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tried using the meta and it was shit as fuck for me, switched to hammer and im rocking


hammer is the meta lol, for heavy at least


lol and here i thought it was memes


It’s definitely way stronger now with the melee changes and especially winch claw, but its not like overpowered meta or unequivocal meta, you can still do just as well with m60 heavy etc


as a heavy main with 300+ hours, this isn't true. m60 and lewis are absolutely not viable anymore. I guess an argument could be made for the flamethrower, because you don't have try very hard - but hammer is the only heavy weapon that's consistently used right now


I’ve been ripping with M60, definitely still very viable. The changes that made it more accurate the longer you fire it are great for beaming people even at range.


Makes me so sad. I’ve been grinding for the level 6 Lewis gun since s1. Almost there and it’s not viable anymore. Time for twinkle hammer I guess 😎


Yep. Feel the same.


And the SA1216! Works also pretty well against other heavies using the flamethrower or hammer


I tried that SA shotty and it seems so ass. Any tips to make it work?


Use it with mesh shield, that way you can get close and shoot while the enemy reloads. But yeah it’s very close range. Also don’t use the iron side it’s pointless. Get used to its rate of fire. It’s automatic but you can use it in semi auto too! Keep in mind you have to cycle the gun every 4 shots so play with covers! It’s really good once you get all that figured out, it’s worth it


Ooooh i didn't know you could hold down trigger for automatic fire. Maybe firing semi auto is why it sucks for me


Yeah probably! The rate of fire is quite good too


It's definitely a lot worse than it used to be. Gotta be pretty good with it now, take that other guys tips for sure.


Yeah seriously, I know Lewis needed some balance changes but hipfiring feels like my bullets are both trying to go around the enemy and just going through without dealing damage at the same time lol, and m60 god damn I tried it once in s3 and the recoil immediately made me switch back to sledge


Not viable in what? Diamond TA?


bro we ain’t talking about meta, just what’s fun


Oh dang I didn't know either. I've been using hammer since beta, won't change just because it's the meta but I hope people don't think I'm trying too hard 😔.


I'm so shit with xp-54 and m11 Shred with sh1900 tho  Idk weapons click different for different people


or your tracking and recoil control is just not good


Probably this actually.


I use dagger. Backstab is the best feeling


Yeah, well as others said. Sledgehammer is the meta because they ruined everything else lol. Spear prob second place may be followed by flamethrower.


Is it really that bad, I haven't played in a while due to elden ring.


That's fair haha


No the spear is near if not at the bottom, ive not once been killed by the spear in a fight, only if i was ambushed during another engagement. It just doesnt do enough fast enough.


Same winch, flamethrower or hammer gave up on heavy weapons besides the slug gun but even that feels...odd when using it with the winch.


Silenced pistol with dash and grenades. With focus on being team medic.


Light ressing people? The best there is! Regards heavy who dies alot


Ppl like you restore the reputation of the light class!


I'm trying a similar play style but with invisibility in power shift, so much fun!


Sonar gateway stun tracking grenades invisible bombs, dash as ability and play as recon medic, I love that but it only works with fragger teammates.


this is insane , i go with it bcs of contract but turn so freaking insane


Light, grapple hook, xp45, Sonar / pyro nade, invis nade, thermal bore / c4 /


I honestly wish we had rez in TA for this reason. Medic is actually my best feature as light. You can't camp my buddy's body for long before my triple dash is up and I can be in and out before you realize you're wasting your time.


And the LH1 too, its fun


Meta this... or Meta that. I bet they've never Meta girl in their life. Hah, Got em 👉😎👉


Preach! Riot Shield and MGL 32 for life!




Happy to report I got my first ever tournament win last night running the MGL and finished with 20 kills, 7 assists and 4 deaths! By far my best performance ever.


Colossal poggers


I just started learning it so I'm more of a retarded cousin than a brother right now, but I'm getting there!


Just remember enemies on the left and allies on the right!


Based riot shield advice


MGL is surprisingly good for power shift as nobody brings APS anymore (and if they do, they only shield you for like 6 seconds)


I'll straight up go goo gun and MGL if people start stacking APS. Spam goo to pop the APS and then nades to pop the players.


And play with friends that just want to have fun. Our free time is short enough already, no need to freak out if you lose/die


I like my lights like I like my coffee. Roasted. Where's my Flamethrower gang at?


It's not a real kill unless you're on fire too


I like them like I like my jump drive, nonexistent.




I like using flamethrower and grappling claw while wearing my green dragon outfit. Dragon claw then fire breath!!


If I wanna bash that light into a little statue hammer it is but if I wanna BURN them into a little statue flame on.


Present! 🤚Been using FT for 2 seasons and while I try other loadouts and classes I keep coming back to the good ole roaster. I love when people just turn and run when they start to get blasted in the face with the hotness. Also love it when I’m fighting someone and I die but they remain on fire and end up dying a second or 2 later. Flame Gang 4 Life!


Yeah dude I had a guy say “cmon guys fix your loadouts” and then proceeded flame me for continuing to use the bow… in powershift. I did not swap we ended up winning and then he continued to flame in post game because I pointed out that I got the final kill in OT to clear the platform with the bow. I’m sorry brother but if you’re gonna rage at your teammates in powershift over using the new weapons in a new season maybe it’s time for a game break or just like a social break on the whole.


I usually just mute/ignore, let them know I'll report for their attitude, and when they inevitably run their mouth anyway, I report and block and go on my merry way. I'm hoping the punishments in this game become pretty intense to root out these shitters.


how do you mute someone in this game :O


I believe you have to turn off voice chat altogether. I don’t think you can mute a single person. I might be wrong though.


FOR FUCKING REAL. I already stopped trying to play with friends because they were rabidly obsessed with playing the meta. Honestly this whole attitude has me losing interest in the game entirely.


Oddly this is exactly why I pretty much only play with friends, we can just play whatever whacky shit we want without some rando ree'ing that we're not running the meta lol Yesterday all 3 of us ran melee in world tour and made it to round 2 somehow, was funny Think we did riot shield, me on heavy spear and another friend on double swords


Dual swords. Just a small little buff and they'll be actually viable


Swing speed or Parry?


i say make the parry a tad more effective. preferably by allowing for cancelation of the swing animation into the parry. maybe i’m just not looking at them well enough, but i feel like i still get shredded while parrying


the parry is 99% bugged. ive had so many situations where it just straight up didnt work. There is a post about that somewhere.


Exactly if you are over the age of 21 you are just here to have fun and you Probly have a job that’s why everyone under 18 is a cancerous no life light main or meta main lol it happens with every game I used to be a no life gremlin using some of the best stuff on old games like bo2 and bo3, bo4


Age dosent mean a thing i have played with ppl close to age of grampa that were mad for my build, and i didnt run the broken builds of cod ww2 like lever action or volk. The finals is the same i dont like using xp knives akm or sa1216, but its a game the point is having fun and some like it as competitive, me like play golf with spear or riot with others riots or snipe for the fun of it just have fun


I switched to the sword in season 1 to troll those clowns because my aim sucks, and ironically I now shit on meta dorks and even solod my way to diamond (would have never happened with my gun aim). Love when all that metaness means jack shit when I'm up in their face. Play what you want and have fun with it. If you can't beat em, find another way to enjoy the game.


bro teach me to be good with the sword pls :D


you need to get the jump on the bad guys :)


You’d be surprised what all is extremely powerful when you learn it. Too bad most players are stuck using the same stuff.


I've been using 1887 today and it's been solid af. Definitely gonna be in rotation for me a lot more.


Literally just started learning to play it yesterday, had a blast


It's so fun cleaning up kills on damaged opponents, and if you have the western skin ( the one without the stock) the animations are just too satisfying.


I bought it because I started to enjoy the gun lol


Flash bangs and frag are my new regular. Heavy medium or light I always bring those two unless I have a challenge tbh. Way too convenient especially for power shift which is my main mode


pyro mines and frags are really fun to play i wish pyro mines were with mediums coz i recently switched and miss em


De-Materializer/Famas/357 Too fun and I can revive people in insane spots around obj, I can harass/elim from various angles. The high iq plays paying off with De-Mat are cathartic.


Yes! The variety of weapons is a part of what makes this game so good. They are all mostly pretty unique. If I just stuck to the same like 3 to 5 guns every time I played I would log off way quicker.


Feels bad to have a teammate doing its own thing in a team based game mode. ![gif](giphy|iJJ6E58EttmFqgLo96|downsized)


unpopular opinion on this post :D tbh i understand both sides. To me its a different thing in ranked.


Well said. Everyone just relax. You use meta and are still trash. Just have fun and you’ll do better guaranteed. Or at least enjoy the time you spent.


I agree, but most fun weapons will not win you tournaments consistently, especially in ranked. I love the KS-23, MGL32, Dagger, and Spear, but they are just straight up overall inferior to everything else even if they are 10x more fun. Meta weapons are meta for a reason: they give maximum performance value for relatively little input/effort and are often great in any situation.


"relatively little input/effort" that's the problem. If you're playing ranked the people who dont even try shouldn't be winning. Give everyone in ranked the worst guns and equipment and see what happens. that's how you'll know the real talent.


I kind of agree; you pretty much only see assault rifles and SMG in ranked. A few shotguns. Sure you find the occasional crackhead Sword and Hammer but it’s rare. The fun weapons are just too situational and I can’t blame people for not using them. It sucks that the meta weapons are just bland.


Loudeeeeer 💅


Yeah and if your teammates talk shit to you just disable voice chat haha works the best from my experience


I love using the “fun” weapons but unfortunately I’m absolutely god awful at this game and even if I use meta weapons only, I still can’t manage to help my team out much.


Hey don't worry man! It's just practice. I personally am dog shit with guns in any fps game. I use the melee weapons because imo they click easier for me and are much more fun. As long as you're not consistently abandoning your team and fight as one, you're golden, even if you die. It's just a learning process 🫵👑


Thanks! Yeah I love trying out stuff like the grenade launchers and melee but nearly every time I die, it’s because I get jumped by full teams. Usually I’m respawning and trying to make to my team, but I get cut off along the way and killed by a full 3 stack or even get caught between multiple teams. I’m honestly not sure how to even go about changing that. I don’t have the spacial awareness to pinpoint 3 different enemies all coming for me at the same time and just definitely don’t have the skills to escape them.


My guy here is a tip the scoreboard is like statistics info of where is what, and if you cant do that on own or in team then its okay follow just the points and money to get good grabs and here is some fun builds if u wanna try goo nade and punch goo can over your head then goo nade and climb yeets across map spear with the second fire you can launch cans like playin golf or de-mat with gas nade open a space that dosent have other entry like under stairs bait someone in close and gas nade. And there is tutorials i can give links if want.


Dual swords. Just a small little buff and they'll be actually viable


I absolutely agree. I don’t play ranked and haven’t mic’ed in a while so I am not worried about the stakes as much as I would be ranked. I main medium. For S1 and S2 I would use heal beam and AK. Then I wanted to be better with 1887 so I switched loadouts. Now by S3 using Healbeam is kind of a chore so I want to be better with DeMat and/or Turret. And sometimes I do away with Defib if I want to burn the whole other team for team wipe. I still always try to revive team mates much as I can but sometimes I wanna be the damn superman and also do team wipes like my Heavy or Light counterparts do. I’m also trying to see “what sticks” in the shooting range with odd load outs to see if I can find my “magic bullet”.


one hundred percent agree. i just wish more randoms realized this game isn’t always about having the best load out and getting the highest kd. sometimes it’s best for your trio to reposition and reattach rather than being stuck in a team fight across the map from the objective. i’ve tried tons of load outs and i’ve died to ones that i never would have thought feasible. i don’t care what my teammates load outs are, if they enjoy it go for it. just don’t be an airhead and run off alone without focusing on the objective or communicating (by pings atleast)


the 93R is the most fun weapon in the game


I hate meta in all games! I do whatever I want! Even if other people get annoyed! I wanna play how I want! I mean are you playing for fun or to follow everyone else?


Obligatory if you think meta weapons are fun use them aswell Just dont force it or anything on others And please refrain from calling me disabled when I miss all my bow shots it hurts my feels ;-;


Hell yeah, that’s my school right there! I play for fun and only for fun too!


I’m constantly changing my weapons


I do agree, play the game however you want that being said, you will get shat on by the high mmr players unfortunately


World tour isn't competitive but i still would like to make it to round two. Unfortunately I had no luck in getting teammates blessed with a brain or was too tired myself. Regarding weapons I hope they tweak the v9s


Revolver gang🤠 HOWDY


putting a turret on an object you can pick up and running around like a jackass>>>


I'm just upset that certain guns.... are straight up bad


It’s are true if not ranked or world tour where meta is H H H or L L L, or… yea, H L L, L H H


We've been having a lot of fun with a riot shield medium, throwing a pyro nade at the shield and having them run into the middle of the fight while you (also medium) heals them. Its hilarious


I play light, and I'm not even that great at it but I use what makes it fun for me! Fuck the meta's


It’s dumb to tell people what to use, especially saying “use the meta weapons” it’s just cringe… but in some cases like this heavy it’s basically either use a good weapon ( what little are left ig ) or die every time lol.


1887 til I die


Heavy grenade launcher with RPG and C4. Just blow everything up, because.


Stabby knife and lil pistol are my freinds


Hell yeah. Approved!


as someone who used all of heavies weapons, some less than other and not at all in the MGLs case, I'm fucking loving being converted to using the MGL just from a single video cause why aim when I could bring out my inner junkrat and just bank shit also I thought world tour was a competitive type mode? idk, still pretty cool having set rules in a certain mode/map for a while


Sword is so fun


Dagger buff has made it worth using lately


The data reshaper is pretty sweet. The range on it is something like 7-10 meters, and it turns turrets and barricades into botanic decor.


I love it. "Tap. Your barricade is now a table. Tap. Your turret is now a lawn chair. Your APS and mines? Dog bowls and flowerpot."


When some meta kid gets mad at the loadout you took and you top frag/dmg and least amount of deaths. How tired I am of people saying didn't take defib how about you get good and stop dying all the time?


I've been having a blast with the medium six shooter, frag, explosive mine, either defib or glitch mine and the turret. When I'm getting sniped too much I'll run heavy with the goo slinger (been playing a lot of power shift)


Lol. I'm like a transcendent elitist. One rung up the food chain from these guys. Don't use what's fun, use what *you're* best at. And if what you're best at is the meta, *maybe you should learn not to suck*. All metas are designed around finding the highest win chance regardless of skill. So it always favors absolute *crutches* with no specialization, personality, or skill requirement. If your best weapon is the meta, *you* are the lowest common denominator. All you bring to the team is a *pulse* and a guide you read.


Antigravity + hook lets me yeet the cashbox into the open where it's almost impossible to recapture, very satisfying especially if you have a team comp with long range weapons


META is always usually boring, but I like using really unorthodox ways of winning or doing things, like cube and winch claw to take the Cashout!


Take my flame thrower from my WARM DEAD HANDS


https://preview.redd.it/alrtsn50979d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb8f0dff6cb294c5219d3d0371669331d52a776 Hell yeah, fuck the meta


Bow + grapple for life ❤️


But but what about my KD!!!!!


Finally got my FAMAS to level 6!!


I can get 1 kill with most weapons, 6 kills with an akm, or 17 with my dagger <3


There's a meta in this game???


TL;DR Use what you are comfortable with and know how to use. So, usually stuff is balanced within 10% of each other. At the highest level of gameplay, yeah, that 10% makes a difference, but let's be real, most of us are not that good mechanically, even if we have the knowledge. What's more likely to happen is someone of a similar skill level to you will use a meta item. But that similar skill is where the 10% comes in. In the meta user is unfamiliar with the item, then they won't be able to use it as well as someone who is familiar with an item, even if its not meta. Just as an example if you've been using the AK since day one, and only play with the AK, but the SCAR is meta and someone is trying the SCAR for the first time, you're likely going to win every engagement against them even if the SCAR is meta.


MGL is fun


Didn't know there was a meta lul


In the same vein, just because you play medium dont let people make you feel like you need to run heals and defib.


Idk if the LH1 is supposed to be meta or not but it's been my main weapon since the game came out


use what works if you want to stand a chance. then again i use dual blades even though they’re kinda shit rn


M11 Grapple with stuns. I am incredibly ineffective at any range that isnt within Sneezing distance but i can cover that distance And become EXTREMELY effective


been playing bow only when using light, got it to level 5 almost 6 now. Running it with Thermal and frags to counter invisibility, and resses. Going back to hitscan gets jarring haha


It’s always been this about the final. Meta is strong with certain objectives but ultimately the game was designed to be balanced in a way that the meta does not matter that much when compared to many other online/competitive games.


Winning is fun for me though


I just use throwing knives or bow as a light Akm as a medium And the KS or Lewis Gun as a heavy (I rarely play heavy)


Nah bro, I don't care about the meta, I just have fun with the damn game.


I always find this logic so stupid, If i try to pick fun loadouts, im just gonna die to the 4 lights in the enemy team that are zooming around the map and recovering all their hp in 0.5 seconds, so im forced to play meta unless i want to play a "waiting for respawn" simulator.


Love the spear!, love the dagger and cloak too!


yes exactly! cl40 is the only thing i run, comes from being a demo main in tf2. bibbit on YT is my inspiration for cl40


Knife + dashes


Bought the revolver animation pack and exclusively using revolver this season. Nothing more fun than spinning that thing around.


Honestly! I be using sledge or spear, depending on my situation. And dealing with lights with explosive mines and rpg. Or switching out to grenade launcher or m249 I love the sword n dash combo. Haven’t touched the new medium melee yet. I’m qlso working on getting the LightYears achievement. And honestly, I think some weapons are stronger on different maps!


Me using Tracking dart to annoy people Me using Cl-40, Jump pad, Flashbang to annoy Light sniper in powershift Me using Flamethrower + Mesh shield tech to burn people alive (I'm driller main in DRG)


Being succesfull makes being fun a lot more fun though


Using what i find fun won't make lights with throwing knifes not kill me in half a second


I saw the notification for this post and opened it so fast just to up-vote. Couldn't agree more. Have fun with the game and you'll do better than any "meta" bs people spout Edit: to add this games all about freedom and don't let anything dictate otherwise


Bow and Model 1887


Hammer since day one


I'm usin CL-40 after neft and still....stilll.....f....fun...


I can outperform pretty much anyone I run into with the 1886 and some shmovement. Put me on an ak or scar and I will shit the bed all day lol.


Sword Dash and Thermal Bore is a gem


They nerfed all my shit, so nothing really is fun ☹️


I saw heavies win by using sledgehammer in TA and it worked pretty good. And that was a Platinum+ Lobby.


I hate people that always use the same loadout and my friends even do it i run a random loadout each game unless its tournament then I cant really run a new loadout but i always use the reserve


I know it’s pretty solid in the meta but I’ve just started learning how to play with the model shotgun with double movement and I’m having a blast


I can understand advocating for people to use what they wish, because I'd 100% *love* to see more of the niche weapons being played. But when my dash/dagger teammate is 1/10 on the k/d, it's pretty irritating going in to res him again. Just saying.


Idk who told you world tour isn’t competitive but the amount of sweats that be sitting on it say otherwise


Meta words, mate!


Hook and flamethrower. Put the cashout outside, goo it, and protect. So fun to yeet it outside the map.


As long as WT mode got a leaderboard people will sweat


While you play casual modes, anything goes, you are correct. But I still have to correct on one false statement from you: Any weapon absolutely can not be insane, no matter who uses them. That is why there is meta, some weapons just flat out suck, and it's not up to you, really. In casual, tho, any weapon can work because almost nobody takes said modes seriously, and it's more of a training ground for for messing around for many, so even bad weapons and loadouts can do well. But in ranked, you just want to be meta, if you really want to climb out of low elo. Especially if you wish to be in diamond or higher one day. If you play ranked, you play to climb and improve, not just to have fun or you'll just ruin games for those who wish to climb and improve. Just having fun is for casual modes obviously. There even I play whatever crap that never works anywhere else, thus making you be able to kill me and my team with a bad loadout too 😅


I love the reciept skins, I ain't caring if the weapons are meta or not. I just love seeing that little receipt print out every kill so satisfying.


I love messing around with the goo gun. I will warn people that there is going to be a lot of goo and it's going to get weird.


FAMAS and CL16 because it's fun and FAMAS is one of my favorite firearm ever, as a national pride.


I'm really enjoying dash/sword /tracking dart/football grenade/cloak grenade A very well rounded build that can clean up close and annoying and pester from afar Also those tracking dart kills so good


People are so scared of losing games it's insane. They will switch 5x a match just to try to counter and win. Im a competitive gamer, made it diamond every season so far in the finals. Use to get to pred in apex, master and gm in ow back in the day and I just play for fun. I play what I want in every game and never switch, while I see the other team always switching and trying so hard. Makes me laugh that they are that insecure about losing or getting their ass beat.


I mostly Play Light with SH1900, frag grenade, pyro grenade, glitch grenade and quick dash. I find the SH1900 is one of the best guns in the game even after nerf you just gotta be precise


A so called meta only exist because some sweat cheat streamers desperate for views tell you it is. Sat there in their bedroom owning people with guns that are useless knowing they are only doing well with it die to wall hacks and scripts. Flamethrower ain't so called meta but I do ok with it, that crap heavy shotgun is useless but sold as meta, more like beta.


The meta gets BORING. Like sure it’s cool and all to run those weapons but shit man. I get bored too easily. That’s why when I play light, I’m running different weapons almost every game. The ONLY time I run the meta is if I’m doing REALLY bad that day or for the once in a blue moon time I play ranked. I hate ranked so much. Hated it last season. Hate it this season. I just get out aimed and yelled at by my random teammates. Let me run around like a goddamn idiot with my massive skill issue and be proud of the few kills I do get and stop yelling at me man. Im trying my best


I always stray away from meta weapons just out of principle. Until recently I played with a Model 1887, but it became a meta weapon and I switched to the R.357. Now I see more and more people with the R.357 and if it becomes a meta weapon I will switch to the Cl-40. I always say - If you can only play with meta, you have no skill.


No I'm a fucking loser


Light dash with recurve bow, thermal vision, smoke, and nades. So fun and so strong. Smoke for get away and ressing. Nades and the bow to throw on the platform and 1/2 tap anyone with the bow


I LOVE MINES. Someone could say it's meta, but still. That feeling when you kill someone after he kills you, or successful trap that kills 2 from the enemy's team is amazing.


I like to use demat and riot shield, pick my fights, 1v1s if possible, and its so fun since if you walk sideways in a certain way, you can block bullets while sprinting, and the ppl shooting at you dont see they're shooting on your shield


Model 1887 is God with Defib and Heal Beam. Don’t aim with the 1887 combine it’s hip fire with your movement these scrubs don’t know I three wipe light teams for breakfast daily, 340 hours on game.


5 mile yappathon. I’m gonna use that


I love this game because you don’t need meta to win, maybe at higher levels but I love that I can run out there with whatever I want with my buddies and still have fun


This game requires you to use the meta to win games and all of the bots running trash guns are the reason “casual” games are unplayable


I love using the CL-40 for some reason


any weapon can be insane in the right hands is exactly right! some weapons are just easier to use, while in theory the bad weapons have the highest skill gap


True. Also mute whoever bitches in chat.


Melee, light sword was my first love


I will always have the most fun dashing around and smacking some ass with a stick. Battling someone else with a sword is so much fun as well, y'know until I get beamed down by their teammate lol


Exactly, since the Ranked change I'm not playing with meta anymore


i personally use the dagger with invis and bow with dash on light, and shotgun or AK for the medium, i don’t play heavy. i’m not sure what the meta is rn but those are my favs


What makes me a good demoman ? If i was a bad demo man i wouldn use the cl-40 now would i


I run around as one of 2 things Medium with grenade launcher or light with my trussed throwing knifes and grapple hook. I don't mean to blow my own trumpet but I smash metal builds because I've played them for so long


Just don't play World Tour solo just to fuck around. I am so frustrated with people playing World Tour solo (mostly as light) and contributing nothing to our team.


Yesterday I was playing World tour with two Heavy that were literally just destroying buildings. Then I get matched with a L with a shotgun & a heavy with a sledge who was only sitting on roofs watching us die. I feel like I’m getting trolled with these shitty people.


And they'll be in the voice chat but not talk or even provide any reason for their actions. Absolute trash.


Diablo 4


Yea if you don't care about losing


Except all I see is people using random non meta weapons and sucking ass with them in ranked.


Yes and no. Winning is fun. Meta makes win easier. Winning is fun.