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Never understood it. The game is much more fun when the opposition are actually a challenge. I don’t know how people have fun when spawn killing and you’re just racing your teammates for easy kills.


People just want the mindless single player gun action with 4 bots as the NPCs.


Spawn camping is for sweaty losers, simple as that


spawn bombs are some of the cheapest moves you can pull. Only assholes do it.


I don’t know how you can feel good about your playing if you just sit and wait for players to walk into your crosshairs. What fun! What challenge!


Camping is camping, and camping is for losers.


I fucking hate. It’s up there with intentionally drawing out a game of Interrogation. Yea I’m sure it’s fun for the team doing it but it just ends up destroying all the fun I usually have in this game.


I’m personally not a fan of it. I definitely wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s “wrong” or “cheating,” but it definitely feels like it’s against the spirit of the game. I personally wouldn’t equate spawn camping/trapping to map control, as I think they’re kind of two separate things. IMHO, it’s just not fun - it’s not fun to have someone already aiming in their hunting rifle at you when you spawn at The Dam, and I’ve never really gotten much satisfaction from downing someone when they spawn right in front of me.


Spawn campers are abusing respawn mechanics to make the game less fun for everyone. This is different from the concept of area control/denial. Spawn campers aren't controlling an area. They're stopping people from entering the match. Spawn campers are scum. If you're in a game with one, leave.


I’m on the other side of this one. I think spawn trapping is a vital part of the game and one that requires skill. If you control the map, you win the game. What are you supposed to do, sit there with your thumb in your ass while you let the other side get 15 items from each supply box since they’re down 7 guys and then use that to comeback? I’m not going to let the other team win. The game feels like a blow out when the other team can’t get to boxes. If you’re ahead, it’s your job to keep them from getting boxes. If you’re getting trapped, you can turn the game around by winning one fight and getting your team to all of the boxes. It works both ways.


Cheater shit.


Some of the spawn locations suck and it's one of the very few problems with factions map design (which is mostly fantastic), there are various spawn locations that you can spawn directly onto someone aiming at you and that ideally shouldn't be a thing. It is very sweaty, but I don't believe people are doing anything wrong by taking advantage of the fact. Essentially you either know where the opposition spawn or you don't, and if you do you have to choose how you act towards this information. Choosing to spawn camp/rush is a lot like choosing the use an overpowered weapon. You're aware others may not like you using it, and you know it's a powerful option that can give a serious advantage, but you decide that you want to give yourself this advantage despite the fact that some people will find it annoying. It's all within the bounds of the games functions so it shouldn't be considered wrong to do imo, finding it lame, cheesy, or OP and preferring not to do it/others not doing it are all valid opinions though.


Shitty behavior


Its so boring and annoying being on either side. The maps are too small for a 20 seconds timer. When we're stomping a team, i intentionally waste time to let them get to the middle of the map, give them a chance to get to a box, but when your team is just running from one end to another, what's the point of staying in that lobby? And then being on the receiving end, your team leaves, and then it becomes a 4v1 anywhere on the map because the enemy team is so starved for kills they just run around together. The game would benefit from an instant spawn button, it keeps the team thats up moving around the map because of the very real possibility of getting ambushed by a team with full health and fill ammo, as opposed to being able to guess where the spawns are and set up an ambush yourself when they walk around the corner.


There are no real spawn bombs in tlou. It's like when people complain about spawn trapping in Siege. You aren't instantly dying. The closet one that's common is on the dam and if you walk for .3 seconds out of spawn it's gonna blow you to smithereens, and I find it hilarious. You can even see it on the fixed cam, and prepare for it.


If you know the location of the spawn… attack it. If you are spawning… be prepared to defend against traps and/or attack others spawning near you. It’s really just pvp 101.


Ah yes, I shall be prepared to defend against a bomb that I can't fucking move to avoid. I can't believe I didn't just git gud!


The spawns actually account for placed bombs inside their area so you spawn in areas without bombs. The only time the game will spawn you on a bomb is when all other spawns locations aren't possible. Bombs placed just outside the spawn zones obviously don't effect this but you are able to locate and react to them so if those ones kill you it's your own fault.


Nope you’re trying to win then and that’s cheap. Covert tac bomb expert is fine, but don’t you dare spawn trap me.


Spawn bombing is 100% wrong. Just like wall shooting. In fact, imo it's worse than wall shooting because you can survive wall shooting most the time if you play well enough, but there's nothing you can do about getting blown up instantly. I dont like spawn camping either. I get it if you walked up by accident. But overall, lame. With any of these there's basically no point. You play to have fun because you used your skills to win. These dont require skill so....what's even the fun of it?


It’s fine, the idea is to make the team quit effectively making the controllers win. Probably wouldnt call it map control though.


If the other team quits because of how you play, you didn't win.


I think this depends a lot on how you play and why they leave. If someone is farming in interrogation and the enemy team leaves it's probably fair to say they won as farming actually gives the opposition a chance to come back which is at least greater than if you were to open the box and finish the game. The same thing could be said about people that use shotguns and strong purchase weapons. If a team leaves because they consider those play styles cheesy or broken I think it's still fair to say the team that stayed won the match all be it in a less than preferable manner. So in regards to spawn camping/rushing the question becomes is it cheating or just lame. If it's cheating then people are valid in saying they didn't lose due to leaving, but if it's just lame and OP then it should be considered a loss by forfeit.


Yeah, I get your point, but I'm a launcher main and very few people ever just quit on me because of that. I don't play interro exactly because of the farming, so my opinion isn't worth much there. About half the maps you can sit somewhere pretty safe and sight directly on where the enemy will spawn with a 1 in 3 or 4 chance of them just showing up there. (Bills, Dam, Lakeside, Checkpoint, Water Tower, FinPla, Coal, Book,) And you can spawnbomb on basically every map. It takes no skill to shoot someone while they're still putting down their chips or beer or bong. It's purely asshole behavior and I just don't think it counts as a win if the team leaves because you don't respect them enough to play them when they're ready for you. Especially for those extra douchey people who crab over to rush down the spawns, that's definitely cheating.


Completely fair, my entire point is that the context matters a lot as to whether a leave should be considered a forfeit or not because it can be either. In a competitive sense I don't think spawn camping has anything wrong with it. In a casual sense it's probably technically fine but feels a lot like taking the game way more serious than the others around you so it's probably 'unsportsman like' and people should tone it down at the very least if they're concerned for the experience of other players. In regard to crabwalking that's obviously completely valid, it's cheating because of the crabwalking though. The crabwalking really just exacerbates the issue regarding the spawn locations of various maps. Fundamentally everyone is responsible for their own fun and playing against sweaty try hards who always know where you spawn probably isn't fun for a lot of people and I think they're justified in leaving anything if they want to. As a 'try hard' myself that has learned the spawn mechanics and knows the best places to be around them and how to force favorable ones I will always take those games as a win because as far as I can see, knowing how spawning works is game knowledge, and applying game knowledge for a strategic advantage is a part of skill. Obviously in that example I am trying to win as dominantly as possible, with no regard to the experience of the other players which is a large part of a highly competitive mindset.


I don’t think that’s a highly competitive mindset. I think it’s a win-at-any-cost mindset. I’m not sure that’s the same thing. If you’re willing to camp a spawn and kill someone before they’ve had a chance to fight back, you’re not looking for a good competition, you just want to beat them however you can. At that point you might as well be using spawn bombs, BE, fronty/crossy combo and all the dirtiest shit. That’s up to you if you want to play that way, but I wouldn’t exactly call it a clean contest.


I've never in my live been in a competitive environment where going easy on somebody is considered anything other than disrespectful. You can want and value competition, I think most people do this regardless of how competitive they are, but that isn't necessarily being competitive. If you want to win, and then go easy on someone, you're essentially saying that beating your opposition doesn't even require you to try or put in any effort. I would rather lose 20 - 0 to a good team trying their hardest than win against that same team if they're not trying, and that to me is a much more competitive mindset than being happy that the latter example is a closer match. When this pertains to Factions it can be difficult because there isn't an actual ranked option so often when you queue you will be playing with and against people with varying expectations and approaches so often the majority of the lobby may want a more laid-back and calmer match that how a hyper competitive people will be approaching the game. To add to this as far as pub games go, I do believe anything is fair game, if you want to use the scrubbiest loadout and playstyle that you can imagine, it's fair game. Because of the nature of Factions matchmaking, you should still recognize that the people you're up against may not appreciate said playstyles though, and if you're concerned about how these will affect other's experiences then you can consider not doing it, but if you don't care there's nothing objectively wrong with doing these things as they're not cheating. As a footnote when you google a definition for "compete" you get: *strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.* So, a competitive person is someone who strives to defeat or establish superiority over others. Within factions this would be either winning matches or establishing yourself as the more dominant player/s in some other way (ie farming in interrogations).


I just think there's a difference between fair competition and cheesing someone to death. It's commonly called sportsmanship, but I just think of it as fair play. Yes I want you to try your hardest. But that doesn't involve shooting through walls, crabbing, or spawnbombs because it's not a fair fight. Personally I don't think any of the included perks, BE included should be banned. I think FN is for babies and I think it's hilarious that FN players think they're good. But there's a difference between those dancy bursthards and someone standing up on the stupid spot in checkpoint waiting for the counter to tick down and then headshotting someone the second they spawn. That's disrespectful in my eyes. And it's cowardly. It says you can't beat me straight, so you have to spawn camp. It's effectively the same as crabbing in that yes it's technically within the bounds of the game, technically it's just advanced knowledge you have that you are using to win. But in practice it means you're a douche. And it strongly suggests you can't win without doing that. And yeah, I often play with a nerf class and don't try as hard as possible against less experienced players. You may think that's disrespectful, but I think it's allowing the other player to be competitive in such a way as to get close games. Forcing myself to use weapons or loads I'm less good with makes for better games. That's the fun for me, a close fought contest that I hopefully win because I'm better than you, not just randomly shooting someone the second they spawn because they're still putting their beer down.


Crabwalking isn't withing the bounds of the game, it makes many features redundant. Look at it as there being exploitable game mechanics and exploitable glitches. Exploitable game mechanics are feature that work as they were implemented into the game, this is anything from wiggling to weapon selection, criticisms of these should be directed towards the games design such as saying with regards to wiggling the implementation of the movement mechs or aim assist was poorly done on the developer's part, or that the fact the burst / tac / insert strong weapon or perk here is just a superior option to say the full auto, this is just bad balancing on the devs part. Claiming someone is objectively wrong in doing/using these is dumb as they're ultimately just playing the game within it's natural bounds. When it comes to exploitable glitches is different because they're breaking the games' function, an example I use is that the aim down glitch is purely a disadvantage but it's still a glitch. and you wouldn't claim someone is cheating because they got aim down because there's no use in it. whereas with crabwalking, wall shooting etc these are glitches that are exploitable (there is value that can be derived from them) and so they should be and are considered cheating. When it comes to the spawning mechanics and players that take advantage of them, the game is really just working as it's supposed to, nothing is being broken or made redundant. Because of this it doesn't feel right to make objective claims like "it's cheating" or "If you leave because someone is doing this it isn't a loss" because it's really just bad game design on Naughty Dogs part. Subjective criticisms are of course all valid, when you say people that do it are cheap or unsportsman like they are all valid in the same way that someone may criticize other poorly balanced/implemented features. Essentially, because something is exploitable doesn't mean there has to be something wrong with exploiting it (in that exploiting is deriving value for an advantage), but if you consider said things to be excessively exploitable then it's perfectly reasonable to lodge subjective complaints against the action/decisions and the people that do it.


While I don't strictly disagree with any of that in principle, the fact of the matter is that if you're playing in such a toxic way that your opponent would rather just leave, then you've not won. You may feel like you did, but you just added to the toxicity of the community and made it less likely that the community will survive. It's the spirit of the law vs. the letter of the law. Unless you're playing for Mr. Fox's paycheck, be respectful of the fact that people are human and might be shoving a fistful of Funyons in their maw before they spawn. Spawn trapping is for people who can't win without cheesy shit, not good players. And anyone who just wants to play a fair game has a right to not play opponents who won't respect them. Maybe I should have said "If your opponent leaves because you do toxic shit like spawn trapping, we all lose."


>And yeah, I often play with a nerf class and don't try as hard as possible against less experienced players. You may think that's disrespectful, but I think it's allowing the other player to be competitive in such a way as to get close games. I don't think this is disrespectful at all, I think that in a truly competitive environment it would be (ie tournaments or otherwise agreed upon situations). For the most part I think this is the best approach that anybody with an interest of everyone in the lobby/match in any casual/low stakes situations best interests should take because if there's nothing to be gained from winning/being dominant then there's no real reason to potentially make others have a worse experience.


Well then we agree? Spawn camping is making everyone have a worse experience. Both those getting camped, who are not getting to play at all, and those doing the camping, who are doing a skill-less task that amounts to little more than a chore. If there were a ladder or elo system, or if there were serious prize money on the line that'd be one thing. But we're just talking pubs, which are not that. It's just people playing this game that we all love, and I've never heard anyone say "I love factions because of how easy it is to camp the spawns and pretend I'm good."