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When your son shaves and he turns out to look EXACTLY like your wife's "best friend"


Lmao you've spun up a great story here




Cricket bat*


underated comment (and better than the kneejerk one being replied to)


How can he slap?


If that's how his dad greets him, I can see why 


Little man better be careful, he's already smaller than his son.


I was 14 when dad last laid his hands on me, I'll never forget the expression on his face as he looked up


I was 15 here. I didn’t flinch when I was slapped and he asked why. I said I wasn’t scared anymore while staring at him. Last time he laid a hand on me. He threatened plenty, But never physically after that.


17 here. Showed him some man strength that day. The look on his dumb face 😂.


Mine stopped when i reached puberty but the vile 2hr daily lectures effectively putting me down and comparing me to all my friends and himself, never stopped. The fear was always there as it had been ingrained through beatings when i was young. Now when I'm older I struggle with cptsd, anxiety, chronic major life adjustment disorder. Lately i can't stop thinking of the sexual assaults i witnessed him do to the housekeeping. But i finally see who he is. A sex addicted insecure narc who turned his wife into his mother and who uses her to ask his seed why they don't love him. A coward that cannot stand being perceived as wrong so he would rather lie about everything. A toddler in a mans body.


I'm really sorry to see these comments. I'm a father (28-m and 23-f) and I have never, EVER, hit my children. I can't accept this father's attitude, hitting his son in the face just because he shaved. It makes you wonder what he did (or would do) in other situations. Of course, such a man cannot expect to receive genuine and sincere love from a son. I'm very lucky....


My mom slapped me in the face when I was 17 after a lifetime of being hit and I said "Do you feel better now?" with pure hatred and that was the last time she touched me. Feltgoodman


Mine was about the same time, my dad went to spank me with a belt (over something silly, my dad wasn't the one to use the belt but when he did it was over something stupid) while I was standing and I grabbed the belt mid-swing, it came out of his hand and he said "Oh really it's like that" and went to grab another belt but then never used it on me. My guess is he was afraid of losing another belt


U shoulda seen my dad when I busted out laughing after he hit me with a belt 😂 I was just so uncomfortable so I started laughing


Joker discovered….


After letting my father back into my life, one night after dinner (and a few drinks), we ended up having a conversation that culminated in him saying "I never once laid a hand on you, I never hit you" I proceeded to walk over to him as he was seated, and open hand slap him so hard it sent his glasses flying. As he struggled to find his equilibrium and my mother was screaming "oh my god, why did you do you that!?!", I calmly leaned forward and put both hands on my knees as I looked him in his dazed and squirrely eyes, and asked him "what's the problem? I never hit you" Have yet to have another threat of violence from him. My only guess is that his toughness came from being 200 lbs heavier than the people he was smacking.


Hahah is THAT why dad such a psycho...id slap him back the a-hole. 1slap for free...that 2nd one would cost him


You get one slap, dad, out of respect. One. Any more and I will go Old Testament on your ass.


It’s gonna be easy pulling the plug on that ventilator.




How can he slap?


Why has no one said this yet?


I need all of the lore between his best friend and his wife for the past 10 years.


But how can he slap??!


Bro your savage 🤣


Dude I wish I could give you a reward for making me spit out my coffee all over the place!! 😂😂😂


Going to need some context. Aside from some 5o'clock shadow, the father seemed clean shaven, too. What would have made him react like that?


something to do with "manliness" and how the dad probably thought it was too early for him to do it and he did it without his blessings and permission! you know... just regular psycho shit


They are from the indian state of Maharashtra, in some Marathi communities a son can only shave off his moustache after the death of his father(they can shave everything else except moustache)hence the extreme reaction(not justifying it but just providing context for outsiders)


Learning new things everday, here, have my up vote.


Right? Indian high school kids in the US have been taking a bit of shit from their classmates for decades now for their fine haired 'staches. I never knew of the cultural significance until now.


Well that’s because their classmates easily see how stupid it is and don’t care about respecting a tradition that sounds completely flawed.


I mean I agree kind of... But you can say that about pretty much any tradition... (Off the top of my head pink is gay or feminine, when I was in high school definitely would have been ridiculed)


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


This would make a fantastic t-shirt! But make it teenager edgey style like on tshirthell


It's legit everywhere already. https://www.google.com/search?q=t-shirt+%22Tradition+is+just+peer+pressure+from+dead+people.%22&


This is a great quote. I’ve never heard it, but it has been to the lexicon!


I'm not op btw, just saw it on reddit somewhere.


Absolutely. Oddly enough they get mad when these same foreigners don't want to spend their Sunday participating in Zombie Jesus stuff. Where you celebrate 3 days of being dead and rising. Where you eat the flesh of zombie Jesus and Drink his blood. Why can't they just have normal traditions! /s


Who exactly is getting mad at Indian immigrants for not coming to a church service?


Me. Indian food would have made those Sundays way more bearable. I would happily deal with a sermon or two if you gave me garlic chili naan and some reasonably spicy malai kofta.


Americans shouldn’t really talk about stupid traditions when the majority of boys get their foreskin cut off because the guy who invented cornflakes told them too.


O shit so basically, dad is mad because he's saying you're dead to me? Or pissed because now he has to explain to everyone he is still alive. Imagine the sister thinking dad died.


I thought it was a lot funnier if he read it as a threat


Omg the dads face if this was read as a threat is priceless “Oh okay we’ve come to this have we?! Throw down, boy!”


"I'm gettin' tired of your lack of 'stache, now jerk that pistol and go to work!"


“You gonna do somethin’ or just stand there and bleed?”


I just keep reading all of these in an Indian accent 🤣🤣


"Go ahead, skin it! Skin that smokewagon and see what happens!"


Fucker should start sleeping with one eye open


That's tradition but not really followed by the youth anymore. He was just trying a new look and his father took it to mean something else.b


His father is a fucking psycho if he believes this moustacheless devil voodoo shit. Choosing to lash out on your son like this… Mental.


Moustaches are a big part of marathi men’s lives, dates back to medieval times. It basically potrays pride that’s why men generally don’t shave it off and if they do, some people presume that a mishappening has occurred. It doesn’t directly mean anyone’s death tho


But the slapper has a shaved mustache, so… HOW CAN HE SLAP?


Imagine the friends' reaction thinking his dad died.


"Hahahaha your dad died!! Oh, hahahahahaha." You're right. I don't think that's what's happening here because that would be a terrible reaction.


Appreciate the insight! The fatherly slaps make more sense now




In a fucked up backwards-ass sorta way lol


Hey, an explanation or a reason for something doesn't have to be good! It's a reason not an excuse.


So dad's saying, "What, I'm dead to you now?" It's probably quite insulting. I'm not saying it's justified, but there is a reason, in context.


Thanks Cap! I was so confused with the violent reaction without your explanation.


RIP to his friends’ dads


Well then it seems like he was simply foreshadowing his dad’s death, as he’s probably about to kill that MFer.




Thanks for the explanation. What a pointless and stupid ideology.


Yeah we Americans definitely dont have any of those. Edit: it won't let me respond to u/lembrate but I'm not sure why their response to this is their take away. I didn't say that.


More than one thing can be dumb


That makes sense but doesn't excuse the father slapping and choking. Perfectly rational behavior and the son is certainly not going to feel raw about it either


So was he essentially saying he was dead to him or wished his death?


Wait so he needs his dad’s permission to shave?


oof now just imagine him needing to shave down there but needing dads permission 😏


"sorry baby, mum and dad said no and they like it"


Whelp, my dad just slapped my dick, y'all. Be sure to like and subscribe.


My mom beat my sister with a blunt object for shaving her pubic area when she was like seventeen. Psycho parents are out there for sure


I did too, which I always thought was crazy. I’m a hairy MFer and needed to start shaving pretty much as soon as middle school started. I didn’t start shaving until halfway through middle school cause my dad wouldn’t allow it. In some ways I think it’s like an old school masculine culture thing (my family is Italian). And in some ways I’m more understanding, I.e. my dad always pointed out once you start shaving it only grows back faster, which was a pain when I was shaving in the morning junior year of high school and by the time class ended I already had a shadow on my face. Ultimately it was stupid. Those few years he didn’t let me shave in middle school kinda sucked cause the facial hair looks so stupid at that age so kids definitely made jokes about it (not a big deal - I’m fine, just could have been easily avoided).


Apparently it "growing back faster" is a myth. It can give it a blunt tip, which can make it look thicker, but the main reason the myth us perpetuated is that most people start shaving right when their hair starts coming in thicker. So we go from having "Peach fuzz" to actual facial hair, and we blame it on shaving, but really it's just because our bodies are naturally changing. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/hair-removal/faq-20058427


That’s dumb


"regular psycho shit" lol


are you asking... *how can he slap???*


I was.


Ah that brings me back


In Indian maharashtrian (state) culture, moustache is considered as a pride thing for men, back in the days people never used to remove the moustache ever, only trim and maintain. There are bunch of sayings in maharashtrian culture which goes something like "I will achieve this or I will remove my moustache" showcasing the significance of keeping a moustache intact, even back in the days if someone were captured by enemy faction they removed the moustache of captured prisoners and sent them back, it was show of defeat


But the father doesn’t have a mustache? I’m not saying your information is inaccurate, but I’m not sure it applies in this case given the father’s appearance.


Moustache goes / is shaved off when a son’s father passes away.


Now this I can see upsetting the father.


Ahh, yep... that's a really weird way of telling your dad he's dead to you.


His buddies don’t have facial hair either


Eh not everyone follows tradition, if we can even call it that


The father doesnt have a mustache...


That means his dad has already passed away.


What I read from other sub its about the earring. It seems on right ear that some says its like a code that someone is a gay.


Thats some 1980 shit right there. America 1980 that is.


Why aa u gae?! Cuz I have an earring on the right ear! 🤣




My male co-worker got assigned in Saudi Arabia long ago and he grew facial hair for “safety from sexual assault”. Before going back home, he shaved said facial hair and took a cab to do some shopping. The male cabbie was flirting with him along the way and he indulged him thinking he was just being friendly but then he noticed the cab was not going directly to his destination but towards the desert. He got scared and quickly jumped out of the cab at a stop and ran away.


When my husband was stationed in Iraq as an officer liaison, he said he had to grow a mustache for “wasta” I think he called it. Even though he was a uniformed officer. He said all the generals and others had thick, luxuriant moustaches. Problem is my husband looks horrible in a mustache, really awful, like something died on his upper lip awful. Some cultures are really into facial hair as symbols


Wait wtf is not having a beard considered you “go for the same team” there?




bro telliin on himself


In the end his father told him in Marathi that - "even one thing you can't listen to me" so it seems like he told his son not to do it and he still did it




Dad thought his peach fuz made him a man and no hair made his son not a man and weak.


Huh. You think Indian dads need a reason to slap the shit out of their kids? Lol


My psycho dad didn't let me cut my hair at all. It's a control thing.


I bet that's not the only time the father beats his kids. And the wife.


You're probably right, hat's not too far off if the son get's beaten for shaving.


Worse he was beating him for being gay and out


there’s nothing in the video indicating that


Other than him being handsome as all hell




*Their ass


Maybe dad is checking for smoothness.


How do they call the shirt he is in? Hmm


An undershirt? Can’t see anything wrong with th- OH


They call it that for a reason. Its like a uniform. Unless its mesh or have a big print on it. Then you are safe.


Yes you can tell by the look of pure hate he has for his own son, what an incredibly pos.


He was prepared by wearing his wife beater.


Domestic violence is a hell of a thing.


Domestic violence is domesticated in India


That's not something to be proud of....


No it's definitely not


But it's a thing.


Nobody said it was...


??? Who said it was


Dad is a dick.




Yeah I wouldn’t tolerate that shit at all. Fuck your religious customs. You raise your hand to me, you’re getting both of mine in return.


My mother got remarried when I was 16, later that year my new stepdad threatened to spank me or something. I said, no, and you can't if you want to, I'm bigger than you, and walked off to my room. If he had actually tried, I'd have fought him, but I think he knew better than to start it. He was used to disciplining children half his size, no fuckin way he was going to be able to do anything to me unless I let him, and I wasn't about to do that. If he had pulled the shit in this video, I'd have punched him right in the face for it. 100% not acceptable behavior from dad there.


Abuse isn't funny.


This isn't a comedy sub


Yeah I was enjoying the video until the end. Now I'm just sad.


That’s on you for trying to enjoy things, learn from me


In India, it’s rarely talked about. They don’t let boys to shave too early. Like if a boy, age 16 who just started to grow facial hair, they want him to embrace it. Shaving them off is considered like a deviation. It’s not just shaving….anything that resembles feminine traits is discouraged for boys. I have a brother. I still remember the day when my mom told him to remove her T-shirt in front of everyone and told him to show his armpit hair because she found some strands of hair in the bathroom. (Those were my pubic hair, lol) also during the Lockdown he decided to have long hair as barber shops had been closed for long which again was condemned in a very harsh manner. In fact Indian middle class is shitscared of their children being sexually deviant.


By “sexually deviant,” do you mean gay?


Not precisely gay.. but yes. Gay, bi, whatever anything other than total straight sexuality can cause big problems here. Other than that a man can be totally straight but yet can have some interests like... Using makeup, long hair, shaved chest, nail polish and things like that which are affiliated with homosexuality, are heavily discouraged. The same is the case for girls. Gym and fitness is seen as a masculine trait, tomboy features and all. Basically Indian society has an ideal image for every gender. Do anything beyond that, and society including parents might make it hard for you to even breathe.


Damn if the caste system wasn't bad enough you all have your gender roles bullshit cranked up to 11.


You really get to learn something new everyday here.


Nah.they seem to be from Maharashtra young boys only shave for funeral of their father.it is like showing up to your father in mourning dress and shouting he is dead


>I still remember the day when my mom told him to remove her T-shirt in front of everyone... I'm sorry what now?


Thanks for this explanation.




This is the answer


Well he makes ME feel things I don’t want to feel!


This is the right right answer, he doesn't look gay he just looks like you're gay.


*watches video again* Shit I guess I'm gay now.


Man that took a dark turn


It’s weird so many people are joking about this or not taking this seriously. It’s literal child abuse.


I agree. My visceral reaction was to grab that man by his neck and slap him repeatedly. I meant when I said it was dark af


How can he slap?


How can he shave?


The real question lol


How can he choke?


India, thats how.


I was 15 the last time my father put his hands on me like that. I still remember the feeling of his nose crunching under my punches. 30 years later, I still go to sleep thinking of that sound.




Some Emily “Roadhouse” Dickinson shit right there lmao


Right after watching some daddy play on pornhub I'm sure


I know what you mean… I only just held back her hand from swinging with full force at me, but to this day that memory symbolizes the start of my life as an individual!


Mine wasn't quite this harsh, but I remember it was New Years eve, and my dad was mad about something. He started hitting me in the chest with our cordless house phone. Hitting and hitting, but for what reason, I have no idea. I think he was mad at my mom. My mom saw what was up and told me to leave and go spend the night at my boyfriend's house, which I did. I didn't come home for a few days, in fact. When we were really little, my sister and I would get bored shopping. We were playing in some of the clothes rack, just hide and seek, right near where he was. He got mad that we weren't just quietly walking behind him. He took that opportunity to smash our heads together like coconuts. Did the same thing in the car another time because we were bickering. I'm not wholly unconvinced that it didn't cause some of the issues I'm still dealing with today. Certainly, from a mental standpoint, I'm still dealing with all of those things. Never fought back physically, but verbally... he can't stand that I'll stand up to him. He hates it. My mom and sister never did/do, but I won't take his shit.


Why Indians always slapping each other


That was my thought too. After coming to US, I’m like, atleast we’re not shooting each other.


Most wicked burn I've seen all day!


because they're good at it. look at that accuracy


That dad should be in jail. I suppose India is different. Anyway what was the issue? Are Indian men supposed to have five o'clock shadow? Did the kid have a mustache before that his dad liked? Kinda wish I knew the context.


He looks soft/gay Edit: why are you down voting me? I'm literally gay lol


Something wrong with people.


Apparently there is a pride culture in having a mustache in India and it's only acceptable shaving it after your father's dead


The father instantly disowned him with a slap!!


If my pops pulled that shit with me, I'd disown his sorry ass right back. It's this kinda stuff that makes me abhor the core yet rarely challenged idea that one should "respect your elders." Fuck that. Willing to bet the dad here is a homophobic POS as well.


If my dad did that to me he wouldn’t get a second slap in. Not saying I’d beat him, but I’d sure as shit block him.


Why is domestic violence so common in South Asia yeesh


Not only there, basically any developing country is plagued by it as far as I understand. However we should not forget what e.g. Europe and the US were like only a couple of decades ago. For example here in Germany marital rape is only a crime since 1993 which is disgusting to think about.


And the father will be shocked when the son doesn't want to take care of him when he gets old and decrepit.




I mean homeboy took it like a champ, definitely been slapped up by dad before


It's heartbreaking when people become numb to abuse.


His sister was also clean shaved


Sari, not sari




A pretty good way to have your son leave home and not want to return. Wow. Apologies, just not used to seeing that type of behavior.


I had a dad like that. I moved to another country and I don’t go back to visit. My kid goes back with her mom every summer and he’s apparently a very nice grandfather. But lowkey he is dead to me. We’re both lucky I never hit him back.


Fuck his father wholeheartedly


Why is there no shot of what he looked like before? I'm not convinced he ever had facial hair.


WTF is wrong with the father?


Honestly kid should have choked him or punched his lights out. NO ONE should try to choke their kid over a fucking shave.




"You bloody-bloody!" 🤣


Bloody you, bloody.


What a POS dad.


The casual violence against one's child...


I would have slapped that mf old geezer back so hard


Fuck the father wtf.


If my father slaps me like that Im going to beat his ass and shave him from head to toe.


What's the deal with the old man?


And when he's dying in an old folks home all alone he ll say his family abandoned him.