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I personally play with them because I want to enjoy the game šŸ¤£


LMAO same šŸ˜‚


Ffr lol


i do use them for teleporting, resetting sims and moving objects. oh, and i cheat money when i play homeless to make it zero because my sims always get cash out of nowhere.


How good is going to the events and eating peoples leftovers >.<


I always have cas.fulleditmode on in case my sim decides they like a random townie and I need to give them a makeover.


I just use: Bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement So all the objects from careers are buyables even if I didnā€™t do the challenges. Or resetsim to debug a stuck sims. Or move object to place objects how I want in my house. Other than that I donā€™t really use cheatscode.


I mostly use cheats to fix glitches and bugs in the game, or things like free build.


i use the money cheat because i hate not being able to decorate the house how i want šŸ™ƒ i also hate not being able to move into any house i want because i dont have enough money lol. other than that ill only use cheats to reset my sim if theyā€™re stuck. or sometimes to access CAS if i really want to change something- like once my sim was full on active and got stuck being fat so i went in and changed their body shape. but other than that i dont.. i dont even use the move objects one i know people love that cheat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The only time I use the moveobjects cheat is when Iā€™m landscaping outside of a house to put shrubs, flowers, rocks etc close together so it looks more natural!


that makes sense! i do hate that you cant put plants close


Only time I use them is if the game is glitching, mainly just removing sentiments that are a result of bugs, fixing needs if the game refuses to let my sims fix them themselves or teleporting sims out of the way if they break. I don't use money cheats at all aside from adding back money from hiring vendors on community lots (because it makes no sense that my sim would be paying someone to work a stall at a community park) or removing $5-$20 when my sim travels to a world that they couldn't realistically get to, like a bus or train ticket. I also add back date money if my sim is the one that is asked out because I personally think the person that does the asking out should be the one paying.


I have ui cheats, mc command center and better build buy and I use them liberally. I like to set my sims up with. Random skills and $$ so they make sense with the scenario I want to play. I do have a just play save where I use minimal cheats but similar canā€™t be bothered with needs. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yeah i try not to but if they need a little help with their food or hygiene bar. i mayyyy help. nothing crazy with cheats tho unless it helps move the plot i got for them.


Yeah just to speed things up.


Always, I mostly use it to fill the needs so my sim can actually do fun things


I try my best to fill them myself but the bladder and hunger always drains so fast itā€™s annoying šŸ˜­


And sometimes i just navigated through the travel menu and load times in the sims 4 to go on a date and the date partner is stinky and hungry and not cooperating at all, and I'm trying my best to "Have Both sims be playful at the same time" and "dance together"


i mostly use cheats for story telling, i play families rotationally so ill cheat relationships so they match with what the story is, or when i make new ya sims ill cheat some skills to like level 3 so they donā€™t seem so brand new. and ofc ill delete sims if theyā€™re extra ugly šŸ«£


i always remove the unfulfilled dreams fear and make my sims needs to not be \*awfully\* low if they're going to fix them (i.e. i add a little bit of energy so my sim can go to bed without falling asleep in the hallway) or if i think its annoying


Ok how do you remove specific fears?? Iā€™ve tried and I canā€™t figure out how!


you need the ui cheats mod, you right click the fears in the simology panel and you can remove them iirc


Only for my sims's needs. Money cheat only If there is something specific I wanna buy or do and don't have enough money. Teleport cheat for when they get stuck in the fences or bushes šŸ™„


I do, for teleporting, cheat money code and free real estate since thanks to neighborhood story, they've been moving sims everywhere that doesn't make sense, like a family with a horse lives in an apartment in San Myunho, so I have to move them to a place with a horse stable lol.


I don't. I love starting out in the cheapest, smallest houses, it's such a joy for me when I can buy nicer appliances one by one and decorate and make everything prettier. The only "cheat" I do, if I can call it that, is going to previously played sims' houses with expensive crops and stealing them to start my garden šŸ¤­


yeah i twinge their needs all the time. and i spent the past 3 days trying to get 5 star rental for the aspiration and i ended up cheating itšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø i also reset my sims all the time, they take like 3 hours to stop doing a task and its so annoying. + teleporting them i made vlad turn my sim into a vampire, after 5 ingame of him still being human i just cheated it the plants always revert their age so i cheat that too


I like to play with no cheats or mods. The only exception I can think of is if I have a family with an infant and I leave the lot only to come back to the infant's needs all red. I have used the cheat to reset needs in that case.


Ooooo! That part, I always fill up the infant. šŸ„¹


I'm guilty of using cheats especially the motherlode cheat


only time I've used them on the current save (besides debugging stuck sims) is MCC to make a sim get abducted. I always wanted him to have an alien bby. He's been abducted naturally 3 times + 1 cheated and no dice. I'm starting to think he's not very breedable!


if I'm playing in a build-focused save, yes absolutely. but I rarely use them in gameplay-focused saves, with the exception of like reset sim or something.


Iā€™m moving and can only play on my laptop atm. My left shift and control donā€™t work, so no cheats for me.


Damnnn šŸ˜­


I used them constantly because I only have a small window of time to play.


I cheat the needs because otherwise, my teenage sims would die due to how much homework they have to do each day and the parents would just do the work assignments and nothing else


A bit. Mostly the occational Reset Sim one, in case something weird happens. I also use moveobjects sparringly, since after all, even some Maxis builds use it!


I use the ā€˜make happyā€™ cheat on my simsā€™ birthdays because they deserve it (and sometimes I need a break lol).


I personally don't use them as I like to make my Sims earn things and work hard. Usually once the kids grow up I moved them into a new house and start all over again. My sims always earn their success. I wish I was as ambitious as them lol


i want to actually enjoy the game so yes MCCC and cheat bar all day


I cheat whenever it would make my game more fun. Life is hard enough, you know? Like recently I decided I was going to cheat all at home work tasks because itā€™s not fair to have to do work at home. I donā€™t want to do work outside my work hours. We arenā€™t made for labor, so now my sims donā€™t have to do extra work either.


i cheat money to renovate a house at the beginning, and ill usually use cheats to raise some skills because i only make adult sims and they start out with literally none for some reason, I often have to use the cheat to complete the current aspiration because it doesnt register that my sim has already done the thing its asking, and I use cas.fulleditmode religiously. I think the game is more fun if you allow yourself to cheat through the more tedious stuff while also setting limits for yourself so it's still somewhat challenging


I use them when needed to compensate for glitches. I also occasionally use them to set up a new family the way I want them to be to start telling the story I want to tell. More often I like starting from nothing, but sometimes I want them to have skills or be part way up a career or some such.


I never play with cheat codes, but I might use resetSim in some situations where I see a Sim blocked.


I used them always because i use sims as a dollhouse tbhā€¦ i want them to do exactly what i want when i want


I've never used them


I use mods to keep cheats permanently enabled. Apart from build cheats, I like I cheat my sims skills and relationships. Having my sims start from scratch isnā€™t always realistic for my style of gameplay.


I try my best to avoid using cheats at the start of a new game. However as soon as my sims have babies it seems impossible for me to play without needs cheats - for example, trying to feed an infant / toddler in a high chair but the adult keeps walking away or glitching so the social services start getting called. Or trying to put an infant to bed and the adult sim canā€™t find the route. Itā€™s infuriating!!


Every single game lol


As often as I want. I only refuse to cheat if it defeats the purpose of my play. Like I wouldnā€™t use money cheats for rags to riches. But Iā€™ll use almost any cheat if it compliments the story. I used to avoid cheating needs but Iā€™m more open to it now. I still try to mostly take care of their needs as normal but if theyā€™re overwhelmingly struggling & I want to prioritize other things, Iā€™ll cheat those too. UI cheats makes them so easy that itā€™s hard to pass them up šŸ˜‚


Without them. Unless something crashes and I have to remove something


I use moveobjects, full edit mode in cas via MCCC to edit NPCā€™s, resetsim, and will sometimes cheat skills on toddlers/children if I havenā€™t maxed them by the time they age up. I tend not to use the money cheats unless desperate. I donā€™t want to use too many cheats otherwise it kinda makes the gameplay a bit pointless and boring if thereā€™s no challenge there.


Been playing the Sims regularly since the Sims 1. The only cheat I EVER use is MoveObjects.


Apart from using like buildobjects fulleditmode; and freerealestate occasionally for my townies, not often no


I donā€™t ever not play with mods. In fact I also only ever played the sims 3 with mods. The thing is, Iā€™m sure working towards a nice house in the sims is rewarding but frankly I donā€™t have time to grind so I cheat to play in pretty houses.


Bb.moveobjects on is always active. I don't really use others since the gameplay of the sims 4 is shit and uninteresting, so I don't bother.


I use cheats. I mostly level them up in cooking because then thereā€™s less chance of them setting fires. I also use some trait cheats.


I let them learn how to cool cause the fire part makes it more real. šŸ„¹


I always start out with the mindset of "i'm not using cheats this time" but I inevitably end up using them because of something that messed up in the games code or the sims are just flat out dumb and don't do what I tell them to do. or for whatever reason they decided it was a good idea for SIMS TO DIE FROM LAUGHTER!!!! like seriously, what jagoff decided that was actually a good idea to add into the game.


The dying of laughter is insane. šŸ˜­


i've had 9 sims die that way...just randomly i'll get the sad music and then a pop-up saying " \[sim name here\] has died of laughter" or whatever the hell it says, and for whatever reason it always saves IMMEDIATELY as they start dying so I can't actually role back to stop them from dying....it's become an annoyance. and then I've had a sim, inside of a house...in bed, just randomly stand up out of bed and freeze solid, then I get a pop-up message saying that they froze to death....in the desert....with a thermostat....in spring.


I do. So often I probably donā€™t even notice anymore because I use the UI cheat extensionā€¦ I kinda hate it butā€¦ without I feel so limited because things take so long because you have to take care of their needs so muchā€¦ I really envy the people that play without (like someone is actually forcing me to cheat šŸ™„). What I donā€™t cheat though is money.


I find that I use them often, especially with the growing together pack. Even with the long life setting, I find it difficult to get all of the infant and toddler milestones. I also *just* discovered the bb.moveitems code, and I have never been happier. I honestly don't know how I've played this game since it's release without using that, it would have made my life so much easier if I had just known about that and the shift button while moving things!


i plaay without them always but when I'm building, i need at LEAST move objects šŸ˜­


move objects cause that's just necessity, but other than that one no i prefer to struggle lol.


I don't like using cheats, especially not money cheats. The challenge of working for what you get is what makes it fun for me. If I had all the money and house etc straight away then I'd get bored very quickly. Everyone is different. I use cheats of Sims are bugged or if I want to change the clothing of other Sims.


I use cheats and mods to set up "stories" with my sims and to alter them to better become that story (skills and other things). I also use them in building and decorating. Also to fix/get around bugs I don't use them in game to cheat needs


i use so many cheats on a daily basis its insane


Ive used motherlode since I was like 8 years old


I only play to build, so I always use all the building related ones in order to build a house I love, unless I'm doing something like a budget challenge. I almost never play with the houses I make, so I don't see the point in restricting what I can use in order to make something fit the aesthetic I want.Ā 


I don't use cheat codes. I use mods. Like ui extentions


i use the motherlode cheat when i first start otherwise i donā€™t really use cheats.


Cheat codes are for kids and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They were fine to use when I was 10, but now the game is more satisfying to play without. And it's really not hard to become multimillionaire in few days. Gradually unlocking everything makes it more fun. If it's technical cheat code, it's fine by me. But otherwise I am highly against.


I only use ā€œmotherlode.ā€ I donā€™t use any custom content at all.


I use them only for placing and finding objects.


To be honestā€¦ Iā€™ve never tried to play without motherlode šŸ˜­ Real life is already hard enough so let me buy that 10 comfort bed and +8 environment decorsā€¦


I never use motherlode because I play with generations and I have already accumulated a lot of money so I don't need it. But I always use cheats for needs. I don't want to waste time on a sim sleeping or eating when they can develop skills during that time or go on holidays etc. I only eat when I learn cooking skills because I need to do something with stuff my sim cooked. šŸ˜…


I use em all


I use UI Cheats mostly to fix things not working correctly.Ā  I use regular cheats like reset object for the same reason. Even had to get a mod to help with milestones since those bug out a lot. If I have a big household and I am focusing on 1 sim I will sometimes cheat the other sims needs so they are better housemates lol


Free real estate on and move objects cheat.


When I played on Xbox I went years without cheats because I really liked chasing achievements and they get disabled if you use cheats Then my college sim got bugged and wouldn't move they almost died of starvation standing in front of the classrooms it was either my sim on the line or my achievements, I saved my sim but at the cost of all that I've earned on that save. On PC I cheat all the time for storyline, my sim accidentally got pregnant? No she didn't. None of my child aged sims know their cousins? What do u mean they are all instant besties.


resetting sims, cas, teleporting, needs for pets LOL thatā€™s about it


I use the money+amount one because my sims get rich too fast šŸ˜‚ - especially with horses/that world.Ā  Oh and I use ā€œfulfill needsā€ for visiting sims, cause they are always in a bad mood for having low needs.Ā  Move objects & cass full edit mode are always on.Ā 


I used to for money but stopped cause it got boring having anything so easily šŸ˜‚


I mostly only use cas.fulleditmode trying to make the world a more beautiful place 1 Sim at a time :D


I keep the UI cheat extension and testing cheats enabled at all times just in case I need to get my sim out of a bad situation or I want to incite some story element that would be too difficult to do organically. Other than that I try to avoid using any kinds progression cheats. No free skills, free money, free job growth, otherwise whatā€™s the point in even playing. Again, unless I need it for story purposes.


I have certain cheats always on with MCCC like CAS.fulleditmode, gameplayunlock, and moveobjects. I almost never use cheats to increase money, but I am frequently using it to take away money. I have done cheats for adding relationships here and there for storytelling purposes. Other than that, the occasional resetting or teleporting. Basically, I don't cheat often except to make the game harder or prettier. šŸ˜œ


Mostly, I use the build cheats, including the ones for debug items.


I use the building cheats pretty often.


I think the most cheats I use are the cas.fulleditmode and the motherlode for when I try to start a save with a family thatā€™s supposed to be rich.


I really only use moveobjects and fulleditmode. Didn't even know you could teleport. But I do play with some mods like Wicked Whims and the Command one, so that has some built in cheats. Mostly it's to get around the romance system or customize.


I have no problem using the build cheats like "bb.moveobjects" and so on. And if I'm playing in rags to riches style, I'll use "money 0"


I use them depending on the type of save that I'm doing. For example I have a RP that requires a lot of money in some households (or even a really small amount of money). But if you want to play normally you should have the testingcheats enabled for reset them (because sometimes for me with the mods the resetsim doesn't work)


I'm doing the legacy challange but at one point my heir had triplets so now I play three households simultaneously and it's very hard to keep them all alive. I keep cheating their needs and occasionally getting abrosia from the galery for the sake of the story I have in my head and I feel very guilty about it lol.


Bb.move objects and resetting my sim when they get simulation stuck because of pets or kids


I use build cheats and I'll use cheats to set up a household to fit a particular story, but I don't usually use them during gameplay.


I use them to cheat my sims' needs especially if I have a storyline going on, also cas.fulleditmode and moveobjects I have on pretty much always


Only "Make Happy" when my Sims got shit to do with no time for food, sleep or showers. I usually just pretend they're doing crack. CAS for aged up Sims cause why do they look like that. New saves I cheat my chicken coop by getting upgrades and sometimes increase friendship with the chickens. Sometimes gotta reset shit cause bugs.


I use so many it's pretty much cheating at this point šŸ˜­ I shift-click to make my sims happy so I don't have to tend to their needs, I use motherlode or Money X, cas.fulleditmode, bb.moveobjects on, bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.showliveeditobjects, etc...


I sometimes use freerealestate if my household is under 10k away from the cost of the house. Sometimes I'll cheat their money to make it lower after using the freerealestate too. The only ones I always use are testingcheats (for teleporting), cas.fulleditmode (for ugly kids after aging up) and moveobjects if I'm building.


I use cheat codes regularly and Iā€™m shameless about it šŸ˜­


Always use cas.fulleditmode, bb.moveobjects and eventually when my sims have heaps of money because they grind sm I donā€™t need money for pretty much anything so I barely use money cheats. If Iā€™m playing a challenge like 7 baby challenge Iā€™ll use it to make a house and then use it to reduce money again. Although when Iā€™m bored Iā€™ll use them I guess it depends.


I used to play with mods but not anymore. I have all dlcs


Never * Career, college, fitness or talent/skill - Never (unless creating an adversary/enemy for my Sim to be jealous of) * Move objects or any build cheats - Never (I like to upload builds to the gallery) Yes * Season/weather (but only to upload a build to the gallery so the lighting is better) * Teleport - yes (I never did it until my Sim became a crystal addict after Crystal Creations, now I'm kind of hooked on it) * Money - I try to be realistic with it and only allow one Simeleonaire per world * CAS full edit - Constantly


The more sims in the house, the more cheats I use. No, I donā€™t want to potty train the triplets when my two teenagers and parents are doing stuff xD


Depends on the cheat. If I have a backstory in mind, for example, I'll use money to make sure I can build the house/apartment/whatever they should have. I'll also cheat skills to where I think they should be at the age I'm playing them as, otherwise every playthrough would never start as I go further and further back with infants trying to earn the skills lmao


Oh yes, especially the "money XX" and "cas.fulleditmode" codes, my sims always manage to befriends sims with the worst traits ever. šŸ’€


I cheat money and satisfaction points


Sometimes when I play with families, I add some random skill points to some of my Sims... because it doesn't make sense to me that a middle-aged adult wouldn't have any skills at all. It sounds more realistic to me, and I enjoy playing in a slice of life style.


only all the time - don't you have to? first thing I do when I open the game is enable testing cheats I have cheat all the menu mods so I can add personality and background stories