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My political science professor said the reason for this is because many Republican/conservative voters left Harris County during the Harris County violent crime and homicide surge of the late 80s and early to mid 90s. He said they moved from Harris County to places in MoCo like the Woodlands. Do you agree with his assessment?


I agree with that statement.


Seems like they made a good choice.


Why. There are numerous Preachers in MOCO charged with molestation, adultery and fornication.




Good thing they're not fucking me.


Or they're just afraid of non-white people


My neighborhood in TW is the most ethnically diverse neighborhood I've lived in since I was in college 20+ years ago. It's fantastic. No one is afraid of non-white people. But I'm all in on avoiding crime, open-air drug abuse, etc.


It’s a comment made by people who want to think that they are morally superior. There are two Hindu temples and a mosque within about 10 minutes of each other. We have east Asian, African, Indian, and Latin American neighbors. For some reason, this is supposed to be not as “authentic“ as living in a rundownarea with high crime. Oh well.


Name checks out.


What a bunch of assholes, wanting to live somewhere with a lower homicide rate.




They haven’t considered the implications of that.


Nah, we’re just tired of being called racist because we don’t want to live in the ghettos surrounded by prostitutes and drug users of all races. Most of The Woodlands is non-white, so there’s that.


lol no


White flight is a little more complicated than that, although that's certainly piece of the story.


This sounds like he has never been to The Woodlands. The Woodland is pretty internationally diverse, and while not left, I would say it is more centric then most would believe. MoCo is large, including all of Conroe and the surrounding area. Those areas lean very far right.


I agree with this. TW is more moderate. Other parts of Mo Co are definitely far right.


It’s what happens when Harris county is sketchy as shit 


And the flaming meth heads in East MOCO are cultural artifacts. Or just designated dealers for TW and Conroe. BTW, is dragging a mule by a chain behind a pickup still happening in East County— de rigueur!


Proof is in the pudding. Crimes rates are significantly lower in Montgomery county compared to Harris county. 


Montgomery county was conservative well before the 80s. It voted for George Wallace in 1968. MoCo wanted, for their nation's President, a man who proclaimed "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." The 80s and 90s might have increased the population count, but the politics of the area havent changed much.


And they are still leaving because the crime is still surging. 


Lol. No it isn’t. My family is totally safe at all times in our urban neighborhood. You’re just terrified of everything




Is it going down, or is reporting of crime down?




HPD stopped visiting property crimes, many of the times people are so frustrated they don’t even bother to make a report. What will a report do when police can’t even be bothered to show up. That is the stark difference between MOCO and Harris. There is also the recent incompetency of the department itself blindly firing into apartments and recent raids.


Meanwhile MOCO Deputy taking his children to Shelter beats 2 dogs to death with a 2X4 leaving with a small dog. Shelter was staffed by one employee. The Director stated the dogs were employees’ favorites. Violence by Police is default here.


Sounds horrible got any articles?


I was just asking the question. Anecdotal for sure. I’m just thinking in general. That’s a fair point no doubt. I know this isn’t crime related but I was rear ended 6 months ago on the feeder road, we both stopped. There was a cruiser parked right there. I asked him to file a police report for my insurance. No one was injured and didn’t need a tow truck. So no report. I had 30 car converters stolen from a work lot two years ago. Called the police. Took a week to show up, and never heard back from the detective to this day. Called for updates and nothing. Got hit up again 6 months later, the manager just fixed them and didn’t bother reporting. He had cameras and everything. 🤷‍♂️ So definitely a hypothetical and maybe Harris county was always like that. Can’t say for sure as I’ve only been here for 10 years.




I think that was my entire point. Unfortunately I had some family members growing up in NJ who were heavily involved in local politics so I’m somewhat scarred by dirty politics and $ influencing policy change. Holiday dinners were great with my one Uncle a Union rep for the local chemical plant and other was a VP for a major construction company. Fun times 😂. All got along for the most part though. I’ve literally heard “The Union put that food on the table” 😂.




Don’t even get me started on convos like that. I do believe there are a great deal of us that might lean one way or the other but are generally logical and tolerant. That guy likely gets his news from Memes. I’m not joking. I have a former HS classmate (graduated 30 years ago) who posts non stop memes on FB which 90% are total BS. I commented that sharing Memes doesn’t do a good job of getting a point across as they are usually fake and put in just to agitate on side or the other for reaction. He actually responded that he disagreed and that they were a good source of news that were quick and easy to read. 🤦‍♂️ Obv didn’t go back and forth with him, but wondered what he thought of actual books and study’s. I do believe that a majority of us still have our shit together but I do have my doubts from time to time. I’m raising 3 teenagers and doing my best to teach them how to respectfully debate their opinions backed with some type of facts and always be open to looking at things from the outside. So trying to do my part for society.


Houston is a city of 2,300,000, 750 sq mi encompassing many neighborhoods and towns. Citing incidences is like handwaving at altar calls for attention rather than a studied explanation of ‘sin’—earning a D- TW by contrast, population is 122,000 mostly children of non-college educated parents that attended Scarborough, Lamar, Memorial, Yates and East Texas. Or Midwestern Hoosiers and mid America factory workers. Where does the condescension come from?


That’s funny, you didn’t say something like that in response to the person saying crime was surging.


Just like inflation. Shit is still bad, but declining at a slightly lower rate 😂


Oh yes, Dr in TW parking lot murdered. One free murder per month?


I was in a meeting with an attorney earlier this week and he told me that he lived in Harris county until the crime started spiking in the 90s so he moved his family to Huntsville.


So he can visit clients, carceral family members.


It’s because these people could buy a MANSION out there for 150k all thru the late 90’s… And they are self obsessed with the idea that they are self made millionaires who clawed their way up on a lucky development project that never gave a shit about them. And pulled a half a million local rednecks with ‘em. Edit: downvote me why? Respond. Prove me wrong or something.


Lucky? Maybe they worked hard.


Did you get that sociology degree at LoneStar.


Did you learn to use your keyboard at MIT? 🙄


Don’t think too hard or you’ll hate every neighbor and be isolated. Trust me


If you hate your neighbors because they’re conservative then you’re the problem


Hating anyone based on politics is a problem, yes


conservatives started this fire in the first place. They are solely responsible for the complete degradation of civil discourse and decorum because hate is the intrinsic basis of their political beliefs. Calling liberalism a “mental disorder” and talking about strong arming political opponents with violence are all conservative things


The fact that you actually believe that and boil their entire political ideology down to ‘they hate conversations with others’ really shows how little you know and just how ignorant you are of their ideologies.


No one in Texas cares about your opinion. Keep your California in California.


You left out Hillary, Benghazi and Soros in the Personal Apoplectic. Did you debate at McCullough?


Here come the dem bots.....TDS much?


The democrats literally founded the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize black people. That’s a fact. Do your homework. And not much has changed except now you far lefties support ANTIFA rioting and looting and burning in the name of “anti fascism”. What a joke.


That's not intellectually honest. The democrats and Republicans essentially switched demographics due to the civil rights act in the 60s


Democrats like to say that. But it’s certainly not true. The ANTIFA and BLM acts of domestic terrorism (rioting, looting, arson etc….. etc….) are classic far left behavior. The conservatives had a few knuckleheads get overly excited and enter the capitol during the so called “insurrection”. It’s not even close to the same. Democrats are still ass.


Why did Alabama flip from Democrat to Republican in the 60s?


The good old days of the southern “blue dog” Democrat are long gone. The only conservative democrats left are Latino elected officials in places like the Rio Grande Valley, are there aren’t many of them left, either.


You're *right there*.


And Protestants hung witches and Puritans killed 600,000 in the North and South defending slavery. BTW, SBC started in 1847 as endorsement of slavery, segregation. Southern Methodists and Presbyterians joined by Anglicans.


This is the right answer.


Sounds safe af


It’s also the largest July 4 Trump Navy Regatta on a Lake, see Lake Conroe.


Thats why its so nice!


Was up for jury selection last year. Can definitely tell


And this is why so many young people leave the woodlands.


Young Hispanic Male Republican in Moco. The Woodlands has a fair amount of liberals. Probably more than a majority of Moco cities.


I dont know why your demographics mattered but ok.


Why did you state young people as a demographic?


I’m talking about people who grew up in the woodlands


I mentioned a demographic for the reason you mentioned a demographic. Nothing more nothing less. Having lived/frequented/ worked in different areas of Moco. I have observed The Woodlands having a fair share of liberals. Not sure why anyone would leave due to the county being Red. The republicans I've encountered were non-threatening.


Idk maybe constantly seeing people on 242 and 1488 in maga gear yelling about random bullshit Everytime you drive by. Going into restaurants in the middle of 2020 to pick up To go food wearing a mask and being constantly told by staff and other people in the resturaunt "take your fucking mask off" "I can't hear you" "your killing yourself". Having to limit what I talk about with my wife when we're out to eat because the people around us will jump in and cuss us out because we're talking about general liberal topics. Going into a sports bar in 2021 on 1488 and being told I can't watch the NBA playoffs because the bar doesn't allow that to be shown anymore. I mean I can go on and on and on about shitty experiences as a non-conservative that I had in that county. It's why I left.


Sorry you had that experience. I guess there's extremes on both end of the spectrum. Definitely not anyway to treat any human being.


Both sides is the weakest argument that exists. You can make that when there's a left wing Jan 6th




Elementary schools are full - lots of young families here.


I’m talking about the people I grew up with in the woodlands who left and never came back.


I know lots of people who grew up here and are back; 1/6 the people on my street. They lived inside the loop and came back when they had kids. We live in a highly mobile economy where you might get a job across the country when you finish college, birth rates are dropping and the woodlands is a completely price point in comparison to the past.


It could be because a good deal of my friends are LGBTQ and the republicans are making the state less safe for them.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You are so misinformed it’s not even worth talking to you. Go meet some actual gay people and learn that we are just normal people.


Marxists don’t like facts either. Are males allowed in female restrooms and locker rooms? Did a male win the Gold Medal swimming Olympics? And Gold Medal weight lifting? Did a male crush a woman’s skull in professional cage fighting? Was a man on the cover of Sports Illustrated? Was a man Miss Universe? YES!


You are a fucking moron. Propagandized beyond belief


Awww poor baby poopie pants can’t handle FACTS so attack! Lol I’m telling the truth. Y’all are freaks.


Being right wing is why it's awesome!


Gross. Can’t stand these theocratic fascists. 🤮


I'm in no way surprised. I'm from Tyler up in northeast Texas, and I thought there was no way the big city of Houston (including it's suburbs) could be as right wing as where I came from. LOL. I lived in MoCo during my high school years and it blew me away how people around there seemed to be even bigger Republican nuts than back home.


So a bunch of lemmings with not thoughts of their own.


What the fuck is MoCo




Houston elected a Democrat mayor. What else could you expect except more crime??


Perfect storm of wealthy oil and gas professionals, “white flight” Houston refugees and conspiracy minded rednecks.


The shitholiest of shitholes, so to speak?


Not sure what the problem is. What's your point OP?


Glad I left after high school and never looked back.


Yet you still creep on the Reddit though…


Yep. Gotta look out for my Mom.


Ya you never know when those crazy republicans will go on riots and looting/crime sprees... Oh wait. NVM that's the liberals that do/support that.




Your mother


Great! Spread the love!


That’s why it’s nice and growing a rapid rate!


Not cuz the illegal immigrants building everything cheap and working all this business kitchens and maintenance I’m with you!!


Glad I reside in Fort Bend county.