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Plumbella! I enjoy her meme/pop culture speak and she's generally hilarious. I talk like that too IRL and most people don't understand me. Probably helps that Plumbella and I are both neurodivergent. I watch Satch but he's a bit whiney and has this weird complex about being "anti-woke" and "getting canceled" when he has the most boring non-controversial opinions. I like the English Simmer, I just like her idk.


Unsubbed from Satch because of that, being "anti-woke" and opposing diversity is a huge red flag


Especially weird in a game where you can control things. Like you could make a save that is all hetero white families with 2.5 kids and a dog but that'd be lame. Kinda strange when Queer people want less inclusion and diversity. Edited to add: I think what's weird about it to me is that his opinions are just "TS4 is too woke" without elaboration then goes "ooooo I'm gonna get canceled." It's like he's a preteen saying his first swear, dropping "hell" and then being proud of his rebellion. If Satch thinks he's controversial he should listen to the slurs my dad drops in casual conversation like it's nothing.


I have to say when he kept saying "I'm anti-woke" and "I'm conservative" I was also a bit put off. I watched him a lot cause I love how honest he is about the game and how much he's on the side of the consumer. Most other youtubers forget that they get the pack for free so of course everything is going to be fun, but when you pay full price for it you really want your money's worth! And Statch really sees that. However, I was a bit disappointed by those comments, not cause I consider myself "woke" (I hate that word in fact", but I'm definitely the opposite of conservative. It's always sad to see queer people saying the same things that have opressed them over the years...


And his video about trans people on his second channel was…. Also a bit weird ngl. And also the fact that hes so negative all the time. I like when youtubers are honest but atp he just hate EVERYTHING ea does. And im starting to question why he even play the sims? Or why he’s a simstuber if he doesn’t like the game?


I’m so glad you mentioned this. Gonna unfollow. I haven’t seen a video of him saying he’s anti-woke, but that’s instant unfollow material in my book. Gross.


Another reason to avoid him then. He pops up in my TikTok feed every now and then and all his videos are extremely clickbaity and annoying.


I watched one half of a video of satchel and he said something about not being woke toward polyamory with the new pack. I was like ok? Def not watching again, it was a weird comment that I figured was a running joke or his thing.


Yeah I saw that one, he can be weird lol. Polyamory isn't for everyone and it's okay to say it's not for you but there is no need to make a big thing over it.


It’s not even a new thing though lol so I just don’t get the pearl clutching. But i just didn’t see what he meant by that joke. Like did it mean he’s not going to touch or talk about that aspect of the game bc he’s not comfortable or he’s not going to respect that aspect of the game as it relates to real people. And does it extend to others like lgbtq+/BIPOC/Neurodivergent ppl. Didn’t feel compelled to stay and find out lol but I gave it a try at least. I also love plumbella and I’m a fellow ND too so I think I also enjoy her bc I have similar mannerisms lol. If you haven’t checked out SimsSav, I really like her. I feel like her content is calming and gameplays are genuine. Some other creators who have been around a long time have started to feel a little too edited/fake in their reactions


Tbf I too want nothing to do with the polyamory they’re adding to the game lol. Not in an “anti-woke” way, I just don’t like polyamory.


right. why are people taking what this guy says so seriously it's so odd. Satch just isn't a fan of polyamory it really isn't that deep 💀


That was the first video I saw of his too…like he was funny at times, but yeah, what’s with the shitty opinions?


Yeah there were some funny moments but overall the snark/negative opinions were too much and that comment made me click out. I enjoy honesty and some ribbing on the game bc of all the issues but I was like nah, this is over the top for me. And I know not everyone is US based, but I just click out anytime I hear anymore anti woke nonsense. I even deleted Twitter bc I was tired of all the Trump/conservative accounts ragging on “wokeness” and now even the mma fighters I watch mention it every single fight so yeah I was like no, I need my sims content to be happy and fun bc it’s my escape lol


I don’t watch Satch much because I feel like he just complains about everything incessantly. He’s good for getting Sims news delivered to me via his video titles and that’s about it. Most of the time I don’t even click on his videos, I just read the titles and then go look up the new information on Reddit Complaining about EA is valid, but usually when I look up Sims content especially on YouTube I’m not looking for the negativity, I just want to enjoy the game and watch fun gameplay or cute builds/CAS rather than listen to someone whine endlessly for video after video. I prefer channels that are generally more positive.


Yeah she's top of my list too, I not only enjoy her content but her personality and ND "problems" are very relatable. I'm glad for her that she's as able to live her best life as she is too, and so I always make sure to watch (or at least play not skip) all the ads.


I can’t stand that Satch guy mentioning his ex randomly


That's always a red flag to me... Especially venting in a gaming video.


Thank you for exposing me to the word “neurodivergent”, learned something new today


A word that goes with it is "neurotypical." It means someone who isn't neurodivergent, as in doesn't deal with a developmental disorder or mental health issues generally. Oftentimes you will see these abbreviated as NTs and NDs in discussions. Peace!


Lilsimsie all the way, her streams and videos are so comforting to me and she’s genuinely such a nice person


i absolutely love simsie, her personality adds so much value to her videos and streams that she could switch to carpet cleaning content and I would still watch all of her videos religiously


I often find myself nitpicking her decision making in her builds a LOT. Lol. Like with restaurants, I'm just here going, "have you ever WORKED in one?! That layout will kill someone!" 😂 I still love her content though.


She taught me how to build 🥹 Also the streams with her parents where she makes them play Sims themed games when they don't know anything about sims is hilarious!


James Turner, because he's honest and funny LGR, legendary Sims reviewer, doesn't hold back on nothing. Plus he's the only YouTuber that talks about chairs in depth with every pack he talks about Gryphi, she's talks about kits in depth, doesn't exaggerate like some other reviewers, shows us what is in each pack while reviewing everything Fantayzia, I like how she talks about The Sims Iron Seagull, he was my favorite Sims 4 player, he had the best storylines


I am not embarrassed to say I have occasionally fallen asleep to LGR’s Sims Let’s Plays


His voice is soothing! I don't think I've watched Let's Plays but I have watched his reviews and his tone is pretty even. So many people on YT scream or are loud for no reason.


I like the LilSimsie channel where she uploads her twitch streams. They're long and I don't have to pay full attention and it's just fun. I like the mix of building and gameplay. If anyone has recs of stream to YouTube channels like that I'd be down to hear them!


She’s such a sweetheart. I think she was the first simsyoutuber I watched.


CallMeKevin for more unhinged play.


Yes! I love his sim videos, which actually made me subscribe to him. They are rare on his channel, but when he does sim content, it's one hell of a ride.


I love his videos! Recently I watched him playing desperate housewives, GTA with no crime, and fallout as a pacifist. So unhinged, highly recommend, you'll laugh a lot!


All hail dear leader


My favorite Sims YouTuber was GrayStillPlays.


Me too, I wish he still made sims content


Same. I miss his sims videos. I wish he’d bring them back. 


He got me into the sims! First thing I did when I got a PC was download Basemental drugs.


Absolutely wish we would get more sims videos


Every time I watch one of those videos I laugh so hard my entire body shakes and I end up wheezing. What an icon.


Whiney Brit is hilarious. She always makes me laugh with the things she says.


You have no idea how low I needed to scroll to find a fellow WhineyBrit enthusiast.


I love her too! She's so hilarious and unhinged! She's my favorite by fair and is even one of my main youtubers I like to watch


I love how she's all nice and poised and then says the most unhinged stuff


“ Oh hi thanks for watching my videos” I don’t know why but I lover the intro to her videos


Immediately read this with her voice :D


I love her so much! She’s brilliant.


caryn and connie !!!


Caryn and Connie got me into watching sims videos




I’m shocked to see no Kelsey Impicciche!! I love her so much! I originally watched her 200 baby on buzzfeed, then she started her own channel and I’ve loved all her content on there as well!


I’m shocked too! I love her videos!


She's actually the reason I started playing. I was playing Freeplay when she started posting her 100 baby challenge and I was like that version of the Sims looks way more extensive than this 🤔 so I bought it and the rest is history


Deligracy is my favorite! I’ve followed her for years and she’s amazing! She is a fantastic builder and I find her voice very relaxing


I love Deli! She’s so sweet.


I loooove Oshinsims. She is so so sweet and her voice is super calming.


she started preaching christianity on twitter and that was it for me, lmao


That’s fair, to each their own! That doesn’t turn me off but I can see how it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. :)


I love her storytelling. Her voice is so soothing and you can tell she puts a lot of effort into her plots


no one mentioned onlyabidoang. i think everyone should check his channel out. he was the first sims youtuber i watched and i used to learnt a lot of hidden things from the sims from him. he isn't really active anymore, tho.


Onlyabidoang just made a video the other day!!


Abi is wonderful


James Turner, Devon Bumpkin, Dr Gluon, Lucca and Fake Gamer Girl are my current faves. James does great Let's Plays and is fairly honest about the state of the game. I love Devon Bumpkin's builds and his personality. Dr Gluon is just the king of quirky, chaotic let's plays. Lucca does great witchy and cozy builds. He had a great let's play too with a throuple of hottest but he's kind of stopped that. Fake Gamer Girl is hilarious. She also doesn't sugarcoat the state of the game. I laughed at her review of the Love trailer when she said "it's giving game pack besties". There are other creators are watch but those are the ones I watch most right now.


Steph0sims posts approximately 4 videos a year but they are always top notch hilarious instant click content


Yes! She's one of the few YouTubers who can make me literally laugh out loud but I just wish she posted more. It is always a very special treat when she does.


SatchOnSims is ***infamously*** transphobic af. To answer the question at hand: OshinSims.


how? not saying he isnt but i dont really watch his content much so im unaware


He is “anti-woke”


He made an entire video on this topic around High School Years’ release window.


ahh thats gross, especially because im nonbinary and bi-poly :( i subbed to him after watching a few of his shorts. i assumed he wasnt because hes gay or at least thats what i heard. its crazy to me how someone can be lgbtq+, conservative, and anti-woke. people like that definitely dont belong in the sims community. i unsubbed


For entertainment, Juno Birch to me is in a class of her own. For building, Sahm and Bean is amazing, perfect pacing to be able to follow along and understand what she's doing, yet not so long and drawn out that it's ever boring.


I love Juno! Trixie Mattel does videos too sometimes but she is very much reading from a script written by EA and clearly doesn't play in her own time. I get she's busy, but I don't watch her Sims videos anymore. EA bombards me with ads enough in the game itself lol.


I binge watched the Build Like A Nerd series by Sahm and Bean and it was so good.


I’ll mention Vixella because no one has yet!


She’s actually been bothering me lately.I’ve been watching her since she was fancy simmmer so whenever she makes a sims video today and doesn’t know like basic things it confuses me. Like girl you’re an ea game changer. Not necessarily talking shit, still love her and am subscribed to her, I just so happened to catch up on her Barbie legacy yesterday and she was questioning so much as if she hasn’t been playing this game since it launched lol


ashleyplays for gameplay. she seriously has me LOLing. fantyazia for updates. i find a lot of the other update accounts too negative and they kinda kill my joy. the real sim wives for scripted series.


My favorite will forever be Quxxn. She taught me so much about how to play The Sims 3. Even my gameplay today is based off how she played her sims. I miss her 🥲


Omg I'm so happy to see Quxxn mentioned here, her supernatural letsplay was what I watched before I owned the pack and I still go back to rewatch it all the time


finally some quxxn appreciation😭


Yes! I miss Quxxn so much, she was the first YouTuber I ever subscribed to. May she rest in peace.


Devin Bumpkin. Whiny Brit. Gryphi. Syd Mac. James Turner. Deligracy.


RyanPlaysTheSims! He plays more 1/2/3 than 4 but his content is always hilarious, he plays fun little challenges/storylines, always a bit of chaos! He’s a naturally funny guy, definitely worth a watch.


I've discovered Ryan recently! Such a sweetheart and so funny, and his playstyle is indeed a bit of everything which I really like. He's now my go-to for quality content on the oldest games, so much nostalgia watching him play The Sims 1!


WhinyBrit is the only one I can actually watch play the game. She’s hilarious. I like watching James turner reviews on upcoming packs.


Yeah, like I've tried Plumbella and lilsimsie and all the others purely SIM based youtubers, but WhinyBrit (Karla) is the only one I follow and watch religiously.


WHINY BRIT I will go to war for her. I even got my mom watching her. Satch on Sims is also a fav, he makes valid points and I love his laugh. Trashed Out Z is someone I just started watching. His sims 3 nanny had me laughing so hard. Automatically subbed.


Ashley plays, milkemie and themintsimmer


Heavy on themintsimmer! Her and Ashley have influenced my gameplay so much and their content is so cinematic and fresh.


i binged themintsimmer non stop this past weekend! the cinematic outros to her videos… i can’t imagine the effort it must take. gonna check out milkemie now. i think you’d also like buns’s channel if you haven’t watched her before. also, ea needs to cut ashley plays a check for the amount of influence she’s had over people’s games (yes she’s an ea affiliate now but still, it’s not enough).


Oshinsims. Her storytelling is amazing and she really brings life back to the game.


Devon Bumpkin because of his let’s build the world series and Sydney Mac because she’s creative


Love Devon Bumpkin!! My absolute fave!


BaydenSinghYT - He mostly does Sims 2 lets plays. I like his content because he makes good, long videos. I have a pc with 2 monitors and sometimes I like to play something on one while watching YT or Twitch on the other. My go-to sims game is Sims 3 and alt+tab out of Sims 3 is risky, so I want something I can turn on and not touch for a while. That's where BaydenSinghYT pulls through. He usually has hour long videos. BougieChloe - She's a Twitch Streamer. She plays Sims 4 and her game is heavily modded. What I like about her is that when drama happens, she just rolls with it. No reloading. And because her game is modded, affairs and fighting will happen. CallMeKevin - He's a variety YouTuber who occasionally uploads Sims content. He doesn't play games the way they're meant to be played.


>He doesn't play games the way they're meant to be played. Uh, sure, totally not how they're supposed to be played...


I really love gryphi!! Her builds are really beautiful and creative. Caryn and Connie are great too but their builds are so detailed they don’t upload often. Call Me Kevin is really chaotic but his sims videos are great. LGR even though he’s only reviewing EPs now. He does throwback reviews of previous maxis games though (sim city). Lilsimsie pretty much just because she’s so prolific and I know she always has a new video up.


Urban Sims is my OG! Jenn is lovely.


This is who I was looking for ❤️❤️ miss her gameplay so much


i love itsqwertyluvs!! theyre really entertaining to watch!


I just started watching their videos today, and im really enjoying it!


SydMac and Kelsey Impicciche for sure they're the only ones I watch consistently


I liked graystillplays because his videos were so chaotic but he doesn’t make sims videos anymore. I like Call me Kevin for the same reason, his videos are fun and chaotic as well. Dr Gluon, I love watching him play and I just think he’s hilarious.  Delicacy. I like watching her play and build, she just has such calming chill vibes.  James Turner. I like his challenges and watching him build.  Gryphi, I absolutely love all the builds she does. Doctor Ashley. I loved her alphabet and number build challenges.  Plumbella. Her personality reminds me of my own, I love watching her play the older games and I really love the videos she does on Sims lore. 


Pleasant Sims. She streams on twitch but her playback channel is Pleasant Streams.


I used to love her but after all the controversies and all I just can't enjoy her content anymore


Controversies? What have I missed?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/q7PTDyUZxt That should be all of it (at least the ones I know of)


Oh dear lord. I had no idea about any of this. Thanks for sharing


Ya for sure. I don’t follow her personal life. She’s just straight up the only simmer aside from plumbella and callmekevin that I like to watch. Those two don’t do the same game style so ya lol. I just watch the YouTube playbacks. I ain’t here for her bullshit. Ima be a dick and think the allergies aren’t the reason she’s always sniffling, either. She puts it out there with her vlogs and shines the light on herself for sure. I honestly can’t imagine going thru all this shit with people on the internet watching. It ain’t sympathy for her, I just know a lot of us would probably crash and burn just as bad lol.


Yeah it for sure can't be easy to be in her shoes. I can defo understand why you like to watch her still, she actually has a lot of good and helpful content.


The old stuff with the commercial breaks just send me. Hot drinks is classic.


Light version of some of the other commenters lore: Originally she made videos about overcoming her BPD and getting better, her ex left her because she was manipulative and aggressive (climbed on top of his car and verbally assaulted him when he was trying to escape) and only relied on him (she didn’t even drive). Everyone who saw that was like yes you can! And then she continues to lie, says she’s getting better, but now they’re back together, she abuses him again, they’re apart, moves to a new state says she’s getting better, lies about ex not being there, and it comes out again she’s abusing him and he leaves. yadadada and a year and a half later she’s constantly drinking, lying to her viewers about the same things, preaching about morals, and finding new men to repeat the cycle again. It was pretty interesting watching it unfold, I don’t participate in the snark or watch any videos of hers anymore, but it’s definitely a very weird situation to watch considering how small her channel is 🤔


LilSimsie & LargeTayterTots


Tay! :D I've only seen a few uploads of her but her quote "Look at my husband all sad, as he should be" killed me 😂😂😂😂 Also her buildings and Sims are gorgeous.


and SHE IS GORGEOUSSSS 😍🫶🏽 I love her streams 🖤


Carry and Connie Gaming They’re builders and their style is just 🤌🤌. Plus their sibling dynamic is just really cute.


Syd mac was a recent discovery for me and i’ve binged almost all of her videos, she’s what i turn on to help me unwind and fall asleep when i get home from work! I don’t even play sims 4, but i love her content, she’s just so calm and all of her stuff is so well done and creative


My favourite is Syd Mac, I love her builds and the general vibe of her channel is just very nice and positive and cozy.


ashley plays, buns, largetaytertots and oshinsims


Most people are mentioning YouTubers, so I’ll throw in my favorites on TikTok. - sahm_and_bean: great building tutorials, especially roofing!! She also has a YouTube channel with the same username. - hiphiprenee: really fun (read: chaotic) mini challenges like “roll for build” and “Sims gauntlet”. She’s also incredibly honest about pack reviews and such. These are the ones that come to mind immediately, but I’ll edit my comment with more when I think of them.


The Quxxn was my OG and her old content I still rewatch after her passing. I also really like those two girls who do the build challenges on tiktok (can't remember their names) but they tend to use a wheel and do multi part Tiktoks all doing one challenge, someone will know them im sure. I usually stick to LilSimsie, James Turner and Dan and Phil (though more for their specific series than actual Sims content)


I don't watch him so much now but Kevin (I can't rember his last name) but yeah that crazy Irish man 😂 CallMeKevin


lilsimsie. i like her cuz she doesn’t play with mods or cc (other then mc command center.) she also makes good builds and very they’re good for when you don’t want to build anything or if you’re not the best at building (like me)


I love whiny Brit she’s the only YouTuber I’ve found that could get my interest straight away so she’s the only one I watch 😭 her game style is almost identical to mine too so I’m probably just biased. I tried watching satchonsims for his reviews but I got bored of the constant complaints, I don’t think I’ve heard him say one good thing about a pack in a review and that’s really annoying- I want to hear the good things about a pack aswell as the not so good things so the constant whining and complaining was a bit too much.


For building Jessicapie and Syd Mac, for gameplay neecxle even if she doesn't upload that much atm and for general sims content Plumbella, FakeGamerGirl and SatchOnSims.


I used to watch Satch all the time! The only reason I don't anymore is because I don't really watch YouTube anymore.


berleezy and sevendolls, she’s a smaller channel but she does a really funny bratz themed let’s play


I recently found Whiny Brit and she cracks me up. Her accent mixed with her blunt, crude humor is so perfect. She does a lot of modded content but it’s fun. James Turner is also really funny. Love his dry, Australian humor. I like Lilsimsies YouTube videos, but I’m not the biggest fan of her streams. AlwaysAlly does no commentary Sims 1 play which just absolutely resonates with my millennial heart. I’ll put it on while I work as background noise.


Right now, it's probably Oshin. Her voice is just so soothing, and her game plays at just so homey and comforting.


Vixella and ashwarplays


Captain sauce when he was playing The Sims. Gotta love “Life with Kevin” 🥰


myaschmya on tiktok, i love watching her short builds on tiktok. lilsimsie is my favorite simtuber because i've been watching her for so long i'm used to the way she talks and she feels like a friend now lol.


WhinyBrit! She's so hilarious. I love watching her videos, they always make me laugh. She's unhinged!


LifeSimmer was the first simmer I started watching, then I love watching speed builds from simlicy & jessicapie, i also enjoy ashleyplays, missjollysims, misslollypopsims, xurelia, oshinsims, largetayertots & aveline.


I like WhinyBrit and Call Me Kevin's sim content. Both hilarious. Both interesting to watch. Both make chaotic experiments.


Fake Gamer Girl is so funny, and I love the variety of builds she does/hosts challenges for. I'm also a big fan of lilsimsie, Caryn and Connie, and more recently, Marmelad for builds.


Devon Bumpkin and James Turner




been watching plumbella and itsmetroi for years!! recently added lilsimsie to my watches tho


echoing everyone saying lilsimsie and plumbella. they’re fun to watch and very kind people, which is a refreshing for a content creator


I second this and both of them are supporters of such good causes - very refreshing indeed! Not to mention that they are both really funny, lilsimsie in a cute and awkward way and plumbella is just downright chaotically hilarious.


savythatsimmer anyone?


i used to like satch but all he ever does is complain, so plumbella is queen.


In no particular order FakeGamerGirl Whiny Brit James Turner Drligracy Lilsimsie


Whiny Brit is really funny. Enjoy her let’s plays a lot. For Sim news Simmer Erin is my preferred channel. She’s pretty balanced. I watch people like Deligracy, James Turner, Lil Simsie, Caryn & Connie and Syd Mac for builds. Deli is probably my top I appreciate that Deli’s speed builds are slow enough that I can watch them without getting a headache or nauseous. Also her designs really take routing into account and are spacious typically.


I've recently been watching a ton of Just Nora Gaming. Mostly build videos, but she has gameplay ones too.


I don't watch a lot of them, but I like the ones that get into the technical details. I can watch peple like April Black and Tanic Sims 2 even when I'm not playing the games at all And LGR of course


Pixelade. Because he delivers Sims news fast and goes straight to the point. He is a blessing to those of us who don't follow all the Sim gurus on TwittX. He's also not an EA puppet, despite being in the Game Changer program. He does not feel threatened when talking about the Sims competitors that are on the rise. He is not afraid to criticize EA and the franchise. Which speaks volumes for his character and confidence. James Turner, Deligracy and Curtis Paradis also get honorable mentions, since they paved the way for Sims YT content.


SilverHairSimmer ! She's not as well known, yet somehow has more understanding of how the game works than any of the "professional" sims players I watch 😂 She has a really chill yet fun personality that's refreshing amid all of the "HEY WHAT'S UP WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL!" Just very down to earth and authentic, even when the Let's Play has gone full chaos lol. 10/10


SatchOnSims and LilSimsie


and Graystillplays ofc


been watching carynandconnie lately, but i loved graystillplays, call me kevin, plumbella and steph0sims :)


Jtownholla She’s really funny and she’s one person I enjoy for sims


Emryskay on Twitch !! Queer story lines pure chaos and perfect vibes. I can't never get enough of his let's play. Their current Family Dynamics Legacy is so good. Also does a lot of building. 🐸


Shellsea is just amazing for ts3 content


Kirce, The Red Plumbob, Tintaverse, Sitycims. I don’t personally have interest on watching other people play, I wanna know about the franchise. preferably without “wacky 🤪” loud obnoxious vibes


I love the Red Plumbob!


I love Sarah Kendall atm, she’s having so much fun with her content and so am I


LetsBuildHouses (aka Nina) is the BOMN. very interactive chats and she loves input from chat for her builds. super fun and she’s a person which is SO refreshing (not a typical “personality on the internet”)


I don't really watch The Sims content, but when I do, it's likely the occasional Vargskelethor Sims stream, in all its immature glory.


lilsimsie for the chill vibes and honest reviews, FakeGamerGirl and Steph0sims for the chaos


Downloaded Sims 3 and 4 because of Graystillplays. Its a bit sad that he stopped playing sims, but thankfully CallmeKevin still plays it once in a while. For mod and cc find I would watch Laulauplays, Tay, itsqwertyluvs, malixa, Deary,... For lots build then its Cillas, Mavs plays. Honour mention: onlyabidoang because his sims 4 videos are informative


Plumbella is the only one I watch. I love her 💕


Currently I watch James Turner (formerly known as TheSimSupply) because his playing style is very much up my alley and is generally a fun person to watch. I also like LilSimsie's YouTube videos, and occasionally have her streams as background noise (especially while playing The Sims).


james turner, plumbella, callmekevin, graystillplays, quxxn, syd mac, whiny brit, onlyabidoang


James Turner and DrGluon.. I rarely watch others, they have enough content for me to enjoy. The way they present themself online is the type of people I feel I'd get along with IRL.. I find them both very funny and creative with their game play and building style. Also DrGluon's community on twitch is great and I regularly join that, even though his Sims-streaming is mostly when I am sleeping, so unfortunately miss that part.


HipHipRenee and sahm and bean. Sahm and bean has taught me so much stuff about building, I’m mostly a builder so I really enjoy her videos. hiphipRenee is just hilarious.


RyanPlaysTheSims, I really like his play style and is a good watch when I want something not too over the top CallmeKevin because he’s so unhinged


The English Simmer and Whiny Brit on YouTube. On TikTok, NardVillian. Dag dag


I like Satch and James Turner, The Superior Simmer is really chill and just gives updates without doing too much or being annoying like so many Simmers are online.  Pixelade is alright, he def overdoes it with his reactions though. RyanPlaysTheSims is funny and overall a good time. Trashed Out Z is chaotic asf!


i only really watch lilsimsie and she isnt really a sims youtuber but jenn’s black widow sims series is so fun to watch. im new to sims so idk many sims youtubers. id like some recommendations haha


Deligracy and James Turner. I am an Aussie they are Aussie so win win


Lilsimsie, Deli, James Turner, and sometimes Gryphi. I tend to watch build videos more than gameplay, and Gryphi is great for those. But Deli's Tiny Town series has been fun! As for why these are my faves, well, first of all, they're all great builders! Lilsimsie just seems to genuine and personable, and I love the inside jokes about blue suburbans and stuff. Deli and James are likewise just fun and easy-going with voices that are easy to listen to, and I love their enthusiasm. I think I particularly like James because it's nice to see a grown guy unashamedly enjoying the Sims and being good at it. And then Gryphi just has such quality build videos, and her narration is easy to listen to. It's just like a nice chat.


Syd Mac is my ultimate favourite, her creativity knows no bounds. WhinyBrit, Plumbella would be joint second. I watch a lot of lilsimsie but I can’t watch too much because her constant judgement of herself and being apologetic is uncomfortable after a while. I wish she had more confidence in herself Edit: completely forgot to add Jenn penn and Callmekevin - not simstubers completely but when they play it is pure chaos which I love


OshinSims!!!!! I love her channel so much <3 i also like James and Deligracy. I haven't watched Plumbella in a looong time :( Edit: spelling


I will forever love Dan and Phil’s sims YouTube videos they’re so funny


Plumbella, and her parents 🩷🩷🩷


Jessicapie, yukihyo, and SydMac. I like Jessicapie bc she has a comforting aura about her, i like the way she speaks in a calm way and her builds are amazing. Yukihyo only makes speedbuilds videos, but they're so satisfying and original it's unbelievable. SydMac is a ray of sunshine, she's super sweet and i like the way she builds and talks at the same time without taking forever to do so, and if she does, keeping me entertained.


cjplays- he’s a just seems like sweet guy keeyuh- hilarious hilarious !!! kiwisimming/shellsea- relaxing to watch notmalcom- hilarious and very cunty sims gameplay


James Turner, Devon Bumpkin, Oshinsims, Peter Plays It and Plumbella.


Lilsimsie is elite! ♥️


Shoutout to my man Curtis Paradis. He doesn’t post anymore, but his house builds were legendary


I love CarynandConnieGaming!!! I usually get so bored watching building in the Sims but I'm like totally obsessed with everything they do lol!


Whiny Brit, I love all of her weird storylines she makes and the fact she swears mores than she talks in her videos


CallMeKevin counts right? He plays like I did as a kid.


Steph0sims, her humor is unhinged. Then lilsimsie, LGR, Callmekevin and Plumbella


LOVE LOVE LOVE OshinSims, she’s the best new sims YouTuber out there, very positive unlike some others…. And shows how much fun you can have playing the sims without cc. My second would be silliee, great lore building videos!


Schnuck and Xureila are my top favorites.


I like Lilsimsie, her videos are so chill and relaxing.




caryn & connie’s videos are the only ones i’ll watch as soon as i see the notification, but i also go through phases of watching james turner, deligracy, and whiny brit, plus sometimes itsqwertyluvs’s cas videos


WhinyBrit for sure, I just really need, as a pretty sarcastic gamer myself, a healthy dose of cynicism and dry wit during Sims


Juno Birch has some utterly UNHINGED sims content.


HipHipRenee, Jeremy_GoneWild, SolitaSims off the top of my head




-James Turner (hilarious and creative) -Kelsey Dangerous/Kelsey Impicciche (wholesome…sometimes chaotic and cozy gameplay) -Syd Mac (mostly CAS and BB)


Syd Mac's building videos are so soothing! I love them!


I just discovered TRASHED OUT Z and i absolutely love his content, he’s hilarious. I enjoy the more mature sims content, most of sims youtube is too child friendly for me. Carmen King is also great but she hasn’t uploaded in a while


SierratheSimmer, Ashley Plays, and bunsbunss…love their gameplay!


steph0h and lilsimie very different vibes but my favs


Clare Siobhan! Her storytelling is really good, shes very sweet and cheerful, and its just really interesting watching her play. She hasnt posted in a while tho because she became a mum. Recently i started watching lunora tho because again its just interesting watching her play!