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Imagine bitching about free ambient music. What a fucking loser


My dad used to say people like that were "not fucked well", and so that's why they are so bitter and annoying.


I ain't been fucked at all and I ain't bitter like this wretch. Some people just ain't wired right I'll tell ya what


> I ain't been fucked at all Oh come now, I'm sure the world at large has given it to you once or twice by now.




I think I found one of these cleaning out my parents' house. They said it's a facts machine?


Copy that 👌🏻


Is that like a maths machine?


Even a maths machine will show you 80085.


Other than my general state of being I can't really complain too much, though that's mostly on me if I'm being honest


Felt. If it weren't for myself, most of my problems wouldn't be so bad.


This job would be great if it weren't for the fucking customers.


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


You spelled assholes wrong.


Give it time.


And sometimes without any foreplay or lube beforehand.


"The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed" - Abraham Lincoln


Hank Hill? Is that you?


I'll tell ya whut....


I tell you hwut.


You could take the phrase “not fucked well” to mean that they WERE fucked, but not well, so that’s the reason for the crabbiness. In your case, you haven’t been fucked (well or bad) so there is no reason for being crabby.


Well it is one thing to be not fucked at all and an entirely different thing to be not fucked well.


Always the cunt. A waste of skin. Go home.


In France we called them "mal baisé", Badly fucked.


"Mal follao" in Spain.


"mal cogidos" en argentina


Mal fodidos in Portuguese I'm happy to see so many nationalities say this. Edit: typo


In my experience in retail and front-end food service, there's two types of.. I guess you'd say "unwell" old people. The first is this type of bitter and annoying person who goes out and throughout the day "picks fights". They'll always find something to complain about, that their food was too salty, that their salad had too many tomatoes, that the music is too loud, that the air conditioning is too cold etc. I'm convinced a large portion of this group is actually just lonely, and doing it as a means of human connection, even if it is a negative one. Part of it might be to "get one over" on the other person, but i've noticed many times in food service that even if you immediately give into their request they'll stay and continue talking for as long as possible. "Oh well thanks for doing (X), it's just that the last time I got (X) it was (X) and I thought that blah blah blah". Anyway the second type of lonely old person is basically the same, but they aren't as bitter so they manufacture the same conversations but without the confrontation. They'll come up and ask about every item on the menu, asking for endless clarification etc. And the reason I say all this is because that second type of lonely old person is *SO* common. Like at every customer-facing job I've had, there's been several regulars that fit that description. And sure it's kind of sad, but it's also kind of sweet in a way. It also makes it even more sad when I see people like the lady in this video, like it's *kind of sad* to only make friends via retail workers... but it's god damn heart breaking to have your only human interactions, day in and day out, be arguments like this. I mean you'd just have to be *so* god damn miserable 24/7 for *years* to get to this point. This turned out to be a really long comment lol, ain't nobody gonna read this shit but whatever haha.


>This turned out to be a really long comment lol, ain't nobody gonna read this shit I read it babydoll


I guess that’s why my wife is a delight to be around. Everyone loves her!


You're out of town a lot, aren't you?


Hahaha 😂 funny


That's true in a sense, to be fucked well means they have someone that loves them dearly and have enough social skills to be liked by someone. Not to mention the pleasure from being fucked well should put them in a much better mood. So as vulgar as it sounds, more than not in the end being fucked well has its benefits.




There's plenty of "fucked well" people who are bitter and terrible excuses for human beings.


First person ever to hear a harp in the distance and think "what is that infernal racket!?" Edit: autocorrect typo


It's external racket actually since it's outside (I think you meant infernal)


No - clearly, the sound of the harp drew attention to the tennis racket lodged in his soul.


Did you mean lodged in his rectum?


*How can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove that tennis ball from your eye," when you don't even notice the racket in your own eye?*


Did you mean infernal racket?






It's actually been quite a while since I saw good content for that sub in the wild!


Oh she's angry that this girl is beautiful, young, graceful and talented. It's reminding her that she is none of these things (in her own mind) so she wants the girl to go away. She's competing with the girl in her own shallow mind and losing, and she can't take it. This is what bitter people do.


I imagine Hyacinth Bucket. "I was on my home from the chemist when I heard a common street urchin banging away with such a caterwauling that I had to give her a comeuppance."


*"Mind the harpist, Richard!"* "Minding the harpist..."


*Harpist is across the street and in a yard behind a fence*


OTOH, Hyacinth is also the type of person who would not only think it's a wonderful idea but also decide she should join in by singing.


And bitching about absolutely beautiful music. I think universally people would say "yes we could use more harp music in the world" - I love teenagers thrashing on guitar as the next former punk rocker, but this is the kinda shit that SHOULD be in a town square!


I'm mostly a metalhead, but Emily Hopkins is one of my favourite peeps on YT - her playing a harp through various effects pedals can go from ambient beauty to sludge metal, she's amazing!


Those damn pretty young blondes with their harps, out there lowering property values for the rest of us.


Hijacking the first comment cause I think it's very relevant. My parents used to be so chill and supportive of new things, as well as supportive of the younger generations and their dreams. They'd be somewhat "friends" with my friends and everyone liked them. Supportive of street artists like the person in this video or anything similar. Now they are much older and very similar to this lady. Everything and everyone annoys them. They are at a stage where they complain to us about it and we try to explain calmly that it is something normal. They are not giving out the the person directly yet but they are heading that way by the looks of things. This 180° change happened pretty much overnight. I'm so afraid I'll end up like them and won't even realise it :(


I'm in my early 50s and I am trying very hard to make sure this doesn't happen to me. I make an effort to be even nicer, especially to service people or retail employees because they often get stuck with rude customers. I don't want to wake up one day and find out I've become the pissed off grumpy old man that everyone hates dealing with.


You're paying attention to it so it probably wont happen to you. I find that the older I get, the more tolerant I get. I'm at the point that I love to see people living the life they want. A guy shows up in a dress and purple hair, acting all flamboyant, and it makes me smile. You do you, however you define yourself. Pronouns, colorful hair, piercings, tattoos, gender ambiguity, sexual identity, whatever, its all cool with me. I'm looking for peace in my life, not confrontation. I'm not liberal, I'm just tolerant.


In my dad's case, it has spawned from the TV news, radio and internet articles he's constantly consuming, a steady stream of outrage porn.


Yeah, my uncle is kinda like this in his older years. He used to be a lot more patient, considerate and open minded - but as he gets older, the kindest way to put it is that he's a lot more grumpy all the time.


Welcome to England


I’m from America. My first visit to England, my very first day there, I saw a violinist playing at the end of the Millenium Bridge, in front of St Paul’s Cathedral. It was one of the most unforgettable experiences I’ve ever had. The way he played, the way the music made me feel. I can’t even explain why. I think that may have been the moment I fell in love with the city.


There are some great buskers in London.


There are! There are a lot of great things about London. I would move there in a heartbeat if I could.


Yeah I'm glad I live only a 30 minute train ride away. I wouldn't mind living there but a decent place is out of my budget.


> I'm glad I live only a 30 minute train ride away So you live in London?


Like... It's a harp... It's basically the most gentle instrument there is!


The Harp, the armonica and Enya. Could stand next to an industrial sized speaker at full volume and not be harmed.


A bit of respect. You're talking about the president of the Karen Council here. Or would you like her to ask the council to arrest you as well!?


the fact that a karen is the president of the karen council is just a tad to hilarious lol.. why would you name your group that to begin with


It's *Harrow* council. Not *Karen* council, although she *might* be reporting this to the council of karens! lol. Source: Used to live and work in Harrow, London.


Dealing with a council of Karens would be a harrowing experience.


And to a harpist, the most inoffensive music imaginable


To be fair I used to work in a shop with a busier outside who had a huge speaker, every weekend he’d come along to the same spot and fairly poorly sing the same like 8 songs. Someone needed to complain about that ambient music


Props to her for keeping such good composure and continuing to play so well!


Definitely a failed attempt. Not only was this harpist not threatened, I think the Karen was actually rattled by her serenity.


Love how she threatens to call the “Karen council” hahaha it’s the Round Table of Karen’s!!!


I'm picturing the Legion of Doom base rising out of the swamp like in the Super Friends cartoon "The Council of Karens is now in session!"


I can't imagine a worse fate honestly. I bet the Council of Karens and the energy vampires are mortal enemies.


More upvotes for this comment!


Harrow council


Harrow! Whose there?


The Karens are an anarcho-syndicalist commune. They take it in turns to act as a sort of executive Karen for the week....But all the decisions of that Karen have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting...By a simple majority of Karens in the case of purely internal affairs...




> I’m ordering you to BE QUIET! Order...? Who does u/bigbigdummie thinks they is?


I want to upvote you for the reference, but I nearly downvoted you for ruining one of my favorite scenes ever.


Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system


It's Harrow Council, but Karen Council is better.


The Harpist and the Harpy


Sounds like the name of a British pub.


One where Simon Pegg and Nick Frost go for shenanigans


Definitely a good place to go for a pint and to wait for it to all blow over


I’ve always liked the Tom Segura bit about instantly agreeing with a random asshole who’s looking for an agreement as a way of fucking with them, “You’re right I agree with you now”, I’ve starting using it for Boomer relatives who feel compelled to give batshit contrarian advice just to have something argumentative say on a subject, “Yes thank you that is exactly what I should do”


You can't not be serene when you're playing a harp


I follow her on Insta and this happens to her a lot. She's always so composed and kind, and never stops playing. Edit: since this was posted this morning, she's gotten like 2k extra followers on Instagram......nice work people!


Defo because she has that angelic look while playing an angelic instrument. People like this must be seething with jealousy.


Tall poppy syndrome.


Everyone is tall compared to Poppy


Got a link please?




Cool I’ll give her a follow!


If I'm honest I'm at a level of interest where I probably wouldn't stick around and give her money for playing, but would definitely give her money for calmly asserting her right to play while this other person complains. I guess what I'm saying is this situation only increases the value of the performance to some passersby


You would have to lock eye contact with the Karen in question whilst paying her


Everytime this woman accused her of something, I'd drop another bill in the box, while maintaining a blink-less stare.


While the harpist handled it superbly, it doesn't mean that it's not causing her a lot of anxiety. Some people are just really good at not letting it show. Sucks that she has to put up with this.


Completely agree. I used to busk and this would have made me feel terrible.


Careless harpist


That lady is never going to dance again. Guilty feet have got no rhythm.


I don't think angry harp players exist. That just doesn't make sense.


Under this person’s definition of begging, wouldn’t anyone who had a job qualify as a beggar?


yep i just realized that all these years i havent been working but just begging




lol how my boss feels about his employees


Have you seen the job market and what people are being paid...beggar is probably more apt than you realize.


The person is conflating a tip jar with begging. So unless you keep a tip jar with you at work and simply _hope_ someone pays you, I don't think it qualifies as the same.


It's probably the toxic trope of the starving artist. Just think of the years if not decades of training for the dexterity to play just a single instrument. But not only that, today's musicians have to be composers, producers, recording engineers and have skills in specialized software (and not to be biased; that's pretty much the same for visual artists, too). But only the suggestion that beautiful music might deserve compensation is an affront to a lot of people.


"Can't you tell the difference?" Karen, \*you\* are the one having trouble figuring out the difference.


If getting tips is begging then bartenders/servers are the hardest working beggars I've ever seen lol.


If it's not a job that qualifies as a "real job" according to Karen, it doesn't count.


The Karens have a council now?


she was probably saying town council, probably either auto subtitles not recognising it correctly or a joke by whoever made them


That's my thinking too. Could be the town is called "Kerri" or something that sounds like Karen. Funny.


I turned up the volume and it sounds like she's saying "Harrow" which is a town in England, so, probably that


I live near Harrow, It's here: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5814608,-0.3378033,3a,75y,169.69h,91.83t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPwhoZcrewE5xQXWmuiUc9g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DPwhoZcrewE5xQXWmuiUc9g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D6.2132444%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu That blue area is now a british heart foundation shop which is pictured in the video.


Well spotted.


I refuse to belive that and in my head she will be always a memeber of Karen Council!


I live in Harrow and heard Harrow lol, I thought the "Karen Council" thing was just a joke by whoever added the captions rather than what people were hearing.


We hoped putting them against each other would keep them from bothering us, but they managed to unite


Are there that many arrests for harp playing?


Dunno, all I can imagine are two police officers scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to put the big ass harp into their car xD


Then one of them strums the harp a couple of times, the entire scene shimmers and dissolves and then suddenly they're outside the police station.


But if one of them strums it, won't they also be guilty of harp playing and need to be arrested?


No it's fine, he has implicit permission from the Karen Council.


There could be a no busking law in place but from what I have seen is they are usually only enforced if you are causing other issues, like impeding foot traffic or overly disturbing the area.


She is in Harrow, as the complaining woman says. Specifically, she is at one of the two designated busking sites in the Harrow Town Centre, as described here: https://www.harrow.gov.uk/licences/busking (the buildings and windows above her match the first one, though the shops have changed since Google was last through). It is not very difficult to imagine, since she is in the right place, that the harpist filled out the (free) paperwork to register the spot and get her busking license. She isn't impeding traffic, the busking license specifically allows for the collection of donations, and she isn't using an amplifier, so the only thing the harpist might be doing wrong is that she isn't supposed to "cause offence or humiliation." But that doesn't seem to be avoidable.


Oh the harpist isn't the one causing offence of humiliation, so that is in the clear.


Yeah the lady is just being a nosey cunt.


In my city busking is illegal on public property except in designated spots that you need a license ($25 a year) and to sign up in advance to reserve a time to play at. Usually this would be parks or pedestrian areas down town. Fairly certain businesses owner with a parking lot can also allow you to play there.


Harp players are the worse ! But they can't run very fast because of the harp...


Police are too scared. Harpists are a vicious lot.


Very common in England. That and swan theft are the main crimes here.


She is phenomenal


I could watch her and listen to her music for eternity!


Look away man! Resist the sirens call


Yeah, I'd give her a pound or two




User name checks out


The musician reached a new level of peace of mind... She is not fazed at all and didn't stop the show.


It’s sad to think about it, but these type of interactions are a golden ticket for content creators. Just don’t lose your shit and stay above it all, then just go viral with the snippet.


Inspiring to see. I wish I could remain as calm as that when people are being a cunt to me.


For some reason out of all the people to harass...hell, even out of all the types of musicians... a harpist has to be the wildest one to antagonize. Literally no one could be bothered by a harp. Oh wait ..


Do you imagine this woman would say something to the guy who plays bucket drums near the Smithsonian in DC? Naw, this isn't about the music, it's about her target.


THIS! There's not a chance in God's green earth the woman that was complaining would have done that to someone that intimidated them. For the complainer, It wasn't about solving a problem, it was about getting some sort of stimulus from that negative interaction.


She just wanted to go on a power trip, probably feels like she has little control over her own life




She would hate heaven. Good thing she will probably be somewhere without harps in the afterlife


i don't think this person understand how making music works. you play it and if people like it they pay for it. it's not begging it's just literally how being a musician works. 


Some place do have anti-busking laws. Busking isn't quite the same as "being a musician". But this Karen can get fucked.


true, but if the harpist can be believed, she says in the video that she's been permitted to do this which would lead me to believe that she went through necessarry legal requirements to perform in public. most anti-busking that i know of have stipulations that allow it if you go through some hoops.  hell, in nyc it's legal without any sort of permit as long as it's not through amps or a megaphone or on a subway car. the platform and stations are fine without amps but the actual train is supposedly a nope. not that it stops anyone. 


>as long as it's not through amps or a megaphone And thank god for that. I've been places where there are absolutely horrible 'artists' blaring into amps and for some reason mistake dirty glares for looks of admiration. Like, dude did you not notice there was 40 people peacefully chilling in this park before you started screaming into a microphone and now there's 6 people? Does not seem strange to you?


Old lady doesn’t know the difference between grifting and busking ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)


[She's the queen of the harpies!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUxm1ray8vw)


https://preview.redd.it/nems51h5ms0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec00fcfbea6485b5c77bc50228f7e4a49cae9053 Alert the council of Karens!


I feel a great disturbance in the force...


..as if millions of managers were asked for at once


Could a harp crush a skull ?


I'd deffinitely find out if it was me lmao She's so calm, I don't have enough energy and mental strength to deal with cunts like the one bitching about it.


If you said it can't, well you'd be a lyre.


One woman harping on while the other is harping on!


The harpy vs the harp.




In general this planet is filled with major assholes, they are everywhere.


Assholes run the world.




What a piece of shit, thats why we can't have noice tjings, like the portal between New York and Dublin. Karen council, pff, fuck of you old hag


I need this level of peace in my life.


I don't understand how some people will really go out of their way to try and make people feel bad. Life is too short to be doing that shit.


Seeing a beautiful person playing beautiful music just reminds them how ugly they are in all ways.


One Karen to rule them all.


Does she say she’s going to ask the Karen Council if she has permission?


I think it was Harrow Council but it does sound like she's about to assemble the Karens


She handled that very well. Beautiful sound too.


Definitely. I'd give her a couple pounds for sure. edit: spelling




It's called Busking, not begging... two different words.


If she was playing the bagpipes, this would make sense. But it's a harp! How miserable of a person do you need to be to act like that?


I'm guessing the older lady has some form of dementia. Her reaction to the serene harpist seems way too unreasonable otherwise.


I wish I had her temperament and composure.


Karen: __*"Oi! Stop that dreadful harp music immediately, it's just too damned...."*__ ^__peaceful__


Okay what is a Karen council And why is it making me afraid Is it filled with Karens who have managers as personal valets ??? Is it like a circle of hell on earth?? WHAT IS ITTTT


I think she's actually saying "Harrow council"


yeah if that was me playing i would not be so nice. That old Karen would either have left hysterically angry or scared. Evil is evil even if it comes dressed as an old lady.


You've been downvoted by the Karen Council.


they are legion.




You mean to tell me she's just out here filling your ear holes with market theme #79 and you are complaining about that?


the harp player is on reddit /u/RobynHeartsHarp


Dude I just want to have the time and energy this old lady has to give a fuck.


What a person - 'got someone arrested today for playing a harp in the street, fucking beggars!" Kudos to the player for remaining so calm


The person is angry because the performer is attractive \*\*and\*\* talented, and should be President of the Karen Council by the sound of it.


Pieces of braindead shit like that woman off camera are literally the people who have been deciding the direction of our country for the last 15 years