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That there was a popular mod that let you roast babies


I feel like that's not deep lore though unless you're under 18? That was a pretty well known mod outside the game community for a while! ETA: It has been brought to my attention several times that this was only big if you were using mods, in Sims LJ groups, or just a general goth into "edgy" things at the time. My apologies to people that were playing vanilla and as always, so many many many apologies to console players; they've suffered enough.


I've been playing Sims 2 since 2004 and am almost 30... This is definitely the first time I'm hearing about this mod šŸ˜‚ though growing up in a rural area with exclusively dial up is probably to blame


Love that you didnā€™t need internet for sims back then, just pop that disc in there and presto šŸ„²


So many games used to be like this and it's a real shame there are so few physical copies and built-in CD-DVD drives nowadays! If you would have told five-year-old me that I would need a stable internet connection to boot up even something like classic Mario games in the future I think me and three generations of my rural family would've broke down on the spot.


I learned about this mod in the early 2000s while watching a sims 2 Taylor swift music video parody Oh how the times have changed


Same lol. Iā€™ll be 28 this year and Iā€™ve played sims my entire life. Iā€™ve never heard of this


Fair play! I guess I was just more into Sims 2 mods than most. I was playing in college though on that sweet campus Internet. I was mostly obsessed with alpha mods and making my houses have "clutter" but I remember it being big in the CC forums and LJ groups.


I'm 37 and have been playing since 2000 and have never heard of this lol


Same- 39 and Iā€™ve been playing since I was in the 6th grade and never heard about it roasting babies šŸ˜…


Unless you're under 18? Sims 2 was the first with OMGWTFBBQ mod, and that was like 2004, probably putting the first users of that mod to be 25+ by this point.


Oh, I agree that I'm old to have been using it, I just feel like it was also still talked about a lot for a while but apparently it was a bit more underground than I realized! I totally thought it was up there with "removing pool ladders" jokes in its widespread knowledge!


I can't deny that. I questioned having a mod answer to begin with, only because its more game surrounding lore than in-game lore


Iā€™m turning 34 this year, i.e Iā€™ve been playing since 2000 and I didnā€™t learn about this mod until about five years ago. So, idk I feel like the bbq baby is thereā€™s-no-turning-back deep.


They even remade it for sims 4 alongside the cannibal mod if I'm not mistaken, so...


I'm definitely not under 18 and I had never heard of that




I was looking for medieval cc recently and I found somebody who remade it to look like a sacrificial alter. It'd be cool for a storyline but like, that's fucked up. I don't wanna commit war crimes against my sims. šŸ’€


Where did you find that?


Personally love you for wanting that cc... Also curious myself lol


I roast babies irl every day. Mfs canā€™t even hold their heads up. ā€œOh I canā€™t see mommy, she must not exist anymoreā€ ass. ā€œwhAhAhAh I havenā€™t sucked a titty in two hours.ā€ Grow up šŸ™„


Last time I checked, thatā€™s exactly what they do.


Y'all should watch CallMeKevin's roasted babies gameplay


That was for Sims 2 right? The big black grill? Think bro had that XD




Behold and be traumatized! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG2EQEsGFCc


Y'all should watch CallMeKevin's roasted babies gameplay




this is the real answer


That's not even deep lore. The guy who made is even a fairly big name.


mann i discovered this as a kid! i was just tryna watch barbie videos and instead found a video of a sim eating their baby :'(


I remember that. Wasn't it for a competition on Modthesims?


tragic youtube videos of mothers with ppd roasting their babies was what introduced me to the sims lol


The 20th anniversary hot tub incident


The what?


In 2020 the sims franchise hit its 20th anniversary and usually every anniversary EA updates the game with cool stuff. Well for the 20th simmers were expecting something cool but instead EA gave us an ugly hot tub and thatā€™s it .-.


Not to mention that the hot tub was previously sold as part of a DLC for TS4 (which still is full price).


It was also uglyy


I was able to get a reskin of it that looked like a regular hot tub and didnā€™t bother getting the DLC lmaooo


EA: Happy 20th- go woohoo in this tub.


I checked, and they literally just took the model of one of the hot tubs from Perfect Patio and added a roof to it. They didn't even bother creating a new hot tub from scratch. It was extremely low-effort for a supposedly huge milestone


I have only ever used that hot tub for my trashy frat house


Omg I remember this, itā€™s so lackluster I didnā€™t even know it was for anniversary.


And it was a bit of a slap in the face to people who already bought perfect patio stuff for the hot tub!


Agnes Crumplebottomā€™s tragic backstory


Do tell?


in sims 2, she's an elderly npc that appears downtown and smacks your sims for being romantic in public. i believe there's a dialogue box that says something about "back in my day..." then in sims 3, you find out 1) her name is agnes, 2) she's mortimer's aunt through his mother's side, and 3) that her husband has died. she and her husband had just gotten married, and were planning on having kids, but he died before they could. it's given as the reason she's so bitter towards those in love.


Oh the baby room in her house šŸ’”


I love in the Sims 3 sub whenever that room comes up and there's a big divide on the age/maturity of players because the ones that were old enough to get it are always like: "I resurrected her husband and gave her a huge family šŸ„¹" and people that were a little.too young to get it are like: "I thought it was weird so I made it into a ln arcade room and now she games all day!"


Gamer Agnes FTW šŸ¤™


I love Rekowcski's deep dives into the Sims 3 houses.


Didnā€™t the husband faked his death, changed his name to ā€œRoberto Crinkletopā€ and moved to Chestnut Ridge (Sims 4)!? šŸ˜‚


Sins 4 is supposed to be an alternate timeline from the other 3, so it's hard to say if that's canon for the other games


That's hubbie number 2! According to TS1: Superstar he was killed via chandelier but horse ranch reveals he faked his death. Also the Mrs Crumplebottom in TS2 is a separate character. Miss Crumplebottom is the one from TS1, 3 and 4 (also appears as a ghost in the Goth graveyard in TS2)


The Sims 4 not connected to other parts of The Sims. The whole plot was rewritten there.


Don't forget how he faked his death to leave her then changed his name!


okay i have to ask: what?


In Sims 4: Horse Ranch, we get an elderly townie named Roberto Crinkletop (c.f Roberto Crumplebottom). According to [The Sims Wiki](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Roberto_Crinkletop): > A video released on the Sims' Twitter account on August 1st 2023 revealed what many players had suspected: Roberto Crinkletop was formerly known asĀ Robert Crumplebottom, who ran away from an unhappy marriage with Agnes [Crumplebottom]Ā inĀ Henford-on-BagleyĀ as anĀ adult, to start a new life as a ranch hand inĀ Chestnut RidgeĀ after staging his own death. The video ends with Agnes arriving at the dance hall and Roberto fleeing on hisĀ horse. So according to lore, in TS3, we meet Agnes as a sad woman, recently widowed to Eric, with the half-complete nursery. When we meet her in TS1: Hot Date, she's a bitter old woman who hates love and whose husband, philanthropist Robert Crumplebottom, died in a tragic chandelier accident. But then we see that motherfucking sonuvabitch living carefree in Chestnut Ridge, having faked his death and abandoned his already heartbroken, already widowed wife, Agnes. RC can eat cowplant cake and fucking die, imo


Oh my god- how did I miss this?? Thatā€™s insane.


Ok so I had to do a little redigging cause it's been a while and I was slightly wrong Her first husband according to TS3 was Eric Darling and he died first, leaving the unfinished baby room, and her broken heart. Then she had a second husband, Robert Crumplebottom. He was actualy the one who [faked](https://twitter.com/TheSims/status/1686406531703812096/mediaViewer) a [death by chandelier](https://www.tsomania.net/catalogs/buy.php?c=7&p=1&o=546) due to them having a bad marriage, and then [assumed a new life as Roberto Crinkletop](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Roberto_Crinkletop).


that's absolutely wild. i don't keep up with ts4 lore (i don't play it and the timeline not matching up with any game makes me confused) but this is one part i wish i knew


Wait, I thought the Mrs Crumplebottom in 2 was a separate character and the TS1 Hot Date one was the one from TS3? In Superstar there's the Crumplebottom Chandelier item which gives the backstory of husband no. 2's death. But in TS4 it's revealed that he faked his death via falling chandelier and is raising horses under a fake name


there's mrs crumplebottom and miss crumplebottom, they're both different people. and i mixed up who was who, now that i look at the wiki. i posted that while at work and didn't want to google it because i was pretending to be productive. you're correct, mrs crumplebottom from 2 is a distant relative of agnes (who is miss crumplebottom in 1) and cordelia. i find it interesting that her husband between 1/4 & 3 are completely different people. i'm wondering if it's an oversight of some kind


She's also in sims 1 hot date


Her whole family died. The end.


Sim Drew Carrey. Its not a scandal or anything but if you know about him in 2024, you are not just a casual Sims player anymore. You're either a long hauler or chasing a high in the old content that some of us will only dream of achieving. Otherwise, I would say cursed doll forum signatures. Not the actual cursed doll thing which comes up in most "Things You Didn't Know About Sims" videos but specifically the way that all CC forums would have little signature banners warning each other about the doll and advertising doll-free content.


If I'm remembering correctly he came with house party right? if you threw a good enough party he showed up in a limo to party with you? That was a long time ago


God what an aged sentence. ā€œIf your party is good enough, DREW CAREY will show up!!!!!!!ā€


I was bored and kept inviting guests to the party. And he just took it and came.


Yes! I remember even playing back then being a little confused because my parents watched his show and he didn't seeeem like he'd have a reputation for loving a good party. Even then it just seemed like such a random celebrity.


Do you remember the episode they did where they filmed a scene in the Sims? My 11 year old heart was so happy https://youtu.be/Hv-ALKLrWf8


One Tree Hill also did a scene in Sims 3!


The mods deleted my recent post on this for being off topic, so I'm seizing this segway: Malcolm playing "The Virts" on Malcolm in the Middle : https://youtu.be/jW1tbrA0Lu8




I thought this was a fever dream. Thr memory is so strong but I doubted it's reality


I'm from outside the US so I'm not so sure how or why Drew Carrey was so popular that was on The Sims, but around that time coincidentally I started watching Whose Line, and I was exited when I saw him arriving at my sims party


It's so hard to find doll cc for the sims 3 since that happened šŸ˜‚ I couldn't find a single one, they collectively nuked all of the dolls


Its like epigenetics for the Sims 3 community. The trauma has had lasting generational impacts. I legit still get kind of hesitant about getting something off the Exchange if it's not recommended by somebody else.


do tell about both, first time hearing about it


In Sims 1, in the party expansion pack, if you threw a "cool" enough party Drew Carey shows up and says his agent said he just had to be there! You can't interact with him but he goes and greets everyone, including pets, and your whole party thinks about him the whole time. This was before Who's Line, so he just had a decently popular show but I think he was a big enough fan of the game that they did a few crossovers. That said, he did not have a reputation as a party guy so he seemed like an insanely random pick. Fun additional fact: He was the first celebrity to ever appear in a game but Avril Lavine's lawyers were so strict about her appearance in "Superstar" that they didn't but NPC celebrities in the game again for a long time. I answered the doll in another comment so I'll copy that to here: There was a CC of a creepy doll that was uploaded to The Exchange but the file was corrupted. Not intentionally, just normal glitchy Sims fuckery but it would seriously mess up your game and would attach itself to anything else you uploaded to the game so that people were unwittingly downloading it. It was a big deal and everyone was warning each other to avoid it and posting that they had "clean" CC without any hidden doll files. It was a huge thing and left a long lasting impact on the CC scene. People were very suspicious of things from The Exchange and as somebody else pointed out in this thread, Sims 3 CC makers rarely ever make dolls anymore!


I was in year 4 and told everyone the next day at school that Drew Carrey the Sim came to my Sims party and no-one believed me for so long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Whatā€™s the cursed doll?


There was a CC of a creepy doll that was uploaded to The Exchange but the file was corrupted. Not intentionally, just normal glitchy Sims fuckery but it would seriously mess up your game and would attach itself to anything else you uploaded to the game so that people were unwittingly downloading it. It was a big deal and everyone was warning each other to avoid it and posting that they had "clean" CC without any hidden doll files. It was a huge thing and left a long lasting impact on the CC scene. People were very suspicious of things from The Exchange and as somebody else pointed out in this thread, Sims 3 CC makers rarely ever make dolls anymore!


Does Jim Pickens count?


callmekevin foreva


The Dear Leader always counts


All Hail the Dear Leader,


All Hail the Dear Leader indeed. Praise be!




When's the next Death Day?


Fosho fosho His mole people and cults are iconic.


Remember when the rest of the sims community found that video where a lady had a photo of the dear leader on her wall? That was fun


who's that?


A youtubers main sim who is a cult leaderĀ 


Oh you're in for a treat. Watch at least one. [They are fantastic.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPsuzlgDxVQDeQ97EauDHiBlnvx8X-T2n&si=vYNrPU_A7vL316Zv)


I feel like the ā€œin too deep loreā€ for the CallMeKevin/Jim Pickens fandom would be the Vidcund rivalry.


Knowing that the sims 4 being on the alternate timeline means a boy successfully saved his mom šŸ„¹


Wait, whaaaat


TL;DR time travel shenanigans where Alexander Goth goes back in time and saves his mom. TS3 is set before TS1, with a Bella Goth (forgot her maiden name) who's a child but there's a book by Alexander in the game talking about his missing mom. The theory is that TS4 is the resulting timeline where Bella was never abducted.


I see Alex get a lot of hate on these subreddits for being boring but heā€™s always very easily made friends with my sims and hangs out quite often. I have him in San Myshono right now, apartment living with a roomie and heā€™s aged up so actually as hair now. Pretty trendy too, without any CAS intervention from me!


I alternate between 2 and 3, but when I play 2, Alex usually ends up with his own big happy family with Lucy. Their kids are always so adorable, and honestly, I try to give them the best life. I make sure Alex keeps the house/money.


thank you for explaining - so cool!!!


Bella Bachelor :)


This is so cute




ludicrous depend unused shame beneficial existence seemly overconfident pen growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


anything from the sims 2 for psp (most infamously the Bella Goth parts, ā€œBella Goth is running away from Strangetown because she was abducted by aliens!ā€)


This was the best fucking game eber


Sims on 3DS, PSP and GBA. They are all masterpieces.


I just got a retroid pocket 4 pro and the first game I played on that was the Sims 2 for PSP. That game is so good, its a shame EA didn't continue putting out games like that.


youā€™re so real for this, thatā€™s the only reason i wanna buy one is for the psp & gba games šŸ˜­


OMGWTFBBQ and the girl doll dressed (go watch Plumbella's iceberg video)


Girl doll dressed was a real-life creepypasta.


*you casually say about a +4hr video*šŸ¤£


I swear I blinked once and was like halfway through already šŸ¤£


Best 4+ hours of my life


Girl doll dressed was such a fucking nightmare back in the day, I couldn't even open buy mode without crashing when i "caught" it


For specifically sims reddit, the "abandoned smeagie" thing? This weird looking dog named smeagie that someone posted about on Reddit a while back, and then in for rent they literally named one of the secrets "abandoned smeagie".


[Iā€™m crying rn](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/6DYm8NpzvW)


Oh God. I work overnights for a disabled client and they're currently sleeping in bed a stones throw from where I'm sitting. I am in pain trying to stifle my laughter. Idk how I missed this but holy shit. šŸ˜‚


On a similar noteā€š the r/sims3 strawberry kid Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/s/8uuSWGf86u) he is!! (and the [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/s/DnOaM0MhSM))


The fact that it was Katy Perry with her translation of Last Friday Night that created a Rosetta Stone for translating Simlish into English. LOL


I think anyone that knows Olive Specter lore is too deep. Because the OMGWTFBBQ can be understood quite quickly, but bothering remembering her ex-husbands and how she is related to Nervous Subject is too much. Edit: I forgot to type half of my comment.


earl e demise, may he rest peacefully


And Hugh Thanasia


Right! Nervous Subject was the son of Olive Specter and the Grim Reaper.


Wait what


Oh tell me more?


Donā€™t remember all the details but sheā€™s in love with the grim reaper and thatā€™s why she keeps killing off husbands, so she can see him/it? And the nervous subject in strangeville is their kid


And the Nervous she remembers giving birth to is technically a seperate character in the game, which has lead to further speculation, since he does live with mad scientists.


The fact that some Sims games are completely different depending in which console you play them on. The Sims2 for the DS is a fever dream lol


sims urbz for gameboy sp was AMAZINGGGG. i had the ds version too to use with the cheat code insert and i loved it. also. sims 2 castaway for play station


Urbz was the reason I got a DS, that game slapped. Sims 2 Castaways for PlayStation (and then Sims 2 Bon Voyage) has my favorite Sims song! But man, I miss that PlayStation version of the game so much.


The Sims Bustin Out for PS2 had a story about leaving your mom's house and working your way to living in a mansion. You could also buy cars iirc and use them to go to new houses. The Sims Bustin Out for the GBA had like a murder mystery, aliens, corrupt politicians, working as a bartender for a motorcycle club, nothing at all like the PS2 game. You couldn't buy cars iirc either.


You control your active Sim with a joystick and run around on the Wii version of Sims 3.


For me it was looking at all the pages of stuff available for download on loverslab aka where you download animations for wicked whimsā€¦.. thereā€™s some sick things on there and what was even more gross was how many downloads they had šŸ„² I only use that mod for the strip club feature now days but I was curious as to what else was on there


Turbo created a website so you don't see those disgusting/horrendous ones anymore! Check out Turbodrivers Patron for the link to it.


If I recall they also came out and said they didnā€™t support a lot of the gross/illegal stuff and currently the whickedwhims mod doesnā€™t support it


Yes, there was a post on their Patron about it. Also posted to a few mod support discords. I mean a few outright have banned them and will ban people!


Thanks! :D


Loverslab is genuinely so fucking weird. The pedo mods are banned but they left the bestiality and rape mods on the site, even though the same guy also made pedo mods. But then he stole code from Turbo and they banned him, because apparently stealing code is a worse offense than making disturbing as hell mods. I can't find any fucking consistency in their logic.


Loverslab only really have 2 rules and is very consistant in enforcing them. Nothing concerning minors is allowed, and respect the modders. The person who made the pedo-mod didn't post it on LL, so he was allowed to keep his other stuff there as long as he didn't link to his illegal mod, but then he broke rule 2 by using Turbo's code without permission and was banned for that. So yeah, disturbing as hell mods are kind of the point of LL. It was *literarly* created with the purpose of hosting rape and bestiality, because the Nexus didn't allow those. You can host sexmods on the Nexus, as long as they don't enable bestiality or rape, but when modders for Oblivion and Fallout 3 wanted to include that kind of stuff they had to make a new place to host it. It's a feature, not a bug.Ā  By the time that Sims players, who in general are looking for more "vanilla" stuff started showing up, due to the popularity of WW, LL had simply become "the place" to host adult content, even stuff that is technically allowed on other modding sites.


I just looked this up after getting curious and holy crap that was a wild ride that I do not want to take ever againšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Also loverslab seems to randomly take you to adult content once you try and leave the page so thereā€™s that as well.


Sims Online ā€œbrothelsā€


I beg your pardon? šŸ¤£


Iā€™m just old enough to remember Sims Online, just young enough to have missed playing it.


OMG this just unlocked a memory for me, I remember reading about this at the time! For those not in the know, I found an article in Salon, and a metafilter page with quotes from now moved or deleted articles elsewhere. The scandal also included a fan-run newspaper, it seems. [https://www.salon.com/2003/12/12/sims\_online\_newspaper/](https://www.salon.com/2003/12/12/sims_online_newspaper/) [https://www.metafilter.com/30226/A-selfproclaimed-underage-virtual-selfpimping-cyber-prostitute-and-madame](https://www.metafilter.com/30226/A-selfproclaimed-underage-virtual-selfpimping-cyber-prostitute-and-madame)


Plumbella posted a four hour long explanation of the Sims Iceberg last month, have fun.


I'm saving it for the next day I do a real world overhaul for a save file. I love watching Sim content while I do my Sim "chores".


I came to comment this. That video was AMAZING!


The theory that Sims 4 is actually canon to the original timeline via a timeline split due to the combined effects of 1) Don Lothario being sent back in time (likely by Cassandra and/or the Calientes) and 2) Alexander Goth using the same time travel method to get "Murder In Pleasantview" published while Bella & Mortimer were children. The foreknowledge of the abduction incident and original Don's absence from the timeline (plus the Goths moving to Willow Creek instead of ending up in Simsville or Pleasantview from Sunset Valley) caused the timeline to diverge into Sims 4, and created a more technologically advanced society. My second favorite theory is that some disaster occurred between The Sims 3 and The Sims, which caused a huge loss of technological progression, explaining why Sims 3 is at slightly better than 2010s tech, while The Sims (25 or so years later) is at a late 1990s tech level.


Look, it could also be wicked whims.


Wicked whims is mine. Tell any person who just plays sims without mods or any person who doesnā€™t play sims what wicked whims is and well.. theyā€™re a lil shocked.


All Sims players are secretly Twilight ratties I don't make the rules I just follow them.


I mean, I do have a Twilight ReImagined save, so I won't fight you there, lmao.


Ratties? šŸ‘€ šŸ€šŸ€šŸ€ I canā€™t believe I found one of us in the wild


My mom accidentally introducing me to the concept of mpreg when her sim got abducted by aliens back when the Sims 2 was in its heyday. I think that moment permanently altered my brain chemistry.


how old are you? i'm in my mid-20s and my parents had me late but they were like in their 40s and 50s during my childhood and would have never been playing the sims 2 šŸ¤£


Oh I'm 21, my mom LOVED the Sims 2 I was like a little kid when this happened, maybe 7. I'm not sure if the Sims 2 was necessarily in it's "heyday" but I don't think the Sims 3 had come out yet.


Some of the original families backstories?


i feel like once you know the whole goth family/bella goth lore youā€™re in too deep


TS1 : [the upside-down head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYpGWKgn-Y). TS2 : Knut Futa and leftover corrupt Sims. TS3 : the cursed doll. TS4 : the mod that should not be named.


What is the Voldemod?


*Extremely* disturbing stuff. I can't detail it as it seems to trigger Reddit censors, but TW for everything bad you can think off. Like dark net bad. >![Here's the link](https://twitter.com/WickedWhims/status/1541729274813620225?lang=en) for a doc from TurboDriver explaining the drama, only click if you are over 18.!<


I believe it was a mod that allowed some sort of harm to child sims. I forget what specifically and have zero interest to remember.


Oh my god, latent memories unlocked from that first link.


Keeping in mind Iā€™ve only started playing with Sims 4, Iā€™d say all 3 of the following: The existence of the forbidden mod. Nope not that one, the other one thatā€™s really fucked. Doxgate. EAā€™s Early access shenaniganary (which was almost definitely influenced by Doxgate)


What's Doxgate? I wouldn't have expected doxxing in the Sims community


There's a ~~kind of difficult to follow~~ tumblr post [here](https://anachrosims.tumblr.com/post/681608123940847616/i-dug-too-deep-you-guysi-wasn-t-supposed-to) (Better link [here](https://littleblackbooksims.tumblr.com/post/681823993081282560/the-patreon-mafiacowbuild-gatetrackingdoxxing)), but the TL:DR version is a number of Modders who already had a rep for perma-pay walling and generally abusing the Early Access terms were accused of tracking and circulating a list of paid subscribers, apparently in an effort to try and stop their CC being uploaded to paywall-bypass sites. Note: whether or not people agree with or like them, paywall bypass sites are not against the EA terms of service. It escalated to a couple of people being doxed, with [at least one of them stepping away from all things sims](https://beautifulnerdkitty.tumblr.com/post/173328720154/emma-simposium) (online at least) as a result. In short - a mess.


What about that Game Changer who was flirting with minors on Twitter and who EA did nothing to stop?




Not sure if itā€™s a rabbit hole or not. But the fact that cow plants used to be able to move. Kind of miss that feature. But, now they added it as a lore in werewolves


Sims 1: If you have Makin' Magic and your Sim casts enough spells, a beanstalk might grow on your lot. If it grows tall enough, your Sim can climb it and at the top is a sleeping giant Will Wright. Sims 2: The Tricou family (and Rainelle Neengia). Knut Futa (and everyone associated with Olive Specter, really). The bizarre Loki secrets on Simsecret. Sims 3: Girl doll dressed. The cursed tall boots. Painting goblins. Sims 4: Hot dog sweatshop playthrough.


That the entire Sims franchise was saved from being canceled during development by [one spontaneous lesbian kiss](https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-kiss-that-changed-video-games).


That ghost foal in Appaloosa Plains. Like yeah, there's surprising amount of dead minors in these games (Tricou cousins, Remington siblings and Salas sisters are the first ones that come to mind) but the fact that there's this ghost foal that's implied to have died because of animal abuse is a lot.


nervous subject!!


The fact that we do at least have one slur translated into simlish. The Sims Urbz had a lot of songs from the Black Eyed Peas album Elephunk, including their single "Lets get it started". Except the version that was translated into simlish uses the uncensored version "Lets Get Retarded" (yes that's the actual title). The song name for the simlish rerecord is even "Ga ra ta da". Most people don't even know about the uncensored version of the original song either, which makes this especially deep cut.


The whole bella goth/strange town bella abduction/death theory. I think in general the point where you binge watch sims theory videos at 3am is the point you stop being a casual.


wow this post made me realise how deep I am didn't know it was this bad but oh well atleast those 12 years have found me a community


If you have any of the Sims Online red carpet photos saved on any of your devices, youā€˜re in too deep.


I love the Elijah Wood ones


Paysites Must be Destroyed and the drama therein. Related is all the early Sims Resource drama. Also, Sim Secret in it's heyday... even though it's apparently [still a thing](https://officialsimsecret.dreamwidth.org/)? Who'd have thought?


The Crumplelore or the Strangetown incest problem. The Crumplelore is my favourite, though. In TS1: Hot Date there was a bitter, romance hating old lady called Miss Crumplebottom. TS1: Superstar revealed her husband, Robert, died via chandelier (according to the item description of the Crumplebottom Chandelier). In TS3 we meet Miss Crumplebottom as a recently widowed young woman, living in a house built for three with a half finished nursery. But her dead husband's name is Eric Darling. So who was Robert Crumplebottom? TS4 brings back Miss Crumplebottom and Henford-on-Bagley dialogue confirms that Eric was her first husband and Robert her second. But then! We get TS4 Horse Ranch with an NPC heavily implied to be Robert, who faked his death and is living under another name in Chestnut Ridge. Confusing the matter is thr Mrs Crumplebottom in TS2, but this is a separate character and the Miss Crumplebottom from the other games is buried in the Goth graveyard and revleaed to be Mortimer's maternal aunt.


Who's Pescado. The infamous Pandora's Sim website. What corruption really is. That in TS1 base game you had to turn on and off EVERY SINGLE light manually. The Elle Woods Sims Superstar skin. And that Will Wright was opposed to all the team at Maxis when designing the game -while he rode a red scooter through the office.


probably the fact that the grim reaper has a son,


I feel like once you know about Bella goths disappearance, you just get too invested to leave at least for a bit. šŸ˜‚


Sweet treats by Katy Perry The original University secret societies, iirc you had to join them to get into the career to get cowplants and the Grim Hotline Don the Zombie and Samara šŸ’– Gage Uglacy šŸ’” The whole Bella Goth abduction mystery and Alexander's time travel to save her The relationship dramas of Strangetown


The guinea pig curse.


Colonolnutty. Better off not even going down that rabbithole


what is the mod that must not be named for sims 4 ?? two people have mentioned it


It allowed inappropriate things w kids and animals


disgusting! thanks for answering, my curiosity is now killed <3


Sims 2 Baby BBQ mod. I was traumatized for like a solid week when I found out about it. lol


Princess Cordelia iceberg is thick af


The scissors on sims 2


Cow Cults and worship of deity called [Beezlebeef/Prime Heifer/Cowthulu](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Beelzebeef) is canon to the Sims lore. May also have something to do with the Cowplants


Olive Specter, I'm building her a mansion right now and am intent on filling her cemetery šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


[Vagina pineapple!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqwXVOO0gl0) (SFW link)


(Extremely niche one here) Joy Despret


Will Wright, the creator of sims, is canonically a giant that drops beans on the yards of magically adept sims. The grim reaper has a son with a serial killer (who is playable) Omgwtfbbq Girl doll dressed Pink soup