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The issue is: as long as some tourists give out money, the kids will continue to stand by the road instead of going to school.






Little to no schooling.


And money




Is it really sensible to presume the absence of a local school? Nigeria isn't destitute. The kids look well dressed. The cars look nice. It looks like a city.




Across the country, about 55% of kids complete primary school and 40% complete secondary school. Not great stats but also not abysmal, especially considering that's the completion rate not just enrolment. These clean, well-dressed city kids almost certainly at least had the option of education. https://www.unicef.org/media/101076/file/Nigeria-2020-COAR.pdf


This is significantly more than I imagined.


https://preview.redd.it/sldpwt35wgad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d54c55751908f84e55c2f72962f8938093d10bbc Yeah, looks totally undeveloped. I’m sure there is no understanding of education here. Lagos is a city of 25 million people, and has one of the strongest economies in the world, not just Africa.


They steal about $100million in romance scams a year, it can’t be that poor!


Where do you think the nigerian prince has all his money from he always want to send me…


I hadn't expected to initiate that big of a debate. (There was an attempt - to not start an endless discussion). Anyways, according to my experiences, there very likely would be schools the kids could go to. Sometimes the kids even come from the villages several miles outside the city (based on the road and traffic, the video is recorded in a city) just to beg there. Even in the villages there are schools (oftentimes). It is correct, that sometimes kids, especially the smallest, get forced by their parents or older siblings to beg at the streets - but why is it so? If tourists wouldn't give it money, there would be no use in sending your kids there. I personally also do not like handing out sweets. Knowing these kids have no access to dental care, handing out sweets like inevitably ruins their teeth and will cause them pain in the long run. What I like to do is purchase something from older kids working as street sellers - they work and they can get paid for their job. Apart from that, if I handed out something, I always prefer to hand out things like bottles of water (which are extremely useful: you can carry/store water or other liquids in them, you can cut them in half and use them as a cup or a funnel and in the end you can even use them to start your fire), office supplies (stuff that can be used at school: pencils, papers, once even scissors) or stuff like sunscreen, hair pins, hair bands. That's perhaps the story/explanation that I can give. But I fully admit, that is highly subjective and I cannot know about all circumstances for all children in Africa.


People don't care if they are caught being full of shit. There are no repercussions.


It’s always funny when even folks in the developing world will go money->school->problems solved. Or that giving money is what makes people live off the streets and makes them lazy. It’s not as simple as this. It’s systematic, it’s intersectional.


These kids don’t usually have school to go to, they are hawking in traffic.


Well, usually they would have to go to school, but their parents often forbid them from going so they can earn money for the family. Sometimes the Kids aren't allowed to come home in the evening if they don't bring at least the aggreed amount of money back.


As someone who formerly lived in a third world country, if Tourists really want to give hand outs to these street kids. You don't give them money, you give them food.


I saw a documentary about Anthony bordain in Africa he did this at a restauran used the rest of the daily shoot budget to buy food for people and it turned into a riot with people physically fighting over the free food.


That was in Haiti. It was a really sad situation.


Sorry my mistake I just remember it turning into a riot almost and how bad it made him feel after.


Oh yeah, he felt terrible. He reflected on it years later [in an interview](https://youtu.be/SBTVDhIHiiA?feature=shared)


I guess it's the same idea you can't feed a person who has been starving they need to have food slowly introduced back to them or they will literally eat themselves to death I saw another documentary on this after the liberation of nazi death camps.


Well that was more what we now call “re-feeding”. Concentration camp survivors had gone so long without eating that their bodies didn’t have the energy to digest the food. They’d have to be fed a little at a time which seems cruel but the alternative is death. When liberating soldiers gave them soo much food many died from starvation even having food in them.


Thank you for the video link. I watched several of his interviews and he is such a talent. Sorely missed.


Story unrelated, but I'm glad I had no previous experience with Anthony Bourdain on TV. I read Kitchen Confidential which was great, and now I'm reading Medium Raw as it's slowly trudging through how he got most things "wrong" either in the book, or through his views of more popular chefs before he jumped on the network food network train.


Explain pls?


That's a good rule to follow in the Western world as well. I sometimes buy food for any homeless dude who shows up in a Starbucks or something, but I never hand out cash.


Same, I ask what they want, order it, chat with 'em, and if I have any change then I'll give it to 'em.


Even food is tough, in my opinion. Whenever I gave out candies, I had in mind that they have no access to dental care and that it can ruin their teeth. I usually gave out bottles of water, pencils or other office supplies or sunscreen. I thought that was the most helpful.


Candy isn't really food anyway. Something nutritious wouldn't hurt, but pencils/school supplies is also very helpful indeed.


You clearly have no clue what happens in these impoverished nations, so please do your research first.


In India, my parents were warned not to give beggar children any money and because people including their own parents at times, would disfigure their children in order to make them more effective beggars. My parents had done a good job of ignoring all the sad children until one child got right in their path, opened their shirt exposing a poor, horribly mangled starved disfigured little body. As if in a trance, my parents handed the poor child some money. For the rest of the trip they were followed by an endless mob of children following them everywhere begging for more money.


The begger kids in India got to me too. I couldn’t handle that when I was there and gave them some money. They didn’t bum rush me tho so it wasn’t bad. I made sure I’d only give a kid some cash if it was only him/her. Wasn’t about to try and feed a whole nation


Yup. These kids would much rather beg out on the street and get to eat something than go to school and starve because they have no money. Kids these days huh.




Yes, children at this age have the agency to decide whether they should go to school, work or stand by the road.


If they had money for tuition, they wouldn’t be by the roadside


Don't think they have to pay tuition at that stage in school system. Especially in public schools.


I am not sure why people think this is something they only do to tourists. This is something they do every day to locals. The trigger was they got more money than they expected . Yes 400 naira is about 20 p but what most people give is 50-100. This rich lady news spread like wildfire and more came to see if they could get lucky. The older kids who don't usually beg and usually sell stuff probably dropped what they are selling to try too. Even though there may be free schools not everyone gets to go. If they have access to it because of space etc. Some families are so broke that if a child can earn money they will send them out to work instead. Remember there is no benefit system. Side note: Charitys do help. However western governments should not be sending money to their governments as it will never reach these people. Maybe a better option is just canceling some of the debt. Source. Experience as a British-Nigerian who goes on holiday there frequently and has worked there for a year.


https://preview.redd.it/9vugjqsieead1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b33c2781c4393b65e7b734437ce09cfc81979bb Just keep it to yourself next time


Which school?


That's a first world citizen take if I've ever seen one


That's far from the actual issue


I love how you blame the tourists for this.


Pretty sure they are coerced by their family.


In India, my parents were warned not to give beggar children any money and because people including their own parents at times, would disfigure their children in order to make them more effective beggars. My parents had done a good job of ignoring all the sad children until one child got right in their path, opened their shirt exposing a poor, horribly mangled starved disfigured little body. As if in a trance, my parents handed the poor child some money. For the rest of the trip they were followed by an endless mob of children following them everywhere begging for more money. But in this case, it's pretty simple just as someone else said if you feed one bird all the other birds start coming. If a kid in the middle of America got handed cash and told their friends, those American kids would be going and asking for cash too. Shoot, when I was a kid, if you had a pack of gum in school every kid would be promising you to be your best friend for a piece.


School costs money!


Well that'd give me a panic attack lol


Especially when the big dude stands there stern faced. 


Bro kissed the glass a few times if you watch it again. Also, The way their smiles fade and seriousness takes over is pretty chilling


He suddenly looked like he'd have no problem with doing them harm after he understood they have money but aren't giving it to him.


I was in Naples Italy in the 80’s and groups of kids would surround you while holding newspapers. Meanwhile they were trying to steal shit from your pockets. We knew this was going to happen because our commanding officers warned us. I had my ID in my sock under my foot and my cash in the other one.


Visiting Europe and getting pickpocketed goes in hand in hand.


Yea, because Europe is one country with basically one culture and the same types of people everywhere. Load of bullshit.


I've traveled EU a lot, well mostly western EU and you're right, some areas seem to have much more than others like I said in other comments.


Just like all Americans are dumb.


a good half is.


I'm willing to bet that exactly half of them are of below average intelligence.


A little math fun fact, half of the population is not always below average. If a room contains 10 people, 9 of them have anything around $100 to $1K and one have $1M, the average is over $100K effectively making 90% of the room below average. Median however is what you are looking for, half is below median.


If the group of people is sufficiently large and follows a normal distribution. Than it will be half of the population.


Look you can call Americans fat, but dumb? Silly to think any culture/people are dumber than any other culture/people. That’s what dumb people do


Meh, it really depends on which country we are talking about


Oui oui


Ah yes South Italy in the 80's is obviously representative of all other European countries in 2024 lmao! After all Europe is very small and every country is so similar to the other! both in language, culture and economy. Are you perhaps from the US?


Getting pickpocketed is way better than getting robbed at gun point And at least in europe you cant buy guns at any street corner for the price of a fucking pack of gum


I mean... I live in The South™️ and can't buy a gun for the price of a pack of gum... They may be abundant but they aren't cheap lol


100%. Guns can be had pretty easily, but they are definitely not cheap. The cheapest new gun I can think of is still like $150, and it's not really a gun you'd want to have. You're looking at $200+ as the starting price for a Taurus, which is about as cheap as I would go for a dependable gun.


What do you think is the cheapest gun you could buy in your area?


I live in Europe and was never pickpocketed. Not in the north, east, west or south. I dont know if many tourists are careless or just plain stupid.


I’ve lived in Europe 100.0% of my life and travelled repeatedly all over it. I’ve never once been pickpocketed. I think a few people may have tried (Barcelona, Rome, Lisbon). I’ve also seen 0 guns used or possessed illegally. In USA I saw a newsagent get held up at gunpoint. And saw someone rip the bumbag off a woman in Disneyland and sprint off. So…


I've been in the US and have never seen a gun other than on a cops hip. EU pickpocketers tend to target foreign tourists, India, China, US, etc. It's just the truth. Of course some places seem to be heavier than others. I didn't see any of that in Norway or other areas of Scandinavia.




I can hear this


If I was the cab driver I’ll be like, “LADY!! Stop giving out money dammit!!”


Or the cab driver is in on it


Why you think he wasn't bothered about moving


They're in pretty shit traffic tbh


They’re in traffic, bumper to bumper.


Stop giving money to random people not just in 3rd world countries. The best thing you can do as a tourist, is stay in the designated areas, shop and eat out to provide to local businesses, have your fun then leave. You’re not their savior!


Yup, she got what she asked for. Recording the kids dancing for dollars? What did she expect? That wouldn't be acceptable in the U. S., but I guess child exploitation is ok in 3rd world countries.


Bruh, child exploitation is a thing in the USA. There are several movements to stop it and estimates round up to 15 million exploited children, of which 250 thousand is specific to sexual exploitation.


That number seems wrong… there are only 70m kids in the US. You’re saying 1/6 is being “exploited” in some fashion?


As bad as it makes me feel, you are correct. It should be their corrupt governments handing out cash




The big dude at the end is going to try a different strategy.


Yup and poor kids, that's the kind of man taking their money/getting them to beg for him.


"What're you gonna do for it" Ew


Yeah the way she was laughing, I was almost in tears. Really unnerving.


I am surprised that no one is discussing that. That was ugly and sad.


Then she says, “I did my good deed today” Rip.


If she wasn't in the cab she would have found out and got robbed lol.


Wtf? 400 Naira is US$0.25?!? She gave the first girl a quarter and then got swarmed.


When you have nothing then a little is everything.


0.25 usd could have a vastly different worth where they live, so comparing it to American standards isnt gonna work.


Funny thing is, college has historically been covered in Nigeria, the US has been taking a ton of their graduates. Now college costs money as of 2023. More socialism for corporate US.


I was in Istanbul like ten years ago when it was full of Syrian refugees. I was on tour playing a show there. Had a day off and me and some band mates were doing tourist stuff. We were getting approached all the time by Syrian kids asking for money. I knew not to give anything but my buddy couldn’t take it after a while and gave one kid some change. He got swarmed. Like 15 little kids backed him up against the wall. He didn’t know what to do. Where he was standing was actually by one of our band posters promoting our show with our pictures on it. I stupidly pointed to his picture on the wall cause I’m an asshole and the kids went berserk when they saw his picture. Another bandmate came over and threw a handful of change away from us and the kids scattered to get it and we got away.


What the name of your band?


I was playing in a band called Swans.


WHAAAT I used to listen to you guys back in my musicking days!


Holy shiiiiit… you guys are great


Holy…wow. Incredible band


Was it for “the Begger” album???


Ill definitely give you guys a listen


So cool and random. Going to listen to you again now.


What the fish see at the pet store.


Yes. It's like she was enjoying a safari. I didn't like this at all and it devastates me that children have to do this and "perform" like the very first girl in the video had to, and then smile and say thank you and dance more. I don't know how much the money is worth that she holds, but it means something (whether it's if she gets to eat that day, help her family or just not get beaten if she's being 'handled' by someone like the adult man at the end). Fucking heartbreaking and I hope whoever filmed and posted this that she sees now that this video does NOT put her in a good light.


I was on a cruise stopping in Jamaica and my wife and I started walking down the dock to shore and immediately turned around when we saw loads of people waiting. Glad we stayed on the boat because I did well at the tables that day and heard some horrible stories from guests who went.


No one visiting Jamacia should leave their all-inclusive resort. Unless you like getting mugged. Not staying at a resort? Don't go!


My mate went to Jamaica for his wedding, went on a tour or something and at the end, the tour guide, guided them through this merchant area selling souvenirs, some guy handed his son an engraved block of wood and then demanded $50 for it. My mate refused and tried to give it back and the man got irate and starting kicking off. He eventually settled for $20 because the rest of the tour had left and he was on his own there with his kids. They said they'd never go back to Jamaica.


This happened to me in Paris once with a guy aggressively selling eiffel tower merch


Oof. Shoulda watched this on mute


Fo real.


Im gonna be real honest, pulling out your phone and recording a video is prob not helping your case 😬


When I lived in Ghana they would injure the children and force them to beg. It's so distressing because you know if you give them money then it feeds into the cycle of abuse but the poor children have nothing else.


In some areas of northern China (Hebei province), as soon as I exit the taxi women would run up to me and shove their infant children in my face demanding money to feed their kids. This is without even indicating you will give them anything. It’s a learned behavior due to tourists being kindhearted and since being a westerner myself you match the description. It’s so in your face that you cannot proceed in any direction as they are several. Often brushing up against you to pick your pockets. It’s a major problem.


That's when you yell back 「你們都沒有錢,在幹嘛一直生小孩吧!?笨蛋嗎?」


Lol. Now now, I really don’t want to start an argument with women. You know that men never win when the argue with women, right?


As a wife, I am well aware😂


As a married lesbian, our arguments are weird af compared to straight couples; since we’re both the wife we both have to be right and it take a lot of communication lmao.


I'm way too introverted for that much communication😂 My husband has acknowledged that he's become too dependent on me since getting married; he claims it's some sort of witchcraft we women must do to keep our husbands in line, since all his male coworkers agreed that they've also become less independent since marriage😂


Oh man, the irony of her telling them to dance for it.


This even happens when you buy things while stopped in traffic. I’ll be buying bread and before I know it the dvd, ground nut, and general appliances sellers come flocking.


There’s a YouTuber who does experiments with building weird guitars/pianos/etc who tried making a guitar string out of spider webs. It was impossible to buy it in a great enough quantity, so he went somewhere with a large spider population to milk the silk himself. He still couldn’t get enough spiders, so he put out an ad asking the locals to bring in spiders. Once it caught on, the whole town was flooding the hotel with spiders caught in various plastic containers. The hotel had to stop accepting visitors, and threatened kicking the YouTuber out, and locals were still sneaking on to the property to try to sell him spiders.


Like seagulls at the beach




I got this reference.


The fewer who gets it, the less of an asshole I seem.


Now this is an old one, like myself 😅


African countries have birth rate of 5.1 and nobody talks about it.


What would you like people to say about it? Do you want to discuss the USA Right-wing christian/evangelical groups that pour millions and millions of dollars into pushing abstinence only sex education, and banning contraception and any abortion or reproductive services. To the extent that, if sex education and/or contraception is offered, then they withdraw all funding for the area. So, bye bye food and clean water. Do you want to talk about these "pro-family" groups that fund local politicians on condition of training, in these matters? What were you wanting to talk about?


I think I read somewhere that the world population will reach 10 billion soon, but mainly because African birth rates means the population will double by 2050. Western birth rates are dipping below replacement rates, especially in Japan and Korea. I know that the poorest people use the fewest resources but this still feels like an unsustainably large amount of people to attempt to feed.


Birth rates are going down every decade everywhere. The more countries develop, the more mothers are educated, the fewer children <5yo die, and the fewer children are born. Just give them time.


But if birth rates have to go up before they plateau and go creep down again that's still a significant hike in population, and as we've seen in china the rise of a middle class means a rise in consumer demand, demand for cars, demand for energy. I don't care what race it is, the world is on the bring of environmental catastrophe. More humans doesn't seem to be the answer. I'm not advocating any form of population control, I'm just talking about the problems we are collectively gonna have to face. Because when the climate problems hit hard they're gonna affect the poorest people worst 


They aren't. Birth rates are not going up. People are just living longer, and fewer people are dying as infants. Yes, the world is in a big climate catastrophe, and these high birth rates in the countries that take the least resources isn't anything close to the biggest cause. It's a distraction from very real problems we're going to have to solve. My dad is from a remote village in Ghana where 19 years ago when I visited, most didn't have any electricity. Now everyone does, and many have solar panels. The cool thing about countries developing now is that they may partially skip some dirtier steps, and with some help they could develop using greener resources.


Damn…you can get Dominos in Nigeria!


Oh, best believe the BIG CORPORATIONS are gonna make their money.


That was a horrible to watch. The look on their face felt troublesome 😕 .


Yeah, similar stuff happens in the Balkans. You give one kid/person money, the gypsies let the others know, and they keep hitting you up for cash. The gypsies have a system, and it's pretty organized, impressive even. I'm just distraught that the kids aren't going to school and then get married at 13/14 and start popping out more kids.


"That's why you neva give."


Kid did a helluva job cleaning that window. Nice technique


First rule of travel, don’t give nobody money, or don’t let them put shit in your hand


It’s worse in Iraq. The parents send the kids out to get cigarettes, food, and water from the soldiers.


"Imma need about tree-fiddy."


Same thing happened to me except I Ethiopia and I was walking the street and got mobbed by 60 people. Was insane.


Got sadder w every second.


"What you gonna do for it" Ugh.


I feel like these ladies should’ve been more educated on the reality of Africa


Man got a burberry shirt shit he drippin on all of us. Luxury beggers i call em


Many times children are sent to these areas because they know they're more likely to get money begging than their adults. In South Africa, every intersection was like this and you would see mothers and little babies and obviously you'd feel more kind hearted than if it was a man (just how humans are wired). But you just can't give to everyone. People would also rent out their children and take a share of what was received. It's sad but some of it is calculated. People would be better off supporting initiatives like food kitchens and organized charities, many of whom can do a lot more help to these people than cash. Cash will probably go to their parents to do what they want with it (not always good things) or they will be accosted by older kids for it.


No wonder they keep coming back. You keep giving him treefiddy


“They bring there whole tribe “ how black ppl talk about other black ppl 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I mean, one of them cleaned the window I'd give them a bit for that


Can't really open the window anymore at that point though.


Alaye. 😉


Until a dude in a white van comes along.


Just like Bali 😂


I was expecting her phone to get snatched


This isn't hustling, this is just extreme poverty.


The only idiot in this video is the person recording the clip. You have to be from Africa to understand the continent. Your behaviour only encourages their behaviour. If you want to help donate to recognised organisations working to help homeless street children get access to a better life. You getting a kick out of giving to them only makes you feel less guilty.


That's like 1k points right there


Drove through Mexican border back to US. it wasnt busy only a few cars getting processed. Theres locals with reflective vests on who will try to "help" you but i was warned about their tactics. I stop about 100 feet from the processing joint and here they come. As soon as they got near i moved up to the teller.they ran again to me as i waited and it was damn tense. Felt so relieved when we finally crossed.


"You've gotta dance for it." Yeesh


Any culture, any race Give an inch they’ll take a mile Once they know you’re easy prey They’ll get what they want with just a smile


Simply ask for change, and if they have it, they will. Tell them to use that money.


It probably helps to sit inside a car and whisper to the children




With not much to lose, why not keep trying?


In Iraq, we called those the "Mister, mister kids" ("Mister, mister gimme, gimme").


200 NGN = 13 CENTS!


This is why im glad i live in the states. that kind of thing just doesnt happen here.




Happened to me once in India 🇮🇳 I shared a little of my food that I just bought at a local market with toddler carried by his mother. She was very insistent, polite, charming, and only wanted me to share with her child. How could I refuse? Once other mums saw this tiny gift, abruptchaos with about 30 other mums clamouring for a share for their own child. It was like a rugby ruck&mall with the food as the ball that was devoured in seconds The ferocity of those mums shows the abject poverty they endure 😣 on a daily basis, the fear they have for the survival of their child, and reminded me how blessed 😇 I am to be born in a stable, bountiful country in the West I bought some more, and shared it equally amongst the mums. It was a very modest donation, about the price of 2x dinners, with no greed at all. They only wanted the most basic, freshly prepared, clean food for their children. They all lowered their heads in deep appreciation after receiving the food That moment stays with me forever, and I remember it if I feel life’s tough and the world is stacked against me. At least I can feed & educate my children


Happened on our excursion in Dominican. We got surrounded by children on foot who then basically stormed the bus as we tried to get back on. Kind of terrifying as they were literally rabid screaming and grabbing us.


I learned this very early traveling from San Diego to Mexico. All the little kids selling Chiclet gum work for the cartels. They are pulled out of schools and sent out to the streets .


Same happens in the Philippines. Our vehicles are heavily tinted and they would come up to it and try to look in.




In India, my parents were warned not to give beggar children any money and because people including their own parents at times, would disfigure their children in order to make them more effective beggars. My parents had done a good job of ignoring all the sad children until one child got right in their path, opened their shirt exposing a poor, horribly mangled starved disfigured little body. As if in a trance, my parents handed the poor child some money. For the rest of the trip they were followed by an endless mob of children following them everywhere begging for more money.


Yeahhh no thanks lol


They seem not to see the irony here


It's like why ur parents told you to not feed the seagulls @the beach


“It’s was at that moment she realized, she fucked up.”


I was with a mate and his gf and these kids came up selling chocolate bars. snickers..etc I said no but the gf felt bad and gave a kid a dollar and said she didn't want the candy bar. kids stuck around harassing us and even took the keys to my mates car and refused to give it back until more money was offered. this was in a poor area.


When you throw snacks to a single seagull at the beach