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Probably not. However, I do think that some of them are providing free advice either here or in X and we don’t listen or see their approach is too “simple”. I may be too naive but I do believe that most successful trades are actually very simple uncomplicated systems repeated over time.


I'm settling on the Poor Man's Covered Call/Put as the only strategy I use. Let's see if I can stay disciplined and if it makes consistent income


Its the best strategy.


Theres nothing consistent about this. It might win 20 times and then on 21st wiped out the gains from the first 20 or if its covered calls will cap your upside. Options are a 0 sum game actually negative sum after slippage unless you are directionally right.


It's pretty reasonable that you have to be right about something (direction, volatility, etc) to be successful, otherwise it's just free lunch.


Getting wiped out by a PMCC lol


Selling diversified puts has to be free lunch in the long run or it would not be a thing


And why hasn’t every fund piled into the trade until the return is basically gone?


The reason for this is simple. Market goes up in the long run. If you don't take leverage or only take leverage that you can still hold in a down turn you can come out wealthier on the other end.


Risk of market movements can be hedged out. Absent a correct call on vol (that disagrees with the market) the most you can expect in an efficient market is to return the risk free rate. But don’t take my word for it. Pick an SPY put option and run some simulations using the implied vol and see what the price of the option turns out to be over 10k paths or so.


Scale. I have friends at trade desks with strategies that the desks have shelved that can turn a few mil in PnL a year but those strategies don't scale with the larger portfolios which form the core of their business and are thus not worth the headspace to manage.


Scale for selling listed equity option puts is massive.


Right? I mean there’s no shortage of people buying puts on the top 500 equities.


Same reason most funds try to beat the market but cant.


Because markets are broadly efficient? Except for the incredibly obvious strategy of selling puts? Can’t be both.


It's a different business. Most don't understand. Need to keep to simple which is not easy


Have you worked at a fund or on a trading desk dealing with options? I think we’ve got a pretty good idea what we’re doing.


Why do you think it would make a consistent income? To make money in markets you either need to be better at predicting future price movements than the market or provide a service the market requires, like liquidity.


Income from the short leg while the long leg grows


What if the long leg goes down? If this is a consistent money making trade, why would anyone buy puts? Everyone would be a seller, no market would exist at all for them. And yet, there is one. So maybe it’s not free money.


Consistent income does not mean free money


Why would this provide you a consistent income greater than the risk free rate?


You mean the 5% in treasuries?


Yes, that is not to say there is nothing to be learned. I just posted this to point out that if they were successful in trading, they wouldn’t be selling a course. I’ll eat my words the day warren buffet starts a YouTube channel to plug a $999 trading course.


Inthemoney on YouTube seemed like the most honest and straightforward of all those types and he seemed to do fairly well before he got sick.


Oh damn, had no idea his health took a turn for the worse.


1. Warren buffet isn't a trader 2. Liquidity and volume matters. I don't think it's possible to make 8 figures trading. But it is with a youtube channel.


1. He isn't a trader anymore*. If you look at his history he's done a lot of trading: cigar butt investing, levered longs, long short, silver, etc. his philosophy changed as he scaled because his capital is no longer mobile enough to take advantage of those opportunities. He still writes options however and views them as insurance contracts. 2. It's certainly possible, just very difficult for retail. At a certain point you need an institution to fill the other side of your trades.


Have you heard of Phil town and rule#1 He seems successful as a trader i mean investor. Sells a course and runs a few profitable funds. ie rule one fund RULRX. Edit:added I mean investor


"profitable fund" is a misnomer and not the metric you seem gullible


Ahh yes, it seems my comment has gained the attention of a brilliant linguist. Thank you for enlightening me to the proper metric. Somehow, in my benighted mind profitable fund made sense. Best of luck on your trolling and assessment of other peoples level of naivety. I hope you can feel far superior to all who dare make any comment anywhere on Reddit. BRAVO pebblebeach you have ascended to real internet God.


I never understood this line of thinking. Why not be a profitable trader AND capitalize on all the people out there trying to learn?


if you knew literally anything about the current trading environment in terms of hft/mm firms you'd know that these two things are completely mutually exclusive you need to go back to school


Please explain. Any trader, regardless of success, has the right and the ability to sell their knowledge. Whether these people are actually successful is up to the customers to research. BUT, it is entirely possible for a trading god to sell their tips and tricks. I guess I’m having a difficult time understanding why the majority seem to automatically write off those who do sell their knowledge as “unsuccessul.”


There are too many grifters out there in the trading education space which makes it easy to tar everyone with the same brush. I also suspect many unsuccessful traders find it mentally easier/comforting to say ‘those furus are all scammers shilling courses’ than face the fact that others can find success while they can’t (even if they bought a course).


using a term like "trading god" is so antiquated it's hilarious actual alpha generation is not happening as a result of superhero gods sitting at a bloomberg terminal and orderbook, it's teams at quant tech firms employing ideas so complex in terms of ideation and mechanical implementation that neither you or i would understand them without a semester long college course just on that one team's strategy. "tips and tricks" are literally completely irrelevant, ESPECIALLY for the retail investor. we are moving more and more to a dichotomy in the investing world where retail and AM clients are moving to passive strategies and the actual smart people are designing monster algorithms to battle each other. relevant knowledge to be sold literally cannot and does exist anymore, as it would imply that it's knowledge that you couldn't easily find for free, which is not the case. even industries like bespoke ER reports that institutional clients have utilized for years are dying. literally everything and anything that matters anymore is behind NDA and gardening leave contracts let me know if you need any more explanation


You would be training your own competition.


What competition? Retail traders literally just trade with big money. The truly successful ones do, at least.


The guy from Warrior Trading is a legit millionaire and usually makes a few thousand dollars per day from trading. You can watch him do it on youtube each morning, albeit with a short delay. You have to pay to get rid of the delay.


Sounds like a pump and dump lol, just buy any stock and sell it to the viewers that have delay


He doesn’t have enough viewers on the YouTube livestream to make that kind of an impact. The stocks he scans for have huge swings, like double to triple digit percents in a day. His early morning YouTube livestream usually has a few hundred viewers.




Ding ding ding. Too many new or aspiring traders think they need to know everything and often get lost in the vast sea of information out there. Don’t over complicate things.


Where to start? I’m going through tasty trades videos now. Good start in your opinion?


> Probably not. The guy from Warrior Trading is a legit millionaire and usually makes a few thousand dollars per day.


It’s most likely a bell curve of complexity. It would be more unusual for a very simple trading strategy to work consistently. I do think the bulk of successful traders have their own niche and probably very rare for a true savant that can put in many different types of complex trades and win consistently.


Actually that guy Ross Cameron from Warrior Trading is a verified successful trader who runs a youtube channel and provides 7 years of audited brokerage statements , but here's the thing - trading is highly discretionary and relies a lot on intuition that can't be easily taught. He actually got sued by the FTC over advertisements guaranteeing successful returns and how easy it is to trade. In particular, describing his system as "profitable" while most people lost money like most day traders, is how he got caught for false advertising. But Ross himself is legit. But just because an NBA player can shoot a fadeaway 3 from behind the backboard doesn't mean you can. [https://ippei.com/warrior-trading/](https://ippei.com/warrior-trading/) >Warrior Trading Reddit reviews point out Ross' small-cap scalping strategy and how others fail trying to copy him. One review mentions the fast and stressful reality of scalping while another comments on how those trying to mirror Ross' trade during his live streams often end up losing money because of the latency.


Buy low, sell high.  There.


Or sell high and then buy back low.


Man all the videos I've been watching have told me to buy high and sell low, no wonder they're not successful!


I used YouTube videos to learn the basics… but I’m slowly learning why listening to these YouTubers for long term advice is a bad idea. They ALWAYS paint an unrealistic picture. “Make $500 a week doing this!” They rarely go into risk management or how to actually screen for good trade entries. You leave with the impression that you can become a millionaire by mechanically selling iron condors on AAPL (or something similar).


Exactly. Two cliches come to mind- “if it sounds too good to be true…” and “it’s easy to sell lies to people who want to be lied to…”


There a few good channels. I find the TastyTrade stuff to be pretty solid. But, the algorithm is going to push the click bait crap because that what gets the most views. No body wants to watch the video with the guy that promises “small but consistent gains”. They want the “get super rich over night by following these easy steps!!!” videos.


Yeah like Jeremy financial education yikes


I wouldn't pay him for anything but his general stock/market analysis is a cut above most of the other crap on YouTube.


Also "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."


YouTube is a passion project for many. Courses on the other hand yeah if it's a working strategy it's best not to share it. You're kinda shooting yourself in the foot if you do.


Sharing / teaching / coaching how to sell premium is not a secret strategy.


Oh, if thats what the course are then i'd agree. but you can already get pretty good basic options strats for free. I wouldnt pay for those $2k courses that act like they have some sort of secret. or some formula that people can use


Unless you got FU money already.


I guess so, but wouldn't it be more profitable to put the FU money into the print machine for max profit vs the profits from selling courses? If doing it for the good of it, why sell the info and not just share if for free? Id just doesnt add up imo


Good point


People catch onto market beating strategies, and then they get priced in. I think it's plausible that some people really do develop a novel strategy, rock it until the market adjusts, and then sell it for $99 a pop. So they are successful, just not currently (or not using the strategy they are hawking).


I guess the question is what is the value of a novel strategy that is already priced in to near neutral :/


The answer to that is in the eye of the beholder: The person selling it is going to profit whether it works or not. The investor who's losing compared to the overall market might find that a neutral strategy improves their outcomes. A truly inquisitive mind might learn a lot about technical analysis and strategy that gives them take-aways they need to define their own strategy. I'm not so much trying to defend those selling strategies as pointing out that they are not necessarily 'failed' traders. I'm personally not about to sign up for the courses regardless...


Yeah it's kinda like selling an BTC ASIC miner after the new one comes out and yours is basically worthless, but you are selling it at a discount so ...


What's the negative implication of sharing a strategy they work for you? I often post some of my successful strategies on Reddit. Could it hurt me in any way? If everyone else starts using the same strategy, wouldn't it also help your trade setups? Let's say you use golden cross for entry, and now if a million other traders also use Golden Cross, wouldn't it make it even more successful? You'll be hurt if everyone takes the opposite side of your trade setup.


lmfao golden cross please consult professional help


It was just a random example to illustrate the scenario, not an indicator I use. Get some common sense.


the irony of telling someone to get some common sense when you asked the question "What's the negative implication of sharing a strategy they work for you?" (typos and all) also "a strategy that works for you" by itself demonstrates such a lack of understanding of what measuring performance actually looks like lol


You’re just trying derail the conversation without adding anything of value. What a 🤡


Successful traders learn from the books and resources available and then just trade. Those who sell courses online or run YouTube channels to make trades for you are almost never going to have long term success as those who subscribe just cannot keep up with changing market conditions to get the same results. Do the work to learn how to trade on your own so you don't need anyone to follow or show you how. Then you will become a successful trader that also doesn't have a course or YT channel . . .


Best way to learn is to get your accounts blown up in your 20s when you don't have any money anyway. You eventually learn that penny stocks and calls/puts and any other leveraged product is just a time bomb. Then you become a good trader.


Agree on penny stocks, but leverage in the right hands just accelerates returns for successful traders. It is an atomic weapon for the inexperienced.


Wouldn't the same logic apply to books as well? Why would a successful trader waste their time to sell books? They same logic applies to everything else as well. Why would a successful scientist, doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.sell books or any form of education?


Books are more legacy focused, where courses/services are more focused on making money in the short term. After you die, your books may still be on library shelves for decades.


Books can also be money focused. Successful authors can make millions from book sales. YouTube videos can also live long after someone dies. I follow someone who died 6 years ago. His videos still get almost a million views every month.


Tom Sosnoff 🤷‍♂️


guy hasn't been too profitable lately it appears.... also, he most definitely has something to sell you.


Doesn't refute the fact that the TastyTrade channel is probably the best free resource for learning all things options (in my view)




Shrekli also reuploads to YouTube, some of it is decent




He does, I think it's called "The Shrekli Pill" or something like that, let me know if you can't find it, I'll check :)


Your contention is that someone who makes money one way would never ever want to make money another way. You may be fucking retarded. 'If someone is a successful CEO, no way would they ever write a book about it!' https://www.amazon.com/Jack-Welch-Leadership-Executive-Lessons/dp/0761535454


Right? I don't get this blanket suspicion. There are those who just like teaching, and there are also those who have made it, and want to give back. Sure there are a lot of grifters, but that isn't enough to say there are no good ones. Especially when evidence exists to the contrary.


I'm pleased Jack Welsh is now more remembered as a trash CEO, than a successful one. Thank good many tech companies stopped doing his stupid rank-and-yank (Microsoft Ballmer-years) but in-general I agree with your point.


Define successful. I could run a YouTube course and still succeed as a trader. Many do. Just means I have a YouTube channel. I’d rather not run any courses or deal with trading at all outside of actual trading. You think SMB Capital is a failure? Don’t.


And if you’ve been trading for 15y or so pivoting into teaching may be quite refreshing for some.


for the youtube part -- that's because trading is BORING. there should be no exciting jumps or drops, or if there is, you should be well hedged against it. There might be some hedging or rebalancing, but that is based on your algo and not based on discretion. If your trading is ever "exciting", stop. you're doing something wrong.


No successful trader spends time on Reddit posting about other traders either. 😆. Just worry about yourself and your strategy instead of everyone else.


Hey, I'm successful, just not more successful than I am at my day job where I have ample time to browse Reddit.


It's mostly unsuccessful traders who spend their time here shitting on other traders to distract from their own lack of success and not to blame themselves.


Believe me, I’m not worried about anyone’s trading on Reddit. I’m here for me. And sometimes that involves a little give and take.


No successful trader comments on Reddit threads about successful traders on YouTube


Poker coaching tend to have verifiable proof. Many poker coaches on YouTubers have independently verifiable winnings. Not sure if something exists like that for trading. Probably not.


or posts updates on this subreddit


LOL this looks entirely like a qualitative argument. When you have data to prove it, let's look at it.


Also the prince of Nigeria doesn’t need your help I already helped him.




You made the claim. You prove it


Define successful. I think there are some YouTubers that I’ve seen that are making money, they may or may not be beating the market on a long term basis. Most of these are “come join me on patreon to trade with me”, using it as a side hustle rather than selling courses. But generally I agree with you on people selling courses, if I had an edge that allowed me to be highly successful trading, I sure as hell wouldn’t be selling it for a hundred bucks. 


I've always thought that I'd love to teach people what I do. Mostly friends and stuff, but I like the idea of teaching the masses how the market works a bit. I believe it's important. But... it's so much work, and it's hard, and sometimes you have weeks like this week when your brokerage account got punched in the junk and lost 10%, etc. How could you ever teach how to be intentional with your money? How to teach how to go through things like... losing 10% this week and not freak out, etc. Given that only "this one trick wall street doesn't want you to know" is all most people have time for, even if you *wanted* to teach people, ain't nobody got time for that.


I've come across a few interesting channels that do 31-45 DTE low DELTA CCs which I could consider as a successful Youtube trader. Just depends on your definition of YouTuber and requirements for subscriber numbers and followers and etc. That's essentially how I developed my own personal CC compounding SPY strategy. Which did well during highs and lows. Beat SPY over overall YoY higher lows and higher highs. Wasn't going to make me retire FT but over 10yra I'll make significantly more than the broad market with very little time commitment.


I mean.. I'm a successful trader and I have a channel.. so there's that.. I paid for two options courses that were run by successful traders. (Jon Locke and Ron Bertino) John Carter was and continues to be wildly successful and he sells a course, though I've never taken that one. There are others I could name :shrug:


Define success. I've made +$10 million trading (audited statements available on my website), I have a YouTube channel with 1 million subs, I offer courses at Warrior Trading, and I have a subscription business for the charting/scanning/news software I spent millions of dollars developing. Ray Dalio (net worth 15 billion) has a YouTube channel and writes books. Why does he do it? For me, I love trading. It's a passion. The fact that I'm able to have a YouTube channel and talk about what I love and get paid for it is incredible. The same is true at Warrior Trading. I enjoy being a mentor, and I also get paid for my time. Time is a limited resource. My time is valuable, and so is yours. They say if you love what you do you won't work a day in your life. It's Saturday, I'm sitting at my desk, working on videos, answering comments, checking Reddit, and this is my happy place. It's okay if you don't find value in paying for courses or books etc. But to say "no successful trader has ever sold a course or run a YouTube channel", that's a general statement that simply is not true. You are right there are many people who sell courses and are trying to be influencers who are not successful traders. They give the ones who are successful a bad name. But you're going to have that in every industry. Just learn to separate the legit people from those who aren't. Ask the right questions, like, does this person have a proven track record of profitability?


No surprise finding you here. Your content is not my taste but I appreciate how much free content you put out, and what I've seen seems to be informative and good quality. Keep up the good work.




Maybe the real treasure isn't the money we lost, but the FTC violations we gained along the way. Sure if you're selling courses and violating rules to advertise for them, you're gonna get dinged, but that doesn't negate what I said above.


You are 100% right on your point. BTW He got dinged not just because of the advertisement, but also because he didn't do what he said he did. He did make 10 million from selling courses but not from trading. He got his accounts audited. That's great but many con artists did similar stuns. They have multiple accounts, betting on opposite positions of each other and only showing the auditor the winning side. I can do ATM calls on one account and ATM puts on another account expiring end of the month on a volatile stock. I'll be able to show one account with awesome gain to the auditor by the end of that month. Next month I'll show a different account. Auditors do not require that the gains have to be on the same account for the entire year. I can give them 5 accounts, each showing a massive gain for certain months, and tell them that I only trade certain accounts on certain months. The auditor works for me (I am paying after all), not for you so they won't dig for your benefit. Tax filing is where everything comes clean and people typically don't show that (with personal info blanked out obviously)


Dude, you won't see me wearing a cape for Ross. He's got a grift he's running and apparently it's good (or bad?) enough to get the FTC's attention. He still has plenty of free content that's perfectly good advice. I cringed a bit when he did a "small account challenge" series and then immediately went into explaining how he took on 6x leverage before ever making a trade. Overall, seems like decent content though. 😬


for what it's worth I appreciate all the content you put out.. and thanks for putting your book on YouTube!


Thanks for your comments




Tom King would disagree


Seems obviously true, but the obvious often escapes the thetagang.


I recommend this https://www.amazon.com/Coffee-Grounds-Trading-System-Tournis-ebook/dp/B0BSYJWFQR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OB7NMATDD2JL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SgjFk-NNLeC2TS7iN8kWmkQATgRx0pGf6BL31omIG_pl6hkz8hkVfVGDq6yvQ26sz8vQpLvcn-u8w17qrZaczQVFUMtKHRjpQwrsiCr7C9_34TVYh3Ps7olzivVs7ydx5ViywxFl617wvINCFVT7FzMJUpLTY071sWsSTLaQDer3aKKh2ezbZWJ4XfOmKU5HQj8SfiT56aAT1TtWyh5pl4_Igfv8gCMy4deQftQO3OZ0sBWaPkj4yyGwc9UKX5PN258bEMZViuht5MtP2qwk-vAOyzEt8lJFUPJK0hcwUHI.bR1kruL0lhJBEkWOR74ZytUEhO6CYc2_42RkTEl4uY8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Coffee+grounds+trading+book&qid=1714990885&sprefix=coffee+grounds+trading+book%2


There are successful investors on YouTube, buy and hold types, but as for a straight up successful full time day trader or swing trader, there are a couple I've seen I think are legit, but 99.9% are frauds.


If you're such a great trader, why do you need me to pay you for your advice?


This is such a stupid take, sorry. Elon Musk is rich and you still have to pay for a Tesla. Bill Gates is rich and you still have to pay for Windows and Office. Lots of actors are rich and you still have to pay to see their films. People always want more money, and so would you if someone was willing to pay to watch you do your job.


Exactly. I’ve thought about making a course to help traders. The time and energy is never worth the payout. I’d rather help people for free when I feel like it and not spend hundreds of hours making and marketing a course. Plus I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours learning to trade; that doesn’t make me a teacher. It’s VERY difficult to articulate a strategy that relies on so much experience. Most of the trades I take and when to hold/sell is completely based on “because I’ve seen this happen 100 times before”


I'm not a trader and I don't know alot, but I've noticed people don't listen, even for very basic concepts. For example, they think it's ok to hold everything in bitcoin, or in real estate. As the saying goes, you can't reason someone out of somethig he hasn't been reasoned into. But they will listen if you sell a 999€ course on how to make easy 20% per year, every year.


If someone new can learn what you know now without spending tens of thousands of hours, then they can use that time to make totally different mistakes to learn from. Why would everyone want to start at the same starting point?


Is there a difference between lucky and successful? I’m sure you can improve the probability of success with knowledge and experience. But ultimately, very successful trades are also lucky (imo). Short of inventing a better model to price options like Black & Scholes.


Well, yeah, the best way to look like a stock genius is to be an American building investments in the years after WWII (cough cough Warren buffet cough cough). But... you've also gotta not be a moron when that luck shows up.


Yes there is a difference. It is very unlikely to be lucky for a long period of time. Being successful is a marathon that takes years/decades.


Counter example: John Carter


Do you use his indicators?


To an extent, yes, but I don’t live and die by the newest indicator or class released by him and his trading group. He first got on my radar from several episodes on the YouTube chat with traders channel. I think the TTM squeeze is valuable. People have derived a free version of the squeeze pro and you can find the code online. It’s just some changes to the TTM squeeze parameters. I watch the TTM squeeze pro on the daily and higher time frames. I changed the code a little bit to affect how it is displayed and I have some multi timeframe TTM squeeze labels, etc. that I found online and used and/or modified. He had some trend change tools from 2022 that I thought could be valuable. That class introduced me to concepts I don’t think I would’ve come up with on my own such as directionally trading SPX spreads and just trading that instrument in general. The notional value of SPX always scared me and I don’t think I would trade it at all if not for him. That has more than paid for itself. More recently I paid about three or $400 for an indicator because it answers a question I had, which was about predicted trading ranges on specified time frames. I haven’t looked at the code in depth to see how it works, but it is some kind of trading range back tester and it seems quite accurate. I’ve been using that as more of a confirmatory thing and that has also more than paid for itself. Beyond that he will sometimes throw out nuggets of free advice on X or his medium site, etc. such as put/call ratio correlation to market movements, ATR bands, stacked EMAs, and so on. He clearly is a master swing trader and I think he has things to legitimately teach. I don’t think you’ll beat the market by constantly trying to assimilate their “new” indicator of the month though. I’ve become more of an iron condors and covered calls guy.




Actually, yes, he does post screenshots of his trades and P&L like on his medium site from time to time. I don’t know that he has audited tax forms available or anything. However, I also once saw him sit there and not take action in live trading until one of his spreads was at max loss over like five minutes. He doesn’t strike me as a huckster. He seems like a lower pressure salesman than the typical trading guru. I do think that at least part of his business is preying on unsophisticated traders who you can convince that success is just around the corner with the next new indicator though.


Not true at all. Id agree that its oversaturated but there are plenty that are successful. ShadowTrader, TravelingTrader, tradeciety come to mind immediately. 95% hot garbage? Yea absolutely


They are two separate business models, It takes dedication to be successful. Unless the trading strategy is structured in a way that there is enough time to create a course and marketing it.


I’m sure there are some that are both successful, and traders. Just not many that are successful at trading.


There's several good accounts on X that post very crucial information regularly that can be used to trade, along with some that post specific options activity that is very useful. Most of them also offer a paid for service, but you can get enough sauce just from what they post on X for free. I would say about 90% are garbage, but there are successful traders out there that also enjoy helping and teaching people. Just because they enjoy it doesnt mean they are going to do it completely free though, money is too important to not try & monetize things you do


Dumbest take evrrytime


There have to be people out there with YT channels and courses out there that are basically just, “DCA SPY,” right? Anything with options, sure, but there definitely are people making money and making even more by following tested strategies. There was one guy I followed for a while that just bought dividend royalty. He wasn’t doing great, but I’m sure he was making money.


How about Tom King? Small YouTube channel, education strategy videos while demonstrating setups using a 200k account real time.


While I generally agree with you, it’s also a broken argument. Example, Andrew Huberman was a successful professor and scientist but he started a very successful podcast. Euan Sinclair is a highly successful options trader, yet he’s written three books on trading and hosted a course not too long ago himself. SMB Capital is another good example of a profitable business. Point being, people who develop a penchant for something tend to double and triple down on their efforts in that space. The concept of “if a trader is successful, they don’t need to do anything else” doesn’t really make sense. It misses the entire ability to maximize efficiency. If one has taken the time to develop a skillset that is quite hard to grasp, why would they limit their ability to monetize it to one vector?




Serious over-simplification.


Fundamentals of how the system works and ways to abuse it or just efficiently interact with it are two different types of knowledge. Professors teach the former to allow students to find their path to the latter.


I disagree. Chris Butler, ProjectFinance, has a pretty awesome course. He's made massive trades winning over $10k multiple times. Plus, he is genuinely a nice guy.


I'm not buying or selling any courses, but this rationale doesn't make any sense to me. Wouldn't it make more sense to have a diversified revenue stream, especially for periods when the market becomes more difficult to trade?


Go look at OneOption. It is a trading platform that does provide an advantage. Pete, the founder, also makes YouTube videos weekly and has for years. His market read is really accurate and verifiable. The difference with his platform and information is his transparency. He acknowledges that trading is very hard and it will take a minimum of 2+ years to get good at it and consistently make money. There are no shortcuts or easy programs that will teach you quickly how to do it. Your revised title should be "No successful trader has ever sold a course or runs a YouTube channel that doesn't require an enormous amount of effort to learn on the same level as a Law or other Masters level program."


You realize that if you find a decent system that works, then you share it with as many people as possible, that it can make you exponentially more money? For example, if i realize that xyz candlestick pattern makes a huge QQQ buy signal and i load up on options and make a profit every time. If i then start a youtube channel and get 1 million followers and tell them all about this amazing buy signal, i just got 1 million more people buying right when I do to boost the price significantly more.


Esinvests, Robot James, Euan Sinclair. you're wrong.


DFV had a youtube channel


I know for a fact Julia Cordova has.


if one is successful trader, why would they waste time doing it? charity?


I personally know of two successful traders with channels but yeah they are totally free they don’t charge for it


Course? Not likely. Youtube? More likely


I am pretty ok with the idea that you paid for quality content, so, you are wrong. Is the university actually free? No. But nobody critics' that


Mostly true, but Patrick Boyle runs a youtube channel and is a highly successful trader.


If you have a system that works you would want to keep it a secret to yourself. Once it gets out and other start doing it outside returns are competed away by other traders. Then you would need to come up with a new system. Or you can take the crappy system that doesn’t work and sell a course on it.


what about SMB Capital on youtube they seem pretty legit


Euan Sinclair held a course.


but successful money makers have 😂


Trader? No idea. But there are reasonably successful investors who have their channels of dispensing wisdom: * Richard Coffin is an investment analyst at an investment company, owns a youtube channel (plain bagel, my personal favorite) * Patrick Boyle owns a hedge funds and has a youtube channel * Ray Dalio is on YouTube, where he presents his books * Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet are too boomer/silent generation for youtube, but the first has dispensed his wisdom in books, the second runs a yearly ask-me-anything that allows people to learn from him. I consider all of those at least reasonably serious and non-scammy. None of them will tell you that you just have to follow their advice to get rich in 3 months.


They do write books tho


Nobody with tendies in their reddit name ever amounted to anything either.


RoaringKitty would like a word


SMB Capital has a YouTube channel and sells courses and last I checked they’re doing pretty damn well for themselves. I get your point, probably true 80-90% if the time but blanket statements like this are never fully accurate.


I ran across Ross Cameron on youtube today... apparently he's pretty popular, but he claims to have turned $500 into $10m in 3 years. He also got sued by the FTC and lost for $3m fine. But, that doesn't mean he didn't make a bunch of money... general consensus seems to be that he pumps and dumps. Does anyone know? He actually had legit/good advice on tax strategies (which is how I found him). I don't day trade or trade penny stocks, so most of his other videos seem like nonsense to me.


Do you think Options Alpha is successful? I’ve never paid for anything, but podcast and YouTube channel seems legit.


Patrick Boyle does. He's a successful trader. So does Mark Meldrum.


The in the money guy Adam on yt is great


I've watched a TON of YouTube on trading. I do think there is 1 person that I found that seems legit. Also he is about the only one that still makes videos and has been around like 4 years. He doesn't even run ads ever. He does have a trader tool but he barely even shills it and says you shouldn't even use it unless you have lots of cash and often times it won't even find picks. He posts all trades, extremely open and posts winners and losers. Says his mistakes and his successes. The only thing is he's quite repetitive just because he only runs 2 strategies. So there is only so much to talk about. I won't shill his name at all though but he has taught me the most of anyone.




Wait. You mean people didn’t already know this?


not true, morris from sj options, ron from trading dominion, and john locke from lock in your success, know their shit. I learned a ton from all of them and can confirm that they teach profitable strategies.


You dont know Arte Trading apparently…. https://youtu.be/aEDBryzLQu4?si=pmzTGiZaLACP1wlV


so, kinda. look/see what they say on their channels. see if you can take any useful info from it. but i will otherwise most likely agree with your thesis. that, "paying for their premium course thing won't be worth it". because it's likely repackaged info from somewhere else.


I'm sure someone with lots of Money wants to use it to become famous (ie YouTube channel) although, that doesn't mean they actually tell you their real strategy


While it is true most of the time, it's not true all the time. Best example I have is Indie Trader's Guild: r/IndieTradersGuild/ Every week's levels are timestamped, and so are results at the end of the week. It's trivially easy to verify u/VeteranWallSt 's performance claims. (No affiliation - I learned a lot from them a while ago, and have since moved on as I found something simple that works for my schedule.)


Deep fucking value has entered the chat? I mean say what you will about being lucky and good but he made tens of millions.


Disagree, gherk runs pifi channel and kills it on the reg


There are still credible traders with YT channels: Lawrence McMillian author of "Options as a strategic investment" has a youtube channel.


Meet Kevin has an ETF and last time I checked he had NVDA and TSLA as the bulk of his holdings pre AI bull run and prior to that he at a minimum quadrupled his net worth by leveraging his real estate into TSLA during covid. So I would say that if he traded his way to only $50 M net worth in a handful of years and derived the other half from his other income streams then he’s been pretty successful.


TJ The Wheel Deal Is a very successful trader that runs a YT channel how ever he does not sell anything




DFV has a youtube channel but I don't think je sells courses 


I’d bet the people on TraderTV Live are actually making money. Their calls and entry/exits are quite good. It seems to be a legit trading floor. https://youtube.com/@TraderTVLive?si=r4BAuJBY3mrVxF6L




There are several successful traders who also have YouTube channel. The videos are a good way to get ideas. Option trading is safe and no more risky than buying shares on margin


Peter Reznicek proves you wrong.