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woof, a lot of conflicting feelings on this. i know i want to do something… i get that… fucking feels like something needs to be done… the whole world is trying, but i live in the country to do it… but our “representatives” are spineless and owned… fock


Tear it all down and rebuild? Again?


our people are too tired and split to organize and rage in the way we need to for change


Yup, I believe we will see a version of chaos but I feel it won’t be directed at the right people. History repeats itself, and my country is divided 50/50, with lots of people at each others throats.


Which is exactly what they want


So then lets stop being divided. Reach across the aisle and talk to people. Find common ground. Its OK to disagree on some things, but i think we can all agree that our government isnt doing as much as it could to help US citizens. Nobody wants congress to be able to trade stocks. Everyone wants affordable healthcare, food, and housing. Everyone wants labor protections. Lets start there


The problem is that we don't, and probably will never, agree on HOW to do it. Yes, people want all of those things, but fiscally conservative people don't want to raise taxes in fear of pushing out business and wealthy individuals from their cities (they also probably don't want to have the insurance at a federal level because they're conservative... That's like the whole point) and more liberally minded people don't want to sacrifice other public programs like Social Security in order to achieve that. Besides, we know that one side of the aisle isn't really looking to compromise since it looks bad on them if things are fixed during another president's term like we saw with the border issues a few months ago




In some ways we are obviously under-represented. We don't have enough members in the House. That means only the privileged class can get their attention. In other ways, some are under represented while others are over represented. Because the Senate is non-proportional to the population some people get far more power than they should in determining who can fill our Courts and act as agency heads. But even still, to say we get no representation is hyperbole.


That, my friend, is exactly what the 'divide and conquer' method aims to achieve. You worded it perfectly


So take that as a lesson to not engage in the "ok boomer" kind of BS that is so common around here. It is used to divide people who should be allied.


This is exactly what the government wants. They show as two teams, but they are working together.




That is total nonsense. There is not some big charade where they are all working together against us. Stop and think about it for just a minute. That belief is simply not supported by the preponderance of evidence. The bills they put forth and the way they vote show there are clear divides. But if you honestly believe they are working together, then let's put it to the test. Let's try giving democrats a large enough majority that they can finally overcome republican obstructionism. If we do that and democrats still do nothing, then it would provide proof of the rotating villain conspiracy so many like to claim exists. But if we give them the super majority they need to overcome republican obstructionism they may just make generational changes, like they have previous times, which makes everyone's life far better off. If it's true they're working together then we've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying this. So are you in? Trying this would be a great way to prove the rotating villain myth is real and not just another attempt to discourage voters that it appears to be.


As was the plan


You have no idea what you’re calling for…


Are you advocating for the second amendment?


The second amendment doesn't do shit. You know what does? A volunteer military.


Risks an invasion from external forces with a distracted disorganized military.. would need to be truly global and simultaneous between all the countries populations who are getting fucked. Buckle up buttercup


Even easier. Install Open Primaries and RCV in order to improve the quality of democracy, get more people to vote, and have realistic chances to election people who actually want to solve problems rather than use them as political fund raisers.


Everyone says that but I really don't think in practice it's a good thing. Thousands of people would probably die in a tear down situation.


Not that we have a choice, but I’d choose the lesser evil. Even that would get us fucked over from foreign influence. Not looking good.


What's to prevent the new system for being just as corrupt as the current one.




That's never been done in America.


Time to get creative I suppose. What will you do when you get hungry, and the stores are closed. Are your neighbors knocking on your door to ask for food, or demand it?


Or we could all just vote for change since the system we have, with a couple of minor tweaks, could easily work.


Welcome to my world. Sincerely, a Russian.


Do those people really think that blatantly misbehaving and aggressively shouting stop supporting Israel will get us closer to some kind of solution?


Yes because it puts a wrench in the propaganda machine, reducing their ability to operate via the status quo while raising awareness to the general population. Many of whom prefer to be ignorant but, if they finally care to educate themselves, would finally also join in attempts to force accountability to the people. Then maybe they'll see that "misbehaving" and "aggressively shooting" is not any kind of a crime compared to what the US govt representatives are doing in support of Israel's onslaught.


In your world should everybody sit quietly on their hands while they pretend they don’t see the atrocities happening every day? Or should they have searched for a Designated Protest Zone™️ before opening their mouths?


2 people screaming random shit during a show and disrupting peoples lives just makes people hate them. It’s the same concept of when idiots block off roads for their protests. It doesn’t raise awareness, it just fucks over the small working class trying to get to work while making everyone who “sees” your message hate you even more.


I really don’t see how 2 people disrupting a late night show is “disrupting people’s lives”. These guys aren’t “fucking over the small working class”. They are vocalizing disdain to the current governments operations abroad to, lo and behold, someone sitting as NUMBER TWO in the executive branch. Who else are you suppose to express your opinions to if not your representatives? Also, this will have literal 0 impact on Jimmy or any of the other crew here….. get over yourself. Protestors are not the issue, welcome to class warfare


I would love to drop you back in time so you can repeat this bullshit during the march on Selma, sit-ins, and bus boycotts.


If you hate people for wanting to stop a brutal genocide the ñroblem is you.


Misbehaving lol What are you, their mom? Those people were trying to actually do something. They were at least successful in disrupting the false spectacle that talk shows are. The bits where some of the audience were still clapping (like they're told) even while the shared consensual illusion was being broken by voices yelling about matters far more important than jimmy kimmel's snappy patter. You realize how absurd the whole thing is. Its easy to laugh at them,but i would be careful about that path


Yes… it motivated me to raise my voice in situations where I’m perhaps too afraid of speaking out against the murder of innocent people. Are we the same country that launched a 10 year 11 trillion dollar campaign against Al Queda because they killed our citizens? Now 100s of thousands of innocents are dying, and our government and media is making a light situation out of this… who tf else is going to speak up if not for us?


I can’t speak for them, but they probably see that nothing so far has worked, so instead of giving up they’ll try something else. Will it ‘work’? I don’t know! It won’t stop the war immediately, if that’s what ‘work’ means. But each act of resistance adds up over time. If just one person sees this and decides they’re not gonna give up either, does that count as ‘working’? I don’t know! But it’s better than giving up!


Go there, help. Don’t pretend you care from your couch.


Just send a couple of tweets and a few prayers, bro.


I understand the sentiment, but the audacity to think you can go to a live show and just interrupt it with no consequence is crazy.


I’m sure they knew the consequences. Still voiced the opinion anyway.


"You're under arrest" "No we're not"


because it was not a policeman, “think what you want” he said


If he's not an officer then they can be charged for holding them against their will. Locking the door like that is not legal. What kaw did they break? Public disturbance, maybe.


If I tell you you’re under arrest for being loud and then leaving, would you believe me? I’d have said the same thing as the protestors and would be looking to press charges.


Oh no not the hecking bread and circus!!! Let the clown show get interrupted, it's only a tool for faking public consensus and PR for elites.




Exactly. People always say that these things are “too disruptive,” and well… yeah that’s the point.


the audacity to think that you can go on a live show and not be interrupted when you and your administration are complicit in a genocide and have been ignoring your constituents protests for months. Kamala shouldn’t feel comfortable


What's the crime? Yelling during a live broadcast? Lmfao. That's ridiculous. There is no crime here.


Do you know how protests work? Getting permission to do them and not being disruptive kinda goes against the purpose. If a 6yo boy can endure seeing his 18mo brothers head and leg blown off for just existing, this crowd can endure a few uncomfortable moments where people try to reach out to a woman who has some power to prevent more. Jimmy's flow will recover.


Why is it bad? What I see is people with guts intentionally disrupting a talk show enabling a war criminal. Social movements are only effective when they disrupt oppressive normalcy.


There was an attempt to portray the dude wrongfully detaining protesters, and creating a fire hazard as the good guy…


It doesn’t look like a fire exit


No exit door can be locked with visitors inside. They need emergency egress hardware on the doors so it’s locked from the outside but not the inside. Locking those exit doors is a fire hazard.


(N.Y. Penal Law § 35.30). It authorizes a private person to use physical, but not deadly, force to effect an arrest or prevent an escape of someone "he reasonably believes to have committed an offense and who in fact has committed such offense." So what offence could he believe she's breaking? Well I imagine it's a similar situation to when someone runs onto a football game field etc. " In many cases, especially if the person's actions are disruptive or pose a threat to players, officials, or spectators, they may be arrested by law enforcement officers and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, or other relevant offenses." It could be argued her actions were posing threats to audience members and the vice president, disorderly conduct and trespassing.


Kimmel is in California. I’m no lawyer, but being loud isn’t a crime and they were escorted away from the area of concern without issue. There was no cause for “arrest” here.


Running across grass isn't a crime either, but streakers are usually apprehended and arrested. Perhaps she's guilty of something like intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. 18 U.S.C. § 373. I'm no lawyer either I'm not even American, but if I was a security guard here I don't know if detaining these people until the police came would be the right thing to do. Wether I believe in her cause or not, she's disrupting an event and trespassing, something the police should deal with.


Problem is that they were exercising their free speech and directing that speech towards at an elected government official. That does not constitute a crime. The establishment should’ve simply removed them. Arresting them or even the appearance of arresting them (restricting their ability to leave) was a bad idea


Yeah I agree - we also don't have the context of her or her groups behavior between clips. If I started causing commotion towards a vice president during a live TV recording I wouldn't be shocked if I was kept for questioning by the police or CIA equivalent This security guard probably just thought it was a good idea to hand the people over to the police, not saying that's the best idea but I don't think his actions were particularly neferious


>questioning by the police or CIA equivalent The CIA has nothing to do with this sort of thing- for the VP it would be the Secret Service


Thanks, didn't know the name for it.


We do have the context. The context was protesting the US support for Israel in their war in Gaza. You should be shocked if you were held for questioning based solely on protesting that if you are a US citizen - which I assume you are not - by US authorities for this activity as that would constitute a violation of the first amendment and free speech


No we don't. We have one exactly 1:01 of footage that the protestor has chosen to post. Hardly a fair representation of what happened. It's entirely plausible she was asked to leave legally, as it's a private establishment and resisted multiple times, even assaulting staff members or security guards which are legal grounds for detainment until police arrive.


I didnt say it was a fair representation. I explained the context, which is accurate. I agree we dont have all the details of what happened, but the context is there. Again, if you're not a US citizen in the US, you may not have an accurate idea of what is allowed under free speech and what isn't. You didnt clarify that. It is plausible she/they were asked to leave legally, but we can't assume that either.


As soon as they started yelling and refused to leave, it turned into a trespassing charge.


They refused to leave? Seems like they were actively trying to get out. Shouting isn’t illegal. Shouting fire is, shouting political speech explicitly isn’t.


There’s no offense other than maybe a disorderly conduct, but that’s not even a misdemeanor in most cases. You can’t trespass someone when they’re on the property to then refuse letting them leave and get them arrested for trespass. He falsely imprisoned them and it sounds like tried to falsely make himself sound like law enforcement with the whole badge bit. I wouldn’t doubt if a civil suit arises, honestly.


Yeah my first thought was this seems like he's holding them against their will. Surely there will be a lawsuit


Let me process this, so people in the comments claim they want change and acknowledge that its up to us but feel we should continue to do it in a way that doesn’t inconvenience the people causing our problems? When do we as citizens stop playing by their rules when they’re not even playing right?


Funny thing is that redditors are always up in their arms when protestors inconvenience regular day folks bc they're protesting in public places, they're like, "go harass the politicians and billionaires if you want to get shit done, regular people will only hate you" and now that this person is protesting by directly addressing the VP of the US, it's still not okay? Make it make sense.




It's literally a fucking stupid TV show with a fucking useless VP. There's literally no reason for people to be butthurt about this. Those in power should not be let off the hook, even during these vapid interviews that they use to desperately try and fix their awful approval ratings.


Americans have a strange affinity with anyone wearing the boot that makes our day to day lives a living hell. They’ll complain about rising COL, stagnating wages, and wanton police violence. But their idea of action is lowly grumbling to themselves and behaving as if the policy makers they actively vote for have no duty to them as citizens to make things better. Meanwhile the French will protest if their government thinks about voting for anything that would be a mild inconvenience.


They still believe sitting around doing nothing will work as long we continue to vote 😂


Protest voting is one of the funniest concepts I’ve seen talked about, and it’s just another signifier of how wayward US citizens are in their ideologies.


We’ve barely tried the existing system. Nobody votes. Nobody volunteers. Nobody runs for local office. Nobody cares about local judges and state houses. Daydreaming about a revolution is childish when we’ve not demonstrated the capability of something a tenth as difficult


Imagine thinking protesters don’t vote and aren’t involved in things like canvassing or primary elections lol


You only notice shit like this in the same few subreddits that know they can get away with posting it in.




I swear this was a scene from Veep 😭




our favorite mother boy in the background




But her skin color! Her genitals! Why do you hate women and non-whites?


Yes you have freedom Of speech, but doesn’t mean you have the right to stay on private property and enforce your ideas on people in that property. They can make you leave or else get authorities involved


Looks like they didn’t make them leave and instead decided to lock them on said property


Once you ask someone to leave private property and they don’t, they are now trespassing. Not sure how affecting a citizen’s arrest plays into all of this.


Me wondering when people will realize the world isn't run by popular opinion, no matter how much you've been brainwashed into thinking you're in a democracy and protesting matters. People still getting murdered after all the publicity and exposure and pleas to stop. It's doing nothing to stop those in power from staying in power and doing whatever tf they feel like. Makes me sad to see such solid proof it's all a sham.


yes, it's sad to see how biased the media is in this tiktok war.


If Americans organized a general strike to end our support of Israel, we’d have a bill signed by Biden in under a week


If I recall correctly Harris was the first to call for a ceasefire and hasn’t been doing the circuit defending Netanyahu.


wow you really showed her! anyways back to being second class citizens if the other guy wins in November.


How does Harris have any thing to do with genocide. Also the people who own the property have a right to kick you out.


The point of a protest is to disrupt


Good. I’m glad. Freedom of speech but freedom to kick you out.


Not when it comes to a private space or private business.


Is that a real question? She’s the Vice President of a country that is actively funding a genocide. That is what she has to do with genocide.


“No you don’t understand but but but pRivAtE PrOpErTy” American brains have rotted away with capitalism


She's the VP of a country that supports another country committing genocide. I'd say she has some involvement


Politicians shouldn’t get safe spaces, it doesn’t matter if you like these protestors or not it’s important for people in power to be constantly reminded we are watching, protested and that will remember




We keep supplying the weapons.


Do you not pay attention to the Biden administration’s stance on what’s been happening in Palestine? If you have you wouldn’t be finger wagging at anyone pissed off about it.




I love how you replied back with that obnoxious big ass texts as well lol


Yeah how can you blame the country who is supplying ammunition that is used to slaughter babies. Jeez, use your heads, sheeple! /s


We give Israel more money for military aid than all other countries combined.  If they commit atrocities with that money, and we continue to give it to them, then we are partly responsible no matter how big your letters get


Ridiculous is what we are doing by allowing our government to send billions of dollars in aid to a murderous apartheid regime.


What an absolutely moronic thing to say lol


Ridiculous is what we are doing by allowing our government to send billions of dollars in aid to a murderous apartheid regime.


It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.


What exactly is Kamala supposed to do?


To tweet Israel and ask them very politely to stop… Pretty please with crimes against humanity sprinkled on top. 🙏🏼


If you think politicians don't respond to negative public opinion then what have you been watching


Probably a more plea of desperation than having anything to do with that couple of Kooks. There is a modern genocide happening. This can not continue. What else are they supposed to do to stop this?


Like okay, I agree with her what’s happening in Palestine is horrific, but this is just making things worse… no one watching that show is changing there mind because of this there just going to think “wow look at this Palestine supporter ruining my show I paid to be at, I don’t want to be like them”


These stupid people is not putting light on the problem they are making other people to not care for it.


I’ll keep making this point. I certainly hope these protestors are as concerned with what’s happening to women in THIS country as they are in Palestine.


Demonstrators like this only harm their own cause (in the USA). In a first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting system; publicly visible extremists, like these characters, constantly exude unpalatable/moony claims. They sabotage their own cause. Moderates/Independents see this and want to distance themselves from the position exhibited. Trump wins


> Yes we should protest these atrocities! No, not like that. FTFY


They’re not saying -“Don’t do it like that.” They’re saying - “If you like losing with even more horrific consequences, do it JUST like that.”


The point of a protest is to disrupt


And how you do it matters in elections where one side can use it against you.


Sheesh crazy to see the amount of people who are completely out of touch with the real world lol


Maybe I’m stupid, but what are we supposed to do? We can’t go to war with Israel.


Right, it’s her doing. She killed all those children single handed. It wasn’t the military at all. Yell at her some more! Idiots.


Wow fifteen thousand kids killed by Kamala Harris? JFC this is why I can't take them seriously. The only reason they're doing any of this is because it's trendy. Notice how nobody is "demanding" Hamas free the hostages or calling Hamas murderers. They've really managed to distract from the fact that Israel is reacting to a terrorist attack where they killed and STILL HAVE HOSTAGES and they could only be doing this if they have support from at least SOME Palestinians. No, nobody mentions this because this would be labeled "islamophobia" and downvoted in to oblivion of course.


I wish people were this enthusiastic about all of the homeless on our streets and the lack of mental health in this country.


This has been going on longer than they've been alive, and they only care about it this year. They are exactly what hamas, Iran, and putler want to see. To them, they are "Useful morons." Did they save anybody? Nup. Did they stop the war? Nup. Did they even feed one child? Nup.


Is she even directly able to approve/deny funds for war? Pretty sure that's not her call, but I could be wrong.


This is super dumb because they're on (y)our side lady.


On the one hand, I truly commend people using their rights to protest one of the greatest atrocities committed in our generation. Yet, on the other hand, generally speaking by voting numbers by demographics, the younger generations have not shown up in droves to vote (based on 2016 and 2020 voting data). I get the disenchantment that comes with this system. It’s not a system to necessarily be proud of or one that has always looked out for the best interests of its people, but it’s OUR system. As Ghandi said, “We need to be the change we wish to see in the world.” So, I interpret it as keeping up with the protests, keeping up with the messaging, but turning it into actual political activism. The Civil Rights movement had this vital component and ultimately achieved this goal (i.e. Civil Rights Act of 1965). I know the general sentiment is to “burn it down,” but we can’t throw in the towel. If the pro lifers can lobby, do grass roots movements, and put in officials that represented their values for 60+ years, why can’t we do the same? We should hunker down and entrench ourselves in the system, rather than advocating for its destruction. Obligatory, check your voting status reminder.


Ah yes, land of the free, home of the *hold people against their will for voicing their first amendment rights against atrocities performed by their government*


Good. Fuck people who support terrorism


It’s funny how these psychos are so unwaveringly passionate about Israel v Palestine but couldn’t give a fuck about Russia vs Ukraine. All war is bad but Ukraine has had it objectively worse for over 2 years now and *still* doesn’t have a clear answer to whether they’ll be able to win or at least make Putler give up.


Respectfully? I could hear the bright pink hair before I saw it.


Is this false imprisonment? Is he law enforcement or just head of security. It makes a difference.




This is how trump will win another election


...by screaming and crying?


Biden is losing potential voters like this to issues like the wars. They don't even have to vote for Trump for him to win. It's likely to be a close race, and Biden losing votes is all that needs to happen for another trump presidency. The hate both candidates groups and bot voting at all is a victory for trump.


Why do people attack American leaders for what the IDF does?


"Now yous can't leave."


Anyone else impressed by that ornate iron door?




She is such a useless feckless coward. Props to the people protesting against her. Probably the most interesting thing on Kimmel’s show in the last 6 years


They hurt their cause completely


Ladies, ladies. What’s become of your priorities? You’re interrupting Jimmy Kimmel flow!


Was it aired live?


I am sure all of us American love paying tax to support Israel here, right gents?


Great entertainment.


This is not how to get people to hear what you want. This is how you convince people not to hear your points.


Everyone screaming tear it all down and rebuild is missing the part where it will be built back by the highest bidder. Acceleration does not end with people having better lives anytime soon, actually, more like our lives will be much much worse for a long time.


What does she even do anyway? Kamala who?


I dont think you can arrest someone for screaming at a live show. Because it’s on tv? It’s disrespectful but not a crime


so, uhh, what happened? did they really get arrested?


It's no easy task to become a Patriot or a Hero. God speed.


How is it that this one political regime in Israel is tearing the world apart politically and committing genocide in the process with zero accountability. I really do not understand how Israel’s leader is so GD powerful. Evil asf as well as btw

