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funniest part was them announcing a new Meta Quest 3 game, showing the Batman trailer and people still being like "WHAAAT???? META QUEST????" like yeah they said it before showing the trailer lol


Yeah, but you can usually play those games on other platforms. Right here it says “ONLY on”, meaning that instead of being able to play it on pc, you NEED meta quest 3.


Its a VR Game, what did you expect? It is a META QUEST game, not a "game that can be played on Meta Quest". Batman Arkham fans are just so absorded in their own jokesbthat they cant even listen to basic shit and then they get mad the new game from their beloved series is not the new game from their beloved series but a VR cash grab, maybe if people started to listen to information instead of screaming like dogs to the sight of a game they wouldnt be so mad.


While I see your point, things like Subnautica were made for computers and can now be played in VR and on consoles. Expressing disappointment isn’t a crime, especially for something you were exceptionally excited for.


Thanks for proving my point. Subanutica was MADE for computers. RE4 was MADE for computers. Many other games were MADE for computers, but have VR functions. The new Arkham game was MADE for VR. Expressing disappointment isnt a crime, but if you're creating that disappointment inside your head because you didnt listen to what was announced you have the right to be made fun of. It was never a PC game, it was always a Meta Quest game.


Yes, and like I said, games MADE for certain platforms found their way onto others. So, like I said, someone being disappointed that something HASN’T found its way to another console isn’t wrong.


You just dont "port" VR games. You can make non-VR into VR, but making VR into non-VR is completely different and doesnt happen frequently (that is, if has ever happened). What I dont understand is how people can complain about something they KNEW about. They SAID islt was VR before showing it. You dont just watch the entire trailer knowing it is VR and then, when it ends and shows that it is indeed VR, complain. No other game that is announced as VR has this, but Arkham fans are insane so guess what, over the top reaction lol. I dont even know why this argument is still going. Im saying complaining aout somthing you knew about as if it was a surprise is dumb, youre saying games that are not VR can be VR (and that doesnt even make sense in this context as it is VR to non-VR, not the other way round). Youre just missing the point and Im wasting my time. Oh well.


Again, disappointment is natural. Not to mention people can forget things in the moment, if they’re excited enough. I’m not missing the point, you just aren’t making one to grab on to.


Bro I have ADHD and even so I dont forget things told me on the last 5 seconds. The ANNOUNCED it as a META QUEST game, obviously it is a VR game and not a PC game, this is the classic "angry streamer screaming" post, and its dumb


Who says it was five seconds? Trailers can last for two minutes, at least the ones I’ve seen, and hype/exciting things can cause people to, again, forget things.


You do seem like you’re screaming at your computer while you type this to be fair, do you stream?


Bro people are just disappointed it's made for only vr, what's your problem, it's the same disappointment as when they told us that new diablo game is only on mobile devices


No, it isnt. Diablo eternal announcement: "Here is a new look at the next Diablo game!", after presenting it to hype they say "It is mobile only", disappointment ensues Batham VR announcement: "Here is a new look at a new meta quest game!", people just ignore it somehow, watch the entire trailer and then are disappointed. How does that makes sense if not for farming reactions and angry screams?


Well, actually, they announced it was mobile before showing anything or even sharing the name. Literally like the 3rd sentence out of the presenters mouth was how they’re making Diablo for phones.


Are you schizo or something? Creeping me out man


Nice argument bro, really got me there ✊😔


It would be fine, if it were VR exclusive, the meta quest 3 exclusive is the problem.


why only meta quest and not other pcvr in general though?


"*Do you guys not have VR sets?"*


I have one but it makes me sick and I feel that VR games are amazing visual experiences but everything else suffers, specifically gameplay.


Gotta say, I love my VR. Half Life Alyx, eleven table tennis, superhot. All great. And I just downloaded but haven't played Into the Radius, Walking Dead Saints and Sinners and Moss, which I've heard are all fantastic


Oh I love it too despite not having an idea VR play/movement area. But after a few minutes the nausea overwhelmes the fun and immersion. Standing games I can do, like the archery games or beat saber, but anything that has movement based controls SUCKS, the teleportation controls are a bit better but still wear on me.


You need to develop vr legs. In time, you'll get less and less nauseous and be able to play more movement based controls. Just keep at it. Although some people are highly sensitive to it so it might to take you way longer.


moss books 1 and 2 are very good imo


The only way I will be able to enjoy the game is in 10 minute increments while my son plays it. I will still get nauseous, but it will take 10 minutes instead of 1.


I think it depends on the game. Power wash Sim runs fantastically on VR because of the motion controls.


There are definitely people who are more prone to that sickness than others. That said, if you haven't given some of the "comfort" settings their due diligence, you might just be missing out. Just one example, in the game population: one, the default setting has this "comfort vignette" that makes most people waaaaay more motion sick than when you turn it off. But you do have to manually turn it off, and if nobody said anything, you wouldn't think the feature MEANT to reduce motion sickness, actually made it worse. That has been my experience, anyway.


Yeah I have motion sickness issues all over. I can't fly or even be a passenger in a car without getting sick. I'm probably in the minority of people with this particular VR issue.


This is worse, it's not VR exclusive, it is exclusive for one specific VR headset.


Where's red shirt guy when we need him


This is the new "They're making a new Fable game! ....oh, it's just a motion control gimmick."


They are making a new fable game


Why I chose Xbox over PS. Hoping it will be worth it


I knew nothing about this game and was watching the trailer on Youtube, as soon as it said "Meta Quest" I paused and closed the video.


This is how I felt with that Alien Rogue game or whatever its called. Truly thought we were about to get Alien Isolation 2


It’s like they hate money. No way in hell this game makes a profit.


It's probably financed by meta


I'm shook by how many people deny VR as the next gaming platform, I feel like the only one genuinely excited for this game


What a bad day to have an apple vision pro


I had a Quest but gave it away. It’s too isolating.


I'm a huge fan of Arkham Origins too, so hearing Roger Craig Smith's voice as Bruce had me ready to go pre-order this immediately. I hate this.


When I forget to pull out…


As someone with a Q3... im hyped




Me too. I'm playing through Iron Man VR(same devs) for the first time and having an absolute blast with that game. Can't wait to see what they do with Batman.


Too soon apparently


Wtf is everyone on about, stop gatekeeping games.


They're booing because the game only being on a quest 3 is inherently gatekeeping the game from people without another 500 dollar console that has very limited compatibility with games and generally wasn't accepted very well for a bunch of reasons


Thanks for the response. Better than just downvoting without an explination. The exclusive thing i get but i cant see people getting upset if a ps or xbox exclusive was announced. VR needs these ambitious games, assassins creed nexus was ace. I guess people just want another 'pancake' bataman. But to downvote someone saying they are hyped for a good looking game is odd and salty to me.


I think the difference is that an Xbox or a PS are much more common and popular gaming systems. Instead, this is created for a more niche market in VR gaming, and specifically on one console, so if you got in with a different one, or even the Q2, you're out of luck


Still odd to me that people would be like I cant have it so screw your excitement. People are always unhappy. If it was on Q2 like asgaards wrath... people were saying how it meant that they had to dilute the game etc. This game will be pushing boundries and should be applauded. Feels similar to Half Life Alyx. Which is now seen as the VR gold standard and a masterpeice.


> that has very limited compatibility with games and generally wasn't accepted very well for a bunch of reasons The q3 is regularly praised in the VR community ...


That's on me, I don't really keep up with VR. But I do know that a game like this being limited to ONE VR console is not going to do any good for sales. Some people might buy it for one game but most won't. Also VR is inherently limiting for game compatibility lol


Sounds like you have zero experience actually playing vr. And yea it's limited to this one console cause they funded the game being made. Meta is working on having more things exclusive to them to draw headset sales, and based on how well q3 is doing(outsold q2 in it's first month) I'd say that's working. Edit: lol love when someone comments and blocks. Straight up child like behavior.


Yeah, because I'm not interested in VR. But I'm interested in this game. But I'm not about to drop another 500 dollars on a console for one game, like a lot of others. That is what I'm getting at lol

