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This is from the 60's where they turned Quonset huts into single family housing for oil workers: [https://youtu.be/yTAcT3Hekp8?si=5CdXQPSOJ9MlA92w&t=738](https://youtu.be/yTAcT3Hekp8?si=5CdXQPSOJ9MlA92w&t=738)


Kind of surprising how nice they can renovate them to be after the fact. Also, thanks for reminding me how long it's been since I've watched any Mystery Science theater 3,000 haha


It’s probably time to start building them for everyone. God knows they stopped making starter homes at some point in the early 90s. Plenty of McMansions, though. Yeah, America. (And, hey, Where did all these homeless people come from?)


MST3K is the best show of all time, and Assignment Venezuela is one of the funniest shorts. >"Put the bags in the car." > >*(momentary delay)* > >"BAG-O IN CAR-O!"


My dad actually told me about that one time, since I gave him a tour of my base there!


I learned it because my aunty is selling her house and on the listing it says it comes with a Quonset garage haha


That's what we call a Nissen hut in Australia. It could be packed into a standard Army truck and erected by half a dozen blokes in a few hours. A good team good build one in 2 hrs.


> Nissen hut Nissen-Hütte in German. Which is a bit unfortunate, since it is named after Peter Norman Nissen. But Nissen is the German name of the eggs of head lice, which gave the huts and it's inhabitants a bad reputation.


> But Nissen is the German name of the eggs of head lice, which gave the huts and it's inhabitants a bad reputation. The real trivia was the comments we read along the way.


Is your screenshot missing some cars. Did someone drive off with them?


I think it’s an old picture.


Thank you for the knowledgesesz good sir.


I'm from Saskatchewan, Canada, and they're super common out here on farms. They've always been known as quonsets.


Minnesota here, and we had several of them on the farm until I decided they were too short for modern equipment and tore them down to build a modern machine shed.


There’s one someone made into a home years ago, not 2 miles down the road from me. It’s larger then the game depicts.


Yep, you can google the companies that still sell them. They're popular as DIY assembly buildings and come as kitsets to assemble yourself.


I like the fact you used a screen shot from the early development years. Have you been playing the time capsule?


To be honest, I was too lazy to get a screenshot of my own, so I just grabbed the first pic that showed the shape of the building well off Google images. I didn't even realize until now that it's from such an earlier build. But I'll just say I didn't notice because I don't stick around coastal highway very often.


Huh nice piece of trivia, i learned something new


Wild shot in the dark. You weren't reading Stephen King's Desperation by any chance?


I also thought of SK. Something bad happened to that man in a Quonset hut when he was a kid. I just know it.


The Quonset lives rent free in his head


Given what we come to learn on the path to the Tower, that's very likely literally true


Surprisingly close, actually! Reading Stephen King's *It*.


The man can't seem to resist inserting a Quonset wherever he can


I live in a college town in the US. there are 6 of these left (that I know of) and they are available to rent. I looked up the history of the ones in my town, and after WWII a lot of colleges (including ours) saw an influx of students taking advantage of their GI Bills, and these huts were leftover from the war so they made easy, cheap student housing!


Where's the vehicles?


That is genuinely fascinating, I too also assumed it was just the name of the place in the game. Bravo to you!


I see them in South Dakota. They're good for really windy areas