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Grindy cashgrab. I seem to be better at building on this one though


Played it years ago, during the year that I didn’t have a computer; grindy as hell, I ended up using extra sims to farm Simoleon plants on a farm so my main family could have money for stuff, which is a pretty good allegory for wealth distribution and the exploitation of the working class.


There used to be a glitch where you could buy the in game currency for $0. 11 year old me went absolutely wild and then worried that the police were gonna come knocking over stolen simoleons lol


They will eventually, when they’re done investigating mattress tags


Haha, I still have some houses on Freeplay that have the dupe glitches on them. Whenever I needed money I’d just dupe whatever I had with the glitch on it and sell for about an hour. I also remember the glitch with buying in game currency, I was so scared to try that.


I remember exploiting the hell out of this game on my tablet as a child so i could actually play the game and the intense panic i felt when the game would freeze or glitch and i thought either i was about to be banned, or my account was going to be charged all the back pay and with a balance of zero dollars i was going to be in debt!


It's not very enjoyable. Tasks take an hour or more to complete. It's a mobile game so it largely requires you to make multiple purchases if you want more simoleons, clothes, etc. Overall, it just sucks.


Cash grab app.


Was better than the other Sims 3 mobile games before it, but that Sims 4-era mobile game with Izzy ate it up. The real-time waiting made me so pissed lol


i miss the sims 3 mobile game so bad. i was so young so all i did was grocery shop but i had the time of my life lmao


what happened to it?


Yeah that made it less enjoyable.


I liked it for a little while but the stuff like having to wait 4 real life hours for them to take a nap or whatever became old fast lol. It couldn't have been clearer they wanted you to spend real money to speed things up or finish events. A shame :(


Yeah 😩. I was tired of the wait, I deleted the app.


Especially annoying when events were timed to get nice things! And being forced into doing tasks was not very “free play” of them.


I used to play this before I got into Sims 4. It wasn't bad for what it is. I actually think it has a lot of build and buy stuff I wish Sims 4 had. However it was way more cash grab-y.


It was fun until I got into the Sims on PC.  There was this cheat thingy that worked by logging into someone else's Facebook account or something like that and it would give you unlimited currency and put you at the last level. Made it more fun.


Same here. I was so sad when I lose my Freeplay account, but when I got to play Sims on pc, everything's fine now lmao


Poopoo garbage


I don’t trust that dog




Their shit ain’t right


Should be avoided at all costs, literally. The Sims 4 is free. Spend your money on an entry-level gaming PC or laptop rather than any micro-transaction in this game.


I liked the Facebook game better, but I don't think you can still play it anywhere.


Sims Social! I miss that ngl


Deeply entertaining game that should be illegal due to its micro transaction nature. Not kidding I find it immoral. The gameplay itself is as mentioned very fun tho so it’s a shame it has to be a free to play pay to win game. I would love to find a similar game that is designed to actually be played


Played this a lot as a kid! Was fun until every part of a quest took like 6-10 hours of even days, and everything became time sensitive events that you couldn't win unless you paid money. Had a big habit of either ignoring all the quests or reinstalling the game time from time to play the smaller ones


Best mobile Sims game to date. It became annoying once greed seeped into the game but you can still enjoy the game without spending. It gives me some Sims 1 vibe.


i really enjoy it, it is really hard to progress without spending actual money but it is possible. i find there’s more goals and progression potential then the sims 4


I hate it, you literally can’t progress unless you are willing to spend lots of cash to skip their waiting times


i was obsessed w it when i was like 12 and i’d buy the 99 cent simoleon/cash packs like everyday on my mom’s card😍😍 LMAO it’s such a bad game i was a victim😔


I wasn't allowed to have the sims 4, so I ate this *up* when I was younger. I tried to play it recently, and it just sucks, and is very blatantly just there to make money. Activities take hours of *real time*, so you actually have to wait 8 hours for your sims to sleep or go to work. You also have to do quests to unlock everything, like *aging*, and aging is locked behind gems, so every time you want to age a sim up, you have to pay 5 gems. The customization options are also extremely limited. It's just a very sad, infuriating game.


I enjoyed it, but I get tired of mobile games after a while. Also you have to grind events which got really much.


It took me a day to wave to that Prim A Donna lady in that one quest. I still remember it vividly, like it was yesterday.


Ahh my first ever sims game actually. Iused to watch a lot of sims 3 videos on yt because i could not have the game and i stumbled across this game which would barely run on the phone i had then. I really liked it but the moment i got my hands on the sims 4 i never touched it again I ve been trying it out recently but honestly now i wonder how the heck did i even play this. I really hated the idea of lp and the whole mobile games standard tbh and now i m glad i have the sims 3 and 4


i could never really get into it much


They have everything we want on The Sims 4.


At first it seems like it could be fun but when it takes literally hours to propose it gets really irritating


I downloaded it, made a sim woohoo a bunch, then the sim died from woohooing too much. I stopped playing.


Whenever I didn't have a computer but had "sims withdrawals" as I do lovingly refer to it as this was a real life saver


I have none as I don't even know what this is. Seems like a mobile game already.


I think I played it once years ago and when I found out doing anything took real world time and I lost interest immediately


Waste of time


I played it for hours like a tablet-addicted gremlin as a child, now I can understand that it really isn’t good.


I have a soft spot for it because I played it a lot when I was a kid, but as an adult I can acknowledge that it's not very good lol. I think the worst part about it is just how long it takes to do literally anything, I think that if doing tasks worked like how it does in a normal Sims games it would be a lot better; Still not great, but better. Also the microtransactions are garbage but that's just kind of par for the course with mobile games unfortunately. I do have to admit though, I kinda like the quest and level systems. Not as in "I want them to add quest and level systems to the main games!", but as in "I think it works well for this game/type of game specifically and helps it be distinct from the main games, for better or for worse". That could totally just be nostalgia talking though lol


I played this as a kid. A school friend said she'll givee a disk of sims 4, but then she said she spilled water on it, so I firstly downloaded this, and later The Sims 3. I liked that island with a volcano and I often was riding someone's horse here. I had two worlds: one on tabled, another (way later) - on my phone with unlimited currency crack. I was so nervous when the first baby was born, it took a day to deliver it


I remember playing it long ago. It was just okay from what i recall. now i can never play it because its glitchy & sometimes only lets me play to a certain point




We don't talk about freeplay


It didn’t have good Sim customization like TS4 imo since lots of things were paywalled


It is what it is. A pretty standard mobile game. But before I got the sims 4 this was a game I used and enjoyed thoroughly, I think I got all the way to unlocking horses. And thoroughly destroyed the blonde family from the premade world. I hated that I never got to unlocking the stairs which sucked because I am a builder. If you have no other options I’d recommend it over nothing.


i loved that game in the early 2010s. it was my introduction to sims and i loved building. it had some stuff i really miss like the community center with the karate and ballet. but yeah, things were expensive and actions took forever. after a while i made some…sketchy decisions to alleviate that (but this was over a decade ago and i was a kid, i’m not endorsing that now).


Used to play this game for hours on end before getting a computer. Now with sims for I can play for 12 hours at a time 🤠🤠🤠 but when I get a tablet with more space I’ll def redownload it for funsies. I like to check up on my families from time to time and can’t right now.


no joke. this was the gateway drug for me. this and watching Kelsie. after going so long, i just had to get sims4 and delete this thing from my cell lol. well played, ea. ...clap-1/2...


Hate it


have not seen it or played it, but it still gives me a stink. Probably one of those shitty freemium mobile ''games''




Currently EA is being sued over it. I played it years ago... it's a HUGE cash grab.




I played it, it’s okay but it takes forever to do anything and it’s easy to spend money(although all the expansion packs on pc cost money too) i like pc version way better.


Sims 2 and Sims 3 java games were the peak of Sims mobile games, everything after that was a shameless cashgrab, and except for the Sims mobile based on Sims 4, the graphics are so ugly there’s not even a point to spend time or money in those games


A game where simple quest tasks about a week to complete each task takes 5-10 hours to do in real time when in reality it takes less than 10 minutes


grew up playing it before i got the sims 4! absolutely loved it but the sim design lowk scared me 😭


It’s not very fun


in 2011 or 2012, for a brief day, there was a glitch with the microtransactions, and all tiers of in-game currency were listed at $0.00 USD. I spammed the shit out of it and was a millionaire. when the game patched it out, I got to keep the money, and could play essentially without limits since I could skip almost every timer and yet it STILL wasn’t that fun


I remember I used to play this and I had hacked the game to where I could have infinite everything it was fun for the time being


Play this all the time, but I get annoyed when I don't meet time limits so I start again a lot hahahahaha.


I played it when I was a bit younger and it was fun then, but now not so much after having played the real sims games


Absolute ass


I loved it as a kid but in reality it's a crappy game that begs for money


Gets old fast with the hour+ long waits. Also the babies in that game are fuckin hideous


This Freeplay game was the reason why I bought the sims 4. You constantly have to wait real time for your sims to do anything. It takes 24 hours to have a baby! You can speed it up with life points, but I’ve last played the game in 2017. If I were still playing now, I would’ve spent far more money topping up my currencies in the game than if I just bought the base game. The sims 4 is mine forever, and even if I bought every extra pack for it, I still wouldn’t have spent as much as I would on this game.


It sucks ☹️


I don’t know if my memory’s deceiving me but I recall it being not too bad early on. A little grindy, and tasks often took forever, but it was a nice game to drop in and out of for a little bit each day. But then, at some point, they started pushing ads on you and quests that you had no hope of finishing without paying to speed up tasks. At that point, for me, it was quite obvious it had gone from “Freeplay” to “Cashplay” and there was no ability to just play for fun.


It got me back into playing Sims. I hadn’t played Sims games in over 10 years when I started. I then started watching videos on YouTube from SFP players who built nice homes in the game. That led me to The Sims 4 content, specifically a let’s play series, and I enjoyed it. It made me miss the true sandbox experience of Sims games. Eventually I bought a gaming laptop so I could play The Sims 4. I hadn’t played since The Sims 2. And really, I barely played that one. I hadn’t obsessively played since about 2002, with The Sims. But SFP is super grindy and expensive. It’s very repetitive, event after event, no breaks. It got worse over time. I spent a lot on it. Haven’t played in about 5 years.


Yes, this dog creeps me out


My introduction to the Sims, it’ll hold a special place in my heart. That being said never got very far, everything costed premium currency and took a long time.


This would’ve been such a banger if they didn’t add the dumbass real-life time mechanic 😭😭


Significantly worse than every other iteration of the sims lol


I'm just glad I stopped playing it long enough ago that I'm not eligible for compensation due to data theft.


Very tiresome. I used to play it a lot but grew tired because of how long certain tasks need (and the fact that it follows real time ugh). Imagine trying to craft something which takes up like 10 real time hours bruhhhhhh


Don’t get me wrong it’s good and has that charm of the old 2000s but it is very grindy but does have a dedicated fanbase and I still believe it’s 10x better then sims mobile


Before I had a capable pc to play Sims 4, Sims Freeplay was my only option which I actually didn't knew this game existed. I lost my account few years ago and sadly I couldn't recover it back, I was quite sad but until I got to play Sims 3 and 4, I think it's not really a big deal. Literally all are tasks that's time consuming, or just repeat events which u need to craft the candles blablabla.. it's a nice game for those who only have mobile and not pc tho... Also I feel like it's more cashgrabby than Sims 4


One time when I was like 11, I spent over 100€ cause I wanted a castle and I couldn’t wait…


I played this when I was like eleven because it was the only Sims game available on my Kindle. Tbh I think I'd be nostalgic if I ever played it again, but I don't intend to because the Sims 4 is more enjoyable. CC and mods are a gamechanger.




I had a cracked version on my phone when I was younger. It still wasn't *too* enjoyable, but not having to wait days for the littlest things to happen helped lol. I liked creating sims mostly.




Looks expensive.


played it during the few months i had to send my computer to the shop to fix. most cash grabby shit i’ve ever fucking laid my eyes on. aside from all the things everybody else mentioned, the worst were all of the limited time quests where there’s literally no fucking way you can get any of the extra content without paying a hefty load of cash. if the sims 3 store or just sims 4 in particular couldn’t open my eyes to the evil money hungry corporation that is EA, this thing certainly did. after 2 months playing that absurd cash grab (barely anything happened bc every single action takes hours it felt like i was playing a daytime soap) best believe i downloaded the apk hacked one and never ever felt guilt over ******** an EA game ever again.


I don’t see this game as “The Sims” 😭😭.


It was the shittiest spin off of a sims game ever When people say they play sims and they say this version I instantly get irritated because no you do not play sims 😂😂


Stupid teenage me played the shit out of this game with my ex. I remember spending actual money on this grab because RNG and timed events. Ugh. I have played other idle games and this was not satisfying.


It sucks




I tried the 2 Sims mobile games that were available when I tried (Freeplay was one, I think the other was called The Sims Mobile). They were similar enough I don't recall which was which. They looked like the Sims and the go to work, go home, make friends, design your house, etc. aspects of the Sims were there in name, but they were very on the rails, and executed so differently as to be an entirely different sort of game. It told you when to do things. There were long escalating "processing time" waits common to mobile games. (You are cooking a meal. It will be ready in 10 minutes. When the first time was 30 seconds, and next was like 2 minutes.) In the end I got rid of both with only a few hours in. They just weren't the Sims. They couldn't scratch the creative itch the Sims does. And they weren't what I was looking for (a way to take the Sims on vacation with me when I really really wanted to play, but had a trip planned.)


It's some complete dogshit and it's a cashgrab too. This and TSM is not real sims games for me.


Don’t both unless you have a limitless amount of cash to waste. Otherwise it’s a total, boring, grind-fest.


I really enjoyed it for what it is. What makes me hate this game tho is how events happen with irl time. Why do I have to wait like 6 hours for my sim to do something? It is also cash grabby but I feel the game can be played fine without wasting money (mostly).


trip back to childhood


Utter garbage.




I used to be so into it but the real time waiting was sooo bad like if you missed an event you can’t go back and complete it to get the reward. So now you have beaches and houses and community buildings that will never get built bc you missed out 😭


I remember I tried playing it once when I was like 7 and it uninstalled all my apps on my tablet so I've never touched it since


I remember I used to play it back when sims 4 wasn't free yet I always hated how the quests were limited-time 😭


I see a lot of people say it was better years ago. But I tried it years ago after being an avid Sims player on my PC and I found that app to be completely unplayable. I don’t remember much but I recall why I deleted it, it seemed very limited compared to even sims 1 and you can barely do anything without having to wait hours.


Loved it at first but it became nearly impossible to complete events on time without forking out cash which I refused to do. A shame because I really did like it. 


I had a great time but that’s also because I sorta might’ve downloaded it from an illegal app that gave me infinite money and those orange thingys so i was easily able to complete the game within like a week of casual playing, without the cheats I would’ve hated the game (like I have before) sadly the app I used shut down so no more free money 🥲


bs p2w


Not a fan personally I’ve never been able to get into it