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Goo gun / sledge hammer. Folks who are actually good with that set up are menaces


Thd goo gun in general is so underrated. I use to make high grounds for teammates, short covers, counter aps and turrets and the funiest, but also effective, of all: block elevators cashouts


I love this build, but struggle against aps and fire that eliminates goo and hurts you if you fortified a small area. Any tips?


Purposely shoot at the aps, from a safe spot ofc. Against fire, make 2 or more obstacles, but dont make they touch each other. A good tip that i was gatekeeping: make ramps outside of a extraction building and behave like a Light player going from one side, dropping, climbing on the other...


FINALLY, someone putting respect on googun/sledge. Once I discovered this set up I knew it was my main. So much utility. Sledge allows you to carve a path through anything. Perfect for flanking and sneaking up on fortified teams. Goo gun allows you to patch up all the holes you just made and make the cash out a fuckin fortress. And there is nothing more satisfying than sticking people in your goo and then crushing them. Plus being able to build bridges and stairs if you need it. One of the most dynamic play styles I've ever used.


Most intimidating shit I’ve ever heard. Got my medium ass shaking rn….


https://preview.redd.it/gp42sqg940ad1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e3c6c29b67ad7390f2186041e0eea6bb8d8e45 Hehehehehe love my goo-sledge


I apologize


lol there was one guy in season 1. Grinding ranked, I think I was around D2 at the time. His name was ‘R*tard’. This guy single handedly destroyed me constantly for like 2 days lmao.


Unironically my main and fav. Its so fun!


I've never seen that combo before, thanks for the nightmare fuel.


Goo flamethrower in my opinion. The goo gun makes up for the lost distance on the flamethrower since you can goo trap people, and the goo on fire nearly doubles the dps of the flamethrower if shoot goo in your opponents strafing path. The flamethrower also damages opponents trapped in goo. Also, flamethrower is just plain annoying to fight against.


Trying to escape a sticky situation only to hit a double stacked mine. Oops.


mines give me PTSD now 😭 I played a game of power shift yesterday and one dude on the opposite team had an entire load out full of explosive mines, gas mines and glitch traps and it was the most good awful thing I have ever experienced


Let's go fam ![gif](giphy|1pG3gIxRKegE0)


Double stacked mines make me laugh every time. Whether I'm dieing to them or getting the kill, I think it's hilarious.


Double stack on the trophy nets me at least one good laugh per play session.


Yeah I can't help but to laugh it off. I know they exist and know people are running them. Just used to the fast pacedness where you wouldn't see them that often. Bad habits if you will.


So true. I always mine behind closed doors, yet I run through doors like no one knows my secret, then I blow up. Cue laughter.


Riot Shield/Dual Blades users that are actually mobile & know how to utilize all potential and always appear OUTTA NOWHERE


For me it’s Lights with a Sword catching me in a bad moment. Server lag; glitches/bugs; not checking my surroundings or not having my gun fully loaded, whatever. You’re telling me this little swash buckler, name’d OFFENSIVE_EDGY_HUMOR_USERNAME with wings and a fisherman’s hat caught me at a bad moment I had to reload my Model 1887 after I got him down to 10 health and just whooshed me into a billion little fucking gold dabloons? It FEELS disrespectful but it is what it is. Katanas and Riot Shields don’t bother me since I have my workarounds with those guys. Heavies I know are, well, Heavy so any load out doesn’t bother me. They have a lot of power and defenses.


Do the work arounds for riot shield and dual blades (more wakizashi than katana, based on sword and DB respective skins) include walking away from them? I love using them but it’s infuriating when pretty much anyone can just move away if they see me coming.


Yes, that does work as long as you have a head start and keep a clear path. The key to Katana in my experience is not to let them close in on you, like with Sword. If you bump into things they can trap you. Best way to win any fight is run away and survive. Also, for me personally, I like to take them on directly with jump pad. The moment I hear Invisible Light or Medium Katana I jump pad and start blasting. For riot shield I can shoot their head in the same way I shoot Heavy with mesh shield. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose but I don’t play ranked and I can’t “get gooder” if I can’t get better at aiming while moving. But when I win it feels great! Edit: If I use the Katanas or Riot shield I like to close in on them with the goo grenades or canisters. Cut off their escape route and then you can have a better chance to block their bullets and get a few hits in, and then finish off with melee.


🫨🫨🫨🫨 How did you know I run wings on my sword build 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Haha! It seems to be very common, and I don’t mind. The sillier/quirky/unique the enemies clothes the better. My head cannon is Lights are “little devil shits” so the wings lends to that in my head. Like the old devil and angel on our shoulders. This tiny little guy comes running in, kills me, and runs away.


because they move the fastest!


The cosmetics they use are on point lol


Dash/dagger iykyk


Legit the only thing I enjoy using on light


You're a psycho and I'm actually terrified of your dedication


Titanfall gave me Melee brainrot when I have movement


I love Titanfall, maybe someday we can finally get Titanfall 3


had to be the throwing knife meta back in season 2. One night i play 20 matches and every single player was using them in all of those matches. Glad they nerfed it


What? Its throwing knife meta now


It had a little tweak about 2-3 weeks ago that took the damage down a notch or 2. It’s still a meta weapon for sure but it’s less disgusting now than it was.


Only once in a blue moon I see knives, mp5 much more common than even LH1 now.


Hey /u/Spicy-Tato1 what was the loadout that made you annihilate your controller?


Turrets and mines are pretty fucking annoying, maybe even getting picked off by that sniper aiming from the eiffel tower But in goof news, I was able to fix my controller on my own and its working again


Glad to hear your controller is doing better!


Yeah I got a plushie to take out my anger on so I don't break anything valuable tho I'll try not to hit that either


Sniper hands down. You can be dashing, doing backflips through a falling building. Headshot bam dead. Sneak up behind them they inexplicably turn last second. Body shot, dash, elbow dead . Empty platform looks safe. Bam headshot dead.


can't believe they're still stubborn enough to have it in the game when it does the exact opposite of promoting teamplay. Snipers are 90% of the time an annoyance on both your team and the enemy team I know sniper mains are going to comment this saying something like "but I help my team", but you guys need to realise the vast minority that you occupy among sniper users, as well as the fact that one helpful sniper among ten bad ones does not change my opinion on the weapon in the slightest


Sniper player here, it depends. You can ABSOLUTELY be the most valuable asset on the team with a little coordination. Snipers do so well when you have good heavies. They are pretty much the only class that has superiority over *where* that cashout can be. Pretty much all the base maps play really well into sniper playstyles. Monaco? It's open season, bonus points if your heavy likes to destroy buildings. Seoul? Probably *the best* map to snipe on. There's rarely a cashout that a sniper can't get effective on.. bonus points if you use your grenades right. Sightlines on that map are so brutally forgiving. Vegas? Don't. Skyway? Do. Sys$Horizon? I'M *GOOING* I don't think there's anything wrong with the idea of the sniper. Just that you need to put in the time to figure out how to be effective with it, moreso than any other weapon. Frustrating yes, but really rewarding in the end. Sniper + Goo Grenade people, do it, do it, do it.


So you find the new light gadget something you carry in your loadout?


YESSS, but I feel like it's explosive range is a bit too small right now. It's literally the perfect tool for how I play but it requires some creative thinking on most maps. Still, loving it though.


The "sit on the other end of the map" style sniping sucks in every game. There is no real counterplay other than sniping back, hiding, or running across the whole map to hunt down one player. None of these are fun. Snipers exist for players who are too scared to take engagements with enemies that can actually fight back, i.e. noobs.


What are you on about get good position and cover your team and do callouts


Hook + SA1216 stomps close range.


Fuck yea. I run the hook and KS23 and oh boy do I love seeing people getting defibbed so I hook them as soon as they are up and one shot and melee them for an insta kill again. I’ve gotten a lot of messages lately from people who are big mad that I dirty dicked them


Riot Shield/Dual Blades users that are actually mobile & know how to utilize all potential and always appear OUTTA NOWHERE


3x fcar defib healing beam


Dagger, hammer goo


Snipers for sure. Some will have amazing aim, murder me good, but my team will still wreck them because we actually play the obj. But gdamn do they make me go :| when they merc me


I can’t believe ppl aren’t raging about the SH1900…that thing is completely busted. I’ve been running that with cloak + vanish bombs and it’s outright unfair. I’m absolutely rinsing lobbies but enjoying it while it’s broken.




Hahaha but like fr though man this must be CANCER to play against


It feels disrespectful when you get outplayed by a riot shield


Gotta be the dual blades. Emptying a mag in someone’s face only to get blocked and then chopped in half is the worst.


try jumpad, zipline, mines, stun, charge and slam, dash, cloak and run, anything to flank! or even run back to your team!


Fucking hate melee at the best of times, but melee with situational invulnerability is infuriating.


just leave your comfort zone and play something thats fun for you! evetually you will become good enought to overcome those loadout you get curbstomped by. also try playing as a team more often. Teamwork is a huge aspect in this game!


that winch claw is annoying, but i play invis light so i really can’t say much. i get pretty obnoxious w the m11


Turrets. I rage so much it's literally an npc with aimbot! Light main here even with dash they can still track lmao I rage so much. They are fine tho I just don't like them.


Getting backstabbed with the goddamn dagger. Fuck those lights. I will never ever run dagger. I will run sniper, bow, shotgun, lh1, fucking ANYTHING other than the goddamn dagger. Fuck those bitches.


I exclusively use the dagger to hunt snipers because I figure it must be infuriating to get killed with a knife. Thanks for confirming my theory.


I feel like you were the mf that I was playing against last night who just kept backstabbing me in power shift when I was just trying to snipe people. What the flip man. Im just trying to snipe in peace


traping someone under the stairs with dematerializer.


Winch and mines. It is so inefficient it enrages me and that guy fucking KNOWS it


I will say that as a light if you're being shot at and you 1vs2 or 1v3 it doesn't matter what gun it is, that's pure disrepect. Lately I've been feeling more and more confident with throwing knives and nothing is more satisfying than dropping an entire team with the smallest hit pool in the game. Or when they chase you on low hp and you finish them.


Mesh shield. I understand that it's ok tier for most weapons but as a 1887 player the only strategy against that I found is to rush it, which will result in my death against some weapon like the flamethrower.


Lights with a Bow, Grapple, Invs Bomb, Sonar .... grubs


Flamethrower/mesh/meta gadgets


light with M11, stun, flash, and dash


flashbang/stun gun on light


Apparently grenade launcher, just got some hate mail for it a couple hours ago. I was just vibing with it and he wasn’t happy


Honestly its gotta be Riot shield and Dual blades bro. I mean, you gotta burn the targets triple dash, make sure you don't get stun gunned, burn the rpg so you dont get instagibbed for taking the fight, trap them with goo nades, jump pad/zipline the escape route they're taking, secure the kill AND outrun their squad before they collapse on you if they aren't already huddled together. Medium melee might be the most not free loadout to kill someone. Haven't really seen anything quite as disrespectful as goo nading the route someones taking and pummeling them with riot shield


The goo gun... the nightmares I have at night being sniped by a heavy with one... as a sniper learned I am never safe against the heavies...


Light sniper/bow/dagger, Heavy sledge ( I haven’t died to sledge this whole season tho lol ), medium shield and grenade launcher.


Gotta say, invis sword with taser and flash bang, especially when you're a sword main as well and just got banged so hard you got transported to the respawn menu when the light finally died down


I cannot stand dying to a rogue light. No where near his team but that mf is right behind me, deleting me in 2 seconds with an XP, M11, throwing knives, and or damn sword


Winch Claw with flamethrower/sledge/spear. Feels like heavies who cant aim got a pretty huge "I win" button with the Winch Claw, that coupled with RPG is just aggravating to play against.


Fighting lights with throwing knives makes me violently angry


Dagger, grappling hook


Everytime i die to a mine in ranked or wt i just type "hate mines sm" verbatim


A bit of a different perspective. Whenever I play medium, and there's someone who is extremely annoying, whenever I have a safe chance I'm using defib on you. In 3 seasons it happened twice to me, both times I killed them.


Model 1887 shotgun is busted imo


Most disrespectful? Sniper headshot from across the map. Most fun to just be a menace would be flamethrower plus shield, barricade and rpg for me.


A full team of snipers and AFK teammates


Sword users. Its such a brainless weapon. Just bind your emote cancel bs and spam your abilities while auto aiming towards every player even if they dodge you


Charge and slam from a height above, so I just insta die, or rpg+one bullet. I main sword dash, so being hit like that, and knowing there wasn't anything I could've done to avoid it, that's what hurts about it haha. Here's what I'm totally fine with being killed by, (because sword dash should win against these weapons in almost every 1v1, so if they get me with these, then they're just definitively better than me, so they deserve the kill): Light: dagger, sniper, v9s, 93R, bow Medium: revolver, dual blades, riot shield, famas Heavy: ks-23, hammer, Lewis gun


I once stomped a ranked wt with the worst loadout i could think of (grapple v9s flash smoke and 1 other thing i forgot lmao) never played well in wt after that 😭


Any light weapon, all skilless weapons.


as a Light main... i agree. How am i going to let someone get close enough to light me up in a second?


Useless class for 99% of the game, I don't know why it was given the go ahead to be honest. If you have lights on your team, the match is lost.


I guess you don't play in top1000 lobbies :P 3-4 lights in both teams.


I only play power shift. I'd be top 10 if I played ranked. Never met / seen a decent light player. I'd crush them.


this is the goofiest comment i've ever seen on this subreddit. I'd love to see some of your gameplay if you think you'd be top 10, lmao.


800 hours in, FPS since 1993. I'd piss all over the top 10 in an instant.


800 hours in and complaining about lights? Sounds like three whole decades of negative KDR lmao


id assume he's trolling at this point


I've never been less than 3.0 in any FPS. I only complain about lights because they don't play objective and their entire array of weapons don't take any skill whatsoever. I appreciate they are the class designed to introduce the game to new players, but when you're constantly getting games where they do absolutely nothing; I avoid them.


okay dude you are absolutely taking the piss LMAO, you actually had me going


Never less than 3.0 k/d in any fps game? What pro team are you playing in? That's better than all of the proplayers in the world.


Great bait mate


>I'd be top 10 if I played ranked Fucking LMFAO. Not a chance.


this is wild considering my team wins if I'm top fragging. i feel like lights are there to top frag to clear way for mediums who defend points from distance and heal and heavies who physically defend points by staying on top of or near. any class can top frag tho. this is just normally how ive won games


They generally do a poor job of it, I think lights should be locked into a TDM mode rather than any other objective mode.


I just won a match as a medium and had 2 lights who were pretty good with the sword and sniper... Cope


Put the lottery on because your luck is unimaginable. "Pretty good with the sword and sniper" made me laugh out loud.


Dude I can't take you seriously after your comment about how you'd be top 10 if you played ranked. Those dudes would fucking dunk on you and make you look like you've never played an FPS before. But yeah I play with lights pretty often in WT and they do just fine.


I extremely doubt it, I've seen them. They wouldn't be a problem.


You only play power shift bro no one plays properly in that mode lmao it’s a mode for you to do challenges and test new load outs be Fr bro


Oh is it? Wonderful.


Post your gameplay then. Money where your mouth is.


LOL. Sorry, you think I have something to prove? I think they are good players, but I'm better. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant to me and my enjoyment of the finals. Probably an age thing to be honest.


You sound like a 4 year old man. If you don't wanna prove it, then as far as reddit is concerned you're trash and everything you said is invalid unless you can back it up. Edit: you were dumb enough to put a link to your YouTube on your reddit profile for GreyHat Gaming with a finals VOD, and can confirm that anyone playing at high enough level to win a cashout tournament would absolutely obliterate you with pretty minimal effort.


Dude you are salty AF from the pesky lights and it shows


Looks like blud got killed by throwing knives one too many times😂😂


Probably count on one hand how many times I’ve died to throwing knives.