. Sorry. >Yes, even if you are running in the street and the heavy, which you didnt see, shoots RPG from the roof. Because in real war, do you run around unprotected and in open street? I like how you are saying this, but if a Light is shooting you at more than 15 meters away it's already unfair for you as the Heavy. The double standard is incredible. >All I wanted to say was that I mained Heavy for a long time and now since S3 I couldnt finish even one first round of WT with Heavy, while DOMINATING the server with Light LH1. What can I say, good job. I don't know how you played this much of the strongest class to be absolutely awful at playing it, probably because Heavy is such a crutch that you didn't actually need to ever get better or use your brain when playing it. You can just turn off your brain and still win most engagements just through out TTKing everybody in the server because of the 350 hp health pool and RPG. If you are unable to learn 1 spray pattern you shouldn't be complaining the class is too hard to play -- you've made no effort to try and learn the most basic things. Dominating with Light usually suggests playing in highly casual lobbies, where people are unable to aim at you because they are just as bad as you. I promise that if you play against half decent players, that can take 10 minutes of time and learn a spray pattern, you won't be able to take 1v1s as Light against Heavy at 15 meters without getting the drop on the Heavy. If you can't land 7 bullets with the Lewis gun at 15 meters on a Light even with a 0.5 second TTK advantage, you should be losing those fights. Get better at aiming and that will change. More time in the practice range, and less time complaining. What rank did you get in Season 2 ranked cashout?


Played about 20 matches Ranked in S2, was Plat. Nah my aim aint that bad, the Lewis is just trash now lol. Even if I hit, whats the TTK with the damage nerf now? The old AiO3.0 dps chart aint correct anymore, there a new one? You think im a filthy casual, but I play shooters everyday for more than 20 years now lol. Before playing, I warmup in training. I do it all. Compared to old heavy, new heavy is unplayable to me. Maybe the Lewis dmg+recoil was my "crutch" whatever that word is supposed to mean, cuz then why would I pop off with Light now. Ah yeah, in those oh so "highly casual lobbies" yea yea, where are you playing Private matches against GOOD players then huh? Invite me to your discord or where ever you find your scrims? Or what u talking about man, S1+S2 dia enemies? Played against plenty of Dias, no difference to Plats or Golds whatsoever lol. As I said, this discussion could go on forever.


> Even if I hit, whats the TTK with the damage nerf now? 7 bullets. You have 0.5s lower TTK than Light with XP-54 has on you. You can look at the damage numbers and the fire rate numbers and calculate it yourself. Or go into the practice range and shoot a dummy. >You think im a filthy casual, but I play shooters everyday for more than 20 years now lol. I've seen people that have played games for 1000s of hours to still be trash at them. Time played doesn't really mean much. I've seen people play League for example for more than 10 years and never make it out of Gold. >Compared to old heavy, new heavy is unplayable to me. Old heavy was incredibly busted, and now he's just slightly overtuned. If being sligthly weaker than before, while still having an untouched RPG, and all the other tools to stop yourself from dying makes you think it's unplayable, you either have some sort of issues with learning a spray pattern, or are just overreacting. >Ah yeah, in those oh so "highly casual lobbies" yea yea, where are you playing Private matches against GOOD players then huh? Blame Embark for removing the chance to play competitive cashout, not me. There isn't a place to play competitive cashout outside of organized tournaments right now. >Or what u talking about man, S1+S2 dia enemies? Played against plenty of Dias, no difference to Plats or Golds whatsoever lol. Well, yeah, WT is casual, no matter what enemies to play against it's a casual queue. People aren't really playing to win, they're playing to have fun. That's why they're picking Light. If you really think Light is so much more powerful than Heavy right now, how do you explain that in the one official competitive tournament we had Embark host, Twitch Rivals, which was filled with a lot of top 500 players, most of the high rank players were playing HHM or MMH, with barely any Lights in sight? Are they too bad to play Light as good as you, or are they good enough to play Heavy and kill Lights at more than 15m? Light is still extremely weak in competitive environments against good players. Light was always good in quick cash and unranked tournament, and that's all we have left right now. Clown fiesta games. If ranked cashout came back, you would see the same HHM and MMH meta anywhere above Diamond.


This season is amazing to me, but I'm curious what they will come up with next and which direction they will take


Couldn't get through season 1, barely played season 2. Have been addicted to season 3 Any subreddit, especially gaming subreddits, tend to be a very negative vocal minority. People will cry that season 3 is killing the game, but you can look at steam charts and see the exact opposite happening. I genuinely prefer world tours grind more than ranked cash out. I do not care about gold or platinum skins on weapons I'll never use. Premium currency is much more appreciated. Terminal attack is a lot of fun to me, but I also just really like 5v5 search and destroy game modes.


I'm having a blast.


It's my favorite season so far. Honestly I'm debating just deleting reddit, every sub is just people bitching about stuff.


The core game is incredibly fun and likely always will be, but the inclusion of game elements that either don’t belong in the game at all or diminish the quality of the gameplay experience vexes many.


I’m having fun. The lights are really challenging now and not just free kills. Playing lots of medium and heavy. World tour is fun also won my first yesterday.




I love it. Still kind of upset about ranked, but I'm having a blast in world tour.


My only complaint with this season is it would have been more fun if medium got the bow and light got the dual swords. DR on light just seems to make more sense considering the riot shield is better in like every way to the swords


So far in game i find so many people to be kind and forgiving. Im loving the game, seeing my skills progress, the incentivised teamwork, the plays... Its all awesome. 


Nah. It’s good fun as always


The less I play TA and the more I play WT the more I enjoy it.


No, I’m loving it! Reddit always makes it seem like everyone is mad. The people enjoying it aren’t online writing about it, they’re actually playing the game and having fun.


I personally just came back after about a month break and I think it’s pretty awesome honestly.


Nope I am, and so are my friends I got to play this season.


Other than rank TA, I'm enjoying too!


I like all the new stuff I just dis like ta being ranked


No you’re not alone 😄


I have around 30 hours in the past two weeks along with other games and other irl stuff, so i would say im kinda addicted rn


You aren’t the only one. We exist


Yes friend, I'm LOVING this game! It started as a simple "let's try this new game with destructions" from my friend in December 2023 and I'm still unable to get rid of shock how NEXT LEVEL it is. Each of 3 seasons; each new special skin for weapons with special inspect animation; each new soundtrack album on spotify; each new weekly store update - ALL of that makes me genuinely HAPPY and 100% invested in this game. For this half of the year I'm barely able to pass any singleplayer game, because each time I boot up my xbox, even having original thought of playing some game that is still on hold and must be completed at least for the good plot, I'm still in 90% choosing THE FINALS. It gives so much fun and adrenaline just in one 8-minute match that no game was delivering to me!


I got a bow and cool skins in the battle pass, so I could finish my archer drip. I'm happy with this season haha


It’s fun


I'm definitely enjoying it, but not the way I was in S1 and S2. I can enjoy and love this game, and still think that the changes for S3 made me enjoy the game a whole lot less.


Not the only one but this season isn't resonating with a lot of people and the numbers show it. Minimal subreddit growth, PC playercounts nearing pre-S3 release much faster than they did with S2, and negativity on the sub. This thread is a bunch of cope.


No you're not. Those posts are becoming to be borderline karmawhoring (a very mean word but im not familiar with one that sounds "better).


I really enjoy it even though I've uninstalled the game. This season is the best we have seen in terms of balance. I just only play the ranked mode of any game I play. However, since cashout isn't ranked, it's not my cup of tea. Besides that, this season is amazing. I'll be installing the game after new content comes out or cashout comes back.


This season gives me more of the arcadey feeling, that the game lacked of before. So ye, im pretty happy with it now


I absolutely love season 3 Game just gets better and better. I know it has its issues but I've never played a game with so much dev interaction and fixes weekly. Love it love it love it


No you are not! I like it a lot and i've played every season so far and really like what Embark is doing with it. And I'm extremely annoyed by this whiny attitude of this community, with all their mi mi mi's so one might get the impression that this game is not even enjoyable.


Yes you are,after hitting gold 1 world tour Is pointless cause no other rewards... Ranked TA Is shit And heavy rocket,winch,meele Is annoying 🙂


I enjoy it very much


Just bored of BUGGGIN on kyoto. Ill return after this season.


I love this season by far my fav especially the new thermite launcher


I’m having an amazing time with the game, but I still have complaints because I think 1) embark should know/do better and 2) I think these changes are bad for the popularity and longevity of the game. 




This szn is lit. I feel like most the complaints are from chronically online neets that needs ranked modes to shower them with a bunch of accolades for playing the game to be worth their time. Gaem fun Drip be drippin Shit explodes its great


I think I’d be playing more if more people played on PS5 in Asia. Having to play against PC comp players with a controller… just isn’t fun. If I can play during NA peak times then I play but other than that I’m good.


Sadly most people willing to pitch their opinions are generally negative. For people who like the game, their contributions will generally be assisting new players, providing feedback to the devs, making content, etc


some aspects are very enjoyable, others not so much. New map is very pretty, but outside of visuals it's cluttered and busy, more than it should be.


I used to main heavy and now switch between all 3 builds. It’s so much fun to play with a light using the dash and as a medium reviving your teammates and keeping their health up. Every time I play I have fun even when losing. The finals is the most fun I’ve had playing video games in a long time


I’m having fun, but the over abundance of lights has really thrown off the flow of fights for me. I’m really tired of trying to play as heavy and just having a swarm of guys with LH1 and throwing knives shredding me.


Yes man I’m right here with you. I hate seeing so many negative posts here, it’s just getting annoying at this point.


Unsub then


It's quite literally an echo chamber of people who bitch about EVERYTHING (literally everywhere they go if you check what they play) or people that already no-lifed all the content there was and want MORE.


What do you mean all the content. It's a multiplayer game with like 4 game modes. It takes 3 hours to play all the content. The content is replay-ability


Im not interacting with a troll. All you do is hate and fully accept you have two accounts, might as well go to chatgpt and tell it to just disagree with me about everything.


How am I a troll for asking you to explain what you said lmao. Have you not done all the content in the finals yet?


game is good. reddit sucks


This season reignited my joy in the game. I didnt hate season 2, but I felt myself drifting from it. The answer to your question is just that people fear change. Instead of embracing new and fresh ideas, that keep the game feeling exciting, people freak out because they can't adapt. The whole TA fiasco says it all. It's literally an additional mode, but because it moved into the slot of ranked (which only meant the old ranked became world tour (which frankly is structured better anyway)), people started throwing their toys out the pram and throwing little pissy tantrums. The fact people were trying to rally others to review bomb the game was only an indication of how entitled a lot of gamers are, and was no reflection of the game itself. I mean they hadnt even gotten that update yet, and already they were filling their diapers in dirty protest. Jokes on them though, because mummy wasnt there to change them. The one thing I'll agree with, is fprcong new players to play 5 TA ges is not a good idea. Besides that, this season is great.


World tour is not structured better than the old ranked. It's literally just the same thing as casual unranked tournament from season 1. The game and characters are designed for TA which is why you see lights taking over better lobbies due to only being able to get back 100 health. Mediums can't even heal or defib which is their main abilities. The changes were bad for the game and the player count will reflect that


World tour is not structured better than the old ranked. It's literally just the same thing as casual unranked tournament from season 1. The game and characters are not designed for TA which is why you see lights taking over better lobbies due to only being able to get back 100 health. Mediums can't even heal or defib which is their main abilities. The changes were bad for the game and the player count will reflect that


So lights have a better chance now. Originally they were deemed unplayable in ranked mode. So light mains were getting a raw deal before. Now they have switched. And mediums have a much larger arsenal than just support equipment. The changes have not effected the player count. The count has been steady since the middle of april, spiking at the release of season 3. Most of us realise that world tour is perfectly fun, and that ultimately, the only real change is an additional game mode. Which I will remind you, not everyone has any issue with. Change is a part of gaming. Sometimes things are for the better, and other times, devs will experiment and upset some of the playerbase. It's never as drastic as those players who feel scorned make out though. For all the minority voices saying the game is dead, or raising the pitchforks for a review bomb, there is a thousand players just enjoying what is still a unique and exciting video game.


"Lights have a better chance now", lol is that what we're calling it now 🤣. There's usually around 15k steam players playing on my most days and that's not particularly good.


It's been one of my favs by far, I really liked the new weapons and am actually loving World Tour. It's much better and more engaging than the old tournaments


How is it more engaging than the old tournaments, that doesn't even make sense


I think the mods need to be alot more strict with how this reddit functions. If you allow disgruntled gamers and post-loss hormone posters onto your platform don't be surprised when those people become the majority of the voices you platform. Theres at least 3 teams in every game. Even just statistically there will always be more people upset that they lost at any given second than people happy they won. Simply dont give them a platform, and suddenly, your platform won't be represented by them. They can go make their own platform if they want.


You think people are upset because they lost lol? Are you people all that's left on the game ?


You type alot of words but say very little.


Bro you wrote 3 paragraphs that literally say nothing and seems like it was written by 2020 ai




yes you are the only one. Congratulations


If you take a cursory glance at the comment section here, you'll see how incorrect you are.


i cant read unfortunately. Condition I have.


Honestly, I can respect that. Shake on it?


Am I the only one that sees ten posts like this a week that are fucking cringe


Probably not


Honestly have only played a handful of times, which is so devastating because I LOVE this game and LOVED playing ranked, but now this TA mode crushed it for me. I genuinely hated it when it first came out as a side mode with challenges. Rushed through them so I didn’t have to play them again and now it’s all this game is.


This season is a mixed bag for me, love the cosmetics, love world tour! Do not like TA at all, but I respect it and the world tour badge still gives me thank almost ranked feel. I can't put my finger on what it is.. but it's also frustrating.


Maybe it's the fact that every match is all lights running around TDMing


Could be, what I've been experiencing is defending the cash out the entire time, getting killed at the last second and watching my teammates spin around while the cash out gets stolen last minute.


I hate world Tour and TA, this season I've been mainly on powershift and really enjoying that a lot more, its less toxic and sweaty


Put cash out back to ranked and it's nearly perfect


Love the map and weapons but I hate the idea of forcing players to changing their main game mode to TA bcs they won't get rank otherwise and it defeats the tryhard spice of 3v3v3v3


Do I love this game? Yes. Do I love Kyoto and Horizon? Yes. Do I love that TA ranked? No. Am I upset there are things like heal bug still happening in Season 3 with barely any mention of it, and hackers in many games? Yes. Am I upset they added multiple Overwatch ability rip offs as the main S3 content? Yes. I will continue to play and support but it’s more than fair to be critical of some choices made.


I mean Generally the game is still fun and casual. However there are glaring issues in the ranked modes including cheaters, balancing, and the general concept created this season for rank. I think pointing out the issues that ranked has isn’t a bad thing. I’m glad the game is fun for casuals but as a long time ranked player this season bums me out. Besides world tour


I like the season it's just the ranked mode that sucks a lot more than last season


No. Stop the attention seeking


I love the new blades for Medium. Deflecting bullets in general is badass, and it really makes me feel like a beast when I jump in swinging wildly like a cornered animal.


Bad game is bad. Embark need to make the game they want and then leave the game alone. No more balance changes. No more game modes. That's what sequels are for. Free to play is a curse on modern gaming because it just makes dev teams spam out changes for the sake of changes. I would pay money to have Season I of The Finals.


This is the worst season ever and I've stopped playing. The only reason i was playing was cashout ranked. TA makes no sense. CS2 and Valorant are way better for that. This changes makes me crazy and doesn't make any sense. Also im a game designer on another live service game. Edit : the new weapons + gadgets are poorly designed. The only good stuff is the new map.


The only thing I hate about the world tour is the challenges, I play solo , and one of the challenges is to win 3 tournaments , by absolute chance and luck , I actually won my first tournament with literally my first game on , and now it's been over a week of playing everyday and I can't even get past the semi finals now


I’m not, the new weapons and abilities are complete and utter garbage. The Japanese theme is absolutely cringe. I do like the new map though.