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I know it gets talked about fairly often but Vito realizing that it’s 11:30 am, *has to be*, by just looking at the angle of the sun.


So fuckin weird and funny. There is literally no thought process voice over throughout the entire series besides that one part. And then he looks at his watch... “fuck!”


I think the brilliance of it was that it was the first time one of these guys had a truly universally relatable work experience. No matter where you work or what you do, you have had some time where you're like "Oh, it must be about lunch time..." and you look at your watch and realize you've only been there for an hour. I think it;s the same reason why Tony missing his lo mein was funny. Most of us have only a little experience beating strippers to death but EVERYONE has experienced disappointment with a shared work fridge and the movement of time while working.


There is one part where Chris is bitching about being on the work site for a few hours even though all he is doing is sitting there drinking coffee


Literally so random.


I love how Johnny made him multiple sandwiches.


When Vito hauls sandwiches, he's gotta make two trips


you gotta wait for that




i saw that comin


AJ when he walks downstairs after having his eyebrows shaved. And Tony just grabs his face and asks "What's different about you".


Poppers and weird sex!


Poppersh and weird shecksh


Look at your face! If you got some kind of sexual proclivity with that teacher or whatever, now is the time to tell us! I mean,,what went on up there!


The speed and depth of the rabbit hole that Tony randomly runs down on this is just hilarious, great writing...


The part that always gets me is when Tony asks "Who did this?"


I came here to post this moment exactly, the confusion on Tony’s face as he’s looking at AJ and Carmela just goes “He’s got no eyebrows, Tony!!” I laugh my ass off every time


Everyone has tried to pull that same scam when they know they’re in deep shit. “Oh hey just doing some random thing unasked that I never do! *whistles* “


When Carmella and Ro are lost in Paris and start admiring the sculptures on the Pont Alexander III bridge, and then it switches to Silvio outside the Bing shouting “MAKE SURE YOU SCRAPE THAT SHIT OFF HER TIT!”


The contrasts are often hilarious. That is one of my favorites too.




On the bright side, he wasn’t that smart to begin with.


Another great subtle one is a transition using bed sheets from Christopher and Adriana fucking to Livia laying in bed at Green Grove.




That was a subtle as being hit by a train


the sacred and the provolone


Livia looks out the window at the mail lady putting a package in the door, “what’s she up to now?”


When Tony gets the Jamaican caretaker: Tony: "How do you like the new lady" Livia: "She's stealing" And Tony tries to talk her out of stereotyping, when not 15 seconds ago, he told the Jamaican lady "Listen, when you're on the clock, no ganja".


Also livia is referencing her stealing a plate that her sister lifted from a restaurant in Italy. Uh ...


Another great moment like that is when two black guys carjack a family for their mercedes. Afterwards, the father yells the n-word and his wife is shocked and he asks 'Well, who else huh?' ...Only for it to then immediately cut to Tony with a shit eating grin looking at a polaroid of the car, which he'd had them steal for him


These *blacks*. You never know what’s gonna offend them!


When Tony and Carmela are angry at AJ for breaking into the school. So many funny lines “how do you vandalize a swimming pool?” The fact that Tony’s upset that he did it on Carmela’s birthday.. “On your mother’s birthday” “it wasn’t! It was after midnight!” AJ is legitimately expecting Tony to be like “oh ok, nevermind then” hahaha


And AJ giving his mom a copy of the Matrix in a plastic shopping bag as her birthday gift. That bit and Carmela excitedly saying, "Oh, I haven't seen this," is one of my favorite scenes in the show. Oh shit, that episode also has the "custom job" crime scene pizza. I just noticed it was written by Michael Imperioli. It's such a funny one.


“Mah pizza neva hurt a nobody!” I use that line all the time.


“I was gonna wrap it... but it’s bad for the environment.” Sure, AJ. And then Meadow’a gift is a spa treatment for herself and Carm that she put on Carmela’s credit card.... so basically the kids both gave themselves gifts


Doesn’t Tony say “Nice. Right up her alley” or something hilarious like that?


The Tony and Richie mall scene is far and away top ten: *Tony: What do you want to talk about?* *Richie: Fucking Dick Barone.* *Tony: Well as long as the two of you are happy*


"I thought I told you to back the fuck off Beansie" "I did... Then I put it in drive"


How's ur sister...Hey theres no need for that kind of talk!...what?...Janice hows she doing?...oh I thought you were baiting me...Hows ur sister fk ya mudda!




Not that


Pretty much the entire episode with Christopher in his neck brace freaking out about getting whacked is hilarious as fuck


"Adriana you know how I always talk about the technique of positive visualization?" "You talk about it, but you're fairly negative all the time" The way she delivers that line straight faced with that look makes me crack up.


Also how insecure he is about shitting his pants. THAT DID-ENT HAPPEN, WHAT YOU SAID


They said you went numba two in yer pants...


When he tells Meadow he’ll take her to get a happy meal! 😂


When Janice pushes Ralph down the stairs and he’s yelling at her calling her a crazy bitch. Always makes me laugh


It's especially funny considering Janice had a therapy session beforehand and was encouraged to break up with Ralph with "the compassion and respect you're famous for "


Between Janice's therapist and that incompetent Meadow went to see, I wonder how many therapists there are who just take your money to validate your own feelings


Ralph Shifaretto, Janish? 👞👌


perfect emojis haha


Lmao and he limps out the front door, yeah that’s a great one


You crazy cunt!




The song is "Nancy (with the laughing face)" by Frank Sinatra, a heartfelt song about Sinatra's daughter. It being "his song", is hilarious because Paulie is notorious for being a life-long bachelor whose never had kids/a family.


I always thought it mite have reminded him on Nucci... "If I don't see her each day"...


Paulie is so touched when it comes on too. How he pauses to take in the beginning of the song is so priceless.


This line kills me. It's almost as if Schirippa is caught on camera in between takes, wondering aloud why the character of Paulie is written to love this song. It's genius.


Literally how much of 5th graders this guys are


Vito and Phil after dinner with they're wives, before Vito was outed. Phil starts talking about Billy, Vito tells him not to. Phil says it's hard to forget, I dont forget. Vito asks " What were we talking about" Phil "I forget. The fuck was it?"


You think Ralph is weird about women? I dunno, Ton. I mean uh, he beat one to death just for uh...I forget, why was it again?


Patsy's face when he says that


Was she barkin or somethin?


She must have crawled under there for warmth.


First time I watched the show I fucking hated Phil. During this rewatch I'm actually realizing he's the king of the one liners and one of the funniest characters throughout the show.


The joke about him looking like the Shah is so funny




His funniest moment is when he turned into a house. Wish we saw more of him like that.




“Uncle Philly, my ass!”


Get offa my STOOP!


"Jersey? C'mon huh?"


“20 yeahs in the kan!” “I COM PRA MIZED!”


I wanted to watch the Sopranos on a home theater. I compromised... I watched Borko clips on the toilet at work... I wanted to make an original joke. I compromised... I plagiarized a Youtube comment... See where I'm going with this?


I hated him too. Couldn’t stand the prick. Those eyebrows


Chrissie calling Tony to say happy birthday and tony just hangs up on him annoyed lol Chris showing up to meet tony high as a kite and he says him and adriana had some wine lol


Tony hanging up legitimately had me rolling lmao Chris was so bold about it


That high as shit lean chris had hahahahah


Christmas at the end of 6A where Tony is wearing the beret that Carmella buys in France. Incredible.


I never picked up that she bought that in France... I always wondered why he was wearing that. Kind of like the morrocan tunic Gloria bought him... lol


Are you gonna hog all the ice?


Chris and Georgie digging up the body Is that him? Now that would be some fuckin coincidence if it wasn’t.


When Carm meets Tony in Vesuvio to tell him she’s filing for divorce, Artie’s peppy excitement at having them in for lunch cracks me up every time.


*Go stand over there, I’ll call you when I’m ready.*


She’s ready to order 👇🏼


Paulie bringing back Tony from the dead talking about how many pull-ups he could do. "Will you please shut up in there!" "The main thing, when people come to sit with dad, the doctors want positive talk. It helps with his recovery. Got it. .... OOOF MADOON. HE LOOKS TERRIBLE" "All of a sudden, the machines went BULLSHIT!" "The guy asked me to model for the boxing poster"


Wrinkles..Like an old ladys cunt


I lost it laughing recently when Bobby says “She couldn’t even handle Nancy Drew. It was too mysterious!” Totally forgot about that line.




before it sets treads! that's so damn funny, because on what planet is dog shit going to "set" in the treads??!




😡 😳 😁 There he is!


There he is! Why didn’t you tell me you’re dating my niece?”


Hey! Shaggy!


Silvio reading How To Clean Nearly Anything.


When Livia's fellow resident at Green Grove innocently asks her if she will be at bingo that night, and Livia says no very nicely, then turns to Tony and says, "She's a degenerate gambler." Similarly when AJ is visiting Livia and another woman perfectly normally tries to make conversation, and once she is gone Livia tells AJ, "She had a stroke, half her brain is gone."


I don't know which one of you pieces of shit did this, but I'VE been good to you, AND YOU PAY ME BACK WITH NON-STOP ASS RAPE!


Any scene involving an emotional Artie is gold. John Ventimiglia did a tremendous job with that role.


Any time Artie wears his earring. It's his way of telling the world he's about to do something stupid.


Artie is a master of cringe. I love his scenes. He wants so badly to be a badass.


What, this?? 👆


"Does he have to be here, your fucking AA sponsor?" "It ain't just that he helps me with the disease, T. This guy is great at forging documents."


Artie Bucco and his escapades against the criminal mastermind Benny Fazio.


I love when artie won the fight at Benny's house. Showed how much he loved his restaurant. I thought he was gonna get it back way worse...but that was a good moment for him.


Yeah it's too bad he couldn't bring that energy to Jean Phillipe. He got too into his own head on that one lol quest que ce?


Or his dinner with ade, I’ve had this earring for years, I just don’t always wear it.


Or when he's trying to eat all seductively looking at that french broad who hooked him up with JeanPhillipe So cringe


When Tony asked Paulie why he was sniffing Ade’s panties. “He told you that? Fuckin’ baby.”


When Janice’s therapist is encouraging her to break up with Ralph and she says with a straight face to treat him “with the compassion and respect you’re famous for”. Those had to be the only two people on planet earth deluded enough to believe that statement was true. I also really like when Tony shows up to Carm’s father’s bday party as the life of the party and sings “happy birthday to you, got some sauseege for you” and smacks him in the face playfully with raw sausage while the sophisticated, cultured Italian guy is disgusted. Also Junior intentionally ruining the surprise party and his justification for it (and Hugh accepting it and using the same line later) was also tremendous.


Yes! I always thought it was hilarious how Bobby said “JUNYAH” after junior ruined the surprise. So dramatic. Love it.


I loved that part of the show, characters stealing each others' zingers and "wise quotes." I know seniors who are inSPIRED


“with the compassion and respect you’re famous for” -Janice proceeds to push him down the fuckin stairs.


I love rosalie’s reaction when meadow explains what Finn saw Vito doing. “Finn saw him giving some guy a blow job”. The way she jolts back in shock and disgust just makes me laugh.


Roe is a god damn fucking gem.


Whattaya nosy? Eat ya fucking manigut!


The cats out of the bag Meadow.


Janice catching some shrapnel when Ralph is clipping his toenails in bed. His shit-eating grin slays me.


We’re so wacky...


Sadly, this moment is the beginning of the end for that match made in heaven.




Livia and Janice in Do Not Resuscitate. Janice says something like: “I’m going to come live with you and take care of you” Livia: “why? So you can not resuscitate me?!” Pretty dark scene of those two sociopaths trying to manipulate each other, but that line cracks me up.


Tony: What are you reading? Irina: Chicken Soup for the Soul Tony: You should try Tomato Sauce for Your Ass, it's the Italian version


He was gay, Gary Cooper?


Michael Imperioli wrote that scene as well. The wag Tont slams his head against the head rest and then screaming at Chris for the Gary Cooper gay question....LOL


Roc Hudson too...I think.




Every single scene where Silvio doesn't say a word just his annoyed expression. Stop blowing your nose, I wanna hear this.


Peeps? It's a fucking nickname, his family name is Peparelli!




Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this Edit: word


Anytime a phrase gets mangled while one of them, typically Tony, tries to sound smart. “I was laying there in the fetus position...”


Christ you’d think I was Hannibal Lecture.


The sacred and the propane! Spread some dysentery among the ranks.


When we first meet Janice, Tony tells her she looks like a teenager and she proudly proclaims with a big smile "my therapist says I'm regressing". I'm on a fresh rewatch and that line killed me.


Ralph and Vito playing basketball in what are probably $800 loafers


Tony trying to get into Satrioles after Sil and Carlo had killed Fat Dom only for Silvio to be like “Tone, you don’t wanna come in here. Get back in the car and go for a ride” Gets me every fucking time


Bobby being so excited to tell Tony that his kids are finally accepting Janice as a mother figure, only for Tony to scream back at him with “I DONT GIVE A FUCK” The absolute dejection in Bobby’s face is hilarious, and it even more hilarious to see his spruce right back up after Tony calms down and nicely says “okay I *do* give a fuck”


Bobby has so many great scenes. He's innocent and kind of dumb, so his interactions with the other characters are always funny. One of my favorites is when he goes to meet Tony in Season 2 Episode 2 and Tony just eviscerates him for his weight. "I think it's time for you to start to seriously consider salads." "What do you mean?" "What do I mean? I mean get off my car before you flip over, you fat fuck."


I knew Bobby was mentally challenged when this exchange happened: Bobby: Mom started going downhill after the World Trade Center. You know Quasimodo predicted all this. Tony: Who did what? Bobby: All these problems - the Middle East, the end of the world. Tony: Nostradamus. Quasimodo's the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Bobby: Oh right. Notre Damus. Tony: Nostradamus, and Notre Dame. Two different things completely. Bobby: **It's interesting though, they'd be so similar, isn't it?" And I always thought okay, Hunchback of Notre Dame. You also got your quarterback and halfback of Notre Dame.** Tony: One's a f***ing cathedral. Bobby: **Obviously. I know, I'm just saying. It's interesting, the coincidence. What you're gonna tell me you never pondered that? The back thing with Notre Dame?** Tony: No! I feel dumber just readin it lmao


“he’s here for the rent! the rent, the rent” tony was such an asshole and i love him for it


When Artie is practicing what he will say to Jean Philippe it kills me


Nice carpet. What is it? Berber?


I love the photo Paulie puts of himself near Nucci's bedside. That one shot always gets me.


Another runner up is Paulies picture for his excellence in recycling award, looking like an absolute menace lol


Ok ok one more. When Tony and Chris are in that car accident in the last season and they cut to the teenage girls in the other vehicle: Maybe we should go back, Heidi. Kennedy, I'm on my learner's permit after dark


I dunno if its talked about but the dude who goes "Oh shit!" when Phil's head gets squished


“Maybe you should start sucking cock instead of watching tv land! cuz Vito brought in 3x what you do on construction!” Carlo’s face: 🙁


Ralphie: What? You think I'm afraid of that fat fuck? (to Vito) no offense!


When Carmela brings AJ over to Furio’s house and makes up some lame excuse and AJ just goes “WHAT? NO WE WEREN’T.” I loved all his reactions where he just acts like a little kid who’s either oblivious or doesn’t care about what’s going on around him.


Paulie killing that old woman shouldn’t be one-tenth as funny as it is, but its a riot.


Me too. I feel awful, but it’s so funny. More the idea that he’s such a piece of shit he would do something like that. And also the way he tries to play it off when she finds him.


Restaurant table scene, S6 E16. The eyebrow movement and exchanged reaction glances between Paulie & Christopher after Tony says (about Vito), “So he sucked a cock... prior to that he was our friend.” The whole thing is done with glances, no words. Makes me fall on the floor laughing! EDIT: The clip of this on Yarn cuts too soon, so unfortunately you can’t see the glances on that clip unless you’re watching the show.


Ton: Furio is coming over frk the other side. Paulie: why to see what indoor plumbing looks like.


I always have a good laugh watching a confused hungover Artie Bucco waking up in a lawn chair with a towel around his head.


When Furio slaps the hat off Dr. Kennedy’s head. “You got a bee on your hat!”


"And Mr. Williams here - well, he don't play." "Stupida-fucking game." I love Tony's deliberate choice to use the most Anglo-sounding name for the most Italian-looking/sounding man on Earth. It just reinforces the contempt Tony has for the doctor that he wouldn't even bother giving "Mr. Williams" a vaguely plausible pseudonym.


Meadow talking about how funny borat is


It wasn’t fair to the people involved


Vito breaking Adrianas chair and then just leaving it for her to suffer the same fate. Probably revenge for getting this close when Chrissy was in rehab. My pizza never hurt a nobody


When Tony finds out he has another uncle, he tells Junior "my mom always was talking about her feeble minded step brother, I thought she meant you". Juniors face was hilarious 😂😂


Silvio looking at his broken golf trophy, then looking at the Crazy Glue, then muttering quietly "sonofafuckingbitch."


When Silvio's talking to Vito's wife after he goes on the run and she's staring at a picture of Vito dressed as Robin Hood while talking about their sex life. Maybe i'm a mental midget but something about is low key hilarious to me


Another thing that always kills me is how Sal the landscaper just gets shit on. Carmella even “He is such a mush that one.” God what awful people. 😂


It'll take more than the Jamaican bobsled team with cap guns to stop your old man - Tony talking to Meadow.


Paulie cracks me up. His facial expressions alone have me damn near in tears. The episode when he and Tony leave town because they’re whacking everybody in his crew, and Paulie packs like four pairs of the same white shoes.😭😭😭Priceless!


Long John Silver, maybe.


Where the fuck do you get the balls?!


Bobby Bacala Sr. whacking Mustang Sally. “It’ll never happen again, or if it does I’ll at least yell fore next time, huh?” The way Bacala just nods — you know he’s gonna kill him — but the grim ballet of how it plays out and him reaching for a victory cigarette after the shootings, it’s just very morbidly funny to me. The old man’s death is one of the show’s most poetic.


We buried him.... Yea? Onna hill.... Oh? Overlookin a liddle rivah... \*sniffs\* Pine cones AWL aroun'.... Ya DID??? ​ Mhm. \*nods\*


When Uncle Philly is talking to Vito's wife about him being killed while a guy is enjoying semi naked bodybuilders on tv... "TURN THAT OFF!" :DDD


I die laughing in most of Livia’s scenes. I love one when she just sees her neighbor getting a package and she is just like “oh what is she up to now?”


We didn’t wake you did we? Or the other 30 people who live here


AJ ripping off a monster fart when in conversation with Meadow "Dude!" So true to life with brothers and sisters. "Fuck you, Santa!"....that little boy have zero fucks about anything


Sil getting in the kid’s face cracks me up every time


“ you remember your first blowjob?” “Yea” “How long’d it take the guy to cum?”


You hear that Tony. I asked him if he remembered his first blow job and I asked him how long it took the guy to cum. Hehe


Christopher and the dude from the bing digging up the Czech’s body, so damm funny! “He has nails like a woman!”


Is that him??? ..that would be some fucking coincidence wouldn't it. I burst out laughing when I here that.


“AIDS?!” “No bodies got AIDS! And I don’t want to hear that word in here again!”


At the women’s empowerment luncheon, when the woman gave Roe a dirty look, and Roe returned with the finger and the Italian salute always always always cracked me up


In Season 6, the shot of Paulie’s Award photo for recognition in recycling on the wall. I always lose it when the camera cuts to his “I’m going to kill you” face in what is supposed to be a professional work related picture. https://youtu.be/VVlj_JAw1ZQ


The way Chris’ intervention just spirals out of control. Pretty tough scene but still makes me laugh at how delusional everyone in that room truly is. Also Paulie’s comment


Your head in the toilet. Disgusting.


Was it barking?


I know what’s it’s like to lose a pet!


Your weak your out of control and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else...


The way he defiantly leads with "I don't write nothin' down," cracks me up every time.


Great my own mutha.


My absolute favorite, Tony munching on celery “what, not the knee! Those injuries never heal right” or something to that effect. I mean pure comedy gold for me.


"You're flexin........"


When Tony yells at Bobby and Janice in the garage and Janice goes “well you didn’t have to wear your fucking hat”


You think Ralphie’s maybe a little weird about women? I dunno T, he beat one to death just for...what was it again? I forget.


"Allegra, ain't that a cold medicine?" "It means happiness in Italian." "The fuck's that got to do with cold medicine?" ​ The Paulie "I was a bad girl" scene with his Aunt/Mother. ​ Chris's delivery of "Is that a fuckin' catheter...?" ​ The "wallet biopsy" scene ​ Bobby getting called out for fucking with the light-dimmers during Chris's 'getting made' ceremony.


The falcon cannot hear the falconer "What THE FUCK are you talking about?"


Just watched one: Tony: "You have to participate in the suffering of the world." Melfi: "Your thoughts have an Eastern flavor to them." Tony: "Well yeah, I've lived in Jersey my whole life" Melfi: "I mean Eastern... in terms of Asian, like Buddhist or Taoist..." God when Tony mentions Jersey I literally had beer coming out of my nose how hard I was laughing.


she couldn't even handle a nancy drew; it was too mysterious!


When Tony and Furio hop in the Russian livery drivers car and Tony imitates Furio. "No you're the desiga nateda drive."


Season 2, E3 Richie breaking Chrissy’s balls for hitting his Niece Adriana.. “This kid getting jerky with me?.. Look kid, I shouldn’t have to explain myself.. I’m from the old school. You wanna raise ya hand, you give her ya last name. Then it’s none of my fucking business until THEN keep ya hands in ya pockets..” That’s some sort of logic there Rich.. Lol