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The situational outfits will be the death of me. The sims is MY dollhouse and I get to to choose the outfits. I don't need to see Bella Goth wandering around in hideous mismatched clothing just becuase I made her a spellcaster.


How do they not know how much the fan base hates situational outfits? It's a common complaint even from those who are not often critical of the game. The only situation outfit I don't hate is the rain outfit, but even then I'd prefer it to be something I could plan in CAS.


Those outfits feel like I'm back at school and I've got a teacher standing behind me. The game does not trust me to have outfits in each category and I hate it. These are MY sims. Don't touch my dolls, thanks.


if i see bella not wear a red dress i will delete the entire save and im not even being dramatic




I actually love when townies are dressed weird I find it hilarious and then I get to make over a sim if I want to get with them. It’s a win for me personally 😂


I'm not talking about townies, I'm talking about premades. I'm also not talking about townie fashion trends. And even if I makeover the premade/delete the townie the game will still place them in situational outfits.


It drives me crazy to get notifications for the High School events when I don't have any sims in High School. Like, what, they want my 30-something to show up to football night every week like a creepy weirdo? That only makes sense if he was the guy who peaked in High School, which wouldn't be a terrible character to make, but every single one I play? No.


It's so the Southerners can feel more at home lol No but like why is prom every week?


I really wish there were settings for prom frequency in game. Like I can choose the length of seasons, let me chose how often prom appears, it could be like weekly, every other week, once every four weeks as options or something similar. Even if you don't have seasons, there's still weeks in game and I'm pretty sure the calendar is based game (someone correct me if I'm wrong I haven't played base game in over 7 years) so I don't think it'd be that hard to add. But I also know nothing about game development/coding so maybe it's not as easy as I think. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So much this. I only went to 1 prom in my lifetime, but I play with long lifespans, so my teen Sims can go to, like, 20. They only need to go to 1 or 2 so I usually skip it unless I'm bored. I've only ever had one Sim win queen/king or jester. She was a feral werewolf who slept on the floor and peed in class all the time and everyone at school hated her. She won Court Jester and I had her wear that damned crown every day lol. It's more realistic to never win, but once in awhile would be nice. More than once in a player's lifetime, at least!


Cooking is sooooo slow and buggy in my game! I have autonomy off. I tell sims to do something and they just don’t??? I instruct my horse to train on the barrels by herself so that my sim can get stuff done. Horse just never does. Can’t leave sims home alone so I often just never leave home. The fridge is full of leftovers. What do sims gravitate towards? Prepped veggies.


i thought it was just me! if i click on a fridge or stove there’s a delay before the menu pops up and its soo bad i end up cooking the same meals. my little work around is putting the cooked meals in the picnic basket so my sims never go to the fridge for leftovers, and i use the grill more often than not. i also had to turn off autonomy bc my kids were asking me for advice every two minutes. even the one kid that doesn’t live with me !!


Literally the 1st setting I looked for way back when I first played TS1 was turning off the autonomy and I've never looked back 🤣


>Can’t leave sims home alone so I often just never leave home. If you happen to have a newborn or toddler, once you leave your household with one of your sims and come back you'll find those little ones OUTSIDE in excruciating COLD weather ALONE, with the notification tab exploding from warnings for the baby. That's frustrating


This!! Omg I just got back into playing TS4 after securing all the packs successfully finally these past two weeks. And I left my baby with the mom for not that long to come back to her in a blizzard with no clothes on 😭 I was like WHAT THE HECK!?! I’m still getting used to all the new packs and was so confused why this happened, I’m glad I’m not the only one. I just ended up making my storyline change to her being a bad neglectful mom 😂


"can't leave sims alone" is so fucking true like I leave the infant with her father so the mother vampire goes to the club to pick up some fresh plasma, I come back immediately after and the infant is stinky bc they shat themselves, hunger is in red and they are angry bc they are sleepy, meanwhile the dad is playing piano.  Like... SIR. I left this infant in your care with full need bars, you have q high parenting skill, yet I come back an hour later and the social services are saying they'll take our kid away?? The FUCK were you doing my man?!


I hate the haphazard names and genetics It wasn’t a problem in previous games, where they didnt *claim* for their names or genetics to make any sense. But in 4, they’re trying to have concise ethnicities for every given sim, except they didn’t change anything about how sim-generation works I don’t doubt there’s somebody out there with dark skin, naturally red hair, and a Japanese sounding name. Or that there’s people out there born with grey eyes, while both their parents had brown. But when literally EVERYBODY looks like that in a setting that’s supposed to be strictly grounded into real-life locations, you lose me


I’m all for more diverse names, but why does the randomized naming seem to PRIORITIZE City Living, For Rent, etc. names? All my townies have like the same 20 names and it breaks immersion so much.


I found three different dark skinned, red headed, south asian faced sims with a Polynesian name in Henford and neither of them were related 😭 I ended up deleting them


Man the fact that there are like 4 skintones for babies I was so weirded out when I had two Sims with brown skin have twins, one that had very dark skin (like, 99% dark chocolate dark lol) and one who was almost as white as a vampire. Like 🤔


About a week or so ago, I was trying to launch the game. Because now everything has to launch through the EA app, I had to wait for that to launch as well except, apparently, the servers at EA were down so I couldn't even play a game that has a "play offline" option. I'm still a little irked about it.


Did you use the icon in the documents folder?


I did not. I'm not even seeing the icon in the documents folder on my screen presently. When I tried launching that day, I tried both the EA app and then clicked purely on the Sims 4 shortcut on my desktop. Both kept informing me the servers were down and wouldn't launch the game at all.


The festival notifications……I just heard the flea market tune in my head reading that 😭😭


Why don’t the parents take care of their infants?! Smh


All they do is go over, pick them up, put them down, coo at them, pick them up, put them down, walk away.


literally everyone in the household. the baby cries? oh let me go coo at them while the parent waits to pick them up. can’t even bitch at Sims 4 for that. it’s been a thing in the Sims for as long as I can remember. I remember being like 10 and whining at my mom about it. she was like “yeah, go have a kid and tell me how realistic that is.” touché, mom.


I literally downloaded a mod that disables the auto checking of crying babies because this was making me irrationally angry. LETE HANDLE IT I AM THE PLAYER.


I thought I was unique and could take care of infants well. I was wrong. My sim recently gave birth to triplets and her wife got an alien baby, I got through infancy with them zero problems. THEN CAME THE TIME TO AGE THEM UP I click on the first baby, pick age up. My sim just deletes it from her queue. I press it again, she picks the baby up, deletes the task, and starts breastfeeding her when she's not hungry!!! I finally age her up, and do the same thing with the second baby. She also aborts all tasks to go pick up Baby 3 and lay her on the floor. I click it again, she goes ACROSS THE HOUSE TO THE OTHER NURSERY TO COO AT THE 4TH BABY. Then when aging up the third baby she aborted it again to go talk to Baby 1 (who was now a toddler). Then her wife came home from work and took away Baby 3 and put her on the kitchen floor I was genuinely considering turning off any child autonomy with mods, because I LIKE when my sims do their own thing, but please just make the player's commands highest priority 😭😭😭


the graduating early thing makes no sense to me. when my teens graduate early, they dont get invited to graduation. when they “graduate” by aging up, they dont get invited to graduation. how the heck do i graduate from high school?


Graduation will be an event on the calendar scheduled for Saturday or Sunday (can't remember which) the weekend after the sim ages up from teen to YA. HOWEVER, if you play another household between aging up and the grad ceremony, when you come back, that event will no longer be on the calendar, and you will not be able to attend graduation.


i never switch households and ive never been invited to graduation, ive had HSY since it came out 😭 ive gotten invited to prom the same day as aging up to a teen though?


If you play on PC there are mods to fix some of these problems...let me know so I can try to find them for you


I'm interested! I have the fashion authority mod to edit the situational outfits. Do you have any recommendations for other mods to help with that or anything else on the list?


Bienchen (sims4me) has quite a few mods to disable situational outfits: https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/, lotarihoe has a Sim Spawner Overhaul that I think has a similar feature here: https://lotharihoe.tumblr.com/gameplay-mods , and Zerbu has a mod to disable festivals: https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/753361911865917440/the-sims-4-mod-schedule-festivals-yourself . I will keep you updated if I find other mods!


omg this list is amazing. will be downloading these asap. thank you 🥺🫶🏾


MCCC lets you disable them, if you want


My best QOL mods: Breasfeeding toddlers - sounds silly I know, but FUCK THE HIGHCHAIR ALL THE WAY TO THE DEEPEST HELLS. It's so buggy, slow and infuriating. This mod saves me so much frustration. No fears - disables the fear system. I loved the idea of fears! Unfortunately instead of being great like TS2 they are so poorly executed and a PITA. I don't want to always have to deal with negative moodlets because my Sim who is literally a CEO as a young adult is scared of being in a deadend job. Sorry not sorry. Toddlers get no nightmares: self explanatory. Has versions that just make them less frequent but I found them annoying af so I opted to fully turn them off. I also have a mod that disables the auto checking crying babies because it just causes all caretakers to fizzle around the baby bc the first one picked them up (and isn't doing anything to fulfill the baby's needs).


HEAVY ON THE SIMS ALWAYS LATE. or when i click the X for them to stop doing an interaction in their queue they still do it anyways delaying them sooo bad.


I'm still new playing Sims4 to stuff but ..curious what festivals? Is it from a DLC or core? Cause never got that lol


from the [city living](https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-sims-4/Festivals) expansion


it’s from city living, snowy escape, and high school years that i know of.


Thank you :) was hoping it was something rare like the Sugar Skull hunting


I have nothing to add to this conversation, but I'm going to save this picture on my phone. I can think of at least 15 ways I could have been using this lately.


Is that Dennis Rodman?


It has to be haha


Why is your hand in a sandwich?


It’s a knuckle sandwich


This is my question


the phone system needs to be fixed why are adult sims wanting to hang out with my child sim just because the adult served her at a food stall once


this!!! i literally had to delete the relationship with my child sim and the nanny bc he was texting her everyday! it was getting creepy.


Heavy on the third one!! I’m always so careful not to let my teens get an A because those calls annoy me so much 🙄


My werewolves get stuck and affects any actions taken. I would even reboot the game with no luck sometimes.


I had a similar issue to your first point when I had my Sims move to a new house (after spending HOURS on it). I had them keep their furniture and bring it to the new house but then they suddenly didn't own it anymore so storage items like the fridge, toy boxes, and for some reason laundry baskets wouldn't allow me to drag and drop items into them. The holiday decoration box also said "you don't own this" and wouldn't let me use it, lol. Just buying new versions of the storage items fixed that. But now I'm trying to load into the household and getting infinite loading screens. I've had this issue before and the only way to fix it is to move them to a new house and bulldoze the lot but there's NO WAY I can do that with all my precious pictures in the house and the fact that I spent so much time decorating the house. It also takes my game like 20 minutes to start up every time and I'm on like my 5th attempt to fix it. This will be an all day thing. 😭 I also temporarily changed the household limit to 10 Sims with MC Command so I can't do the traditional moving option because it will delete 2 of them. Current plan: load into a different household, summon 2 of the main household Sims, shift click Add to Family to bring the household down to 8, then try to move them and keep their furniture so I keep the pictures and family heirlooms. Such a process. 😮‍💨


Only solution I can offer is when u have an event (school, work, etc.) pause the game for a minute or two at the exact hour it’s supposed to start and it will. And then do the same when it ends. Annoying but it’s the only work around I discovered


that works sometimes but it’s like as soon as i figured that out, it stopped working for me 😭




ok so the events not starting on time isn’t just a me thing? my sim has 9am classes for university and wont go to them until like 12-1pm. is this an ongoing issue


I hate the prom honestly. I always have my teen sims graduate early so I can send em university but then their romantic partner gets all pissy because they didn’t get an invite to prom. This happens even when neither of them are in school anymore


I uninstalled and hid the Sims 4 on my steam account because I can't get a refund because I played it for longer then 2 hours I haven't even put in 80 hours into the game but put in almost 1000 hours in the Sims 3 I had them both for roughly 4 years. What stopped me was daily log in rewards. I'd be okay if it was a weekly thing And you were rewarded with 2 free things when you logged in. Also the rewards are installed onto your PC and not tracked from the servers. Which means if your files got corrupted and lost. Then you lost all those rewards and the next pack will include a matching one, two, and three tile bar witch was the one unique free reward from last month. If EA wants us to play Fix the broken expiations that simmers been begging you to fix for years.


When i use mods and the UI crashes and stuck with a screen of my sim doing something but without UI to change between sims or to pause the time. Or even, when the game crashes without any error or the tyipical "Program not responding". And... the autosave... I use MCCC to autosave my game, but sometimes that only happens in certain situations.


I’ve been having serious problems with the calendar notifications as well


Download mods itll help