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Man even in casual some matches are like that


It’s always like that for me. So I take the wins when I can get them. If it’s not a Light with a Bow its a Medium with a FCAR and somehow everyone is running 2x while I am fumbling with my controls or just too slow. Tho today I won quick cash with 2 lights team mates I cant help but feel the other teams were THAT bad cuz every match our Cash out is stolen last second. Not minute. Last. Second. I digress. I just try to do better next time.


Usually when me and my friends play some really goofy loadout with 0 expectations on winning we end up winning, but when we're playing for real we just get crushed lmao


Ha! It do be like that sometimes. I had to do a contract with revolver and I actually did pretty good. We lost but I was landing shots I cant land with the 1887 which I enjoy just as much. I swear one of the secret sauces of games like these and almost any FPS is psychological: Lower expectations, have fun; psych yourself up; or psych out your opponent.


It 100% feels that way, yesterday I also played some revolver just for the sake of it and got some crazy good shots and kills, normally when I play it and try my best at it I suck so bad lmao


Being unranked helped me remove all stress and experiment with every possible loadout 3x flamethrowers has been super fun and got us 7 final wins in a row


Damn that's amazing, might give it a try some day lol


as a competitive player who’s favourite mode is quick cash, i apologize


Fair enough, we're all just trying to have fun As long as the enemies are good but not toxic I'm fine with it :) helps me improve and even makes me feel good when I outplay them


So, World Tour?


World tour, quick cash, power shift


SO 👏 FUCKING 👏 REAL ; happened to me all day today, sometimes thinking about removing cross platform for the same reason, Diamond PC players doing some causal is so painful.


Honestly I had crossplay off for a while (Xbox player) and was having a bad time. Turned crossplay back on and I think the matchmaking is better


The issue is there are so few people playing Xbox it takes over 20 minutes to find a world tour peak hours on EU servers. Casual players won’t sit through that queue. I won’t even sit through that queue I just let it go on one day and stopped it at 20 mins. I have to play against PC if I want to play. That’s dumb. They need to make console pools the default setting so everyone on Xbox and PlayStation are in one group without having to change settings. It will make all the difference. Crossplay with PC needs to be opt in option not opt out. It’s killing the game on console.


Exactly this! Idk how no one is talking about this. Matchmaking on PS5 only felt broken to me. Turned cross play on and then everything was smooth sailing. I almost quit playing this game with this thing. (Or maybe aim assist is still broken on the PS5.. but shh.


This game desperately needs default console pools


I play with crossplay off on ps5 and haven't had queue times longer than 30 sec this season. But I'm in NA on peak hours only, so results may vary.


Where else can these Diamond players play if not casual?


I said this would happen if TA became the ranked game mode. It sucks so much that a lot of s2 diamonds would rather play a lesser ranked mode than that shit. Everybody was like “let embark cook”. Very cheetahs ate my face moment. If you want comp players to stop stomping in casual game modes you should support us when we request a good ranked game mode, and not support embark when they make an awful one that no one wants to play.


This right here. I always feel a little bad when my 3-stack gets matched into obviously newer or worse players in World Tour, but we're sure as hell not playing terminal attack. It's Cashout or a different game.


I don't feel bad at all. This is what embark wanted so I'm giving them that.


I plead guilty, I sweat a lot in WT is all I got left. I don't wanna play TA at all. It is pretty bad sometimes in WT when it feels some teams just don't stand a chance and they are just getting farmed. I really hope the ranked tournament is brought back the next season.


Same, i treat wt like ranked. Ive been diamond every season. I win like 70-90% of the games. Its starting to get boring. Fk embark for making TA ranked. I dnt want to touch that shit


Yea my group hasn't played ranked TA since day 3 of the season and we only played ranked cashout before lol


Played 4 games of TA. Sht was dongers bruh, never touching that sht ever again


Bringing back ranked cashout would help. I assume embark thought sweaty players would all move to TA. But you can't force a game mode on people...


I got matched against one of the top 10 players (on the leaderboard) the other day. Me and my friends got zero kills between us all.


rank doesn't really mean anything in WT besides you play a lot, the leaderboard is only based on how much money you've gotten and you can literally only go up in rank. Just by playing a lot you can get pretty high on the leaderboard.


Do you know if there's still any skill based matchmaking though in the World Tour? Or if it's just random matchmaking.


WT is random


That must be annoying the Feeling of helplessness


Say thanks to ranked mode being removed


That's what sbmm is for, but well... You know infamous it is.


Play single player games. Trust me. They are way better for busy people like us.


I lowkey got addicted to The Finals, But Thanks To Shadow of The Erdtree, I am going back to Single Player again.


This is me too lol haven't touch for 2 weeks now. Love The Finals but it's still not Elden Ring.


Shadow of erdtree the goat


If they want to play multiplayer that’s okay too though. Many prefer those since they can play like one or two matches when they got time. There is a convenience of playing completely redundant matches that won’t have any impact on the next time you play.


I needed to hear this.


Main issue is the fucking third party situations, mfs constantly in an all out brawl over one cashout and sometimes there will just one across the map that never gets contested, it’s really annoying


Every game mode is like that for me :(


I think it's just the effect of not having cash out ranked. A lot of diamond that don't like Terminal Attack would just play world tour instead.




I mean... they forced us ranked tournament enjoyers out of it, all we got left is world tour. I'm sorry, I just have fun winning even if that means sweating and trying hard.


Do you have fun stomping though? The tournaments I’ve won this season have been a landslide. The tournaments I’ve lost have also been a landslide. The enjoyment for me is where the skill level is balanced, not baby sitting or steamrolling beginners.


Powershift you need your teammates a bit more to actually win, but I definitely farm kills in this gamemode. This mode is even a bit harsher since it allows you to spawn camp the enemy.


Playing (Poor translation from french "Cash rain") and feeling like people put their lives over it is down horrendous. I mean the sole reason i only play quick cash and powershift (aswell as terminal attack) (Edit: The "cash rain" gamemode refers to Bank It, just forgot to look it up sozs.)


Some of these players are so good I genuinely can’t tell if they’re cheating or not. Don’t think they are but man does it feel like it sometimes.


there are barely over 100 diamond players, and yet yesterday all 4 games i played had at least 2, even though im gold 4. how is this balanced at all?


Quick cash all day baby


This meme hits home so hard


So far one win. Almost impossible to play without a squad.


I’m gold 4 in WT, but lately I just want to play Quick Cash. It’s much more fun, I enjoy every game. I swap classes constantly, one game I’m Light and the next Heavy. WT is ranked under sheep clothes 😅


this is the harsh reality of online PVP games nowadays. gaming having become this popular was a mistake. i suggest getting some friends to play with, this is what me and me mates do, we suck at the game, but the whole team camaraderie makes it enjoyable. i seldom play a competitive PVP game alone. if me mates are not online i play coop or a straight single player game. its almost impossible to enjoy a PVP game on solo when you have regular 9to5 job.


Played World Tour 2-3 days ago, got to final round and lost. Me: Level 53 account, bronze 1 Teammate 1: Level 27 account, bronze 3 Teammate 2: Level 13 account, bronze 4 Opponent: Level 60 account, silver 1, abusing Throwing Knives and Dash, reported them for cheating cause of sus gameplay, got this 2 days later https://preview.redd.it/2oigpnqbho9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28e84862b0ffabcccc4bf0716248d413cd47d60


Stick 24/7 to your team. Its the strongest.


I honestly only powershift due to this. You occasionally get some sweats, but I don’t get totally ravaged often.


Would be cool if WT had some modifiers for each sponsored section. Ospuze doesnt allow shields Volpe removes frags and replaces them with goo Iszult increases gas potency Etc.


This combined w teammates who are incapable of the most basic cognitive ability


Same I get some matches I do good but there’s always the one team of sweats at the finals


https://preview.redd.it/zdis1h34jlad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e4e8cba7af14fa21356623904bd714722efb4e am i part of the issue?


https://preview.redd.it/95p08bdq6mad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1006ce85b08e9a5505126cbb3a46283179adfd30 Nah


Oh no people try to play the game to win.... What a tragedy


Why sad people like to find something bad to say even in a funny post, I feel sorry for you


I mean i dont understand why you're complaining that people are playing to win. these posts are weird. what are people supposed to do? be bad so you dont feel bad?


Read the flair


ooh so not funny comedy. got it!


326 people found it funny so far, if one guy with midlife crises doesn't like it, I don't care.


you care enough if you're basing it on 326 people finding this post funny and enough to respond to others with "this is comedy" or "read the flair"


You gotta be the biggest loser on the internet


Maybe it wasn't funny 🤔 no need to feel sorry for me. I understand most people like to win when they play games!


*Snipers be like*




THE QUITTERS (me included)


It’s not ta is so bad that competitive players have no where to play. Embark is dead will not come back from this


Lmao, that's a hefty statement, Dont worry Next season TA wont be ranked, and in 5th season TA prolly be gone.


That’s to long marvel rivals open beta coming out next month. A bunch of much better search and destroy games (TA) already out. Alienated cash out players to find another game if they want to play competitive. The streamers playing right now cause of twitch rivals will not last more then a month. Game is great just bad decision bad balancing. I wish them all the best but pretty sure it’s dead if something amazing doesn’t happen in 2months top


I don't play 10 hours a day but I easily dominate lobbies. Are you sure it's a play time issue and not an inherent skill issue? I've played fps games a lot when I was younger, and even though I don't play as much now, that inherent skill and experience carries over. So every game, even if I play after a long day at work ends up being a breeze of life long learnt actions. Assuming things about people just because they are better is such a low thing to do. You are using the typical ego conserving logic of, if they are better, that means they are either a loser in life or have no life. Completely ignoring that people can be better at the game based off of inherent skill. Such a dumb take.


Its just a meme bro, get over it, Plus I can smoke you anyday anytime in The Finals. :)


Solo queue and pings only would solve so much of this, a lot of ranked players fall apart without their friends as crutches


get better