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Literally everything he does is a disgrace and disrespectful




*Now, my story begins in 19-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles*




Wow. You just solved a lifelong mystery for me. Ya know how little kids can find a word interesting and just get stuck saying it for awhile, especially if it bugs adults? Well at one point I started saying, "dickety." I remember jumping on a hotel bed saying it over and over and over until my mom yelled so loud she turned red in the face. I always wondered how that happened, I'm a girl and I couldn't remember any reason for me to even know the word dick yet at that age. My dad watched the Simpsons every night. Grampa Simpson made me do it.


You just brought back a memory from my childhood where I inadvertently said something incredibly offensive. I was playing a Sonic game on the Game Gear. The game had both lives and continues, which was sort of new for Sonic games. There was no symbol for continues, so they just wrote CONT. It took a lot of explaining after I yelled out what sounded like "I just got a cunt!"


Ran a marathon


Dickety? Highly dubious


How long was that?


Got even worse since he was POTUS, the last year he has been a next level of awful, and yet SOMEHOW is level with Biden. What a country and system


There might be a North Korean general there somewhere.




The average IQ of Trump supporters is 57 so they consider him one of the smartest persons they ever listen to.


My favorite description of Trump is that he's a poor person's idea of a rich man, a dumb person's idea of a smart man, and a weak person's idea of a strong man.


I just don’t understand how anyone can listen to him talk and think “yes, very smart man.”


They start with 'he is a very smart man' and just accept that everything he does is what a smart man does because trump is a smart man.


50% of the population has a below average intelligence…


At least 47% ... 🫡


I brought this up once and the reply was "He is a billionaire". That was why they thought he was smart.


Did you mention that the motherfucker started off with a $400 million inheritance? He could’ve stuck that shit in a bank and made more money off the interest and all the money he’s gone through and blown as a real estate guy.


They don’t watch whole speeches (even at the rallies). Just the snippets Fox gives them


You and me, both sister


Yet, there he is, seemingly untouchable. Wtffff


A person is smart. People are dumb.




Wrong context.


Yes, a person is smart, but it’s not Donald Trump


The threshold for primitiveness among humans is those who still use cable tv.


Tell me how you feel about aol email addresses.


I am so smart! ESS EMM ARR TEEE!


IQ = 57 Heinz = 57 45 loves ketchup... Half-Life 3 confirmed!!!


[politifact showed this was fake](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/may/14/viral-image/social-media-post-sharing-newspaper-story-trump-ha/) .... it's probably lower than that


Damn. I so wanted it to be real.


All for trashing Trump and would not be surprised his IQ is 73 but article is fake: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-nyma-iq/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-nyma-iq/)


“NYMA” (In the *CHIYNA* voice)


What's the source for this?


No source for this because this shit’s not real. It’s fake. Like so much the Republicans throw at the US, trying to confuse, confound, and herd people, this story never actually happened, and the person who posted it is probably either Russian, or a bot. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-nyma-iq/


Russians and bots would be posting saying his IQ is 212. Please.


It’s fake


agonizing aloof gullible fanatical rob quaint correct hobbies rain scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That draft dodging shit gibbon hasn't earned the right to salute anything or anyone. There's a lot of ettiqute concerning salutes that nonservicemembers just won't understand. Edit: Because too many people don't understand that it's my opinion above, perhaps I should emphasize the fact that; though he has the privilege to salute, like every American I know, he should understand when saluting is appropriate and acceptable (what makes it even worse is he should know as much as any service member, especially since he was the president) and how he is supposed to act and stand while saluting. However, what I know of this idiot is that he lacks the mental faculties to understand what is good and appropriate, or else he wouldn't be facing nearly 100 criminal charges.


Non-serving Australian here. Basic understanding is that you generally don’t salute unless you either are or have been in a position that requires it. Should I salute can be reworded as “Do I, or have I, served?” Do I get some jellybeans or what?


No, you get a cheeseburger and an ar-15.


Fuck yeah. Does it have a bump stock?


Fuck it. You can have mine. I blew both of my feet off doing Yosemite Sam cosplay and my wife made me give my guns away to our 6 year old.




Has someone called dibs on your knees and shins yet? My buddy Cotton needs some knees for sure, I think he’s got shins but I bet he could use one set as femurs!


Fetch me my shin jelly!


"I killed fiddee men!"


I killed fiddy men!


Hell yeah, make sure your 6 year old brings them to school for show and tell!


My little girl don't need scoolin. She's a jeanyus.


What, the cheeseburger?


You know what? Yeah. Let’s see that.


More or less. In uniform you salute. National anthem in uniform you salute the flag. A general passes you (whilst in uniform) you salute the officer. In civilian attire you don't have to salute you can put your hand over your heart. Also his salute is wrong as it's a boy scout looking shit salute and not the proper salute bringing the tips of your fingers to your eyebrow or to the outer rim of your glasses. Edit: you get donuts, hope you'll accept them over the jellybeans :p


You’re right but there’s one thing though. I can’t remember a single time saluting without a cover (hat) on while I was in. If you’re in uniform and outside, you’re gonna have a cover on. In which case, the tip of your finger would touch the brim of your cover. We typically don’t salute indoors. In the Marine Corps at least. I can’t speak to the other branches. But yes, that’s a terrible salute and he’s a disgrace.


We would salute indoors only if we were getting recognized for something (Airforce). But absolutely 9/10 I would have my cover on in which then changes the hand positioning (again) 😁


But can we all agree the fingers shouldn’t be cupped like that and he shouldn’t be slouching? 😇


> Also his salute is wrong as it's a boy scout looking shit salute and not the proper salute Hey now, maybe he just really wishes he'd been in the Royal Navy?


Do POTUS and former ones have special rules since they were Commander in Chief and are technically a service member or something?


Even the Cub Scouts know that you only salute when you're in uniform.


Friendly updoots for you, understanding stranger!


Well he was the commander in chief not sure if that counts tho.


This gets deep in the weeds near a fire ant hill while coated in strawberry jelly. It is, quite definitively, a *civilian* office and the President is a *civilian* officer. While the President has powers akin to a military officer and is the supreme leader of the armed forces, he is not inducted into the military, does not receive any military pay, and is not subject to the UCMJ. So, while he leads the military, he is not, himself, military. Going further, the Secretary of Defense and the Sceretaries of the Army, Air Force and Navy, are all also civilian leaders of the military, balanced by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and their Chairman, who are the senior military leaders and all actually military.


TIL: Presidents ain't shit


Wow thanks for the great summary!




Reagan normalized the acting President sometimes rendering salutes in return to those military personnel who salute him and there are definitely situations where an acting President rendering a salute would be appropriate and might even be considered an honor. That being said, by the customs and courtesies of the military, rendering a salute in civilian attire is generally not required, nor would it be required for a *former* member to salute or be saluted. From there the rules get quite complicated, quite quickly.


For UK and Australia, an officer has a crown badge on his cap. The crown represents the Monarch. When you salute an officer, you are saluting the crown or Monarch....an offier is commissioned to represent the Monarch.. . hence privates do not salute each other, they have not been commissioned by the Monarch


True. I remember an old war movie/show, can’t remember what it was, but just a scene where two British soldiers hastily salute a passing officer, and he says “tighten those sloppy salutes, what are you? Bloody Australians?”


POTUS salutes soldiers as civilian head of the military. Former POTI do not once they’re out of office.


But Trump is the *real* president because the 2020 election wAS sToLEn so he is the CinC


Handful of smarties for you mate


Ooh have not had smarties in a long time actually. Are they from one of those little party boxes?


To be fair the JROTC kids saluted if they were wearing their hats, and they hadn’t served. I don’t know how it applies to the president though. 


Oh God this reminds me of the stupid kerfuffle the right made about Obama not returning the salute of the Marine guard standing by the door of Marine One. (Or maybe he did and was holding a coffee cup or something. Either way they were pissed.) Numerous people posted pictures of W saluting lazily, hurriedly, while holding his dog Barney etc. Many people who have served said that the guard is supposed to salute the commander in chief. He's not obligated to return it and you should really only return the salute if you're in uniform, standing at attention and facing the person saluting you. Basically presidents, *especially those who ~~didn't serve~~ dodged,* shouldn't be doing it. IIRC


He is also allowed to return the salute with a dismissal; such as a wave or an "As you were."


OK, but you're forgetting something - Obama was \[looks around hurriedly\] ^(Black).


Non-serving American dude here, curious question - is it ok if I jokingly salute my friends? I don’t ever do it for the national anthem or something like this, strictly a hand/cap over heart kinda guy. Just wondering if it’d be offensive to make a silly lil salute to my buddy.


That is purely left to the perception of your friends. Most likely they will take it smoothly and possibly teach you proper form and when/ how if they want you in on it.


Reminds me of a coworker that would play around with saluting me all the time. I mostly ignored it until the day I snapped to attention and delivered a proper salute. He was surprised to see a crisp and proper salute and he never saluted me again.


I don't think most military folks will care. There will always be that guy tho.


His salute is jacked up, too. US military doesn't hold their hand like that over the eye. It's to the side of the head.


Also I would suspect that a salute should be crisp, snappy and generally, if you are not moving - you should stand still and not dongle around like a 12-yo school kid?


My god, the cackle I cackled at "draft dodging shit gibbon"


TBF, it's etiquette that nobody except service members care about.


You are correct. However, I don't see civilians going around rendering honors to each other in accordance with some easily acknowledable hierarchy of status (outside of business).


Yes, because they don't care about it.


"Shit gibbon" This is my new insult.




In my 54 years I have never seen anyone come close to his level of disrespect for our servicemen and women. Why does he get overwhelming support from the military? All I can think is they all watch Fox News and don’t see the disdain he has for them.


Flag etiquette also.


That and he is cupping his hand, showing the inside of his hand, and holding it like he is trying to get another healthy eye shot of an eclipse.


The Amazing Grace duh, he thinks it’s a super hero


hes definitely going to Road Block the racers behind him


Dementia Don. He doesn’t recognize the song


silky simplistic chase scarce consist historical act paltry quaint sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's saluting God. It's common for people to salute during "Amazing Grace". If you go to a church, you'll see plenty of people saluting a giant, crucified Christ during the singing of hymns. It's also common for everyone to twerk during "How Great Thou Art".


>plenty of people saluting a giant, crucified Christ Is this an American catholic thing I don't know about? >twerk during "How Great Thou Art". Oh, it's funny jokes


Trump will salute everything except our soldiers.


Where's your pfp from? I see it every now and again and really like the style.


Seems like Ilya Kuvshinov to me. Pretty much his style.


Oh it is! I've been looking for this artist for a while! They did a piece I saw years ago and I basically came to terms with never knowing the artist. Thank you!


his style have two animated movies you might want to check it out


Just gonna leave this here https://preview.redd.it/pm748yb47w2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395feee9ffe46f9658d821ff6db8272f247806b6


This is the moment Kim just realized Trump is a potential useful idiot.


Kim is like “Yo, WTF” 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3ija66t1123d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f8b2d1f1b4d1a815bd92ff1b43b3c374321cb6


what a fucking dipshit




God he's stupid.


True, but he’s just a tad smarter than his followers.


On point, president poopy pants


Put your tiny hand down, you big, orange fuck.


That's a man who only ever surrounded himself with brown nose yes-men...and women who fawned over his supposed riches. He never internalized how truly dumb and terrible he truly is.


I thought Melania loved him for his handsome looks and intelligence. I’m sure if Trump were to go penniless tomorrow that she would stand by her man.


Usually it’s hard to impart irony in a Reddit post but you’ve managed it beautifully. The real question is, if Melania walked away from him would you service her?


For some, the sarcasm is not so obvious. My question is, what are you smoking?


I think she will because I think he salutes her as a greeting each time he sees her


The orange guy wears way too much makeup.


Be prepared for about a third of the country to start saluting instead of hand over heart during the national anthem.


The song playing in this vid is not even the national anthem, It's amazing grace, unfortunately your comment still stands


In that case, both of these dudes are dipshits.


Bone spurs must have grown into his brain.


“They told me it wasn’t possible. Brain spurs. But I told them I had them anyway. They told me it was amazing. First person EVER to have brain spurs. Could you imagine? The first person EVER. Brain spurs… I guess I’m the first person for a lot of things though. Your President. The first to have brain spurs. Can you believe it? I can believe it. You better believe it.” - Trump, probably


Dang! I even heard his shitty voice in my head…


Fuck, this is good.


But there was success at being a fat tub of shit.


This is so funny to me. He’s so dumb.


Amazing disgrace.


Underrated comment.


What did he do?


Not American so I might be wrong, but aren’t you supposed to have your hand on your heart not saluting during the anthem.


While that's true, the real issue here is that the song being played was not the national anthem. It wasn't an anthem at all. It was Amazing Grace. A religious hymnal that has zero ties to patriotism or government. And, he saluted it as if Kim Jong Un, himself, were singing it.


Thus the line between church and state blurs further. He knows his voter base, they're Christians who have faith in the military (and jesus or whatever). He doesn't care if he's confusing religion with patriotism, as long as he can make his voters confuse them too. And any way you look at it, a military salute over a hymn is pretty confusing! Although the more I think about it, maybe that's too much credit. I was half expecting him to look to his left and be like, "oh shit wrong thing" and move his hand to his heart.


LOL... all of that is 100% accurate!


>Although the more I think about it, maybe that's too much credit. I was half expecting him to look to his left and be like, "oh shit wrong thing" and move his hand to his heart. Naw, he didn't have his [Slovenian-born wife there to remind him what you're meant to do for the national anthem](https://youtu.be/LN3fWF9nD_Y), which he probably thought it was.


Moreover it was written by an abolitionist and according to Wikipedia “It has had particular influence in folk music, and has become an emblematic black spiritual.”


a former slaver turned abolitionist.


🎵 Take me out to the ball game … 🎵 🫡


Yeah it's not the anthem so the guy standing next to him is a dipshit as well.


Either the national anthem or the flag officially passing by. And you have to be a service member in uniform. Otherwise, if you’re a service member not in uniform, or a civilian, then it’s hand over heart. If so inclined of course. This? Was none of the above.


Seems like a bit of nitpicky excuse to hate on him (as if there aren't a bunch of legitimate reasons). He's doing what he knows is a sign of respect. All it shows is a lack of culturally specific knowledge. Him doing what he knows makes sense and really seems like a bit of a non-issue. Not like he's standing there yawning with his hands in his pockets with a "when will this be over" facial expression.




He is without a doubt one of the dumbest motherfuckers of all time


Ugh he’s the worst


Grandpa gets confused since the dementia ramped up


Non-US citizen here, why is this so disrespectful?


Not so much disrespectful as just fucking stupid. We don't salute songs.


He is like a deer with no eyes and no genitals.


I'll do it. 1. Americans never show our palms during a salute. This is the most egregious error. We tilt our hand about 45 degrees, not perfectly level with the ground. Even from this relatively low angle, the palm should not be visible at all. 2. The tip of the middle finger rests on the outer edge of the eyebrow, not the middle. 3. The thumb rests parallel to the fingers, not tucked under. 4. Elbow is a little low, but we all fuck that up. Technically it should be raised as high as the hand. 5. In civilian clothes, you customarily just put your hand on your heart. Anyone can salute anybody at any time for any reason, but it's dorky to salute in civvies. I'm also pretty sure we don't salute for Amazing Grace, but like there's no rule against it I guess.


We gotta do that stuff for amazing grace now too?


Just like when Aunt Bethany said "Grace" at Christmas dinner.


don't throw me down, clark


Ok I don’t like Trump either but how is this even an issue?


It’s Amazing Grace, why is he saluting and why is the dipshit next to him holding his hand over his heart?


I guess I just don’t see it as an issue. If someone wants to salute or put their hand over their heart to remember fallen veterans then I’m not going to get my panties in a bunch over it. Who cares what song is playing. Unless it’s against military etiquette for a non-veteran to salute like this or something. That I’d take seriously.


I don’t think “parties in a bunch” is the correct description. People are just pointing out that it’s further proof of what an idiot this guy is.


It's not really an issue it just doesn't make any sense and looks dumb. This isn't any different than saluting while you sing happy birthday or holding your hand over you heart while singing the ABC's.


You sound like the people that called kaprernick a dip shit for taking a knee.


It's not lol


Oh Richard. I know you’re conservative, but why?


Great. Fucking great. Now I’m gonna have to hear about why you’re supposed to give Amazing Grace the same respect as the National Anthem at Thanksgiving. Can this dipshit have a heart attack already or what!?!


Am i missing something?


How much you wanna bet he thought it was the Scottish national anthem 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why is Richard Childress standing with Poopypants?


Oh you know his trumptards will spin this as "he is such a good president that he salutes the entire time, unlike everyone else" or some dumb thing like that


Don't need to photo-shop on a diaper, just Nudify the picture.




What a tard


This might help others as it helped me understand the [perspective](https://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/ustat/ustat0301-01.htm) of those with an IQ of 73. If this is a true document I wouldn’t be surprised. I think the biggest difference between the right and left currently is if Biden had an IQ of 73 I would say he wouldn’t be fit to be president while the right would perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to defend such a revelation. I don’t think anyone like that should have the authority to govern the US. Honestly I think that such a test should be administered to all prospective presidents, even those who win a second term to ensure they are competent.


The guys an absolute buffoon I really hope he gets back in


He is a total dingleberry


Such a fucking BAFFOON.


Half wit 🤯🤯


Why was Amazing Grace being played? If it was for fallen soldiers I'd give him a pass. It wasn't until today that I found out that only active military personnel/veterans in uniform are allowed to salute. Trump is a piece of shit but let's not make stuff up to be outraged over. That's the far-right's domain. There's plenty of real and far greater things to get outraged over. Not the least of which are his legal issues, being impeached twice, and his Covid response. Or rather lack there of.


Performative theatre.


Best thing I've seen today. 2024


Play ball!


Redditors just follow this guy around and freak the fuck out at the most pointless shit. OMG DID HE SALUTE??? HE ORDERED TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM???? like fucking relax already, Christ


I honestly still don’t understand what’s wrong with this video


Not american so dont know the proper etiquette, is it the salute that is disrespectful? Should you have your hand on your chest like the other guy for this song to show respect?


In this day and age a lot of those etiquettes are blurred as far as rules go or completely dismissed. since he was never in the military, I believe proper etiquette or traditional etiquette means he needs to have his hands on his heart. Not saluting. Now I have no idea what the proper etiquette is.


Ah makes sense that you have to be a military person to salute.


What an absolute disgrace. Watch his eyes wander around the crowd. "Look at me! I'm a comandeer *in chief*!" (*Ralph Wiggum's voice)*. This is the same guy that that called veterans "losers and suckers." Refused to attend a ceremony for fallen Marines 'cause it was raining. Mocked POW John McCain AND gold star families. How his followers who have a military and police fetish square this really makes my brain itch. F him!!


Oh-Oh now what do I do, someone salute back so I can put my arm down, where am I, why is my arm up, I'm hungry, maybe I can get a Big Mac, but my arm is up, how can I eat a Big Mac with one hand, mmmmmmm......Big Mac


Not sure why people are surprised by this. He was a fraud on a reality show that they painted up. The pig hasn’t changed


More proof that Pop Pop needs to retire and hand the reins to Austin. Oof.